TY - BOOK ID - 1113 T1 - Bites of insanity A1 - Mala,Nsah Y1 - 2015/// KW - Cameroon KW - poetry (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XVI, 115 CY - Bamenda PB - Langaa Research & Publishing CIG U2 - w15 SN - 995-679267-5 AV - AFRIKA Lit.9882 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 390787183 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1114 T1 - God was African A1 - Nkengasong,Nkemngong Y1 - 2015/// KW - Cameroon KW - novels (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 288 CY - Mankon, Bamenda PB - Langaa Research & Publishing CIG U2 - w15 SN - 995-679240-3 AV - AFRIKA Lit.9871 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 390696420 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1112 T1 - Nyuma ya pazia A1 - Mhango,Nkwazi Nkuzi Y1 - 2015/// KW - novels (form) KW - Tanzania RP - NOT IN FILE EP - IV, 248 CY - Mankon PB - Langaa Research & Publishing CIG U2 - w15 SN - 995-679218-7 AV - AFRIKA Lit.9883 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 390787884 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1111 T1 - Terra incognita A1 - Dorman,Nerine Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Ondertitel op de omslag: New short speculative short stories from Africa KW - Africa KW - short stories (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 281 CY - [Cape Town] PB - Short Story Day Africa U2 - w15 SN - 1-920590-91-9 AV - AFRIKA Lit.9874 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 390794252 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1121 T1 - 'Things fall apart' - Achebe's legacy, from book to screen A1 - Ugochukwu,Fran‡oise Y1 - 2014/// KW - films KW - Igbo KW - Nigeria KW - Nollywood KW - novels KW - radio KW - television RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 168 EP - 183 JA - Research in African Literatures: (2014), vol.45, no.2, p.168-183. VL - 45 IS - 2 U2 - w15 N2 - This article compares Chinua Achebe's first novel - 'Things fall apart' - with its main screen counterpart and highlights the reasons for the huge success of this televised program, revealing some of the ingredients behind the success of Nollywood films and helping to get a better understanding of their content and message. The novel was written in 1958 and centres on Okonkwo, a respected Igbo leader, wrestler and farmer. During his life British colonialism and Christian missionaries bring an end to Igbo independence. In the end he realizes that his clan will not go to war against the white men and he hangs himself. The seminal text has, over the years, inspired several adaptations: 1. a dramatic radio program, 'Okonkwo', by the Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation (1961); 2. a film produced in the United States in 1971, blending 'Things fall apart' with 'No longer at ease' (1960); 3. a Nigerian, German, and American co-production, using scenes from 'Things fall apart' as flashbacks to provide background to the political and economic woes of postcolonial Nigeria; and 4. a television adaptation (1986). This television adaptation revealed some of the traits that would become part of Nollywood films: a deep-seated interest in history, theme songs reinforcing the message of the film, the ancestral village as a place to return to in order to reconnect to one's roots, and Igbo-English code-mixing and code-switching. Bibliogr., notes, sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M1 - Fn;K3 M3 - 391872079 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1126 T1 - "A real heaven on their own earth": religious missions, African writers, and the anticolonial imagination A1 - Paustian,Megan Cole Y1 - 2014/// KW - Africa KW - anticolonialism KW - autobiography KW - literature KW - missions KW - writers RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 1 EP - 25 JA - Research in African Literatures: (2014), vol.45, no.2, p.1-25. VL - 45 IS - 2 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Through a focus on education and literacy, this essay examines the relationship between missions and Anglophone African literature and teases out the ways in which missions, as put to work by African subjects, enabled new practices of freedom, becoming the ambiguous ally of anticolonial movements and even Marxism itself. Drawing on the early novels and recently published autobiographical texts of Chinua Achebe ('The education of a British-protected child') and Ngg wa Thiong'o ('Dreams in a time of war: a childhood memoir'), this essay demonstrates that while religious missions were surely implicated in colonialism, they have also been central to Africans' own narratives of improvement ranging from the reformist to the radical, particularly when the horizon of improvement was decolonization. Postcolonial discourse generally points to the role of missions in political empire and the colonization of African culture and consciousness, negating the victim's capacity to even see the scene of his dispossession. While that critique has been a necessary response to Western narratives of Africa, it has also obscured their place within the anticolonial imagination. Somewhat akin to Marxism in this sense, Christianity was a discourse from without, which fuelled emancipatory narratives generated from within Africa. Ngg and Achebe each offer a way of critiquing and rethinking Christianity not to dismantle it entirely, but to reassemble it toward the needs of the African present as defined by Africans. Bibliogr., notes, sum. [Journal abstract, edited] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M1 - Ba;K2 M3 - 391863851 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1117 T1 - Aicha's Sounith Hair Salon: friendship, profit, and resistance in Dakar A1 - Augis,Erin Y1 - 2014/// KW - authority KW - Islam KW - leadership KW - Senegal KW - women RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 199 EP - 224 JA - Islamic Africa: (2014), vol.5, no.2, p.199-224. VL - 5 IS - 2 U2 - w15 N2 - Whereas high-profile women leaders in Dakar, Senegal's Sunn movement engage public media like radio and television to disseminate their movement's ideals of Islamic reform and modesty for women, lesser-known female authorities convert private spaces like their homes into public forums (internal publics) as a means to perpetuate Sunn norms. This article examines the case of Aicha, who as owner of a prosperous Sunn beauty salon that she operates in her living room, educates other women about reformist values and provides employment for female adherents. In this way, lesser-known female authorities like Aicha may spread more potent political and countercultural messages about state secularism, tarqas, and Muslim femininity for the movement than illustrious female Sunn leaders AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 392151421 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.5192/215409930502199 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1161 T1 - Climate technology transfer at the local, national and global levels : analyzing the relationships between multi-level structures A1 - Tessema Abissa,Fisseha Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Dissertation University of Twente in order to obtain the degree of PhD in the year 2014 With bibliographical references and a summary in Dutch KW - climate change KW - dissertations (form) KW - environmental policy KW - Ethiopia KW - international cooperation KW - technology RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XII, 231 CY - Enschede PB - University of Twente U2 - w15 SN - 978-90-365-3642-4 AV - AFRIKA 48176 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 375548092 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1125 T1 - Commemorating the "disappeared": maternal activism and the Algerian civil war in Fatima Bourega-Gallaire's 'La beaut‚ de l'ic“ne' A1 - Mehta,Brinda Y1 - 2014/// KW - Algeria KW - civil wars KW - drama KW - kidnapping KW - political repression KW - women writers RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 26 EP - 45 JA - Research in African Literatures: (2014), vol.45, no.2, p.26-45. VL - 45 IS - 2 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This essay examines the 'dangerous' role of women's theatre, as highlighted in 'La Beaut‚ de l'ic“ne,' Fatima Bourega-Gallaire's play on the Algerian civil war of the 1990s. The play exposes the violence of the 'black decade' and highlights the gendered aggressions that have scarred Algeria's postcolonial imaginary in a radicalized economy of fear, terror and censorship. La 'Beaut‚ de l'ic“ne' is an intense enactment of another chapter in the history of the civil war - the numerous abductions and an estimated 7,000 arbitrarily 'disappeared' civilians during a reign of terror initiated by armed militias and government security forces. The play adds another dimension to the civil war through two concomitant perspectives - the state's role and culpability during the war, on the one hand, and the revolutionary activism of the 'mothers of the disappeared' that inscribe their voices in a disavowed history. The plot demonstrates how colluding political and religious patriarchies violate their civic duties toward the people. The author further analyses the intersections between state terror and maternal power by examining the role of theatre in exposing human rights violations to determine whether the aggressed can be given a public voice and visibility. 'La Beaut‚ de l'ic“ne' thereby embraces an anti-war ethic, at the same time advocating a politics of peace through the suffering and courage of dissident mothers, who refuse to accept the disappearance of their loved ones. Bibliogr., notes, sum. [Journal abstract, edited] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M1 - Cb;K2 M3 - 391871455 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1133 T1 - Conceptions of marginality in the postcolonial novel : revisting Bessie Head A1 - Pangmeshi,Adamu Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 157-173. - Met index KW - literary criticism KW - novels KW - social relations KW - South Africa KW - women writers RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XXIII,178 CY - [Leeds] PB - Dignitypublishing U2 - w15 SN - 1-502-51539-3 AV - AFRIKA 48535 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 390797901 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1143 T1 - Crise s‚curitaire et violences au nord du Mali A1 - K‚ita,Fatoumata Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Cet article a ‚t‚ ‚crit sous la direction du Conseil pour le d‚veloppement de la recherche en sciences sociales en Afrique (CODESRIA)"--Page 8 Bibliogr.: p. 63. - Met noten KW - Islamic movements KW - Mali KW - national security KW - rebellions KW - Tuareg KW - violence RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 62 CY - Bamako PB - La Sah‚lienne U2 - w15 T3 - Regards sur une crise ; 11 SN - 99952-5408-5 AV - AFRIKA 48181 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 387380248 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1124 T1 - Criticism, ‚criture, and orality in the African novel: oral discourse in Aminata Sow Fall's work A1 - GuŠye,M‚doune Y1 - 2014/// KW - novels KW - oral traditions KW - Senegal KW - women writers RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 86 EP - 102 JA - Research in African Literatures: (2014), vol.45, no.2, p.86-102. VL - 45 IS - 2 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This essay seeks an answer to the question: "Wat does it entail, this postcolonial orality that is said to be informing postcolonial African fiction?" It does so by scrutinizing the narrative and discursive strategies inscribed within Aminata Sow Fall's works, grounded as they are in oral traditions. The aesthetics underlying such an active engagement with African traditions are primarily discussed in relation to the novels 'Le revenant' and 'L'appel des arŠnes'. The literary field in Africa came into emergence as a result of a collective yearning for lesser dependency on the symbolic constraints the Western centre is forcing on its margins. This essay argues that, through her 'smuggling' of narrative forms drawn from oral literature, Aminata Sow Fall's fiction testifies to an oral discursivity at work in the novel. On a formal plane, Sow Fall adaptively embeds genres, motifs, and narrative techniques in her novels culled from traditional literature. On a functional plane, she revives Wolof thought by crafting an ethnotext that suffuses the French text with multiple references to orality, in the form of proverbs, sayings, and syntactical features. A case in point is how Sow Fall, in most of her novels, pits the hero against an antihero, drawing largely on the structure of the African folktale. Bibliogr., notes, sum. [Journal abstract, edited] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M1 - Fo;K2 M3 - 391871463 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1131 T1 - Crossing rivers : book one in The Agikuyu Series A1 - Wilson,Skeeter Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Ondertitel op de omslag: An African historical fiction KW - historical novels (form) KW - Kenya RP - NOT IN FILE EP - II, 190 CY - Des Moines, IA PB - Lens&Pens publishing U2 - w15 T3 - Agikuyu series ; 1 SN - 0-692-20855-0 AV - AFRIKA Lit.9894 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 391038362 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1120 T1 - Fiction, culture, and the concept of a person A1 - Oyowe,Oritsegbubemi Y1 - 2014/// KW - ethics KW - gender KW - Nigeria KW - novels KW - philosophy KW - self-concept RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 46 EP - 62 JA - Research in African Literatures: (2014), vol.45, no.2, p.46-62. VL - 45 IS - 2 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article critiques an attempt by Polycarp Ikuenobe to locate the normative view of personhood in Chinua Achebe's 'Things Fall Apart' and to thereby glean support for it. According to Ikuenobe "it is the normative and not the metaphysical idea of personhood that is germane to African communal traditions." The author argues that Achebe's fiction is mute on matters concerning personhood and offers no support whatsoever for the normative view. He further argues that the considerations that occupy Ikuenobe and, more generally, proponents of the normative view have little or nothing to do with personhood. What has been largely ignored is the predominantly gendered nature of the normative view of personhood. Gender and personhood are two distinct concepts; while the latter utilizes qualities (e.g. agency, persistence, bare capacity for consciousness, etc.) that are non-gendered, the former is socially constructed and depends on contingent facts that ostensibly ground normative personhood. Concerns about gender cannot be perceived as secondary, as they are central to the social identities people acquire over the course of their lives. Bibliogr., notes, sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M1 - Fn;K2 M3 - 391874780 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1116 T1 - Following in the Steps of '' isha: Hassniyya-Speaking Tijn Women as Spiritual Guides (Muqaddamt) and Teaching Islamic Scholars (Limrbutt) in Mauritania A1 - Frede,Britta Y1 - 2014/// KW - authority KW - Islam KW - leadership KW - Mauritania KW - Sufism KW - women teachers RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 225 EP - 273 JA - Islamic Africa: (2014), vol.5, no.2, p.225-273. VL - 5 IS - 2 U2 - w15 N2 - Women in Hassniyya-speaking Sunn Muslim communities in Mauritania have long served as spiritual guides (muqaddamt) and as teaching scholars (limrbutt) for other women. Yet those who have done so have tended to come from a small number of prominent scholarly families. Furthermore, their activities have usually remained hidden outside of their immediate social circles and are actively excluded from the historical record. In recent years, however, a boom in Islamic learning has led to a diversification in the social backgrounds of women acting as Islamic teachers and spiritual guides. At the same time, women's spaces of Islamic learning have become increasingly visible. This article illustrates these changes in women's exercise of Islamic authority by recounting the life stories of several female spiritual guides and teaching scholars in Nouakchott who adhere to the Tijn Sufi order. It also draws on historical documents and government survey data to contextualize these changes. The stories presented here highlight important aspects of women's performance of religious authority. One is the centrality of the concept of knowing Islam, which entails familiarity with the Qur'an and a range of other Islamic texts. Another is the centrality of historical models, especially that of the Prophet's wife ''isha, in offering contemporary women justification for engaging in the teaching and production of Islamic knowledge. Ultimately, however, estimating changes in women's participation in Islamic knowledge and authority remains a difficult task because it has long been hidden and even actively erased from the historical record AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 392151464 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.5192/215409930502225 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1162 T1 - Foreign Gods, Inc A1 - Ndibe,Okey Y1 - 2014/// KW - Nigeria KW - novels (form) KW - United States RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 330 CY - New York City PB - Soho Press U2 - w15 SN - 978-1-616-95313-3 AV - AFRIKA Lit.9878 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 374378185 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1151 T1 - From mtoto to mzee A1 - Maciel,Mervyn Y1 - 2014/// KW - autobiographies (form) KW - Indians KW - Kenya RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 162 CY - Sutton PB - Mervyn Maciel U2 - w15 AV - AFRIKA 48496 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 385954883 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1137 T1 - Hiding in plain sight A1 - Farah,Nuruddin Y1 - 2014/// KW - Kenya KW - novels (form) KW - Somalia RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 342 CY - New York PB - Riverhead Books, a member of Penguin Group (USA) U2 - w15 N2 - Adopting her niece and nephew when her half-brother is murdered in Mogadishu, Somalia, half-Somali photographer Bella disciplines her free-spirited nature and reevaluates her options when the children's mother resurfaces SN - 1-594-63336-3 AV - AFRIKA Lit.9876 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 390796085 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1140 T1 - Homegrown : poems A1 - Coates,Christine Y1 - 2014/// KW - poetry (form) KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 69 CY - Cape Town PB - Modjaji Books U2 - w15 SN - 1-920590-81-1 AV - AFRIKA Lit.9870 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 390696552 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1132 T1 - Interpreting Ethiopia : observations of five decades A1 - Levine,Donald N. Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 488-491. - Met index, noten KW - collected works (form) KW - Ethiopia KW - history KW - politics KW - social sciences RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XXV, 498 CY - Los Angeles, CA PB - Tsehai Publishers U2 - w15 SN - 978-1-599-07095-7 AV - AFRIKA 48454 Y2 - 2015/07/04/ M3 - 391038176 ER - TY - CHAP ID - 1119 T1 - Introduction: en-gendering Islamic authority in West Africa A1 - Frede,Britta A1 - Hill,Joseph Y1 - 2014/// KW - authority KW - Islam KW - ulema KW - West Africa RP - NOT IN FILE U2 - w15 N2 - The existing literature has pointed out some of the ways in which Muslim women claim legitimacy and, in some cases, even authority within their communities, ranging from militancy within Islamic organizations to the mastery of religious knowledge. While militancy is at the core of the contemporary feminization of Islam in a number of sub- Saharan African societies, in some places authority over religious knowledge is also in a process of being feminized. This article examines how, in the context of Islamic revivalism in C“te d'Ivoire, the feminization of Islam has evolved in the settings of voluntary associations. In particular, this article addresses the articulation between Islamic concepts of womanhood, including practices of veiling and ideological formations around them, and the construction of alternative modes of sociability in the context of the transformation of local religious organizations. In the 1990s, women's roles in the Ivorian Islamic revivalism were marked by instances of intensified activism, while the 2002 military conflict has encouraged the emergence of women- led NGOs. For some women, these NGOs have come to be the site of assertion of new forms of religious authority. Based on ethnographic data collected between 1992 to 2011 in the cities of Bouak‚ and Abidjan, the analysis focuses on the material and historical conditions of women's religious mobilization and authority AV - Elektronisch article Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 39215059X L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.5192/215409930502131 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1141 T1 - It's code red! : cartoons from Mail & Guardian, Sunday Times and The Times A1 - Zapiro A1 - Wills,Mike Y1 - 2014/// KW - cartoons (form) KW - politics KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 160 CY - Auckland Park PB - Jacana Media; in association with Zaprock Productions U2 - w15 SN - 1-431-42099-9 AV - AFRIKA 48387 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 388659351 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1149 T1 - L'op‚ration de paix des Nations unies au Rwanda A1 - Bidoung,Noel Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 111-112. - Met bijl., noten KW - genocide KW - peacekeeping forces KW - peacekeeping operations KW - Rwanda KW - UN RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 115 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - 1re partie.La genŠse des missions de l'ONU au Rwanda.Le conflit politico-ethnique rwandais et ses tentatives de solutions --L'intervention des Nations Unies dans la crise rwandaise. --2me partie.La premiŠre phase de l'op‚ration de maintien de la paix proprement dite ou l'‚chec de MINUAR I.La probl‚matique du mandat inadapt‚ et des cons‚quences au Rwanda --La probl‚matique du commandement de la force multinationale. --3me partie.L'op‚ration MINUAR II et le TPIR ou le sursaut tardif de la communaut‚ internationale.L'op‚ration Turquoise --Le d‚roulement de l'op‚ration Turquoise --L'op‚ration MINUAR II et le TPIR ou la fin de l'intervention arm‚e des Nations Unies au Rwanda et le jugement des responsables pr‚sum‚s du g‚nocide SN - 2-336-29942-9 pbk AV - AFRIKA 48164 Y2 - 2015/07/04/ M3 - 386035458 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1158 T1 - La justice congolaise face aux crimes internationaux commis en RDC A1 - Bakama Bope,EugŠne Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 225-234 KW - criminal courts KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - International Criminal Court KW - international criminal law KW - offences against human rights KW - punishment KW - war crimes RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 270 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w15 T3 - Logiques juridiques SN - 2-343-03799-X pbk AV - AFRIKA 48283 Y2 - 2015/09/04/ M3 - 383650968 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1148 T1 - La priorit‚ agricole : RD Congo A1 - Tumba,Bob Matamba Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 192-195. - Met index KW - Africa KW - agricultural production KW - agricultural products KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - statistics KW - surveys RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 195 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w15 T3 - Comptes rendus N2 - Introduction: la quˆte lancinate du d‚veloppement --chap. 1. L'‚tat des lieux de l'agriculture en Afrique. Un survol panoramique --Un florilŠge de "success stories" --Les produits agricoles phares du continent --Monographie succinte des principaux produits agricoles africains --Le top 5 de la production agricole africaine par pays --Classement des pays africains par agr‚gats de tonnages cultiv‚s --Le‡ons … tirer de l'agriculture en Afrique. --chap. 2. L'‚tat des lieux de l'agriculture en R.D. Congo. Les origines de l'agriculture en Afrique centrale --Les 4 produits phares de l'agriculture congolaise --Toute la production agricole congolaise (2011) --La production agricole congolaise par province --La production animale en RD Congo --Le cheptel congolais par province SN - 2-343-04392-2 pbk AV - AFRIKA 48162 Y2 - 2015/07/04/ M3 - 386035512 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1127 T1 - La tontine en milieu professionnel urbain et au sein des ‚glises de r‚veil … Libreville: une strat‚gie de mobilit‚ sociale A1 - Angou‚,Claudine Aug‚e A1 - Mebiame Zomo,Maixant Y1 - 2014/// KW - Gabon KW - informal savings and credit associations KW - Pentecostalism KW - self-help associations KW - social mobility KW - urban society RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 129 EP - 151 JA - Revue gabonaise de sociologie: (2014), no.7, p.129-151 : tab. IS - 7 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Le pr‚sent article a pour objectif de montrer que la pratique tontiniŠre en milieu professionnel et au sein des ‚glises, … Libreville (Gabon) par exemple, constitue une strat‚gie d'inventivit‚ et de cr‚ativit‚ des acteurs pour surmonter les difficult‚s d'une vie en ville. Les deux r‚cits des membres de l'Association des jeunes Dames de Nkembo (AJDN) et Solidarit‚ FrŠres et Surs en Christ (SFSC) nourrient la r‚flexion de cet article. Aussi bien en glise qu'en milieu professionnel, il s'agit de cr‚er des nouvelles formes de sociabilit‚ et solidarit‚ qui permettent, comme en milieu traditionnel qui tient lieu de r‚f‚rent, de s'adapter au nouveau cadre social. Autant, au sein de SFSC, on a l'impression que la tontine sert ‚galement de lieu d'exp‚rimentation de la puissance de la priŠre, autant, … AJDN, elle est davantage le lieu de praxis. Ces deux logiques, en apparence contradictoires du fait de leur lieu d'ex‚cution, rendent compte n‚anmoins d'un objectif partag‚: le d‚sir d'une mobilit‚ sociale ascendante, qui va de pair, dans la perception commune, avec l'id‚e que l'on se fait de la ville. Bibliogr., notes, r‚f., r‚s. (p. 159). [R‚sum‚ extrait de la revue, adapt‚] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/09/04/ M1 - Gh;C2 M3 - 391840940 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1129 T1 - La ville de Port-Gentil et la gestion des risques de submersion marine A1 - Faure,Fran‡ois Edgard A1 - Rabenkogo,Nicaise Y1 - 2014/// KW - climate change KW - coastal management KW - floods KW - Gabon KW - urban areas RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Revue gabonaise de sociologie: (2014), no.7, p.77-110 : fig., graf., foto's, krt., tab. U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - La pr‚sente contribution fait l'‚tat des lieux et expose les facteurs de la vuln‚rabilit‚ de Port-Gentil (Gabon) en rapport avec l'‚l‚vation du niveau moyen de la mer. Les auteurs suggŠrent ‚galement quelques mesures d'adaptation pour faire face aux changements climatiques projet‚s. Les effets attendus d'un r‚chauffement global au cours du XXIe siŠcle pourraient ˆtre particuliŠrement d‚sastreux pour Mandji, l'Œle qui h‚berge Port-Gentil. Les ‚tudes men‚es par les chercheurs gabonais suivant les projections du Groupe Intergouvernemental sur lEvolution du Climat (GIEC), indiquent qu'il suffirait d'une hausse du niveau de la mer de 50 cm (pr‚vue d'ici 2060) … 1 mŠtre (pr‚vue d'ici 2100) pour que Port-Gentil soit engloutie par les eaux oc‚aniques. La submersion marine, l'urbanisation incontr“l‚e, la pression d‚mographique de plus en plus croissante, l'am‚nagement sans planification des infrastructures c“tiŠres sont autant d'‚l‚ments qui contribuent … la vuln‚rabilit‚ de Port-Gentil. Face au changement climatique global, des nouvelles strat‚gies s'imposent, notamment le recul strat‚gique qui permet de d‚placer les am‚nagements et laisser faire la nature. Bibliogr., notes, r‚f., r‚s. (p. 157). [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/09/04/ M1 - Gh;J3 M3 - 391799525 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1150 T1 - Le b“g“bl“ : musique dans la soci‚t‚ Atchan, C“te d'Ivoire A1 - Djoke Bodj‚,Th‚ophile Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 131-133. - Met noten KW - C“te d'Ivoire KW - Ebri‚ KW - musical instruments KW - rituals KW - traditional music RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 135 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w15 SN - 2-336-30576-3 AV - AFRIKA 48169 Y2 - 2015/07/04/ M3 - 386035229 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1159 T1 - Le Gabon, entre d‚mocratie et r‚gime autoritaire A1 - Tinasti,Khalid Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 295-303. - Met bijl., chron., noten KW - authoritarianism KW - democratization KW - Gabon KW - patronage KW - political history RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 308 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w15 T3 - tudes africaines SN - 2-343-03792-2 AV - AFRIKA 48285 Y2 - 2015/09/04/ M3 - 383650933 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1130 T1 - Le territoire d'Akanda : entre conservation et d‚veloppement urbain A1 - Koumba Mabert,Brice Didier Y1 - 2014/// KW - Gabon KW - national parks and reserves KW - natural resource management KW - nature conservation KW - urban planning RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Revue gabonaise de sociologie: (2014), no.7, p.49-75 : fig., foto, krt. U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Cet article prend son sens dans l'analyse du conflit d'int‚rˆt que cr‚e la