TY - JOUR ID - 913 T1 - 'Responsibility to protect' and the African Union : assessing the AU's capacity to respond to regional complex humanitarian and political emergencies A1 - Freire,Maria Raquel A1 - Lopes,Paula Duarte A1 - Nascimento,Daniela Y1 - 2016/// KW - Africa KW - African Union KW - regional security KW - responsibility to protect RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 223 EP - 241 JA - African Security Review: (2016), vol.25, no.3, p.223-241. VL - 25 IS - 3 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Despite its many institutional and political weaknesses and limitations, the African Union (AU) has been developing a variety of tools and mechanisms to respond effectively to complex disasters and emergencies (both natural and manmade) by building up a comprehensive regional security architecture. Furthermore, it has become the first and only regional or international organisation to enshrine the principle of 'responsibility to protect' (R2P) in its Constitutive Act. This regional approach to and formal endorsement of the R2P principle allowed it to assume a particular place in the promotion of peace and security in its area. This article aims to critically assess the effectiveness of the AU on the African continent by exploring its real capacity in preventing and responding to emergencies and violent conflicts, and therefore in rendering the principle of R2P operational. The article argues that the formalisation of principles does not necessarily mean their effective implementation. The organisation's use of the R2P principle is also greatly conditioned by internal and external factors. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/02/27/ M1 - Ba;D4 M3 - 406353484 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10246029.2016.1176936 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 900 T1 - Change management in TVET colleges : lessons learnt from the field of practice A1 - Boka,Kedibone A1 - Paterson,Andrew A1 - Kraak,Andr‚ Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten KW - South Africa KW - technical education KW - vocational education RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XXIII, 119 CY - Cape Town PB - African Minds U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The 'triple challenge' of poverty, inequality and unemployment weighs heavily on South Africa's social, political and economic fabric. Expectations have been high that the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges can make a pivotal contribution to counter these challenges. Despite laudable increases in TVET enrolment, the demand for post school further education and training (FET) band qualifications from young people not in education, employment or training remains insufficiently met. It is, furthermore, vital to secure adequate quality in TVET programmes which depend very much on the competence and commitment of college lecturers. This collective volume offers papers on the history and development of TVET programmes, as well as its current issues and challenges. Titles: Introduction : Perspectives on programmes, projects and policies in the TVET colleges / Andrew Paterson -- 1. Three decades of restructuring in further education colleges : divergent outcomes across differing global vocational education and training systems / Ande Kraak -- 2. Unfinished business : managing the transformation of further education and training colleges / Anthony Gewer -- 3. Throwing good money after bad : barriers South African vocational teachers experience in becoming competent educators / Ronel Blom -- 4. A climate for change? Vertical and horizontal collegial relations in TVET colleges / Volker Wedekind and Zanele Buthelezi -- 5. Preparing TVET college graduates for the workplace : employers' views / Joy Papier, Seamus Needham, Nigel Prinsloo and Timothy McBride -- 6. What will it take to turn TVET colleges around? Evaluation of a large-scale college improvement programme / Carmel Marock, Eleanor Hazell and Bina Akoobhai. [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 978-1-928331-33-9 AV - AFRIKA 51314 Y2 - 2017/02/28/ M1 - Kf;G1 M3 - 407935584 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 906 T1 - Citoyennet‚ et R‚publique dans le constitutionnalisme africain A1 - Keudieu de Keudieu,John Richard Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Notes, r‚f KW - Africa KW - citizenship KW - constitutionalism KW - State RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 348 EP - 378 JA - Revue juridique et politique des tats francophones: (2016), ann‚e 70, no.3, p.348-378. VL - 70 IS - 3 U2 - w09 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M3 - 407477721 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 890 T1 - Community leadership in urban informal neighbourhoods : micro-politics and micro-administration in informal settlements in Cape Town A1 - Drivdal,Laura Y1 - 2016/// KW - communities KW - governance KW - informal settlements KW - leadership KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 275 EP - 295 JA - Urban Forum: (2016), vol.27, no.3, p.275-295. VL - 27 IS - 3 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - With the diversity of non-state governance actors in the urban Global South, detailed insights are needed into various categories of actors at the local scale. This paper concentrates on community leadership, which has arguably been neglected in urban studies. While it has been shown that a central aspect of community leadership is the constant need to negotiate legitimacy in relation to both state institutions (the top) and the constituency (the bottom), this paper focuses on relationships at the bottom. Community leaders are viewed as a form of government involved in several historically developed practices of dealing with community-specific concerns. Based on insights from field visits to informal settlements in Cape Town, four sets of practices are described: intermediary practices, internal conflict mediation, migration business regulation and mobilisation. Through engaging in these practices, leaders are constructed as community activists, public servants, regulators of order, administrators and political representatives. This indicates that in spaces of informality, governance might take forms similar to formal governments, albeit lacking a separation or clear boundary between administrative and political leadership. Adding to the theorising of community leadership in urban studies, this paper demonstrates the usefulness of acknowledging and analysing administrative aspects of community leadership in addition to the political ones. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/02/27/ M1 - Kf;D2 M3 - 409016748 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12132-016-9289-5 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 899 T1 - Compagnon! : journal d'un noussi en guerre : 2002-2011 A1 - Garvey,Marcus Mausiah A1 - Arnaut,Karel Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met noten KW - autobiographies (form) KW - civil wars KW - C“te d'Ivoire KW - militias KW - sociolects KW - urban life RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XXIV, 484 CY - Mankon PB - Langaa Research & Publishing CIG U2 - w09 N2 - "Compagnon! : journal d'un noussi en guerre : 2002-2011" raconte la vie tant intime que professionnelle de Garvey dont une partie importante s'est d‚roul‚e pendant 'les ann‚es d'instabilit‚' en C“te d'Ivoire. Pendant cette p‚riode Garvey a jou‚ un r“le substantiel dans l'histoire d'un groupement d'autod‚fense appel‚ FLGO-Abidjan. AprŠs le d‚nouement de la crise politico-militaire d'avril 2011, Garvey r‚sume sa vie difficile de d‚ception, de pr‚carit‚ et de t‚nacit‚ ; tout en Nouchi, le patois qu'il cultive autant dans cette autobiographie que dans sa vie citadine quotidienne : "Ce que moi je peux retenir, c'est que mon Noussiya s'est d‚dja sur les ways des babatchˆs qui nous gŠrent, c'est tous des soy‚s, gammer pour se faire djˆh, toujours djˆh, seulement djˆh, uniquement djˆh. Mais on n'a pas douff‚ dans vos gnam“g“ya, on peut continuer … ripopo." ("Je retiens que ma sagacit‚ s'est greff‚e sur les agissements des ‚lites qui nous commandent. Ce sont tous des corrompus, manuvrant pour se faire de l'argent, toujours de l'argent, seulement de l'argent, uniquement de l'argent. Mais leurs d‚portements n'ont pas pu me tuer ; je peux toujours essayer de m'avancer.") SN - 995-676338-1 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51258 Y2 - 2017/02/28/ M3 - 407936483 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 893 T1 - Dead President walking : cartoons from Mail & Guardian, Sunday times and The Times A1 - Zapiro Y1 - 2016/// KW - cartoons (form) KW - politics KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 160 CY - Auckland Park PB - Jacana U2 - w09 N2 - Contains cartoons by Jonathan Shapiro, an award-winning South African cartoonist SN - 1-431-42432-3 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51405 Y2 - 2017/02/28/ M3 - 408713259 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 885 T1 - Establishing stable beginnings through alternative channels: voluntary association membership, marriage, and women's socioeconomic welfare in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso A1 - Boswell,Kathryn V. Y1 - 2016/// KW - Burkina Faso KW - financial management KW - marriage KW - women RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 71 EP - 91 JA - Africa Today: (2016), vol.62, no.3, p.71-91. VL - 62 IS - 3 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Obstacles to marriage have long occupied literature on marriage in sub-Saharan Africa. Many young women in urban Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, undergo this rite of passage despite financial constraints, but their marriages remain problematic from their perspective. Attainment of this new status through communally recognized means should leave them with feelings of socioeconomic security, yet many express the opposite. They link their insecurity to the conditions under which they married and use the terms manage cadeau and manage credit to describe marriages with undesirable beginnings. This paper examines how some use the resources available through voluntary associations and rotating credit groups in marriage to lay a strong foundation upon which successful marriages are built. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M1 - Fc;C8 M3 - 409054321 L3 - https://login.ezproxy.leidenuniv.nl:2443/login?URL=http://search. ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=112869631&site=ehost-live ER - TY - JOUR ID - 908 T1 - Fostering nonviolent elections in Africa through conflict-sensitive reportage of elections A1 - Adebayo,Joseph Olusegun Y1 - 2016/// KW - Africa KW - elections KW - journalism KW - peace KW - political violence KW - press RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 303 EP - 315 JA - African Security Review: (2016), vol.25, no.3, p.303-315. VL - 25 IS - 3 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Given that most Africans view political aspirants in terms of their ethnic and religious lineage rather than political ideology, and since most Africans rely on the media for information, there is a tendency to fall prey to biased and insensitive reportage, capable of inciting violence elicited by the prejudiced information often presented as news, features, commentaries, documentaries, etc. This article hypothesises that with appropriate training on conflict-sensitive reportage, journalists can foster peaceful and nonviolent elections through their reportage. The article recommends the adoption of an alternative method of news reportage using the peace-journalism model. The model, developed by Jake Lynch and Annabel McGoldrick, encourages journalists to report social issues in ways that create opportunities for a society to consider and value nonviolent responses toward conflict by using the insights from conflict analysis and transformation to update concepts of balance, fairness and accuracy in reporting. It also provides a new route map that traces the connections between journalists, their sources, the stories they cover and the consequences of their reportage. In addition, it builds awareness of nonviolence and brings creativity into the practical job of everyday editing and reporting. This article holds theoretical significance in that it explicitly identifies conditions that encourage journalists to apply conflict sensitivity to their reportage, thereby promoting societal peace, particularly during elections. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/02/27/ M1 - Ba;A4 M3 - 406353530 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10246029.2016.1191521 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 884 T1 - Introduction: new insights on marriage and Africa A1 - Hunter,Mark Y1 - 2016/// KW - Africa KW - African studies KW - marriage RP - NOT IN FILE SP - vi EP - xv JA - Africa Today: (2016), vol.62, no.3, p.vi-xv. VL - 62 IS - 3 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - In this introductory article, the editor discusses various reports within the issue on topics including transnational marriage, migration and polygamy in Africa. African studies have moved away from foregrounding marriage, partly because the subject has become associated with paradigms, particularly structural functionalism, that themselves have fallen from grace. A new generation of scholars has embraced fresh areas, most notably love and sexuality. Over the last twenty years, perhaps the most significant development has been the attempt by the HIV/AIDS industry to conceptualize and intervene in a discrete world of African sexuality. Along the way, some of the detail and richness of marriage has been lost, with important consequences. What this special issue offers is an insistence on detail within new frameworks, such as love and transnationalism, which can reinvigorate a theme that, even in its relative absence, remains vitally important to all. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M1 - Ba;C8 M3 - 40905433X L3 - https://login.ezproxy.leidenuniv.nl:2443/login?URL=http://search. ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=112869627&site=ehost-live ER - TY - JOUR ID - 887 T1 - Johannesburg (South Africa) inner city African immigrant traders : pathways from poverty? A1 - Moyo,I. A1 - Nicolau,M.D. A1 - Gumbo,Trynos Y1 - 2016/// KW - Africans KW - immigrants KW - informal sector KW - market vendors KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 329 EP - 345 JA - Urban forum VL - 27 IS - 3 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - By deploying various perspectives on urban informality as an analytical lens, this paper explores why African immigrant traders in the Johannesburg (South Africa) inner city have resorted to informal street trading, in the midst of challenges relating to, among others, harassment by regulatory authorities and lack of the necessary trading licences. Using a qualitative study of 40 African immigrant traders, this study suggests as simplistic the explanation that African immigrant traders continue to set up businesses and trade in the Johannesburg inner city, because they were only escaping from, among others, poverty and exploitation. Insights from this study seem to suggest that they also engage in street trading because of the lure of less or no stringent controls and the possibility of earning higher incomes. Such insights seem to complicate the perception by African immigrant traders that they engaged in street trading simply because of discrimination, xenophobia and the devaluing of their qualifications. This raises implications regarding the complexity of reasons why African immigrants in a setting like the Johannesburg inner city engage in street trading. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] SN - 1874-6330 AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/02/27/ M1 - Kf;E7 M3 - 409032670 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12132-016-9277-9 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 903 T1 - L'ambivalence du droit de l'environnement en Republique du Congo A1 - Nzaou,Aubin Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Notes, r‚f., r‚s. en fran‡ais et en anglais KW - Congo (Brazzaville) KW - environmental law RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 424 EP - 435 JA - Revue juridique et politique des tats francophones: (2016), ann‚e 70, no.3, p.424-435. VL - 70 IS - 3 U2 - w09 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M3 - 407478205 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 904 T1 - L'‚tat de droit … l'‚preuve de la menace terroriste A1 - Nchouwat,Amadou Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Notes, r‚f KW - Africa KW - Cameroon KW - rule of law KW - terrorism KW - world RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 403 EP - 423 JA - Revue juridique et politique des tats francophones: (2016), ann‚e 70, no.3, p.403-423. VL - 70 IS - 3 U2 - w09 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M3 - 407478078 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 905 T1 - L'‚tat de la jurisprudence gabonaise en matiŠre de responsabilit‚ de l'administraton A1 - Kwahou,Sylvestre Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Notes, r‚f., r‚s en fran‡ais et en anglais KW - Gabon KW - jurisprudence KW - public services KW - responsibility RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 379 EP - 402 JA - Revue juridique et politique des tats francophones: (2016), ann‚e 70, no.3, p.379-402. VL - 70 IS - 3 U2 - w09 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M3 - 407477888 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 898 T1 - La morale de l'honneur dans les soci‚t‚s wolof et halpulaar traditionnelles : une approche des valeurs et de la personnalit‚ culturelles s‚n‚galaises / Boubakar Ly Tome I A1 - Ly,Boubakar Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Oorspr.: ThŠse de 3e cycle : Sociologie : Sorbonne, Paris : 1966 Met noten KW - dissertations (form) KW - Fulani KW - honour KW - personality KW - Senegal KW - social structure KW - Toucouleur KW - traditional society KW - values KW - Wolof RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 284 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w09 T3 - tudes africaines. S‚rie Sociologie SN - 2-343-08273-1 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51516.1 Y2 - 2017/02/27/ M3 - 408178051 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 897 T1 - La morale de l'honneur dans les soci‚t‚s wolof et halpulaar traditionnelles : une approche des valeurs et de la personnalit‚ culturelles s‚n‚galaises / Boubakar Ly Tome II A1 - Ly,Boubakar Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Oorspr.: ThŠse de 3e cycle : Sociologie : Sorbonne, Paris : 1966 Bibliogr.: p. 265-285. - Met noten KW - dissertations (form) KW - Fulani KW - hospitality KW - Senegal KW - social structure KW - Toucouleur KW - traditional society KW - values KW - Wolof RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 289 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w09 T3 - tudes africaines. S‚rie Sociologie SN - 2-343-08274-X pbk (vol. 2) AV - AFRIKA 51516.2 Y2 - 2017/02/27/ M3 - 408178078 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 909 T1 - Lesotho's 2015 elections in the context of an ongoing security vacuum A1 - Sejanamane,Mafa M. Y1 - 2016/// KW - 2015 KW - elections KW - Lesotho KW - national security KW - SADC RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 288 EP - 302 JA - African Security Review: (2016), vol.25, no.3, p.288-302 : tab. VL - 25 IS - 3 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - After inconclusive elections in 2012, Lesotho had a coalition government for the first time, made up of three political parties that had a narrow majority in parliament. The new government, however, faced several challenges, some of which were of its own making. The agreement among the three parties was to literally divide the government into three parts, leading to a continuous stalemate in its operation; the most serious consequence was the prorogation of parliament and the resultant attempted coup. The flight of the prime minister to South Africa and his return under a Southern African Development Community (SADC) security detail provided a short-term solution to Lesotho's security crisis. Under Cyril Ramaphosa's mediation, the prorogued parliament was conditionally opened and the election date set for 28 February 2015. However, the security dilemma - whereby the prime minister, who is also minister of defence, has no control over the military - remains. When elections are held, there does not seem to be a guarantee that they will be held in peace; moreover, there are now fears that the losers will not accept the results of the elections because of the security vacuum in Lesotho. This article argues that peace can only be salvaged by enhanced SADC security before, during and after the elections. It argues that the SADC mission should remain beyond the elections to oversee the constitutional changes that are necessary for ensuring long-term stability. On their own, Lesotho politicians are unlikely to be able to work together in order to move the country forward. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/02/27/ M1 - Kd;D2 M3 - 406353522 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10246029.2016.1197137 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 892 T1 - Liaisons urbaines : transformation d'espaces publics de villes africaines : B‚nin, Porto-Novo, Tchad, N'Djam‚na, Maroc, Casablanca transforming public spaces in African cities : B‚nin, Porto-Novo, Tchad, N'Djam‚na, Maroc, Casablanca A1 - Hound‚gla,Franck A1 - Neveu,Alexandre A1 - Abl‚fonin,Fran‡ois Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Contributions in French and English Met noten, Engelse en Franse samenvatting Bevat: B‚nin Porto-Novo ; Tchad N'Djam‚na ; Maroc Casablanca KW - Africa KW - Benin KW - Chad KW - Morocco KW - urban planning KW - urban renewal RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 95 CY - Paris PB - AprŠs editions U2 - w09 N2 - A travers trois exp‚riences men‚es … Porto-Novo au B‚nin, N'Djam‚na au Tchad et Casablanca au Maroc, le livre restitue les processus de conception et de r‚alisation de projets qui ont associ‚ habitants, municipalit‚s, op‚rateurs culturels, designers, architectes et plasticiens. Les textes des intervenants et partenaires des trois projets donnent les enjeux de ce programme transafricain explorant la question de l'espace public dans une vari‚t‚ de contextes culturels et urbains. 1. Manger … Porto-Novo; 2. Place-fontaine de N'Djam‚na; 3. Jardin de jeux … Cassablanca SN - 979-1-09-149028-3 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51518 Y2 - 2017/02/28/ M3 - 408800283 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 896 T1 - Life as a hunt : thresholds of identities and illusions on an African landscape A1 - Marks,Stuart A. Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p [461]-472. - Met glossary, index, noten KW - Bisa (Zambia) KW - family KW - hunting KW - landscape KW - livelihoods KW - social structure KW - wildlife protection KW - Zambia RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XL, 504 CY - New York PB - Berghahn U2 - w09 N2 - Introduction: On poaching an elephant : calling the shots and following the ricochets -- History and circumstance: on becoming and being Bisa -- Creating and sustaining a good life within a difficult environment -- Never an isolated place suspended in a-historic space -- A cultural grid : making sense of the natural world -- Caused to hunt : life histories of three generations (1903-2003) -- Gameful pursuits in the bush : coping with process and uncertainty -- Lineage provisioning through hunting : changes in scope and scale -- Muzzle-loaders and snares : weapons within their cultural contexts -- Buffalo mystique : protein, privilege, power and politics -- On coping within a cornucopia of uncertain, constant changes -- Afterword : readings "out loud" about land and wildlife as properties SN - 1-7853-3157-4 AV - AFRIKA 51397 Y2 - 2017/02/28/ M3 - 408315474 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 883 T1 - Making people bigger: wedding exchange and the creation of social value in rural Mauritania A1 - Wiley,Katherine Ann Y1 - 2016/// KW - bridewealth KW - marriage KW - Mauritania KW - rural areas KW - social status RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 49 EP - 69 JA - Africa Today: (2016), vol.62, no.3, p.49-69 : foto's. VL - 62 IS - 3 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article examines arn (ex-slaves and slave descendants) exchange at a rural Mauritanian wedding. Hierarchy is constituted and reworked through exchange, particularly the redistribution of wealth that it allows, which makes it a rich site to examine how rank and status are generated. The author analyzes how people attempt to do this by asserting both themselves and other exchange participants as generous, valued persons. While she focuses on exchanges of material goods, particularly the return of bridewealth, she also explore the ways in which the circulation of nonmaterial goods - especially talk - is essential to these processes as people attempt to extend the effectiveness of their transactions in space and time. Such talk becomes especially important in times of economic volatility, when enduring wealth is increasingly difficult to attain. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M1 - Fl;C8 M3 - 409054348 L3 - https://login.ezproxy.leidenuniv.nl:2443/login?URL=http://search. ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=112869630&site=ehost-live ER - TY - BOOK ID - 901 T1 - May their shadows never shrink : Wole Soyinka and the Oxford professorship of poetry A1 - Agyeman-Duah,Ivor A1 - Newlyn,Lucy Y1 - 2016/// KW - Great Britain KW - Nigeria KW - poetry KW - universities KW - writers RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XI, 84 CY - Banbury PB - Ayebia Clarke U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - In 2015, the winner of the 1986 Nobel Prize for Literature, Nigerian writer and political activist Wole Soyinka, was a candidate for the Oxford Professorhip of Poetry. Though an electoral favourite, he ended up not occupying the position, which had, since its establishment in 1708, predominantly been held by British white males. Chapter 1 of this book is a compilation of endorsements from prominent poets, writers and human rights activists supporting Soyinka's candidature; chapter 2, by Lucy Newlyn, gives a detailed account of the 2015 election, calling for reform in the electoral processes; chapter 3, by Ivor Agyeman-Duah addresses, amongst others, Soyinka's literary production; chapter 4, by Tiziana Morosetti, gives a review of Soyinka's 'Man and nature'; chapter 5 is poetry of disappointment, by some of those who had fervently hoped that Soyinka would occupy the position. [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 978-0-9928436-7-0 AV - AFRIKA 51120 Y2 - 2017/02/28/ M1 - Fn;K2 M3 - 407816712 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 914 T1 - Movements in Ethiopia = Ethiopia in movement A1 - Ficquet,Eloi A1 - Omer,Ahmed Hassen A1 - Osmond,Thomas Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Co-publication of French Centre for Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa University , Institute for Ethiopian Studies and Tsehai Publishers Met bibliogr., bijl., noten KW - 2012 KW - anthropology KW - conference papers (form) KW - Ethiopia KW - ethnic relations KW - history KW - literature KW - livelihoods KW - manuscripts KW - music KW - political history KW - religion KW - social change KW - women RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 2 CY - Los Angeles PB - Tsehai Publishers U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - These two volumes contain papers presented at the international conference of Ethiopian studies organized in 2012 in Dire Dawa, Ethiopia, around the general