TY - BOOK ID - 1054 T1 - Investir RD Congo 2015 Y1 - 2015/// KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - economic conditions KW - economic policy KW - foreign investments KW - investment policy RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 74 CY - Paris PB - Groupe Jeune Afrique U2 - w14 T3 - Doing business in Africa AV - AFRIKA Hc8156 Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M3 - 391928112 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1055 T1 - Dignity and dawn : Libya's escalating civil war A1 - Gartenstein,Daveed A1 - Barr,Nathaniel Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 45-56. - Met noten KW - civil wars KW - international relations KW - Libya KW - terrorism RP - NOT IN FILE CY - The Hague PB - International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, ICCT U1 - Free access. U2 - w14 T3 - ICCT research paper AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/03/30/ M3 - 391787888 L3 - http://www.icct.nl/download/file/ICCT-Gartenstein-Ross-Barr-Dignity-and- Dawn-Libyas-Escalating-Civil-War-February2015.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1056 T1 - Dictionnaire dan-fran‡ais (dan de l'Ouest) : avec un index fran‡ais-dan A1 - Erman,Anna A1 - Loh,Japhet Kahouy‚ Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Met noten KW - C“te d'Ivoire KW - Dan language KW - dictionaries (form) KW - French language RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 271 CY - Lac-Beauport PB - Mea Books U2 - w14 SN - 978-0-9939969-9-3 AV - AFRIKA Hb.Woord/Dan/Fra Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M3 - 390787728 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1057 T1 - The institutionalization of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQMI) A1 - Ouellet,Eric A1 - Lacroix-Leclair,J‚r“me A1 - Pahlavi,Pierre Y1 - 2014/// N1 - In: Terrorism and political violence, vol. 26, no. 4, p 650-665. - ISSN 1556-1836 KW - Algeria KW - Islamic movements KW - Maghreb KW - Sahel KW - terrorism RP - NOT IN FILE CY - London PB - Routledge U1 - Free access. U2 - w14 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/03/30/ M3 - 391932306 L3 - http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/09546553.2012.745853 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1058 T1 - Islamic terrorism and the Malian rebellion A1 - Walther,Olivier J. A1 - Christopoulos,Dimitris Y1 - 2014/// N1 - In: Terrorism and political violence, vol. 0, p. 1-23. - ISSN 1556-1836 KW - Islam KW - Mali KW - rebellions KW - Sahara KW - Sahel KW - social networks KW - terrorism KW - Tuareg RP - NOT IN FILE CY - London PB - Routledge U1 - Free access. U2 - w14 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/03/30/ M3 - 391931547 L3 - http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/09546553.2013.809340 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1059 T1 - Three years into the 4th term : what are the citizens' perceptions of the NRM's performance? : a UGMP opinion poll research report Y1 - 2014/// KW - government parties KW - National Resistance Movement KW - opinion polls KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Kampala PB - Uganda National NGO Forum U1 - Free access. U2 - w14 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/03/30/ M3 - 391793462 L3 - http://ngoforum.or.ug/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2014/05/UGMP-opinion- poll-report-May-2014.pdf ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1060 T1 - Le g‚nocide perp‚tr‚ contre les Tutsi en 1994 au Rwanda : une r‚alit‚ politique des extr‚mistes hutu A1 - Hitimana,Justine Y1 - 2014/// KW - genocide KW - government KW - responsibility KW - Rwanda RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 311 EP - 327 JA - Journal of Oriental and African Studies: (2014), vol.23, p.311-327. VL - 23 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - Cet article porte sur la question: Comment un peuple qui jadis ‚tait soud‚, quelle que soient les in‚galit‚s socio-‚conomique, a ‚t‚ profond‚ment divis‚ jusqu'au crime horrifiant de g‚nocide? Au Rwanda ce crime de g‚nocide a ‚t‚ commis par l'tat en utilisant le plus grand nombre de population hutu … exterminer la population tutsi. Au niveau central, le noyau du groupe qui faisait le g‚nocide ‚tait constitu‚ de personnes trŠs proches du pr‚sident Habyarimana. Il disposait de relais locaux et r‚gionaux charg‚s de l'ex‚cution sur place: pr‚fets, sous-pr‚fets, bourgmestres, d‚put‚s, militaires, chefs de milices 'Interahamwe' et autres. Le g‚nocide a montr‚ aussi le pouvoir d‚vastateur des moyens modernes de communication. Radio-T‚l‚vision Libre des Mille Collines a r‚ussi en peu de temps … endoctriner des millions d'Hutu et … cr‚er un climat d'hyst‚rie g‚n‚rale. La mention ethnique sur les cartes d'identit‚ s'est r‚v‚l‚e trŠs efficace. Le rapport de la Commission de Droit de l'homme a confirm‚ le caractŠre 't‚l‚guid‚' des massacres. Bibliogr., r‚f, r‚s. en anglais [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Hd;D2 M3 - 391592173 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1061 T1 - Mythologie de la lutte contre la corruption en R‚publique D‚mocratique du Congo A1 - Sojobho,FidŠle Edhebhua Y1 - 2014/// KW - corruption KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - government policy RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 284 EP - 302 JA - Journal of Oriental and African Studies: (2014), vol.23, p.284-302. VL - 23 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - Cet article concerne l'analyse de la lutte contre la corruption en R‚publique d‚mocratique du Congo. L'ann‚e 2001 est celle de l'ouverture de la campagne anti-corruption en R.D. Congo. Cette p‚riode a connu trois ‚tapes: la prise de conscience, organisation de cadre d'action et d‚finition de strat‚gie. Plusieurs rapports font ‚tat de la pr‚sence de la corruption en R.D. Congo. Des causes socio-‚conomiques, politiques et juridiques sont … la base de la corruption. En R.D. Congo, elle est tellement syst‚matis‚ qu'elle se caract‚rise par sa complexit‚, ses multiples facettes et par les zones d'ombre dans lesquelles elle se meut. Depuis 2006, la R.D. Congo a connu deux gouvernements. Celui de Gizenga a mis en place une forme de simplification de proc‚dure en matiŠre fiscale et douaniŠre, il a mis en action l'observatoire du code ‚thique des agents de l'tat et il a cr‚‚ plusieurs structures lui permettant de contr“ler le systŠme administratif. N‚anmoins, plusieurs facteurs ont prouv‚ l'irr‚alisme de ce programme. Le gouvernement Muzito a finalis‚ la r‚forme des services de l'Administration Publique, ax‚e sur le renforcement du contr“le. Bien que ces gouvernements ont cr‚‚ des outils pour la lutte contre la corruption, l'on constate par ailleurs l'absence quasi totale de la mise en uvre de ces moyens: non installation effective de la commission d'‚thique, inapplication des lois et n‚gligence des strat‚gies recommand‚es. Bibliogr., r‚f, r‚s. en anglais [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Gf;D2 M3 - 391592122 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1062 T1 - Comportements et pratiques alimentaires … Kinshasa: un rapprochement entre les conditions de vie et les modes de consommation alimentaires des m‚nages A1 - Muteba Kalala,Damien A1 - Ntoto,Roger A1 - Lebailly,Philippe Y1 - 2014/// KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - food consumption KW - income KW - malnutrition KW - urban areas RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 263 EP - 283 JA - Journal of Oriental and African Studies: (2014), vol.23, p.263-283 : graf., tab. VL - 23 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - Pendant la saison pluvieuse (f‚vrier-avril) de l'an 2012, un suivi alimentaire a ‚t‚ men‚ auprŠs de 30 m‚nages de trois quartiers de Kinshasa, R‚publique d‚mocratique du Congo. L'‚chantillonnage raisonn‚ a permis de choisir 10 m‚nages dans chaque quartier, alors 10 m‚nages dans le quartier ais‚, 10 m‚nages moyens dans le quartier moyen, et 10 m‚nages moins ais‚s avec l'habitat de qualit‚ pr‚caire choisis dans le quartier moins ais‚. La m‚thodologie suivie est bas‚e sur une enquˆte qualitative consistant en un suivi des m‚nages … travers leurs d‚penses alimentaires quotidiennes. La taille des m‚nages est de 8 dans les quartiers ais‚ et interm‚diaire et de 10 personnes dans le quartier Mabula o— ont ‚t‚ enquˆt‚s les m‚nages les plus pauvres. Le nombre de sources de revenu par m‚nage est respectivement de 4 dans les m‚nages moins ais‚s et de 2 dans les m‚nages moyens et ais‚s. La quantit‚ d'aliments consomm‚s/personne/jour et les apports ‚nerg‚tiques/personne/jour sont respectivement 1120 grammes et 2452 calories dans les m‚nages ais‚s, 801 grammes et 1838 calories dans les m‚nages moyens, et 493 grammes et 1130 calories dans les m‚nages pauvres. Les apports prot‚iques ne semblent pas ˆtre largement d‚ficitaire, tant dans les m‚nages ais‚s que dans les m‚nages pauvres. Bibliogr., r‚s. en anglais [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Gf;I3 M3 - 391592076 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1063 T1 - La probl‚matique de l'intellectuel en Afrique noire hier et aujourd'hui A1 - Lock,Etienne Y1 - 2014/// KW - Africa KW - African identity KW - education KW - elite KW - intellectuals KW - postcolonialism RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 249 EP - 262 JA - Journal of Oriental and African Studies: (2014), vol.23, p.249-262. VL - 23 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - L'article cherche … mieux comprendre les ‚quivoques qui pŠsent sur l'intellectuel africain et … revaloriser sa personnalit‚. Par le fait que l'intellectuel s'est t“t situ‚ entre la r‚alit‚ africaine et