TY - BOOK ID - 1771 T1 - Spanish Postal Administration after 1912 and Morocco during the Spanish civil war and the Second World War A1 - Dietz,Ton Y1 - 2017/// KW - Morocco KW - postage stamps KW - postal services KW - Spain KW - World War II RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Leiden PB - African Studies Centre U2 - w20 T3 - Morocco ; 4B African postal heritage paper, ISSN 2543-1730 ; 5 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2017/05/15/ M3 - 410553689 L3 - http://hdl.handle.net/1887/47002 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1791 T1 - 'Enemy aliens' in wartime : civilian internment in South Africa during World War I A1 - Manz,Stefan A1 - Dedering,Tilman Y1 - 2016/// KW - Germans KW - prisoners KW - South Africa KW - women KW - World War I RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 536 EP - 556 JA - South African Historical Journal: (2016), vol.68, no.4 , p.536-556 : tab. VL - 68 IS - 4 U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article explores the previously neglected history of civilian internment in South Africa during World War I. German, Austro-Hungarian and Turkish nationals were classified as 'enemy aliens'. They included mostly male immigrants, but also several hundred women and children deported from Sub-Saharan colonial contact zones. The main camp was Fort Napier in Pietermaritzburg, holding around 2,500. Based on sources in South African, German and British archives, this multi-perspectival enquiry highlights the salience of the South African case and integrates it into wider theoretical questions and arguments. The policy of civilian internment was rolled out comprehensively throughout the British Empire. Not least lessons learnt from the South African War (1900-1902), when Britain had been widely criticised for harsh conditions in its camps, led to relatively humane prisoner treatment. Another mitigating factor was the pro-German sympathies of the Afrikaner population. Nevertheless, suffering occurred through isolation and deportation. Remembering the First World War mainly as a 'soldiers' war' on the Western Front generates too narrow a picture. Widening the lens on civilians of both sexes in overseas territories supports notions of war totalisation. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/05/17/ M1 - Kf;L3 M3 - 409265411 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02582473.2016.1246593 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1792 T1 - 'Good citizens and gentlemen' : gender, reputation and identity at the South African College, 1880-1910 A1 - Swartz,Rebecca Y1 - 2016/// KW - educational history KW - gender KW - higher education KW - masculinity KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 517 EP - 535 JA - South African Historical Journal: (2016), vol.68, no.4, p.517-535. VL - 68 IS - 4 U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article examines the formation of gendered identities at the South African College, later the University of Cape Town, between 1880 and 1910. Using the records of disciplinary cases at the College, the article shows that there was an attempt to construct the 'ideal' College gentleman as adhering to particular codes of behaviour, seen as distinctive to young men who had been educated at the College. It then discusses inclusions and exclusions within the College, on the grounds of race, class and gender, showing that there was a central tension between the College's 'public' face as a government-funded institution, and its need to protect what occurred within the College space as distinctive, available only to particular kinds of people. The much-neglected records of the College Senate and Council as well as the student-run South African College Magazine have been used to examine these issues. The final section of the article addresses the College's response to political change in South Africa in the first decade of the twentieth century, arguing that the College actively sought to promote broad South Africanism for its students, and to position itself as central to the future of the South African Union. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/05/17/ M1 - Kf;L3 M3 - 409265403 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02582473.2016.1239651 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1780 T1 - 'That is why we have trouble' : the 'pro-Italia' movement's challenge to nationalism in British-occupied Somalia (1946-9) A1 - Urbano,Annalisa Y1 - 2016/// KW - 1940-1949 KW - decolonization KW - nationalism KW - Somalia KW - UN RP - NOT IN FILE JA - The Journal of African History: (2016), vol.57, no.3, p.323-344 : krt. VL - 57 U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Postwar politics in British-occupied Somalia is usually reduced to the activities of the Somali Youth League, the foremost anticolonial nationalist movement. However, by 1947, smaller associations, pejoratively nicknamed the 'pro-Italia', came together in an effort to return Somalia to Italy under international mandate. Drawing upon new archival sources, the article argues that this movement did not stem from arguments supporting colonial rule, but rather from objections to the nationalist agenda and military occupation. Closer attention to these voices sheds light on the deeper meanings of political alignment during the change of regime and enhances our understanding of political developments in postwar Somalia. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/05/15/ M1 - Df;L3 M3 - 410496456 L3 - https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021853716000311 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1802 T1 - A companion to Mia Couto A1 - Hamilton,Grant A1 - Huddart,David Paul Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 213-235. - Met index, noten KW - literary criticism KW - literature KW - Mozambique KW - Portuguese language KW - writers RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XII, 243 CY - Woodbridge, Suffolk PB - James Currey U2 - w20 N2 - Mia Couto is known for his imaginative re-working of Portuguese, making it distinctively Mozambican in character. This book brings together some of the key scholars of his work such as Phillip Rothwell, Lu¡s Madureira, and his long-time English translator David Brookshaw. Contributors examine not only his early works, which were written in the context of the 16-year post-independence civil war in Mozambique, but also the wide span of Couto's contemporary writing as a novelist, short story writer, poet and essayist. There are contributions on his work in ecology, theatre and journalism, as well as on translation and Mozambican nationalist politics. Most importantly the contributors engage with the significance of Couto's writing to contemporary discussions of African literature, Lusophone studies and World literature SN - 1-8470-1145-4 AV - AFRIKA 51118 Y2 - 2017/05/18/ M1 - Jc;K2 M3 - 407828443 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1806 T1 - Ambivalences patrimoniales au Sud : mises en scŠne et jeux d'acteurs A1 - Guillaud,Dominique A1 - Beaulaton,Dominique Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten KW - Africa KW - conservation of cultural heritage KW - cultural heritage KW - international law KW - natural resources KW - politics RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 275 CY - Paris PB - Karthala U2 - w20 T3 - Hommes et soci‚t‚s, ISSN 0290-6600 N2 - En s'appuyant sur des objets extrˆmement vari‚s (territoires, ressources v‚g‚tales ou animales, arvhives ou collection, sites arch‚ologiques ou ‚l‚ments immat‚riels d‚riv‚s de la culture et de l'histoire, comme l'esclavage ou encore la gastronomie), cet ouvrage collectif se penche sur les dynamiques de patrimonialisation et les multiples contradictions, conflits et comp‚titions, parfois irr‚ductibles, que celles-ci provoquent. D'un c“t‚, les trait‚s internationaux sur la diversit‚ g‚n‚tique et le patrimoine naturel ou culturel, par leurs implications ‚thiques et juridiques, notamment en termes de propri‚t‚ intellectuelle, sont l'objet d'interpr‚tations contrast‚es, signalant la confrontation entre droit international, politiques nationales et rŠgles locales. D'un autre c“t‚, dans les espaces strat‚giques, tels que les parcs nationaux, se nouent des enjeux multiples et changeants avec les politiques qui les animent. Quant aux sites arch‚ologiques, ils s'inscrivent souvent dans une double logique de concurrence : les patrimoines universels que la diachronie r‚vŠle s'opposent … d'autres usages, en particulier ‚conomiques, du territoire. Toutes ces constructions patrimoniales ont en commun d'impliquer une mise en scŠne visant … les faire voir et reconnaŒtre, mises en scŠne qu'orchestrent ou instrumentalisent une s‚rie d'acteurs, institutions, communaut‚s locales voire les chercheurs eux-mˆmes. L'ouvrage parcourt ainsi, … travers des exemples puis‚s dans diff‚rents terrains, Cambodge, Zanzibar, Guin‚e et Guin‚e-Bissau, Ethiopie, S‚n‚gal, Equateur, Lybie, Tunisie mais aussi les salins narbonnais, ou encore les coulisses des grandes exp‚ditions naturalistes fran‡aises, les logiques, ambiguit‚s et polyvalences de la patrimonialisation. Il confirme au final la vocation particuliŠrement strat‚gique du patrimoine, et r‚vŠle les multiples tensions et mutations que son invocation enclenche dans les territoires et les soci‚t‚s du monde SN - 978-2-8111-1692-7 (Karthala) AV - AFRIKA 51006 Y2 - 2017/05/18/ M1 - Ba;D1 M3 - 407300910 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1783 T1 - Cattle dip and shark liver oil in a techno-chemical colonial state : the poisoning at Malangali School, Tanganyika, 1934 A1 - Johnsen Kelly,Chau Y1 - 2016/// KW - colonial policy KW - nutrition KW - poisoning KW - research KW - schoolgirls KW - Tanzania RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 437 EP - 463 JA - The Journal of African History: (2016), vol.57, no.3, p.437-463. VL - 57 IS - 3 U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available N2 - In October 1934, a group of schoolgirls at Malangali School in Iringa Province, Tanganyika received doses of what the school headmistress thought was shark liver oil. Many girls began to spit and vomit the medicine, while others attempted to leave the school grounds to return home. Within three hours, several pupils had died and within three days, another 32 girls succumbed to the toxic draught. This article examines this little known and poorly understood tragedy through the lens of the scientific and social experimentation that occurred at Malangali School. As one of two government- run schools that enrolled girls, Malangali provided the colonial state with an opportunity to conduct a variety of experiments upon a captive audience. This article argues that the 'discovery of colonial malnutrition' in the interwar period not only depoliticized hunger but its emphasis on techno-chemical approaches to social and material problems led to tragedy. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/05/15/ M1 - He;L3 M3 - 410496421 L3 - https://doi.org/10.1017/S002185371600030X ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1800 T1 - Congo Kinshasa : quand la corruption dirige la R‚publique A1 - Bukassa,Ambroise V. Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 613-622 KW - corruption KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - political history RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 622 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w20 T3 - Collection "tudes africaines". S‚rie Politique SN - 2-343-07662-6 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51550 Y2 - 2017/05/15/ M3 - 408121831 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1801 T1 - Diaspora & returns in fiction A1 - Cousins,Helen A1 - Dodgson-Katiyo,Pauline Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten KW - Africa KW - literature KW - migration KW - return migration RP - NOT IN FILE PB - James Currey U2 - w20 T3 - African literature today, ISSN 0065-4000 ; 34 N2 - This special issue focuses on literary texts by African writers in which the protagonist returns to his/her 'original' or ancestral 'home' in Africa from other parts of the world. Ideas of return - intentional and actual - have been a consistent feature of the literature of Africa and the African diaspora: from Equiano's autobiography in 1789 to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's 2013 novel 'Americanah'. African literature has represented returnees in a range of locations and dislocations including having a sense of belonging, being alienated in a country they can no longer recognize, or experiencing a multiple sense of place. Contributors, writing on literature from the 1970s to the present, examine the extent to which the original place can be reclaimed with or without renegotiations of 'home'. Articles on Nuruddin Farah, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Pede Hollist, Ayi Kwei Amah, Dinaw Mengestu, Benjamin Kwakye. Interview with Tendai Huchu. Featured Articles by Bernth Lindfors, Eustace Palmer & Helen Chukwuma. Literary supplement : four poems by Tsitsi Ella Jaji SN - 978-1-8470-1097-1 (James Currey) AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/05/15/ M3 - 408058668 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1793 T1 - F.Z.S. Peregrino, a significant but duplicitous figure in the Black Atlantic world A1 - Killingray,David A1 - Plaut,Martin Y1 - 2016/// KW - biographies (form) KW - Great Britain KW - journalists KW - pan-Africanism KW - South Africa KW - United States RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 493 EP - 516 JA - South African Historical Journal: (2016), vol.68, no.4, p.493-516. VL - 68 IS - 4 U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The role of Francis Zaccheus Santiago Peregrino is one that has intrigued historians for many years. He represented a direct link between West Africa (Gold Coast, modern Ghana), Britain, the United States and South Africa. Peregrino was a campaigning editor and vocal supporter of black rights in both the United States and southern Africa. He appeared to be the embodiment of the black Atlantic. These qualities have, rightly, been celebrated, but there is another side to the man, which has received only limited attention. He was also someone of ruthless ambition. In New York he was accused of labour-broking practices that replicated slavery. In South Africa he thought nothing of denouncing some of his closest black associates to the white authorities. Peregrino also pursued his private agenda at the cost to the wider African and Coloured communities, threatening them at a critical moment in the formation of the Union of South Africa. This article traces his life in the USA, Britain and southern Africa to reveal Peregrino as a more complex and disturbing figure than has previously been acknowledged. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/05/17/ M1 - Kf;L4 M3 - 40926539X L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02582473.2016.1216158 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1788 T1 - Historian as filmmaker : reflections on the making of the film documentary 'Those Dying Days' A1 - Walton,Sarah Jane Y1 - 2016/// KW - films KW - oral history KW - South Africa KW - veterans KW - World War II RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 623 EP - 640 JA - South African Historical Journal: (2016), vol.68, no.4, p.623-640. VL - 68 IS - 4 U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article reflects on my experiences making the film documentary 'Those Dying Days' (South Africa, 2012). The documentary itself explores the question of personal and public remembrance of World War Two in Cape Town. It speaks not only to the fluid and adaptive nature of memory, but also to the relative silence regarding the war in terms of public commemoration. The article discusses the challenges and rewards of film as a medium for historical argument and information and argues for an affinity between film and oral history. It provides the thinking behind the choices made in the construction of argument in a non-written discourse (film) and reveals the methods adopted in an attempt to create a complicated historical account which recognises the contingent nature of history and one which allows for a multiplicity of perspectives and voices to be heard. After discussing the making of the documentary, the article concludes that film is more than capable of creating nuanced and complicated historic arguments. Film, in this light, is considered as an alternative discursive mode to the written word (which remains the dominant mode of historical production within academia) and one which questions how, why and for whom historical knowledge is produced. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/05/17/ M1 - Kf;L3 M3 - 409265454 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02582473.2016.1214170 ER - TY - ADVS ID - 1784 T1 - Kemtiyu : S‚ex Anta - Cheikh Anta A1 - Mbaye,Ousmane William A1 - Attali,Laurence Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Frans gesproken, Engels ondertiteld Blu-ray disc; 1080p HD widescreen; DTS-HD MA 5.1 or DTS surround 5.1 sound frmats; requires Blu-ray player KW - documentary films (form) KW - intellectuals KW - pan-Africanism KW - Senegal KW - videos (form) RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [Dakar] PB - Les Films Mame Yand‚ & Autoproduction U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Kemtiyu -S‚ex Anta is a portrait of Cheikh Anta Diop, a character who has several facets: a man rooted in his culture, a researcher to whom was initially denied writing his thesis (at the Sorbonne), a man of science who (re) discovered that the civilization of ancient Egypt is negro, a politician that created two opposition parties (each dissolved by Senghor). Cheikh Anta Diop died in 1986 at the age of 63, without being a prophet home, without seeing the United States of Africa, without living the development of national languages. Yet it was he who conceptualized the slogan BLACK RENAISSANCE as the support of Pan-Africanism. Many young Africans lay claim to Cheikh Anta Diop, without knowing him. The film reveals the scientist he was (his theories and studies, his laboratory at IFAN in Dakar and some of his many lectures), his political program through his call for a federal state the United States of Africa and his struggle against the negritude of Senghor. It shows how his only ambition was to give the African his dignity back Toute sa vie, Cheikh Anta Diop dut faire face au scepticisme et … lostracisme. Ses recherches pluridisciplinaires sur la conscience historique africaine suggŠrent que lEgypte antique ‚tait de civilisation n‚gro-africaine, et que donc lOccident puise les origines de sa civilisation dans le monde noir via la GrŠce antique qui sinspira de lEgypte. C‚tait aller contre les ‚tudes ant‚rieures des grands noms de l‚gyptologie qui l‚gitimaient la colonisation. Il ‚tait aussi un homme politique qui pr“na le pan-africanisme et cr‚a deux partis politiques en opposition au r‚gime de Senghor. Un personnage v‚n‚r‚ par certains, d‚cri‚ par d'autres. Ce film raconte le combat d'un homme qui passera toute son existence en quˆte de v‚rit‚ et de justice, afin de redonner … l'Afrique une conscience historique et une dignit‚. [R‚sum‚ extrait de la dvd-video] AV - AFRIKA AVM1746 Y2 - 2017/05/18/ M3 - 410382043 L3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1bPFnh1mfg ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1799 T1 - L'impact des TIC dans les processus migratoires f‚minins en Afrique centrale : cas des cybermigrantes maritales du Cameroun : actes du colloque international de Yaound‚ 2014, 10 au 11, avril 2014 A1 - Mankou,Brice ArsŠne A1 - Essono,Thomas Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten KW - 2014 KW - Cameroon KW - Central Africa KW - conference papers (form) KW - information technology KW - Internet KW - marriage KW - women migrants RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 244 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Etudes africaines. S‚rie Communication N2 - Ce livre collectif regroupe l'ensemble des communicatons du colloque portant sur l'impact des TIC dans les processus migratoires f‚minins en Afrique centrale qui s'est d‚roul‚ … Yaound‚ (Cameroun) les 10 et 11 octobre 2014. Le colloque ‚tait organis‚ autour de 4 axes majeurs : la mobilit‚ matrimoniale des femmes africaines (notamment camerounaises), les questions statutaires engendr‚es par ces migrations, le r“le jou‚ par Internet dans la conception et l'‚laboration de ces projets migratoires ainsi que l'identit‚ de ces femmes migrantes. Contributions de: Brice ArsŠne Mankou, Pierre Fran‡ois Edongo Ntede, Jacques Yomb, Thomas Essono, Lucine Onambele Ngono, Js‚phine Ntolo Belinga, Jocelyn Doumtsop Djouda. [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] SN - 2-343-08085-2 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51558 Y2 - 2017/05/15/ M1 - Gc;C4;C6 M3 - 408122099 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1795 T1 - L'innommable : un r‚cit du g‚nocide des Tutsi = Agahomamunwa A1 - Mukantabana,Ad‚laide Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met noten KW - genocide KW - personal narratives (form) KW - Rwanda KW - Tutsi RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 405 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w20 T3 - crire l'Afrique SN - 2-343-07766-5 AV - AFRIKA 51549 Y2 - 2017/05/15/ M3 - 408178027 ER - TY - ADVS ID - 1777 T1 - L'oeil du cyclone A1 - Traor‚,S‚kou A1 - Dioari,Abidine Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Frans gesproken, Engels ondertiteld KW - Burkina Faso KW - child soldiers KW - civil wars KW - feature films (form) KW - lawyers KW - legal aid KW - videos (form) RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Paris PB - Avalon U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Dans un pays d'Afrique en proie … la guerre civile, une jeune avocate est commise d'office … la d‚fense d'un rebelle accus‚ de crimes de guerre. · travers la partie d'‚checs qui s'engage entre l'avocate id‚aliste et l'ex-enfant soldat, deux visages de l'Afrique d'aujourd'hui vont s'affronter. (R‚sum‚ extrait de la dvd-video] AV - AFRIKA AVM1749 Y2 - 2017/05/18/ M3 - 410523399 L3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hfJHEk3t-Q ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1772 T1 - La croix ou les f‚tiches : le christianisme en Afrique noire A1 - Betobo Bokagne,douard Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met bibliogr., indices RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 2 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w20 SN - 2-343-08105-0 (vol.1) M3 - 410705926 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1798 T1 - Mako, administrateur fran‡ais en C“te d'Ivoire (1908-1939) : un commandant … un poste colonial, au cur des transformations ‚conomiques et sociales A1 - Ekanza,Simon Pierre Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 415-420. - Met bijl., indices, noten 1e partie. Les conditions et les agents d‚terminants du progrŠs agricole. La conquˆte militaire : condition n‚cessaire au progrŠs agricole -- Les grandes options de l'agriculture coloniale -- Quand Mako se met … l'oeuvre ou des techniques et des hommes -- Les soci‚t‚s … vocation ‚conomique : une contribution importante au progrŠs agricole. -- 2e partie. L'insertion de l'agriculture dans l'‚conomie de march‚. Les facteurs conjoncturels et commerciaux -- Les progrŠs de la production -- Les fruits de l'expansion : revenus et salaires -- La subordination au march‚ : le Moronou face … la crise agricole. -- 3e partie. Une soci‚t‚ ‚branl‚e dans ses fondements et dans ses structures … la recherche d'un nouvel ‚quilibre. volution de la population et des structures socio-‚conomiques -- Les conditions d'existence du Morofwe -- Mobilit‚ et structures sociales. KW - 1910-1919 KW - 1920-1929 KW - 1930-1939 KW - agriculture KW - Anyi KW - colonial administration KW - C“te d'Ivoire KW - economic history KW - social change RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 435 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w20 T3 - Collection "tudes africaines SN - 2-343-05164-X pbk AV - AFRIKA 51553 Y2 - 2017/05/15/ M3 - 408122129 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1803 T1 - Minding the gap : African conflict management in a time of change A1 - Aall,Pamela A1 - Crocker,Chester A. Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met literatuurverwijzingen KW - Africa KW - conflict KW - conflict prevention KW - conflict resolution KW - national security KW - peacebuilding KW - peacekeeping operations KW - politics KW - regional security RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XIII, 325 CY - Waterloo, ON PB - CIGI U2 - w20 N2 - The prevailing narrative on Africa is that it is awash with violent conflict. Indeed, it does suffer from a multitude of conflicts - from border skirmishes to civil wars to terrorist attacks. Conflicts in Africa are diverse and complex, but there have been a number of cases of successful conflict management and resolution. What accounts for the successes and failures, and what can we learn from Africa's experience? This collective volume takes on these questions, bringing together more than 20 experts to examine the source of conflicts in Africa and assess African management capacity in the face of these conflicts. Apart from the introduction and conclusion, the contributions are organized into two sections: Conflict in Africa, and Responding to crises: peace operations and mediation. Contributors: Pamela Aall, Raymond Gilpin, Christopher Fomunyoh, 'Funmi Olonisakin, William Reno, Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou, Cyril Obi, Mulugeta Gebrihiwot, Kwesi Aning and Lydia Mawuenya Amedzrator, Jakkie Cilliers and Amandine Gnanguˆnon, Laurie Nathan, I William Zartman, Gilbert M. Khadiagala, Alice Wairimu Nderitu, Paul D. Williams, Chester A. Crocker, Neha Sanghrajka and Meredith Preston-McGhie, Sharath Srinivasa SN - 978-1-928096-21-4 AV - AFRIKA 51117 Y2 - 2017/05/18/ M1 - Ba;D1 M3 - 407666575 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1805 T1 - Mon passeport culturel burkinabŠ : les artistes parlent de leurs m‚tiers A1 - Coulidiaty,Patrick Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met noten KW - artists KW - Burkina Faso KW - interviews (form) KW - musicians KW - writers RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 253 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w20 N2 - "Loin d'ˆtre un inventaire complet des acteurs culturels du Burkina, Mon passeport culturel burkinabŠ est un condens‚ d'entretiens d'acteurs culturels en tout genre (r‚alisateurs, hommes de th‚ƒtre, com‚diens, managers, artistes musiciens et plasticiens, stylistes, professionnels de la danse), qui ‚voquent directement les maux qui font obstacle … la promotion de leurs activit‚s, et qui proposent, pour certains d'entre eux, des pistes de solutions."--Page 4 of cover SN - 2-343-08656-7 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51555 Y2 - 2017/05/15/ M3 - 407421122 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1797 T1 - Monseigneur Augustin Sagna : ‚vˆque ‚m‚rite de Ziguinchor : un coeur si beau! A1 - Loppy,Jos‚phine Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 193. - Met noten KW - biographies (form) KW - bishops KW - Catholic Church KW - Senegal RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 200 CY - Dakar PB - Harmattan S‚n‚gal U2 - w20 T3 - M‚moires et biographies ; 19 SN - 2-343-08363-0 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51348 Y2 - 2017/05/15/ M3 - 408122226 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1776 T1 - Nollywood portraits : a radical beauty A1 - Ud‚,Ik‚ Y1 - 2016/// KW - film history KW - Nigeria KW - Nollywood KW - photography KW - portraits RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 190 CY - Milano PB - Skira Rizzoli U2 - w20 SN - 88-572-3229-8 AV - AFRIKA A12594 Y2 - 2017/05/19/ M3 - 410525944 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1794 T1 - Parents, pay attention! : factors related to parental involvement with education in Northern Uganda A1 - Ezati,Betty Akullu Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr, sum KW - child rearing KW - parents KW - schooling KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 9 EP - 32 JA - The Australasian Review of African Studies: (2016), vol.37, no.2, p.9-32 : tab. VL - 37 IS - 2 U2 - w20 N2 - Prior to the colonial period (1896-1962), education of children in Uganda was a family responsibility. The introduction of formal British-styled schooling disrupted traditional learning by changing the nature of lessons into formal, Western style classrooms and lectures and by placing educational responsibility into the hands of missionaries, teachers, and the government. Since Uganda gained political independence in 1962, education and parental participation in their children's education have been further disrupted by numerous civil wars and resulting displacement, poverty, trauma, and government policies. The purpose of this article is to explore the relationship between historical effects and parental responses to education in northern Uganda. The authors used findings in the literature along with results from three research periods between 2007-2015 during which parents, teachers, and community leaders were interviewed in focus groups or individually, to understand ways in which parents were involved in or withdrawn from their children's education, and reasons for their involvement or inactivity. The authors draw from Epstein and Saunders' (2006) framework for involvement and Bronfenbrenner's (1979, 1999) ecological systems theory to frame the research. Our research indicates that a complexity of factors has contributed to reduced parental involvement, including poverty, dislocation, fear, alcohol consumption, and misunderstanding of policy. We