d‚limitation d'une nouvelle commune d‚nomm‚e Akanda par rapport au parc national du mˆme nom au nord de Libreville, Gabon. Longtemps destin‚ … la protection de l'environnement, … travers la forˆt class‚e de la Mondah et plus r‚cemment par la cr‚ation d'un parc national, ce territoire vient d'ˆtre ‚rig‚ en commune par d‚cision du Conseil des ministres en date du 5 juillet 2013. Cette nouvelle commune, tel un ˆtre vivant, a besoin de se nourrir et de vivre … travers des projets de d‚veloppement urbain consommateurs d'espace. Les limites de la commune plongent entiŠrement dans celles du parc national d'Akanda, cr‚ant ainsi un conflit de comp‚tence dans la maŒtrise de la gestion fonciŠre et la pr‚servation de la biodiversit‚. Pour g‚rer durablement ce territoire d'Akanda, une charte a ‚t‚ r‚dig‚e, afin de permettre … la fois son d‚veloppement urbain et la pr‚servation de sa biodiversit‚. La formule de la charte est n‚e en France … partir d'une r‚forme engag‚e en 2006. La charte d‚termine la politique pour le Parc National et comporte un accord sur des orientations … long terme et des engagements des parties (communes, l'‚tablissement public du parc national et l'tat) sur des mesures dans leurs domaines de comp‚tences respectifs. Bibliogr., notes, r‚f., r‚s. (p. 156). [R‚sum‚ extrait de la revue, adapt‚] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/09/04/ M1 - Gh;J1 M3 - 391798642 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1156 T1 - Les investissements directs chinois en Afrique : la China National Petroleum Corporation international Chad, CNPCIC A1 - Yorbana,Seign Goura Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 203-219. - Met bijl., noten KW - Chad KW - China KW - foreign investments KW - multinational enterprises KW - petroleum industry RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 228 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w15 T3 - tudes africaines SN - 2-343-04030-3 pbk AV - AFRIKA 48284 Y2 - 2015/09/04/ M3 - 383652715 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1157 T1 - Les m‚nages … Lubumbashi : h‚bergement des parents et vie domestique A1 - Tabu,Olivier Kahola Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 279-299. - Met bijl., noten KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - family KW - household composition KW - kinship KW - urban households RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 308 CY - Louvain-la-neuve PB - Academia-L'Harmattan U2 - w15 T3 - Espace Afrique N2 - L'‚tude d‚peint l'autre face de transfert des parents entre les m‚nages en Afrique. Elle remet en cause l'essentialisation de la solidarit‚ dite africaine et expose les contradictions entre les r‚alit‚s de la scŠne et celles de coulisses de la sphŠre domestique dans les milieux urbains en Afrique subsaharienne. Cette ‚tude concerne tout public int‚ress‚ aux questions des dynamiques familiales en Afrique SN - 2-8061-0170-0 AV - AFRIKA 48281 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 383651794 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1160 T1 - Mede-wete A1 - Krog,Antjie Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Human & Rousseau, 'n druknaam van NB-Uitgewers 'n afdeling van Media24 Boeke (Edms.) Bpk KW - poetry (form) KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 120 CY - Kaapstad PB - Human & Rousseau, NB-Uitgewers U2 - w15 SN - 978-0-7981-6787-1 pbk AV - AFRIKA Lit.9885 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 383231825 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1155 T1 - M‚dias et laicit‚ au S‚n‚gal A1 - Miss‚houngb‚,Pierre Paul Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 153-159. - Met noten KW - mass media KW - politics KW - religion KW - secularization KW - Senegal RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 162 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w15 T3 - Croire & savoir en Afrique SN - 2-343-01348-9 pbk AV - AFRIKA 48282 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 383652766 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1154 T1 - Musique traditionnelle et civilisation orale chez les Manding A1 - Dabo,Sadibou Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 105-107 KW - griots KW - Manding KW - musical instruments KW - oral traditions KW - traditional music KW - West Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 110 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w15 SN - 2-296-99872-0 pbk AV - AFRIKA 48280 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 383652839 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1128 T1 - Mutation des pratiques sexuelles en milieu urbain gabonais : le cas des femmes multiprises A1 - Balondji,Steeve Thierry Y1 - 2014/// KW - Gabon KW - prostitution KW - sexuality KW - social relations KW - urban women RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 111 EP - 128 JA - Revue gabonaise de sociologie: (2014), no.7, p.111-128. IS - 7 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Cet article analyse une pratique sexuelle, en vigueur au Gabon, connue sous le nom de femmes multiprises. Les femmes multiprises sont des femmes entretenues, des maŒtresses d'hommes aux revenus importants. La femme dite multiprise renvoie … une m‚taphore ‚lectrique. Une femme ou une jeune fille est assimil‚e … une multiprise, lorsque celle-ci entretient concomitamment plusieurs liaisons amoureuses v‚nales. Leur pratique sexuelle met en lumiŠre les nouvelles aspirations d'hommes et de femmes en matiŠre de sexualit‚. Elle red‚finit les fonctions sociales de la sexualit‚ qui, aujourd'hui, est davantage instrumentalis‚e, moyen de survie et facteur d'ascension sociale. Ces deux fonctions de la sexualit‚ sont visibles et entretenues dans toutes les couches sociales … la fois en milieu urbain et en milieu rural. Au d‚part, les femmes le prennent mal, surtout lorsque les parents les y incitent sans tenir compte de leur consentement, mais elles finissent progressivement par l'assimiler. La multiprise est le r‚sultat d'un changement des murs sexuelles, de la solidarit‚ familiale et des difficult‚s ‚conomiques. Le ph‚nomŠne de la multiprise est connu dans d'autres pays africains sous plusieurs noms. Bibliogr., notes, r‚f., r‚s. (p. 158). [R‚sum‚ extrait de la revue, adapt‚] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/09/04/ M1 - Gh;C5 M3 - 391800051 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1139 T1 - October A1 - Wicomb,Zoe Y1 - 2014/// KW - novels (form) KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 270 CY - Cape Town PB - Umuzi U2 - w15 N2 - "A letter from her brother Jake calls Mercia back to Kliprand, the parched dorp she left for a life in Scotland years ago. Had she not been abandoned by her partner of twenty-four years, Mercia might never have returned to Namaqualand [South Africa] ... In Kliprand, she finds a broken Jake ... But what secrets haunt this family, and what sense is there to make of this thorny place called home? Zoe Wicomb's October is a moving family history and an incisive commentary on what it means to belong."--Dust jacket SN - 1-415-20706-2 AV - AFRIKA Lit.9884 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 39079466X ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1115 T1 - Picturing Islamic authority: gender metaphors and Sufi leadership in Senegal A1 - Hill,Joseph Y1 - 2014/// KW - authority KW - gender KW - Islam KW - language usage KW - leadership KW - Mauritania KW - Sufism RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 275 EP - 315 JA - Islamic Africa: (2014), vol.5, no.2, p.275-315. VL - 5 IS - 2 U2 - w15 N2 - Gendered metaphors of begetting, birth, milk nursing, maternal nurturing, virility, filial piety, patrilineage, and marital relationships have been central to Sufi imaginations of religious knowledge and authority for over a millennium. Contemporary adherents of the Fayda Tijniyya Sufi movement in Senegal continue to use these metaphors, picturing changing relations of religious authority in terms of familiar social realities. Although the most widely used metaphors are perhaps those of fatherhood for male leaders and motherhood for female leaders, a range of masculine and feminine metaphors can describe either men or women. The Fayda Tijniyya's founder, Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse, is best known to disciples as Baay (Father). The paternal metaphor is largely reserved for Shaykh Ibrahim's unique place in the movement. Yet women leaders overwhelmingly describe themselves in terms of maternal metaphors, presenting religious leadership as growing naturally out of their maternal qualities. At the same time, these women deconstruct gender distinctions using mystical discourses, sometimes presenting all Sufis as men and sometimes insisting that gender has no reality. Although some scholars have argued that Sufi gender metaphors value men and masculinity while devaluing women and femininity, this article shows that the effects of a metaphor must be sought in the performative context in which it is invoked. Ancient gender metaphors now serve to imagine new configurations of religious authority, including the growing number and influence of women Sufi leaders AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 392151480 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.5192/215409930502275 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1118 T1 - Piety, moral agency, and leadership: dynamics around the feminization of Islamic authority in C“te d'Ivoire A1 - LeBlanc,Marie Nathalie Y1 - 2014/// KW - authority KW - C“te d'Ivoire KW - Islam KW - leadership KW - NGO KW - ulema KW - women RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 131 EP - 165 JA - Islamic Africa: (2014), vol.5, no.2, p.131-165. VL - 5 IS - 2 U2 - w15 N2 - The existing literature has pointed out some of the ways in which Muslim women claim legitimacy and, in some cases, even authority within their communities, ranging from militancy within Islamic organizations to the mastery of religious knowledge. While militancy is at the core of the contemporary feminization of Islam in a number of sub- Saharan African societies, in some places authority over religious knowledge is also in a process of being feminized. This article examines how, in the context of Islamic revivalism in C“te d'Ivoire, the feminization of Islam has evolved in the settings of voluntary associations. In particular, this article addresses the articulation between Islamic concepts of womanhood, including practices of veiling and ideological formations around them, and the construction of alternative modes of sociability in the context of the transformation of local religious organizations. In the 1990s, women's roles in the Ivorian Islamic revivalism were marked by instances of intensified activism, while the 2002 military conflict has encouraged the emergence of women- led NGOs. For some women, these NGOs have come to be the site of assertion of new forms of religious authority. Based on ethnographic data collected between 1992 to 2011 in the cities of Bouak‚ and Abidjan, the analysis focuses on the material and historical conditions of women's religious mobilization and authority AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 39215093X L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.5192/215409930502167 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1145 T1 - Private security companies and political order in Congo : a history of extraversion A1 - Schouten,Peer Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Doctoral dissertation in peace and development research, School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg Bibliogr.: p. 227-256. - Met bijl., noten, samenvatting in het Engels en Zweeds KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - dissertations (form) KW - governance KW - international politics KW - political systems KW - private security services RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XV, 260 CY - Gothenburg PB - School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg U2 - w15 AV - AFRIKA 48171 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 387377468 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1144 T1 - Promoting civil society and democracy : tracing ideals in reality A1 - Kamstra,Jelmer Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Proefschrift Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Bibliogr.: p. 185-192. - Met bijl., noten, samenvatting in het Nederlands en Engels KW - civil society KW - democracy KW - dissertations (form) KW - Ghana KW - NGO RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 205 CY - [S.l. PB - s.n.] U2 - w15 SN - 978-94-6259258-2 AV - AFRIKA 48177 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 38737969X ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1147 T1 - Protection de l'environnement marin et c“tier dans la r‚gion du golfe de Guin‚e A1 - Zognou,Th‚ophile Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 417-446. - met bijl., noten KW - coastal management KW - environmental law KW - international agreements KW - international law KW - water management KW - water pollution KW - West Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 450 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w15 T3 - tudes africaines SN - 2-343-04433-3 pbk AV - AFRIKA 48161 Y2 - 2015/07/04/ M3 - 386035571 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1146 T1 - R‚inventer l'universit‚ : approches de solutions pour l'emploi des jeunes au B‚nin A1 - Hazoumˆ,Marc Laurent Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 147-149. - Met bijl., noten KW - Benin KW - educational policy KW - graduates KW - unemployment KW - universities RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 159 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w15 T3 - tudes africaines SN - 2-343-04088-5 pbk AV - AFRIKA 48160 Y2 - 2015/07/04/ M3 - 386035601 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1138 T1 - Savage hour A1 - Proctor,Elaine Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Met gloss KW - crime KW - novels (form) KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 373 CY - London PB - Quercus U2 - w15 SN - 1-7820-6652-7 AV - AFRIKA Lit.9879 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 390794953 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1153 T1 - The agony of truth : autobiography of Samson Ndeikwila A1 - Ndeikwila,Samson A1 - Wietersheim,Erika von Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 217-218. - Met gloss., noten KW - autobiographies (form) KW - detention KW - exile KW - Kenya KW - Namibia KW - national liberation struggles KW - political violence KW - SWAPO KW - Tanzania KW - victims RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XIII, 219 CY - Windhoek PB - Kuiseb Verlag U2 - w15 SN - 978-99945-7627-2 AV - AFRIKA 48140 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 385930062 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1142 T1 - The public face of African new religious