TY - BOOK ID - 1477 T1 - La circulation des productions culturelles : cin‚mas, informations et s‚ries t‚l‚vis‚es dans les mondes arabes et musulmans A1 - Marchetti ,Dominique Y1 - 2017/// KW - Arab countries KW - cinema KW - communication KW - information dissemination KW - Morocco KW - television KW - Tunisia KW - Turkey RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Rabat [etc.] PB - Centre Jacques-Berque [etc.] U1 - Free access. U2 - w16 N2 - Cet ouvrage collectif analyse les enjeux (politiques, ‚conomiques, sociaux, religieux, linguistiques) du fonctionnement des univers culturels nationaux et transnationaux dans les pays des mondes arabes et musulmans. Les auteurs sappuient sur des enquˆtes de terrain articul‚es autour de trois entr‚es. La premiŠre cerne les processus de transnationalisation culturelle en matiŠre dinformation, tout particuliŠrement le d‚veloppement des chaŒnes panarabes dinformation, les nouveaux rapports de force entre 'grossistes' (agences de presse, etc.), l‚mergence de m‚dias en ligne et les acteurs transnationaux dans la formation des journalistes. Le deuxiŠme volet appr‚hende ces logiques dimport-export … travers les programmes de t‚l‚vision et le cin‚ma. Les films et les s‚ries t‚l‚vis‚es turques, l‚mergence contemporaine de la production documentaire en langue arabe, les luttes politiques et religieuses autour des repr‚sentations visuelles des figures saintes de lislam ou encore le poids de lInde et des mirats arabes unis dans le march‚ cin‚matographique sont les terrains privil‚gi‚s. La troisiŠme partie porte sur les politiques audiovisuelles et cin‚matographiques des tats. Sont abord‚s successivement la diffusion des s‚ries ‚trangŠres et nationales par les chaŒnes de t‚l‚vision marocaines, les conditions de coproduction et de diffusion des films dits du Maghreb en France ou encore la cr‚ation r‚cente de deux instances de r‚gulation des chaŒnes de t‚l‚vision au Maroc et en Tunisie SN - 979-1-09-204632-8 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2017/04/18/ M1 - Ca;A4;K3 M3 - 410258822 L3 - http://books.openedition.org/cjb/1201 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1480 T1 - L… o— il fait si clair en moi A1 - Boni,Tanella S. Y1 - 2017/// KW - C“te d'Ivoire KW - poetry (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 90 CY - Paris PB - Bruno Doucey U2 - w16 T3 - L'autre langue, ISSN 2109-7518 N2 - "Tanella Boni est n‚e … Abidjan, en C“te d'Ivoire. Elle effectue ses ‚tudes sup‚rieures … Toulouse puis … Paris o— elle obtient un doctorat en philosophie. Professeure des universit‚s, et pr‚sidente de l'Association des ‚crivains de C“te d'Ivoire de 1991 … 1997, elle ‚crit des romans, des essais, des livres pour les enfants et de la po‚sie. Elle est consid‚r‚e comme l'une des voix f‚minines majeures de la litt‚rature africaine."--Page 4 of cover SN - 2-362-29149-9 pbk AV - AFRIKA Lit.10603 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 409627283 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1481 T1 - Proceedings of the 7th World Congress of African Linguistics, Buea, 17-21 August 2012 Volume 2 A1 - Atindogb‚,Gratien A1 - Chibaka,Evelyn Fogwe Y1 - 2017/// KW - 2012 KW - Africa KW - African languages KW - Cameroon KW - conference papers (form) KW - linguistics KW - sociolinguistics RP - NOT IN FILE EP - VIII CY - Mankon PB - Langaa Research and Publishing CIG U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This second volume of the Proceedings of the 7th World Congress of African Linguistics, organized in Buea (Cameroon) on 17-21 August 2012, deals with issues of morpho-syntax, phonetics and phonology, and sociolinguistics. Contributions are in English or in French. Authors: Andreas Joswig (ergativity and anti-passive in Majang); S–-t““g-nooma Kabore & Odile Racine (comparison of Swahili and Muure morphemes); Wega Simeu (formes nominales en polr); Beban Sammy Chumbow & Yaphete Madjirade (temps, aspect, mode du bbot); Doris L”hr & Eva Rothmaler (grammaticalized verbal and nominal forms in Kanuri/Kanembu); Lydia Hoeft (Koorete conditional constructions); Traor‚ Daouda (classes nominales en senar (langue senufo du Burkina Faso)); Melanie Viljoen (negation in Buwal); Sirih-Nagang Nancy Nyindem (focus in Ngamambo); Christine Waag (pronouns and case marking in Katcha (Sudan)); Gaston Bessala (questions in Bak¢k¢); Mirjam M”ller (the noun class system of Mmen (Grassfields Bantu)); Edmond Biloa (pied-piping, remnant movement and clause structure in Muyang); Delombera Negga (on a morpheme in Amharic); Rose-Juliet Anyanwu (negation in Yukuben (Jukunoid, Benue-Congo)); Evelyn Fogwe Chibaka (verb serialization in Meta); Yun-Hsin Chang & Funmilayo Amos Olorundare (modal-aspect complexes in Yoruba); Sylvester N. OSU (sentence final particles in Ikwere); Joshua T. Ham (nasal consonants in Saxwegbe (Gbe)); John R. Watters (tone in Western Ejagham (Etung)); Lillian Tokula & Martin Ptz (Emotion concepts in Igala (Nigeria)); Dahiru Muhammad Argungu (on the Hausa-Ajami writing system in Northern Nigeria). [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 995-676450-7 AV - AFRIKA 51680 Y2 - 2017/04/19/ M1 - Ba;K1 M3 - 40921292X ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1513 T1 - Africans are not black : why the use of the term "black" for Africans should be abandoned A1 - Tsri,Kwesi Y1 - 2016/// KW - Africa KW - Blacks KW - ethnological names KW - race relations KW - Whites RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 147 EP - 160 JA - African Identities: (2016), vol.14, no.2, p.147-160. VL - 14 IS - 2 U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article argues that the use of the terms "black" and "white" as human categories, together with the symbolic use of these terms, help to sustain the perception of Africans as inferior, because their categorical use was accompanied by a long-standing set of conceptual relationships that used the terms symbolically to connote a range of bad and good traits, respectively. This set of associations creates an underlying semantic system that normalised the assumed superiority of those labelled white and the assumed inferiority of those labelled black. The use of this dichotomy as a human categorising device cannot be separated from its symbolic use. It is therefore incumbent on egalitarians to abandon either the symbolic or the categorical use of the dichotomy. The author argues that abandoning the categorical use is the preferable option because the negative symbolism of the term "black" is deeply embedded in the English language and in Christianity. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/04/18/ M3 - 402279603 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2015.1113120 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1501 T1 - Blue Lagoon : race, class, space and the making of Indian masculinities A1 - Bhana,Deevia A1 - Buccus,Imraan Y1 - 2016/// KW - class relations KW - Indians KW - race relations KW - South Africa KW - space RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 321 EP - 331 JA - African Identities: (2016), vol.14, no.4, p.321-331. VL - 14 IS - 4 U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - In contemporary South Africa, space continues to remain highly racialised despite shifts and changes brought about by the end of apartheid in 1994. The recreational space of the Blue Lagoon, the focus of this study, and in close proximity to the Indian Ocean was historically demarcated for the use of Indians only. In this article, the ways in which a selected group of Indian men in Durban give meaning to the changing face of Blue Lagoon are examined. By drawing on focus group discussions, the article highlights the interaction between race, space and the construction of masculinities through which male power is expressed and inequalities are produced. The study finds that the Blue Lagoon is an important space through which Indian masculinities are produced and consolidated. However, the Blue Lagoon functions to express race and class inequalities through the investment made in the car and the construction of a racialised other. The article concludes with some implications for challenging inequalities and the exclusion it supports. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 407970541 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2016.1143802 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1498 T1 - Bodybuilding as identity in South Africa A1 - Boswell,Rosabelle Y1 - 2016/// KW - body KW - ethnic identity KW - race relations KW - South Africa KW - sports RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 384 EP - 395 JA - African Identities: (2016), vol.14, no.4, p.384-395. VL - 14 IS - 4 U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Recent studies suggest that contemporary body work involves "fashioning futures" and the spectacularisation of identity to articulate multiple subjectivities in a diverse world. This article investigates the situation and experiences of black male bodybuilders in a South African town "after" apartheid, exploring thoughts about whether bodybuilding may be a response to the continuation of racism in post-apartheid South Africa. The proposal is that the built body is not ostensibly a means to respond to racism, rather the body has become "terrain": a palpable, modifiable entity which is produced to manage "texture" (skin shaped by muscle, sinew, veins and fat). The textured body leads to an alternatively located self that "displaces" the coloured skin. This article continues the call to bring the "bring the body back" into societal analyses and adds to reflections on the multiplicity of body work. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 407970576 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2016.1195250 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1496 T1 - Colloque "lites dans les pays de l'Indianoc‚anie (XVIIIe-XXe siŠcles)" A1 - Eve,Prosper Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Notes, r‚f KW - elite KW - Indian Ocean islands KW - Mauritius KW - political history KW - R‚union KW - social history RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Revue historique de l'oc‚an Indien: (2016), no.13, p.153-414 : ill., krt. U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Les contributions … ce dossier sont issues du colloque "Les ‚lites en lndianoc‚anie (XVIIIe-XXe siŠcles)", qui faisait partie de la Semaine de l'Histoire, organis‚e … Saint-Denis (R‚union) en 2015. Titres: "Les ‚lites en lndianoc‚anie (XVIIIe-XXe siŠcles)" (Prosper Eve); Faire I'histoire des ‚lites de Ia France rnoderne : un bilan provisoire (Caroline Le Mao); Deux administrateurs amoureux des sciences et adeptes de la franc-ma‡onnerie … Bourbon au XVIIIe siŠcle (Prosper Eve); La cr‚ation d'une ‚lite franco-malgache … Madagascar au XVIIIe siŠcle (Rafael Thi‚baut); Quels ‚l‚ments de fortune pour les notaires de Bourbon? tude d'un ‚l‚ment de diff‚renciation au sein d'une corporation (Albert Jauze); Les "‚lites sucriŠres" de Bourbon/La R‚union: 1810-1870... (Jean-Fran‡ois G‚raud); Les magistrats bourbounnais face au pouvoir central sous la Restauration : la reforme judiciaire de 1827 et son application … I'Œle Bourbon (J‚r“me Froger); Les r‚alit‚s historiques et socioculturelles du p‚ril de la mixit‚ au sein des ‚lites franco-mauriciennes d‚peintes … travers I'univers romanesque (Bruno Cunniah); La presse libre dans l'Œle Maurice coloniale : pouvoirs et contre-pouvoirs des ‚lites traditionnelles et ‚mergentes (Mayila Paroomal); lites politico-administratives et pr‚sence fran‡aise … Madagascar : jeu ethnico-politique et/ou marionnette coloniale? (Gil Dani Randriamasitiana); Le "Panth‚on" des grands hommes r‚unionnais et le processus d'acculturation nationale dans I'enseignement Iocal durant la p‚riode coloniale (Pierre-ric Fageol); Les ‚lites de la IIIe r‚publique: un bilan actualis‚ (Christophe Charle); Nouveaux ‚lus, nouvelles ‚lites politiques: des incarnations r‚publicaines ? (David Gagneur); L'‚lite politique de l'Œle Maurice … I'Šre de la d‚mocratisation et de la d‚colonisation selon les autorit‚s britanniques (Manorama Akung); Indian Centenary Celebrations … l'Œle de Maurice en 1935: ‚mergence d'une ‚lite politique indo-mauricienne ? (Linganaden E. Murday et D. Vina Ballgobin); H‚ritage des colons: les ‚lites merina ef c“tiŠres (Jacqueline Ravelomanana); Les Gujaratis … l'Œle Maurice. Qui est l'‚lite de foi hindoue et quelle est sa contribution socioculturelle ? (Shakuntala Boolell); Le parcours des T‚l‚gous … l'Œle Maurice et la contribution du pandit Gunnaya Ottoo … la cr‚ation d'une ‚lite (Sandhya Ramenah); Fran‡ois C‚saire de Mahy, un parlementaire r‚unionnais de premier plan sous la III" R‚publique: le modŠle d'une ‚lite … la recherche de solutions ext‚rieures aux problŠmes de l'Œle (Daniel Varga); Les ‚lites et le sentiment d'appartenance nationale … La R‚union sous la TroisiŠme R‚publique (Pierre-ric Fageol). [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/04/18/ M3 - 407983317 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1495 T1 - De l'analogique au num‚rique : cin‚mas et spectateurs d'Afrique subsaharienne francophone … l'‚preuve du changement A1 - Kifouani,Delphe A1 - Fronty,Fran‡ois Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Une publication de GRECIREA (Groupe d'tude Cin‚ma du R‚el Africain) Bibliogr.: p. 133-136. - Met index, noten KW - audiences KW - cinema KW - electronic resources KW - French-speaking Africa KW - government policy KW - Internet KW - Subsaharan Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 148 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w16 T3 - Images plurielles N2 - Le num‚rique, objet d'‚tude complexe et vari‚ -- Mise … l'‚preuve num‚rique des cin‚mas d'Afrique subsaharienne francophone -- L'industrie de la nouvelle ‚conomie -- Spectateurs et t‚l‚spectateurs en Afrique -- L'heure du num‚rique : multiplication des ‚crans et nouvelles postures spectatorielles SN - 2-343-08562-5 AV - AFRIKA 51502 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 408124725 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1494 T1 - De la novation politique en R‚publique du Congo A1 - Okiemy,Bienvenu Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met noten Pr‚face / Aim‚ Emmanuel Yoka -- Introduction -- L'Afrique saisie par une dynamique d‚mocratique -- La constitution, une norme vivante -- Une nouvelle constitution capitalisant les le‡ons de l'exp‚rience ouverte en 1992 -- La reformulation des rapports entre le pr‚sident de la R‚publique et le gouvernement -- Les droits de la femme au coeur des mutations sociales au Congo -- La reconnaissance de l'identit‚ des peuples autochtones -- La constitutionnalisation du caractŠre d‚centralis‚ de la R‚publique -- La notion d'ancrage budg‚taire et la constitution -- Conclusion. Annexes. Allocution relative … la convocation du referendum sur la nouvelle constitution, 21 septembre 2015, Son Excellence Monsieur le Pr‚sident D‚nis Sassou Nguesso -- Discours d'ouverture de la conf‚rence nationale, 31 juillet 1972, Son Excellence Monsieur le Pr‚sident Marien Ngouabi -- Conclusion de la concertation politique d'Ewo, 15 au 17 d‚cembre 2011 -- Conclusion du dialogue national de Sibiti, 13 au 17 juillet 2015. KW - Congo (Brazzaville) KW - constitutional reform KW - constitutions RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 101 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w16 SN - 2-343-08471-8 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51503 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 408124733 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1482 T1 - Esclavage : nouvelles approches A1 - Eve,Prosper Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Notes, r‚f KW - Indian Ocean islands KW - Madagascar KW - Mauritius KW - music KW - R‚union KW - slavery KW - slaves RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 417 EP - 478 JA - Revue historique de l'oc‚an Indien: (2016), no.13, p.417-478 : graf., tab. IS - 13 U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Les contributions ci-rassembl‚es sont issues de la Semaine de l'Histoire, organis‚e … Saint-Denis (R‚union) en 2015. Elles comm‚morent l'abolition de l'esclavage aux pays de l'Indianoc‚anie. Titres: Nouvelles approches de I'esclavage dans les Mascareignes - 2015 (Prosper Eve); Une id‚e de r‚paration: le partage des terres et le refus du commissaire de la R‚publique Sarda Garriga (Prosper Eve); L'esclavage … Madagascar'. G‚n‚ralit‚s et particularit‚s (Jacqueline Ravelomanana); Essai d'analyse d'une tentative d'assassinat pendant la p‚riode r‚volutionnaire … Bourbon. La figure de Pierre Jean, esclave (Albert Jauze); Les esclaves indiens … Bourbon … travers les recensements (fin XVIIIe-d‚but XIXe siŠcles) (Didier Huitelec); Patrimoine culturel mauricien : la musique des Cr‚oles du 18e siŠcle au 20e siŠcle (Dehoutee Vina Ballgobin). [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/04/18/ M3 - 410256897 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1511 T1 - Frantz Fanon : Africana existentialist philosopher A1 - Sithole,Tendayi Y1 - 2016/// KW - Africa KW - philosophy RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 177 EP - 190 JA - African Identities: (2016), vol.14, no.2, p.177-190. VL - 14 IS - 2 U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Frantz Fanon has been and continues to be an inspiration to the part of the world which still yearns for genuine liberation, and which wants to rid itself of all the pathological attachments of subjection. Fanon assumed multiple identities in one persona in his struggle against subjection. In this multiple persona, Fanon has been hailed as a revolutionary, thinker, activist, writer, psychiatrist, intellectual and theorist. What this article seeks to explain and defend is Fanon's persona as the philosopher, and in particular, as the African existentialist philosopher. This means that Fanon is the embodiment of thought, and is concerned with the existential conditions of black subjects who are at the receiving end of subjection. It contains diagnosis how they must pursue the cause of liberation. There is a need to position Fanon as the Africana existential philosopher, and it should be taken seriously to account for the existential conditions of black subjects. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/04/18/ M3 - 402279638 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2015.1117385 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1510 T1 - From hated to H„b„sha : Oromo identity shifts in W„llo and Sh„wa during the late nineteenth century A1 - Yates,Brian J. Y1 - 2016/// RP - NOT IN FILE JA - African Identities: (2016), vol.14, no.3, p.194-208 : krt. VL - 14 U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This essay explores identities in the late nineteenth history in Northern and Central Ethiopia through relevant Ethiopian primary source material. Twentieth century political redefinitions and ethnonationalist histories have cast Ethiopia as a prison of static ethnic groups that are eternally in conflict. This literature defines the Ethiopian state as solely Semitic and Christian, where Kushitic Language speakers could not contribute. This presentation eschews historic realities in nineteenth century Ethiopia. The experiences of Kushitic Oromo non-Christian political elites in the late nineteenth centuries as recorded by Europeans and Ethiopians of that time, reveal a distinctly different picture. These sources display both identity shifts and a historic role in the Ethiopian state. This contribution was accomplished through performing a distinct cultural identity and becoming a member of the H„b„sha community. This community transcended ethnicity and produced a ruling class that matched the ethnic diversity of the Ethiopian highlands, contradicting both present and past understandings of Ethiopia. Bibliogr., notes, sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/04/19/ M3 - 40635331X L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2015.1121462 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1506 T1 - Gojjam (Ethiopia) : peopling, Christianization, and identity A1 - Baye,Temesgen