theme of 'movement'. The papers represent a variety of disciplines within the humanities and social sciences. The first volume consists mostly of historical and ethno-historical studies based on different types of sources: textual sources such as manuscripts, archival materials and newspapers, but also oral traditions, heritage items, photographs, maps, coins, music, etc. After an introductory chapter by the editors, the first volume opens with two keynote addresses. The first, 'The dynamics of political succession in Ethiopian history', by Bahru Zewde, looks at political succession from the medieval period to the present time. The second, entitled 'About Ethiopian music(s) and their heritage', by Francis Falceto, argues that considering expressions of popular Ethiopian music as cultural heritage would contribute to a better recognition of ordinary voices. Other titles in the first volume: From Hamar ethnography to rhetoric culture theory (I. Strecker); Rethinking the anthropology of Ethiopia through culture and ritual: from ethnography to explanation (J. Abbink); Restoration, research and heritage preservation: politics and ethics (C. Bosc-Tiess‚); The reinstallation of the second largest Aksumite stela (Tekle Hagos); Lesser-known features of the Ethiopian codex (D. Nosnitsin); Conversion and proselytisation in southern Ethiopia. A historical and comparative perspective (F. A. Roenne); Shaykh Amad Shaykh Sirj (d. 1935) and his contribution to the Muslim literary tradition in Ethiopia: a study of the Birillee-af, a manuscript of Manmah in Ajam-Oromoo (Mohammed Hakim); Tigrinya Ajam on Najas (Amira Abdulkadir); Rethinking the royal matrimonial practices in the 16th century and its consequences on the status of queen (M. Herman); Ottomans, Yemenis and the "conquest of Abyssinia" (1531-1543) (A. Checkroun); Encountering the Ethiopian Orthodox Church in the pre-ecumenical age: some remarks on the first Protestant missionaries in Ethiopia (1829-1843) (S. Paulau); Basel and Abysinia, 1830-1855. Protestant mission and Jewish identity in Abyssinia (D. Lis); The regions of Adua and Aksum, Qw„lla and B„gemdr on the manuscript maps by Georg Wilhelm Schimper, 1864/65 and 1868 (D. McEwan); Rethinking the reign of Abdullhi Muhammad b. Al Abdassakr: Har„r at the dawn of the "glocal" era during the latter part of the 19th century (A. Ben-Dror); abes Siyhtnmesi: the journey of al-Muayyad al-Azm in Ethiopia (1904) (J.-C. DucŠne); How Menelik came to have a mint (W. Hahn). Notes sur quelques documents cin‚matographiques tourn‚s en thiopie au d‚but du XXe siecle (H. Fontaine); Ethiopia's elusive quest for an outlet to the sea: the case of the Haud-Zeila exchange from the 1920s to the 1950s (Samuel Negash); The Korean war (1950-1953) and the Kagnew Battalion: music, war, and the concept of collective security (C. Tse Kimberlin); The Amharic letters and articles of Say Sayyid Muammad adq (1897-1977) (Endris Mohammed); M„zmur and Z„f„n - within and beyond the evangelical movement in Ethiopia (J. M. Steinhovden); Oromo orthographies in the 19th and 20th centuries (R. Voigt); Movement along the wadis and rivers of Uwwa Woreda Afar Region (L. F. Bliese); The Awash river in Oromo historical narratives (T. Osmond); Invisible diversity: exploring the historical dynamics of the Saho Muslim settlements in Tgray (Fessaha Berhe); Protracted rural protests in morth-eastern Sh„wa and southern W„llo (Ethiopia): towards a history of social movement, 1941-1974 (Ahmed Hassen Omer); The road to Wello: a historical study of the nineteenth century horse markets in northern Shewa (Y.-M. Stranger); Sfism and syncretism in north-eastern S„wa (Abbebe Kifleyesus); The extraordinary journey of Sherefedin: exploring an Amharic epic by a female poet, Janoye (Assefa Mammo); A handlist of Amharic- Ajam manuscipts of Say ala Jafar (c. 1853-1936) (Kemal Abdulwehab); The complexities of conversion among the "Felesmura" (S. Weil); Ethnomathematics in Ethiopia: out-of-school mathematical practices recognized by teachers and students (Hilluf Reddu). The second volume gathers studies on contemporary issues, focusing on changes all over the country that have emerged from state-led development policies. Topics range from relationships between the Bodi and Dime and between the Manjo and Kafecho to Tigrayan migration to Addis Abeba and child labour, including the repatriation of Ethiopian minors from Yemen in 2011, and from children's literacy in relation to oral story telling to women's self perception and their use of contraceptives. Issues addressed furthermore include land degradation, urban planning, livelihood diversifaction and fiscal arrangements, as well as schooling and (the limits of) indigenous knowledge. Contributors: G.P. Calchi Novati, F. Girke, J.-N. Bach, E.C. Gabbert & S. Thubauville, L. Buffavand, F. De Sisto, S. Yoshida, Desalegn Amsalu, Atakilte Beyene, M. Breines, V. Miguel Addisu, Moges Gebremariam, H. Papworth, C. De Rosis, T. Mjaaland, A.M. Mller, Agaredech Jemaneh, N. Brckner, S. LaTosky & J. Zehle, J. Lydall, V. Peveri, Zelalem Teferra, Ezana Haddis, Agazi Tiumelissan & A. Pankhurst, Nigusu Aboset, Ketema Wakjira, R. Emmenegger, Bereket Roba & Degefa Tolossa, D. Chinig•, F. Enten, R. Lefort, P. Bevan, Samuel Urkato & Shiferaw Neda; C. Dom, F. Staro, A. Gason, Solomon Negussie. [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 978-1-599-07135-0 (vol. 1) AV - AFRIKA 51568.1 Y2 - 2017/02/03/ M1 - Dd;L2;L3 M3 - 399541705 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 895 T1 - My own liberator : a memoir A1 - Moseneke,Dikgang Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 361-363. - Met index KW - anti-apartheid resistance KW - autobiographies (form) KW - Pan Africanist Congress KW - political action KW - political prisoners KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XXI, 378 CY - Johannesburg PB - Picador U2 - w09 SN - 978-1-7701-0539-3 AV - AFRIKA 51243 Y2 - 2017/02/03/ M3 - 408456841 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 912 T1 - Obligation to prevent (O2P) : proposal for enhanced community approach to genocide prevention in Africa A1 - Kissi,Edward Y1 - 2016/// KW - Africa KW - crime prevention KW - genocide KW - human rights RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 242 EP - 257 JA - African Security Review: (2016), vol.25, no.3, p.242-257. VL - 25 IS - 3 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - As empathetic as distant nations may feel about an ongoing or looming catastrophe in a particular region of Africa, they are too far removed from the horror to grasp its gravity and impact. Geographical proximity to the atrocity, and the likelihood of its spreading to their neighbourhoods, make the communities and neighbouring countries in the imploding region the best and most effective first responders to a crisis in their own backyard. A response from 'communal' or 'regional' groups is, therefore, the most practical measure for preventing human rights violations in Africa from descending into an actual genocide or an intractable genocidal condition. A community approach to preventing genocide and other human rights abuses should serve as the foundation for a new concept of 'moral pan-Africanism' on the African continent in the 21st century. This article makes an argument for this genocide prevention model and new moral concept. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/02/27/ M1 - Ba;B2 M3 - 406353492 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10246029.2016.1192555 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 910 T1 - Political dynamics in Kenya's post-electoral violence : justice without peace or political compromise? A1 - Endoh,Fabrice Tambe A1 - Mbao,M.L.M. Y1 - 2016/// KW - conflict resolution KW - elections KW - International Criminal Court KW - Kenya KW - political violence RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 275 EP - 287 JA - African Security Review: (2016), vol.25, no.3, p.275-287. VL - 25 IS - 3 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The political upheavals that erupted in Kenya after the release of the 2007-8 election results resulted in the death of approximately 1 200 people, as well as the loss of livestock and other valuable property. While the Kenyan government tried to seek solutions to the crisis, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued warrants for the arrest of top government officials. For its part, the African Union (AU) accused the ICC of racism by targeting only African leaders, and maintained that such practices undermine the rule of equality before the law set forth in Article 27 of the Rome Statute. The AU is therefore advising African countries, including Kenya, to consider withdrawing from the ICC. Will the ICC's intervention into the situation in Kenya bring justice and peace to the country, or will it add to the existing injuries affecting not just the country but the region as well? Through a critical analysis of contemporary scholarly discourse, this article unravels the dilemma of the ICC's intervention and the likely consequences of this action for the people of Kenya and Africa. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/02/27/ M1 - Hc;D4 M3 - 406353514 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10246029.2016.1188834 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 902 T1 - R‚flexion du droit malien des successions A1 - Dembele,Mamadou Bakaye Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Notes, r‚f., r‚s. en fran‡ais et en anglais KW - law of inheritance KW - Mali RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 436 EP - 464 JA - Revue juridique et politique des tats francophones: (2016), ann‚e 70, no.3, p.436-464. VL - 70 IS - 3 U2 - w09 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M3 - 407478329 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 886 T1 - Reinforcing housing assets in the wrong location? : the case of Botshabelo, South Africa A1 - Marais,Lochner Y1 - 2016/// KW - housing policy KW - South Africa KW - urban development KW - urban planning RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Urban forum VL - 27 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Apartheid policies were instrumental in displacing black urbanisation away from key urban areas. Botshabelo, 55 km east of Bloemfontein (South Africa), is an example of this. This paper uses asset-building theory to argue that post-apartheid policy for Botshabelo has largely reinforced apartheid spatial planning patterns and locked in a significant percentage of the Botshabelo population. Population growth is slow, with evidence of the working age population leaving Botshabelo. At the same time, substantial investment in infrastructure services has increased investment in housing in the past 20 years. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] SN - 1874-6330 AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/02/27/ M1 - Kf;J1 M3 - 409032867 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12132-016-9276-x ER - TY - JOUR ID - 882 T1 - Sadio's choice: love, materialism, and consensual marriage in Bamako, Mali A1 - Whitehouse,Bruce Y1 - 2016/// KW - Mali KW - marriage KW - romantic relationships KW - social change RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 29 EP - 46 JA - Africa Today: (2016), vol.62, no.3, p.29-46. VL - 62 IS - 3 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article analyzes the public response to the story of a young woman who rejected her fianc‚ during her wedding ceremony in Bamako, Mali. Controversy over her actions revealed divergent opinions about the rights and responsibilities of individuals regarding marriage and spousal choice in contemporary Malian society, where economic insecurity, tense gender dynamics, and the demands of kin undermine young persons' aspirations for romantic fulfillment and companionate marriage. Using evidence from online discussion forums, ethnographic interviews, and focus-group discussions conducted in Bamako, this article explores the gap separating young Bamako residents' ideals of marriage from their lived realities. It finds that concerns about materialism in love and marriage are shared by young men and women alike, indicating deepening uncertainty over ongoing social change. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M1 - Fk;C8 M3 - 409054356 L3 - https://login.ezproxy.leidenuniv.nl:2443/login?URL=http://search. ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=112869629&site=ehost-live ER - TY - JOUR ID - 891 T1 - Social change : urban governance and urbanization in Zimbabwe A1 - Muchadenyika,Davison A1 - Williams,John J. Y1 - 2016/// KW - central-local government relations KW - governance KW - local politics KW - social change KW - urbanization KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 253 EP - 274 JA - Urban Forum: (2016), vol.27, no.3, p.253-274 : tab. VL - 27 IS - 3 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Urbanization is an essential determinant of social change. For social change to take place, the process of urbanization requires extensive management (through urban governance). This paper outlines the context of Zimbabwes urban governance system by focusing on the historical and recent trends in urban governance and urbanization. In particular, the emphasis is placed on how pre- and post-colonial governments advanced social change through urban governance. In both pre- and post-independence Zimbabwe, local government is a political reality that ruling regimes manipulates, associates with and advance political interests. Politics continue to shape and destabilize a functioning, independent, and autonomous form of urban governance in Zimbabwe. Urban governance remains under incessant threat from central government. Central-local government contestations are leading to poor service delivery; a development that is affecting social change. The article argues that the politics, governance, and institutional behaviors in urban centers of Zimbabwe deteriorated severely calling for a restructuring of urban governance. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/02/27/ M1 - Je;D2 M3 - 409016551 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12132-016-9278-8 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 889 T1 - Spaces of contention : tension around street vendors struggle for livelihoods and spatial justice in Lilongwe, Malawi A1 - Tonda,Nanase A1 - Kepe,Thembela Y1 - 2016/// KW - informal sector KW - livelihoods KW - local politics KW - Malawi KW - market vendors RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 297 EP - 309 JA - Urban Forum: (2016), vol.27, no.3, p.297-309. VL - 27 IS - 3 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Street vending is a global phenomenon in both developing and developed countries. While this activity is often framed through clashes between state policy and street vending activities, the authors argue that it would be a mistake for state actors and critics to ignore nuanced explanations of why street vendors do what they do despite the continuous tension around them. The authors draw on the case of Lilongwe, Malawi, and other cities in southern Africa, to discuss some observations that can better reflect on how street vending has become such a contentious space that even leads to violence. They conclude that there is a need for sensible urban planning that recognizes informality as a reality, addresses its potential and underlying danger, and redistributes the ordinary peoples struggle for spatial justice. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/02/27/ M1 - Jb;C1 M3 - 40901690X L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12132-016-9291-y ER - TY - BOOK ID - 894 T1 - Take us to your leader A1 - Francis,Stephen A1 - Rico Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bevat ook: Madam and Eve KW - cartoons (form) KW - politics KW - social conditions KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 136 CY - Auckland Park PB - Jacana Media U2 - w09 SN - 1-431-42430-7 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51400 Y2 - 2017/02/28/ M3 - 40866892X ER - TY - JOUR ID - 911 T1 - Tanzanian scepticism of a militarised East African Federation and underlying military concerns A1 - Knowles,Josie A1 - Garry,John Y1 - 2016/// KW - armed forces KW - defence agreements KW - East Africa KW - East African Community KW - regional security KW - Tanzania RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 258 EP - 274 JA - African Security Review: (2016), vol.25, no.3, p.258-274 : tab. VL - 25 IS - 3 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Attitudes towards a regional military force are of paramount importance when exploring public support for regional integration. Until now, however, scholarly research has not considered the influence of attitudes towards a regional military mechanism in the sub-Saharan African context. Using Afrobarometer data, the authors demonstrate that military concerns are vital when exploring Tanzanian attitudes towards the proposed political federation of the East African Community (EAC), the East African Federation (EAF). More specifically, opposition to military cooperation strongly influences Tanzanian scepticism of the EAF. This finding is highly relevant given that referendums in the participating member states must be passed to facilitate political integration. Heightened opposition towards military cooperation raises the possibility of the public rejecting a politically integrated EAC. This poses a potential obstacle to the implementation of joint security policies and crucial mechanisms to provide a more stable region at large. The authors account for alternative explanations of Tanzanian opinion formation and reflect on the strength of military-orientated concerns for investigating public support for the East African project specifically and regional integration in sub-Saharan Africa more widely. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/02/27/ M1 - He;D4 M3 - 406353506 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10246029.2016.1180310 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 881 T1 - The maintenance of family: mediating relationships in the South African Maintenance Court A1 - G'sell,Brady Y1 - 2016/// KW - courts KW - household income KW - marriage KW - marriage law KW - money KW - sexuality KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 3 EP - 27 JA - Africa Today: (2016), vol.62, no.3, p.3-27. VL - 62 IS - 3 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article considers the strategies that women who live within a demographic reality of widespread unemployment, infrequent marriage, and absent fathers deploy to achieve economic stability, affective commitment for themselves and their children, and sexual intimacy - in their terms, a family. Within their toolkit, women whose former partners are employed can use the Maintenance Court to sue these fathers for assistance in supporting their children. The author's ethnographic data reveal that these women make complex calculations about whether and how to utilize the court that situate maintenance payments within larger economies of intimacy involving exchanges of money, affection, labor, and sex. In these economies, success in the court - maintenance payments - can create a sexual debt that complicates women's relationships with the father and new lovers. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M1 - Kf;C8 M3 - 409054364 L3 - https://login.ezproxy.leidenuniv.nl:2443/login?URL=http://search. ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=112869628&site=ehost-live ER - TY - BOOK ID - 907 T1 - The mayor of Mogadishu : a story of chaos and redemption in the ruins of Somalia A1 - Harding,Andrew Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met noten KW - biographies (form) KW - capitals KW - local government KW - orphans KW - politics KW - Somalia RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XXI, 278 CY - New York PB - St. Martin's Press U2 - w09 N2 - Introduction: Villa Somalia -- Part 1. The pearl of the Indian Ocean : 1956-1976 -- A constellation of nomads -- A slate scrubbed clean -- Us against the world -- A girl called "Mosquito" -- Part 2. The sky has turned to smoke : 1977-2009 -- A lonely impulse -- From a trickle to a flood -- Leave to remain -- Filling the vacuum -- Part 3. Picking up the pieces : 2010-2016 -- A man with a plan -- Wild dogs -- Believe me -- Mogadishu mud -- Epilogue: Lido Beach. In "The mayor of Mogadishu", one of the BBC's most experienced foreign correspondents, Andrew Harding, reveals the tumultuous life of Mohamud 'Tarzan' Nur, born an impoverished nomad who was abandoned in a state orphanage in newly independent Somalia, and became a street brawler and activist. When the country collapsed into civil war and anarchy, Tarzan and his young family became part of an exodus, eventually spending twenty years in north London. In 2010 Tarzan returned, as mayor, to the unrecognizable ruins of a city now almost entirely controlled by the Islamist militants of Al Shabab. For some in Mogadishu, he was a divisive thug who sank beneath the corruption and clan rivalries that continue to threaten the country's revival. But for others, both locally and in the diaspora, Tarzan became a galvanizing symbol of courage and hope for Somalia. The Mayor of Mogadishu is a rare insider's account of Somalia's unraveling, and an intimate portrayal of one family's extraordinary journey". [Inside cover] SN - 1-250-07234-4 AV - AFRIKA 51389 Y2 - 2017/02/28/ M3 - 406855846 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 888 T1 - The relational economy of informality : spatial dimensions of street trading in Ivory Park, South Africa A1 - Charman,Andrew A1 - Govender,Thireshen Y1 - 2016/// KW - informal sector KW - market vendors KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 311 EP - 328 JA - Urban Forum: (2016), vol.27, no.3, p.311-328 : ill. VL - 27 IS - 3 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The paper seeks to contribute towards an understanding of the spatial ordering of the neighbourhood economy of marginalised urban communities where informal businesses predominate. In doing so, the authors examine the spatial economy of informality in which contestations and agreements over space exert an organising dynamic. These social-spatial processes are examined through a case study in Ivory Park, Johannesburg, wherein they focus on the consumption and organisation of space, the infrastructural and architectural strategies that entrepreneurs utilise in responding to market impulses, risks and pressure and the unseen organisational logics as well as social processes in which the use of space is contested. The analysis is based on primary data collected through a business census and a social-spatial examination of the street market environment, including infrastructure and business forms. The research highlights three aspects of this relational economy that are insightful for the process of thinking about how cities should respond to economic informality. First, the case illustrates the flexible agility of businesses, witnessed in the responsiveness of business activities to space and place dynamics. Second, it illuminates some of the unseen organisational logics that accommodate different business and non-business needs (traders versus pedestrians; small businesses versus large) but also uphold power dynamics. Third, it reveals the social processes that facilitate inclusivity, from surveillance, to the acceptance of outsiders and the sociability afforded by the publicness of interactions within the street space. Taken together, these aspects demonstrate the importance of reimagining current approaches to managing neighbourhood economies in ways that are sensitive to the complex systems that spatial informalities can generate. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/02/27/ M1 - Kf;E7 M3 - 409017221 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12132-016-9290-z ER - TY - CHAP ID - 917 T1 - "Je suis mŠre, je suis pŠre" : esperienze etnografiche tra le donne del Kivu (RDC) rifugiate a Kampala A1 - D'Elia,Miriam Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr., note KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - social conditions KW - Uganda KW - women refugees RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 131 EP - 149 U2 - w09 Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M3 - 409087564 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 927 T1 - "Ons is Boesmans" : commentary on the naming of Bushmen in the southern Kalahari A1 - Ellis,William F. Y1 - 2015/// KW - anthropological research KW - Botswana KW - ethnological names KW - Namibia KW - San KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 120 EP - 133 JA - Anthropology Southern Africa: (2015), vol.38, no.1-2, p.120-133. VL - 38 IS - 1-2 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper examines academic debates about the nomenclature of the San in light of recent ethnographic data. Academic debates centre around two aspects: the apparent complicity of the term "bushman" in construing the San as lower on the hierarchy of race and class; and the construction of the San as being in close contact with animals and nature. Academics have sought to resolve this dilemma of complicity by adopting self-referential terms, which would allow them to overcome the effacement of cultural and linguistic variation. Critically, the paper argues that this turn to self-referential terms is problematic in the case of the Khomani San of the southern Kalahari because the San themselves claim "bushman" as their identity. The analysis suggests that the Khomani San claim this name for themselves in a context of developmental needs. Thus, Khomani San chose the name "Bushman" for themselves because it can be commoditised. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M1 - Kc;Ke;Kf;A2 M3 - 409042579 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23323256.2015.1056314 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 928 T1 - Aesthetics of Muslim public and community formations in Cape Town : observations of an anthropologist A1 - Alhourani,Ala Rabiha Y1 - 2015/// KW - diasporas KW - Islam KW - Somalia KW - South Africa KW - urban life RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 103 EP - 119 JA - Anthropology Southern Africa: (2015), vol.38, no.1-2, p.103-119. VL - 38 IS - 1-2 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper explores the implications of the arrival of Muslim Somali immigrants for the emergence of other Muslim communities in post-apartheid Cape Town, South Africa. The ethnography unpacks the complexity and diversity of Somali identity formation, their culturally distinct politics of aesthetics in performances of Muslim-ness, and how they form community. Further, the paper focuses on the mass celebration of 'Mawlid Al-Nabi' (the celebration of Prophet Mohammad's birthday) in Cape Town. This celebration reveals an emergent Muslim urbanity and public performances of Muslim-ness that signify the integration of the religious and the secular, and the various ways in which Muslims position themselves within the "multicultural" context of contemporary South Africa. The paper examines the sense of citizenship and multiple belongings that Muslims have to their respective cultural localities (such as Malays, Somali, Indian, African and White), to an imagined Muslim community in Cape Town, to the South African nation, but also to a Muslim transnational 'Ummah'. The paper explains that performance of Muslim-ness is partially influenced by, and embodies, distinct cultural localities of Muslims. Conversely, it appears to draw on aesthetics of Islam, which embody a symbolic enactment of sensorial religious sacredness, which is common, shared and performed by the culturally diverse transnational Muslim 'Ummah'. Bibliogr., notes, sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M1 - Kf;B1 M3 - 409042560 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23323256.2015.1052825 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 929 T1 - Auditing poverty? : applied anthropologists and the discourse of development in post-apartheid South Africa A1 - Connor,Teresa Y1 - 2015/// KW - anthropological research KW - development projects KW - displaced persons KW - informal settlements KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 88 EP - 102 JA - Anthropology Southern Africa: (2015), vol.38, no.1-2, p.88-102. VL - 38 IS - 1-2 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article debates the opportunities and disadvantages attached to applied anthropology, specifically consultancy linked to development work, within the institutions and processes of the modern neo-liberal state. Located within political and applied anthropology, the article uses insights gained from two projects to assess the impact of development projects on displaced people, and to evaluate the actual process of producing reports. These cases illustrate how anthropologists deal with the conflicting demands of received knowledge (about development) and actual conditions on the ground during research. The paper argues that development outcomes mostly depend on classification, calculation and the displacement of people in order to motivate a particular type of development intervention by the state, and compares this with Foucault's use of "governmentality". Ultimately, although this method of classification has strengthened the role of the South African state, it has also produced very static conceptions of citizenship, particularly in relation to the provision of housing for informal dwellers. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M1 - Kf;A2 M3 - 409042552 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23323256.2015.1051068 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 919 T1 - Case pending : practices of inclusion and exclusion in a class of plaintiffs A1 - Kesselring,Rita Y1 - 2015/// KW - apartheid KW - South Africa KW - transitional justice RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 16 EP - 28 JA - Anthropology Southern Africa: (2015), vol.38, no.1-2, p.16-28. VL - 38 IS - 1-2 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Apartheid victims have had a difficult standing in South Africa in the years that followed the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). In the government's perspective, the TRC had conclusively dealt with apartheid victimhood. Consequently, when victims turned to US courts in the early 2000s to sue multinational companies for their role in the perpetration of apartheid-era crimes, they faced everything from scepticism to hostility. From a different perspective, many scholars shared this scepticism, fearing the individualising power of the law. But contrary to the TRC, these apartheid litigations, as class actions, offer individual victims the chance to make their claims collectively. With the help of the extended case method, this article shows how both victims and courts struggle with the difficult relationship between structural reasons, collective action and individually experienced harm. The author enquires into the logics of the law as produced in courts and into lived experience of apartheid-era victimhood in today's South Africa and suggests a refinement of theories of legalisation. Bibliogr., notes, sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/02/03/ M1 - Kf;F1 M3 - 409079162 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23323256.2015.1016053 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 925 T1 - Corporate social responsibility in Ghana's national development A1 - Dartey-Baah,Kwasi A1 - Amponsah-Tawiah,Kwesi A1 - Agbeibor,Victoria Y1 - 2015/// KW - development KW - enterprises KW - Ghana KW - social policy RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 71 EP - 93 JA - Africa Today: (2015), vol.62, no.2, p.71-93 : fig., tab. VL - 62 IS - 2 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article assesses the nature of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities carried out by organizations in Ghana and how these activities tie into the government's key focus areas of development. Documents relating to national development plans and the millennium development goals (MDGs) are reviewed and used as a baseline to assess the contributions of CSR activities to Ghana's national development. The article uses a website analysis of companies' CSR activities to assess the general practice of CSR in Ghana. Findings suggest that organizations in Ghana center their CSR initiatives mainly in line with the MDGs and aspects of earlier national development targets, rather than current national development goals put in place by Ghana's governments, resulting in a neglect of significant development needs of the country. The researchers recommend that businesses strategically deploy their CSR activities to suit the peculiar developmental needs of the country. App., bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M1 - Ff;E8 M3 - 40905366X L3 - https://login.ezproxy.leidenuniv.nl:2443/login?URL=http://search. ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=111383283&site=ehost-live ER - TY - JOUR ID - 924 T1 - Digging for survival and/or justice? : the drivers of illegal mining activities in western Ghana A1 - Andrews,Nathan Y1 - 2015/// KW - Ghana KW - illicit trade KW - informal sector KW - mining RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 3 EP - 24 JA - Africa Today: (2015), vol.62, no.2, p.3-24 : graf., tab. VL - 62 IS - 2 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - In Ghana, an artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) activity called 'galamsey' is considered illegal because operators have not formally registered their sites with the government. Because of recent cases of the involvement of non-Ghanaian nationals in this activity, the government has established the Inter-Ministerial Task Force Against Illegal Mining to curb its growth. However, this endeavor has failed to account for how the absence of socioeconomic safety nets in most mining communities has led many families, including children, into such a business. Drawing upon primary data gathered at Abosso, a galamsey site in the Western Region of Ghana, this article argues that until the underlying causes of socioeconomic marginalization and unemployment are properly addressed, the quest to regularize these operations will remain far-fetched. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M1 - Ff;E6 M3 - 409053678 L3 - https://login.ezproxy.leidenuniv.nl:2443/login?URL=http://search. ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=111383280&site=ehost-live ER - TY - CHAP ID - 918 T1 - Dossier: Stato e societ… in Egitto e Tunisia: involuzioni ed evoluzioni A1 - Hanau Santini,Ruth Y1 - 2015/// KW - Arab Spring KW - Egypt KW - journalism KW - political change KW - political participation KW - State-society relationship KW - supreme courts KW - Tunisia RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 5 EP - 120 U2 - w09 N2 - Questo dossier di 'Afriche e Orienti' garda alle rivolte arabe e al loro lascito in termini di reale trasformazione degli assetti politici, istituzionali e sociali in due Paesi chiave del Nord Africa che hanno intrapreso strace diverse. Contributi: Oltre la transitologia e la post-democratizzazione: Tunisia e Egitto a confronto attraverso le lenti della partecipazione politica (Ruth Hanau Santini); Persorsi costituzionali a confronto. Egitto e Tunisia dopo le "Rivolte Arabe" (Pietro Longo); Al-Azhar and support for democracy in Egypt (2011-2013) (Georges Fahmi); The new Islamic middle class and the stuggle for hegemony in Tunisia (Fabia Merone, Damiano De Facci); The Supreme Constitutional Court's regressive role in the Egyptian political transition (Claudia De Martino); Cyber-antropologia e identit… dissidenti: il caso tunisio (Kerim Bouzouita); 'New opinion journalism' in Egypt: hybrid professional culture and distributed control (Enrico de Angelis). Bibliogr., note, rif. [Sommario ASC Leiden] Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M3 - 409087351 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 923 T1 - Exiled life, or home away from home? : exploring Ghanaian orphan narratives of orphanage placement A1 - Yendork,Joana Salifu A1 - Somhlaba,Nceba Z. Y1 - 2015/// KW - child care KW - Ghana KW - orphans KW - psychotherapy RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 27 EP - 42 JA - Africa Today: (2015), vol.62, no.2, p.27-42. VL - 62 IS - 2 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The institutionalization of Ghanaian orphans has surged in recent times, but little is known about orphans' experiences after placement. Drawing on data from follow-up interviews with twenty orphans aged eight to seventeen years, the present study explores orphans' experiences subsequent to placement in orphanages. Through thematic analyses, the authors find that while orphanages provide structure, nurturance, and avenues for positive peer relationships that engender belongingness and emotional well-being, they evoke peer- and caregiverrelationship problems and financial constraints. Implications of the findings include the need for psychotherapeutic containment of orphans' negative emotions after parental loss, provision of psychosocial interventions aimed at teaching orphanage-placed children skills for forming and sustaining healthy peer relationships, and psychoeducation of caregivers on skills for appropriate care of orphanage-placed children. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M1 - Ff;C1 M3 - 409053686 L3 - https://login.ezproxy.leidenuniv.nl:2443/login?URL=http://search. ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=111383281&site=ehost-live ER - TY - BOOK ID - 935 T1 - Fifty years of the Kasempa district, Zambia : 1964 - 2014 : change and continuity A1 - Jaeger,Dick Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 83-46. - Met bijlagen, noten en samenvatting KW - agriculture KW - country studies (form) KW - demography KW - Kaonde KW - kinship KW - settlement patterns KW - traditional rulers KW - Zambia RP - NOT IN FILE CY - The Hague PB - Dick Jaeger U1 - Free access. U2 - w09 N2 - A case study of the ups and downs within a remote, rural Zambian region during the fifty years since Independence. A descriptive analysis of its demography, geography, infrastructure, agricultural practice and the present and traditional cultural aspects, including an account on the traditional ceremony of the installation of regional Headmen and the important role and functions of the Kaonde clan structure AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2017/02/27/ M3 - 40898225X L3 - http://www.asclibrary.nl/docs/40898225X.pdf ER - TY - JOUR ID - 922 T1 - Her ladyship Chief Justice: the rise of female leaders in the judiciary in Africa A1 - Dawuni,Josephine A1 - Kang,Alice Y1 - 2015/// KW - Africa KW - Benin KW - constitutional courts KW - Ghana KW - judges KW - Niger KW - Nigeria KW - Rwanda KW - Sierra Leone KW - women RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 45 EP - 69 JA - Africa Today: (2015), vol.62, no.2, p.45-69 : graf., tab. VL - 62 IS - 2 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - In recent years, women have been selected as leaders of African judiciaries. This article identifies where and when women have become chief justices and presidents of constitutional courts from 1990 to 2014. The authors profile women from three civil-law and three common-law countries and find that the women selected meet or exceed the requirements for holding the highest position in the judiciary. They then explore why some African countries, but not others, have had female judicial leaders. They initially find that the selection method may be less important than the type of legal system, the commitment of gatekeepers, the end of major armed conflict, and regional diffusion in explaining why some countries have seen women rise to leadership positions in the judiciary. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M1 - Ba;F1 M3 - 409053694 L3 - https://login.ezproxy.leidenuniv.nl:2443/login?URL=http://search. ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=111383282&site=ehost-live ER - TY - JOUR ID - 932 T1 - Journeying into interobjectivity : how worlds can be multiple and real A1 - Goodrich,Andre Y1 - 2015/// KW - research KW - South Africa KW - world view RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 47 EP - 60 JA - Anthropology Southern Africa: (2015), vol.38, no.1-2, p.47-60. VL - 38 IS - 1-2 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The culture-nature division is fundamental to the division of academic labour between the social and natural sciences. In the face of climate change and other broad environmental threats, natural and social scientists are becoming critical of this division of labour. This paper considers "Contested Natures" (Macnaghten and Urry, 1998) and heterotopia in the social sciences and social-ecological systems in the natural sciences as attempts to undo this division. These attempts, the author argues, reproduce the ontological division fundamental to the problem they aim to overcome. Using a curious coincidence on a trip to the field in South Africa, the author explores a language that avoids the subject/object distinction characteristic of this ontological divide. By closely considering the point on the journey where his travelling companions, a GPS navigator and a small Japanese sedan, encountered their limits, he finds a metaphysical starting point for a multiplicity of natures that are more than mentally-held cultural constructions of nature, or linkages between diverse social systems and an ecological realm. The argument suggests that multiple worlds emerge from the disentangling operations of interobjectively extended bodies and that the apparent unity between multiple worlds is itself a product of such interobjectivity. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/02/03/ M1 - Kf;A2 M3 - 409042528 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23323256.2015.1043391 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 940 T1 - Le Congo belge dans la PremiŠre Guerre mondiale (1914-1918) A1 - Nziem,Isidore A1 - Mabiala,Mantuba Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Proceedings of the conference "Les Congolais et la PremiŠre Guerre mondiale 1914-1918," held in Kinshasa, November 17-20, 2014 L'Harmattan RDC"--Cover Met noten KW - 2014 KW - armed forces KW - Belgium KW - Catholic Church KW - conference papers (form) KW - Congolese (Democratic Republic of Congo) KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - Germans KW - memory KW - World War I RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 349 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Les actes rassembl‚s dans cet ouvrage collectif sont issus du colloque Les Congolais et la PremiŠre Guerre mondiale 1914-1918, tenu les 17-20 novembre 2014 … Kinshasa (R‚publique d‚mocratique du Congo). DŠs que l'Allemagne avait ouvert les hostilit‚s contre la RDC sur l'espace du lac Kivu, puis au lac Tanganyika, la Force Publique, l'arm‚e du Congo belge, allait entrer dans l'action. La guerre exclusivement europ‚enne devint une guerre mondiale, impliquant en Afrique les colonies allemandes et celles des alli‚s.Titres dans la premiŠre partie: La Grande Guerre et les Congolais en Afrique et en Europe; Les enjeux africains de la Grande Guerre; La Force Publique du Congo Belge en question; L'engagement de la Force Publique dans la PremiŠre Guerre mondiale (1914-1918); La Grande Guerre et la campagne camerounaise de la Force Publique (septembre 1914 - avril 1916); La Force Publique du Congo Belge et la guerre contre les Allemands en Afrique (1914-1918); Les attaques allemandes et incursions tutsi : le Kivu dans la Grande Guerre (septembre 1914 … mai 1915); La mobilisation de la main d'uvre pour la Grande Guerre; Les trente-deux soldats congolais en Belgique pendant la Grande Guerre : du Congo a l'Yser. Titres dans la deuxiŠme partie: Les cons‚quences de la Grande Guerre ; faits et m‚moires; Tranch‚es en Afrique : l'effort des Congolais dans la PremiŠre Guerre mondiale; L'glise catholique et la Grande Guerre 1914-1918; La province de l'quateur et la Grande Guerre; Les militaires congolais d‚cor‚s de la PremiŠre Guerre mondiale : des modŠles de patriottisme; Les noms des rues et la m‚moire de la Grande Guerre … Kinshasa-la -Vieille; Les souvenirs de la Grande Guerre … Lubumbashi; La m‚moire de la Grande Guerre dans la chanson scolaire coloniale; Les documents du colloque. Contributeurs: Griet Brosens, Lucas Cath‚rine, L‚on de Saint Moulin, Donatien Dibwe Dia Mwembu, Prince Kaumba Lufunda, Ernest Kiangu Sindani, Michel Lastshenko, Stanislas Lufungula Lewono, Pamphile Mabiala Mantuba-Ngoma, Elikia M'Bokolo, Jean-Marie Mutamba Makombo, Isidore Ndaywel e Nziem, Marcel Ngandu Mutombo, douard Tshisungu Lubambu, Benjamin Yata Lokadi, Mathieu Zana Etambala. [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] SN - 2-343-07554-9 AV - AFRIKA 51035 Y2 - 2017/02/03/ M1 - Gj;L3 M3 - 406909318 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 920 T1 - Les effets des causes cach‚es A1 - Ciss‚,Lamine Y1 - 2015/// RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 2 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w09 N2 - Entre famille et soci‚t‚, entre religion et politique, entre mysticisme et militantisme, entre tradition et ‚tudes, puis entre Afrique et Europe, mythe et r‚alit‚ : c'est constamment entre deux p“les que tout oppose que grandit Karanlang, l'enfant de Casamance, qu'il se construit et construit sa vision du monde. Un monde qu'il quittera, puis retrouvera, et, parce que les voyages forment la jeunesse, verra avec d'autres yeux SN - 978-2-343-04624-2 (vol.1) M3 - 409053864 ER - TY - CHAP ID - 915 T1 - Movimenti di contestazione e lotta agraria in Malawi: una prospettiva storica A1 - Chinig•,Davide Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr., note, rif KW - agricultural development KW - agricultural policy KW - agriculture KW - Malawi RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 167 EP - 183 U2 - w09 Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M3 - 409087793 ER - TY - CHAP ID - 916 T1 - Performing change: singing and dancing for AIDS in Cameroon, a show of semantic noise A1 - Ndemesah,Fausta Fonju Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, ref KW - AIDS KW - Cameroon KW - music RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 150 EP - 166 U2 - w09 Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M3 - 409087610 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 921 T1 - Policing is not work: it is stealing by force: corrupt policing and related abuses in everyday Nigeria A1 - Agbiboa,Daniel E. Y1 - 2015/// KW - corruption KW - Nigeria KW - police RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 95 EP - 126 JA - Africa Today: (2015), vol.62, no.2, p.95-126 : ill. VL - 62 IS - 2 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article critically and empirically examines the everyday problem of corrupt policing and related abuses in urban Nigeria, with attention to the threat posed to ordinary Nigerians' basic human rights. The analysis, sociohistorically anchored, foregrounds colonial and military policies that have entrenched a culture of predation in the Nigeria Police Force. The article contributes to existing scholarship by directly relating corrupt and abusive policing to complex sociohistorical conditions, rather than seeing it as a purely managerial problem, whose solution lies in simplistic demands for internal reform. The article attempts to fill a gap in empirical scholarship by approaching corrupt and abusive policing from the angle of everyday practice, rather than by taking normative structural approaches and basing suppositions of actual behavior upon these. The article draws on evidence from eight months of ethnographic fieldwork research in Lagos State, southwestern Nigeria. The fieldwork evidence is supported by analyses of public discourse, a review of extant literature, some semiformal interviews, a review of national constitutions and international human rights law, and historical research. These together suggest conclusions pertinent to democratic reform of the Nigerian police. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M1 - Fn;C1 M3 - 409053708 L3 - https://login.ezproxy.leidenuniv.nl:2443/login?URL=http://search. ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=111383284&site=ehost-live ER - TY - JOUR ID - 938 T1 - Rural development and poverty reduction in Southern Africa experiences from Zambia and Malawi A1 - Chinig•,Davide A1 - Pallotti,Arrigo Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Omslagtitel Met bibliogr., noten KW - agricultural policy KW - cane sugar KW - farming systems KW - land acquisition KW - Malawi KW - poverty reduction KW - rural development KW - Southern Africa KW - Zambia RP - NOT IN FILE PB - AIEP Editore U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Afriche e Orienti, ISSN 1592-6753 ; special issue 2015 N2 - This special issue of Afriche e Orienti investigates the relationship between rural developent and poverty in Zambia and Malawi in a historical perspective, with a focus on the impact of rural development policies on post-colonial processes of state and nation building. The essays highlight the neoliberal economic policies implemented by the national governments since the 1980s and the disappointing results of poverty reduction strategies implemented during the last two decades. Deviating from the mainstream depoliticized view of poverty as stemming from a lack of connection of the poor to the markets, the contributions in this issue regard poverty as embedded in broader mechanisms of political, economic and social exclusion. Titles: Rural development policies and poverty reduction in Southern Africa: experiences from Zambia and Malawi. An introduction (Davide Chinig• and Arrigo Pallotti); Multiparty politics, poverty and the unsolved rural question in Zambia (Arrigo Pallotti); 'Plus ‡a change': rural development policy and the persistence of rural poverty in Zambia (Erin Hern); Space, history and agrarian transformation in Malawi (Davide Chinig•); Chiefs in the trenches. Politics of tradition and citizenship in the Lake Chilwa Basin, Southern Malawi (Seamus Murphy); Examining the politics of land rush in Malawi's outgrower farming system: the case of Kasinthula Cane Growers Limited (Michael Chasukwa). [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M3 - 408479957 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 933 T1 - Surviving change by changing violently : ukuthwala in South Africa's Eastern Cape province A1 - Smit,W.J. A1 - Notermans,Catrien Y1 - 2015/// KW - cultural change KW - customs KW - marriage KW - modernization KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 29 EP - 46 JA - Anthropology Southern Africa: (2015), vol.38, no.1-2, p.29-46. VL - 38 IS - 1-2 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - During the last decade a comeback of the apparently extinct marriage practice called 'ukuthwala' has been noted and has found much attention in the South African media. It has been raised as a particular concern that, apparently, 'ukuthwala' increasingly entails the abduction and rape of underage girls as a precursor to marriage. This article aims to illustrate why this alleged "cultural throwback" occurs as the result of national socio-cultural, legal and economic processes in South Africa. Operationalising the concepts of policulturalism and Afromodernity as suggested by Comaroff and Comaroff (2012), ethnographic fieldwork reveals that local communities are establishing new autonomous identities, set against the Constitution's ideal of human rights, through the revival and change of customary practices. These revived customs are then employed as survival strategies to combat new economic challenges and the HIV/ AIDS pandemic. Concurrently, these survival strategies influence the way in which 'ukuthwala' is practiced, re-articulating an old tradition within modernity. Bibliogr., notes, sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/02/03/ M1 - Kf;C1 M3 - 40904251X L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23323256.2015.1026367 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 926 T1 - The African diaspora's public participation in policy-making concerning Africa A1 - Norglo,Benhardt Edem Kofi A1 - Goris,Margriet A1 - Lie,Rico A1 - Ong'ayo,Anthony Otieno Y1 - 2015/// KW - Africa KW - diasporas KW - Europe KW - government policy KW - Netherlands KW - organizations RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 83 EP - 99 JA - Diaspora Studies: (2015), vol.9, no.2, p.83-99. VL - 9 IS - 2 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper examines the involvement of African diaspora organizations in Dutch and European policy-making concerning Africa. It addresses the extent to which their inclusion or exclusion in public policy processes in their destination countries is likely to impact (development) policies relating to their countries of origin. The findings are based on a collaborative research project that involved knowledge institutes and African diaspora organizations in the Netherlands. The data consist of 35 in-depth interviews with members of the African diaspora and 2 workshops on African diaspora issues. The paper moves beyond conceptualisations of diaspora as transnational aid workers and promotes an understanding of the African diaspora's involvement as a form of rights-based civic participation. The research finds that the African diaspora can share unique insights to improve the quality of policy, but that representative bodies are needed. If the diaspora are involved in policymaking, it is through passive participation. However, the diaspora do have an aspiration for engagement through self-mobilization, and functional and interactive participation. The study further reveals that the diaspora's dual relationship with home and host countries offers an opportunity for policy-makers to explore mutual benefits for both Europe and the African continent.Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/02/27/ M3 - 409045179 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09739572.2016.1183889 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 930 T1 - The indigenous system of social relations (1934), with an introduction by Isak Niehaus A1 - Agnes,Winifred A1 - Niehaus,Isak Y1 - 2015/// KW - Africa KW - African culture KW - anthropology KW - modernization KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 75 EP - 87 JA - Anthropology Southern Africa: (2015), vol.38, no.1-2, p.75-87. VL - 38 IS - 1-2 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article reproduces, with minor editorial changes, a previously unpublished paper presented by Agnes Winifred Hoernl‚ to the New Education Fellowship Conference in Johannesburg in 1934. Hoernl‚ argues that education is vitally important in preparing the next generation of Africans for life in a complex emerging civilisation, in which European social patterns are imposed on African ones. Hoernl‚ acknowledges that many Africans live in towns and on white-owned farms under conditions far removed from tribal life. In this context, she argues, education should not aim to (re)produce cultural autonomy, but should rather "stimulate a healthy spirit of South African citizenship, which can animate both Blacks and Whites". Hoernl‚ sees African kinship systems and African traditions, such as bridewealth and age-sets, as possessing great strength and vitality, even in modern conditions. In her opinion, Africans can be transformed into a civilised people, without ceasing to be true Africans. She condemns Whites for failing to understand these traditions, but also for denying African children access to scientific knowledge. In his introduction to the article, Isak Niehaus suggests that Hoernl‚'s address shows an early quest to understand cultural differences within an emerging industrial society, rather than seeing cultures as singular and different from each other and in functionally integrated terms. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M1 - Ba;Kf;C1 M3 - 409042544 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23323256.2015.1047462 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 936 T1 - The laughing dove and other poems A1 - Head,Vernon R.L. Y1 - 2015/// KW - poetry (form) KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 70 CY - Auckland Park PB - Staging Post U2 - w09 SN - 0-9946677-8-7 AV - AFRIKA Lit.10536 Y2 - 2017/02/03/ M3 - 408668539 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 939 T1 - The new harvest agrarian policies and rural transformation in Southern Africa A1 - Chinig•,Davide Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Omslagtitel Met bibliogr., noten KW - 2015 KW - Africa KW - agricultural policy KW - conference papers (form) KW - food security KW - land acquisition KW - land reform KW - Malawi KW - Mozambique KW - small farms KW - Southern Africa KW - Tanzania KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE PB - AIEP Editore U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Afriche e Orienti, ISSN 1592-6753 ; anno XVII, numero 3 N2 - This special issue of Afriche e Orienti contains papers presented at the conference 'The new harvest: agrarian policies and rural transformation in Southern Africa', organized in Bologna, on 13 March 2015. Southern Africa is currently experiencing significant transformations of its rural areas. All countries in the region are implementing land reform programmes which, different as they are, draw heavily on a neoliberal framework. This leads, on the one hand, to processes of land grabbing by private and public sector actors, including local and national elites; on the other hand, to policies aiming to strengthen smallholder agriculture and the recognition of customary rights to land. Both -contradictory- dynamics have consequences for food security in the countryside. The radical land reform programme in Zimbabwe led to debates conceptualising food security as food sovereignty. The contributions in this special issue discuss the impact of rural development policies through a number of themes, such as access to land and resources, food security, democratisation, the emergence of new conflicts and claims to land. Titles: African peasantry, rural transformations and land grabbing in contemporary (Southern) Africa (Mario Zamponi); The role of land policies, land laws and agricultural development in challenges to rural livelihoods in Africa (Pauline E. Peters); Land law, power, rural development in post-Independence Mozambique (JoÆo Carrilho, Uacitissa Mandamule); Land reform and customary authorities in contemporary Malawi (Davide Chinig•); The future of agriculture in Zimbabwe? The expansion of contract farming and its impact on smallholder income and production (Gareth D. James); Land grabbing and agricultural commercialization duality: insights from Tanzania's transformation agenda (Emmanuel Sulle). [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/02/03/ M3 - 408479353 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 931 T1 - The truck driver's watch : time and the working lives of long haul truck drivers in southern Africa A1 - Steyn,Adriaan S. Y1 - 2015/// KW - drivers KW - road transport KW - Southern Africa KW - time management KW - work attitudes RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 61 EP - 74 JA - Anthropology Southern Africa: (2015), vol.38, no.1-2, p.61-74 : foto's. VL - 38 IS - 1-2 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The optimal use of time has shaped the organisation of productive activity in capitalist societies. This objective has similarly shaped labour in the truck transport industry. Drawing on mobile ethnographic fieldwork conducted amongst long haul truck drivers in southern Africa, the author explores the unique ways in which time is folded into and dictates the greatest part of their lives on the road. While these drivers face a myriad of time-consuming contingencies, they are constantly trying to move between different places in the quickest possible time. In the absence of well-enforced regulations restricting their daily time on the road, they are willing to stretch the limits of their bodies in order to turn every available minute into distance and, therefore, into profit for their employers. This time-discipline is not only externally imposed upon them, but also assumed and internalised to such an extent that they come to pride themselves on their own time-thrift. By drawing inspiration from Burawoy's notion of work as a game, the author suggests that we could make sense of truck drivers'willingness to work as hard as they do by thinking of their work in terms of a quest. Bibliogr., notes, sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/02/03/ M1 - Ka;E7 M3 - 409042536 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23323256.2015.1048811 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 934 T1 - White Namibians in tourism and the politics of belonging through Bushmen A1 - Koot,Stasja P. Y1 - 2015/// KW - ecotourism KW - Namibia KW - race relations KW - San RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 4 EP - 15 JA - Anthropology Southern Africa: (2015), vol.38, no.1-2, p.4-15. VL - 38 IS - 1-2 U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Namibian Bushmen, such as the Hai//om and the Ju/hoansi, are increasingly involved in the growing, white-dominated tourism industry. In this, white Namibians tend to position Bushmen and themselves as people of nature and conservationists. Elsewhere, whites from southern Africa have avoided contact with blacks by identifying more with nature than with people. This has been an important element in their "politics of belonging" to the land. From this perspective, Bushmen occupy a special position because they are considered "part of nature" while they are also members of contemporary society. Although this view is paradoxical at first sight, the author argues that essentialising Bushmen as people of nature and modernising (developing) them "into society" are compatible ideas that can strengthen white Namibians' belonging to nature and society. Against the background of the global indigenous movement and local history, crucial elements in this process of belonging are the tourists' quest for authenticity and southern African paternalism. Bibliogr., notes, sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/02/03/ M1 - Ke;E7 M3 - 409042501 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23323256.2015.1011343 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 937 T1 - Wine, women and Good Hope : a history of scandalous behaviour at the Cape A1 - McKinnon,June Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 193-198. - Met noten KW - drunkenness KW - history KW - humour KW - social conditions KW - social disorganization KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - X, 198 CY - Cape Town PB - Zebra Press U2 - w09 AV - AFRIKA 51401 Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M3 - 408631902 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 942 T1 - Innovation institutionnelle, investissement et d‚veloppement durable au Burundi A1 - Ndayizeye,L‚onidas A1 - Gahungu,Dieudonn‚ Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Met bibliogr., bijl., noten, samenvattingen KW - Burundi KW - commercial banks KW - corruption KW - economic development KW - institutional change KW - investments KW - public finance KW - sustainable development KW - taxation RP - NOT IN FILE PB - CURDES U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Cahier du CURDES ; no. 14 N2 - Ce num‚ro sp‚cial du 'Cahier du CURDES' exploite des thŠmes de finances publics au Burundi, parmi eux, les imp“ts, l'inflation, la corruption, la performance des banques commerciales. Titres des articles: Les effets redistributifs des r‚formes de l'imp“t sur le revenu au Burundi (F. Nimubona) ; Analyse de la relation inflation-croissance ‚conomique au Burundi: d‚tection des effets de seuil (R. Nizigiyimana); R“le des rapports des organes d'inscription et de contr“le de l'‚tat dans la consolidation de la bonne gouvernance au Burundi (A. Bizimungu); Influence de la structure du capital sur la performance financiŠre des banques commerciales au Burundi (C. Kabwigiri & P. Claver Hakizindavyi); L'conomie sociale au service du financement du secteur burundais … travers le cr‚dit solidaire (R. Ntawiratsa); Corruption, croissance ‚conomique et investissement au Burundi (D. Nkurunzizad); Promotion des investissements, aide au d‚veloppement et croissance ‚conomique au Burundi (G. Niyongabo); Probl‚matique des terres cultivables face … une d‚mographique galopante : une approche en termes de simulation (D. Niyondiko, J. Claude Nsabimana & R. Ndereyahaga); D‚terminants de la croissance ‚conomique des entreprises au Burundi: ‚tude empirique (D. Gahungu & A. Ndamanisha). [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/02/28/ M1 - Hb;E1 M3 - 409050563 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 941 T1 - La contribution des institutions de micro finance au financement des petites et moyennes entreprises et … l'autonomisation au Burundi A1 - Gahungu,Dieudonn‚ Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Met bibliogr., bijl., noten, samenvattingen KW - Burundi KW - microfinance KW - poverty reduction KW - small enterprises KW - women RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 142 CY - Bujumbura PB - CURDES U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Cahier du CURDES ; num‚ro sp‚cial N2 - Ce num‚ro sp‚cial du 'Cahier du CURDES' fait l'analyse de l'impact des institutions de micro finance (IMFs) au financement des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) et de l'autonomisation des femmes au Burundi. L'‚tude note une faible participation des IMFs dans le financement des PME du secteur formel. L'‚tude fait ressortir ‚galement un climat de m‚fiance entre les services fiscaux et les PME et met en ‚vidence des difficult‚s importantes du financement de la PME (taux d'int‚rˆt ‚lev‚, faiblesses de garantie, faible diversification des sources de financement, d‚lais de traitement des dossiers ‚lev‚s) ainsi que la faiblesse de l'‚pargne de long terme pour financer les activit‚s d'investissement. Quoi que l'on observe un d‚veloppement du secteur de la micro finance, les IMFs d‚j… fonctionnelles restent concentr‚es dans la capitale Bujumbura et moins repr‚sent‚es … l'int‚rieur. Mˆme si certaines institutions de micro finance ciblent sp‚cifiquement les femmes, elles sont faiblement int‚gr‚es dans les activit‚s des IMFs. Le num‚ro conclut avec des recommandations pour r‚ussir certaines politiques sociales. Ont contribu‚: Dieudonn‚ Gahungu, Jean Claude Nsabimana, M‚lance Nibigira, Jeanine Nkunzimana et Richard Ndereyahaga. [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] Y2 - 2017/02/28/ M1 - Hb;E3 M3 - 409051292 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 944 T1 - Nigerian political parties and politicians : winding road from country to nation A1 - Aregbeshola,Bolaji Samson Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 497-503. - Met noten KW - 1900-1999 KW - 2000-2009 KW - elections KW - Nigeria KW - political history KW - political parties RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 505 CY - Lagos PB - S'mare Publishing U2 - w09 SN - 978-1-494-98309-3 AV - AFRIKA 51104 Y2 - 2017/02/03/ M3 - 407974024 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 943 T1 - Victor Forestier Sow : a pioneer Malian painter A1 - Imperato,Pascal James A1 - Imperato,Austin C. A1 - Sow,Victor Forestier Y1 - 2014/// N1 - This publication accompanies an exhibition held at Queensborough Community College Art Gallery, The City University of New York, Bayside, New York in 2014"--Colophon Bibliogr.: p. 69-70 KW - art history KW - artists KW - Mali KW - painting RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XII, 72 CY - New York PB - QCC Art Gallery [etc.] U2 - w09 N2 - At home in the faraway : a personal reflection on the work of Victor Forestier Sow / by Austin C. Imperato -- A personal remembrance of Victor Forestier Sow / by Pascal James Imperato -- A short history of painting in Bamako / by Paul Ramey Davis -- Catalogue of paintings SN - 1-936658-21-6 AV - AFRIKA 51538 Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M3 - 408729724 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 947 T1 - Citizenship education for national re-orientation : (a handbook for Nigerians) A1 - Aimola,Bilkisu F. Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 173-177 KW - citizenship education KW - Nigeria KW - values RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XVI, 177 CY - Kaduna PB - Joyce Graphic Printer & Publishers U2 - w09 SN - 978-51843-8-2 AV - AFRIKA 51482 Y2 - 2017/02/28/ M3 - 408951389 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 946 T1 - Issues in contemporary Nigerian art 2000-2010 A1 - Maja-Pearce,Juliet Ezenwa Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Met bibliogr KW - art history KW - Nigeria KW - visual arts RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XIV, 202 CY - Lagos PB - The New Gong U2 - w09 SN - 1-503-08510-4 AV - AFRIKA A12573 Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M3 - 408956860 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 948 T1 - Jerm warfare! A1 - Nell,Jeremy Y1 - 2013/// N1 - A contagious collection of cartoons by award-winning Jerm"--Cover KW - cartoons (form) KW - politics KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 124 CY - Johannesburg PB - Penguin U2 - w09 SN - 0-14-353843-8 AV - AFRIKA 51406 Y2 - 2017/02/28/ M3 - 408713585 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 949 T1 - Le prix de l'impasse : Christianisme africain et imaginaires politiques A1 - Kavwahirehi,Kaserka Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 461-476. - Met noten KW - Christianity KW - ethics KW - Great Lakes region KW - peacebuilding KW - philosophy RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 476 CY - Bruxelles PB - Presses Interuniversitaires U2 - w09 T3 - Documents pour l'Histoire des Francophonies ; 35 N2 - Effondrements et p‚rils suprˆmes appellent toujours de grandes reconstructions de sens et d'ordre. Comment concevoir de nouvelles modalit‚s d'un vivre-ensemble humain dans la r‚gion des Grands Lacs africains? Faut-il parler de reconstruction ou de refondation? Quelles ressources mobiliser? Que faire pour que les millions de morts deviennent source d'une production politique? Telles sont les questions que pose ce livre. L'ing‚nierie politicienne et l'humanitarisme n‚olib‚ral ont montr‚ leur incapacit‚ … promouvoir un projet de relŠvement du sujet africain. · la diff‚rence de la raison technique, les traditions religieuses contiennent des ressources symboliques d'une force particuliŠre pour faire ‚chec aux forces mortifŠres de d‚sint‚gration : r‚unir l'homme bris‚ avec lui-mˆme comme avec les autres et le cosmos. Quelles sont dŠs lors les conditions que doit remplir le christianisme pour jouer un r“le moteur dans la r‚-imagination politique de l'Afrique et instituer un nouvel imaginaire social : celui de la sacralit‚ de la vie? La d‚marche interdisciplinaire de l'auteur, qui plonge dans le drame humain de la r‚gion des Grands Lacs, ouvre des voies pour des pratiques ‚thique, th‚ologique, politique et philosophique aptes … permettre une remont‚e commune en humanit‚ SN - 2-87574-104-7 AV - AFRIKA 51133 Y2 - 2017/02/28/ M3 - 407958614 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 945 T1 - Translating the Arabic Quran into isiXhosa A1 - Sesanti,Andiswa Theodora Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy (Translations) at Stellenbosch University Bibliogr.: p. 104-111. - Met bijl., Afrikaanse, Xhosa en Engelse samenvatting, noten KW - Koran KW - South Africa KW - translation KW - Xhosa language RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Stellenbosch PB - University of Stellenbosch, Department of Afrikaans and Dutch, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences U1 - Free access. U2 - w09 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2017/02/27/ M3 - 409011029 L3 - http://www.asclibrary.nl/docs/409011029.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 951 T1 - Nigeria yesterday today : an anthology of social commentaries A1 - Sogolo,Godwin Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Gepubliceerd in Guardian Newspapers (1986-1991) KW - articles (form) KW - Nigeria KW - political conditions KW - social conditions RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XIX, 726 CY - Ibadan PB - Safari Books Ltd U2 - w09 N2 - Nigeria Yesterday Today is a collection of social commentaries written at a period of political uncertainty, guarded changing values, optimism and intellectual ferment in Nigerian history. The articles in this anthology addressed the aberrations, absurdities and challenges of a country under the jackboots of military generals whose governance skills, attitude and impact on the institutions and values of the society were hardly different from those of an occupying army. Put mildly, the society was in a rot and everywhere you turned, there was something to be unhappy about. The hospitals were no more than glorified consulting clinics; the schools were a little better than cow sheds; the policemen were onlookers in the spectacle of crime; municipal facilities, such as pipe-borne water, electricity, garbage disposal, exlsted more in the realm of ideas than reality, while most of those who took it upon themselves to "rescue" the people from mis-governance were more interested in the privileges than the responsibilities of office. The dramatis personae may have changed but the conditions of yesterday, which stirred Professor Sogolo's passion and pen, remain largely unchanged. Nigeria today is, sadly, no different from Nigeria yesterday. [back cover] SN - 979-978-84312-4-3 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51449 Y2 - 2017/02/28/ M3 - 408823453 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 950 T1 - Sandbank city : Lagos at 150 A1 - Godwin,William John Gilbert A1 - Hopwood,Gillian Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 249-253. - Met bijl., index KW - architectural history KW - local history KW - Nigeria KW - towns KW - urban planning RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XVI, 262 CY - Lagos PB - Kachifo Limited, under its Prestige imprint U2 - w09 SN - 978-51084-6-5 AV - AFRIKA A12571 Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M3 - 408957034 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 952 T1 - Tarrafal - chÆo bom : mem¢rias e verdades A1 - Lopes,Jos‚ Vicente A1 - Costa,JoÆo Fialho da Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Issued in keep case Previous edition published in 2010 Includes bibliographical references (volume 1, pages 239-240) and indices KW - 1930-1939 KW - 1940-1949 KW - 1950-1959 KW - 1960-1969 KW - 1970-1979 KW - Angolans KW - Cape Verde KW - Cape Verdeans KW - concentration camps KW - detention KW - Guinea-Bissauans KW - interviews (form) KW - memory KW - political prisoners KW - Portugal RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 2 CY - Ciadade da Praia PB - Instituto da Investiga‡Æo e do Patrim¢nio Culturais (IIPC) U2 - w09 AV - AFRIKA 51073 Y2 - 2017/02/03/ M3 - 407897933 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 954 T1 - Black mamba boy A1 - Mohamed,Nadifa Y1 - 2010/// KW - East Africa KW - Great Britain KW - novels (form) KW - refugees KW - World War II RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 280 CY - London PB - HarperCollins U2 - w09 SN - 0-00-731574-0 AV - AFRIKA Lit.10542 Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M3 - 408831081 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 953 T1 - The 2009 Kenya population and housing census Y1 - 2010/// N1 - Counting our people for the implemention of vision 2030 Volumes 3-15 cover title reads: Analytical report on [subject] Volume 15 incorrectly numbered 13 V. 1A. Population distribution by administrative units -- v. 1B. Population distribution by political units -- v. 1C. Population distribution by age, sex, and administrative units -- v. 2. Population and household distribution by socio-economic characteristics -- v. 3. Population dynamics -- v. 4. Household and family dynamics -- v. 5. Fertility and nuptiality -- v. 6. Mortality -- v. 7. Migration -- v. 8. Urbanization -- v. 9. Education -- v. 10. Labour force dynamics -- v. 11. Housing conditions, amenities and household assets -- v. 12. Gender dimensions -- v. 13. Disability -- v. 14. Population projections -- v. 15. Analytical report census atlas KW - 2009 KW - censuses KW - housing KW - Kenya KW - population composition KW - statistics RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Nairobi PB - Kenya National Bureau of Statistics U1 - Free access. U2 - w09 SN - 9966-76720-7 (v. 1A) AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2017/03/03/ M3 - 409086282 L3 - http://www.asclibrary.nl/docs/409086282.htm ER - TY - BOOK ID - 955 T1 - Les voleurs de sexe : anthropologie d'une rumeur africaine A1 - Bonhomme,Julien Y1 - 2009/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 171-[193]. - Met noten KW - anthropology KW - Central Africa KW - homicide KW - Nigeria KW - rituals KW - sexuality KW - violence KW - West Africa KW - witchcraft RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 192 CY - [Paris] PB - ditions du Seuil U2 - w09 T3 - La librairie du XXIe siŠcle, ISSN 1628-5255 SN - 978-2-02-100169-3 AV - AFRIKA 51566 Y2 - 2017/02/03/ M3 - 328256013 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 956 T1 - The rise and fall of the Yoruba race A1 - Olubunmi,Ayoade Oluwaseun Y1 - 2007/// N1 - Bibliogr. RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 3 CY - [S.l.] PB - 199 Publishing Palace U2 - w09 SN - 978-2457-38-8 volume 1 M3 - 409077151 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 957 T1 - NGOs and governance in the Arab world A1 - Ben N‚fissa,Sarah Y1 - 2005/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 367-388. - Met noten KW - Arab countries KW - civil society KW - democratization KW - Egypt KW - governance KW - Islam KW - legislation KW - NGO KW - public health KW - Somalia KW - State RP - NOT IN FILE EP - IX, 388 CY - Cairo PB - American University in Cairo Press U2 - w09 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Are Arab NGOs contributing to the democratization process? Do they create trial arenas for citizen participation and/or alternative forums to promote and define 'common welfare'? These are the central questions addressed in this collective volume, which emerged from the conference 'NGOs and governance in the Arab countries', organized in Cairo in 2000. Apart from the introductory chapter by Sarah Ben N‚fissa, the book is divided into two parts: 1. Globalization and governance: situating Arab NGOs, and 2. NGOs of the Arab world: between the democracy question and the social question. The first part has contributions by Carlos Milani, Pierre-Jean Roca, Muhammad Al-Sayyid Said and Guilain Denoeux. The second part contains case studies on Egypt, Palestine, Libanon, Yemen and Somalia. Titles of the studies on Egypt and Somalia: From inertia to movement: a study of the conflict over the NGO law in Egypt (Viviane Fouad, Nadia Refat & Samir Murcos); Hegemony and counter-hegemony in Egypt: advocacy NGOs, civil society, and the State (Nicola Pratt); Islamic NGOs and the development of democracy in Egypt (Abd al-Ghaffar Shukr); NGOs and the reform of the Egyptian health system: realistic prospects for governance or pipe dream (Sylvia Chiffoleau); NGOs in a country without a government: Islamic movements and aspirations to replace the State in war-torn Somalia (Marc-Antoine P‚rouse de Montclos. [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 977-424-904-6 AV - AFRIKA 51569 Y2 - 2017/02/03/ M3 - 308530942 ER - TY - JFULL ID - 959 T1 - Refugee insights : newsletter of the Refugee Consortium of Kenya Refugee insights : quarterly newsletter of the Refugee Consortium of Kenya Y1 - 2003/// N1 - Verschijnt 1x per 3 maanden KW - Kenya KW - refugee assistance KW - refugees KW - Somalia RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Refugee insights : newsletter of the Refugee Consortium of Kenya U2 - w09 AV - AFRIKA LN64 Y2 - 2017/02/27/ M3 - 384003540 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 958 T1 - Kabila et la r‚volution congolaise : panafricanisme ou n‚ocolonialisme? : tome 1 A1 - Martens,Ludo Y1 - 2002/// N1 - Omslagtitel Met index, noten KW - 1990-1999 KW - civil wars KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - heads of State KW - international relations KW - pan-Africanism KW - political history KW - political violence KW - regional security KW - war RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 719 CY - Anvers PB - ditions EPO U2 - w09 SN - 2-87262-191-1 AV - AFRIKA 51490 Y2 - 2017/02/28/ M3 - 363156011 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 960 T1 - Ouagadougou 2000 : sch‚ma directeur d'am‚nagement et d'urbanisme Y1 - 1985/// KW - Burkina Faso KW - capitals KW - urban planning RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Ouagadougou PB - MinistŠre de l'‚quipement et des communications U1 - Free access. U2 - w09 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2017/02/27/ M1 - (662.5);711.4;711.451;Fc M3 - 408979461 L3 - http://www.asclibrary.nl/docs/408979461.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 961 T1 - De sanering van Wagadogo-Nossin Ouagadougou Boven-Volta : voorstudie oktober 1978 De sanering van Wagadogo-Nossin Ouagadougou Boven-Volta : voorstudie oktober 1978 A1 - Veen,Rene van Y1 - 1979/// N1 - Met bijl KW - Burkina Faso KW - urban renewal RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Amsterdam PB - Geografisch en Planologisch Instituut, Vakgroep Planologie, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam U1 - Free access. U2 - w09 N2 - De vakgroep planologie van de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam is sinds 1978 bezig met een onderzoek naar de saneringsproblematiek van Ouagadougou in het algemeen en de wijk Wagadogo-Nossie (als het oudste en meest centraal gelegen niet-verkaveld gebied) in het bijzonder. Na een opsomming van de doelstellingen van sanering en een beschrijving van twee reeds bestaande saneringsvoorstellen voor de wijk, ontwerpt en analyseert men in deze studie drie saneringsvoorstellen 1) waarbij de bestaande straten gehandhaafd blijven; 2) waarbij, na herstrukturering van het stratenpatroon, in principe alle percelen bereikbaar zijn voor autoverkeer; en 3) waarbij de bestaande toestand is vervangen door en geheel nieuwe ruimtelijke ordening AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2017/02/27/ M1 - (662.5);711.4-164 M3 - 408979615 L3 - http://www.asclibrary.nl/docs/408979615.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 962 T1 - Een saneringsplan voor Hamadallaye, Ouagadougou Boven-Volta A1 - Veen,Rene van Y1 - 1978/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 73 KW - Burkina Faso KW - urban renewal RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Amsterdam PB - [s.n.] U1 - Free access. U2 - w09 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2017/02/27/ M3 - 408979798 L3 - http://www.asclibrary.nl/docs/408979798.pdf ER - TY - JFULL ID - 963 T1 - Africa today Africa today, ISSN 1527-1978 Y1 - 1954/// N1 - Later met ondertitel: a quarterly review Latere uitgever: Boulder, Col. : Lynne Rienner Vanaf 1994 uitg. door: Africa Today Associates in association with University of Denver, Graduate School of International Studies Ook verschenen als Online Resource Verscheen aanvankelijk 1ž per maand, later 1ž per 3 maanden KW - Africa KW - politics RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Africa today U2 - w09 SN - 0001-9887 AV - AFRIKA J-2/Lz Y2 - 2017/02/27/ M1 - (6);32;Ba M3 - 840751508 ER -