movements in diaspora : imagining the religious 'other' A1 - Adogame,Afeosemime Unuose Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Met bibliogr., index, noten KW - Africans KW - diasporas KW - Pentecostalism KW - religion KW - religious movements KW - world RP - NOT IN FILE EP - IX, 289 CY - Farnham [etc.] PB - Ashgate Publishing Ltd U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Ashgate Inform series on minority religions and spiritual movements N2 - This book provides theoretical and methodological insights for understanding and interpreting African new religious movements (ANRMs) and African-derived religions in diaspora. The 16 contributors focus on groups and movements drawn from Christian, Islamic, Jewish and African-derived religious movements and explore their provenance and patterns of emergence, their belief systems and ritual practices; their public and civic roles; their organisational networks; and the implications of interactions within and between the groups and with the host societies. The book offers insights into how ANRMs can be better defined, approached, and interpreted by scholars, policy makers and media practitioners alike. Chapters: 1 The discourse about 'Africa' in religious communities in Brazil: how Africa becomes the ultimate source of authenticity in Afro-Brazilian religions; 2 'Irrecha': a traditional Oromo religious ritual goes global; 3 Self-representation by Black Majority Christianity in Britain; 4 The transnational dynamics of black Jews in France; 5 'Take over Asia for God!': the public face of African Pentecostal Churches in China; 6 Uncovering an alternative story: examining the religious and social lives of Afro-Carribean youth in London and New York City; 7 Juggling multiple identities to overcome minority status: young Congolese Pentecostals in Montreal (Quebec, Canada); 8 'Living by the Spirit': African Christian communities in Sweden; 9 'Penetrating the unseen': the role of religious and spiritual practices in the Senegalese boat migration process; 10 'The Coca-Cola of churches arrives': Nigeria's redeemed Christian Church of God in Brazil; 11 Nigerian Pentecostals in Britain: towards prosperity or consumerism?; 12 Public perception of witchcraft accusations, stereotyping and child abuse: a case study of Britain's Black Majority Churches; The strangers in our midst: issues of misunderstanding between African migrant churches in Germany and mainstream German churches. [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 978-1-472-40911-9 AV - AFRIKA 48320 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M1 - Aa;B1 M3 - 388652047 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1136 T1 - The reactive A1 - Ntshanga,Masande Y1 - 2014/// KW - novels (form) KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 197 CY - Cape Town PB - Umuzi U2 - w15 N2 - "In a city that has lost its shimmer, Lindanathi and his two friends Ruan and Cecelia sell illegal pharmaceuticals while chasing their next high. Lindanathi, deeply troubled by his hand in his brother's death, has turned his back on his family, until a message from home reminds him of a promise he made years before. When a puzzling masked man enters their lives, Lindanathi is faced with a decision: continue his life in Cape Town, or return to his family and to all he has left behind. Rendered in lyrical, bright prose and set in a not-so-new South Africa, The Reactive is a poignant, life-affirming story about secrets, memory, chemical abuse and family, and the redemption that comes from facing what haunts us most SN - 1-415-20719-4 AV - AFRIKA Lit.9877 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 390796174 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1122 T1 - The roles of Oromo-speaking children in the storytelling tradition in Ethiopia A1 - Jirata,Tadesse Jaleta A1 - Simonsen,Jan Ketil Y1 - 2014/// KW - children KW - Ethiopia KW - folk tales KW - Guji KW - learning KW - oral traditions KW - Oromo language KW - storytelling KW - values RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 135 EP - 149 JA - Research in African Literatures: (2014), vol.45, no.2, p.135-149. VL - 45 IS - 2 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article analyses the roles of children in storytelling events, using ethnographic field research among the Oromo-speaking Guji people of Southern Ethiopia. The emphasis is on 'duri duri' folktales. These are tales that communicate an ethics of virtue, referred to by the Guji as 'saffu', and regarded as essential to inter-human relationships. Far from being passive knowledge receivers, the Guji children are attentive listeners and engaged narrators. They express their sentiments and opinions in gestures and words, pose questions to clarify points, make meta-communicative comments on the proper ways of narrating stories, and pass judgments on the moral messages. This article argues for a more child-centred perspective in the study of oral traditions in African societies, which recognizes the children's agency in the intergenerational transfer and change of storytelling traditions as well as of the cultural notions, values, and norms transpiring through them. In the past, the study of storytelling practices in African societies focused mostly on adults and elders, in particular men, neglecting the roles of women and children. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract, edited] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M1 - Dd;K2 M3 - 391871714 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1134 T1 - The texture of shadows : a novel A1 - Langa,Mandla Y1 - 2014/// KW - novels (form) KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 371 CY - Johannesburg PB - Picador Africa U2 - w15 N2 - "It is 1989, a high point of hope in South Africa's political history. The nation is abuzz with rumours of Nelson Mandela's imminent release, the dismantling of guerrilla camps and the possibility of peace. A band of exiled People's Army soldiers returns to South Africa. After years in Angola they think the change they have been fighting for is finally about to become a reality. They have been ordered to carry and deliver a sealed trunk to an unspecified destination. It is a mission that makes them a target as different parties set out to separate the men from the trunk and its mysterious contents, setting the stage for several fierce conflicts. The Texture of Shadows explores a world of hardened guerrilla fighters, corrupt police officers, ex-political prisoners and the victims of abuse of a system of bannings and beatings. But there are also cracks in this steel-edged world that hope, love and beauty can fill as the reader is swept up in the story of Chaplain Nerissa Rodrigues and her fellow soldiers." -- Back cover SN - 1-7701-0386-4 AV - AFRIKA Lit.9875 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 390796468 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1135 T1 - White wahala : a novel A1 - Duker,Ekow Y1 - 2014/// KW - novels (form) KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 307 CY - Johannesburg PB - Picador Africa U2 - w15 SN - 978-1-7701-0394-8 AV - AFRIKA Lit.9886 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 390796433 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1152 T1 - Why Tanganyika united with Zanzibar to form Tanzania A1 - Mwakikagile,Godfrey Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Met bijl KW - Americans KW - diplomats KW - interviews (form) KW - political history KW - political unification KW - Tanzania KW - Zanzibar RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 484 CY - Dar es Salaam PB - New Africa Press U2 - w15 SN - 9987-16045-X AV - AFRIKA 48117 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 385935110 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1123 T1 - Women's contribution to the development of Anglophone Cameroonian drama: the plays of Anne Tanyi-Tang A1 - Nkealah,Naomi Y1 - 2014/// KW - Cameroon KW - drama KW - gender KW - women KW - women writers RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 122 EP - 134 JA - Research in African Literatures: (2014), vol.45, no.2, p.122-134. VL - 45 IS - 2 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article explores the plays of Cameroonian female playwright Anne Tanyi-Tang, arguing that they make a significant contribution to Anglophone Cameroonian drama, particularly in the representation of women and articulation of female concerns. Tanyi-Tang has used both theatre for development and dramatic literature to engage audiences on issues affecting women in both rural and urban settings. The plays analysed in this article reveal that, although trapped in deeply patriarchal cultures, women draw on their inner strengths and female networks to create the freedom necessary for attaining empowerment and self-definition. Tanyi-Tang's female characters are strikingly self-willed and independent, relying on their intellect to combat familial and social challenges. They stand in stark contrast to the stereotypical characters portrayed by male playwrights, such as Bole Butake, in whose drama women often resort to sexual favours or mischief to achieve set goals. By depicting urban women contending not only with patriarchy in all its forms, but also with postcolonial disillusionment, Tanyi-Tang infuses Anglophone Cameroonian drama with a new vision, one that embraces powerful, self-actualized women and celebrates women's achievements in the public and private spheres. Bibliogr., notes, sum. [Journal abstract, edited] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M1 - Gc;K2 M3 - 391871471 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1166 T1 - A Bamana commentary on Srat al-Wqia (Q. 56): a linguistic and stylistic analysis A1 - Tamari,Tal Y1 - 2013/// KW - Islam KW - Koran KW - Mali KW - Manding KW - oral literature KW - translation RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 123 EP - 183 JA - Journal of Qur'anic Studies: (2013), vol.15, no.3, p.123-183. VL - 15 IS - 3 U2 - w15 N2 - Among the Manding and other long-Islamised peoples of West Africa, advanced religious instruction is based on the oral translation of Arabic books into a local language; the Qur'an may, furthermore, be interpreted in a ceremonial setting in Raman. This article discusses some of the most important linguistic, stylistic and content features of West African oral tafsr as exemplified by a Bamana commentary collected near Segu, Mali, in 1998 (Bamana being one of the several closely related Manding languages). The Qur'anic text is parsed into meaningful segments as it is read aloud, each segment being immediately followed by its rendering in Bamana, and in some instances, also by ampler explanations in this language. Manding scholarly language is characterised both by specific syntactic structures and a specialised, technical vocabulary constituted in part by Arabic loanwords and a set of key technical terms drawn from and shared by several African languages, but primarily of words created from Manding roots through compounding and/or derivation, or through attribution of specialised meanings to existing terms. The Bamana discourse transcribed and translated here is remarkable for its style, which draws on several of the rhetorical resources of this language, including culturally meaningful images, onomatopoeia and a high incidence of derived terms. Its substantive content is largely based on the Tafsr al-Jallayn and its meta-commentary by Amad al-w (d. 1825) AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 392154609 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/jqs.2013.0116 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1174 T1 - Access to education by persons with disabilities in Uganda's education system A1 - Nyombi,Chrispas A1 - Kibandama,Alexander Y1 - 2013/// KW - access to education KW - disabled KW - educational policy KW - legislation KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 74 EP - 94 JA - East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights: (2013), vol.19, no.1, p.74-94. VL - 19 IS - 1 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article examines: 1. the legal and structural developments undertaken by the Ugandan government in response to Article 24 (on education) of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD, 2006) to meet its Education-For-All (EFA, 1990 and 2000) targets and millennium goals; and 2. the barriers to inclusive education and how they can be overcome in time to meet the 2015 target. The CRPD and the 1995 Constitution of Uganda provide guarantees, equal opportunities and access to education to persons with disabilities (PWDs). The evolution of the education system in Uganda is reviewed. Since the implementation of the Universal Primary Education (UPE) and Universal Secondary Education (USE) initiatives of 1997 and 2005, respectively, the number of primary and secondary school age children accessing education has gone up. The government has made attempts to improve integration into mainstream education by implementing measures such as the Education Sector Strategic Plan 2004-2015. The removal of school fees and passing of new legislation and policies have helped to promote inclusive education. However, inclusive education requires continued financial commitment, which the government fails to provide. Furthermore, there is a general lack of facilities and resources for PWDs in schools, colleges, and universities. Notes, ref., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/09/04/ M1 - Hf;G1 M3 - 391844520 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1175 T1 - An assessment of the legal securities and uncertainties of persons with disabilities in Eritrea A1 - Abbay,Futsum T. Y1 - 2013/// KW - disabled KW - discrimination KW - Eritrea KW - legislation KW - social and economic rights RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 50 EP - 73 JA - East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights: (2013), vol.19, no.1, p.50-73. VL - 19 IS - 1 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article explores the constitutional and legislative rights of persons with disabilities (PWDs) under the Eritrean legal system. The human rights situation in Eritrea is alarming, and deteriorating. The rights to equality and non-discrimination are some of the very few fundamental rights and freedoms under the Constitution that may not be limited. However, their interpretation in the context of the limitation or suspension of other fundamental rights is not clear. An evaluation of the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights demonstrates that the country has taken inadequate legislative and administrative measures to achieve their full citizenship and human rights. The cultural and religious traditions of society have hugely contributed to the prevalence of prejudice, negative attitudes and bias against PWDs. They are discriminated against, excluded from mainstream society and do not receive