la culture occidentale, conjuguant difficilement en sa personne sa double appartenance, il peut constituer une r‚f‚rence importante dans la lecture de crises sociales de l'Afrique du XXe et XXIe siŠcle. Il faut constater que l'‚lite africaine coincide pratiquement avec l'intelligentsia. L'intellectuel, dans la mesure o— il n'a pas emprunt‚ le chemin d'exil, n'a pas la capacit‚ … juguler et … contr“ler les effervescences populaires africaines qui remettent en cause sa force et son droit. Si la probl‚matique de l'intellectuel en Afrique noire n'a que peu ‚volu‚, c'est aussi parce que les structures qui le cr‚ent, de d‚finissent, le font, constituent un h‚ritage qui reste ‚tranger. Cela pose la n‚cessit‚ pour l'Afrique de se doter des instruments de son propre avenir. Ce n'est d'ailleurs que dans cette mesure que l'‚cole deviendrait une institution capable de r‚pondre aux besoins actuels des tats de l'Afrique noire. Bibliogr., notes, r‚s. en anglais [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Ba;C2 M3 - 391591967 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1064 T1 - Influence des repr‚sentations sociales de l'environnement sur l'adoption des pratiques durables de production: une contribution … partir du systŠme de production de coton biologique au B‚nin A1 - Assogba,S.Claude-Gervais A1 - Tossou,Rigobert Cocou A1 - Lebailly,Philippe Y1 - 2014/// KW - attitudes KW - Bariba KW - Benin KW - cotton KW - farmers KW - sustainable agriculture RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 227 EP - 248 JA - Journal of Oriental and African Studies: (2014), vol.23, p.227-248 : fig., graf., tab. VL - 23 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - L'‚tude cherche … caract‚riser les repr‚sentations sociales des producteurs (RSP) engag‚s dans la production de coton biologique … Kandi (Nord B‚nin) afin d'expliquer leurs comportements dans l'appropriation de ce systŠme de production. Pour ce faire, l'article passera en revue les consid‚rations th‚oriques sur l'environnement, les innovations environnementales et les RSP pour d‚finir un cadrage th‚orique pour les analyses. Les RSP de l'environnement seront caract‚ris‚es puis leur influence sur leurs comportements analys‚e. Au B‚nin, la promotion de la production et de la commercialisation du coton certifi‚e biologique remonte … 1996. De 1996 … 2010, l'effectif des producteurs est pass‚ de 57 … 2695. Les superficies emblav‚es ‚taient de 1094 ha en 2007. N‚anmoins, la production de coton biologique demeure marginale au regard de sa contribution … la production nationale de coton-graine (0.24 pour cent) et aux superficies emblav‚es (0,80 pour cent). La caract‚risation des RSP r‚vŠle que les producteurs de coton biologique ont une vision essentiellement anthropocentrique de leur environnement. Ils ne se r‚fŠrent pas … leur environnement comme ‚tant des systŠmes ‚cologiques. Dans la cosmologie 'Baatonu', principal groupe socioculturel de la zone, les ressources naturelles sont consid‚r‚s comme des ressources mises … la disposition de l'homme par Dieu ('Gusunon') pour que l'homme s'en serve pour la satisfaction de ses besoins dans une conception interg‚n‚rationnelle. Ainsi, on a trouv‚ que les motivations ‚conomiques constituent la premiŠre raison qui les amŠne … participer au programme. Bibliogr., r‚s. en anglais [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Fb;E5 M3 - 391591908 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1065 T1 - Facteurs socio-‚conomiques face aux problŠmes daccessibilit‚ aux soins dans un milieu rural A1 - Matshimba,Justin Mukandila Y1 - 2014/// KW - access to health care KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - health policy RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 203 EP - 213 JA - Journal of Oriental and African Studies: (2014), vol.23, p.203-213 : tab. VL - 23 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - Cet article a pour but de d‚terminer les facteurs socio-‚conomiques qui sont … la base de l'inaccessibilit‚ aux soins de sant‚ dans la Zone de Sant‚ de Katende, dans le territoire de Dimbelenge au sud de la ville de Kananga, R‚publique d‚mocratique du Congo. Une ‚tude ‚pid‚miologique de 2012 a montr‚ que dans ce contexte rural l'accessibilit‚ aux soins de sant‚ est trŠs ‚lev‚e soit 79.7 pour cent. Le revenu faible, le manque de mutuelle de sant‚ et d'occupation, le co–t des soins et l'influence des parents sont parmi les facteurs socio-‚conomiques les plus importants. Le poids du m‚nage n'en joue aucun r“le. L'auteur suggŠre, entre autres: 1. au gouvernement congolais d'augmenter la part du budget accord‚e au secteur sant‚ et le r‚partir ‚quitablement dans les provinces du pays jusqu'… attendre toutes les Zones de Sant‚; 2. … la Zone de Sant‚ de Katende d'‚tudier une bonne politique de fixation des prix de soins par ‚pisode maladie; et 3. … la population de dite zone d'organiser des mutuelles sant‚s, de cr‚er des coop‚ratives agricoles, et d'appliquer le planning familial. Bibliogr., r‚s. en anglais. [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Gj;I1 M3 - 391591800 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1066 T1 - State structuring, international law and interventions of the international community: the African paradigm A1 - Livas,Sotirios S. Y1 - 2014/// KW - Africa KW - democratization KW - governance KW - international politics KW - legitimacy KW - responsibility RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 185 EP - 189 JA - Journal of Oriental and African Studies: (2014), vol.23, p.185-189. VL - 23 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - The results of the pressure of the international community (IC) for "more" democracy in Africa are critically examined. The author argues that democracy as a mode of state operation ought to go hand in hand with economic and cultural development, with accountability, with the legitimization of a democratically elected government, and with a feeling of security of civil society and of the government. Any intervention of the IC that does not take into account the peculiarities of these societies (lack of national legitimacy of state power, poor state of homogeneity) is doomed to fail. In any case, the external forms of democracy (meaning elections) cannot, by themselves, guarantee the self-assertion of a social class that is capable of controlling the inner workings of a national government. The IC's understanding of the ineffectiveness of the external forms of democracy as a means to empower and solidify the state structures in an African context could, in combination with a true will to change these countries' predicaments, lead to conceiving new methods to avert new humanitarian crises. Ref., sum. [ASC Leiden Abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Ba;D4 M3 - 391589199 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1067 T1 - Conflict and conflict resolution in indigenous Africa A1 - Tasie,G.I.K. Y1 - 2014/// KW - conflict resolution KW - Igbo KW - Nigeria KW - traditional society RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 172 EP - 184 JA - Journal of Oriental and African Studies: (2014), vol.23, p.172-184. VL - 23 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - In this essay, the author draws attention to the existence of well-articulated social control mechanisms in traditional Africa that can be used for conflict resolution, especially among the Igbo of south-eastern Nigeria. These mechanisms may be at variance with western patterns, but achieve the same aims, and in many instances, more effectively so. Traditional causes of conflict include land disputes, suspicions of witchcraft and sorcery, sexual offences, marriage conflicts and political successions. Mechanisms may involve the taking of oaths, consulting oracles, invoking the help of divinities and ancestor-spirits, compensating victims, controlling peers in age set organizations or secret societies, punishing criminals and evil-doers, restoring a general moral disposition by festivals, exiling murderers, and fining disputants by mediators. Bibliogr., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Fn;H0 M3 - 391588753 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1068 T1 - The institution of 'waqf' as an instrument of peace and security in Nigeria A1 - Noibi,Mubarak Ademola Y1 - 2014/// KW - charities KW - foundations KW - Islamic law KW - Nigeria KW - poverty reduction KW - property rights RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 139 EP - 153 JA - Journal of Oriental and African Studies: (2014), vol.23, p.139-153. VL - 23 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - The article examines the potential of the institution of Islamic endowment ('waqf') for alleviating poverty in Nigeria. The author argues that through its social function 'waqf' could go a long way in reducing crime in Nigeria. Under Shari'ah 'waqf' means a gift wherein the corpus is detained while the usufruct is set free. Detaining the corpus here means the prevention of the gift from being inherited, given out as a gift, sold, lent, mortgaged or rented out. 'Waqf' is an Islamic instrument for redistributing wealth in an Islamic economy. Its proceeds can be dedicated to the aged, children, water supply, poverty alleviation, Qur'an production and distribution, mosque building and maintenance, or orphan care. 