Gebeyehu Y1 - 2016/// KW - Christianity KW - Ethiopia KW - ethnic groups KW - interreligious relations KW - migrants KW - social history RP - NOT IN FILE JA - African Identities: (2016), vol.14, no.3, p.255-272 : foto's, krt. VL - 14 U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Gojjam, Ethiopia, is the home of Cushitic, Nilo-Saharan, Semtic and Omotic peoples and languages. The present pattern of settlements and religion is the result of a long socio-economic and political process and developments that mainly happened between thirteenth and sixteenth centuries. The coming and settlement of Christian Amhara in particular had reconfigured the settlement pattern of the former settlers: the Gummuz and the Agew. The process of incorporation of Gojjam was preceded and coincided with the settlement of monks. During the sixteenth century, a new wave of migration and settlement had radically changed the composition and number of the population. During this period, Damot, Gafat and Oromo had made important settlements. The cumulative effect of the process has made Gojjam to look like small Ethiopia. This paper, based on published and unpublished sources, identifies the basic patterns of habitation, evangelization, interaction, integration and a variety of institutional features and linkages focusing on the period between fourteenth and seventeenth centuries. Further, the essay discusses and shows how Christianization and settlement of migrants speaking many different languages from different areas had transformed Gojjam into a distinctively Christian region. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/04/19/ M3 - 406353352 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2015.1128805 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1505 T1 - History, migration and identity in contemporary Zimbabwean biography as reflected in Peter Orner and Annie Holmes' (2010) "Hope deferred: narratives of Zimbabwean lives" A1 - Musanga,Terrence A1 - Manase,Irikidzayi Y1 - 2016/// KW - biography KW - images KW - political conditions KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 273 EP - 287 JA - African Identities: (2016), vol.14, no.3, p.273-287. VL - 14 IS - 3 U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article endeavours to establish the relationship between history, migration and identity in contemporary Zimbabwean biography as reflected in Peter Orner and Annie Holmes' "Hope deferred: narratives of Zimbabwean lives." History is conceptualised as a heterogeneous discourse constitutive of conflictual and competing personal and public histories that contest for hegemony in defining individual and national identities. Through the power of narration, the various characters explored do not just engage in storytelling but are (un) consciously reworking their life trajectories and deliberately redefining and reconstructing their identities, especially their political identities. This reconfiguration is attributed to the political landscape of Zimbabwe that has largely been shaped by Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front's political leadership and ideological hegemony since 1980. However, this dominance is being challenged and undermined by the personal histories of individuals who engage in (forced) migration and thus are able to author and construct counter/alternative narratives and identities. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/04/19/ M3 - 406353360 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2015.1128806 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1490 T1 - HIV and AIDS in Africa : Christian reflection, public health, social transformation A1 - Azetsop,Jacquineau Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met bibliogr., index, noten KW - Africa KW - AIDS KW - Bible KW - Christian theology KW - Church KW - spirituality RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XXXIII, 424 CY - Maryknoll, NY PB - Orbis Books U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Chapters: 1) Of things old and new: the African sociohistorical context of an HIV-and-AIDS theology / Festo Mkenda -- Contextualizing HIV and AIDS in the African reality / Laurenti Magesa -- Socioanthropological dimensions of the fight against HIV and AIDS in Africa / Lado Tonlieu Ludovic. 2) AIDS and Biblical hermeneutics : how to read the Bible in a continent wounded by health crises / Albert Ngengi Mundele -- HIV risks, human behavior, and social conditions / Jacquineau Azetsop -- Changing religious beliefs and attitudes among people living with HIV in South Africa / Philippe Denis -- Small Christian communities as agents of change in the fight against HIV and AIDS in Eastern Africa / Joseph Healey. 3) Healing in the New Testament and healing of AIDS in Africa / Jean Paul Rene Ondoua Omgba -- Biblical narratives on sickness and AIDS patients' stories : the case of Psalm / Conrad A. Folifack -- The healing patient : African HIV and AIDS hermeneutics of Isaiah 52:13 -- 53:12 (with Special Focus on Isaiah 53:5) / Wilfrid F. Okambawa -- Sin and moral responsibility in times of AIDS : "Master, Who Has Sinned?" (John 9:2) / Caroline N. Mbonu -- Gender, AIDS, and the Bible in Africa : a reading of Ephesians 5:21-31 / Priscille Djomhoue. 4) The AIDS pandemic as a problem of theodicy / Dossou Davy -- Christology in a time of distress / Eugene Didier Goussikindey -- The church as family of God and the struggle against AIDS in the Archdiocese of Kinshasa (DRC) / Ignace Ndongala Maduku -- Theological anthropology and the political economy of HIV and AIDS pandemic from an African perspective / Odomaro Mubangizi -- Ecumenical HIV theology from womb to tomb / Nyambura J. Njoroge. 5) Ethical and pastoral approaches to dealing with AIDS in Africa / Peter Kanyandago -- Africa's transformative responses to the gendered global HIV and AIDS syndemic / Teresia Hinga -- Global health, AIDS, and the Catholic Church in Africa / Anthony Egan -- Public policy and AIDS in Africa : a theological approach using the Ukama concept / Ezra Chitando -- HIV and AIDS and stigma / Elias Kifon Bongmba. 6) Approaches to liturgical spirituality in times of diseases, epidemics, and distress / Elochukwu Uzukwu -- HIV and AIDS and spiritual direction : compassionate accompaniment / Susan Rakoczy -- Anointing the sick, ministering to the dying, and spiritual healing in times of AIDS / Stuart C. Bate -- Theological education, leadership formation, and HIV prevention in the community / Edwina Ward -- Conflict and vulnerability to HIV in Africa : a theological approach / Bernard Tonde -- AIDS, national security, and political leadership in Sub-Saharan Africa / Evelyn Namakula Mayanja. 7) Methodological challenges in times of AIDS and pastoral reflection in C“te d'Ivoire / Fabien Yedo -- Early African Catholic Church involvement in the AIDS pandemic : a fire that kindled other fires / Ted Rogers -- Fighting AIDS from the grass roots history, theology, values, and challenges of home-based care in Zambia / Leonard Chiti This collective volume offers reflections from an African perspective on the African HIV and AIDS pandemic. The authors include biblical exegetes, ethicists, historians, pastoral practitioners, philosophers, social scientists and theologians. They address socio-historical, cultural and political contexts of the pandemics and approach the subject from various angles (sociological, ecclesiological, public health etc.). The book is composed of seven parts: part 1: 'The sociohistorical, cultural, and political context of the pandemic'; part 2: Methodological and normative concerns of an applied theology on HIV and AIDS; part 3: AIDS, healing, and the Bible; part 4: Foundations of an African theology on HIV and AIDS; part 5: AIDS, theological ethics, and social changes; part 6: Worships, education, and conflicts in times of AIDS; part 7: Pastoral initiatives. The concluding remarks 'AIDS, evil, and salvation : African light on faith in Jesus Christ' are written by Lisa S. Cahill; the post scriptum 'Expanding the discourse toward virtue, social spirituality, and universal health' is by James F. Keenan. [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 1-626-98200-7 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51373 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M1 - Ba;I1 M3 - 408143835 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1512 T1 - Individualization and the ethopolitics of conflict in rural Angola A1 - JoÆo,Afonso Y1 - 2016/// KW - Angola KW - communalism KW - conflict KW - individualization KW - villages RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 161 EP - 176 JA - African Identities: (2016), vol.14, no.2, p.161-176 : foto's. VL - 14 IS - 2 U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - In this article, the goal is to contribute to the debate about the relation between sociality and individualization. It is under this perspective that the author discusses the subject of conflict as social relationing. Concretely, he explores how everyday experiences of conflict between "individuals" in an Angolan rural village can neutralize contemporary threats of asocialization between those same individuals and, in turn, promote commonality. He refers to this affective agency in present-day rural Angola as the ethopolitics of conflict. Although he approaches the two subjects, this article is not specifically about individualization or conflict. Rather, it is about the social terrain where the two intersect. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/04/18/ M3 - 402279611 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2015.1117384 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1508 T1 - Journaling engagements with literature on racism : a critical race theoretic approach A1 - Conradie,Marthinus A1 - Brooks,Mariza Y1 - 2016/// KW - attitudes KW - literary education KW - race relations KW - racism KW - South Africa KW - students KW - Whites RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 222 EP - 241 JA - African Identities: (2016), vol.14, no.3, p.222-241. VL - 14 IS - 3 U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - An extensive body of research on the pedagogic uses of journal writing highlights its potential for stimulating detailed reflection on the knowledge that students are engaging with in a style and register that which suits the personality and proficiency of each student. This study examines the constructions of race and racism that emerge from a sample of online journals, compiled by students at University of the Free State in South Africa, on the basis of their engagement with post-colonial literature. Departing from extant work on the discursive manifestation of resistance to difficult knowledge, the authors examine the ideologically productive ways in which students frame race and racism. The authors focus on the discourse through which particular understandings of race and racism are expressed and legitimised, as well as the perceived relevance of race and racism to the respondents' own academic careers and personal lives. Owing to page constraints, the analysis is limited to those respondents who self-identify as white. The results underscore the various discursive frames that respondents draw on as a means of managing the perceived implications of difficult knowledge surrounding the continuation of racism, as the issue is broached in the context of post-colonial literature. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/04/19/ M3 - 406353336 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2015.1128804 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1493 T1 - La Guin‚e a eu 55 ans : et maintenant? A1 - Bah,Thierno Y1 - 2016/// KW - associations KW - civil society KW - diasporas KW - France KW - Guinea KW - international relations RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 262 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w16 N2 - Ch. 1. La soci‚t‚ civile h‚rit‚e du PDG. Dispersion des Guin‚ens de France en 1990 -- Abdication des cadres -- Repli ethnique -- Cr‚ation du GROUPE GUINE 2000 -- Courte vie du GROUPE GUINE 2000. -- ch. 2. Nouvelle approche des Guin‚ens de France. Soutien aux personnes en difficult‚s -- Analyse de la coop‚ration franco-guin‚enne -- P‚rip‚ties des concertations -- Relations avec l'Ambassade. -- ch. 3. Contributions dans les autres associations. L'Amicale de Lab‚ -- L'Amicale du Fouta Djalon -- Vers la naissance du CIRREG -- Ann‚e du dialogue: juillet 1995-d‚cembre 1996 -- Vie et fonctionnement du CIRREG SN - 2-343-08337-1 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51504 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 40812475X ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1497 T1 - Les ruptures dans l'histoire de La R‚union A1 - Eve,Prosper Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Notes, r‚f KW - 2015 KW - Church KW - conference papers (form) KW - economic development KW - Hinduism KW - history KW - poetry KW - revolutions KW - R‚union KW - science KW - transport RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Revue historique de l'oc‚an Indien: (2016), no.13, p.9-150 : ill., krt. U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Les contributions … ce dossier sont issues de la Semaine de I'Histoire, organis‚e … Saint-Denis (R‚union) en 2015. Elles analysent l'histoire de l'Œle de Boubon/La R‚union … partir de la focale de la "rupture". La rupture r‚sulte d'un ou de plusieurs processus qui sont entendus comme des ‚tapes d'une ‚volution complexe ; la rupture est li‚e au temps (temps historique, temps social) de fa‡on ins‚parable. Titres: Semaine de I'Histoire 2015: mot d'ouverture de Prosper Eve 2015 "Les ruptures dans I'histoire de La R‚union" (Prosper Eve); Histoire des sciences et r‚volutions scientifiques (Jean-Jacques Szezeciniarz); La R‚volution de 1789 … La R‚union: une rupture singuliŠre (Prosper Eve); La d‚partementalisation de mars 1946 : la rupture sur la voie de I'attachement (Yvan Combeau); L'instauration du Libre-‚changisme … La R‚union sous le Second empire: une rupture pour l'‚conomie sucriŠre? (Xavier le Terrier); Une ruprture dans la repr‚sentation de I'oc‚an Indien: l'abondon du modŠle ptol‚m‚en (Serge Bouchet); (Re)visiter les paysages de La R‚union: Maurice M‚nardeau (1932-1939) (Colombe Couelle); L'‚mergence du pouvoir sportif … La R‚union: entre assimilation et crise identitaire (1956-1974) (Evelyne Combeau-Mari); Rupture et d‚cloisonnement dans les transports maritimes et a‚riens de La R‚union, depuis I'ouverture du canal de Suez (Marie-Anniek Lamy-Giner); Ruptures dans I'hindouisme r‚unionnais de 1828 … nos jours, ou la cr‚olisation d'un sacr‚ ((Sully Santa Govindin); Analyse d'une rupture dans I'glise de La R‚union: la th‚ologie de Ia lib‚ration et le mouvement TCR (1959-1980) (C‚line Ramsamy-Giancone); Les ruptures dans la po‚sie cr‚ole … La R‚union: une histoire de texteset de lectures (Fr‚d‚rique H‚lias). [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/04/18/ M3 - 407983090 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1488 T1 - Like the untouchable wind : an anthology of poems A1 - Xaba,Makhosazana Y1 - 2016/// KW - lesbianism KW - LGBT KW - poetry (form) KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 48 CY - Cape Town PB - Modjaji Books U2 - w16 SN - 1-928215-47-5 AV - AFRIKA Lit.10608 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 408984996 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1500 T1 - Many Somalia(s), multiple memories : remembrances as present politics, past politics as remembrances in war-torn Somali discourses A1 - Ingiriis,Mohamed Haji Y1 - 2016/// KW - civil wars KW - memory KW - Somalia KW - violence RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 348 EP - 369 JA - African Identities: (2016), vol.14, no.4, p.348-369. VL - 14 IS - 4 U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Though a rich body of scholarship on the Somali conflicts has come to the surface, hitherto none has nuancedly analysed political memories that emerged out from traumatic experiences but was disseminated through informal oral discourses. Given the dearth of studies interrogating memory and political memory, the Somali context offers an ideal case study. The political trajectories of memory, myth and metaphor are inextricably interlinked after the armed conflicts. In contrast to existing scholarship on memory studies in general, which has tended to overlook oral informal discourses, this paper examines the ways in which the Somali case interacts and encounters with questions of memory and remembrance in everyday life. This is to shift the focus from the war leaders to their subjects and to underscore the agency of the ordinary people playing upon issues of clannism and clan politics. Drawing upon author's experiences and ongoing ethnographic research, complimented by a variety of visual primary sources, the paper provides theoretical framework and conceptual explanation to confront the problems posed to researchers on African conflicts by competing clan narratives easily (and, at times, unwittingly) entering into academia as recordings of real remembrances. By contending that memory can be stage-managed from the "fragmented past" to such an extent that it in itself becomes a political instrument when embedded within political purposes, the paper complicates the conflicting, competing versions of remembrance and memory as well as the conditional tense of the contemporary political conflicts in Somali Diaspora communities. It is not only concerned with the merits of memory, but also with the myth and metaphor of clan narratives and discourses. Bibliogr., notes, sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 40797055X L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2016.1143804 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1487 T1 - Modern Rasputin : poems A1 - Lyster,Rosa Y1 - 2016/// KW - poetry (form) KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 70 CY - Cape Town PB - uHlanga U2 - w16 SN - 0-620-73322-5 pbk AV - AFRIKA Lit.10610 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 409212423 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1507 T1 - Names and naming characters in African-language dramaturgy : the Yoruba example A1 - Akinyemi,Akintunde Y1 - 2016/// KW - drama KW - names KW - Nigeria KW - writers RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 242 EP - 254 JA - African Identities: (2016), vol.14, no.3, p.242-254. VL - 14 IS - 3 U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper is a conceptual study of onomastics in the writings of Yoruba dramatists in Nigeria, focusing on a number of areas such as naming and cultural observance; naming and history; and naming, punning, and name-play. The study reveals that Yoruba playwrights, in general, make good use of names and naming to express opinions or make philosophical comments regarding characters and roles assigned to them. Furthermore, the research suggests that names selected by Yoruba playwrights serve as windows into their artistic methods, reflecting the playwrights' maneuvering hands, their intentions, their frameworks, and their literary superstructures. Names, therefore, help to identify character types, reflect philosophical and moral positions that characters represent, and provide clues to the meaning of texts. This paper then concludes that names, for Yoruba playwrights, are not mere ornamental devices, but rather vital aspects of their literary art. Bibliogr., notes, sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/04/19/ M3 - 406353344 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2015.1128802 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1509 T1 - Peace and conflict are two sides of this "coin" : explaining the persistence of identity-based conflagrations in Nigeria A1 - Tonwe,Daniel A. A1 - Eke,Surulola James Y1 - 2016/// KW - conflict prevention KW - ethnic relations KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 209 EP - 221 JA - African Identities: (2016), vol.14, no.3, p.209-221. VL - 14 IS - 3 U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - One century into Nigeria's existence, the exact number of its constituent ethnic nationalities is still in dispute. This makes the appellation, "complex" a fitting portrayal of the country's demographic milieu. Prompted by the great diversity of the country, designers of its statehood fashioned measures to manage differences in ways that prevent identity conflicts. Chief to such instruments is the granting of access to state privileges and benefits on the basis of declared identities. However, by the state's attempt to manage differences through measures that inadvertently emphasize diversity, cleavages are increasingly becoming deep-rooted in Nigeria, creating sometimes multidimensional conflicts. Sadly, too, much of the scholarship on conflict prevention, management and resolution in the country has tended to focus excessively on remote drivers, thus, window shading the real charioteer of its many conflicts. In disengaging from the routine, the author argues that identity-based conflagrations were created, and are fanned by state policies that aim at managing diversity, but have accentuated division. The paper concludes that as long as state policies that amplify division subsist, peaceful coexistence among the ethnic populations remains a long walk. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/04/19/ M3 - 406353328 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2015.1128803 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1489 T1 - Petit ‚loge des fant“mes A1 - Appanah-Mouriquand,Nathacha Y1 - 2016/// N1 - in‚dit"--page 1 of cover KW - Mauritius KW - memory KW - personal narratives (form) KW - short stories (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 98 CY - [Paris] PB - Gallimard U2 - w16 T3 - Folio. 2 [euros] SN - 2-07-046591-8 AV - AFRIKA Lit.10588 Y2 - 2017/04/18/ M3 - 408571462 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1492 T1 - Population, ‚ducation et d‚veloppement au Congo-Brazzaville : actes des [deuxiŠmes] journ‚es scientifiques des 3 et 4 d‚cembre 2013 [sur "Population et d‚veloppement", … Brazzaville] A1 - Ndeko,Gertrude A1 - Mbandza,Joseph A1 - Loumouamou,Daniel Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met bibliogr., notne, samenvattingen KW - 2013 KW - AIDS KW - conference papers (form) KW - Congo (Brazzaville) KW - economic development KW - education KW - educational reform KW - gender inequality KW - pupils KW - sexuality RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 305 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w16 N2 - Cet ouvrage collectif fait le point sur l'‚cole, l'tat et la soci‚t‚ en se demandant quel pourrait ˆtre le nouveau projet ‚ducatif pour le Congo et en mettant l'accent sur les disparit‚s sexuelles … l'‚cole au Congo et en Afrique. Il revisite ensuite le travail, la scolarisation des enfants et l'impact du SIDA sur l'offre et la demande scolaires et fait la liaison entre l'‚ducation et la sexualit‚. Enfin, il insiste sur les relations entre l'‚ducation, l'‚conomie et le d‚veloppement. Sommaire: Introduction g‚n‚rale / Joseph Mbandza et Daniel Loumouamou. -- Partie 1: cole, tat et soci‚t‚ / Daniel Loumouamou. 1. Quel projet ‚ducatif pour le Congo? / Auguste Miabeto -- 2. Plaidoyer pour la r‚forme du systŠme d'orientation en R‚publique du Congo / Christophe Poaty -- 3. L'offre ‚ducative publique dans les quartiers nord de Brazzaville : r‚partition spatiale, qualit‚ et impact social / Damase Ngouma et Alfred Tira -- 4. L'enseignement initial et la recherche scientifique et technologique : cas du Congo / Isabelle Mady-Goma Dirat. -- Partie 2: ducation et disparit‚ entre les sexes / Daniel Loumouamou. 5. La scolarisation des filles, un d‚fi pour l'Afrique subsaharienne / Jean-Martin Gokaba -- ch. 6. Genre et scolarisation au Congo / Martin Yaba et Stone Chancel Nzaou -- ch. 7. Les d‚terminants des disparit‚s entre sexes dans l'‚ducation au Congo-Brazzaville / GeneviŠve Bagamboula Mayamona. -- Partie 3: Travail et scolarisation des enfants, l'impact du SIDA sur l'offre et la demande scolaires / Daniel Loumouamou. -- 8. Le VIH SIDA et le travail des enfants au Congo-Brazzaville / Eric Armel Mbalamona -- 9. Niveau d'instruction et connaissances du VIH/SIDA en R‚publique du Congo / Brice Ghislain Hecobo-Oyoubi. Partie 4: ducation et sexualit‚ / Daniel Loumouamou.10. La sexualit‚ en milieu scolaire … l'origine de la baisse du niveau ‚ducatif des ‚lŠves … Brazzaville / Mack Deny Yila-Mabiala. -- Partie 5: ducation, ‚conomie et d‚veloppement / Joseph Mbandza. 11. Enseignement sup‚rieur et universitaire en Afrique face au d‚fi de d‚veloppement / Jean Papy Manika-Manzongani -- 12. ducation au d‚veloppement durable / D‚sir‚ Bitoukou. 13. L'‚ducation au d‚veloppement durable : contributions pour une ‚conomie verte au Congo et en France (‚tude compar‚e) / Dominique Dumond -- 14. ducation et accompagnement entrepreneurial … la cr‚ation des micros-entreprises: cas des jeunes du centre de formation professionnelle de Mvuzi … Matadi en RDC / Th‚ophile Dzaka-Kikouta et Christian Kiangani -- 15. Formation professionnelle et promotion de l'emploi des jeunes au Congo-Brazzaville / Dev-Ray Nkounkou SN - 2-343-07636-7 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51363 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M1 - Gf;G1 M3 - 408131640 ER - TY - ADVS ID - 1485 T1 - River nomads = Les nomades du fleuve A1 - Hahonou,Eric Komlavi A1 - Pelckmans,Lotte Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Hausa en Zarma gesproken, Frans en Engels ondertiteld KW - documentary films (form) KW - fishermen KW - labour migration KW - Mali KW - Niger KW - Nigerians KW - rivers KW - videos (form) RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [S.l. PB - s.n.] U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Amongst the many groups which inhabit the river banks and islands scattered along the 4200 kilometers of the Niger river, the Kebbawa stand out for their peculiar nomadic lifestyle. Little is known about these migrant fishermen who form convoys of large wooden boats (called 'pinasses') on which they navigate together from Northern Nigeria (Yauri, Lake Kainji) to North-Western Niger (around Ayorou) and Eastern Mali (Ansongo, Gao, Timbuktu, Tindirma) where fish is abundant during the dry season. At the head of each convoy stands a man the navigator whose role is to guide safely the boats from Nigeria to Niger/Mali. The navigator or pilot is the one who makes sure the boats will not hit a rock, take a blind way, or run aground on a shoal in the river. [Abstract reproduced from dvd-video] AV - AFRIKA AVM1743 Y2 - 2017/04/18/ M3 - 409723665 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1503 T1 - Stability in deeply divided societies : escaping ethnic-based armed conflict in Guinea A1 - Bah,Mamadou Diouma Y1 - 2016/// KW - conflict prevention KW - ethnic relations KW - Guinea KW - political conditions RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 291 EP - 307 JA - African Identities: (2016), vol.14, no.4, p.291-307. VL - 14 IS - 4 U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper examines the interaction between ethnic politics and conflict management in Guinea. The country belongs to the category of nations characterized in the literature as "deeply divided societies" which, according to much literature, constitute a high-risk variable for ethnically induced armed conflicts. Yet Guinea has not succumbed to large-scale violence, giving rise to the question as to why armed conflict has not been a feature in Guinea despite its population being deeply divided along ethnicity and regional affiliation. The paper explores how various constructions of identity have been actively used by political agents to sustain stability through delicate ethnic balancing in a society characterized by its deep ethnic divisions. It is concluded that in contrast to findings in much of the existing literature where deep ethnic division is strongly linked with the onset of large-scale violent civil conflicts, Guinea's deep ethnic divisions has been actually an impetus for stability rather than unrest. However, events in recent times indicate that, the use of various forms of identity construction by political elites to serve their own interests and ward off threats to their power is likely to go wrong as the nation moves to multi-party democracy, thereby posing a real danger to the country's stability. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 407970525 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2016.1143800 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1499 T1 - The edge of the periphery : situating the Khomani San of the Southern Kalahari in the political economy of Southern Africa A1 - Francis,Suzanne A1 - Francis,Michael A1 - Akinola,Adeoye Y1 - 2016/// KW - attitudes KW - development KW - Kalahari Desert KW - San KW - Southern Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 370 EP - 383 JA - African Identities: (2016), vol.14, no.4, p.370-383. VL - 14 IS - 4 U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - In this article, the authors situate the Southern Kalahari San within the political economy of Southern Africa and within the world system. Here they draw on and critique modernization theory as a model of explanation for the lack of development found locally. In the Southern Kalahari, the Khomani San won a massive land claim that should have empowered and enabled local development. Yet they remain largely impoverished, while seeking out a meaningful life on the edge of the capitalist world system. Within states, contradictions remain as local diversity continues to be reproduced and modernity itself is reproduced as local diversity. The research is premised on empirical fieldwork conducted in the Southern Kalahari in 2013 and supported by a series of earlier field research over the previous five years. The San of the Southern Kalahari are not resisting modernity but drawing on aspects of it selectively for their own vision of meaningful development. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 407970568 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2016.1154813 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1502 T1 - The pragmatics of friendship : support and speculation among young street traders in Tanzania A1 - Asselberg,Katrijn Y1 - 2016/// KW - friendship KW - market vendors KW - Tanzania RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 308 EP - 320 JA - African Identities: (2016), vol.14, no.4, p.308-320. VL - 14 IS - 4 U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article examines the workings of friendship in the lives of young street traders in Tanzania, and focuses on the roles and meanings of the practices of support friends engage in. Arguing that an instrumental reading alone does not account for these practices, it builds on two case studies on conflicts among close friends to uncover a significant symbolic side to the pragmatics of friendship. The practical and moral support young people find among their friends engenders an interdependence that gives sense and direction to their everyday lives and shapes their perspective of the future, otherwise marked by a deep-rooted uncertainty. Conflicts, then, shed another light on this mutuality of being. In times like these, the latter no longer stands for certainty or direction, but gives rise to speculation on lives, friendships and futures. Here, the pragmatics of friendship are put to use in the process of deconstructing and reconstructing the mutuality of being. Bibliogr., note, sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 407970533 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2016.1143801 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1491 T1 - The rise of Africa's middle class : myths, realities and critical engagements A1 - Melber,Henning Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met bibliogr., index, noten KW - Africa KW - economic development KW - middle class KW - social change RP - NOT IN FILE EP - IX, 219 CY - London [etc.] PB - Zed Books [etc.] U2 - w16 T3 - Africa now SN - 978-1-7836-0714-3 AV - AFRIKA 51762 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 408142855 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1486 T1 - The switch A1 - Okurut,Mary Karooro Y1 - 2016/// KW - female circumcision KW - novels (form) KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 211 CY - Kampala PB - FEMRITE U2 - w16 SN - 9970-48008-1 AV - AFRIKA Lit.10612 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 409213144 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1504 T1 - Three plays A1 - Higginson,Craig Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bevat: Dream of the dog ; The girl in the yellow dress : The imagined land KW - drama (form) KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 205 CY - London PB - Oberon Books U2 - w16 SN - 978-1-7831-9724-8 AV - AFRIKA Lit.10611 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 407828885 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1523 T1 - Alexandrie dans les r‚cits de voyage, VIe-XVIIIe siŠcles : documents pour l'histoire ou sources historiques? A1 - Sennoune,Oueded Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 255-287. - Met noten KW - Egypt KW - historical sources KW - travel KW - travel books (form) KW - urban history RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 289 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U1 - AFRIKA CDR-179 opvragen bij balie.;Hoort bij AFRIKA 51725. U2 - w16 T3 - M‚diterran‚es SN - 2-343-05977-2 AV - AFRIKA 51725 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 408168552 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1521 T1 - Communication publique et territoriale au Maghreb : enjeux d'une valorisation et d‚fis pour les acteurs A1 - Merah,Aissa A1 - Meyer,Vincent Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten, samenvattingen KW - Algeria KW - communication KW - Maghreb KW - Morocco KW - rural development KW - Tunisia KW - urban development RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 228 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Communication et civilisation N2 - Cet ouvrage collectif interroge la conception et la r‚alisation d'actions de communication coupl‚es … des dispositifs de conservation, de r‚habilitation et de mise en valeur de diff‚rents patrimoines au Maghreb en partant du point de vue des acteurs du terrain et des publics concern‚s. Contributions: Valoriser des territoires par la communication : un r‚el d‚fi pour les acteurs (Aissa Merah et Vincent Meyer); Repr‚sentations territoriales et projets de d‚veloppement rural au Maghreb : les territoires de Yakourene en Alg‚rieet de Tataouine en Tunisie (Karima Boudedja); Acceptation des projets de conservation et de d‚veloppement territorial : l'aire marine prot‚g‚e de Taza en Alg‚rie (Asma Chaker); Communication publique et acceptabilit‚ des projets d'am‚nagement urbain : le projet de la vall‚e du Bouregreg au Maroc (Ouafae Bouchaf); Entre discours politique, discours savant et discours m‚diatique, le traitement journalistique de l'environnement en Tunisie (Hamida El Bour); Communication m‚diatique de concertation sur l'environnement local : le cas des acteurs de la ville de B‚jaia en Alg‚rie (Farouk Bahloul et Aissa Merah); Usage des TIC pour la promotion du patrimoine local par le mouvement associatif : le cas des associations du patrimoine de B‚jaia (Warda Daim-Allah et Leila Hammoud); Communication d'entreprise et ancrage territorial d'une fabrique de terroir, entre la construction d'une identit‚ et la recherche d'une image : Zitna au sud du Maroc (Abdellatif Ait Heda); Strat‚gie de communication sanitaire dans un territoire : la lutte contre la tuberculose dans le gouvernorat de Sfax en Tunisie (Mounir Jarraya); Communication publique des usagers du secteur des transports : cas de la diaspora sur le transport a‚rien en Alg‚rie (Linda Saadaoui et Walid Zoghbi); Technologie de la 3G comme facteur de d‚veloppement territorial en Alg‚rie (Ali Khardouche et Abdelouhab Makhloufi); Questionner la communication, le marketing et l'innovation sociale dans le cadre de l'‚conomie sociale solidaire appliqu‚e aux territoires (Khaled Zouari); Proposition d'une charte de communication publique … l'Šre des TIC : le projet 3C de la commune d'Oran en Alg‚rie (Mustapha Guenaou). [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] SN - 2-343-06061-4 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51420 Y2 - 2017/04/19/ M1 - Ce;A4 M3 - 408168749 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1516 T1 - Dub steps A1 - Miller,Andrew K. Y1 - 2015/// KW - novels (form) KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 366 CY - Auckland Park PB - Jacana U2 - w16 SN - 1-431-42220-7 AV - AFRIKA Lit.10589 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 409016926 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1525 T1 - Esclavage : nouvelles approches A1 - Eve,Prosper Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Notes, r‚f KW - 2014 KW - conference papers (form) KW - Indian Ocean islands KW - music KW - novels KW - rituals KW - R‚union KW - slavery KW - slaves KW - terminology RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Revue historique de l'oc‚an Indien: (2015), no.12, p.153-223 : ill., krt. U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Les contributions ci-rassembl‚es sont issues de la Semaine de l'Histoire, organis‚e … Saint-Denis (R‚union) en 2014. Elles comm‚morent l'abolition de l'esclavage aux pays de l'Indianoc‚anie. Titres: Mot d'introduction de la journ‚e sur I'esclavage (Prosper Eve); Le mot "marron": au sujet d'une fausse ‚tymologie espagnole (J‚r“me Froger); Esclaves des Mascaraignes et navigations dans la zone sud de l'oc‚an Indien, 1768-1790 (Olivier Fontaine); Au lendemain de l'abolition : la justice r‚unionnaise au service des anciens maŒtres ou des anciens esclaves ? (J‚r“me Froger); H‚ritage des esclaves des Chagos: musique, rites et rituels fun‚raires (Dehoutee Vina Ballgobin); La transition de I'esclavage … Ia libert‚ (Jean-Fran‡ois G‚raud); L'Œle Bourbon en r‚f‚rence pour une ‚vocation de l'esclavage par un romancier en 1928 (sur 'La belle Eug‚nie' par Marc Elder) (Prosper Eve). [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/04/18/ M3 - 407981659 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1515 T1 - Fashion illustration Africa : a new generation A1 - Matsinde,Tapiwa Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 107 KW - Africa KW - artists KW - clothing industry KW - pictorial works (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 107 CY - [S.l.] PB - Shoko Press U2 - w16 AV - AFRIKA 51687 Y2 - 2017/04/18/ M3 - 409018171 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1518 T1 - Jacques Foccart : dans l'ombre du pouvoir A1 - Turpin,Fr‚d‚ric Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 467-473. - Met index, noten KW - biographies (form) KW - foreign policy KW - France KW - French-speaking Africa KW - politics RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 488 CY - Paris PB - CNRS ‚ditions U2 - w16 SN - 2-271-08820-8 AV - AFRIKA 51414 Y2 - 2017/04/19/ M3 - 408572000 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1526 T1 - La Grande Guerre et les pays de l'Indianoc‚anie A1 - Eve,Prosper Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Notes, r‚f KW - 2014 KW - conference papers (form) KW - Indian Ocean islands KW - Mauritius KW - R‚union KW - World War I RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 11 EP - 151 JA - Revue historique de l'oc‚an Indien: (2015), no.12, p.11-151 : ill. IS - 12 U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Le pr‚sent ouvrage rassemble des contributions issues de la Semaine d'Histoire 2014, organis‚e par l'Association Historique Internationale de l'Oc‚an Indien … Saint-Denis (R‚union). Les contributions comm‚morent le centenaire de la Grande Guerre (1914-1918). Titres: Semaine de I'Histoire 2014. Mot d'ouverture de Prosper Eve (Prosper Eve); La Grande Guerre et les pays de l'Indianoc‚anie (Prosper Eve); Entre patriotisme et incertitude: la r‚action des r‚sidents de l'Œle de Maurice au d‚but de la guerre en 1914 (Bruno Cunniah); La