adequate attention and social services. Disability is among the prohibited grounds for discrimination under the country's 1997 Constitution, but the Constitution is not yet in force and the country has not yet adopted either a disability policy or comprehensive disability legislation. At the international level, the country has not yet moved towards ratifying the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Notes, ref., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/09/04/ M1 - Dh;F1 M3 - 391843710 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1172 T1 - An assessment of the traditional 'gacaca' courts in Rwanda: lessons for communities in Uganda A1 - Among,Hope Y1 - 2013/// KW - conflict KW - customary courts KW - gacaca KW - nation building KW - Rwanda KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 118 EP - 139 JA - East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights: (2013), vol.19, no.1, p.118-139. VL - 19 IS - 1 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - An assessment of the effectiveness of the traditional 'gacaca' courts for realizing justice and reconciliation in Rwanda was conducted with a view to provide valuable lessons for Uganda, where communities affected by conflict have articulated the heed to adopt traditional justice processes for a similar purpose. By December 2003, the formal courts of Rwanda had only prosecuted 9700 persons out of 120,000 in prison and 761,000 accused. To cope with the backlog, but also to facilitate truth telling, national reconciliation and reintegration, the government of Rwanda decided to adopt and modify the traditional, open-air 'gacaca' ('lawn' or 'grass') courts. The jurisdiction of 'gacaca' courts was extended to offences relating to rape and murder. National courts retained the jurisdiction to prosecute the 'masterminds' of the 1994 genocide. By 2011, some survivors continued to express discontent in the 'gacaca' system as lenient punishments like community service could not be equated to the loss and trauma suffered during the genocide. The reconciliatory impact of the courts was gravely limited by reprisals, false accusations, insincerity, mistrust and corruption. According to the author, the contribution of the 'gacaca' courts towards ending impunity and realizing national reconciliation is commendable. Both the negative and negative aspects of the 'gacaca' experience could inform a similar approach in Uganda. Notes, ref., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/09/04/ M1 - Hd;F3 M3 - 391849107 ER - TY - JFULL ID - 1187 T1 - Cahiers ‚pist‚mo-logiques : travaux de logique, d'‚pist‚mologie et d'histoire des sciences = Studies in logic, epistemology and history of sciences Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Verschijningsfrequentie onbekend KW - Congo (Brazzaville) KW - epistemology KW - science RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Cahiers ‚pist‚mo-logiques : travaux de logique, d'‚pist‚mologie et d'histoire des sciences = Studies in logic, epistemology and history of sciences U2 - Vol. 1 (2013) - ... w15 AV - AFRIKA Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 381183815 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1186 T1 - Churches and monasteries of Tegray : a survey of manuscript collections A1 - Nosnitsin,Denis Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [XXV]-XXXII . - Met index, noten KW - churches KW - Ethiopia KW - Ethiopian Church KW - manuscripts KW - religious buildings KW - religious literature RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 430 CY - Wiesbaden PB - Harrassowitz Verlag U2 - w15 T3 - Aethiopica international journal of Ethiopian studies, Supplement, ISSN 2196-7180 ; 1 N2 - Ethiopia is the home to an ancient Christian tradition that started with the introduction of Christianity in the 4th century AD. Today, several hundreds of Ethiopian churches and monasteries still preserve numerous manuscripts, witnesses of the country's rich literary tradition. Written mostly in Ge'ez, the liturgical language of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, these unique documents are of great value as both part of the world cultural heritage and material for diverse scholarly studies. This first Supplement to 'Aethiopica. International Journal of Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies' provides a survey of eighty-four ecclesiastic institutions in northern Ethiopia, focusing on their manuscript heritage SN - 3-447-06969-4 AV - AFRIKA 48123 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 383972469 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1183 T1 - CISOMM GPA audit : balancing liabilities of political compromise A1 - Matyszak,Derek A1 - Petras,Irene A1 - Hofisi,David Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Tevens op omslag: 2008-2013 Met noten KW - evaluation KW - government KW - human rights KW - institutions KW - politics KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 134 CY - Harare PB - Civil Society Monitoring Mechanism U2 - w15 SN - 0-7974-5520-5 AV - AFRIKA 48173 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 387378413 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1167 T1 - Classical Hausa glosses in a nineteenth-century Quranic manuscript: a case of translational reading in Sudanic Africa? A1 - Dobronravin,Nikolay Y1 - 2013/// KW - Arabic language KW - Hausa language KW - Koran KW - manuscripts KW - Nigeria KW - translation RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 84 EP - 122 JA - Journal of Qur'anic Studies: (2013), vol.15, no.3, p.84-122. VL - 15 IS - 3 U2 - w15 N2 - This article presents an analysis of Hausa glosses in a nineteenth-century Qur'anic manuscript (C1688) from the library of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts in St Petersburg, and argues that a systematic study of Arabic manuscripts with Hausa glosses is needed for a re-interpretation of early Hausa writings in Arabic script. The origins of the Hausa written tradition in Arabic script and the evolution of the concept Ajami in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries from non-Arabic (language, culture, etc.) to a variety of Arabic script adapted to African languages (with additional vowel-signs and diacritics) is discussed, and it is suggested that the frequency of the marginal notes ajam and ajam used to mark non-Arabic glosses in Arabic manuscripts might depend on the linguistic properties of the manuscripts as well as sub-regional traditions of writing in Sudanic Africa. Hausa glosses in the St Petersburg manuscript including nouns, adjectives, verbs and verbal constructions are described in same detail. Special attention is paid to borrowings from Arabic and negative verbal constructions which are not attested in Hausa dialects and modern Standard Hausa. For the first time in Hausa studies, the shift in the meaning of the Hausa word shisshigi (from acting tyrannically to meddlesomeness) is explored. The glosses are compared with the Arabic text of Tafsr al-Jallayn and two modern Hausa tafsr, those of Abubakar Mahmud Gumi and Nasiru Kabara. It is demonstrated that the Hausa glosses in the St Petersburg Qur'anic MS share a greater affinity with Kabara's tafsr than with Gumi's translation, and, on this basis, suggested that the translational practices reflected in the St Petersburg manuscript and in Kabara's tafsr might be linked with the Qdiriyya tradition of Arabic-Hausa translational reading AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 392154579 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/jqs.2013.0115 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1181 T1 - Dedan Kimathi : the whole story A1 - Karimi,Joseph Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Met bijl., chron., index, noten KW - biographies (form) KW - Kenya KW - Mau Mau KW - national liberation struggles RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XL, 439 CY - Nairobi PB - The Jomo Kenyatta Foundation U2 - w15 SN - 9966-22972-8 AV - AFRIKA 48184 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 387380949 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1178 T1 - Galana : elephant, game domestication, and cattle on a Kenya ranch A1 - Anderson,Martin Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Met bijl KW - cattle KW - elephants KW - Kenya KW - poaching KW - ranches KW - wildlife protection RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XVIII, 106 CY - Stanford, CA PB - Stanford General Books, an imprint of Stanford University Press U2 - w15 N2 - Chapters: Imagining Africa -- Safari -- The elusive bongo -- White sale -- Poison arrows -- Water works -- Cash cow -- Domesticating science -- The end of innocence -- Year of the jackhammer -- Sleeping sickness -- Losing ground -- Too big to succeed SN - 0-8047-8924-X AV - AFRIKA 48452 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 391038877 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1176 T1 - International labour standards and industrial relations in Tanzania A1 - Phanuel,Marwa Maridadi Y1 - 2013/// KW - child labour KW - discrimination KW - ILO KW - international agreements KW - labour law KW - Tanzania RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 26 EP - 49 JA - East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights: (2013), vol.19, no.1, p.26-49. VL - 19 IS - 1 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article provides a detailed analysis of the international labour standards under the current Tanzanian labour legislation and their impact on industrial relations. Tanzania has ratified all eight fundamental conventions that set international standards on industrial relations with regard to discrimination, child labour, forced labour, the freedom of association, and the right to organize and collective bargaining. The article deals specifically with provisions of the Constitution, various acts and other legislation that serve to enhance compliance with the international labour standards as set by the International Labour Organization (ILO). It traces a short history of the ILO and its main objectives, and delves into the historical development of the international labour standards in Tanzania. It is shown that discrimination in terms of payment of wages still persists as does racial discrimination. Notwithstanding various pro-active measures, the problem of child labour remains rampant. Both the Constitution and labour legislation protect a number of employment rights. Nevertheless, certain provisions in the Employment and Labour Relations Act curtail workers' rights as provided in the ILO conventions. Notes, ref., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/09/04/ M1 - He;E4;F1 M3 - 391843079 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1210 T1 - Kriegler Commission report : an audit of its implementation Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Met bijl., noten, samenvatting KW - conflict prevention KW - constitutions KW - election management bodies KW - elections KW - evaluation KW - Kenya KW - right to vote RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 63 CY - Nairobi PB - Transparency International Kenya U2 - w15 AV - AFRIKA 48189 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 387384456 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1182 T1 - L'Afrique plum‚e : chroniques d'un continent en d‚tresse A1 - Konar‚,Birama Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Met noten KW - articles (form) KW - Mali KW - personal narratives (form) KW - political conditions KW - society RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 216 CY - Bamako PB - ditions Jamana U2 - w15 SN - 99952-1062-2 AV - AFRIKA 48183 Y2 - 2015/07/04/ M3 - 387380639 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1171 T1 - Legal issues in the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria A1 - Olugbemi,Fatula Y1 - 2013/// KW - AIDS KW - attitudes KW - discrimination KW - health policy KW - legislation KW - Nigeria KW - public health RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 140 EP - 157 JA - East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights: (2013), vol.19, no.1, p.140-157. VL - 19 IS - 1 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article presents a social and legal analysis of the problem of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. It reviews the effects of the scourge and identifies the compounding factors, both intentional and inadvertent actions as well as the environments in which transmission, stigma and discrimination become manifest. In Nigeria about 3 million people have been infected with HIV. About 170,000 persons died from AIDS in 2007. General well-known causes include promiscuity, prostitution and human trafficking. In Nigeria, the infection rate among female sex workers is 30 percent. Harmful traditional practices include wife 'inheritance,' widow 'cleansing,' female genital mutilation and child marriage. A special factor is discrimination as a result of stigma in relation to HIV/AIDS, which the author believes to be responsible for more deaths among AIDS infected persons than the disease itself. Various legal and extra-legal options of addressing the different aspects of the disease are explored. Every effort should be put in place by the relevant agencies to promote safer sexual practices and to provide a supportive environment for people who are infected. Notes, ref., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/09/04/ M1 - Fn;I1 M3 - 391861875 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1170 T1 - Les mondes juv‚niles d'une g‚n‚ration 'n‚e libre' : dynamiques de d‚racialisation chez les adolescents des ex-townships scolaris‚s dans l'Afrique du Sud (Johannesburg) post-apartheid A1 - Jacobs,Marie A1 - Payet,Jean Paul Y1 - 2013/// KW - desegregation KW - race relations KW - schools KW - South Africa KW - townships KW - urban youth RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 3 EP - 20 JA - Autrepart: (2013), no.66, p.3-20. IS - 66 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Des recherches ont ‚t‚ men‚es de 2004 … 2010 au sud et au centre de Johannesbourg … fin d'‚tudier l'articulation et la n‚gociation de diff‚rents registres identitaires chez des adolescent(e)s sud-africain(e)s, n‚(e)s libre (c'est … dire aprŠs la fin de l'apartheid), mais appartenant … des milieux d‚favoris‚s et issus de groupes inf‚rioris‚s dans l'ancienne hi‚rarchie raciale de l'apartheid. Plus pr‚cis‚ment, cet article propose d'explorer les processus de d‚racialisation … l'uvre dans les d‚finitions identitaires des jeunes sud-africains, en mettant l'accent sur les dynamiques ambivalentes et mouvantes qui se traduisent … la fois par une d‚racialisation et en reracialisation. Il s'attache … montrer la diversit‚ des exp‚riences sociales de ces adolescents, ici saisie … travers le contexte de scolarisation. L'exp‚rience de l'adolescence se r‚vŠle ˆtre un parcours qui sinue entre des mondes en tension - ‚cole, ‚glise, quartier, famille, espaces