'Waqf' has also been used for personal, political, and other purposes. Some 'awqaf' (plural of 'waqf') have a global reach such as the Direct Aid Association (Kuwait), the SAR charitable institution (Virginia, USA), and the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) Endowment Fund. Note, ref., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Fn;B1 M3 - 391586882 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1069 T1 - Chants fun‚raires des Mossi (Burkina Faso) A1 - Degorce,Alice Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Texts in Moor‚ with French translation on opposite pages; critical matter in French Oorspr. author's thesis (doctoral)--cole pratique des hautes ‚tudes, Paris, 2009 Bibliogr.: p. 311-316. - Met noten Oorspr.o.d.t.: "Saluer la souffrance d'hier" : repr‚sentations des d‚funts et r‚seaux de relations dans les rites et les chants fun‚raires moose (Burkina Faso) KW - Burkina Faso KW - death rites KW - Mossi KW - mourning KW - oral traditions KW - songs KW - songs (form) KW - women RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 318 CY - [Paris] PB - Association classiques africains U2 - w14 T3 - Classiques africains ; 33 SN - 2-912839-29-7 pbk AV - AFRIKA 48424 Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M3 - 389991937 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1070 T1 - Whose media, whose agenda? : Monitoring the Malawi 2014 tripartite elections A1 - Gaber,Ivor A1 - Lora-Kayambazinthu,Edrinnie Y1 - 2014/// KW - 2014 KW - elections KW - Malawi KW - mass communication KW - mass media KW - social media RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 106 EP - 114 JA - Ecquid Novi: (2014), vol.35, no.3, p.106-114. VL - 35 IS - 3 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - In 2014 Malawi experienced its first-ever tripartite elections involving presidential, parliamentary and local government contests. The role of the media was monitored in a major operation covering radio, television, newspapers, news websites and social media. The results revealed that, with the exception of state-controlled media, news outlets played a broadly positive role, providing fair coverage for the four leading candidates and reporting on a broad range of topics. Social media provided a lively platform for the views and opinions of mainly partisan participants (presumably mostly from the urban elite). On the negative side, coverage of the presidential and to a lesser extent the parliamentary contests dominated, so that the amount of news about local government issues was minimal. The most important negative aspect of the campaign was the one-sided coverage provided by the two state radio channels, the state television station and its online news service. Bibliogr., note, sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Jb;A4;D2 M3 - 383943086 L3 - http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02560054.2014.964937 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1071 T1 - Democratising the media in the new democracies of Ghana and Nigeria : challenges and prospects A1 - Akpojivi,Ufuoma Y1 - 2014/// KW - democratization KW - Ghana KW - mass media KW - media policy KW - Nigeria KW - reform RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 87 EP - 105 JA - Ecquid Novi: (2014), vol.35, no.3, p.87-105 : fig., tab. VL - 35 IS - 3 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - The institutionalisation of democracy in Ghana (1992) and Nigeria (1999) after years of military regimes facilitated the need to reform old media structures that supported authoritarian regimes into institutions that would facilitate the democratic process. The media reform initiatives embarked upon by both countries liberalised the media environment to create a free and independent media that would support the transition process by offering a platform for public debate, aimed at enhancing political participation. Using policy analysis and elite interviews, this article examines the reforms in both countries, and the extent to which Western countries/ donors impacted on their policy formulation and implementation processes. The author argues that these countries' historical, political and socio-cultural antecedents have affected the praxes of their media reforms, and as a result their objectives have not been fully realised. Bibliogr., note, sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Ff;Fn;A4 M3 - 383943078 L3 - http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02560054.2014.959980 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1072 T1 - The political economic history of the introduction of television in Kenya A1 - King'ara,George Ngugi Y1 - 2014/// KW - broadcasting KW - Kenya KW - media history KW - television RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Ecquid Novi: (2014), vol.35, no.3, p.73-86 : krt. VL - 35 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - This article explores the factors surrounding the introduction of television broadcasting in Kenya, and those issues that have historically instigated how television producers in Kenyan television conceptualise audiences. It highlights that the political economic legacy of the beginnings of broadcasting in Kenya continues to influence the processes involved in the production of television programmes, and therefore how producers view the audiences of these programmes. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Hc;A4 M3 - 38394306X L3 - http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02560054.2014.955866 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1073 T1 - The re-emergence of diasporic radio in independent Zimbabwe A1 - Ndlovu,Everette Y1 - 2014/// KW - diasporas KW - radio KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 54 EP - 72 JA - Ecquid Novi: (2014), vol.35, no.3, p.54-72. VL - 35 IS - 3 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - This article contributes to the debate on the re-emergence of diasporic radio and its role in facilitating citizen journalism and political awareness in Zimbabwe. The article uses Short Wave Radio Africa and other diasporic radio stations domiciled outside Zimbabwe to examine how diasporic radio has re-emerged in independent Zimbabwe, where it manages to utilise affordable communication technologies to link with the population, providing the people with an alternative public sphere on which to articulate their views and engage in democratic debate. Within a restrictive environment, the people produce their social world through thought processes and ideas as they establish social, political and economic relations with one another to influence their circumstances. Despite the government's control of the media, an oppositional communicative space has been created by a small number of poorly resourced social players who are set on giving the masses alternative discursive platforms. Bibliogr., note, sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - J2;A4 M3 - 383943051 L3 - http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02560054.2014.957225 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1074 T1 - Reimagining the Kenyan television broadcasting scape : active user-generated content (AUGC) as an emancipating platform A1 - Ambala,A.Terah Y1 - 2014/// KW - broadcasting KW - Kenya KW - media history KW - television RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 39 EP - 53 JA - Ecquid Novi: (2014), vol.35, no.3, p.39-53. VL - 35 IS - 3 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - A critical historical reading of the Kenyan broadcasting space irradiates a recurring motif in which the political and economic elites repeatedly stifle national discourse, imposing a monolithic enunciatory space. This has relegated significant sections of the citizenry at the periphery to remain passive participants in the national narrative, and victims of broadcasting platforms and instruments which are national resources. The article is framed on Billig's (1995) thoughts on 'banal nationalism' and draws insight from the tenets of Bhabha's 'cultural difference' theory. The argument here is that the Kenyan broadcasting space has, since colonial times, been an antithesis of Billig's and Bhabha's propositions to the narrative of the nation. Premised on these debates, the use of active user-generated content (AUGC) as a potential intervention to 'opening up' the Kenyan broadcasting space, is proposed. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Hc;A4 M3 - 383943043 L3 - http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02560054.2014.957226 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1075 T1 - Ce que le Maroc doit au roi Hassan II A1 - Riziki Mohamed,Abdelaziz Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 411- 414. - Met noten KW - 1960-1969 KW - 1970-1979 KW - 1980-1989 KW - 1990-1999 KW - heads of State KW - Morocco KW - political history RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 424 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w14 SN - 2-343-04015-X pbk AV - AFRIKA 48158 Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M3 - 383655307 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1076 T1 - Apports des traditions dans les successions royales merina : Madagascar - XVIe - XIXe siŠcle A1 - Razafiarison,Aina Andrianavalona Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 463-475. - Met bijl., gloss., noten KW - Madagascar KW - Merina polity KW - monarchy KW - political history KW - succession RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 536 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w14 SN - 978-2-336-29338-7 AV - AFRIKA 48159 Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M3 - 381183769 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1077 T1 - G‚ostrat‚gie des entreprises : propositions pour la zone OHADA A1 - Garrier,Claude Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 349-365. - Met noten KW - enterprises KW - geopolitics KW - global economy KW - OHADA KW - Subsaharan Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 