TY - JOUR ID - 137 T1 - A spatial, non-parametric analysis of the determinants of food insecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa A1 - Sassi,Maria Y1 - 2015/// KW - economic models KW - food KW - food security KW - malnutrition KW - Subsaharan Africa RP - NOT IN FILE JA - African Development Review: (2015), vol.27, no.2, p.92-105 : graf., krt., tab. VL - 27 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper investigates the determinants of food insecurity at the macro-level in cross-sectional data for a sample of 40 countries in sub-Saharan Africa and considers the most basic causes of undernourishment, including food availability, access to food and its utilization. The empirical analysis is based on a spatial, non-parametric technique that allows global and local explanatory variables to be distinguished from one another. The results provide useful information for reconsidering food security policies and programmes that extend beyond the prevailing perspective of food availability and suggest possible directions for regional and sub-regional approaches to the food crisis in sub-Saharan Africa. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Ea;I3 M3 - 393766721 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12126 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 128 T1 - A stand-alone, blended or restructured indigenisation approach to curriculum? : a critical perspective A1 - Yishak,Degefu A1 - Gumbo,Mishack Y1 - 2015/// KW - Africanization KW - curriculum development KW - education KW - Ethiopia KW - indigenous knowledge RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 60 EP - 82 JA - International Journal of African Renaissance Studies: (2015), vol.10, no.1, p.60-82 : fig. VL - 10 IS - 1 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Attempts to come up with a relevant curriculum that responds to the African context, in general, and to Ethiopia, in particular, have been unsuccessful. The indigenisation approach has been applied in curriculum development and studies as a strategy for rehabilitating the knowledge base and perspectives of the neglected peoples in order to make their curricula relevant. Originally, the indigenisation approach involved a process of modifying a transplanted Western model to make it relevant to the importing country's political and socio-cultural context. Now, it has transformed into an authentication or cultural validation approach that seeks authentic roots in the local system to construct a domestic model in the light of the social, cultural, political and economic characteristics and needs of a particular country. The problem addressed in this article is the lack of curriculum relevance to the Ethiopian socio-cultural and structural context which is hampering the country's renaissance and development. This article employs a critical perspective to investigate the problem. A standalone indigenisation approach, which calls for rooting the curriculum in indigenous foundations and theories, as well as in principles and ideas derived from the culture, all followed by a blending approach which allows an intercultural dialogue, is suggested as being feasible. The authors argue that this approach is an alternative that can contribute towards ensuring the relevance of curriculum and the success of the African renaissance and development. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/01/14/ M1 - Dd;G1 M3 - 395123844 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/18186874.2015.1050215 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 127 T1 - African renaissance and negotiation of Yoruba identity in the diaspora : a case study of Nigerian students in Cape Town A1 - Banda,Felix A1 - Adetomokun,Idowu Y1 - 2015/// KW - diasporas KW - identity KW - Nigeria KW - Nigerians KW - South Africa KW - students KW - Yoruba RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 83 EP - 101 JA - International Journal of African Renaissance Studies: (2015), vol.10, no.1, p.83-101. VL - 10 IS - 1 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Drawing on poststructuralist discourse analysis and Hall's (1990) notion of diaspora cultural identities, this article explores the discontinuation and maintenance of Yoruba identity options by students at three Western Cape Province universities. Interviews and observations data are used to consider how different forms of representations and cultural practices associated with Yoruba in Nigeria lead to equally fragmented and hybrid lifestyles and identity options in the Diaspora due to the changed socio-cultural conditions. The argument shows the ruptures and fragmentation of Yoruba cultural elements as students try to fit into the South African socio-cultural contexts while trying to live 'home' life away from home. It also shows cultural appropriation by local South Africans who claim Nigerian [Yoruba] affiliation through wearing Yoruba attire and partaking in Nigerian [Yoruba] cuisine. The authors argue that identities are produced across national and ethnic boundaries not only through language choices, but also through dress, food and other semiotic resources, and that to promote the ideals of an African renaissance, there is need to recognise that Africa is a consequence of not just similarities, but more so of various critical points of profound difference and discontinuity. The article concludes that African renaissance entails embracing shared African cultural heritage and differences as the norm; and transnational competition, interdependency and interconnectedness are critical ingredients for the technological and socio- economic development of Africa. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/01/14/ M1 - Kf;C1 M3 - 395123852 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/18186874.2015.1050217 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 111 T1 - Assessing indicators of currency crisis in Ethiopia : signals approach A1 - Megersa,Kelbesa A1 - Cassimon,Danny Y1 - 2015/// KW - economic models KW - Ethiopia KW - financial conditions KW - foreign exchange KW - money RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 315 EP - 330 JA - African Development Review: (2015), vol.27, no.3, p.315-330 : graf., tab. VL - 27 IS - 3 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Currency crises, generally defined as rapid depreciations of a local currency or loss of foreign exchange reserves, are common incidents in modern monetary systems. Due to their repeated occurrence and severity, they have earned wide coverage by both theoretical and empirical literature. However, unlike advanced and emerging economies, currency crises in low-income countries have not received due attention. This paper uses the signals approach developed by Kaminsky et al. (Kaminsky, G., S. Lizondo and C. Reinhart (1998), 'Leading Indicators of Currency Crises', International Monetary Fund Staff Papers, Vol. 45, pp. 148.) and assesses currency crisis in Ethiopia over the time frame January 1970 to December 2008. Using the Exchange Market Pressure Index (EMPI), the authors identify three currency crisis episodes that coincide with the liberalization following the fall of Ethiopian socialism, the Ethio-Eritrean border conflict, and the zenith of the global financial crisis. The timing shows the importance of both local and international dynamics. More macroeconomic indicators picked up the first crisis in a 24-month signalling window, compared to the latter two. Three categories of indicators were used: current account, capital account and domestic financial sector. None of the capital account indicators were significant based on the noise-to-signal ratio rule. One possible explanation for this might be the weak integration of the Ethiopian economy with global capital markets. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Dd;E3 M3 - 396531814 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12148 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 131 T1 - Canal du commerce ext‚rieur, politiques publiques et sp‚cialisation des PED africains : ‚tude empirique A1 - Ella,Giscard Assoumou A1 - Bastidon,C‚cile Y1 - 2015/// KW - Africa KW - economic models KW - economic policy KW - international trade RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 171 EP - 184 JA - African Development Review: (2015), vol.27, no.2, p.171-184 : graf., tab. VL - 27 IS - 2 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Les auteurs propose un modŠle … deux pays : un pays en d‚veloppement exportateur de matiŠres premiŠres et importateur de produits finis, et une ‚conomie avanc‚e. Les tests individuels r‚alis‚s sur 16 pays africains entre 1970 et 2007 montrent que la variation des ‚changes commerciaux de ces pays suite aux chocs de revenu et de prix internationaux provoque celle de leurs revenus, en fonction de leurs sp‚cialisations et de leurs politiques publiques. Les pays de l'‚chantillon doivent diversifier leurs ‚conomies en produisant les biens et services consomm‚s localement afin de r‚duire leurs niveaux d'exposition. Bibliogr., notes, r‚f., r‚s. en anglais et en fran‡ais. [R‚sum‚ extrait de la revue] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Ba;E7 M3 - 393766780 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12132 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 101 T1 - Cheikh Hamahoullah : homme de foi et r‚sistant : l'Islam face … la colonisation fran‡aise en Afrique de l'Ouest A1 - Traor‚,Alioune Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr. p. 379-395. - Met bijl., noten KW - anticolonialism KW - biographies (form) KW - Islam KW - Muslim brotherhoods KW - West Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 402 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w02 SN - 2-343-04694-8 pbk AV - AFRIKA 49357 Y2 - 2016/01/14/ M3 - 396636136 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 98 T1 - Douala et la r‚partition spatiale des entreprises : polarisation et fragmentation A1 - Essombe Edimo Nya Bonabebe,Jean-Roger Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [245]-252. - Met noten KW - Cameroon KW - enterprises KW - industrial areas KW - industrial location KW - location factors KW - urban planning RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 273 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w02 SN - 2-343-05701-X pbk AV - AFRIKA 49545 Y2 - 2016/01/13/ M3 - 398247609 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 114 T1 - Enhancing North Africa's infrastructure for improved competitiveness A1 - Yogo,Urbain Thierry A1 - Verdier-Chouchane,Audrey Y1 - 2015/// KW - competition KW - economic models KW - infrastructure KW - Northern Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 274 EP - 287 JA - African Development Review: (2015), vol.27, no.3, p.274-287 : graf., tab. VL - 27 IS - 3 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper aims at assessing the relationship between infrastructure development and competitiveness in North Africa. Based on the World Bank data, the authors analyze the infrastructure indicators of four North African countries over the period 1996-2012 and estimate the elasticity of competitiveness with respect to infrastructure development. They first argue that competitiveness could be improved by investing more on infrastructure. Although comparison with sub-Saharan Africa reveals that important progress has been made in North Africa in terms of quantity, countries need to improve the infrastructure quality by investing in green energy, in maintenance, in public private partnerships and in regional infrastructure. Econometric analysis confirms that a 1 percent increase in infrastructure quality raises competitiveness by 0.64 percent. Country specific elasticity is respectively 0.22 in Algeria, 1.42 in Egypt, 0.36 in Tunisia and 0.56 in Morocco. Based on these results, appropriate policy recommendations are discussed. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Ca;E1 M3 - 396531784 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12146 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 99 T1 - Et vint le virus Ebola : rumeurs, stupeurs et r‚alit‚s en Guin‚e A1 - Diallo,Abdoul Goudoussi Y1 - 2015/// KW - Ebola KW - Guinea KW - health care KW - public health KW - rumours RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 74 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w02 SN - 2-343-06100-9 pbk AV - AFRIKA 49542 Y2 - 2016/12/01/ M3 - 397802323 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 110 T1 - Executive compensation, ownership structure and loan quality of banks in Ghana A1 - Adjei-Mensah,Gifty A1 - Amidu,Mohammed A1 - Abor,Joshua Yindenaba Y1 - 2015/// KW - banks KW - economic models KW - Ghana KW - loans RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 331 EP - 341 JA - African Development Review: (2015), vol.27, no.3, p.331-341 : tab. VL - 27 IS - 3 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper analyses the effects of executive compensation and ownership structure on loan quality of banks. The study uses a panel data on 26 Ghanaian banks over the period, 2003-2011. Using a dynamic panel model, estimations are made using the Generalized Method of Moments. The results show that management is efficient when director shareholding is very prominent in banks. Institutional ownership and public listing of banks also have a significantly negative relationship with non-performing loans, while lag of non-performing loans, equity ratio, exchange rate depreciation and increases in net interest margins are seen to have a negative effect on loan quality. Executive compensation had no significant effect on loan monitoring. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Ff;E3 M3 - 396531822 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12151 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 119 T1 - Financial globalization and economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa : evidence from panel cointegration tests A1 - Egbetunde,Tajudeen A1 - Akinlo,Anthony Enisan Y1 - 2015/// KW - economic development KW - economic models KW - finance KW - global economy KW - Subsaharan Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 187 EP - 198 JA - African Development Review: (2015), vol.27, no.3, p.187-198 : tab. VL - 27 IS - 3 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper examines the long-run relationship between financial globalization and economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa using panel unit root tests, panel cointegration tests and panel multivariate ECM. The study finds that the variables are stationary at first difference - I(1). Also, the results reveal that all the variables are cointegrated, that is, they are related in the long run. The results of the ECT test within the framework of panel multivariate ECM confirm the cointegration tests. The paper concludes that there is a long-run relationship between financial globalization and economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa. The paper argues that sub-Saharan African economies will benefit from the era of financial globalization in the long run in as much as the governments promote and encourage sound macroeconomic policies and strong institutions. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Ea;E3 M3 - 396531733 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12140 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 102 T1 - Fleuris l… o— Dieu t'a sem‚ : histoire d'une vie A1 - Dhejju,L‚onard Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Met bijl., noten KW - autobiographies (form) KW - Catholic Church KW - clergy KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - Hima KW - Lendu KW - violence RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 251 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w02 T3 - Graveurs de m‚moire Graveurs de m‚moire. S‚rie R‚cits de vie/Afrique Centrale SN - 2-343-05044-9 pbk AV - AFRIKA 49350 Y2 - 2016/12/01/ M3 - 396628435 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 134 T1 - Foreign ownership and labour in Sub-Saharan African firms A1 - Foster-McGregor,Neil A1 - Isaksson,Anders A1 - Kaulich,Florian Y1 - 2015/// KW - economic models KW - employment KW - foreign enterprises KW - Subsaharan Africa KW - wages RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 130 EP - 144 JA - African Development Review: (2015), vol.27, no.2, p.130-144 : graf., tab. VL - 27 IS - 2 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The authors examine whether foreign-owned firms pay higher wages and have higher employment than domestically owned firms using survey data from 19 sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries. The results indicate that foreign-owned firms pay higher average wages than domestically owned firms, with the wage premium found to be higher for white-collar workers. The authors find little evidence of a positive employment effect of foreign ownership, though the evidence suggests a positive employment effect of Chinese ownership on workers in manufacturing. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Ea;E4 M3 - 393766756 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12129 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 123 T1 - Hearted efforts by the Mogogelo community to protect traditional sites by means of public participation forums: a review report A1 - Ntui,Charles A1 - Rampedi,Isaac Y1 - 2015/// KW - cemeteries KW - community participation KW - conservation of cultural heritage KW - solar energy KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 153 EP - 169 JA - International Journal of African Renaissance Studies: (2015), vol.10, no.1, p.153-169 : ill., tab. VL - 10 IS - 1 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Traditional values, especially those regarding ancestral graves, crafts, beliefs, songs, dances and languages, are part of Africa's oldest heritage. These existed prior to knowledge of sustainable development or any legal framework to enforce conservation. Development was, in the past, community-centred without constraints to these antiquities. Current legislation acknowledges the necessity of stakeholders' consent, that is, the consent of community residents. This was the case with the development of a photovoltaic solar energy project in the Mogogelo community in the North West province in South Africa, where environmental practitioners were required as legislated to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Among these specialist studies was the Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA). This article is based on the interest shown by the community and the standoff that arose over the allocation of the project site and the conservation of traditional values. Using a public participation process as a social forum, this report highlights the degree of traditional knowledge and legislative awareness within the community about its right to protect heritage resources. Bibliogr., note, sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/01/14/ M1 - Kf;C1 M3 - 395123895 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/18186874.2015.1050221 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 117 T1 - H‚t‚rog‚nit‚ des effets de l'aide sur la croissance ‚conomique en Afrique subsaharienne : ‚vidences comparatives entre pays stables et pays en post conflit A1 - Mallaye,Douzounet A1 - Yogo,Urbain Thierry Y1 - 2015/// KW - development cooperation KW - economic development KW - economic models KW - Subsaharan Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 216 EP - 229 JA - African Development Review: (2015), vol.27, no.3, p.216-229 : graf., tab. VL - 27 IS - 3 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - La pr‚sente ‚tude fournit l'‚vidence de l'efficacit‚ de l'aide en faisant usage d'un ‚chantillon de 34 pays d'Afrique sub-saharienne sur la p‚riode 1990-2010. AprŠs prise en compte de l'endog‚n‚it‚ de l'aide, les r‚sultats de l'estimation r‚vŠlent que l'aide a un effet positif sur la croissance uniquement lorsque l'estimation est contr“l‚e du niveau de la gouvernance. La dynamique comparative quant … elle montre que la gouvernance et l'‚ducation sont les principaux canaux de transmission de l'aide … la croissance en environnement stable. En revanche, en environnement de post conflit, l'aide affecte la croissance via l'investissement en capital public (infrastructure). Enfin, l'approche de d‚composition d'Oaxaca-Blinder montre que l'‚cart en termes de montants d'aide re‡us n'explique pas les diff‚rences de croissance observ‚es entre pays stables et pays en situation de post conflit. Sur la base de ces r‚sultats, les implications de politiques ‚conomiques sont discut‚es en conclusion. Bibliogr., notes, r‚f., r‚s. [R‚sum‚ extrait de la revue] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Ea;E2 M3 - 39653175X L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12142 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 115 T1 - How relevant is the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) for tests of market efficiency on the Nigerian stock exchange? A1 - Obrimah,Oghenovo A. A1 - Alabi,Jacob A1 - Ugo-Harry,Blessing Y1 - 2015/// KW - economic models KW - financial market KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 262 EP - 273 JA - African Development Review: (2015), vol.27, no.3, p.262-273 : graf., tab. VL - 27 IS - 3 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The authors find an asset pricing model which consists of the market portfolio, the market skewness or co-skewness factors, and portfolio idiosyncratic volatility factor best explains portfolio risk-return trade-offs on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE), indicating this model is appropriate for studies of semi-strong form efficiency of the Nigerian Stock Market. The authors' finding that an asset pricing model which consists of the market portfolio alone tends to consistently understate portfolio risk indicates this conventional one-factor specification of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is inappropriate for tests of the efficiency of the Nigerian Stock Market. With respect to the effects of non-synchronous trading of stocks on portfolio risk-return trade-offs, while the presence of non-synchronous trading induces greater diversification benefits for investors, the authors find it simultaneously results in a higher price for market risk; that is, higher levels of risk aversion. The findings demonstrate preference for market skewness or co-skewness can be a risk mitigating response to anticipated adverse effects of changes in the risk of the market portfolio on portfolio returns. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Fn;E3 M3 - 396531776 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12145 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 133 T1 - Impact des transferts de fonds sur le taux de change r‚el effectif en Tunisie A1 - Chnaina,Khaled A1 - Makhlouf,Farid Y1 - 2015/// KW - economic models KW - exchange rates KW - remittances KW - Tunisia RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 145 EP - 160 JA - African Development Review: (2015), vol.27, no.2, p.145-160. VL - 27 IS - 2 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Les transferts de fonds des migrants tunisiens constituent une source de devises non n‚gligeable. Ils ont augment‚ d'une maniŠre rapide notamment la derniŠre d‚cennie. Ils peuvent ‚galement engendrer le ph‚nomŠne de syndrome hollandais. Le but de ce travail est d'‚tudier l'impact des transferts sur taux de change r‚el effectif. En estimant des relations de co-int‚gration avec ruptures structurelles par l'interm‚diaire de la m‚thode de Johansen et al. (Johansen, S., R. Mosconi and B. Nielsen (2000), 'Cointegration Analysis in the Presence of Structural Breaks in the Deterministic Trend', Econometrics Journal, Vol. 3, pp. 21649 ) et Saikkonen et Ltkepohl (Saikkonen, P. and H. Ltkepohl (2000), : 'Testing for the Cointegrating Rank of a VAR Process with Structural Shifts', Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Vol. 18, pp. 45164 ) et Saikkonen et al. (Saikkonen, P., H. Ltkepohl and C. Trenkler (2004), 'Break Date Estimation and Cointegration Testing in VAR Processes with Level Shift'); les auteurs ont trouv‚ qu'une augmentation de 1% de ratio des transferts de fonds sur PIB provoque une appr‚ciation de taux de change r‚el d'‚quilibre de 0,39%. Ce qui confirme l'hypothŠse de syndrome hollandais dans l'‚conomie tunisienne. Bibliogr., notes, r‚f., r‚s. en anglais et en fran‡ais. [R‚sum‚ extrait de la revue] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Cg;E3 M3 - 393766764 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12130 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 120 T1 - In and out of Ethiopia : migrations, diasporas and contemporary Ethiopia A1 - Bonacci,Giulia Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten, samenvattingen in het Engels en Frans KW - Burundians KW - Canada KW - Congolese (Democratic Republic of Congo) KW - diasporas KW - Eritreans KW - Ethiopia KW - Ethiopians KW - Great Britain KW - Rwandans RP - NOT IN FILE PB - Brill U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available T3 - African diaspora, ISSN 1872-5457 ; vol. 8, no. 1 N2 - Ethiopia hosts migrants and produces migrants; it hosts diasporas and produces diasporas. It is precisely at that interface between Ethiopia and its diasporas, within and without, that this special issue of 'African Diaspora' is situated. Each of the papers offers an insight into a particular relationship that gives shape to the interface between Ethiopia and its diasporas. The concomitant pull and push factors related to the dispersal, the various significances accorded to homeland and host land, the interplay between identity and representations, and the simultaneous dynamics of solidarity and exclusion illustrated by the empirical material illustrate the relationality at the core of diasporas. Contributions: Introduction: in and out of Ethiopia : migrations, diasporas and contemporary Ethiopia (Giulia Bonacci); Immigrants and kings: foreignness in Ethiopia, through the eye of Armenian diaspora (Boris Adjemian); Mapping the boundaries of otherness: naming Caribbean settlers in Ethiopia (Giulia Bonacci); L'thiopie des Congolais, Burundais et Rwandais r‚fugi‚s (meline Charpentier); The Ethiopian and Eritrean evangelical diaspora of Montreal: music, identity and ambivalence (Hugo Ferran); Ethiopian and Eritrean immigrants in Britain: refugee organising, transnational connections and identity, 19502009 (John R. Campbell and Solomon Afework). [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/01/13/ M1 - Dd;C6 M3 - 396173543 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 106 T1 - Infrastructures routiŠres et d‚veloppement socio‚conomique dans le Mayomb‚ : RDC A1 - Bonkena Bokombola,Papy Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 161-167. - Met bijl., noten, samenvatting in Frans en Engels KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - economic development KW - road networks KW - roads RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 180 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w02 SN - 2-343-04064-8 pbk AV - AFRIKA 49349 Y2 - 2016/01/14/ M3 - 396627862 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 96 T1 - Insurance and economic growth nexus in Nigeria : asymetric non-linear relationship under heterogenous agents A1 - Olayungbo,D.O. Y1 - 2015/// KW - economic development KW - economic models KW - insurance KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 248 EP - 261 JA - African Development Review: (2015), vol.27, no.3, p.248-261 : graf., tab. VL - 27 IS - 3 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper examines the asymmetric non-linear relationship between insurance and economic growth in Nigeria between 1976 and 2010. Prior studies have examined the direction of causality between insurance and economic growth with mixed conclusions in the insurance-growth literature. Moreover, the majority of these studies assumed symmetric causal relationships by concentrating mainly on testing the supply-leading and demand-following hypothesis. This paper, therefore, contributes to the literature by examining the asymmetric causality test between insurance and economic growth in Nigeria. After the cointegration, the asymmetry causality and the asymmetric impulse responses show a robust significant relationship between high gross domestic product (GDP) and low insurance in the long run. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Fn;E1 M3 - 400367394 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12144 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 125 T1 - Issues of race, ethnicity, socio-economic position and spatial acknowlegement in South Africa : how spatial access and expression still perpetuate notions of difference, separation and uncertainty amongst the South African coloured population A1 - Isaacs-Martin,Wendy Y1 - 2015/// KW - Coloureds KW - ethnicity KW - legislation KW - national identity KW - race relations KW - social status KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 120 EP - 140 JA - International Journal of African Renaissance Studies: (2015), vol.10, no.1, p.120-140 : graf., tab. VL - 10 IS - 1 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - While the Native Land Act [Act 27 of 1913] and the Native Trust and Land Act [Act 18 of 1936] dispossessed black South Africans of their land physically, the insidious Group Areas Act [Act 41 of 1950] and the Population Registration Act [Act 30 of 1950] reified perceptions of race and ethnicity in the context of phenotype, culture, language and even religion. Although these Acts were repealed, the legacy remains part of the South African psyche still. Such perceptions are evident in the Coloured communities where the Population Registration Act classified and defined the group as a singular unit while the Group Areas Act segregated and confined them, and restricted their association within the group almost exclusively. This meant that education, access to information, socialising, and religious assembly and to a limited extent employment were restricted mostly to these designated segregated areas. Limited interaction between various legislated groups, even within the Coloured group itself reinforced the socio-economic racial hierarchy and the prejudices linked to economics. The combination of these Acts created an 'us' versus 'them' hostility further (re)enforcing notions of separateness and difference. The article seeks to examine social and racial interpretation (based on income and spatial realities) of the Coloured population in the Eastern Cape and how the group perceives its primary identity and allegiance in terms of ethnicity or national identity as salient in the current socio-political environment. The objectives are first to assert that legislated segregation created rigid jingoist structures of ethnic and racial identities that will take longer to dismantle than the Acts of separation had and secondly that national identity can be salient amongst a minority group irrespective of socio-economic position. The conclusion highlights that the social and identity Acts, spatial acts, regarded once as a legislated absolute, reduced the Coloured communities specifically, to regard themselves as different yet the same, inferior and superior, marginalised yet included, but that this is not incompatible with nation building. Bibliogr., note, sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/01/14/ M1 - Kf;C1 M3 - 395123879 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/18186874.2015.1050219 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 108 T1 - L'enfant noir d'Afrique centrale : essai A1 - Mbuyi Mizeka,Alfred Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Includes bibliographical references KW - Central Africa KW - children RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 220 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w02 T3 - Rue des ‚coles Rue des ‚coles. Collection Essais SN - 2-343-04414-7 pbk AV - AFRIKA 49354 Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M3 - 396627544 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 109 T1 - La Cour p‚nale internationale … l'‚preuve de la r‚pression en Afrique : des pr‚jug‚s aux r‚alit‚s A1 - Dangnossi,Issaka Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 187-198. - Met noten KW - Africa KW - International Criminal Court KW - international criminal law KW - trials RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 201 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w02 T3 - Etudes africaines SN - 2-343-05421-5 pbk AV - AFRIKA 49356 Y2 - 2016/12/01/ M3 - 396627390 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 107 T1 - Les finances publiques dans l'UEMOA : le budget du S‚n‚gal A1 - Dioukhan‚,Abdourahmane Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 253-255. - Met index, noten KW - national budget KW - public finance KW - Senegal KW - Union Economique et Mon‚taire Ouest-Africaine RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 267 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w02 T3 - Finances publiques SN - 2-343-05047-3 AV - AFRIKA 49351 Y2 - 2016/12/01/ M3 - 396627757 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 105 T1 - Manuels de lecture et initiation litt‚raire au S‚n‚gal et en Guin‚e A1 - Thioune,Birahim Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 289-300 KW - Guinea KW - literary education KW - literature KW - Senegal KW - teaching methods RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 305 CY - Dakar PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w02 SN - 2-343-05551-3 pbk AV - AFRIKA 49344 Y2 - 2016/01/14/ M3 - 396627889 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 135 T1 - Microfinance institutions in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda : loan outreach to the poor and the quest for financial viability A1 - Ayele,Gashaw Tsegaye Y1 - 2015/// KW - Ethiopia KW - Kenya KW - loans KW - microfinance KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 117 EP - 129 JA - African Development Review: (2015), vol.27, no.2, p.117-129 : graf., tab. VL - 27 IS - 2 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Microfinance institutions' (MFIs') loan service outreach to the poor (depth) and the ensuing institutional viability concern is an unsettled issue in the literature. Can MFIs increase the depth of their outreach whilst achieving financial viability (viability)? Answering this question is exceedingly relevant to countries that opt for right policies towards financial inclusion. In their microfinance operations, Kenya and Uganda ranked first and second in Africa; fifth and eighth in the world, respectively; and Ethiopia is an emerging MFI destination. Yet, the loan outreach in these countries falls short of the uncontested huge demand. The study introduces an approach that disintegrates the overall effect of depth on viability into direct and indirect effects. Hausman-Taylor and Generalized Structural Equation Models are employed on unbalanced panel dataset of 31 MFIs (2003-12) drawn from the three countries. The result implied a direct-positive effect and an indirect-negative effect running from depth to viability. Under contained operational-expenses-per-loan-portfolio, depth could be pro-viability. Debt-to-Equity-Ratio relate inversely with viability whereas 'real-yield' relates directly. The paper concludes that support to MFIs should be aligned to ensure efficiency through reduced operational costs and thereby complementary depth-viability nexus can prevail. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Dd;Hc;Hf;E3 M3 - 393766748 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12128 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 116 T1 - Monetary policy under uncertainty in WAEMU : parsimonious model and central bank preferences A1 - Nantob,N.'Y. Y1 - 2015/// KW - economic models KW - monetary policy KW - Union Economique et Mon‚taire Ouest-Africaine KW - West Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 230 EP - 247 JA - African Development Review: (2015), vol.27, no.3, p.230-247 : graf., tab. VL - 27 IS - 3 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper looks at the implications of monetary policy uncertainty in the WAEMU area over the period 1975-2010. Under uncertainty on the transmission mechanisms, the monetary policy must be cautious according to the 'Brainard conservatism principle'. Using the linear quadratic stochastic control approach by introduction the variance covariance matrix of the estimated parameters in the optimal control theory the results through the optimal monetary policy rule yield that the policy-makers are always very cautious when they have an inflation and output gap stabilization objective. However, when they are concerned to smooth interest rate, their behavior becomes distinctly more aggressive. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Fa;E3 M3 - 396531768 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12143 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 122 T1 - Of fire and rejuvenation: in search of the 'post' in 'post-apartheid' A1 - Maithufi,Sopelekae Y1 - 2015/// KW - apartheid KW - death KW - novels KW - South Africa KW - symbols RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 170 EP - 180 JA - International Journal of African Renaissance Studies: (2015), vol.10, no.1, p.170-180. VL - 10 IS - 1 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - In the novels 'Scatter the ashes and go' (2002) and Rumours (2013), Mongane Wally Serote depicts post-apartheid through a leitmotif central to which the soldier of the African National Congress military wing, 'Umkhonto We Sizwe', is ostensibly caught in an interrupted odyssey. In 'Scatter the ashes and go', this soldier has returned from exile in various Southern African countries to a South Africa that is on the threshold of the post-apartheid era. By contrast, in 'Rumours', the soldier, having arrived from exile in 1990, then goes away to Mali in search of a solution for his post-traumatic stress disorder. The article imputes these disruptions on to the failure to 'properly' mourn the victims of apartheid's extra-judicial killing squads, and goes on to note that, as a result of Serote's attention to the subsequent angst, post-apartheid appears as a continuum of trauma. The discussion then proceeds to posit that the resolutions to these diversions are hinted at in these novels' elaborate motifs of fire, and proposes that the depictions of this pattern recall how Batswana suture the spiritual, psychological and social fractures consequent upon death - especially the death that occurs unnaturally, and upon the breadwinner's return home from a long absence. The bulk of the exploration pays attention to the nuances of this symbol of fire, recognising it as an integral component of a social rite populated by a dynamic interplay between poetry and music. Bibliogr., note, sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/01/14/ M1 - Kf;K2 M3 - 395123909 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/18186874.2015.1050225 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 130 T1 - Pan-Africanism, knowledge production and the third liberation of Africa A1 - Oloruntoba,Samuel Y1 - 2015/// KW - Africa KW - indigenous knowledge KW - neocolonialism KW - pan-Africanism RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 7 EP - 24 JA - International Journal of African Renaissance Studies: (2015), vol.10, no.1, p.7-24. VL - 10 IS - 1 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Pan-Africanism as an ideological and philosophical force has defined the struggle to ensure the collective realisation of the destiny of the Black race across the Atlantic by political and intellectual leaders of African descent both at home and in the Diaspora. The struggle has passed through several phases such as ending obnoxious trade in human beings, colonialism and re-assertion of African identity and sense of being. The epistemological hegemony of the West on knowledge production in African studies and their Eurocentric view of what constitutes the history of Africa as well as what are the appropriate development strategies for the continent constitute another area of struggle for emancipation. Some have argued that a combination of Western reactionary and intellectual forces has kept Africa in chains of poverty and underdevelopment for decades. A counter argument is that Africa is her own worst enemy.The need for intellectual, socio-economic and political liberation of the continent is compelling. This article argues for a Pan-Africanist approach to the realisation of the third liberation of the continent from the shackles of the global matrix of power, which manifests itself in a perverse form of knowledge production, economic theory and praxis, and a political system, the main objective of which is transnational elite accumulation. The proposition is anchored on two historical experiences, in which the first and second liberation of Africa from slavery and colonialism were achieved due to the Trans-Atlantic cooperation between Africans on the continent and those in the Diaspora. Closely aligned to the instrumentality of Pan-Africanism as a reliable force for propelling the third liberation of Africa is the necessity of privileging indigenous knowledge production over exogenous or imported knowledge. In making a case for the decolonisation of knowledge production and complete liberation of Africa, this article employs Mafeje's Afrocentrism as the theoretical basis of interlocution. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/01/14/ M1 - Ba;B2 M3 - 39512381X L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/18186874.2015.1050212 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 104 T1 - Par la force, Alassane Ouattara pr‚sident de la C“te d'Ivoire : la d‚mocratie … l'‚preuve A1 - Money,Elie Z. Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 271-274. - Met noten KW - corruption KW - C“te d'Ivoire KW - democracy KW - heads of State KW - human rights KW - political violence RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 274 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w02 SN - 2-343-04974-2 AV - AFRIKA 49342 Y2 - 2016/01/14/ M3 - 39662796X ER - TY - JOUR ID - 136 T1 - Price transmission asymmetry in spatial grain markets in Ethiopia A1 - Wondemu,Kifle Y1 - 2015/// KW - agricultural market KW - economic models KW - Ethiopia KW - grain prices RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 106 EP - 116 JA - African Development Review: (2015), vol.27, no.2, p.106-116 : tab. VL - 27 IS - 2 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Acknowledging the link between competitive and efficient spatial agricultural markets and farm productivity, the government of Ethiopia has implemented various market enhancing policy and institutional measures. The effectiveness of these measures to achieve their policy goals, among others, depends on the degree of symmetry prices transmit across spatial markets as well as on the efficiency of spatial arbitrage. The author tested the presence of asymmetric price adjustment in the spatial grain markets in Ethiopia. The result provided clear evidence of asymmetric price adjustment for teff crops, but not for maize. For teff crops, prices adjust quickly to shocks that increase price than shocks that reduce prices. The analysis on the efficiency of the grain markets also showed that the spatial markets are characterized by a significant level of inefficiency. Although further research is necessary to establish the real causes for the observed asymmetric price transmission and market inefficiency, the finding suggests that departure from perfectly competitive settings are partly to be blamed for the recent food crops price hikes. In addition to their undesirable redistributional consequences, price transmissions asymmetry and inefficiency are expected to entail efficiency loss. Future empirical work in this area should strive to explain the underlying reasons for the observed asymmetric price transmission and market inefficiency. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Dd;E5 M3 - 39376673X L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12127 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 100 T1 - Rainbow in my heart : poems A1 - Olatunji,Basil Y1 - 2015/// KW - Nigeria KW - poetry (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 71 CY - [Johannesburg] PB - Partridge Africa U2 - w02 SN - 1-482-80396-8 AV - AFRIKA Lit.10050 Y2 - 2016/01/15/ M3 - 397608918 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 121 T1 - Rethinking African sexualities in the context of HIV and AIDS : the life and death discourse of 'modernised polygamy' in Sue Nyathi's The polygamist A1 - Mangena,Tendai Y1 - 2015/// KW - AIDS KW - masculinity KW - novels KW - polygamy KW - Shona KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 181 EP - 190 JA - International Journal of African Renaissance Studies: (2015), vol.10, no.1, p.181-190. VL - 10 IS - 1 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article is a study of Sue Nyathi's novel 'The polygamist' as a cultural production dealing with African 'modern polygamy' in the context of HIV and AIDS. What is termed modern polygamy in this article is a practice where men have several 'wives' but not in the African traditional sense, especially within the Shona culture, but in the sense of what is popularised as a 'small house' phenomenon. Nyathi's novel is discussed within the following frameworks corresponding to the three distinct parts of the article. In the first part of the discussion, the dichotomy between economic / social status and modern polygamy is explored. The second part of the discussion is a gendered perspective of modern polygamy and particularly highlights gender constructions in Nyathi's representation of modern polygamy. In the last section, multiple sexual relations and HIV and AIDS are discussed. Significantly, the article demonstrates that imaginative literature is a cultural site that can help us understand human behaviour and HIV and AIDS; particularly in what in religious terms would be referred to as 'old testament'polygamy that poses a danger to health and the social fabric in its new form in modern Zimbabwean society. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/01/14/ M1 - Je;K2;C1 M3 - 395123917 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/18186874.2015.1050226 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 95 T1 - Special issue on 'aid and employment' A1 - Jones,Sam Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten, samenvattingen KW - Africa KW - development cooperation KW - economic development KW - employment KW - employment creation KW - Mozambique RP - NOT IN FILE PB - Blackwell U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available T3 - African development review, ISSN 1467-8268 ; vol. 27, no. S1 N2 - Arguably, support to growth-enhancing structural change and employment creation is becoming increasingly important, both for donors and recipients of foreign aid. However, these are notoriously complex domains, where data and associated development strategies remain contested. Consequently, this special issue brings together five articles that tackle the questions of how and where foreign aid donors might usefully support a more inclusive or job-friendly pattern of economic growth in Africa. Contributions: Aid, growth and employment in Africa (Sam Jones, John Page, Abebe Shimeles and Finn Tarp); Aid, growth and jobs (Gary Fields); Aid, employment and poverty reduction in Africa (John Page and Abebe Shimeles); Employment effects of multilateral development bank support: the case of the African Development Bank (Anthony Simpasa, Abebe Shimeles and Adeleke O. Salami); Is small beautiful? Small enterprise, aid and employment in Africa (John Page and M†ns S”derbom); Priorities for boosting employment in Sub-Saharan Africa : evidence for Mozambique (Sam Jones and Finn Tarp). [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Ba;E4 M3 - 400373289 L3 - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/afdr.v27.S1/issuetoc ER - TY - JOUR ID - 132 T1 - Testing PPP for the South African rand/US dollar real exchange rate at different data frequencies A1 - Caporale,Guglielmo Maria A1 - Gil-Alana,Luis A. Y1 - 2015/// KW - econometrics KW - exchange rates KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 161 EP - 170 JA - African Development Review: (2015), vol.27, no.2, p.161-170 : graf., tab. VL - 27 IS - 2 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper tests the PPP hypothesis for the South African rand/US dollar real exchange rate using a fractional integration framework. The results suggest that the real exchange rate of the South African rand with respect to the US dollar is a highly dependent variable with an order of integration very close to 1. This finding is not affected by the data frequency considered (daily, weekly or monthly). Also, there appears to be a single break in December 2001 (possibly corresponding to a change in the monetary policy framework), with the unit root null being rejected in favour of d > 1 for the periods before the break, but not afterwards. Thus, our results strongly reject the PPP hypothesis for the South African rand/US dollar rate across data frequencies, since shocks are found to affect the exchange rate forever. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Kf;E3 M3 - 393766772 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12131 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 138 T1 - The demand for public health care and the progressivity of health care services in Ghana A1 - Gaddah,Mawuli A1 - Munro,Alistair A1 - Quartey,Peter Y1 - 2015/// KW - child health KW - economic models KW - Ghana KW - health care KW - public health RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 79 EP - 91 JA - African Development Review: (2015), vol.27, no.2, p.79-91 : graf., tab. VL - 27 IS - 2 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper examines the choice of health care and progressivity of health care services in Ghana. Using a combination of benefit incidence analysis and a discrete choice model and data from the Ghana Living Standards Survey, the results give clear evidence of progressivity with consistent ordering: postnatal and prenatal services are the most progressive, followed by clinic visits, and then hospital visits. Child health care services are more progressive than adult. Own price and income elasticities are higher for public health care than private health care and for adults than children. Poorer households are substantially more price responsive than wealthy ones, implying that fee increases for public health care will impact negatively on equity in health care. Simulations show the importance of opportunity costs in health care decisions and suggest that reforms that focus only on out-of-pocket expenses will have a limited ability to extend public health care to all potential users. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Ff;I1 M3 - 393766713 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12125 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 126 T1 - The end of politics by the youth? : higher education, youth identity and recession of political participation by South Africa's 'born-frees': the case of undergraduate students at a public university A1 - Amoateng,Acheampong Y1 - 2015/// KW - political consciousness KW - political participation KW - South Africa KW - students KW - youth RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 102 EP - 119 JA - International Journal of African Renaissance Studies: (2015), vol.10, no.1, p.102-119 : tab. VL - 10 IS - 1 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The aim of the study is to examine the effects of political socialisation by the family and significant others on the political participation by South Africa's born-frees using a sample of undergraduate students at a public university in a metropolitan area. Overall, political participation is relatively low among the born-frees even though political awareness is very high. Political socialisation in the form of discussion of politics with parents, other relatives and peers is found to be an important predictor of youth participation in political activities. The youth of mothers with school leaving certificates or undergraduate education are more likely to be politically engaged compared to those of mothers with either no education or postgraduate education. Finally, older youth are more likely than younger ones to be politically engaged. Bibliogr., note, sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/01/14/ M1 - Kf;D1 M3 - 395123860 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/18186874.2015.1050218 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 113 T1 - The role of renewable energy consumption and trade : Environmental Kuznets Curve analysis for Sub-Saharan Africa countries A1 - Jebli,Mehdi Ben A1 - Youssef,Slim Ben A1 - Ozturk,Ilhan Y1 - 2015/// KW - economic models KW - energy resources KW - gross national product KW - international trade KW - Subsaharan Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 288 EP - 300 JA - African Development Review: (2015), vol.27, no.3, p.288-300 : graf., tab. VL - 27 IS - 3 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Based on the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis, this paper uses panel cointegration techniques to investigate the short- and long-run relationship between CO2 emissions, gross domestic product (GDP), renewable energy consumption and international trade for a panel of 24 sub-Saharan Africa countries over the period 1980-2010. Short-run Granger causality results reveal that there is a bidirectional causality between emissions and economic growth; bidirectional causality between emissions and real exports; unidirectional causality from real imports to emissions; and unidirectional causality runs from trade (exports or imports) to renewable energy consumption. There is an indirect short-run causality running from emissions to renewable energy and an indirect short-run causality from GDP to renewable energy. In the long-run, the error correction term is statistically significant for emissions, renewable energy consumption and trade. The long-run estimates suggest that the inverted U-shaped EKC hypothesis is not supported for these countries; exports have a positive impact on CO2 emissions, whereas imports have a negative impact on CO2 emissions. As a policy recommendation, sub-Saharan Africa countries should expand their trade exchanges particularly with developed countries and try to maximize their benefit from technology transfer occurring when importing capital goods as this may increase their renewable energy consumption and reduce CO2 emissions. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Ea;E1 M3 - 396531792 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12147 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 97 T1 - The Sultan's spymaster : Peera Dewjee of Zanzibar A1 - Aldrick,Judy Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Met index, noten KW - Indians KW - Tanzania KW - Zanzibar RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 308 CY - Naivasha PB - Old Africa Books U2 - w02 SN - 9966-75720-1 AV - AFRIKA 49571 Y2 - 2016/01/13/ M3 - 399284036 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 129 T1 - The Zambian copperbelt : the need for international regulation A1 - Shaik-Peremanov,Nazreen Y1 - 2015/// KW - copper mining KW - licences KW - Zambia RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 47 EP - 59 JA - International Journal of African Renaissance Studies: (2015), vol.10, no.1, p.47-59. VL - 10 IS - 1 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Natural resources in Africa have increasingly become a cause for concern. Not only do natural resources and the extractive industry need to be wary of conflicts which arise from their production processes, but the need for regulation becomes crucial. As one of the biggest producers of copper in the world, Zambia announced its decision to suspend the renewal of copper mining licences, and so the need for regulation of the industry became more important. Consequently, there is a need to examine the immediate effect of copper mining. Ultimately, the need to examine the possibility of regulating the copper industry which may have lessons in other extractive industries is proactively equally important. Thus, this article discusses the Zambian Copperbelt, copper mining in and its impact for Zambia as a case study to illustrate the need for an international regulatory framework. Finally, the article examines best practices which have been utilised in the diamond industry in the hopes of using these best practices in the copper mining industry. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/01/14/ M1 - Jd;E6 M3 - 395123828 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/18186874.2015.1050214 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 124 T1 - Towards a vibrant African languages industry in the era of the African renaissance A1 - Kamwendo,Gregory Y1 - 2015/// KW - Africa KW - employment creation KW - indigenous languages RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 141 EP - 152 JA - International Journal of African Renaissance: (2015), vol.10, no.1, p.141-152. VL - 10 IS - 1 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - To some people, African languages are insufficiently valued or good for nothing. Such people do not find any economic value in African languages. However, the African renaissance can inject a new lease of life into African languages. The African linguistic renaissance implies uplifting the status and use of African languages. It also means taking African languages into domains where their economic value will rise. This requires a drastic change in how African languages are perceived and treated. This article argues that, as part of the African renaissance, African languages should become income generators or job-creating entities. There is great potential for African languages to attain such economically rewarding status. African languages have slept for so long that they can now be compared to devalued currencies. The article suggests some ways through which a vibrant African languages industry can be developed and sustained. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/01/14/ M1 - Ba;K1 M3 - 395123887 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/18186874.2015.1050220 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 103 T1 - Tr‚sor public et politique financiŠre en C“te d'Ivoire : des origines … nos jours A1 - N'Gouan,Patrick Konin Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 337-345. - Met noten KW - C“te d'Ivoire KW - financial policy KW - fiscal policy KW - national budget KW - public finance RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 345 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w02 SN - 2-343-05594-7 pbk AV - AFRIKA 49337 Y2 - 2016/01/14/ M3 - 396628311 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 118 T1 - What drives foreign direct investments into West Africa? : an empirical investigation A1 - Anyanwu,John C. A1 - Yameogo,Nadege D. Y1 - 2015/// KW - foreign investments KW - West Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 199 EP - 215 JA - African Development Review: (2015), vol.27, no.3, p.199-215 : graf., tab. VL - 27 IS - 3 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper analyzed drivers of foreign direct investments (FDI) to West Africa using a panel dataset from 1970 to 2010. OLS and GMM techniques are used for the estimations. The main results indicate that there is a U-shaped relationship between economic development and FDI inflows to West Africa. In summary: (i) The quadratic element of real per capita GDP, domestic investment, trade openness, first year lag of FDI, natural resources (oil and metals) endowment and exports, and monetary integration have positive and significant effect on FDI inflows to West Africa; and (ii) there is a negative relationship between FDI inflows to the sub-region and loan component of ODA, economic growth, level of economic development (real GDP per capita), life expectancy, and domestic credit to the private sector. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Fa;E2 M3 - 396531741 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12141 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 112 T1 - Youth unemployment duration and competing exit states : what hides behind long spells of black youth unemployment in South Africa? A1 - Ismail,Zaakirah A1 - Kollamparambil,Umakrishnan Y1 - 2015/// KW - economic models KW - South Africa KW - youth unemployment RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 301 EP - 314 JA - African Development Review: (2015), vol.27, no.3, p.301-314 : tab. VL - 27 IS - 3 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The paper examines the role of personal characteristics in not only determining the unemployment duration but also the probability of unemployment terminating with transitions into wage-employment, self-employment or higher education. Formulated within the survival analysis framework using the Labour Market Entry Survey, this study provides the first empirical evidence on black youth unemployment duration in South Africa. The results of the analysis indicate non-monotonic duration dependence with other individual, household and locational covariates exerting very different impacts on the state-specific exit rates from unemployment for both young men and women. The scarring impact evident in negative duration dependence and gender-specific findings point to the need for more informed policy formulation. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Kf;E4 M3 - 396531806 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12150 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 151 T1 - Albert Ren‚ : the father of modern Seychelles : a biography A1 - Shillington,Kevin Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 314-316. - Met index, noten KW - 1977 KW - biographies (form) KW - coups d'‚tat KW - heads of State KW - Seychelles RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 320 CY - Crawley PB - UWA Publishing U2 - w02 SN - 1-7425-8612-0 AV - AFRIKA 49388 Y2 - 2016/12/01/ M3 - 396539920 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 140 T1 - Confiage, domesticit‚ et apprentissage … Lom‚ … la veille de l'ind‚pendence A1 - Pilon,Marc A1 - S‚gniagb‚to,Kodjo Y1 - 2014/// KW - apprenticeships KW - children KW - domestic workers KW - foster care KW - rural-urban migration KW - Togo RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 212 EP - 247 JA - Journal des Africanistes: (2014), t.84, facs.1, p.212-247 : graf., tab. VL - 84 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - L'article se propose de documenter la situation des personnes ƒg‚es de 5 a 19 ans, d‚clar‚es comme r‚sidant sans parents ou comme domestiques dans la capitale togolaise, Lom‚, … la veille de l'ind‚pendance. II est bas‚ sur une analyse in‚dite des donn‚es originales du recensement urbain du Togo de 1958-59, compl‚t‚e par des entretiens men‚s avec des personnes ayant ou non ‚t‚ confi‚es ou plac‚es comme domestiques … la fin des ann‚es 1950 ou au d‚but des ann‚es 1960. Les r‚sultats r‚vŠlent l'anciennet‚ et l'ampleur de la migration des enfants (dont environ 80% viennent essentiellement du sud-est du Togo), dans laquelle les femmes, et particuliŠrement les commen‡antes, jouent un r“le majeur. Les filles sont plus nombreuses … connaŒtre confiage et domesticit‚, notamment dans leur jeune ƒge; I'analyse statistique et les entretiens r‚vŠlent une sorte de porosit‚ entre ces deux statuts. La mise en apprentissage peut survenir aux ƒges plus ‚lev‚s et conceme surtout les gar‡ons. Bibliogr., notes, res. en anglais et en fran‡ais. [R‚sum‚ extrait de la revue] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Fq;E4 M3 - 399372873 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 141 T1 - Des pierres pour travailler le fer : les outils lithiques des forgerons bassar du Nord-Togo: II. La recherche des pierres : techniques, rites, et r‚presentations symboliques A1 - Dugast,St‚phan Y1 - 2014/// KW - archaeological artefacts KW - Bassari (Ghana,Togo) KW - iron forging KW - precolonial period KW - Togo KW - tools RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 156 EP - 211 JA - Journal des Africanistes: (2014), t.84, facs.1, p.156-211. VL - 84 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Bien qu'au cur d'une r‚gion connue pour le volume de sa production de fer avant la p‚riode coloniale (l'une des plus importantes du continent), et disposant par cons‚quent de ce mat‚riau en abondance, les forgerons bassar du Togo ont opt‚ pour un outillage fait pour l'essentiel d'instruments de pierre. L'acquisition de ces outils, pr‚lev‚s dans la nature avant d'ˆtre … peine transform‚s, pose notamment la question de leur transfert de l'espace sauvage de la brousse … l'espace humanis‚ de l'atelier. En suivant de prŠs les forgerons dans cette entreprise et en partageant leurs pr‚occupations a ce sujet, on d‚couvre la composition d'une partie du monde de la brousse et les caract‚ristiques principales de certaines des entit‚s qui l'habitent. Est ‚galement d‚voil‚e la sophistication des d‚marches rituelles requises pour r‚aliser ce transfert d'un espace … l'autre, sachant que l'atelier est un lieu d'autant plus fortement humanis‚ que, dans l'‚thique des forgerons, il est vou‚ de fa‡on exclusive … l'action technique, pens‚e comme antinomique des forces surnaturelles qui animent le monde de la brousse. Bibliogr., notes, res. en anglais et en fran‡ais. [R‚sum‚ extrait de la revue] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Fq;E6;L2 M3 - 399371664 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 144 T1 - Entre rˆves de grandeur et pragmatisme : les jeunes en milieu urbain au Burkina Faso A1 - Roth,Claudia Y1 - 2014/// KW - Burkina Faso KW - social conditions KW - urban areas KW - youth KW - youth unemployment RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 80 EP - 105 JA - Journal des Africanistes: (2014), t.84, facs.1, p.80-105. VL - 84 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - En d‚pit de sa croissance ‚conomique, le Burkina Faso reste l'un des pays les plus pauvres du monde. Dans les villes, entre 20 et 30% des moins de 30 ans sont sans travail v‚ritablement r‚mun‚r‚. Beaucoup d'entre eux vivent en situation de contrat entre les g‚n‚rations … l'envers, log‚s et nourris par leurs parents. Ce climat de pr‚carit‚ constante et d'incertitude quotidienne conduit … des formes sp‚cifiques de fantaisies et d'actions. Les entretiens avec de jeunes hommes et femmes de Bobo-Dioulasso que l'auteur a avons men‚s … plusieurs reprises sur trois ans (‚tude longitudinale) mettent en lumiŠre les conditions qui facilitent l'action en situation d' incertitude quotidienne. Bibliogr., notes, res. en anglais et en fran‡ais. [R‚sum‚ extrait de la revue] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Fc;C1;C8 M3 - 39934392X ER - TY - BOOK ID - 148 T1 - J. J. Rawlings and the democratic transition in Ghana A1 - Danso-Boafo,Alex Kwaku Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 351-360. - Met index, noten KW - biographies (form) KW - democratization KW - Ghana KW - heads of State KW - political history RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XVIII, 384 CY - Accra PB - Ghana Universities Press U2 - w02 SN - 9964-3-0384-X AV - AFRIKA 49401 Y2 - 2016/12/01/ M3 - 397995903 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 152 T1 - L'arbre … la cour criminelle : th‚atre : suivi de Assez, cessez !, sketch Le pacte des ˆtres de la mer, de l'air et de la terre, sketch la graine du grand celtis, poŠme A1 - Ly,Djibril Hamet Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Plays Met noten KW - drama (form) KW - Mauritania RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 173 CY - Nouakchott PB - Editions de la Librairie 15/21 U2 - w02 T3 - Collection "Lettres Mauritaniennes" SN - 2-366-81073-3 AV - AFRIKA Lit.9986 Y2 - 2016/01/15/ M3 - 395069025 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 150 T1 - L'enseignement arabo-islamique au S‚n‚gal : le daara de Koki A1 - Dram‚,Djim Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 157-164. - Met bijl., noten KW - Islamic education KW - Senegal RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 215 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w02 N2 - "L'introduction de l'Islam au S‚n‚gal au XIe siŠcle par les Arabo-BerbŠres a engendr‚ l'enseignement du Coran, de l'arabe et des Sciences islamiques. DŠs son installation, l'administration coloniale suivait de prŠs l'‚volution de cet enseignement. Par cons‚quent, l'autorit‚ coloniale a sorti plusieurs arrˆt‚s, d‚cisions et circulaires visant … r‚duire sensiblement ces foyers islamiques car les ‚coles musulmanes ont ‚t‚ consid‚r‚es comme des obstacles, des lieux de r‚sistance empˆchant l'implantation de la culture et de la langue fran‡aise. L'‚cole de Koki, cr‚‚e en 1939 par Amadou Sakhir L“, joue un r“le primordial dans le domaine de l'enseignement arabo-islamique au S‚n‚gal. Entre 100 et 170 ‚lŠves y m‚morisent le Coran par an. Plus de 160 sortants de l'‚cole de Koki sont dipl“m‚s des universit‚s arabes. De retour au S‚n‚gal la plupart servent dans le secteur ‚ducatif public. D'autres sortants de Koki reproduisent … l'identique le "modŠle de Koki" dans le domaine de l'enseignement et de la m‚morisation du Coran. Ce livre vise … d‚montrer, … travers l'‚cole de Koki, l'‚volution, le r“le et la contribution des institutions ‚ducatives de type non formel … l'effort national d'alphab‚tisation et de la formation des citoyens du S‚n‚gal et de la sous-r‚gion." Table des matiŠres: 1. Probl‚matique -- La p‚n‚tration de l'islam en Afrique en g‚n‚ral -- La p‚n‚tration de l'islam en Afrique au sud du Sahara -- Les raisons du choix du sujet -- Les problŠmes g‚n‚raux et sp‚cifiques de notre recherche -- ProblŠme g‚n‚ral de la recherche -- Questions problŠmes g‚n‚rales de la recherche -- ProblŠme sp‚cifique de la recherche -- Questions problŠmes sp‚cifiques de la recherche -- 2. Cadre conceptuel et revue critique de la litt‚rature -- Cadre conceptuel -- Revue critique de la litt‚rature -- Quelques travaux ant‚rieurs sur la question -- Analyse th‚matique -- 3. Cadre m‚thodologique, aper‡u historique et pr‚sentation de l'actuel village de Koki -- Cadre m‚thodologique -- Type de recherche -- Phase d'enquˆte sur le terrain … Koki -- Population et ‚chantillonnage -- chantillonnage -- Aper‡u historique sur Koki -- Pr‚sentation g‚n‚rale de l'actuel village de Koki -- 4. Fondateur, et fondation de l'‚cole -- Ahmadou Sakhir L“, Fondateur de l'‚cole moderne de Koki 1903-1988 -- Le contexte de la cr‚ation de l'‚cole de Koki -- 5. volution de l'‚cole et son organisation administrative -- volution de l'‚cole sur le plan de l'infrastructure -- L'‚volution de l'‚cole de Koki de 1939 … 1973 -- L'‚volution de l'‚cole de 1973 … 1988 -- volution de l'‚cole de 1988 … nos jours -- Evolution de l'‚cole moderne de koki, en nombre, de 1939 … 2008 -- L'organisation administrative de l'‚cole de Koki -- L'organisation de l'‚cole se pr‚sente comme suit -- Les ressources de l'‚cole -- Particularit‚s de l'‚cole de Koki -- La gratuit‚ de toutes les prestations -- Se conformer aux enseignements du coran et de la sunna -- Le principe de lier tradition et modernit‚ -- D‚mocratisation de l'enseignement -- 6. R“le de l'‚cole et son influence dans l'enseignement arabo-islamique au S‚n‚gal -- Le r“le de l'‚cole de koki dans l'enseignement arabo-islamique au S‚n‚gal -- Les conditions d'inscription pour ˆtre admis … l'‚cole Amadou Sakhir L“ de Koki -- L'‚lŠve doit ˆtre musulman -- Les conditions particuliŠres pour chaque cycle -- Le nombre des nouveaux inscrits par ann‚e … l'‚cole de Koki -- Effectif de l'‚cole Amadou SakhŒr L“ de Koki en 2007 -- Les nationalit‚s ‚trangŠres : les ‚lŠves venant des pays de la sous-r‚gion -- Le programme de l'‚cole -- Le r“le de l'‚cole dans l'apprentissage et la m‚morisation du Coran (r‚sultats) : -- Le nombre des ‚lŠves ayant m‚moris‚ le Coran … l'‚cole de koki -- Relation entre l'‚cole de koki et les familles maraboutiques -- R“le de l'‚cole dans l'enseignement de l'arabe et des sciences islamiques -- Le nombre d'‚lŠves inscrits au franco arabe pour l'ann‚e scolaire 2007-2008 -- Le programme des cycles primaire, moyen et secondaire -- L'influence de l'‚cole de Koki sur l'enseignement du Coran au S‚n‚gal SN - 2-343-05115-1 pbk AV - AFRIKA 49352 Y2 - 2016/01/14/ M3 - 396627676 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 142 T1 - L'Islam … la FrontiŠre : le r“le des marabouts dans l'installation et la protection des villages winye (Centre-ouest Burkina Faso) entre le XVIIe et le XIXe siŠcle A1 - Jacob,Jean Pierre Y1 - 2014/// KW - African religions KW - animism KW - Burkina Faso KW - Gurunsi KW - Islam KW - marabouts KW - rituals KW - villages RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 132 EP - 154 JA - Journal des Africanistes: (2014), t.84, facs.1, p.132-154. VL - 84 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Cet article d‚crit les recours aux 'marabouts' dans les pratiques d'installation rituelle et de protection de villages animistes en pays winye au Burkina Faso. Il montre que le sens de ces interventions varient entre une p‚riode plus ancienne (exemple du village de Kwena, fin XVIIe) marqu‚e par un islam domin‚ par la pr‚pond‚rance des soci‚t‚s animistes et une periode plus r‚cente (exemple du village de Boromo, mi-XIXe siecle), caract‚ris‚e par un islam pros‚lyte et dominateur. Il d‚crit les pratiques rituelles et les r‚presentations qui constituent le terrain commun qui rend possible les ‚changes entre musulmans et animistes et propose ce faisant une description approfondie de quelques unes des institutions winye les plus importantes (autel et chefferie de terre). Bibliogr., notes, res. en anglais et en fran‡ais. [R‚sum‚ extrait de la revue] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Fc;B1 M3 - 399353313 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 145 T1 - Making businesses in the open : coping with economic and institutional risk and insecurity in the Kafue Flats, Zambia A1 - Haller,Tobias Y1 - 2014/// KW - enterprises KW - livelihoods KW - market economy KW - risk KW - Zambia RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 60 EP - 79 JA - Journal des Africanistes: (2014), t.84, facs.1, p.60-79. VL - 84 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper deals with the difference between risk and insecurity from an anthropological perspective using a critical New Institutionalist approach. Risk refers to the ability to reduce undesirable outcomes, based on a range of information actors have on possible outcomes; insecurity refers to the lack of this information. With regard to the neo-liberal setting of a resource rich area in Zambia, Central Africa, local actors, men and women, face risk and insecurity in market constellations between rural and urban areas. They attempt to cope with risk using technical means and diversification of livelihood strategies. But as common-pool resources have been transformed from common property institutions to open access, also leading to unpredictability of competitors and partners in 'free' markets, actors rely on magic options to reduce insecurity and transform it into risk-assessing strategies as an adaptation to modem times. Bibliogr., notes, sum. in English and in French. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Jd;E4 M3 - 399343113 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 154 T1 - Media freedoms and rights of journalists in Uganda Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Omslagtitel Bibliogr.: p. 46-47. - Met noten, samenvattingen KW - freedom of the press KW - journalists KW - legislation KW - mass media KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 50 CY - Kampala PB - Uganda Human Rights Commission U2 - w02 AV - AFRIKA A12183 Y2 - 2016/01/15/ M3 - 392506777 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 147 T1 - Risks and opportunities : securing futures in C“te d'Ivoire's violent crisis and beyond A1 - Heitz Tokpa,Katharina Y1 - 2014/// KW - civil wars KW - C“te d'Ivoire KW - human security KW - risk KW - social life RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 20 EP - 39 JA - Journal des Africanistes: (2014), t.84, facs.1, p.20-39. VL - 84 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article examines how people who do not live in so-called risk societies deal with risks and insecurities prevalent in their daily lives. Along the life trajectories of two men in Cote d'Ivoire's violent crisis, the article analyses the subjects' various ways of securing their futures in a war context with a focus on physical and economic insecurities. Both men happened to have worked in a car repair shop on the eve of the war: one of them joined the rebellion and went into combat; the other managed to get by with multiple strategies, such as small businesses, associational life and by linking up with powerful actors. Even if risk avoidance strategies are employed, risk avoidance does not seem to be the predominant preoccupation in the case-studies examined. The findings rather suggest that risks are consciously taken to seek opportunities in the first place. Hence, a conceptual lens that focuses exclusively on risks seems insufficient to explain the actors' deliberations and paths taken. Therefore, the author proposes to adopt a complementary perspective that includes opportunity seeking rather than solely risk avoidance. Bibliogr., notes, sum. in English and French. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Fi;C1 M3 - 399111972 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 146 T1 - Sending money or purchasing provisions? : Senegalese migrants' attempts to negotiate a space for autonomy in long-distance family relations A1 - Blanchard,Melissa Y1 - 2014/// KW - family KW - migrants KW - remittances KW - Senegal RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 40 EP - 59 JA - Journal des Africanistes: (2014), t.84, facs.1, p.40-59. VL - 84 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Sending remittances is one of the strongest bonds tying together families dispersed by migration. For migrants supporting the family left behind is a moral duty, a sign of their social affiliation and the gauge of their belonging to a network of kinship and exchange. As time goes by, though, some of them perceive the demands of their original families as excessive. They have thus developed different strategies to come to terms with the problem of control over the use of remittances. Building on fieldwork in Dakar, the author considers an original case of reorganization of remittance sending, put in place through the establishment of a website offering migrants the opportunity to purchase at a distance provisions they want delivered to their families in Senegal. This case study highlights the tensions that surround the practices of support within families that live in transnational spaces and shows how migration can encourage migrants to reorganize such relations, renegotiating their obligations of solidarity. Bibliogr., notes, sum. in English and in French. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Fo;C6;C8 M3 - 399342141 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 143 T1 - Social differentiation of risk : perceptions of the future in drought-prone Central Niger A1 - Oxby,Clare Y1 - 2014/// KW - droughts KW - land rights KW - Niger KW - risk KW - rural-urban migration KW - social inequality KW - Tuareg RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 106 EP - 129 JA - Journal des Africanistes: (2014), t.84, facs.1, p.106-129 : krt. VL - 84 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - A snapshot of two Tuareg-dominated 'communes rurales' in the pastoral-agricultural transition zones of Maradi and Tahoua regions, Central Niger, shows that, despite the openly shared 'inevitable natural hazard' drought discourse, risk-taking action in response to drought-related dangers is sharply polarized according to social position. On the one hand the dominant Tuareg minority perceive drought not only as danger for their herds but also as opportunity to increase their political following through the channelling of drought relief benefits to their supporters. On the other hand, the majority of commune households, living on the brink of economic viability, cultivate social links with the dominant families in order to secure access to water, land and humanitarian aid; and household members are forced into more and more frequent and distant out-migration. Certain leaders, well-informed about national land policy and practice, focus their efforts for a better future on the consolidation of community land rights through the promotion of certain sedentarization and land privatization initiatives; however the resulting increased land pressure in key locations may unwittingly expose inhabitants to even worse drought-linked crises in the future. Bibliogr., notes, sum. in English and French [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Fm;C6 M3 - 399352465 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 149 T1 - The gift of service above self : my African story of engaging rotary to change lives : Emmanuel Katongole A1 - Katongole,Emmanuel A1 - Barungi,Violet Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Omslagtitel KW - autobiographies (form) KW - entrepreneurs KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE EP - IX, 219 CY - Kampala PB - World of Inspiration (U) Ltd U2 - w02 SN - 9970-05004-4 AV - AFRIKA 49369 Y2 - 2016/01/13/ M3 - 397189435 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 139 T1 - The impact of China on the donor landscape in African fragile states A1 - Schiere,Richard Y1 - 2014/// KW - China KW - conflict KW - development cooperation KW - peacebuilding KW - South-South relations KW - State KW - Subsaharan Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 46 EP - 56 JA - IDS Bulletin: (2014), vol.45, no.4, p.46-56. VL - 45 IS - 4 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article analyses the impact of China on the donor landscape in African fragile states. This is undertaken by first discussing the global trends of South-South collaboration as part of the broader post-Busan development debate, and secondly, the specific role of China in four African fragile states, which are respectively Liberia, Angola, Mali and Sudan. The article has two main findings. Firstly, China provides additional development opportunities but is not applying the same development cooperation model as traditional Development Assistance Committee (DAC) donors. This fragmentation of global development cooperation modalities requires capacity to coordinate donors by aid-recipient countries. Secondly, as China's economic interests grow in Africa, it is also expanding its support for regional stability by participating in UN peacekeeping operations. One of the key conditions for China's participation, however, is a clear mandate by an African regional organisation such as the African Union and Regional Economic Communities. This approach ensures that China maintains its principles of respecting national sovereignty and non-interference in the domestic affairs of other countries. Bibliogr., notes, sum. in English and Chinese. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/12/01/ M3 - 400408104 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1759-5436.12092 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 153 T1 - Tunisie : l'Islam local face … l'Islam import‚ A1 - Kasmi,Mohamed Salah Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 219-224. - Met noten KW - Islam KW - Islamic movements KW - Tunisia RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 246 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w02 SN - 2-343-04459-7 pbk AV - AFRIKA 49336 Y2 - 2016/12/01/ M3 - 393458482 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 156 T1 - African customary law : an introduction A1 - Onyango,Peter Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Op omslag: African customary law system Bibliogr.: p. 175-182. - Met gloss., noten KW - Africa KW - customary law RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XXII, 182 CY - Nairobi PB - LawAfrica Publishing (K) Ltd U2 - w02 N2 - Introduction -- The nature of African customary law -- Nature, characteristics, limits -- Praxis of customary law -- The use of customary law in other systems -- Constitutional analysis of customary law -- Genesis and upheavals of customary law -- Quest for integrated system -- Quest for African jurisprudence -- Determining the future -- Critique -- Protagonist in the primitive law -- Summary and conclusion SN - 9966-03134-0 AV - AFRIKA 49368 Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M3 - 397737653 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 157 T1 - Boathouse to Botswana A1 - Green,Nick Y1 - 2013/// KW - Botswana KW - deserts KW - tourism KW - wild animals RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 211 CY - [S.l.] PB - Black Crake Books U2 - w02 SN - 99912-9553-4 AV - AFRIKA 49570 Y2 - 2016/01/13/ M3 - 380242826 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 155 T1 - Living the values and ethics of public service A1 - Woode,Samuel N. Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Met noten KW - civil servants KW - ethics KW - Ghana KW - public services KW - speeches (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 80 CY - Accra PB - Asempa Publishers U2 - w02 SN - 9964-78-443-0 AV - AFRIKA 49405 Y2 - 2016/12/01/ M3 - 397906579 ER - TY - CHAP ID - 166 T1 - "Lord of Heaven" A1 - Marrassini,Paolo Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, ref KW - Christianity KW - Ethiopia KW - mottoes RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 103 EP - 117 U2 - w02 Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M3 - 398118965 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 159 T1 - Admission policy of students with disability in Uganda : is it a hoax? A1 - Kaguhangire-Barifaijo,Maria A1 - Karyeija,Gerald K. Y1 - 2012/// KW - access to education KW - disabled KW - government policy KW - Uganda KW - universities RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 104 EP - 117 JA - The Ugandan Journal of Management and Public Policy Studies: (2012), vol.4, no.1, p.104-117 : ill. VL - 4 IS - 1 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article discusses the inequalities disabled students grapple with in higher education in terms of access and participation. This comes in the wake of Uganda's 2005 government policy that granted 64 slots in public universities to persons with disabilities. This is also supported by numerous laws that have attempted to guard against discrimination of (prospective) disabled students in accessing university education. The article first appreciates the government's efforts and also critiques its failure to vigorously investigate challenges faced by students at a lower level to be able to address issues of equity and equality. It also challenges the government's reluctance to make follow-ups to address challenges faced by these students in their participation. The author concludes that, though a brilliant idea, sufficient research was not carried out to address access and participation challenges of students with disabilities. The article recommends that for such a policy, workable monitoring and evaluation plans are in place to address the numerous equity challenges. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Hf;D2 M3 - 400286599 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 164 T1 - Advancing the role of citizen participation for good governance and sustainable livelihoods in selected African countries A1 - Uregu Ile,Isioma A1 - Mubangizi,Betty Y1 - 2012/// KW - popular participation KW - South Africa KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 18 EP - 35 JA - The Ugandan Journal of Management and Public Policy Studies: (2012), vol.4, no.1, p.18-35 : ill. VL - 4 IS - 1 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper examines citizen participation in governance and resource management in South Africa and Uganda. The authors argue that citizen participation remains in the policy papers and at best at local electoral processes. The paper highlights the successes and failures of citizen participation in the selected countries. It asserts that decentralisation in the two case studies has provided citizens with invited and invented spaces to carve their destiny through participation. The authors argue that citizens should be encouraged to participate and that government should not mask participation to benefit the elite but aIl citizens. The authors offer recommendations and lessons that could help governments to improve citizen participation for sustainable governance and resource management. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Hf;Kf;D2 M3 - 400275775 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 161 T1 - Analyzing capital management and profitability in Kenyan industrial firms A1 - Ndirangu Kungu,James A1 - Onyiego,Zakayo Y1 - 2012/// KW - financial management KW - industry KW - Kenya KW - profit RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 67 EP - 76 JA - The Ugandan Journal of Management and Public Policy Studies: (2012), vol.4, no.1, p.67-76 : tab. VL - 4 IS - 1 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This study looked at eight manufacturing companies listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange for five years from 2006-2010. The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of working capital management components on profitability in the manufacturing industry in Kenya. The results show that there exists a direct relationship between profitability and liquidity in the manufacturing companies in Kenya. A negative relationship exists between average correlation period and cash conversion cycle (r=-o.308 and r=-0.343 respectively) and profitability while average payment period and inventory turnover (r=0.513 and r=0.188) in days showed a positive relationship with profitability. Independent variables explained only 31.7% of the profitability in the investigated manufacturing companies. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Hc;E8 M3 - 400283492 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 170 T1 - Destiny of a horse boy A1 - Mahama,Ibrahim Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Op omslag: An autobiography of Ibrahim Mahama Bibliogr.: p. 452. - Met noten KW - autobiographies (form) KW - Dagomba KW - Ghana KW - political history KW - politicians KW - traditional rulers RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XII, 452 CY - Tamale, Ghana PB - GILLBT Press U2 - w02 SN - 0-533-16139-8 AV - AFRIKA 49404 Y2 - 2016/12/01/ M3 - 397907001 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 158 T1 - Fight against corruption in Tanzania : the positives and challenges A1 - Marijani,Ramadhani Y1 - 2012/// KW - civil service reform KW - corruption KW - Tanzania RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 132 EP - 144 JA - The Ugandan Journal of Management and Public Policy Studies: (2012), vol.4, no.1, p.132-144. VL - 4 IS - 1 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Combating and overcoming corruption in public service is one of the most important challenges facing 21st century public services in most countries. Tanzania is not an exception. This article is about the successes and challenges pertaining to Tanzania's efforts in combating the malaise of corruption in its public service. The article is based on a review of existing literature and is thus theoretical. It examines the nature of corruption in Tanzania's public service, and re-visits the measures that have been put in place to fight corruption. The article then looks at the success attained and challenges faced in the fight against corruption. It concludes that corruption cannot be completely defeated, but efforts to minimize it are possible if there is the necessary political will and commitment. However, the article suggests that any measure to combat corruption must take a holistic and unified approach and it must be implemented parallel at all levels of government based on the principles of legality, transparency, political neutrality, morality and psychological convincing. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - He;D2 M3 - 400287633 ER - TY - CHAP ID - 167 T1 - Harmful practice or ritualised guidance? : reflections on physical punishment as part of socialization among the Bashada of southern Ethiopia A1 - Epple,Susanne Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, ref KW - corporal punishment KW - Ethiopia KW - Hamar RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 69 EP - 102 U2 - w02 Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M3 - 398118809 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 163 T1 - Leasing competence, structure and performance of SMEs in Uganda A1 - Kampumure,Joseph A1 - Nabeta,Nkote A1 - Sserwanga,Arthur Y1 - 2012/// KW - business financing KW - management KW - managers KW - small enterprises KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 36 EP - 45 JA - The Ugandan Journal of Management and Public Policy Studies: (2012), vol.4, no.1, p.36-45 : tab. VL - 4 IS - 1 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This study examines leasing competence, Iease structure and perceived performance among SMEs in Uganda. The authors analyzed the current utilization of lease financing by SMEs as an alternative financing source for their business activities especially where the Ieasing competences of SME managers have been enhanced. They found that lease reviews are usually done after a long period. Furthermore, there was a significant positive relationship between leasing competence and lease structure and perceived performance while the lease structure was the most significant predictor of SME performance. The authors conclude that the performance of the lessee depends very much on the competence of the SME managers and the Iease structure and thus recommend continued enhancement of the competence of SME managers manage the leased assets effectively. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Hf;D2 M3 - 400280043 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 165 T1 - Managing elections in Africa : the case of the 2010 general elections in Tanzania A1 - Mutahaba,Gelase R. A1 - Kweyamba,Audax B. Y1 - 2012/// KW - 2010 KW - election management bodies KW - elections KW - Tanzania RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 1 EP - 17 JA - The Ugandan Journal of Management and Public Policy Studies: (2012), vol.4, no.1, p.1-17. VL - 4 IS - 1 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article assesses the management of the 2010 general elections in Tanzania.The assessment specifically dwells on four dimensions namely the independence and impartiality of the National Electoral Commission (NEC), Iogistics and resources capacity, new managerial inventions for improving elections management, and the role and performance of both the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) and the office of Registrar of Political Parties (RPP) in managing the elections. OveraII, the article demonstrates that the 2010 elections were better managed in comparison to the first three multiparty elections held in 1995, 2000 and 2005. In spite of the overall impressive performance, the article shows that there are a number of limitations. These include: contentious legal and institutional framework, questionable independence of the NEC, absence of permanent NEC permanent staff at regional and lower levels, and logistics and infrastructure capacity limitations. The article identifies issues and areas that need further research and intervention in the context of the noted constraints in managing future elections in Tanzania. Bibliogr., notes, ref. sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - He;D2 M3 - 400274124 ER - TY - CHAP ID - 168 T1 - New archaeological evidence in the area of Addigrat (Eastern Tgray) A1 - Sernicola,Luisa Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, ref KW - churches KW - Ethiopia RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 61 EP - 67 U2 - w02 Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M3 - 398118078 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 171 T1 - Poverty reduction and the national development process : the Gulu district mini-participatory poverty assessment report Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 65-66 KW - poverty reduction KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XIII, 66 CY - Uganda PB - Economic Development and Policy Research Department U2 - w02 AV - AFRIKA A12193 Y2 - 2016/01/15/ M3 - 392538776 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 162 T1 - Prenatal care and childbirth weight in Uganda and Tanzania A1 - Bbaale,Edward A1 - Buyinza,Faisal Y1 - 2012/// KW - child health KW - health education KW - maternal and child health care KW - pregnancy KW - Tanzania KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 46 EP - 66 JA - The Ugandan Journal of Management and Public Policy Studies: (2012), vol.4, no.1, p.46-66 : graf., tab. VL - 4 IS - 1 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - About 20 million (17%) children, 95% of which are in less developed countries, are born with low birth weight. Prenatal care is widely accepted as a channel for reducing the hazard of delivering preterm or a low birth weight baby. This study set out to investigate the relationship between prenatal care components and childbirth weight for children born in the five years preceding the survey in Uganda and Tanzania. The key explanatory variables included prenatal visits, prenatal care delay, tetanus immunization, and prenatal care content. The findings reveal that the average childbirth weight is 3,4 kg in Uganda and 3,2 kg in Tanzania. The average number of prenatal care visits is 3.7 and 4.1 for Uganda and Tanzania, respectively. On average, women in the two countries initiate first prenatal visits at about 5 months of pregnancy. On average, Tanzanian women outperformed Ugandan counterparts in the utilization of antenatal care content. Quantitative findings reveal that tetanus immunization, antenatal visits, antenatal care delay, and antenatal care content are significantly associated with childbirth weight. The authors argue that mass dissemination of health information would close knowledge gaps existing amongst prospective mothers concerning the importance of prenatal visits, timing and content. They see a need to standardize the health information disseminated to women across regions and locations in order to ensure that all receive the same reproductive knowledge. Establishment of village outreach clinics with qualified staff would help to attract the hard-to-reach women. App., bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Hf;He;I1 M3 - 400282453 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 160 T1 - Service delivery : the clash between elected and appointed public officials A1 - Kiwanuka,Micheal Y1 - 2012/// KW - central-local government relations KW - decentralization KW - local government KW - public services KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 77 EP - 87 JA - The Ugandan Journal of Management and Public Policy Studies: (2012), vol.4, no.1, p.77-87 : ill. VL - 4 IS - 1 U2 - w02 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Developing countries, especially in Africa, have in the last two decades enhanced decentralization as an administrative-political reform strategy believed to accelerate effective public service delivery and thus salvage the states' credibility. Uganda has since 1993, been implementing an ambitious devolution form of decentralization through which planning and decision-making power, administrative authority, and a sizable amount of resources were evolved to local governments. One of the biggest challenges of Uganda's decentralization system is the conflicting interface between the elected and appointed public officials in local governments. This paper adopts a documentary review approach to explore the interface between the elected and appointed officials in local governments in Uganda. It then analyses the implications of this conflicting interaction for service delivery in local governments of Uganda. The paper concludes that this conflicting interface threatens service delivery by suffocating public participation, undermining accountability, eroding public trust and, consequently, defeating the whole essence of decentralization. The paper recommends that the interface be strengthened through operationalizing the legal and institutional structures and the nurturing of centre-periphery relationships. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M1 - Hf;D2 M3 - 400284928 ER - TY - CHAP ID - 169 T1 - The northern Horn of Africa in the first millennium BCE : local traditions and external connections A1 - Fattovich,Rodolfo Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, ref KW - archaeology KW - Eritrea KW - Ethiopia KW - ethnogenesis RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 1 EP - 60 U2 - w02 Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M3 - 398117810 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 176 T1 - Centralization and political changes : Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the ecclesiastical and political challenges in contemporary times A1 - Ancel,St‚phane Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, ref KW - Church and State KW - Ethiopia KW - Ethiopian Church KW - political change RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 1 EP - 26 JA - Rassegna di studi Etiopici: (2011), vol.3 (n.s.), p.1-26. VL - 3 (n.s.) U2 - w02 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M3 - 39811420X ER - TY - BOOK ID - 177 T1 - Fireside stories A1 - Afuh,Margaret Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Oorspr.uitg.: 2009 KW - Cameroon KW - fables (form) KW - folk tales (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - VIII, 161 CY - Bamenda PB - Patron Publishing House U2 - w02 SN - 995-611069-8 AV - AFRIKA 49402 Y2 - 2016/12/01/ M3 - 397995814 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 175 T1 - History and conflict in Africa : de experience of Ethiopia-Eritrea and Rwanda A1 - Zewde,Bahru Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Bibliogr., note KW - conflict KW - Eritrea KW - Ethiopia KW - genocide KW - Rwanda KW - war RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 27 EP - 39 JA - Rassegna di studi Etiopici: (2011), vol.3 (n.s.), p.27-39. VL - 3 (n.s.) U2 - w02 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M3 - 398116806 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 178 T1 - IMF no Pal cio do Governador A1 - Silva,Hildovil A1 - Sadjo,IramÆ Y1 - 2011/// KW - crime novels (form) KW - Guinea-Bissau KW - youth literature (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 154 CY - Bissau PB - Ku Si Mon Editora U2 - w02 AV - AFRIKA Lit.9983 Y2 - 2016/01/15/ M3 - 395034140 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 174 T1 - Some light on an Arabic treatise by ay Sayyid Muammad dq (1897-1977) A1 - Muhammed,Endris Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, ref KW - Arabic language KW - documents KW - Ethiopia KW - intellectuals KW - political history RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 167 EP - 184 JA - Rassegna di studi Etiopici: (2011), vol.3 (n.s.), p.167-184. VL - 3 (n.s.) U2 - w02 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M3 - 398116938 ER - TY - CHAP ID - 172 T1 - The Ethiopic version of the "Story of Ahiqar" ("M„af„ iqar") A1 - Lusini,Gianfrancesco Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, ref KW - Ethiopia KW - Ge'ez language KW - manuscripts RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 219 EP - 248 U2 - w02 Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M3 - 398117497 ER - TY - CHAP ID - 173 T1 - Two circular diagrams in a royal Ethiopic manuscript ((EMML ms. 50) : context and meaning A1 - Heldman,Marilyn Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, ref KW - Ethiopia KW - manuscripts KW - symbols RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 185 EP - 218 U2 - w02 Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M3 - 398117322 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 179 T1 - The country we want to live in : hate crimes and homophobia in the lives of black lesbian South Africans The country we want to live in : hate crimes and homophobia in the lives of black lesbian South Africans A1 - Mkhize,Nonhlanhla Y1 - 2010/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 55-63. - Met noten KW - discrimination KW - lesbianism KW - South Africa KW - violence RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XII, 66 CY - Cape Town PB - HSRC Press U2 - w02 T3 - Policy analysis and capacity enhancement research programme occasional paper ; 1 SN - 978-0-7969-2341-7 AV - AFRIKA 49526 Y2 - 2016/01/15/ M3 - 334435161 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 180 T1 - No canto l£gubre da verdade A1 - Ferreira,dison Y1 - 2009/// KW - Guinea-Bissau KW - poetry (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 87 CY - Rep£blica da Guin‚-Bissau PB - Edi‡äes Agis U2 - w02 AV - AFRIKA Lit.9979 Y2 - 2016/01/15/ M3 - 394584058 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 181 T1 - As ora‡äes de Mansata A1 - Sila,Abdulai Y1 - 2007/// N1 - Met gloss., noten KW - drama (form) KW - Guinea-Bissau RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 112 CY - Bissau PB - Ku Si Mon Editora U2 - w02 N2 - A play AV - AFRIKA Lit.9984 Y2 - 2016/01/15/ M3 - 395066921 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 182 T1 - The national primary school curriculum for Uganda Y1 - 2006/// N1 - Bevat: Primary 1 ; Primary 2 ; Primary 3 KW - curriculum KW - primary education KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 3 CY - Kampala