publics -, lesquels v‚hiculent des valeurs et des normes contradictoires que les jeunes bricolent de fa‡on plurielle. Grandir dans un environnement … risques est le cadre concret de la socialisation de ces jeunes, mais grandir … l'‚cart des cat‚gories raciales h‚rit‚es en constitue le d‚fi symbolique que permet l'immersion dans une culture juv‚nile globalis‚e. Bibliogr., notes, r‚s. en fran‡ais (p. 153) et en anglais (p. 156). [R‚sum‚ extrait de la revue, adapt‚] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M1 - Kf;C2 M3 - 392105004 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1185 T1 - Living the city in Africa : processes of invention and intervention A1 - Obrist,Brigit A1 - Arlt,Veit A1 - Macamo,El¡sio Salvado Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Proceedings of a conference convened for the Africa-Europe Group of Interdisciplinary Studies AEGIS, Basel, October 2010 Met bibliogr., noten KW - 2010 KW - Africa KW - conference papers (form) KW - towns KW - urban development KW - urban life KW - urban planning KW - urban population KW - urbanization RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 304 CY - Zrich PB - Lit Verlag U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Schweizerische Afrikastudien ; Bd. 10 N2 - This collective volume is based on a conference convened for the Africa-Europe Group of Interdisciplinary Studies AEGIS in Basel in October 2010. The papers are set in the frameworks of "ordinary cities" and "inventions and interventions". The idea of "ordinary cities" cuts across the long-standing categorization of cities as Western and other, a divide grounded in concepts of modernity and development. Instead of taking Western cities as the standard, it must be acknowledged that "ways of being urban and ways of making new kinds of urban futures are diverse and are the product of the inventiveness of people in cities everywhere" (J. Robinson 2006). Both dispersed and often spontaneous inventions or inventivenesses and focused as well as directed interventions contribute to the constantly changing nature of urban places. The papers deal with cities in Africa in general, and more specifically in Angola, Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Guinea, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda. Contents: Preface (Veit Arlt); Introduction to 'Living the city in Africa' (Brigit Obrist); Invention and intervention in African cities (Jo Beall); Urban planning in Africa and the politics of implementation: contrasting patterns of state intervention in Kampala and Kigali (Tom Goodfellow); Ordering urban space and migrants' protests in Sabongari, Kano, 1911-1960 (Rasheed Olaniyi); Youth gangs and urban political protests : a relational perspective on Conakry's "Axis of Evil" (Joschka Philipps); Translocal urbanism : how Ouagadougou strategically uses decentralized cooperation (Ola S”derstr”m, Blaise Dupuis, Pierrick Leu); From best practices to abolitionist approach : Durban's street trading policy in the run-up to the 2010 World Cup (Ercment Celik); Urban memories and utopies : contemporary art in Luanda and Nairobi (Ulf Vierke, Nadine Siegert); On the move : elderly people living the city of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Jana Gerold);HomeSpace : Maputo dwelling processes in the rapidly expanding peri-urban areas of an African city (Silje Er›y Sollien, J›rgen Eskemose Andersen, Ana B‚nard da Costa, Paul Jenkins); Sexuality in cosmopolitan Maputo: the aesthetics of gendered practice through the lenses of class (Sandra Manuel); Signifying competence: herbalists in Kinshasa's urban context (Val‚rie Liebs, Blaise Bikandu, Lassa Kanda, F‚licien Lukoki, Nikolaus Schareika, Barbara Fruth); On urbanity: creativity and emancipation in African urban life (Till F”rster); Performing (in)visibilities in public space: reflections on the social and aesthetic agenda of contemporary performance art in Johannesburg (Fiona Siegenthaler); Reading urbanity: trans-urban assemblages in the N'ko literacy and healing movement of West Africa (Joseph Hellweg, Sory Kourouma); Living effervescence : the social in African urban settings (El¡sio Macamo). [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 3-643-80152-1 (pbk.) AV - AFRIKA 48106 Y2 - 2015/07/04/ M1 - Ba;J1 M3 - 386103585 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1169 T1 - Payer pour ‚migrer : les interm‚diaires de la migration au Cameroun A1 - Alpes,Maybritt Jill Y1 - 2013/// KW - brokers KW - Cameroon KW - illegal migration KW - international migration RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 83 EP - 97 JA - Autrepart: (2013), no.66, p.83-97. IS - 66 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Fond‚e sur un travail de terrain de quatorze mois men‚ au Cameroun anglophone entre 2007 et 2010, cette ‚tude ‚claire l'action d'un organisme de d‚veloppement sp‚cialis‚ dans les 'consultations de voyage'. Au cours des dix derniŠres ann‚es, toute une s‚rie d'agents ('consultants en recruitement', 'transporteurs') sont apparus au Cameroun anglophone. Ces 'migration brokers' sont des personnages publics largement admir‚s; cependant, les t‚moignages de tromperies abondent. Pour comprendre ce qui pousse les migrants potentiels … confier des sommes d'argent consid‚rables … des interm‚diaires sp‚cialis‚s sans garantie de r‚sultat, l'auteur propose de conceptualiser autrement la cr‚dibilit‚ de ces professionnels de la migration, en fonction non plus de la nature suppos‚e de leur activit‚ au regard de la loi (l‚gal versus ill‚gal), mais des distinctions opposant localement 'dokimen', 'feymen' et 'big men'. Consid‚r‚ comme l‚gitime, leur travail n'est pas toujours per‡u comme explicitement contraire aux normes officielles. Le principal danger consiste … prendre un 'feyman' ou un 'dokiman' pour un authentique 'big man'. Bibliogr., notes, r‚f., r‚s. en fran‡ais (p. 154) et en anglais (p. 157). [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M1 - Gc;C6 M3 - 392106108 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1177 T1 - Pretrial detention in Kenya: balancing the rights of criminal defendants and the interests of justice A1 - Akech,Migai A1 - Kinyanjui,Sarah Y1 - 2013/// KW - bail KW - Kenya KW - prisoners KW - prisons KW - rights of the accused RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 1 EP - 25 JA - East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights: (2013), vol.19, no.1, p.1-25. VL - 19 IS - 1 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article examines how the police and courts exercise their powers to grant bail, and how the various agencies that make up the criminal justice system in Kenya (Police, Probation Department, Courts, Prisons) impact on the protection of the pre-trial rights of criminal defendants. Kenya's bail administration system faces inter-agency coordination challenges, which may include the failure to transport detainees to court. This undermines the pre-trial rights of criminal defendants. Current statistics indicate that 30-40 per cent of the prison population consists of pre-trial detainees. The authors consider that the Police and the courts generally exercise their powers fairly and responsibly. While in some cases this exercise of power entails detaining individuals who deserve to be granted bail, their decisions are sound, given the inability of large segments of the public to understand the purpose of bail. In these circumstances, bail constitutes a valuable tool that the police and the courts use to maintain law and order. Given that it is inevitable that some criminal defendants will be detained, a need arises to ensure that places of detention are humane, and that the denial of bail does not constitute punishment. However, many of the places of detention are not only congested, but also in a deplorable state. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract, edited] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/09/04/ M1 - Hc;F1 M3 - 391841459 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1165 T1 - Qur'anic exegesis in Niger: a Songhay-Zarma oral commentary on Srat al-Baqara A1 - Hassane,Moulaye Y1 - 2013/// KW - Islam KW - Koran KW - Niger KW - oral literature KW - Songhai languages KW - translation KW - Zarma language RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 184 EP - 205 JA - Journal of Qur'anic Studies: (2013), vol.15, no.3, p.184-205. VL - 15 IS - 3 U2 - w15 N2 - The city of Saayi (Say), Niger has played an important role in the regional development of Islam from the early nineteenth century onwards. This paper traces its history and the biography of the founder, using the available written and oral sources, while also describing its role as a contemporary religious centre. The Qur'an is commented on in local languages both in the context of traditional advanced religious education and in Raman. The intellectual sources, language and ritual dimensions of enunciation of these oral commentaries are analysed, as are the ceremonies specific to Raman. Although Say was founded by Fulfulde-speaking scholars, reflecting the general cultural and social evolution of the city and its area, for the past 50 years, the Qur'an commentary in the Friday mosque has been given in Songhay-Zarma. While these commentaries are essentially based on recognised Arabic ones, their language makes some reference to the images and concepts of local Songhay-Zarma culture. The linguistic features and substantive content of Songhay-Zarma oral tafsr are illustrated by two excerpts, each presenting several verses of Srat al-Baqara: one is drawn from a full tafsr collected in Say in 1968, at the initiative of the well-known statesman and man of letters Boubou Hama; the other was collected in the Zarma country in 19056 AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 392154617 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/jqs.2013.0117 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1168 T1 - Qur'anic exegesis in old Kanembu: linguistic precision for better interpretation A1 - Bondarev,Dmitry Y1 - 2013/// KW - Bornu polity KW - Kanembu language KW - Koran KW - Nigeria KW - translation RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 56 EP - 83 JA - Journal of Qur'anic Studies: (2013), vol.15, no.3, p.56-83. VL - 15 IS - 3 U2 - w15 N2 - The way the traditional Borno scholars represent Qur'anic Arabic in Old Kanembu testifies to their understanding of Arabic grammatical structures based on traditional grammatical treatises. The function of Old Kanembu is motivated by the grammatical module of tafsr studies, which includes irb, arf, naw and other related disciplines. However, the Borno ulam do not strictly adhere to Arabic linguistic theory and also exploit the distinctive linguistic properties of the Old Kanembu language. In its elaborated output form, tafsr in Old Kanembu incorporates four explanatory levels: (a) morphosyntactic; (b) phrase by phrase / lexical; (c) sentential and (d) interpretative. Thus, it is built on two interrelated platforms: metalanguage (i.e. language designed for description of language) and exegesis (i.e. interpretation of the text). This combination makes Old Kanembu a very powerful software with a solid foundation in the science of tafsr, that allows its users to check their own knowledge of the Qur'an with the precision required by the Arabic grammatical sciences. In its basic grammatical format, Old Kanembu is a platform for the exegete who provides tafsr in full format. Thus, Old Kanembu serves both grammatical and interpretative purposes perfectly AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2015/08/04/ M3 - 392125668 L3 - http://www.euppublishing.com/doi/pdfplus/10.3366/jqs.2013.0114 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1180 T1 - Song of Lawino; Song of Ocol A1 - p'Bitek,Okot A1 - Horley,Frank Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Oorspr. uitg.: Song of Lawino. - 1966. - Song of Ocol. - 1967 KW - poetry (form) KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 150 CY - Long Grove, IL PB - Waveland Press U2 - w15 SN - 1-478-60472-7 AV - AFRIKA Lit.9891 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 390794155 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1179 T1 - Strange pilgrimages : short stories A1 - Dangor,Achmat Y1 - 2013/// KW - short stories (form) KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 170 CY - Johannesburg PB - Picador Africa U2 - w15 N2 - "Central to much of this are 'the struggle years'. This has seen some sent into exile, but few ever forget their 'South Africanness', for the pull of 'nostalgia' is an ever-present force. Some question the value of what they did during those years, others see it in a rather ambivalent light, while others want to move on, want to be relieved of the 'baggage' of their past. For many of them, sex becomes the means of escape from the shackles of memory. This is not just another encomium to the 'struggle' years; instead, what makes this book stand out is the author's unusual and illuminating take on that period of our history. It is not viewed, then, in a way we've become accustomed to, but from a different perspective. Additionally, each story is decidedly 'relevant' and, most importantly, all make for easy and engrossing reading."