guerre v‚cue par les soldats r‚unionnais (Prosper Eve); La peur des R‚unionnais … l'‚poque de la Grande Guerre (Prosper Eve); Alfred Isautier : du rejet de la guerre … la r‚ussite par la guerre (Serge Bouchet); Municipalit‚s r‚unionnaises dans la guerre (Jean-Fran‡ois G‚raud); L'Inde et des R‚unionnais d'origine indienne dans la guerre (Jean-R‚gis Ramsamy); La Grande Guerre : apports des t‚moignages des Mauriciens et des articles de journaux mauriciens (Shakuntala Boolell); La Grande Guerre et la vie politique … l'Œle Maurice (Manorama Akung); Comment enseigner … La R‚union un conflit europ‚en mondialis‚? (Gilles Gauvin). [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/04/18/ M3 - 407981535 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1522 T1 - La mixit‚ urbaine et l'espace public … Rabat A1 - Karibi,Khadija Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 271-284. - Met noten KW - capitals KW - Morocco KW - social conditions KW - urban planning RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 290 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w16 T3 - Histoire et perspectives m‚diterran‚ennes N2 - Ce livre ‚tudie comment se d‚ploie, se construit et ‚volue la mixit‚ urbaine dans deux espaces publics de la ville de Rabat SN - 2-343-04529-1 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51421 Y2 - 2017/04/19/ M3 - 408168595 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1524 T1 - La soci‚t‚ coloniale de Bambao : Comores (1893-1975) A1 - Hassani-El-Barwane,Mouhssini Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Oorspr.: Thesis (masters)--Sorbonne Paris IV, 1986 Bibliogr.: p. 91-98. - "Les sources d'archives": p. 87-90. - Met noten KW - agricultural policy KW - colonial period KW - Comoros KW - enterprises KW - land acquisition KW - plantations RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 101 CY - Moroni PB - KomEDIT U2 - w16 SN - 2-370-97011-1 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51416 Y2 - 2017/04/19/ M3 - 408166665 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1517 T1 - Langue, espace et (re)composition identitaire dans les oeuvres de Mehdi Charef, Tony Gatlif et Farid Boudjellal A1 - Mielusel,Ramona Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 221-236 KW - films KW - France KW - identity KW - immigrants KW - literature KW - Maghrebians RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 236 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w16 T3 - Approches litt‚raires SN - 2-343-05413-4 AV - AFRIKA 51427 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 408990058 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1514 T1 - Naked truth : poems A1 - Anyokwu,Chris Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Poems Met noten KW - economic development KW - Nigeria KW - poetry (form) KW - social conditions RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 101 CY - Ibadan PB - Kraft Books Limited U2 - w16 T3 - Kraftgriots SN - 978-91832-9-1 AV - AFRIKA Lit.10609 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 409212806 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1519 T1 - Provinces ‚quatoriales d'Abyssinie : exp‚dition du D‚djaz Comte N. de L‚ontieff photographies chasses A1 - Leontev,Nikolai Stepanovich Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Reprinted from the digital file available at: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6208905b KW - 1899 KW - Ethiopia KW - expeditions KW - hunting KW - material culture KW - travel RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 95 CY - Paris PB - Chambrelent U2 - w16 SN - 2-01-295287-9 AV - AFRIKA 51415 Y2 - 2017/04/19/ M3 - 408571691 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1520 T1 - Sociologie critique de la mondialisation : un regard africain A1 - Sengi Bangama Likondo,Jean-Prosper Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 151-156. - Met noten KW - Africa KW - development KW - economic conditions KW - globalization RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 159 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w16 T3 - Collection "G‚opolitique mondiale N2 - Fait caract‚ristique de l'‚poque contemporaine, la mondialisation / globalisation est per‡ue par les chercheurs et analystes comme une uniformisation des activit‚s de la planŠte ayant pour soubassement, l'internationalisation des flux commerciaux et financiers, sans se soumettre aux restrictions dues aux frontiŠres des Etats. Une vision eurocentriste pr‚sente la mondialisation comme une opportunit‚ offerte … l'humanit‚ pour l'int‚gration harmonieuse de toutes les nations et couches sociales. Vue d'Afrique, la mondialisation est consid‚r‚e comme un fait qui exaspŠre la d‚stabilisation, l'exploitation et la paup‚risation des nations africaines d‚sarm‚es et qui la subissent passivement. En effet, l'Afrique est d‚sarticul‚e sur les plans ‚conomique, politique, culturel, id‚ologique et du d‚veloppement. Faut-il se r‚signer ? Non, il convient dŠs lors d'adopter une attitude responsable en s'appuyant sur le socle culturel qui pourra assigner … l'Afrique une orientation plus comp‚titive dans la dynamique de la mondialisation, … l'instar des pays ‚mergents d'Asie. L'Etat doit s'y impliquer grƒce un courage politique qui transcende le discours d'intention SN - 2-343-05943-8 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51423 Y2 - 2017/04/19/ M3 - 408168935 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1527 T1 - Esclavage : nouvelles approches A1 - Eve,Prosper Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Notes, r‚f KW - 2013 KW - conference papers (form) KW - Indian Ocean islands KW - Mauritius KW - music KW - R‚union KW - slavery KW - slaves KW - social history RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 552 EP - 624 JA - Revue historique de l'oc‚an Indien: (2014), no.11, p.552-624 : ill., tab. IS - 11 U2 - w16 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Les contributions ci-rassembl‚es sont issues de la Semaine de l'Histoire, organis‚e … Saint-Denis (R‚union) en 2013. Elles comm‚morent l'abolition de l'esclavage aux pays de l'Indianoc‚anie. Titres: 23 novembre 2013, journ‚e sur l'esclavage dans les pays de l'oc‚an indien (Prosper Eve); Reconnaissance, lib‚ration de la parole, lib‚ration de la recherche. La question de porosit‚ : le cas de Bourbon/ La R‚union (Prosper Eve); Aimer une esclave (Jean-Fran‡ois G‚raud); Le patrimoine musical de la R‚publique de Maurice : L'Archipel des Chagos (1900-1950) (Dehoutee Vina Ballgobin); R‚manences et permances de l'esclavage dans la quˆte difficile de l'empoi chez les jeunes citadins: cas de l'espace social d'Anosibe Ambohibarikely (Gil Dany Randriamasitiana). [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/04/18/ M3 - 410260738 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1529 T1 - La sexualit‚ f‚minine africaine en mutation : l'exemple du S‚n‚gal A1 - Thiam,Awa Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 189-192. - Met bijl., noten KW - abortion KW - contraception KW - female circumcision KW - infanticide KW - Senegal KW - social conditions RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 199 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w16 SN - 2-343-03998-4 AV - AFRIKA 51424 Y2 - 2017/04/19/ M3 - 407358978 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1528 T1 - Saving Dapo : a novel A1 - Adukoya,Seun Y1 - 2014/// KW - Nigeria KW - novels (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 350 CY - [S.l PB - author] U2 - w16 SN - 978-1-501-06658-0 AV - AFRIKA Lit.10587 Y2 - 2017/04/19/ M3 - 409227560 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1530 T1 - L'Est-Cameroun de 1905 … 1960 : de la mise en valeur … la marginalisation A1 - Zouya Mimbang,Lucie Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Revised version of the author's thesis (doctoral--Universit‚ de Strasbourg, 2009). Title of thesis: The changing of socio-economic structures of East Cameroon, 1905-1952 Bibliogr.: p. 377-386. - Met bijl., index, noten KW - Cameroon KW - decolonization KW - economic conditions KW - history KW - social conditions KW - structural adjustment RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 413 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w16 T3 - Etudes africaines SN - 2-343-01695-X AV - AFRIKA 51422 Y2 - 2017/04/19/ M3 - 408168854 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1531 T1 - Ay Bamgboe : a linguist without borders A1 - Osundare,Niyi Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Vermelding op omslag : Tributes @ 80 Met bijl KW - academics KW - African languages KW - festschrifts (form) KW - linguistics KW - Nigeria KW - universities RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XIII, 252 CY - Ibadan PB - DB Mortoy Books U2 - w16 AV - AFRIKA 51429 Y2 - 2017/04/19/ M3 - 408792701 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1532 T1 - Life and poems of Bi Zainab Himid (1920-2002) : in Swahili with English translation = Maisha na tungo za Bi Zainab Himid (1920-2002) : kwa Kiswahili na tafsiri yake kwa Kiingereza A1 - Barwani,Sauda A. A1 - Gerhardt,Ludwig Y1 - 2012/// KW - biographies (form) KW - interviews (form) KW - poetry KW - songs KW - Swahili KW - Tanzania KW - women artists KW - Zanzibar RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 331 CY - K”ln PB - Rdiger K”ppe Verlag U2 - w16 T3 - Wortkunst und Dokumentartexte in afrikanischen Sprachen ; Band 31 N2 - Shukrani = Acknowledgements -- Utangulizi = Introduction -- Dibaji I (Saad Yahya) = Preface I (Saad Yahya) -- Dibaji II (Said Ahmed Khamis) = Preface II (Said Ahmed Khamis) -- Maisha ya Bi Zainab Himid alivyotueleza = The life of Bi Zainab Himid as told by herself -- Mashairi, Tenzi na Nyimbo / Nyimbo za mapenzi = Poems and songs / Love songs -- Matokeo maalum = Important events -- Mashairi ya dini = Religious poems -- Tenzi za siasa = Political epics SN - 3-89645-286-X AV - AFRIKA 51472 Y2 - 2017/04/19/ M3 - 408729333 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1533 T1 - Cultural encounters in the Arab world : on media, the modern and