PB - NCDC, Ministry of Education and Sports U2 - w02 SN - 978-9970-11705-5 (Primary 3) AV - AFRIKA A11965.1 Y2 - 2016/01/15/ M3 - 382954319 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 184 T1 - African spirituality : (an anthology of Igbo religious myths) A1 - Onunwa,Udobata R. Y1 - 2005/// N1 - Oorspr. uitg.: Darmstadt : Thesen Verlag, 1992 Bibliogr.: p. 185-187. - Met bijl KW - African religions KW - Igbo KW - myths KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 187 CY - Bury St Edmunds PB - Arima Publishing U2 - w02 SN - 1-8454-9057-6 AV - AFRIKA 49556 Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M3 - 317783092 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 203 T1 - Annual report Y1 - 2005/// N1 - Annual KW - community development KW - development cooperation KW - Ethiopia RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia PB - DAG/UNDP U1 - Free access. U2 - w02 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/12/01/ M3 - 400412128 L3 - http://www.asclibrary.nl/docs/400412128.htm ER - TY - BOOK ID - 183 T1 - The glory days : soccer legends of Ghana's Gold Coast A1 - Ohene,Alexander Ayim Y1 - 2005/// N1 - Foreword by: His Excellency Isaac Osei, Ghana High Commissioner, London"--cover Adjaye James -- Asebi-Boakye -- Aggrey-Fynn -- Adarkwa Kwame -- Acquah Edward -- Amadu-Akuse -- Baba-Yara -- Ananti-Ankrah, Albert -- Appiah Kwame -- Dua Kwaku -- Oduro-Mosquito -- Annin Kofi -- Akuffo Fred -- Ofei-Dodoo -- Osei-Kofi -- E.O. Oblitey -- Addo-Odametey -- Adu-Darko -- Mfum Wilberforce -- Ampofo, Alexander A. -- E.C. Briandt -- Dogo Moro -- Badu Kobina (Coker) -- C.K. Gyamfi -- Ben. (Simmons) Akyeampong -- Opoku-Mensah -- Salisu Mohammadu -- R.M. Aggrey -- Rockson George -- Ben Sissu -- Boateng Edmund -- Kwao Baffoe -- Addo-Quaye Laryea -- Duncan -- Dodoo-Ankrah KW - biographical dictionaries (form) KW - football KW - Ghana RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XX, 100 CY - [Ghana] PB - Alexene Limited U2 - w02 N2 - "The history of Ghana football can be described as a game of two halves. Up to the late 1960s the era when Ghana enjoyed the physical ascendancy in the sport, success was taken for granted. Today, we have looked like a low-minded third force heading to near disintegration. Maybe cherishing the glorious past and pondering over the gloomy present may help prepare for the better future." (Book cover) AV - AFRIKA 49400 Y2 - 2016/01/13/ M3 - 39799608X ER - TY - BOOK ID - 185 T1 - An account of the manners and customs of the modern Egyptians : the definitive 1860 edition A1 - Lane,Edward William A1 - Thompson,Jason Y1 - 2003/// N1 - Oorspr. uitg.: London : C. Knight and Co., 1837-1846. - 2 dl Met bijl., index, lit.opg., noten KW - culture KW - customs KW - Egypt KW - social life RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XXIII, 619 CY - Cairo [etc.] PB - American University in Cairo Press U2 - w02 SN - 977-424-784-1 AV - AFRIKA 49560 Y2 - 2016/11/01/ M3 - 268314519 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 186 T1 - Living conditions and poverty profile in Cameroon in 2001 : final results Y1 - 2002/// N1 - In ringband Met noten, samenvatting KW - Cameroon KW - living conditions KW - poverty RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 115 CY - [Yaound‚] PB - Bureau of Statistics and National Account, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Republic of Cameroon U1 - Fotokopie ; References ontbreken. U2 - w02 AV - AFRIKA A12281 Y2 - 2016/01/15/ M3 - 395610494 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 187 T1 - Animal drawn mechanisation of field work for subsistence based small farms in South-West Niger : technical and interdisciplinary investigations A1 - Frick,Thomas Y1 - 2001/// N1 - Tevens proefschrift Universit„t Hohenheim, 2001 Bibliogr.: p. 128-140. - Met bijl., noten, bibliogr. bij de hoofdstukken, samenvattingen in het Duits, Engels en Frans KW - agricultural mechanization KW - animal traction KW - Niger KW - small farms KW - subsistence farming RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XI, 142 CY - Beuren [etc.] PB - Verlag Grauer U2 - w02 SN - 3-86186-364-2 AV - AFRIKA 49082 Y2 - 2016/01/14/ M3 - 254490417 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 188 T1 - Agriculture et d‚veloppement rural des zones de savane d'Afrique Centrale (Cameroun, Centrafrique, Tchad) : bibliographie extraite de la base de donn‚es Agritrop/Cirad A1 - Duchamp,Marie Christine Y1 - 2000/// N1 - Met indices KW - agriculture KW - bibliographies (form) KW - Cameroon KW - Central Africa KW - Central African Republic KW - Chad KW - rural development RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 228 CY - [S. l. PB - s. n.] U2 - w02 AV - AFRIKA A12284 Y2 - 2016/01/15/ M3 - 395611482 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 189 T1 - valuation et suivi de la dynamique de la biomasse ligneuse dans la Province de l'Extrˆme-Nord Cameroun : rapport de recherche A1 - Fotsing,Eric Y1 - 1997/// N1 - Bibliogr.: bl. 41-42. - Met samenvatting in het Engels en Frans KW - Cameroon KW - forests KW - landscape KW - remote sensing RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 45 CY - Maroua PB - Centre de l'Environnement et du D‚veloppement au Cameroun, Universit‚ de Dschang, Cameroun U2 - w02 AV - AFRIKA A12282 Y2 - 2016/01/15/ M3 - 395610788 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 190 T1 - Block cultivation in Cameroon : a case-study of conflicts of interest and communication problems wihin a development corporation A1 - Geurts,Petra Y1 - 1996/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [54]-56. - Met bijl., noten KW - agricultural policy KW - Cameroon KW - cotton KW - government departments KW - institutions RP - NOT IN FILE EP - II, 56 CY - [Leiden PB - Programme d'Environnement et D‚veloppement, Centre des tudes de l'Environnement, Universit‚ de Leiden] U2 - w02 T3 - Environment and development student report ; no. 57 AV - AFRIKA A12196 Y2 - 2016/01/15/ M3 - 39261958X ER - TY - BOOK ID - 192 T1 - "Caract‚risation de la composante v‚g‚tale cultiv‚e et non cultiv‚e pr‚sent‚s sur les diff‚rents types de terrasses inventori‚es dans le bassin versant de Djingliya et d‚termination de la profondeur du sol dans chaque type de terrasse" A1 - Maaba,Gabriel Y1 - 1995/// N1 - In ringband Rapport de stage optionel, 3e Ann‚e Foresterie, Facult‚ d'Agronomie et des Sciences Agricoles, Universit‚ de Dschang Bibliogr.: bl. 18. - Met bijl KW - Cameroon KW - flora KW - soils RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 1 CY - [S.l. PB - s.n.] U2 - w02 AV - AFRIKA A12106 Y2 - 2016/12/01/ M3 - 391599267 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 191 T1 - The rural woman and the importance of fuelwood in household energy consumption in the Diamare division of the Far North Province, Cameroon A1 - Awah,Bridget S. Y1 - 1995/// N1 - In ringband Vermelding op titelp.: Professional internship, March to August 1995 at the Centre of Environment and Development Studies in Cameroon (C.E.D.C.) Report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the diploma of "Ing‚nieur d'Agriculture", Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences F.A.S.A. (Ex-INADER), University of Dschang Bibliogr.: bl. 52-53 - Met bijl., samenvattingen in het Engels en Frans KW - Cameroon KW - fuelwood KW - households KW - rural women RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XIII CY - [S.l. PB - s.n.] U2 - w02 AV - AFRIKA A12285 Y2 - 2016/01/15/ M3 - 395646952 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 193 T1 - R‚gime alimentaire de la pintade casqu‚e (Numida meleagris galeata Pallas) du Parc National de Waza, Extrˆme-Nord Cameroun A1 - Hebou,Luc Y1 - 1994/// N1 - M‚moire pr‚sent‚ en vue de l'obtention du dipl“me d'ing‚nieur des eaux, forˆts et chasses, D‚partement de Forest‚rie, Facult‚ d'Agronomie et des Sciences Agricoles, Universit‚ de Dschang Bibliogr.: bl. 55-57. - Met bijl., samenvatting in het Engels en Frans KW - birds KW - Cameroon KW - national parks and reserves RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XIII, 72 CY - [S.l. PB - s.n.] U2 - w02 AV - AFRIKA A12279 Y2 - 2016/01/15/ M3 - 395606926 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 194 T1 - Research with telemetry on guineafowl, Numida meleagris at Waza National Park, Cameroun : a study on home-range size, dispersion and group size of grey breasted helmeted guineafowl Numida melegris galeata pallas in Waza National Park, Cameroun A1 - Schaftenaar,Aat Y1 - 1994/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [19]. - Met bijl., noot, samenvatting in het Engels en Frans KW - birds KW - Cameroon KW - national parks and reserves RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 7 CY - [Leiden PB - Programme d'Environnement et D‚veloppement, Centre des tudes de l'Environnement, Universit‚ de Leiden] U2 - w02 T3 - Environment and development student report ; no. 30 AV - AFRIKA A12202 Y2 - 2016/01/15/ M3 - 392778882 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 195 T1 - Sustainable land-use and social change : a study on ecological knowledge, soil & water management and social dynamics of Mafa in North Cameroon A1 - Oostrum,Kiky van Y1 - 1994/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 130-137. - Met bijl., noten KW - Cameroon KW - land use KW - social change KW - sustainable development RP - NOT IN FILE EP - VI, 137 CY - [Leiden PB - Programme Environment and Development, Centre for Environmental Studies, University of Leiden] U2 - w02 T3 - Environment and development student report ; no. 25 AV - AFRIKA A12184 Y2 - 2016/01/15/ M3 - 392506939 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 196 T1 - Een vloedvlakte in beweging : onderzoek naar de invloed van de dam bij Zilim op de meerjarige grasvegetatie van de Logone-vloedvlakte in Noord-Kameroen A1 - Broers,Jan Dirk A1 - Steenis,Marcel Z. Y1 - 1992/// N1 - Afstudeeropdracht IAH - Tropische bosbouw, Larenstein, Velp Bibliogr.: bl. 36-37. - Met bijl., samenvatting KW - Cameroon KW - dams KW - grasslands RP - NOT IN FILE EP - III, 37 CY - Velp PB - IAH Larenstein U2 - w02 AV - AFRIKA A12283 Y2 - 2016/01/15/ M3 - 39561127X ER - TY - BOOK ID - 197 T1 - Sewe dae by die Silbersteins A1 - Leroux,Etienne Y1 - 1991/// N1 - 1e dr.: 1962 KW - novels (form) KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 156 CY - Kaapstad PB - Human & Rousseau U2 - w02 SN - 0-7981-2806-2 pbk AV - AFRIKA Lit.10040 Y2 - 2016/01/15/ M3 - 397187254 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 198 T1 - Rurale milieuproblemen in Afrika : vijftien scripties gebundeld A1 - Schrader,Ted A1 - Hoedemaker,Rachelle Y1 - 1989/// N1 - De scriptiewerkgroep vormt een onderdeel van het propadeutisch examen van de studie culturele antropologie/sociologie der niet-westerse samenlevingen van de Rijksuniversiteit Leiden Met bibliogr KW - Africa KW - ecology KW - environment KW - environmental policy KW - social development RP - NOT IN FILE EP - II, 190 CY - Leiden PB - [s.n.] U2 - w02 N2 - Deze bundel is het eindprodukt van de scriptiewerkgroep "Rurale milieuproblemen in Afrika", georganiseerd in de periode april-juni 1989 in het kader van de studie culturele antropologie / sociologie der niet-westerse samenlevingen van de Rijksuniversiteit Leiden. De bundel bevat 15 scripties, die zijn ondergebracht in drie hoofdstukken: I Milieu en sociaal-economische ontwikkeling; II Aanpassing aan sociale en ecologische veranderingen; III Onderzoek en beleid. Titels van de sripties: 1 Afbrokkelende eilanden voor de Westkust van Afrika: erosie in Kaap Verde (Rachelle Hoedemaker); 2 Ontbossing in lvoorkust (Titia Sprey); 3. Milieuproblemen in Zaire: erosie en ontbossing (Hilde Apers); 4. Verbrand eiland: vegetatiebranden als specifieke vorm van ontbossing in West-Madagascar (Yvonne van der Pol); 5. Nomaden in Soedan: een veranderende samenleving in een veranderende omgeving (Ingrid Heuvelman); 6. De kloof: de discrepantfe tussen de Kel Air enerzijds en de overheid en de ontwikkelingsorganisaties anderzijds (Elca Stigter); 7. De Fulbe in Nigeria en de Touareg in Niger: een vergelijking (Monica Randwijk); 8. De Mbuti in het lturi woud: sociale en ecologische veranderingen (Evia van den Berg); 9 Een nieuwe benadering van erosieproblemen: Zuid-Mali (Marijn Wiersma); 10. Handelsgewassen in West-Afrika ten zuiden van de Sahara: een opgedrongen feit (Cecile Vink); 11. De gevolgen van de bouw van de Hoge Dam bij Aswan op de voedselvoorziening in Egypte (Sander Hartman); 12. Brazlliaanse indianen: bedreigd door de zondvloed (Jos‚ van den Berg); 13. Anti-verwoestijningsbeleld betreffende veeteelt in de Sahel: de Fulani in Noord-Nigeria (Paul Laagwater); 14. Kleine irrigatieprojecten in de Senegal-vallei: een duurzame bijdrage aan de voedselproduktie? (Jeanne Abdulla); 11. Herbebossing op lokaal- niveau (Margriet Veenma). [Samenvatting ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA A12278 Y2 - 2016/01/15/ M3 - 395606411 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 199 T1 - Infomap studiegroep Regional Conservation Strategy voor Noord Kameroen A1 - Toornstra,Franke A1 - Wit,Antje de Y1 - 1988/// N1 - Omslagtitel Met bijl KW - Cameroon KW - environment KW - environmental management KW - Netherlands KW - research centres RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 40 CY - [Leiden PB - Programme Environment and Development, Centre of Environmental Science, Leiden University] U2 - w02 AV - AFRIKA A12280 Y2 - 2016/01/15/ M3 - 395607841 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 200 T1 - Bewijzen rurale centra boeren een dienst? : een onderzoek naar het funktioneren van dienstencentra in rurale ontwikkeling, het voorbeeld van de cercle Tominian, Mali A1 - Andriessen,Mirjam A1 - Gorkum,Elske van Y1 - 1987/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 170-173. - Met bijl., noot KW - farmers KW - health centres KW - infrastructure KW - Mali KW - public services KW - rural development RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 173 CY - Utrecht PB - Vakgroep SGO, Fakulteit der Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht U2 - w02 AV - AFRIKA A12203 Y2 - 2016/01/15/ M3 - 392779234 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 202 T1 - Analyse van het rapport en de kaart van J. Vitringa Coulon (1959) analyse van de beschrijving van de reis die Schnerr gemaakt heeft (1860) A1 - Kappers,Roeloff Y1 - 1980/// N1 - Omslagtitel In map Met noten KW - 1850-1859 KW - Ghana KW - livelihoods KW - maps (form) KW - place names KW - topography KW - trade RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 36 CY - Den Haag PB - Auteur U2 - w02 AV - AFRIKA A11944 Y2 - 2016/01/15/ M3 - 380637758 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 201 T1 - The people shall govern : an overview of the Freedom Charter A1 - Ramgobim,Mewa Y1 - -32676/// N1 - Omslagtitel KW - African National Congress (South Africa) KW - anti-apartheid resistance KW - civil and political rights KW - party programmes KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 39 CY - Durban PB - Centre for Cultural and Media Studies, University of Natal U2 - w02 T3 - Occasional paper / University of Natal ; no. 2 SN - 0-86980-791-9 AV - AFRIKA Hc8050 Y2 - 2016/01/13/ M3 - 377522481 ER -