--Publisher's note SN - 1-7701-0300-7 AV - AFRIKA Lit.9887 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 390796476 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1184 T1 - Strengthening governance and democratization processes in Kenya and the East and Central Africa region : capacity building for the office of the registrar of political parties through study tours to Canada, Ghana and Mexico : activity Report Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 71 KW - democratization KW - Ghana KW - political parties RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 71 CY - Nairobi PB - Institute for Education in Democracy U2 - w15 AV - AFRIKA 48170 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 387365176 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1164 T1 - Sura headings and subdivisions in Qur'an manuscripts from Sub-Saharan Africa: variations and historical implications A1 - Hames,Constant Y1 - 2013/// KW - Chadians KW - Islam KW - Koran KW - Mali KW - manuscripts KW - Mauritania KW - Somalia KW - translation RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 232 EP - 252 JA - Journal of Qur'anic Studies: (2013), vol.15, no.3, p.232-252. VL - 15 IS - 3 U2 - w15 N2 - Sura headings, and the information they convey, were formulated well after the Qur'anic revelation itself. Furthermore, they were not determined by authoritative, standardising decisions, as was the case for the Qur'anic text, which has come down to us ne varietur. Given the geographical extension attained by the Islamic world in the course of its history, and in the absence of normalisation due to the disappearance of a centralised power, local variations in sura headings are only to be expected. This is, in effect, the case for Africa. The sampling of Qur'an manuscripts considered here is compared to the standard Egyptian edition of 1923, and reveals differences not only in the titles of the suras but also in the other types of information associated with them, such as indications concerning the place of revelation and the number of verses in each sura. In addition, in some areas, headings are not usually committed to writing, whereas in other local traditions, they may be quite long and contain multiple elements of information. Though these variations may appear to be minor, they are of interest in a comparative perspective, taking into account different zones and eras especially so if one seeks to discern local identities in the presentation of Qur'an manuscripts. The ones analysed here all come from the Saharo-Sahelian zone: Mauritania (2), Mali (1), Chad (2) and Somalia (1). They are dated to the nineteenth century, with the exception of one early twentieth-century manuscript AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 392154641 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/jqs.2013.0119 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1173 T1 - The right to education in an evolving democracy: the case of Nigeria A1 - Opadere,Olaolu S. Y1 - 2013/// KW - compulsory education KW - democracy KW - education KW - educational policy KW - legislation KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 95 EP - 117 JA - East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights: (2013), vol.19, no.1, p.95-117. VL - 19 IS - 1 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article explores and seeks to establish the pertinence and indispensability of free and compulsory formal education in an evolving democracy, using Nigeria as a case study. It endeavours to show that for any evolving democracy to thrive, education of the populace must be accorded pre-eminence, deserved attention, and commitment. Otherwise, such democracy would likely be infested with violence, terrorism, and other crimes, which eventually could lead to its defeat. The author recognizes that education is a major force in economic, intellectual, social and cultural empowerment. If the populace is not given the appropriate preparation to participate on an equal footing, the democratic experience is bound to be lopsided and may eventually collapse. Certain gaps in education policy remain: 1. non-justiciability of education; 2. elites' hijacking of education; 3. uncontrolled institutional proliferation; 4. poor language culture; 5. discriminatory certification. To this date free and compulsory education has remained a void phrase and will remain so until an equitable formula for its justiciability is worked out. The Commission, which has been established to that end in 1996, has failed to come up with such a formula until now. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract, edited] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/09/04/ M1 - Fn;G1 M3 - 391847996 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1163 T1 - Two exegetical works from twentieth-century West Africa: Shaykh Abu Bakr Gumi's Radd al-adhhn and Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse's F riy al-tafsr A1 - Brigaglia,Andrea Y1 - 2013/// KW - Islam KW - Koran KW - manuscripts KW - Nigeria KW - Senegal KW - translation RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 253 EP - 266 JA - Journal of Qur'anic Studies: (2013), vol.15, no.3, p.253-266. VL - 15 IS - 3 U2 - w15 AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 39215465X L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/jqs.2013.0120 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1196 T1 - An investigation into the information needs for poverty eradication at Greenwell Matongo in Katutura, Windhoek, in the context of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) A1 - Mchombu,Kingo Y1 - 2012/// KW - information literacy KW - Namibia KW - poverty reduction KW - townships RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 75 EP - 92 JA - Journal for studies in humanities and social sciences: (2012), vol.1, no.1, p.75-92. VL - 1 IS - 1 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - In 2008, focus group discussions were conducted with groups of young females, young males, and adults from Greenwell Matongo community, which is part of Katutura Township in the City of Windhoek, Namibia, to study their information needs for poverty eradication in the context of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The participants signalled their concerns over high poverty levels, hunger, poor hygiene and sanitation, ineffective education, troubled gender relations marked by alcohol related violence and rape, high levels of HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis infection, fear of stigma, and a range of environmental problems. The community information centre in the settlement is used intensively by young people for educational purposes, but only marginally by adults for photocopying and literacy purposes. Overall, young people had a higher awareness of information needs and channels. Adults lagged much behind due to illiteracy, powerlessness and language problems. The author makes a number of recommendations to address the identified information needs of the community and capacity building in the context of MDG and poverty eradication. One of the recommendations was to provide information literacy skills in the adult literacy programme. Bibliogr., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M1 - Ke;E7 M3 - 391993771 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1199 T1 - Community perceptions of climate change and variability impacts in Oshana and Ohangwena Regions A1 - Kaundjua,Maria B. A1 - Angula,Margaret N. A1 - Angombe,Simon T. Y1 - 2012/// KW - agriculture KW - attitudes KW - climate change KW - community education KW - floods KW - Namibia KW - water supply RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Journal for studies in humanities and social sciences: (2012), vol.1, no.1, p.21-32 : graf., fig., foto, krt., tab. VL - 1 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper analyses community perceptions of climate change and its impact on agriculture and water supply in selected Namibian regions of Oshana and Ohangwena, using a qualitative research approach involving focus group discussions within a socio-economic and gender analysis framework. The twin concepts of climate change and variability did not exist in the language spoken in the area, which posed difficulties when translating them. The study revealed that middle-aged respondents (40-59 years) of the communities were aware of climatic changes, based on observation during the past three to four decades: 1. rainfall changes associated with drier summers and floods; 2. temperature changes associated with colder winters and hotter summers; and 3. increasing wind intensity. The communities do not appear to have an adaptive capacity to respond to catastrophic natural disaster events such as the recurrent floods of 2009, 2010 and 2011. The authors recommend a programme on community awareness regarding climate change and its implications. The government is advised to set up a long-term adaptation strategy for Namibia in collaboration with communities and other relevant stakeholders. Bibliogr., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M1 - Ke;J2 M3 - 391986422 ER - TY - ADVS ID - 1201 T1 - Dans le miroir du fleuve = Reflected in the river A1 - Kouassigan,Pascale Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Fula gesproken, Engels en Frans ondertiteld KW - documentary films (form) KW - festivals KW - Fulani KW - Mali KW - oral poetry KW - oral poetry (form) KW - pastoralists KW - videos (form) RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [Lussas] PB - Doc Net Films U2 - w15 T3 - Afrique en docs, LumiŠre d'Afrique ; 2 N2 - · Diafarab‚, village du Macina au Mali, se d‚roule chaque ann‚e … la mˆme ‚poque une somptueuse fˆte peule pour honorer les bergers-poŠtes et leurs troupeaux de retour de transhumance dans l'immense plaine sah‚lienne. C'est un moment unique o— les r‚cits ancestraux se mˆlent aux poŠmes chant‚s, o— les corps des bergers et leur b‚tail semblent pris du mˆme vertige. [R‚sum‚ extrait de la dvd-video] AV - AFRIKA AVM1610 Y2 - 2015/07/04/ M3 - 391246585 L3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgM8_hDHHTc ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1188 T1 - tats de femmes : rapports sociaux et rapports sociaux de sexe A1 - Mbah,Jean Ferdinand Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten, samenvattingen KW - Gabon KW - gender inequality KW - gender relations KW - images KW - women RP - NOT IN FILE PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Revue gabonaise de sociologie ; no. 6 N2 - tats de femmes est un num‚ro consacr‚ aux rapports hommes-femmes dans diff‚rentes soci‚t‚s, en particulier au Gabon. Les ‚tudes qui composent ce num‚ro analysent les rapports in‚galitaires entre les hommes et les femmes en tant que rapports sociaux en termes de pouvoir, de domination, aussi bien dans l'espace domestique que dans l'espace public. Contributions: R‚cits de femmes-esprit de gu‚rison au Gabon contemporain (John Cinnamon); Femme et f‚minit‚: une lecture anthropologique de l'‚pid‚mie de chol‚ra aux frontiŠres tchado-camerounaises (Estelle Kouokam Magne); La reproduction des habitus dans la carriŠre des femmes gabonaises p‚diatres (Rodrigue Tezi); La philosophie des sciences de Karl Popper par une femme: Ren‚e Bouveresse (Edgar Mervin Martial Mba); Les femmes et le commerce du sexe au Gabon: esquisse d'une g‚ographie de la prostitution … Libreville (Serge Loungou & Andy S. Yebe Nguema); L'image de la femme … travers les chansons de musiciens fang classiques (Mathurin Ovono Ebe); La violence et les rapports de pouvoir au foyer (Jean Ferdinand Mbah); Les femmes et la l‚gitimation politique de l'ordre dominant au Gabon (Placide Ondo). [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] SN - 978-2-296-56618-7 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M1 - Gh;C4 M3 - 39215062X ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1192 T1 - Inequalities of nutrition: the Namibian paradox A1 - Misihairabgwi,Jane M. A1 - Rennie,Tim Y1 - 2012/// KW - inequality KW - malnutrition KW - Namibia KW - nutrition KW - nutrition policy KW - public health RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Journal for studies in humanities and social sciences: (2012), vol.1, no.1, p.139-146 : krt. VL - 1 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper reviews results of earlier nutrition surveys in Namibia and formulates a Namibian research agenda to inform future undernutrition and obesity interventions. Consistent with findings from other developing countries, the Namibian population is simultaneously made up of overweight and obese individuals as well as underweight individuals. It is also the country with the highest levels of inequality in the world. Based on data collected from 2003 to 2004, 28 per cent of Namibians were categorized as underweight, 11 per cent as overweight and 7 per cent as obese. Among adults, aged 30-46, 29 per cent were categorized as overweight or obese. The authors suggest a three-stage approach to ultimately reduce morbidity and mortality as a result of undernutrition and obesity: 1. quantitative studies of the prevalence of obesity and undernutrition and of the quality and quantity of available foodstuffs; 2. paper-based analysis of policy and strategy, using published information on policy, research and interventions; and 3. design of a series of planned and informed interventions, such as initiatives aimed at population groups most at risk, public information campaigns and community-based activities that promote healthy eating and physical activity. Bibliogr., note, sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M1 - Ke;I3 M3 - 392025337 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1189 T1 - Issues in ethnomusicology as human science A1 - Tsoubaloko,Francois Haipinge Y1 - 2012/// KW - cultural heritage KW - dance KW - ecotourism KW - Namibia KW - traditional music RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 172 EP - 179 JA - Journal for studies in humanities and social sciences: (2012), vol.1, no.1, p.172-179. VL - 1 IS - 1 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article discusses the importance of traditional music and dance in African society in general and in Namibia in particular. Music and dance are key features of the national cultural heritage and a source of cultural identity. Other cultural expressions include indigenous languages, dress, traditional architecture, manufacturing or crafts, ritual, healings, labour, beverage and dishes. Most of these aspects of traditional society are in decline. Young people in Namibia and elsewhere consider indigenous cultural expressions as things of the past, archaic, childish and non-sense. Most music performed in the country is now based on foreign genres such as kwaito, R&B, reggae, kwasa-kwasa and kizomba. Since independence, almost nobody has made an effort to create a contemporary music style based on Namibian traditional music. The author emphasizes that traditional arts can play a useful role in the eco-tourism industry, provided the negative aspects such as language erosion, loss of meaning and prostitution can be avoided. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract, edited] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M1 - Ke;K3 M3 - 392029405 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1198 T1 - Overcoming the barriers through literal and descriptive translations: examples of kanga names A1 - Malangwa,Pendo Salu Y1 - 2012/// KW - clothing KW - Kenya KW - proverbs KW - riddles KW - Swahili KW - Swahili language KW - Tanzania KW - translation RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 51 EP - 62 JA - Journal for studies in humanities and social sciences: (2012), vol.1, no.1, p.51-62 : foto's, tab. VL - 1 IS - 1 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The problem of translating Swahili aphorisms, riddles, idioms and proverbs as they appear on kanga cloths is examined, using skopos theory, according to which the target text must take into account the meaning in both the target language and target culture. A kanga is a colourful cloth used as traditional dress by Swahili women. It measures about 1.5 m by 1 m and typically has a printed border ('pindo'), a central motif ('mji'), and a short text ('jina'). Kangas are designed with extreme care to appeal to their users and as such they are artifacts of Swahili culture. The kanga texts communicate the culture and philosophy of the Swahili people dwelling along the coast of the Indian Ocean (Tanzania, Kenya, Mozambique and Somalia). The texts chosen for this paper illustrate the use and utility of the skopos theory. Since the texts are embedded in Swahili culture and philosophy, establishing equivalents in English can be a major challenge. Three options are reviewed: literal translation, descriptive translation, and ready equivalents. Literal translation can help to avoid losing the foreign flair. Descriptive translation often requires additional text to clarify the meaning. Selected translations include: 'It's strange for a dry coconut to want to break a stone', 'By causing misunderstandings, you'll end up with leftovers', and 'I won't revenge but I won't forget.' Bibliogr., note, ref., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M1 - Ha;K2 M3 - 391989219 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1191 T1 - Phytochemical investigation on Namibian plants for anti-malaria compounds A1 - Du Preez,Iwanette A1 - Mumbengegwi,Davis Y1 - 2012/// KW - ethnobotany KW - malaria KW - medicinal plants KW - Namibia KW - preventive medicine RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 147 EP - 158 JA - Journal for studies in humanities and social sciences: (2012), vol.1, no.1, p.147-158 : graf., tab. VL - 1 IS - 1 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - To facilitate integration of traditional treatments into mainstream malaria case management, a study was conducted to identify, document and validate the presence of selected classes of compounds with anti-plasmodial activity in seven ethnomedicinal plants native to Namibia: Vahlia capensis, Nicolasia costata, Rhigozum brevispinosum, Dicerocaryum eriocarpum, Senna occidentalis, Lophiocarpus sp. and Crotalaria flavicarinata. The plants were selected on the basis of indigenous use that suggests their toxicity to Plasmodium parasites. Crude extracts were prepared using methanol-dichloromethane and distilled water. The extracts were further partitioned with chloroform-methanol-water. Phytochemical tests revealed the presence of anthraquinones, flavonoids, terpenoids, coumarines, and glycosides; alkaloids and steroids were not detected. Paradoxically, thin-layer chromatography analysis on the crude extracts of the same plants tested positive for all compounds. The presence of these phytochemicals and the data generated support the ethno-medicinal uses for these plants. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract, edited] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M1 - Ke;I1 M3 - 392027488 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1204 T1 - Pour un anticolonialisme critique & contre l'anticolonialisme dogmatique : regards crois‚s sur la crise post‚lectorale ivoirienne A1 - Nyamsi,Franklin A1 - Dieth,Alexis Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 263-264. - Met noten KW - C“te d'Ivoire KW - France KW - international relations KW - neocolonialism KW - political conflicts KW - postcolonialism RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 267 CY - Abidjan PB - Les ditions Balafons U2 - w15 SN - 2-919661-44-2 AV - AFRIKA 48178 Y2 - 2015/09/04/ M3 - 387379711 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1195 T1 - Praiseworthy values in President Hifikepunye Pohamba's epideictic speech marking Namibia's 20th anniversary of independence A1 - Kangira,Jairos A1 - Mungenga,Jemima Ndahambelela Y1 - 2012/// KW - 2010 KW - heads of State KW - Namibia KW - political songs KW - speeches RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 109 EP - 116 JA - Journal for studies in humanities and social sciences: (2012), vol.1, no.1, p.109-116. VL - 1 IS - 1 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper provides a rhetorical analysis of President Hifikepunye Pohamba's inaugural speech which he delivered when sworn in for his second term of office on 21 March 2010, the 20th anniversary of Namibia's Independence. In their analysis the authors unravel the praiseworthy values contained in the speech and look at the unsaid or implied messages which are labelled subtleties. By using carefully chosen words and phrases, Pohamba's speech promoted democracy, peace, unity, dignity, accountability, transparency, honesty, patriotism and the rule of law in a nation of diverse cultures. As is the practice in speech communication, Pohamba used Aristotle's three modes of persuasion, namely, pathos, ethos and logos. Speakers employ identification and consubstantiality in order to influence the audience to view things the way they see them. The authors also demonstrate that a speech never comes in isolation or alone; the speaker traced the past and present, and gave a glimpse of the future of the country. Throughout the speech a pious President could be seen who subscribes to the democratic value of turn-taking of the Presidency as he openly stated that this was his second and last term as President of the Republic of Namibia. App., bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M1 - Ke;D1 M3 - 39202151X ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1193 T1 - Rethinking the poetics of urban informalities in fiction: reconstructing the city space in times of crisis A1 - Mlambo,Nelson Y1 - 2012/// KW - market women KW - short stories KW - urban areas KW - urban life KW - urban women KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 129 EP - 138 JA - Journal for studies in humanities and social sciences: (2012), vol.1, no.1, p.129-138. VL - 1 IS - 1 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Three short stories set in urban Zimbabwe during the crisis of the past decade are explored with the prime motivation to examine how urbanites are constantly redefining and reclaiming public space through their lived experiences so as to better their lives. Using resilience theory and focusing on the profundity of agency, the paper shows how the characters demonstrate their capacity to innovate and respond to difficulty with ingenuity through urban informalities. Rather than bemoaning the dystopian post-colonial city which has become reminiscent of the contemporary Afro-pessimisms, the extraordinarily energetic creativity of the urbanites, the tenacity and resilience of people who inhabit the city space, are clarified and celebrated. The three stories are: 1. 'Universal remedy' by Pat Brickhill about the amiable relationship between a white and a black woman; 2. 'Tables turned over' by Adrian Ashley about market women who survive through street vending; and 3. 'Not slaves to fashion' by M. Mthimkhulu about the role of women's clubs. The ultimate conclusion is that challenges can be stepping stones or stumbling blocks, its a matter of how you view them. Bibliogr., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M1 - Je;K2 M3 - 392024144 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1190 T1 - School libraries and their role in promoting a reading culture: case study of Caprivi, Omusati, Omaheke, Karas and Khomas regions in Namibia A1 - Nengomasha,Cathrine T. A1 - Uutoni,Wilhelm Elinatse A1 - Yule ,Wilson Y1 - 2012/// KW - Namibia KW - reading KW - school libraries KW - secondary education RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 159 EP - 171 JA - Journal for studies in humanities and social sciences: (2012), vol.1, no.1, p.159-171 : graf. VL - 1 IS - 1 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - During 2009-2010, a study was conducted in five of Namibia's thirteen regions, namely Caprivi, Omusati, Omaheke, Karas and Khomas, to determine the state of secondary school libraries and assess their role in promoting a reading culture in Namibia. Libraries were found in all the schools, but no more than 80 percent of these were adequately resourced in terms of reading materials, equipment, and staffing. Learners said that they liked reading, but there was no strong library programme to inculcate a reading culture. A number of other factors can contribute to a good or bad reading culture. These include the language of instruction and home/family environment. In 2011, an audit report of the education system notes that proficiency in English, the language of instruction, is below basic. The small percentage of schools with libraries that were well run had a good pass rate, whereas generally this is not the case. Recommendations include the provision of adequate funding for collection development and the development of meaningful library programmes. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract, edited] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M1 - Ke;G1 M3 - 392028662 ER - TY - JFULL ID - 1205 T1 - Sophia : la revue du Laboratoire de Litt‚rature Compar‚e Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Verschijnt onregelmatig KW - Africa KW - literature KW - Senegal RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Sophia : la revue du Laboratoire de Litt‚rature Compar‚e U2 - w15 AV - AFRIKA Y2 - 2015/09/04/ M3 - 369846052 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1200 T1 - The archaeology of the Dome Gorge in the Dƒureb/Brandberg, Namibia: themes, content and context A1 - Gwasira,Goodman Y1 - 2012/// KW - archaeology KW - Namibia KW - prehistory KW - rock art RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Journal for studies in humanities and social sciences: (2012), vol.1, no.1, p.1-20 : graf., krt., tab. VL - 1 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - In 2009, fieldwork was carried out in Dome Gorge in the Dƒureb/Brandberg, Namibia, to document its rock art (paintings and engravings) with a view to its preservation. Four rock art recording techniques (site record forms, photography, sketches and tracing) were used to capture data ranging from contextual information, motifs, relief situation and specific data relating to the engravings in particular. Altogether seven different types of combinations of engravings and paintings were observed. The spatial patterning of the rock engravings was also determined to allow a quantitative analysis of the distribution and figuration of engravings. Rock art in the area is from at least three distinct periods. A total of 606 humans and 430 animals (giraffe, antelope, rhinoceros, eland, and ostrich) were documented. Other prints included footprints, handprints, spoor, and geometric art. Of the humans only 18 were determinable in terms of gender. In other cases gender may be inferred from the objects carried or interacted with: bows, arrows and quiver bags for the male hunters and round, bulky bags for collecting berries associated with female gatherers. The area also comprises settlement remains consisting of stone structures that formed the bases of huts, stone chambers or cairns and stone walls. Bibliogr., notes, sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M1 - Ke;L2 M3 - 391984489 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1197 T1 - The development of tourism entrepreneurial activities in Namibia: empirical findings from Windhoek and Okahandja A1 - Kimaro,Mary Ellen A1 - Ihula,Rosemary A1 - Angula,Margret Ndapewa Y1 - 2012/// KW - crafts KW - economic development KW - Namibia KW - small enterprises KW - tourism KW - traditions RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Journal for studies in humanities and social sciences: (2012), vol.1, no.1, p.63-74 : fig., graf., krt., tab. VL - 1 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article examines the weaknesses, opportunities and threats of tourism development in Namibia, using the results of a survey conducted among 98 small enterprises at markets, craft centres, and business incubators in Windhoek and Okahandja. It was found that most of the products and services on offer were not locally produced. Tourism development based on the area's local culture and traditions, arts and crafts, traditional attire and meals remains elusive. This unexplored potential may be unlocked by: 1. introducing a diversity of products and services; 2. conducting tourism research to specifically examine the prospects these products and services; 3. establishing links with local tour operators; 4. capacity building for the production of quality local arts and crafts, traditional attire and meals to suit tourists' needs and wants; 5. developing websites and marketing through social networks; and 6. develop policies to create a conducive business environment. The authors conclude that the main hindrances to small-scale tourism development are the lack of financial resources, skills, marketing, and business knowledge. Bibliogr., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M1 - Ke;E7 M3 - 391991310 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1203 T1 - The story of Manding, Madu Ndeye and Senegambia A1 - Sosseh,Bekai Malick Y1 - 2012/// KW - Gambia KW - Manding KW - oral history KW - Senegal RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 61 CY - [Banjul?] PB - The Educational Company of Imsos Writers & Publishers U2 - w15 AV - AFRIKA 48186 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 387381228 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1194 T1 - Waking the dead: civilian casualties in the Namibian liberation struggle A1 - Akawa,Martha A1 - Silvester,Jeremy Y1 - 2012/// KW - assassination KW - landmines KW - memory KW - monuments KW - Namibia KW - national liberation struggles KW - victims RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 117 EP - 128 JA - Journal for studies in humanities and social sciences: (2012), vol.1, no.1, p.117-128. VL - 1 IS - 1 U2 - w15 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article presents the work that has been done by the Civilian Casualties Project (CCP) to create an archive of civilian casualties of the Namibian liberation struggle (1966-1990). At the time of writing, the database listed 947 civilian casualties, of whom 317 were killed by landmines and 316 by assassination squads. The main challenge was that of the absence of archival sources. This absence led to an impossibility of systematic historical analysis. In Namibia, almost a generation after the end of the war, it remained unknown how many Namibian civilians died during the Namibian Liberation Struggle. The CCP might be viewed as having the potential to contribute to a different kind of memorial to the war that could further national reconciliation and assist in promoting collective national values. In 1997, the Namibian Government signed the Ottawa Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines. One way in which this strong stand might be publicized in Namibia could be a memorial to all Namibian landmine victims. Bibliogr., sum. 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U2 - w15 T3 - Akademische Abhandlungen zur Soziologie SN - 3-89700-035-0 AV - AFRIKA 48141 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 167857932 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1216 T1 - Our grandmothers' drums A1 - Hudson,Mark Y1 - 1990/// N1 - Oorspr. uitg.: London : Secker & Warburg, 1989 Met gloss RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 321 CY - London PB - Minerva U1 - Zie ook AFRIKA 36014. U2 - w15 SN - 0-7493-9087-5 AV - AFRIKA 48628 Y2 - 2015/10/04/ M3 - 39214784X ER -