the everyday A1 - Sabry,Tarik Y1 - 2010/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [211]-223. - Met index, noten KW - Arab countries KW - Egypt KW - mass media KW - modernization KW - Morocco KW - popular culture KW - social change KW - social life RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 228 CY - London PB - I.B. Tauris U2 - w16 T3 - Library of modern Middle East studies ; 89 SN - 1-8488-5359-9 hbk : œ42.50 AV - AFRIKA 50772 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 323435246 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1536 T1 - Conflict transformation and social change in Uganda : remembering after violence A1 - Buckley-Zistel,Susanne Y1 - 2008/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 171-185. - Met gloss., index, noten KW - conflict KW - identity KW - memory KW - peacebuilding KW - rebellions KW - social change KW - Teso KW - Uganda KW - violence RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XIX, 192 CY - Basingstoke [etc.] PB - Palgrave Macmillan U2 - w16 T3 - Rethinking peace and conflict studies SN - 0-230-53762-6 hbk : œ50.00 AV - AFRIKA 50708 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 310767040 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1535 T1 - My gazar with my geisha (a novel of magic realism) A1 - Ogunyemi,Yemi D. Y1 - 2008/// KW - Japan KW - Nigeria KW - novels (form) KW - romantic relationships RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 217 CY - Denver, CO PB - Outskirts Press U2 - w16 SN - 1-432-70894-5 AV - AFRIKA Lit.10596 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 409017434 ER - TY - JFULL ID - 1534 T1 - The Botswana journal of economics : the journal of the Botswana Economics Association The Botswana journal of economics : the journal of the Botswana Economics Association, ISSN 1810-0163 Y1 - 2008/// N1 - Verschijnt onregelmatig KW - Botswana KW - economics KW - Subsaharan Africa RP - NOT IN FILE JA - The Botswana journal of economics : the journal of the Botswana Economics Association U2 - Vol. 5, issue 7 (2008) - ... w16 SN - 1810-0163 AV - Elektronisch tijdschrift Y2 - 2017/04/19/ M3 - 41032678X L3 - https://www.ajol.info/index.php/boje/index ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1537 T1 - Chemin d'avenir : C“te d'Ivoire, la paix soit avec toi! A1 - Barbey,Francis Y1 - 2007/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [239]-243. - Met noten KW - civil wars KW - colonialism KW - C“te d'Ivoire KW - France KW - international relations KW - political conditions RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 243 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w16 T3 - Points de vue, ISSN 0761-5248 SN - 978-2-296-04568-2 AV - AFRIKA 50760 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 317459155 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1538 T1 - Communistes dans le monde arabe A1 - Mrou‚,Karim A1 - Amin,Samir Y1 - 2006/// KW - Arab countries KW - communism KW - communist parties KW - Egypt KW - Lebanon KW - Marxism KW - political conditions RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 221 CY - Pantin PB - Le Temps des Cerises U2 - w16 N2 - Contributions de Georges Labica, Karim Mrou‚, A.I. Belkeziz (entretien) et Samir Amin ('Les communistes ‚gyptiens face au d‚fi de la modernit‚ et de l'imp‚rialisme') SN - 2-8410-9635-1 AV - AFRIKA 50776 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 317459236 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1539 T1 - Federalism as conflict-management device for multiethnic and multicultural societies : the case of Sudan A1 - Gasmelseid,Omer Awadalla Ali Y1 - 2006/// N1 - Tevens: ThŠse de l'Universit‚ de Fribourg (Suisse), 2005 Bibliogr.: p. XV-XXVI. - Met noten KW - dissertations (form) KW - ethnic conflicts KW - federalism KW - nation building KW - political systems KW - Sudan RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XXVI, 264 CY - Bƒle [etc.] PB - Helbing & Lichtenhahn U2 - w16 T3 - Publications de l'Institut du f‚d‚ralisme Fribourg Suisse, tudes et colloques, ISSN 1021-4674 ; vol. 46 SN - 3-7190-2596-9 AV - AFRIKA 50777 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 312968590 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1540 T1 - Le feu sous la soutane : un prˆtre au coeur du g‚nocide rwandais A1 - Sehene,Benjamin Y1 - 2005/// KW - genocide KW - novels (form) KW - Rwanda RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 148 CY - Paris PB - Esprit frappeur U2 - w16 T3 - L'Esprit frappeur ; no 136 SN - 2-8440-5222-3 AV - AFRIKA Lit.10602 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 406683662 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1541 T1 - Bildung in Afrika sdlich der Sahara : unter besonderer Bercksichtigung der Universit„ten Nigerias A1 - Lawan,Farouq Y1 - 2004/// N1 - Tevens: Dissertation P„dagogische Hochschule Freiburg (i.Br.), 2003 Bibliogr.: p. 205-219. - Met bijl., noten KW - dissertations (form) KW - educational systems KW - elite KW - higher education KW - Nigeria KW - Subsaharan Africa KW - universities RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 227 CY - Hamburg PB - Verlag Dr. Kova U2 - w16 T3 - EUB : Erziehung - Unterricht - Bildung ; Bd. 114 SN - 3-8300-1596-8 kart. : EUR 78.00 AV - AFRIKA 51381 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 267264739 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1542 T1 - Bidonvilles : development of dysfunctional urban systems in Cameroon A1 - Som,Simon Elate Y1 - 2003/// N1 - Tevens: Dissertation Universit„t Fridericiana zu Karlsruhe, 2002 Bibliogr.: p. 185-194. - Met bijl., noten, samenvatting in het Duits, Engels en Frans KW - Cameroon KW - informal settlements KW - urban housing KW - urbanization RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XXII, 211 CY - Aachen PB - Shaker Verlag U2 - w16 T3 - Berichte aus der Architektur, ISSN 0945-0661 SN - 3-8322-1341-4 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51334 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 253331501 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1544 T1 - Currents of power : state broadcasting in South Africa A1 - Tomaselli,Ruth A1 - Tomaselli,Keyan A1 - Muller,Johan Y1 - 2001/// N1 - Oorspr. uitg.: Belville, South Africa : Anthropos Publishers, 1989 Met bibliogr., noten KW - broadcasting KW - radio KW - South Africa KW - television RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 227 CY - Denver, CO PB - Academic Books, International Academic Publishers U2 - w16 T3 - Critical studies on African media and culture N2 - Contents: 1. Broadcasting technology as an ideological terrain. Some concepts, assumptions and problems (Graham Hayman and Ruth Tomaselli); 2. Ideology and technology in the growth of South African broadcasting, 1924-1971 (Graham Hayman and Ruth Tomaselli); 3. Between policy and practice in the SABC, 1970-1981 (Keyan Tomaselli and Ruth Tomaselli); 4. Square vision in colour: how TV2/3 negotiates consent (Keyan Tomaselli, Graham Hayman, Abner Jack, Nofikile Nxumalo, Ruth Tomaselli and Nhlanhla Ngcobo); 5. Trauma by installment: Springbok Radio soap operas (Mikki van Zyl and Leandra Elion) SN - 1-588-68133-5 pbk. AV - AFRIKA 50756 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 248446290 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1543 T1 - Pan-Africanism and integration in Africa A1 - Mandaza,Ibbo A1 - Nabudere,Dani Wadada Y1 - 2001/// N1 - Met bibliogr., index, noten KW - economic integration KW - free trade areas KW - globalization KW - land reform KW - pan-Africanism KW - SADC KW - Southern Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 352 CY - Harare PB - SAPES Books U2 - w16 N2 - Part 1) Pan-Africanism and integration: Introduction; 1. African Unity, Pan-Africanism and the dilemmas of regional integration (Kwesi Kwaa Praa); 2. Pan-Africanisrn, the African diaspora and African integration (Uazuvi Kaumbi); 3. The African renaisance and globalisation: new perspectives on African unity and integration (Dani W. Nabudere); 4. Regional integratiorr in Africa: an overview (Ibbo Mandaza). Part 2) Globalisation and regional integration in Africa: Introduction; 5. Globalisation and regional integration in Southern Africa: synergy or rivalry? (Balefi Tsie); 6. Globalisation, investment patterns and capital flights in Africa over the past decacle: lessons and strategies (Rogers Dhliwayo); 7. Investment and trade promotion through export processing zones (Walter Chidhakwa); 8. Development assistance in an evolving global environment (A.M. Kambudzi). Part 3) Regional integration in Africa: Introduction; 9. Development integration in Southern Africa (Chinyamata Chipeta); 10: COMESA: towards the Establishment of a free trade area (FTA): an experiment in regional integration (Chungu Mwila); 11. Enhancing financial policy harmonisation and regional trade (Marubu Munyaja). Part 4) Investment in social and utility sectors: Introduction; 12. Financing the social sector in SADC (Allast Mwanza); 13. Investment opportunities and risks in SADC telecommunications sectors (Grace RaphoIo, Oupa Mokuena and Heloise Emdon). Part 5) Pan-Africanism, gender and integration: Introduction; 14. Re-envisioning Pan-Africanism: what is the role of gencler, youth and the masses? (Micere Gsthse Mugo); 15. Informal women's cross-border trade networks in Southern Africa: the case of Botswana small businesswomen (Peggy Gabo Ntseane). Part 6) Land acquisition and integration in Zimbabwe: Introduction; 16. The interaction of market and land acquisition processes with social action in the Zimbabwe land reform (Sam Moyo) SN - 1-7790-5149-2 pbk. AV - AFRIKA 50771 Y2 - 2017/04/20/ M3 - 257118055 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1545 T1 - Yakubu Gowon : soldier-statesman Y1 - 1970/// N1 - A Daily Sketch Souvenir, October 19, 1970 KW - biographies (form) KW - memorial volumes (form) KW - military personnel KW - Nigeria KW - Nigerian-Biafran War RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 64 CY - Ibadan PB - Sketch Publishing U2 - w16 AV - AFRIKA Hc8365 Y2 - 2017/04/21/ M3 - 409743143 ER -