372 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w14 T3 - Collection "Le droit en marche" SN - 978-2-343-03376-1 AV - AFRIKA 48152 Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M3 - 381183653 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1078 T1 - crits circonstanciels de militantisme politique (2002 - 2013) A1 - Tete-Adjalogo,Tetevi Godwin Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Met bijl., bibliogr., noten KW - articles (form) KW - political action KW - political conditions KW - Togo RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 384 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w14 SN - 978-2-343-02572-8 AV - AFRIKA 48153 Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M3 - 381183645 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1079 T1 - Nurturing democratic elections for good governance and African renaissance A1 - Teffo,Lesiba Joseph Y1 - 2014/// KW - Africa KW - elections KW - governance KW - leadership KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 115 EP - 129 JA - International Journal of African Renaissance Studies: (2014), vol.9, no.1, p.115-129. VL - 9 IS - 1 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - The role of good governance underpinned by human rights, sound ethical principles and values has been identified as an appropriate pillar necessary for to improve the living conditions of the citizens in the current information age and knowledge economies. This article argues that to get the right people to practise good governance requires periodic democratic elections. The article contends that credible and legitimate electoral results are the necessary, if not sufficient conditions for good governance and attendant development. Effectively, the two are mutually inclusive and not exclusive. It concludes that history attests that their coexistence has in the main yielded success and development wherever they jointly obtain. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Ba;D2 M3 - 377249696 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/18186874.2014.916882 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1080 T1 - Social cohesion for the unfinished business of land reform in South Africa A1 - Mbedu,Nkosinathi Y1 - 2014/// KW - land reform KW - race relations KW - social integration KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 100 EP - 114 JA - International Journal of African Renaissance Studies: (2014), vol.9, no.1, p.100-114. VL - 9 IS - 1 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - This article discusses social cohesion as an alternative instrument to address the ever dragging land question in South Africa. Although there are various activities that have been undertaken and policy programmes that have been proposed, all those initiatives have not been able to completely translate land reform policy into practice as intended. Other than recognising the 'willing seller-willing buyer' policy which appears not to have been internalised by the stakeholders concerned, this article also presents a transformative approach for both white land owners and black emerging farmers to work together in a tolerant and amicable manner. The most critical step that is required for land reform in the whole country is a public consultation process for government to be able to engage with all parties and to put a list of informed alternatives on the table for discussion. Obviously, that includes the willing seller willing buyer policy. Based on the outcomes of such discussions, the government has to play a mediation role to heal the racial division caused by the Natives Land Act of 1913. In short, this discussion presents social cohesion to heal the past without land owners perceiving transformation policies as apartheid in reverse. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Kf;C1;E1 M3 - 377249688 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/18186874.2014.916881 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1081 T1 - Large-scale land deals, global capital and the politics of livelihoods : experiences of women small-holder farmers in Chisumbanje, Zimbabwe A1 - Mutopo,Patience A1 - Chiweshe,Manase Y1 - 2014/// KW - foreign investments KW - land acquisition KW - livelihoods KW - small farms KW - women farmers KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 84 EP - 99 JA - International Journal of African Renaissance Studies: (2014), vol.9, no.1, p.84-99. VL - 9 IS - 1 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - Large scale land acquisitions by foreign conglomerates in Zimbabwe have been a recurrent phenomenon within the last five years. This has led to land deals being negotiated with state, individual and nongovernmental actors, leading to the production of agro fuels. This article investigates how the large scale commercial land deals have affected the livelihoods of women small holder farmers, the role of global capital in entrenching discrimination of women and how the politics of resource use and distribution has become a central force in shaping livelihoods in Zimbabwe's communal areas. The article is based on field work that was conducted in Ndowoyo communal area, in Chisumbanje village, from July 2011 until April 2012. The methods used for collecting data were in-depth interviews with the women, interviews with officials from the Platform for Youth Development, a nongovernmental organisation, Macdom Pvt Ltd and Ratings Investments, focus group discussions and personal observations that involved interactions with the women. In 2011, Macdom Pvt Ltd and Ratings Investments, both bio fuels companies owned by Billy Rautenbach started green fuel production operations in Chisumbanje and this has led to the altering of the livelihoods systems of women smallholder farmers. The argument seeks, first, to demonstrate how the company's green fuel production systems have led to the loss of land for women and the redefinition of tenure in a communal area. Secondly it explores how the company has been involved in political issues that have undermined the role of development for the women and, thirdly, the article investigates how the women have created livelihood alternatives in an area which has been transformed from a communal rural area into almost an urban area. It concludes by suggesting the need to give primacy to women centred notions of agency in coping with the negative implications of commercial land deals on women's livelihoods. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Je;E1 M3 - 37724967X L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/18186874.2014.916879 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1082 T1 - The contribution of Archie Mafeje to the debate on land reform in Africa A1 - Mpofu,Busani Y1 - 2014/// KW - Africa KW - land reform KW - land tenure RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 69 EP - 83 JA - International Journal of African Renaissance Studies: (2014), vol.9, no.1, p.69-83. VL - 9 IS - 1 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - Archie Mafeje raised pertinent issues that are still hampering land reform and agrarian development efforts in Sub Saharan Africa (SSA). He rightly argued that land reform in Africa was wrongly premised on European, instead of African jurisprudence, that most countries are concerned with the modification of tenure, instead of executing a proper land reform, in the practical sense of land redistribution and the introduction of new forms of land tenure, even in former white settler states with serious misdistribution of land between races; and that the communal nature of land tenure in Africa was misunderstood to mean that any and every individual can lay claim on any piece of land or be granted access at will. Actually, Mafeje wisely pointed out, as this article shows, that traditional African forms of tenure offered considerable opportunity, as well as security, to peasant land users, often making implementation of individual tenure not only unnecessary, but potentially counter-productive. This is sometimes aggravated by conflicts arising from misunderstandings owing to the co-existence of both customary and national government political authorities in the allocation of land. This faulty land reform process is therefore responsible for the agricultural and food crises that are still being experienced in the region. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Ba;F1 M3 - 377249661 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/18186874.2014.916878 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1083 T1 - Land reform in post-apartheid South Africa : should South Africa follow Zimbabwe's footsteps? A1 - Gumede,Vusi Y1 - 2014/// KW - land reform KW - South Africa KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 50 EP - 68 JA - International Journal of African Renaissance Studies: (2014), vol.9, no.1, p.50-68. VL - 9 IS - 1 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - There are two interconnected fundamental policy questions that should shape any land reform programme in any African context: what kind of land reform and land tenure is ideal as well as what kind of farming is appropriate? The article argues that South Africa has never addressed these important questions and other associated questions, hence there appears to be policy confusion regarding South Africa's land reform processes. It is taken for granted that the process of land reform in South Africa is necessary in redressing apartheid colonialism - this should be the hallmark of land reform in not just South Africa but Southern Africa as a whole, as Moyo (2013), Murisa (2013), Hendricks et al. (2013), Hebinck et al. (2013) and many others have argued recently. Since 1994, the government relied on the 1996 Constitution and the 1997 White Paper on Land Reform as well as a plethora of legislative pieces to redistribute land, correct land tenure and address land restitution. However, land reform as a whole in South Africa has been a dismal failure. It is no surprise that Hendricks et al. (2013, 1) say 'there remains a land crisis in South Africa'. Zimbabwe, by contrast, has been peddled as a possible model to follow. The study of the Zimbabwean land reform processes amplifies the fundamental point that this article argues - that policy clarity is critical. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Kf;Je;D2 M3 - 377249653 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/18186874.2014.916877 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1084 T1 - Zimbabwe post-Fast Track Land Reform Programme : the different experiences coming through A1 - Nyawo,Vongai Z. Y1 - 2014/// KW - land reform KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 36 EP - 49 JA - International Journal of African Renaissance Studies: (2014), vol.9, no.1, p.36-49. VL - 9 IS - 1 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - The Fast Track Land Reform Programme (FTLP) was implemented between July 2000 and 2002 in Zimbabwe as a way to speed up distribution of land to indigenous people. The manner of its launch has been described by various writers as 'jambanja' (chaotic action), mayhem, violent chaos or agrarian revolution as distribution of land in this phase was marked by considerable coercion, violence and general lawlessness. Post this Third 'Chimurenga' (liberation struggle), however, dust has settled and the true picture of the impact of this programme is coming out. As different historians and critics write, experiences of this phase vary from farm to farm and person to person. This article sets out to find out successes and failures of the FTLRP and the position today with regard to land distribution. In some districts, new farmers have settled and are producing. In others, the chaos has not stopped while, in some, challenges of a different nature have arisen. The research for the article made use of both desktop research and interviews. The desktop work covered huge areas where the programme took place. Interviews were also granted by newly settled farmers, displaced farm workers and others who failed to get land. The findings largely reveal that the FTLRP was not a complete failure. It had weaknesses but success stories are starting to be told. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Je;E1 M3 - 377249645 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/18186874.2014.916858 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1085 T1 - Re-theorising and re-conceptualising land, sovereignty, socio-economic rights and responsibility in the context of pan-Africanism and African renaissance in the 21st century A1 - Gutto,Shadrack B.O. Y1 - 2014/// KW - Africa KW - epistemology KW - land KW - land reform RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 5 EP - 15 JA - International Journal of African Renaissance Studies: (2014), vol.9, no.1, p.5-15. VL - 9 IS - 1 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - Land, which in a broader understanding is the Earth within the Universe, is grossly under-conceptualised and under-theorised in the prevailing mainstream or dominant paradigms under capitalism, imperialism and neo-colonialism. Land is often subsumed in the generic concept of property, thus making it a mere commodity in market economies or market economic thinking. In African epistemology land means much, much more: land is the basis of all life on earth and there can be no life, human life included, that can be detached from land. Epistemological terms such as 'Mother Land', 'Mother Earth', 'Mother Africa', 'Holy Land', 'Promised Land', 'Daughter/Son of the Soil', etc., express the centrality of land for people all over the world. Land is not only the material and spiritual basis of life for individual human beings but is also an essential component of the means of social production and reproduction, and statehood. Because of this, it stands to reason that in re-conceptualising and re-theorising land it is imperative also to rethink the concept and the theory of sovereignty ? in other words, does sovereignty apply to the people or citizens of a country as a whole and/or the state? A new thinking about land and the state in relation to land, as presented in this article, can lead to re-negotiating the role of the state in society while at the same time empowering the people to assume greater demand on the control and sustainable development and use of resources that constitute land. The article introduces some of the current popular discourses in the media and in scholarly works on the issues of land, land reform and social contestations and then proceeds to present a critical reflection on why the pursuit of pan-Africanism and African renaissance in the 21st Century require decolonising knowledge on and about land. It puts land rights at the centre of human and peoples' rights and freedoms and, by doing so, critiques the dominant contemporary superficial conceptualisation and theorisation of socioeconomic rights. Indeed, constitutions of the new states in Africa do not entrench land as a common heritage of the citizens and permanent residents. Essentially the article is constructing what the author wishes to call 'The Wangari-Maathaist conception and theory of land' and its centrality to life. This is in honour of the late Professor Dr Wangari Muta Maathai, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 in recognition of her intellectualism and social activism for genuine democracy and practical approach to championing environmental protection in Kenya and the rest of the world. In her conception and social action, land and land issues are about all land, rural and urban. The two are interrelated and interdependent. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Ba;B2 M3 - 377249629 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/18186874.2014.916855 ER - TY - ADVS ID - 1086 T1 - Jew-man business : a documentary about Ice T, Bone Thugs and Junior A1 - Christensen,Maya Mynster A1 - Utas,Mats Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Engels gesproken, Engels ondertiteld KW - documentary films (form) KW - illicit trade KW - informal sector KW - neighbourhoods KW - Sierra Leone KW - veterans KW - videos (form) KW - youth RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [Uppsala] [etc.] PB - Nordiska Afrikainstitutet [etc.] U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - Ice T is a versatile young ex-combatant with experience of the ten-year civil war that ravaged Sierra Leone. Junior and Bone Thugs are his friends. All of them do business in a downtown ghetto area of Freetown called Belgium. Their business is so-called jew-man business, buying and selling chiefly illegal goods or stolen items. Ice, Junior and Bone are part of a large street economy involving thousands of young men and women in the capital and larger towns of the country. [Abstract reproduced from video-dvd] AV - AFRIKA AVM1617 Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M3 - 391861794 L3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR728jN6il0 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1087 T1 - Unlocking barriers to financial inclusion : Uganda 2013 : FinScope III survey : report findings Y1 - 2013/// KW - banking KW - economic development KW - economic policy KW - financial market KW - surveys KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Kampala PB - Economic Policy Research Centre U1 - Free access. U2 - w14 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/03/30/ M3 - 391793187 L3 - https://www.bou.or.ug/opencms/bou/bou-downloads/Financial_Inclusion/ Finscope-Report-2013.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1088 T1 - Unlocking barriers to financial inclusion : Uganda 2013 : FinScope III survey : key findings Y1 - 2013/// KW - banking KW - economic development KW - economic policy KW - financial market KW - surveys KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Kampala PB - Economic Policy Research Centre U1 - Free access. U2 - w14 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/03/30/ M3 - 391793039 L3 - http://www.score.or.ug/uploads/FINSCOPE_%20III_%20Survey_%202013_% 20findings.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1089 T1 - Reviewing chapter four of the 1995 constitution : towards the progressive reform of human rights and democratic freedoms in Uganda A1 - Oloka-Onyango,J. Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Met noten KW - constitutional reform KW - legislation KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Kampala PB - Human Rights Network-Uganda U1 - Free access. U2 - w14 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/03/30/ M3 - 391792628 L3 - http://www.hurinet.or.ug/Reviewing%20Chapter%20Four%20of%20the% 20Constituion.pdf ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1090 T1 - Discourses of love and newspapers advice columns in Ghana A1 - Fair,Jo Ellen Y1 - 2012/01// KW - courtship KW - Ghana KW - marriage KW - newspapers KW - sexuality RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 413 EP - 465 JA - Ghana Studies: (2012/13), vol.15/16, p.413-465. VL - 15/16 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - The article examines the translation of globally circulating discursive packages surrounding romantic love into the Ghanaian milieu, and of Ghanaian truths into adjusted globally circulating discursive packages, as revealed in newspaper advice columns. Like all globally circulating discursive packages (human rights, democracy, television drama), romantic love carries with it words, phrases, packaged attitudes, and global networks of meaning that require fitting into local realities. Advice columns have animated Ghanaian newspapers since colonial times. However, in the 1950s, columnists addressed the few venturing into romantic love; today, they speak to the many. Interviews with columnists suggest that the Ghanaian press relies on the columns and similar 'soft content' to stay relevant and vibrant. The dilemmas of courtship, love, sex, commitment, and marriage, vex Ghanaians just as they do people everywhere. More and more, love is a maze of choices. Sex now? Marriage? How important is monogamy? Polygamy? Cohabitation before marriage? After marriage? A good provider? A partner of my choice? Should my family have a say? People the world over face choices like these, but in countries such as Ghana, there are strong competing discourses about family structure, sexuality, and lineage with which individuals have to come to (Ghanaian) terms with. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Ff;C8 M3 - 391600893 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1091 T1 - Staging unity, performing subjectivities: Nkrumah, nation-building, and the Ghana Dance Ensemble A1 - Schauert,Paul Y1 - 2012/01// KW - dance KW - Ghana KW - identity KW - nationalism KW - pan-Africanism RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 373 EP - 412 JA - Ghana Studies: (2012/13), vol.15/16, p.373-412 : foto. VL - 15/16 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - This article explores how Kwame Nkrumah and subsequent Ghanaian leaders used Ghana's state dance ensemble to create and solidify a sense of unity among this nation's citizens by propagating ideologies of African Personality and Pan-Africanism. Performing a diverse repertoire of dances, the 'Ghana Dance Ensemble' has continually encouraged individuals to cross ethnic and national boundaries. As one peers behind the scenes of this ensemble, the complex intersubjective construction of such unity is revealed. That is, as the nation appears as an indivisible unit on stage, Ghanaians, nevertheless remain a collection of individuals, subjectively negotiating and interpreting the ideologies of nationalism, African Personality, and Pan-Africanism for themselves. The author argues that although the historical moment of African and Ghanaian independence has long passed, individuals still struggle to adopt nationalism, including national and transnational identities. Thus nationalism, which requires a continual updating to meet the demands of the present, results in a relentless renegotiation and renewal of the nation as well as the individual self. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract, edited] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Ff;K3 M3 - 391600559 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1092 T1 - Managing the pan-African workplace: discipline, ideology, and the cultural politics of the Ghanaian Bureau of African Affairs A1 - Ahlman,Jeffrey S. Y1 - 2012/01// KW - Ghana KW - labour relations KW - pan-Africanism KW - political consciousness RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 337 EP - 371 JA - Ghana Studies: (2012/13), vol.15/16, p.337-371. VL - 15/16 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - Nearly fifty years after the demise of the Ghanaian Bureau of African Affairs (BAA), this article seeks to interrogate the intersecting worlds of the transnational and the intimate in this institute's day-to-day work life by analysing the BAA's archive, which is unmatched by any other Nkrumah-era political organization. The BAA had its origins in competing visions of Ghana's role in the broader movement for African decolonization and the country's own nation-building project. At its most foundational level, the legacy of the BAA has little to do with its many controversial anticolonial operations throughout the continent or its maintenance of 'secret' freedom fighter training camps in the country. As detailed in BAA personnel files, administrative memos, and minutes, Bureau employees, expatriate wards, and even some administrators faced a work regime whereby seemingly banal contestations over sick and maternity leave, pay scales, and workplace technologies were transformed into wide-ranging debates over threats to national productivity, state and institutional security, and social and ideological discipline. Groups of BAA typists, clerical assistants, bookbinders, and other wage-earning employees coped with the political and gendered pressure of becoming the 'good,' disciplined, and ideologically sound workers Nkrumah imagined, while, at the same time, through their purported malfeasances, highlighting the limitations of this ideal. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Ff;L3 M3 - 391599135 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1093 T1 - Le g‚nocide perp‚tr‚ contre les Tutsi au Rwanda en 1994 et la communaut‚ internationale A1 - Hitimana,Justine Y1 - 2013/// KW - Belgium KW - ethnic conflicts KW - France KW - genocide KW - Hutu KW - political ideologies KW - Rwanda KW - Tutsi KW - UN KW - United States RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 223 EP - 247 JA - Journal of Oriental and African Studies: (2013), vol.22, p.223-247. VL - 22 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - L'article discute des r“les et des responsabilit‚s de la Belgique, de la France, des tats-Unis et de l'ONU par rapport au g‚nocide perp‚tr‚ contre les Tutsi au Rwanda. Durant la p‚riode de 1990-1994, le Rwanda a connu des ‚v‚nements qui bouleversaient sa vie politique: d'une part la naissance du multipartisme et d'autre part la cr‚ation de plusieurs m‚dias. Plusieurs fois viol‚s, les accords de paix d'Arusha ‚taient sign‚s et amend‚s 4 ou 5 fois entre le 9 mars 1991 et le 4 ao–t 1993. Ils se composaient d'un accord de cessez-le-feu et de cinq protocoles. Ces accords ‚taient "trop beaux pour ˆtre appliqu‚s." C'est en fin la haine ethnique inculqu‚e aux Hutu qui d‚boucha sur les massacres successifs, y compris les pogroms annonciateurs du g‚nocide, comme les massacres de Kibirira (1990), des Bagogwe (1991), de Nasho et de Murambi, et du Bugesera (1992). Vers 1994, la formation et la militarisation des milices 'interahamwe' et 'impuzamigambi' s'acc‚l‚rait. Selon l'auteur, le g‚nocide de 1994 ‚tait presque in‚vitable … cause de l'appui massif des structures de l'tat en conjugaison avec son id‚ologie g‚nocidaire. Bibliogr., r‚f., r‚s. en anglais. [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Hd;D3 M3 - 391581422 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1094 T1 - L'inculcation de l'id‚ologie du g‚nocide sous le r‚gime de Gr‚goire Kayibanda au Rwanda (1961-1973) A1 - Hitimana,Justine A1 - Kadafi,Aimable Y1 - 2013/// KW - ethnic conflicts KW - genocide KW - Hutu KW - political history KW - political ideologies KW - Rwanda KW - Tutsi RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 199 EP - 222 JA - Journal of Oriental and African Studies: (2013), vol.22, p.199-222. VL - 22 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - L'article propose une r‚flexion sur les racines historiques des massacres contre les Tutsi en 1959, 1961, 1963-1964, 1973 et du g‚nocide perp‚tr‚ contre les Tutsi du Rwanda en 1994. · la fin les auteurs montrent la responsabilit‚ majeure de la premiŠre R‚publique hutu (1961-1973). Le g‚nocide perp‚tr‚ contre les Tutsi en 1994 s'est construit sur une id‚ologie longtemps indoctrin‚e … la population et ses origines remontent … plus d'un siŠcle. Elle se basait sur les diff‚rences et in‚galit‚s ethniques apport‚es au Rwanda par les colonisateurs belges. Ces derniers sont partis des th‚ories d'in‚galit‚s sociales tel que d‚crit par le fran‡ais Gobineau. Selon le 'Manifeste des Bahutu' en 1957, les leaders hutu r‚clamaient la lib‚ration des Bahutu du 'Joug des seigneurs Batutsi'. Ainsi, avant l'instauration d'un r‚gime r‚publicain en 1961-1973, l'id‚ologie du g‚nocide ‚tait en action. Durant son rŠgne comme pr‚sident, Kayibanda accentua l'id‚ologie g‚nocidaire. Son rŠgne qui a dur‚ 13 ans joua un r“le incontournable dans la propagation de la haine contre les Tutsi … travers les discours, les chansons, les meetings et les journaux. C'est en effet cette haine ethnique inculqu‚e aux Hutu qui d‚boucha sur les massacres contre les Tutsi en 1961, 1963-1964 et 1973. Bibliogr., notes, r‚f., r‚s. en anglais. [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Hd;D2 M3 - 391580957 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1095 T1 - L'impact du commerce frontalier des produits alimentaires avec le Rwanda sur la r‚duction de la pauvret‚ des m‚nages de la ville de Bukavu (Sud-Kivu) A1 - Vwima,Stany A1 - Mastaki,Jean Luc A1 - Lebailly,Philippe Y1 - 2013/// KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - food trade KW - households KW - poverty reduction KW - Rwanda RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 174 EP - 190 JA - Journal of Oriental and African Studies: (2013), vol.22, p.174-190 : graf., tab. VL - 22 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - Ce travail avait comme objectif d'‚valuer la fa‡on dont le commerce frontalier avec le district de Rusizi (Rwanda) participe … la r‚duction de la pauvret‚ des m‚nages-consommateurs et des m‚nages-revendeurs de la ville frontaliŠre de Bukavu en R‚publique d‚mocratique du Congo. Une enquˆte par questionnaire men‚e sur 76 m‚nages-consommateurs et 157 m‚nages-revendeurs choisis selon la fr‚quence ‚lev‚e d'approvisionnement en produits alimentaires au district de Rusizi a montr‚ que