Christian fundamentalism in sub-Saharan Africa : the case of Pentecostalism

TitleChristian fundamentalism in sub-Saharan Africa : the case of Pentecostalism
Publication TypeOther
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsR.A. van Dijk
Series titleOccasional paper, ISSN 0905-4642
Pagination1 - 32
Date Published2000///
PublisherUniversity of Copenhagen, Centre of African Studies
Place PublishedCopenhagen
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number87-986741-2-9
KeywordsAfrica, African studies, Baptist Church, Country, Ghana, Subsaharan Africa

This paper addresses the growth and spread of charismatic Pentecostal churches in sub-Saharan Africa as a fundamental turn in the development of African Christianity. It describes the basic features of African Pentecostalism and analyses some of its essential ideological parameters. It shows that a significant characteristic of Pentecostalism in Africa is its fascination with modernity, with modern styles of consumption, new technologies, and the achievement of a dominant position in modern everyday life. Its ideology appears to be profoundly inspired by an antitraditional and antinostalgic paradigm. Paradoxically, these new charismatic churches have developed into agents of change in countries such as Ghana and Malawi


A first draft of this paper was presented at a lecture at the Centre of African Studies in November 1998 - Bibliogr.: p. 26-30. - Met noten

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