tous les produits alimentaires revendus sur les march‚s de Bukavu en provenance du district de Rusizi ont r‚alis‚ des profits qu'ils utilisent pour satisfaire de plus en plus les besoins primaires dans leurs m‚nages. L'analyse de l'impact des approvisionnements alimentaires sur la pauvret‚ des m‚nages-consommateurs a de surcroŒt montr‚ que plus ils s'approvisionnent au district de Ruzizi, plus ils am‚liorent leur bien-ˆtre par l'augmentation du surplus du consommateur. Bibliogr., notes, r‚f., r‚s. en anglais. [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Gj;Hd;E7 M3 - 391580922 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1096 T1 - Evaluation of market practices in south-western Nigeria in the light of 'Kitbu-l-buy' in Al-Jazairi's 'Minhjul-Muslim' A1 - Kareem,Muritala Kewuyemi A1 - Bello,Khalid Ishola Y1 - 2013/// KW - ethics KW - Islamic law KW - market vendors KW - Nigeria KW - sales RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 155 EP - 173 JA - Journal of Oriental and African Studies: (2013), vol.22, p.155-173 : tab. VL - 22 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - A survey was conducted among 500 market vendors on markets in Ibadan, Osogbo, Abeokuta, Akure and Lagos (south-western Nigeria) to examine whether market practices were in line with the Shari'ah, using the guidelines of the 'Minhajul-Muslim' (also known as 'The way of the Muslim') as a reference. Its author is Shaykh Abubakr al-Jazairi, an Islamic scholar born in Algeria in 1921 and a regular lecturer at the Prophet's Mosque in Medina, Saudi Arabia. It was found that the majority of the respondents (98%) agreed to allow transparency by describing the nature (qualities) of their goods before selling. Many sellers (63%) considered packaging of the goods as part of their duty without any extra charge. Most sellers (68%) agreed to allow the buyers to accept or reject the sales even after they might have been concluded, provided the quality and quantity of the goods sold have not been altered by the buyers, while 75% agreed to accept reasonable complaints on the concluded sales within a justifiable period. Some practices are condemned in the Minhaj included mixing standard goods with substandard ones (80%) and interference by third parties (this refers to the practice of 'baranda'). Bibliogr., ref., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Fn;B1 M3 - 391580442 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1097 T1 - Le profil sociolinguistique de Kananga des origines … nos jours (1881-2010): essai de reconstitution de faits linguistiques par le biais de lhistoire A1 - Kantshiama,Badibanga Y1 - 2013/// KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - language history KW - languages KW - sociolinguistics RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 136 EP - 154 JA - Journal of Oriental and African Studies: (2013), vol.22, p.136-154. VL - 22 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - Cet article se propose d'‚tablir le profil sociolinguistique de Kananga (R‚publique d‚mocratique du Congo, RDC), tout en prenant en compte les ruptures les plus significatives … la fois de l'histoire de la RDC et de l'histoire tout court: 1900, 1960, 1965, et 1997. Kananga a toujours ‚t‚ une ville plurilingue. Il s'agit de langues ‚trangŠres d'Europe et d'Afrique, ainsi que de langues congolaises v‚hiculaires et vernaculaires. Les raisons de l'entr‚e de ces diff‚rentes langues sont de divers ordres: ‚conomique, social, mais essentiellement politique. Pendant le r‚gime Mobutu s'observait une explosion linguistique. Un recensement en 1989 et actualis‚ en 1997, a permis de d‚nombrer plus de 80 langues. Cette situation se remarque encore actuellement, … la diff‚rence que depuis 1997, les langues de l'Est l'emportent en nombre sur celle de l'Ouest. Outre le fran‡ais, l'anglais, le portugais, l'espagnol, le grec, l'allemand, l'h‚breu, l'arabe et les quatre langues nationales v‚hiculaires, le ciluba, le kiswahili, le lingala et le kikongo, on actualise … Kananga des langues des diff‚rentes provinces, y compris le kisongye, le cyokwe, l'otetela et le ciin kanyok. Le ciluba, le fran‡ais et le lingala ont ‚t‚ pr‚sentes tout au long de l'histoire de la ville depuis sa cr‚ation en 1881. Bibliogr., notes, r‚f., r‚s en anglais. [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Gj;K1 M3 - 391578286 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1098 T1 - The portrait of Shaykh 'dam 'Abdullh 'al-'Ilr (1917-1992) in an Arabic threnody of Nigerian provenance A1 - Folorunsho,Mikail Adebisi Y1 - 2013/// KW - Islam KW - Nigeria KW - praise poetry KW - religious literature KW - ulema RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 97 EP - 110 JA - Journal of Oriental and African Studies: (2013), vol.22, p.97-110. VL - 22 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - In 1992, an elegy was written on the occasion of the death of Shaykh 'dam 'Abdullh 'al-'Ilr (1917-1992) by Mustafa Jumu'ah Adewale. Shaykh 'dam was an erudite scholar of Islam in Nigeria, whose activities embraced teaching, preaching, healing, and writing. Many of the former students of his 'Markaz' (or 'centre of learning') occupy important positions in Nigeria as University teachers of Arabic and Islamic studies, Shari'ah court judges and administrators. The original Arabic text of the elegy is presented along with its translation into English, followed by a brief thematic analysis. The thematic components of the elegy are: 1. the elegy on Shaykh 'dam 'Abdullh 'al-'Ilr proper; 2. didactic part; 3. biographical exposition on 'al-'Ilr; 4. eulogy; and 5. supplication. Ref., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Fn;B1 M3 - 391576364 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1099 T1 - The stylistic devices in the archetypal 'Kasida ya Burudai' A1 - Mutiso,Kineene wa Y1 - 2013/// KW - East Africa KW - Islam KW - praise poetry KW - religious literature KW - Sufism RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 38 EP - 62 JA - Journal of Oriental and African Studies: (2013), vol.22, p.38-62. VL - 22 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - This paper is on 'Kasida ya Burudai' (KyB), a Swahili Islamic eulogy in praise of the Prophet Mohammad. The origin of this kasida and some of the stylistic devices used by the poet are discussed. The poem is recited in the morning and evening on the anniversary of Mohammad's birthday (known as 'Mawlid' or 'Maulidi') and is also recited at funerals. The ode ('kasida') was originally composed in Arabic by an Egyptian Sufi of the Shaddhiliyah Order in the thirteenth century and translated into Swahili by Sheikh Muhammad Athman Haji al-Hilali from Shela, Lamu, in the late nineteenth century. Sheikh Muhammad, like most Swahilis, was a Shafeitic Sufi. 'Burudai' are prayers for the sick. KyB is the longest poem that is memorized throughout the Muslim world. It contains the story of 'Miiraji' (or 'Mi'raj'), the legend of Muhammad's ascension to heaven during his life. The KyB has a prologue (11 verses), main body (162 verses) and an epilogue (19 verses). The Swahili 'kasida', like the Arabic model, follows strict conventions. Each verse ends with the same rhyme, a form also known as 'mimiya', as each stanza ends with the consonant 'm' ('mi' in Arabic or 'ma' in Swahili). Bibliogr., ref., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Ha;B1 M3 - 391573195 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1100 T1 - Health and health care A1 - Geest,Sjaak van der A1 - Krause,Kristine A1 - Senah,Kodjo A. Y1 - 2012/01// KW - Ghana KW - health KW - health care KW - social studies RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 1 EP - 335 JA - Ghana Studies: (2012/13), vol.15/16, p.1-335. VL - 15/16 U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - This issue of Ghana Studies contains a large special section on health and health care in Ghana. The introduction provides a rough overview of social science studies of health and illness in Ghana since the 1960s and situates the 9 main articles within a larger scholarly context. The last article briefly describes two short documentaries that show the challenges faced by women and girls in Accra, and their strategies to live healthy lives. The contributions are: Introduction : studying health and health care in Ghana (Sjaak van der Geest and Kristine Krause); The perception of abnormality in Kasena and Nankani infants: clarifying infanticide in Northern Ghana (Albert K. Awedoba and Aaron R. Denham); Caring for the seriously sick in a Ghanaian society: glimpses from the past (Deborah Atobrah); "No matter how the child is, she is hers": practical kinship in the care of mental illness in Kintampo, Ghana (Ursula M. Read); HIV disclosure in Ghana: the underlying gender dimension to trust and caregiving (Fidelia Ohemeng); Mobile technology and HIV/AIDS in Ghana (Perpetual Crentsil); Dilemmas of patient expertise: people living with HIV as peer educators in a Ghanaian hospital (Jonathan Mensah Dapaah and Eileen Moyer); Pharmaceutical potentials: praying over medicines in Pentecostal healing (Kristine Krause); Humanitarian claims and expert testimonies: contestations over health care for Ghanaian migrants in the United Kingdom (Benjamin N. Lawrance); Mission medicine in a decolonising health care system: Agogo Hospital, Ghana, 1945-1980; Accra's women on screen, 2001: a documentary pair about body, risks, tonics, and health (R. Lane Clark, Nancy Rose Hunt, and Takyiwaa Manuh). Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M1 - Ff;I1 M3 - 391542508 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1101 T1 - Measuring citizens' perceptions of agricultural market access in northern Uganda : a case of Gulu and Lira districts Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Bibliogr. p. 46-47 KW - agricultural marketing KW - attitudes KW - surveys KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [Kampala] PB - SEATINI-Uganda U1 - Free access. U2 - w14 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/03/30/ M3 - 391537555 L3 - http://www.seatiniuganda.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/citizens- perception-on-agricultural-market-access1.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1102 T1 - Opportunities, challenges and way forward for Uganda's trade in education services within the East African Community A1 - Othieno,Lawrence A1 - Nampewo,Dorothy Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 22. - Met bijl., noten, samenvatting KW - East African Community KW - educational cooperation KW - higher education KW - regional economic relations KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Kampala PB - Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) U1 - Free access. U2 - w14 T3 - Research series ; no. 93 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/03/30/ M3 - 391539000 L3 - http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/150475/2/series93.pdf ER - TY - ADVS ID - 1103 T1 - Grey matter = MatiŠre grise A1 - Ruhorahoza,Kivu A1 - Nirere,Ruth Shanel Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Frans en Kinyarwanda gesproken, Engels ondertiteld KW - feature films (form) KW - genocide KW - memory KW - Rwanda KW - videos (form) RP - NOT IN FILE CY - San Francisco, CA PB - Global Film Iniative U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available T3 - Global lens N2 - Set in Kigali, Rwanda's capital, this film-within-a-film describes the vision and trials of a determined filmmaker named Balthazar, as he tries to produce his first feature film, 'The Cycle of the Cockroach' (the term cockroach was used by Hutu extremists to designate Tutsis during the genocide of 1994). The drama, about a brother and sister dealing with the aftermath of genocide, finds no support from government agencies which are only interested in funding upbeat policy-friendly films. As Balthazar borrows recklessly from a loan shark, the 'Cycle' plays out on the screen, subtly measuring the horror and systematic madness of the political violence. As the film progresses we begin to wonder which events happened and which exist in the minds of the characters. The film contemplates the effects of the Rwandan genocide upon the psyche and is a reflection on how Rwandans imagine, speak of, and visualize the relics of trauma. 'Grey Matter' is the first feature-length narrative film produced in Rwanda by a native Rwandan filmmaker. [Abstract reproduced from dvd-video] AV - AFRIKA AVM1616 Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M3 - 391850393 L3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK1mSaSdFQo ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1104 T1 - Public spending in the water sub-sector in Uganda, evidence form program budget analysis A1 - Wokadala,James Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Met samenvatting KW - public expenditure KW - Uganda KW - water management RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Kampala PB - Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) U1 - Free access. U2 - w14 T3 - Research series ; no. 82 N2 - The main objective of this paper was to conduct Programs Budget Analysis of the water sub-sector in Uganda over the period 1999/00 to 2009/10 in order to gain an understanding of sources of funding and the way funds were allocated to different programs. This sub sector has been identified as one of the sectors that can greatly accelerate the stride towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. The Directorate of Water development has highlighted provision of sustainable safe drinking water supply to 77 percent of the rural population as well as 100 percent to the urban population by the year 2015. This set target is based on management responsibility and ownership by the users, with an 80 percent-90 percent effective use and functionality of facilities. Using data on expenditure outturns from Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, the study established that with limited resources available, the allocative efficiency has been high as non wage expenditure has overtime attracted the highest allocation as compared to wages. Besides, the development expenditure has seen over reliance mainly on domestic funds with less reliance on fluctuating donor commitments. To sustain provision of safe water in both rural and urban, the water sub-sector should develop human resource capacity to match with the level of infrastructure development and operations and maintenance plans should equally be focused on AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/03/30/ M3 - 391798685 L3 - http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/150476/2/series82.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1105 T1 - A toolkit to assess proposed benefit sharing and revenue distribution schemes of community REDD+ projects A1 - Mwayafu,David M. A1 - Kimbowa,Richard A1 - Graham,Kristy Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 24 KW - community participation KW - deforestation KW - developing countries KW - East Africa KW - environmental management KW - revenue allocation RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [S.l.] PB - REDD-net U1 - Free access. U2 - w14 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/03/30/ M3 - 391796895 L3 - http://theredddesk.org/sites/default/files/resources/pdf/2012/benefit_ sharing_toolkit.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1106 T1 - Mes rˆves de jeune... : le Cameroun des 50 prochaines ann‚es A1 - Iyodi,Hiram Samuel Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 211. - Met bijl., noten KW - Cameroon KW - economic development KW - political participation KW - youth KW - youth employment RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 214 CY - Douala PB - ditions Veritas U2 - w14 T3 - Collection du savoir N2 - Exhortation to Cameroonian youth to implement the author's cultural and political vision for Cameroon's future by becoming active voters SN - 995-663506-5 AV - AFRIKA 48330 Y2 - 2015/02/04/ M3 - 390726087 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1107 T1 - The killer trail : a colonial scandal in the heart of Africa A1 - Taithe,Bertrand Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Oorspr. uitg.: 2009 Bibliogr.: p. [291]311. - Met index, noten KW - Chad KW - colonial conquest KW - colonial history KW - expeditions KW - French West Africa KW - military history KW - Niger KW - offences against human rights KW - violence RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XIV, 322 CY - Oxford PB - Oxford University Press U2 - w14 SN - 978-0-19-923121-8 AV - AFRIKA 48540 Y2 - 2015/03/30/ M3 - 330773321 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1108 T1 - Archives d'Afrique : portrait de Barth‚l‚my Boganda A1 - Foka,Alain A1 - Boganda,Barth‚l‚my Y1 - 2009/// N1 - Frans gesproken. - Uitzenddata: 26 augustus 2009, 27 augustus 2009, 28 augustus 2009 KW - biographies (form) KW - Central African Republic KW - colonialism KW - France KW - politicians RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 1 CY - [Paris] PB - Radio France Internationale U1 - Free access. U2 - w14 N2 - Cette ‚mission pr‚sent‚e par Alain Foka d‚crit la vie de Barth‚l‚my Boganda en utilisant des archives sonores et des t‚moignages des acteurs encore vivants. Barth‚l‚my Boganda (1910-1959), homme politique centrafricain, d‚cŠde lors dun accident davion peu avant lind‚pendance de son pays le 13 ao–t 1960, alors quil en ‚tait le Premier ministre. Il est pourtant consid‚r‚ par beaucoup comme le premier chef d‚tat centrafricain et a cr‚e le drapeau de son pays AV - Online resource Y2 - 2015/01/04/ M3 - 391882201 L3 - http://www1.rfi.fr/radiofr/editions/072/edition_37_20090826.asp http://www1.rfi.fr/radiofr/editions/072/edition_37_20090827.asp http://www1.rfi.fr/radiofr/editions/072/edition_9_20090828.asp ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1109 T1 - Un m‚dia pyromane : chroniques de la t‚l‚vision ivoirienne dans une soci‚t‚ fragilis‚e, septembre 2002-mai 2004 Y1 - 2004/// N1 - Frans gesproken KW - civil wars KW - C“te d'Ivoire KW - documentary films (form) KW - political violence KW - television KW - videos (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - Online CY - [S.l.] PB - Killing Words U1 - Free access. U2 - w14 U3 - Abstracts available N2 - Ce film documentaire a ‚t‚ ‚crit, produit et r‚alis‚ par deux ‚quipes de sociologues, l'une africaine, l'autre europ‚enne. Le 19 septembre 2002 il y a une tentative de coup d'tat en C“te d'Ivoire. DŠs lors, le pays est pris dans des crises de tension violentes. Ce film retrace l'‚volution de cette soci‚t‚ durant prŠs de deux ans, entre septembre 2002 et mai 2004. Les sociologues ont parl‚ aux plusieurs personnes et regard‚ avec eux les informations diffus‚es sur la chaŒne RTI (Radio et t‚l‚vision ivoirienne), la t‚levision d'tat. On voit ainsi entre autres des images des discours du pr‚sident Laurent Gbagbo, des manifestations ainsi que des discussions men‚es dans l'Assembl‚e nationale. Le documentaire met en lumiŠre les facteurs conduisant … la guerre civile, traitant entre autres du concept d''ivoirit‚' et des n‚gociations menant … l'accord de Linas-Marcoussis de 24 janvier 2003 qui a ‚t‚ par la suite annihil‚ par Laurent Gbagbo. [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - Online resource Y2 - 2015/03/31/ M3 - 391737805 L3 - https://vimeo.com/29518255 ER -