conclude with some suggestions for improvement AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/05/16/ M3 - 408482397 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1782 T1 - Poppies and gold : opium and law-making on the Witwatersrand, 1904-10 A1 - Waetjen,Thembisa Y1 - 2016/// KW - 1900-1909 KW - Chinese KW - drugs KW - legislation KW - South Africa KW - workers RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 391 EP - 416 JA - The Journal of African History: (2016), vol.57, no.3, p.391-416. VL - 57 IS - 3 U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available N2 - In the wake of the South African war, the indenture and transport of over 63,000 Chinese men to gold mines in the Transvaal sparked a rush to supply smoking opium to a literally captive market. Embroiled in a growing political economy of mass intoxication, state lawmakers shifted official policy from prohibition to provision. Their innovation of an industrial drug maintenance bureaucracy, developed on behalf of mining capital in alliance with organized pharmacy and medicine, ran counter to local trends of policy reform and represents a unique episode for broader histories of modern narcotics regulation. This article considers the significance of this case and chronicles the contradictory interests and ideologies that informed political scrambles over legitimate opium uses, users, and profiteers. It shows how the state maintained its provision policy, for as long as it proved expedient, against varied and mounting public pressures - local and international - for renewed drug suppression. The argument here is that the state managed an epidemic of addiction on the Rand as an extraordinary problem of demography. It achieved this both through redefining smoking opium from intoxicant to mine medicine and through the legal construction of a 'special biochemical zone', which corresponded with the exceptional status and spatial segregation of a despised alien labour force. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/05/15/ M1 - Kf;L3 M3 - 41049643X L3 - https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021853716000335 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1789 T1 - Propaganda tricks - good and bad : the posters of the Mobile Visual Instruction and Propaganda Section of the South African Union Defence Force from January to July 1945 A1 - Pretorius,Jacqueline Deirdre Y1 - 2016/// KW - armed forces KW - Italy KW - posters KW - propaganda KW - South Africa KW - World War II RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 573 EP - 622 JA - South African Historical Journal: (2016), vol.68, no.4, p.573-622 : ill. VL - 68 IS - 4 U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article begins to address the lack of research on South African poster propaganda from the Second World War by offering an account of the posters produced by the Mobile Visual Instruction and Propaganda Section of the South African Union Defence Force (UDF) from January to July 1945 in Rome, Italy. The article proceeds by providing the context for the posters, followed by an analysis of the three main poster categories; health, education, and entertainment and recreation. The article argues that the posters align with a view of advertising as a form of propaganda because they employ a variety of appeals, symbols and statements to persuade the audience to act in ways which would safeguard their health; to educate them to become liberal, democratic citizens and to keep up their morale so that they would remain loyal to the UDF. The analysis of the posters shows the use of both rational and emotional appeals to persuade the audience. It is argued that the use of these appeals as well as the conception, production and style of the posters were closely linked to commercial advertising practices of the time. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/05/17/ M1 - Kf;L3 M3 - 409265446 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02582473.2016.1188978 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1787 T1 - Shifting identifications in Dutch-South African migration policies (1910-1961) A1 - Henkes,Barbara Y1 - 2016/// KW - Dutch KW - immigrants KW - migration policy KW - national identity KW - Netherlands KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 641 EP - 669 JA - South African Historical Journal: (2016), vol.68, no.4, p.641-669 : ill., graf., tab. VL - 68 IS - 4 U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article examines the migratory movement from the Netherlands to South Africa and the associated migration policies in both countries over the years 1910 to 1961. Migration acts as a lens through which shifting constructions of national, transnational and racial identities can be observed. Depending on the politicians in charge, the contribution of Dutch migrants to the South African nation was alternately framed in terms of their white, civilised Europeanness (as opposed to black, uncivilised Africanness), and in terms of their alleged 'kinship' (stamverwantschap) with the Afrikaners (as opposed to the British). Under the restrained immigration policy of the Nationalist Party in the 1950s this gave Dutch immigrants a privileged position regarding admission to South Africa, and it gave South Africa a special appeal as country of destination for Dutch emigrants. This changed only when the ethnic identification with white Afrikaners, and European settlers in general, since 1960 gradually gave way to an internationally shared political identification with the struggles of black Africans against apartheid. By studying the migration dynamics between both countries we may gain insight into the making and unmaking of both Dutch and South African national and racial identifications, against the backdrop of a colonial heritage. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/05/17/ M1 - Kf;L3 M3 - 409265462 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02582473.2016.1188977 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1796 T1 - Sociologie de la sant‚ au Congo-Kinshasa A1 - Kwilu Landundu,Hubert Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 293-299. - Met noten KW - AIDS KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - popular beliefs KW - rituals KW - social conditions RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 304 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w20 T3 - Collection "tudes africaines". S‚rie Sant‚ N2 - La maladie, en tant que fait culturel et social, est li‚e aux cultures, aux croyances, aux repr‚sentations et aux murs des populations ; elle est ‚galement con‡ue comme produit de l'imaginaire social d'une communaut‚. Ainsi, la probl‚matique de l'apparition du VIH/Sida est teint‚e de diverses interpr‚tations dans la soci‚t‚ congolaise : le sida est une maladie, mais selon certains discours populaires, est surtout une infortune due au mauvais sort SN - 2-343-08421-1 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51557 Y2 - 2017/05/15/ M3 - 40812251X ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1775 T1 - Special issue : women, religion, and security A1 - Salo,Elaine A1 - Seedat,Fatima Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Omslagtitel Met bibliogr., noten, samenvattingen KW - Africa KW - gender-based violence KW - human security KW - religion KW - South Africa KW - women KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE PB - Agenda Feminist Media U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Agenda, ISSN 2158-978X ; vol. 30, no. 3 N2 - This special issue of Agenda on 'Women, religion, and security' explores and surfaces different meanings of women's human in/security in the context of religion, how women are casualties of patriarchal interpretations of religion, as well as the holders of power to create conditions of greater security. Contributions: Women, religion and security (Fatima Seedat); How religious extremism compromises women's security, agency and mental health: Conversation with Sarah Eltantawi (Mariam B. Khan); Women and jihadism: Between the battlefield and the home-front (Christopher Anzalone); Sexual economies of war and sexual technologies of the body: Militarised Muslim masculinity and the Islamist production of concubines for the caliphate (Fatima Seedat); Muslim women overcoming marital violence: breaking through structural and cultural prisons created by religious leaders (Shahana Rasool & Muhammed Suleman); Working with religious leaders and faith communities to advance culturally informed strategies to address violence against women (Elizabeth Petersen); Discoursing women, Christianity and security: The framing of women in the Gumbura case in Zimbabwean media (Rosemary Chikafa-Chipiro); The role of the Vhavenda women in managing marital conflicts in Thulamela Municipality, Thohoyandou: An indigenous perspective (Pfarelo Matshidze & Veronica Nemutandani); Women in polygynous marriages and African Initiated Churches: Selected narratives in Greater Tzaneen, South Africa (Mogomme Alpheus Masoga & Allucia Lulu Shokane); Claiming the public sphere: Menstrual taboos and the rising dissent in India (Chitra Karunakaran Prasanna); Politically induced economic precarity, syncretism and female representations in Chigumadzi's 'Sweet Medicine' (Isaac Ndlovu); Mediating the 'sacredness' of religion, culture and law in contexts of sexual violence (Sarojini Nadar & Elisabeth Gerle); Bruised but not broken: 'De Lange v Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa and Another' 2016 (2) SA 1 (CC) (Juanita Easthorpe); Rainfall scarcity and its impacts on subsistence farming: the role of gender and religious rituals in adaptation to change (Sejabaledi Agnes Rankoana). Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/05/17/ M3 - 410688215 L3 - http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ragn20/30/3 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1774 T1 - Special issue: capacity as history and horizon : infrastructure, autonomy and future in African health science and care A1 - Geissler,P.Wenzel A1 - Tousignant,No‚mi Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten, samenvattingen in het Frans en Engels KW - Africa KW - capacity building KW - Ghana KW - health care KW - medical sciences KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE PB - Taylor & Francis U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Canadian journal of African studies, ISSN 0008-3968 ; vol. 50, no. 3 N2 - This special issue recovers some of what capacity building in African health science and care elides and obscures: the political and moral charge - for African scientists, clinicians and patients - of skills, technologies, careers, knowledge and care; the contested values, power and futures that capacity might perturb or activate; the 'in'capacities that global health capacity-building initiatives are rooted in, thrive on, reinforce or reproduce; as well as the existing capacities and dreams of capacity that these initiatives often fail to acknowledge, invest in, or engage with. Through the careful analysis of aspiration for and enactments of 'African' capacity, the six contributions to this issue re-open the political, ethical and temporal horizons that are linked to - or cut off from - discrete components of medical research and care, such as laboratory apparatus, diagnostic skills, national science policies or study subjects and bioethics. Contributions: Capacity as history and horizon: infrastructure, autonomy and future in African health science and care (P. Wenzel Geissler & No‚mi Tousignant); Institutional memory, institutional capacity: narratives of failed biomedical encounters in East Africa (Melissa Graboyes & Hannah Carr); 'Scientific independence', capacity building, and the development of UNESCO's science and technology agenda for Africa (Casper Andersen); Fifty years of creativity, crisis, and cancer in Uganda (Marissa Mika); Opening up the black box: looking for a more capacious version of capacity in global health partnerships (Claire L. Wendland); Scientific capacity building and the ontologies of herbal medicine in Ghana (Damien Droney); African biomedical scientists and the promises of 'big science' (Iruka N. Okeke). [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/05/17/ M1 - Ba;I1 M3 - 41068869X L3 - http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rcas20/50/3 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1773 T1 - Special issue: the NRM regime and the 2016 Ugandan elections A1 - Wilkins,Sam A1 - Vokes,Richard Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten, samenvattingen KW - 2016 KW - elections KW - National Resistance Movement KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE PB - Routledge, Taylor & Francis U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Journal of eastern African studies, ISSN 1753-1063 ; vol. 10, no. 4 N2 - This special issue grew out of a workshop entitled 'The NRM Regime in the 2016 Ugandan Elections' that was held at All Souls College, Oxford, on 22 April 2016. Contributions: Party, patronage and coercion in the NRM'S 2016 re-election in Uganda: imposed or embedded? (Richard Vokes & Sam Wilkins); The master of institutional multiplicity? The shifting politics of regime survival, state-building and democratisation in Museveni's Uganda (Frederick Golooba-Mutebi & Sam Hickey); Who pays for 'pakalast'? The NRM's peripheral patronage in rural Uganda (Sam Wilkins); From the electoral battleground to the parliamentary arena: understanding intra-elite bargaining in Uganda's National Resistance Movement (Michaela Collord); Primaries, patronage, and political personalities in South-western Uganda (Richard Vokes); Religious (de)politicisation in Uganda's 2016 elections (Henni Alava & Jimmy Spire Ssentongo); Where the wild things are not: crime preventers and the 2016 Ugandan elections (Rebecca Tapscott); Partisan defections in contemporary Uganda: the micro-dynamics of hegemonic party-building (Sandrine Perrot); Managing elite defection in Museveni's Uganda: the 2016 elections in perspective (Moses Khisa); Challenging dominance: the opposition, the coalition and the 2016 election in Uganda (Nicole Beardsworth); 'Land belongs to the people of Uganda': politicians' use of land issues in the 2016 election campaigns (Lotte Meinert & Anne Mette Kj‘r); A history of the heritage economy in Yoweri Museveni's Uganda (Derek R. Peterson). [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/05/17/ M1 - Hf;D2 M3 - 410689289 L3 - http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rjea20/10/4 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1804 T1 - Sur les traces du premier administrateur colonial du Haut-Cavally (C“te d'Ivoire) : Laurent Charles Joseph (1877-1915) A1 - Sohi Blesson,Florent A1 - Laurent,Charles Joseph Y1 - 2016/// N1 - The author identifies the subjects of Laurent's monographs as the Wˆ (a Kru people) and the Dan or Yacouba (a Mande people), and not the Diola of the Casamance Bibliogr.: p. 229-233. - Met noten KW - 1900-1909 KW - 1910-1919 KW - biographies (form) KW - colonial administrators KW - C“te d'Ivoire KW - Dan KW - We polity RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 237 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w20 T3 - Etudes africaines. S‚rie Histoire N2 - S'il existe une abondante litt‚rature sur les grands explorateurs et administrateurs de l'histoire, le corps de jeunes administrateurs dont fait partie Laurent Charles Joseph, "dont l'action a ‚t‚ d‚terminante dans la gestation des colonies africaines de l'Europe" selon Christophe Wondji, a ‚t‚ n‚glig‚. Ce livre ‚tudie le parcours de ce premier administrateur colonial du Haut-Cavally (C“te d'Ivoire) SN - 2-343-08544-7 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51556 Y2 - 2017/05/15/ M3 - 407423044 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1786 T1 - The big conservation lie : the untold story of wildlife conservation in Kenya A1 - Mbaria,John A1 - Ogada,Mordecai Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 195-199 KW - Kenya KW - nature conservation KW - wildlife protection RP - NOT IN FILE EP - III, 200 CY - Auburn, WA PB - Lens & Pens Publishing U2 - w20 SN - 0-692-78721-6 AV - AFRIKA 51910 Y2 - 2017/05/19/ M3 - 410380709 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1778 T1 - The heart of the matter : interpreting bloodsucking accusations in Mauritania A1 - Pettigrew,Erin Y1 - 2016/// KW - Mauritania KW - rumours KW - Sahara KW - slaves KW - social change KW - social history KW - West Africa KW - witchcraft RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 417 EP - 435 JA - The Journal of African History: (2016), vol.57, no.3, p.417-435. VL - 57 IS - 3 U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article examines events involving accusations of bloodsucking in the southwestern Sahara. French colonial archives allow researchers to identify specific cases in time and location; however, this article seeks to address but then move beyond histories of colonial governance. To highlight how communities in the Saharan desert dealt with crises provoked by environmental and social change, this investigation also relies on locally-produced written legal opinions and oral testimony. Emerging from these Saharan sources is one facet of how desert communities envisioned the enchantment of their social worlds and understood difficult periods caused by famine, weak economies, and domestic tensions. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/05/15/ M1 - Fa;L3 M3 - 410496472 L3 - https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021853716000323 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1790 T1 - The introduction of Western medicine in Southern Africa : the case of Ainsworth Dickson Nursing Training School in Bremersdorp, Swaziland, 1927-1949 A1 - Dlamini,Shokahle R. Y1 - 2016/// KW - medical history KW - missions KW - nurses KW - Swaziland KW - vocational education RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 557 EP - 572 JA - South African Historical Journal: (2016), vol.68, no.4, p.557-572 : foto. VL - 68 IS - 4 U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available N2 - From July 1927, Bremersdorp, now Manzini, became the first medical mission and a centre of western healing and health in colonial Swaziland, which at that time, was replete with traditional healers and healing methods. Varying interests gave birth to this medical mission, one of which was the need to replace traditional methods of healing with western biomedicine. Its establishment initiated the colonial state's financial involvement, at a very early stage, in the development of the healthcare of the Swazis. This paper examines the evolution of nursing education in colonial Swaziland by providing a brief historiographical terrain and showing how Swaziland fits into it. The paper also provides an overview of the birth of colonialism in Swaziland and demonstrates its role in the origin of nursing education in the 1920s. By so doing, this paper not only contributes to the growth of medical history in Southern Africa but also unravels the history of nursing education in a manner that shows both the contribution of the state and that of transformative events in the development of nursing education, revealing in the process, conjunctive interests of the state and the Church of the Nazarene (CON) and the intersection of these interests. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/05/17/ M1 - Kg;L3 M3 - 40926542X L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02582473.2016.1246594 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1781 T1 - The Iron Age in West Central Africa : radiocarbon dates from Corsico Island (Equatorial Guinea) A1 - S nchez-Elipe Lorente,Manuel Y1 - 2016/// KW - archaeology KW - Central Africa KW - Equatorial Guinea KW - Iron Age KW - radiocarbon dating KW - West Africa RP - NOT IN FILE JA - The Journal of African History: (2016), vol.57, no.3, p.345-365 : ill., krt., tab. VL - 57 U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Over the last few decades the number of radiocarbon dates available for West Central Africa has increased substantially, even though it is still meagre compared with other areas of the continent. In order to contribute to a better understanding of the Iron Age of this area we present and analyze a total of 22 radiocarbon dates obtained from sites from the island of Corisco (Equatorial Guinea). By comparing them with those from Equatorial Guinea, southern Cameroon, and coastal Gabon and Congo we intend to clarify the picture of the West Central African Iron Age and propose a more accurate archaeological sequence. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/05/15/ M1 - Ga;L2 M3 - 410496448 L3 - https://doi.org/10.1017/S002185371600027X ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1785 T1 - The stolen presidency : an unprecedented African political tragedy A1 - Abiola,Jamiu Y1 - 2016/// KW - Nigeria KW - presidential elections RP - NOT IN FILE EP - IX, 133 CY - [S.l.] PB - Jamiu Abiola U2 - w20 SN - 1-536-88348-4 AV - AFRIKA 51911 Y2 - 2017/05/19/ M3 - 410381896 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1779 T1 - Women as diviners and as Christian converts in rural South Africa A1 - Redding,Sean Y1 - 2016/// KW - Christianity KW - divination KW - religious conversion KW - social history KW - South Africa KW - women RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 367 EP - 389 JA - The Journal of African History: (2016), vol.57, no.3, p.367-389. VL - 57 IS - 3 U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article argues that rural South African women's importance as spiritual actors in the period from the late nineteenth through the mid-twentieth centuries stemmed from their ability to embrace hybrid spiritual identities that corresponded closely to the lived reality of African rural life, and that by embracing those identities, women expanded their roles as social healers. Professing a belief in Christianity did not prevent individuals from practicing as diviners, nor did it prevent Christians from consulting diviners to determine the causes of death or misfortune. Similarly, young women who converted to Christianity often maintained close ties to non-Christian families and bridged spiritual lives on the mission stations with life in their families. Over this time period, women became cultural mediators who borrowed, adopted, and combined spiritual beliefs to provide more complete answers to problems faced by rural African families in South Africa. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/05/15/ M1 - Kf;L3 M3 - 410496464 L3 - https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021853716000086 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1813 T1 - Ayangma : le destin impr‚vu : roman A1 - Ambassa Olinga,Philippe Y1 - 2015/// KW - Central Africa KW - novels (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 293 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w20 T3 - Encres noires ; 386 SN - 2-343-06323-0 AV - AFRIKA Lit.10412 Y2 - 2017/05/18/ M3 - 406791643 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1818 T1 - Bonne gouvernance et multiplicit‚ des partis politiques en Afrique subsaharienne A1 - Thiam,Abou Rahmane Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Notes, r‚f., r‚s KW - governance KW - multiparty systems KW - Subsaharan Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 1 EP - 26 JA - Annales africaines : nouvelle s‚rie : revue de la Facult‚ des Sciences Juridiques et Politiques UCAD: (2015), vol.1, p.1-26. VL - 1 U2 - w20 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/05/16/ M3 - 406498008 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1807 T1 - In quest of perpetuity : bio-sketches of sir Odumegwu Ojukwu A1 - Ifeze Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 277-282. - Met bijl., noten KW - biographies (form) KW - entrepreneurs KW - Igbo KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 289 CY - Mustang, Oklahoma PB - Tate Publishing & Enterprises LLC U2 - w20 SN - 1-633-67809-1 AV - AFRIKA 51926 Y2 - 2017/05/19/ M3 - 410698423 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1811 T1 - Julien Kilanga Musinde : une parole en itin‚rance : r‚flexions et t‚moignages sur un parcours intellectuel A1 - Dikanga Kazadi,Jean Marie A1 - Banywesize,Emmanuel M. Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Proceedings of a colloquium held at the Universit‚ de Lubumbashi in November of 2014 Met bijl., noten KW - 2014 KW - academics KW - conference papers (form) KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - festschrifts (form) KW - personal narratives (form) KW - universities KW - writers RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 245 CY - Paris [etc.] PB - L'Harmattan [etc.] U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Collection "Comptes rendus N2 - Les textes ci-r‚unis sont tir‚s du colloque international convoqu‚ … l'universit‚ de Lubumbashi (R‚publique d‚mocratique du Congo) en hommage … Julien Kilanga Musinde, docteur en langue et litt‚rature fran‡aises, sp‚cialiste en linguistique appliqu‚e, ‚crivain et ambassadeur de l'universit‚ et des lettres congolaises en francophonie. Contributions de: Ildefonse Chabu Mumba. Jean-Marie Dikanga Kazadi, Maurice Amuri Mpala-Lutebele, Justin Bisanswa, Antoine Tshitunu Kongolo, Jean-Paul Birura Rucinagiza, Polycarpe Kumwimba Kabongo, A. Jano Bakasanda, E. Nawej Mukung, Julien Kilanga Musinde, Kaumba Lufunda Samajiku, Benaouda Lebdai, Maurice Muyaya Wetu, Gibert Malemba N'Sakila, Manda Kizabi, Richard Mukendi Nkashama, Nestor Diansonsis Mwana Bifwele, Christian Kunda Mutoki, Emmanuel M. Banywesize. [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 2-343-06458-X pbk AV - AFRIKA 51559 Y2 - 2017/05/18/ M1 - Gj;L4 M3 - 408120827 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1812 T1 - La peinture des femmes marocaines : entretiens A1 - Bougdal,Lahsen Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Met noten KW - interviews (form) KW - Morocco KW - painting KW - women artists RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 203 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w20 SN - 2-343-06839-9 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51554 Y2 - 2017/05/15/ M3 - 406908788 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1809 T1 - Last train to Biafra : the memoirs of a Biafran child A1 - Chukwurah,Diliorah Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Oorspr. uitg.: Surrey : Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd KW - Nigeria KW - Nigerian-Biafran War KW - personal narratives (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XXVIII, 178 CY - Ibadan PB - Constellation (Nigeria) Publishers U2 - w20 AV - AFRIKA 51891 Y2 - 2017/05/16/ M3 - 41060223X ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1817 T1 - Les nouvelles tendances des op‚rations de maintien de la paix en Afrique A1 - Ndiaye,Ameth Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Notes, r‚f KW - Africa KW - peacebuilding KW - peacekeeping forces KW - peacekeeping operations RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 195 EP - 220 JA - Annales africaines : nouvelle s‚rie : revue de la Facult‚ des Sciences Juridiques et Politiques UCAD: (2015), vol.1, p.195-220 : tab. VL - 1 U2 - w20 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/05/16/ M3 - 406498091 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1816 T1 - Les principes fondamentaux de l'‚tat en Afrique A1 - Wandji,K. Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Notes, r‚f., r‚s KW - Africa KW - political systems KW - State RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 221 EP - 254 JA - Annales africaines : nouvelle s‚rie : revue de la Facult‚ des Sciences Juridiques et Politiques UCAD: (2015), vol.1, p.221-254. VL - 1 U2 - w20 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/05/16/ M3 - 406498148 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1815 T1 - Les r‚serves d'interpr‚tation dans la jurisprudence constitutionnelle des ‚tats de l'Afrique noire francophone A1 - Kebe,Abdou Aziz Daba Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Notes, r‚f KW - constitutional courts KW - French-speaking Africa KW - judges KW - jurisprudence RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 255 EP - 294 JA - Annales africaines : nouvelle s‚rie : revue de la Facult‚ des Sciences Juridiques et Politiques UCAD: (2015), vol.1, p.255-294. VL - 1 U2 - w20 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/05/16/ M3 - 406498253 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1814 T1 - Quel droit applicable … la famille au Niger? A1 - Bachir,Talfi Idrissa Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Notes, r‚f., r‚s KW - customary law KW - family KW - family law KW - legal pluralism KW - Niger RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 295 EP - 332 JA - Annales africaines : nouvelle s‚rie : revue de la Facult‚ des Sciences Juridiques et Politiques UCAD: (2015), vol.1, p.295-332. VL - 1 U2 - w20 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/05/16/ M3 - 40649830X ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1808 T1 - Sector IV A1 - Anaba,Abigail Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Met gloss KW - Nigeria KW - Nigerian-Biafran War KW - novels (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - VIII, 232 CY - [Nigeria] PB - [El Jara] U2 - w20 SN - 978-93699-5-6 AV - AFRIKA Lit.10657 Y2 - 2017/05/19/ M3 - 410697680 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1810 T1 - The state of digital heritage resources management in Ghana A1 - Boamah,Eric A1 - Tackie,Samuel Nii Bekoe Y1 - 2015/// N1 - ICADLA 4 International Conference on African Digital Libraries and Archives Bibliogr.: p. 23-24. - Met samenvatting KW - conference papers (form) KW - cultural heritage KW - electronic resources KW - Ghana RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [S.l. PB - s.n.] U1 - Free access. U2 - w20 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2017/05/15/ M3 - 410260622 L3 - http://wiredspace.wits.ac.za/handle/10539/18396 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1822 T1 - 'I was amazed that there are still people like this' : first-year students' refelctions on experiences of racial discrimination at the University of the Free State A1 - Conradie,Marthinus Stander A1 - Brokensha,Susan Iris Y1 - 2014/// KW - higher education KW - race relations KW - racism KW - South Africa KW - students RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 81 EP - 105 JA - Transformation: (2014), no.84, p.81-105 : tab. IS - 84 U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Using CMM (the co-ordinated management of meaning approach), this article investigates differences between white and black first-year students interpretations of personal experiences of racism, emphasising the degree to which respondents construct these as linked to past systems of oppression, specifically apartheid. In the narratives thus collected, students racialised as white focus on encounters with restitution, while black respondents relate personal, face-to-face confrontations with racism in public spaces. In the themes that emerged from participants reflections on factors such as the motives/causes of prejudicial treatment, white respondents construct restitution as institutionally-sanctioned racism. Black participants link perpetrators motives directly to apartheid, but concurrently resist interpreting these as symptoms of a pervasive culture of racism among whites. Examining the results for correlations with Steyn and Fosters (2008) work on white talk among much older white journalists, suggests that the discursive repertoires that mark these discourses impact the efforts of both white and black students (born in or shortly before 1994) to negotiate their experiences. As such, the findings offer insights into some of the prevailing beliefs that circulate in the sample under study, and are liable to affect efforts at social cohesion in a country where university spaces are considered as increasingly telling barometers of transformation (Soudien 2010). Bibliogr., notes, ref. sum [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/05/17/ M1 - Kf;C1 M3 - 410105090 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1821 T1 - 'Inaugural lecture : coercion, consent, and the construction of capitalism in Africa : development studies, political economy, politics and the 'dark continent' A1 - Moore,David Y1 - 2014/// KW - Africa KW - capitalism KW - development studies KW - political economy RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 106 EP - 131 JA - Transformation: (2014), no.84, p.106-131. IS - 84 U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The academic sub-discipline of development studies is too often shorn of 'politics', but that field too is usually divorced from its material dimension: the unity of political economy (which constitutes the essence of development) has been sundered. Concentration on the relationship between consent and coercion - between freedom and force - perhaps the core element of the politics behind the pursuit of power and the formulation and execution of accumulation strategies, could reopen analysis of the construction of capitalism in Africa. All societies transitions to capitalism have been accompanied by a large degree of violence; Africa's history has been especially so and the transition is far from complete now - if indeed it can be fulfilled. Yet the 'legitimacy' of ruling classes in the making - the consent to their rule that builds hegemony for them and the new socio-economic system they are constructing - is important too. This contribution's main question is: how can one understand the relationship between coercion and consent while Africa 'develops', unevenly and haltingly, towards capitalist democracy? The query ranges theoretically and empirically; its tentative conclusion emphasises the necessity for the deepening of democracy at time when it seems to be diminishing. Bibliogr., notes, ref. sum [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/05/17/ M1 - Ba;A2 M3 - 410228656 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1823 T1 - 'New Zimbabwean politics' and the decline of the Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirari : public opnion polls posting the writing on the wall A1 - Booysen,Susan Y1 - 2014/// KW - 2013 KW - elections KW - political conditions KW - political parties KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 53 EP - 80 JA - Transformation: (2014), no.84, p.53-80 : tab. IS - 84 U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The dramatic decline of Zimbabwe's Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai (MDC-T) in the July 2013 elections - to 35 per cent of the presidential vote and 23 per cent of parliamentary seats - was first flagged in a series of 2012 public opinion polls. The elections brought to an end a period of power-sharing government and ended all speculation that some form of inclusive government might be retained post-election. The MDC-Ts poor result in Election 2013 followed a decade of valiant resistance against the often underhanded and violent quest by the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) to retain power. Many expected that the MDC-T would continue its upward trajectory and emerge from the period of joint government with a victory over ZANU-PF and be ready to assume power. History unfolded contrarily. The MDC-Ts weaknesses in the transitional period were on display while the economy and peoples living conditions improved, however marginally, and hope for better conditions prevailed. Under the cover of the unity government ZANU-PF was implementing a recovery strategy that entailed both the direct out-manoeuvring of the MDC-T and policy change that appeared to articulate with citizen sentiments. By all opinion poll indications, and as the subsequent election confirmed, Zimbabwean voters gave ZANU-PF the majority. With the use of polling data, the article traces these attitude changes. The main data set is the series of Freedom House (FH) polls of 2009, 2010 and especially 2012. The article also compares the 2012 FH findings with the results of other 2012 polls. Bibliogr., notes, ref. sum [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/05/17/ M1 - Je;D2 M3 - 410039608 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1824 T1 - Can rights-based activism be tranformative? : analysing grassroots mobilisation in the Anti-Privatisation Forum A1 - Runciman,Carin Y1 - 2014/// KW - action groups KW - political action KW - social change KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 31 EP - 52 JA - Transformation: (2014), no.84, p.31-52. IS - 84 U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article challenges the distinction often made in the literature about South Africa's new social movements between those which pursue a rights-based approach to collective action and those that advocate wider transformative economic, political and social change. It argues that this dichotomy is based on a narrow interpretation of the content of rights-based activism and counter-hegemonic challenges which belie the messy everyday realities of how political mobilisation is forged in the entangled relations between hegemony and counter-hegemony. Through an analysis of the collective-action frames of two affiliates of the Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF), the article shows how rights and anti-capitalism were understood within each organisation. It also demonstrates how the differing interpretations were forged in interaction with the localised political-opportunity structure. In so doing, this article expands the empirical analysis of grassroots community-based organisations in South Africa and contributes to debates on the counter-hegemonic potential of rights-based activism. Bibliogr., notes, ref. sum [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/05/17/ M1 - Kf;D2 M3 - 409933619 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 1825 T1 - Job destruction in Newcastle: minimum wage-setting and low-wage employment in the South African clothing industry A1 - Nattrass,Nicoli A1 - Seekings,Jeremy Y1 - 2014/// KW - clothing industry KW - employment KW - minimum wages KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 1 EP - 30 JA - Transformation: (2014), no.84, p.1-30 : graf. IS - 84 U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available N2 - From its establishment in 2002, the National Bargaining Council for the Clothing Manufacturing Industry (NBC) was used by the South African Clothing and Textile Workers Union (SACTWU) and mostly Cape Town-based employers to raise wages in lower-wage areas, including Newcastle. Rising minimum wages were agreed in the NBC, and then extended countrywide by the Minister of Labour. In Newcastle (and elsewhere), major firms shut down, whilst others failed to comply fully with the repeatedly raised minimum wages and levies imposed by the NBC. In 2010, the NBC launched a new compliance drive, using the labour courts to put pressure on, and close down, non-compliant firms, threatening at least 20,000 jobs. The NBC also agreed further wage increases, and presented these to the Minister of Labour for extension countrywide. Newcastle employers responded by taking legal action against the Minister of Labour and the NBC. The struggle over minimum wages in areas like Newcastle is of broader importance because the non-compliant firms comprised the labour-intensive rump of the last remaining labour-intensive manufacturing sector in South Africa. The Newcastle crisis reveals starkly the tensions between labour market policies and institutions and employment. The Newcastle case shows how, under the guise of promoting decent work for workers and the supposed levelling of the playing field for producers, an unholy coalition of a trade union, some employers and the state initiated and drove a process of structural adjustment that undermined labour-intensive employment and exported South African jobs to lower-wage countries such as Lesotho and China. Bibliogr., notes, ref. sum [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/05/17/ M1 - Kf;E4 M3 - 409870315 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1819 T1 - Roses and bullets A1 - Adimora-Ezeigbo,Akachi Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Oorspr. uitg.: Lagos : Jalaa Writers' Collective, 2011 KW - Nigeria KW - Nigerian-Biafran War KW - novels (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - VIII, 374 CY - Ibadan PB - University Press PLC U2 - w20 SN - 978-06-9863-9 AV - AFRIKA Lit.10656 Y2 - 2017/05/19/ M3 - 410697826 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1820 T1 - The forest dames : an account of the Nigeria-Biafra war (1967-1970) A1 - Agbasimalo,AdaOkere Y1 - 2014/// KW - Nigeria KW - Nigerian-Biafran War KW - novels (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 303 CY - Lagos PB - Origami Books U2 - w20 SN - 978-93829-4-4 AV - AFRIKA Lit.10639 Y2 - 2017/05/19/ M3 - 410383163 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1826 T1 - The Jonathan presidency : the first year A1 - Ayoade,John A.A. A1 - Akinsanya,Adeoye A. A1 - Ojo,Olatunde J.C.B. Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Met index, noten KW - heads of State KW - national security KW - Nigeria KW - political conditions KW - politics KW - State RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XV, 386 CY - Lanham, MD PB - University Press of America, Inc U2 - w20 N2 - Contents: 1. Jonathan's statecraft: a case study of fuel subsidy controversy / John A.A. Ayoade -- 2. Jonathan's policy shift capacity and the international ripples / Babatunde Oyedeji -- 3. Federal-State relations / Gboyega Akinsanmi -- 4. Constitutional reforms / Olatunde JB Ojo -- 5. Executive-legislative relations / Gbenga Lawal -- 6. The judiciary arid the rule of law / Muyiwa Adigun -- 7. Jonathan and management of national security / Abiodun Alao -- 8. Ethnic militias, political agitations and national security / Tunde Odunlami -- 9. National security imperatives and criminal policy / Patrick E. Igbinovia -- 10. Managing ethno-religious conflicts in Nigeria / Gbenga Lawal -- 11. Nigeria's foreign policy strategies and techniques / Bola Akinterinwa -- 12. Electric power delivery and management strategies / Wole Adegbenro -- 13. Jonathan's party management: PDP crises in Bayelsa, Kogi and Sokoto States / Emmanuel E. Ojo -- 14. Jonathan's party management: PDP National Convention / Hussaini Tukur Hassan -- 15. The Presidency and the media / Adedamola Layade -- 16. The limit of public opinion in a liberal participatory democracy / Jide Oluwajuyitan SN - 0-7618-6260-9 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51156 Y2 - 2017/05/18/ M1 - Fn;D2 M3 - 407676740 ER - TY - JFULL ID - 1830 T1 - Africa Nazarene University law journal Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Verschijnt 2x per jaar RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Africa Nazarene University law journal U2 - Vol. 1, no. 1 (April 2013) - w20 SN - 2308-1325 AV - AFRIKA Y2 - 2017/05/17/ M3 - 410370266 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1828 T1 - Awo on the Nigerian civil war A1 - Awolowo,Obafemi Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Oorspr. uitg.: 1981 KW - Nigeria KW - Nigerian-Biafran War KW - speeches (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - X, 112 CY - Ikeja PB - John West Publications U2 - w20 SN - 978-163-014-0 AV - AFRIKA 51896 Y2 - 2017/05/16/ M3 - 410603066 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1831 T1 - Black Dionysos : conversations with Femi Osofisan A1 - Osofisan,Femi A1 - Olasope,Olakunbi Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [309]-324. - Met bijl., index, noot KW - drama KW - interviews (form) KW - Nigeria KW - social conditions KW - theatre KW - writers RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XIX, 337 CY - Ibadan PB - Kraft Books Limited U2 - w20 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This book presents fifteen interviews with Nigerian writer and playwright Femi Osofisan, conducted in different countries over a period of eighteen years. The interviews address Osofisan's views on the culture of theatre, reading and writing in Nigeria as well as on the Nigerian political and social context. As a playwright he uses Greek Drama to foreground ordinary citizens in his works. The interviews have been edited and grouped together into three sections: I. Adaptations, II. Revolutionary theatre, and III. Writing. The interviews were conducted by: Adebisi Ademakinwa, Ademola Adesola, Tunde Awosanmi, Sola Balogun, Thomas Bruckner, Biodun Jeyifo, Isidore Nwanaju, Olu Obafemi, Nehru Odeh, Modupe Olaogun, Olakunbi Olasope, Chima Osakwe, Tiziana Morosetti, Liu Yanqing. [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 978-91810-9-4 AV - AFRIKA 50926 Y2 - 2017/05/18/ M1 - Fn;K3 M3 - 407446745 ER - TY - ADVS ID - 1829 T1 - L'animation ind‚pendante africaine : Burundi - RD Congo - Rwanda Volume 2 A1 - Nzitonda*,Pacifique A1 - Iranzi,Fabrice A1 - Bombolo Whatou,H‚nok A1 - Kalonji,Carlos A1 - Dido,Jourdain Kielukesul Izu A1 - Botulu,Pitshou A1 - Pululu,Armel A1 - Wooto,J.-M.Kibushi Ndjate A1 - Nkundimana,Maurice A1 - Mukunday,Frank Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Bevat: La belle et l'oiseau / Pacifique Nzitonda ; Autodestruction / Fabrice Iranzi ; Impokotoyi / H‚nok Bombolo Whatou ; La vie continue / Carlos Kalonji ; Rˆve de chien / Jourdain Kielukesul Izu Dido ; Sous la ceinture / Pitshou Botulu ; C'est urgent / Armel Pululu ; Ame noire, le m‚moires de la colonisation / Armel Pululu ; Roger Jamar et les palabres de Mboloko / J-M. Kibushi Ndjate Wooto ; Mr et Mme Kokoriko / Maurice Nkundimana KW - animated cartoons (form) KW - Burundi KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - Rwanda KW - videos (form) RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [Bois-Colombes] PB - Les films du paradoxe U2 - w20 N2 - Afriqu Anim Action est une formation aux m‚tiers du cin‚ma d'animation initi‚ par le Studio Malembe Maa. Les diff‚rentes r‚sidences qui se sont d‚roul‚es … Kinshasa et … Bujumbura de 2009 … 2013, ont permis … de jeunes auteurs issus du Burundi, de la R‚publique d‚mocratique du Congo et du Rwanda de r‚aliser leurs premiers films d'animation. La belle et l'oiseau de Pacifique Nzitonda, C'est urgent ! de Armel Pululu, Autodestruction de Fabrice Iranzi, Ame noire, les m‚moires de la colonisation de Armel Pululu, Impokotoyi de Bombolo Wathou H‚nok, Roger Jamar et les palabres de Mboloko de Jean-Michel Kibushi Ndjate Wooto, La vie continue de Carlos Kalonji, Rˆve de chien de Jourdain Kielukesu Izu Dido, Mr et Mme Kokoriko de Maurice Nkundimana, Sous la ceinture de Pitshou Botulu. [R‚sume extrait de la dvd-video] AV - AFRIKA AVM1748 Y2 - 2017/05/15/ M3 - 410500305 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1827 T1 - Who are the Igbo? : history & culture, Biafra, most influential Igbo personalities (1810A.D-2010A.D) and contemporary commentary A1 - Evans,Iheanetu C. A1 - Kabuo,Iheanetu Margaret Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Vermelding op keerzijde titelp.: Volume 1 Met bibliogr., bijl., index KW - biographies (form) KW - culture KW - history KW - Igbo KW - Nigeria KW - Nigerian-Biafran War RP - NOT IN FILE EP - X, 424 CY - Yaba-Lagos PB - Clarkson Evans & Associates U2 - w20 SN - 978-93582-1-0 (v. 1) AV - AFRIKA 51917 Y2 - 2017/05/19/ M3 - 410697532 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1834 T1 - Blood on the Niger : the first black-on-black genocide : the untold story of the Asaba massacre during the Nigeria-Biafra War A1 - Okocha,Emma Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 300-304. - Met bijl KW - Nigeria KW - Nigerian-Biafran War KW - war crimes RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XXII, 304 CY - New York [etc.] PB - Gomslam International U2 - w20 SN - 978-2131-19-9 AV - AFRIKA 51809 Y2 - 2017/05/17/ M3 - 410237620 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1832 T1 - Ojukwu : the last patriot A1 - Obienyem,Valentine Y1 - 2012/// N1 - With full text of the historic 'Ahiara Declaration' and tributes to the Great African Legend Oorspr. uitg.: 2005 Bibliogr.: p. 413-416. - Met index KW - biographies (form) KW - military regimes KW - Nigeria KW - Nigerian-Biafran War RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XVI, 424 CY - Ibadan PB - Wisdom Publishers U2 - w20 SN - 978-2823-32-5 hard cover AV - AFRIKA 51893 Y2 - 2017/05/17/ M3 - 41060271X ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1835 T1 - Stakeholders at war in Nigeria : from Lord Lugard to President Goodluck Jonathan A1 - Tamuno,Tekena N. Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Met bibliogr., indices Section six: MASSOB interpretations of history and the Nigerian Civil War: requiem or resurrection? KW - national security KW - Nigeria KW - separatism RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 2 CY - Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria PB - Stirling-Horden Publishers U2 - w20 SN - 978-03-2398-8 (v. 1) AV - AFRIKA 51698.1 Y2 - 2017/05/19/ M3 - 409725110 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1833 T1 - Training in cultural heritage preservation : the experience of heritage institutions in Nigeria A1 - Zaid,Yetunde A1 - Abioye,Abiola A1 - Olatise,Olubukola Y1 - 2012/// N1 - IFLA World Library and Information Congress, 78th IFLA General Conference and Assembly, 11-17 August 2012, Helsinki, Finland Bibliogr.: p. 12-13. - Met samenvattingen KW - archives KW - conference papers (form) KW - cultural heritage KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [S.l. PB - s.n.] U1 - Free access. U2 - w20 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2017/05/15/ M3 - 410260746 L3 - https://www.ifla.org/past-wlic/2012/200-zaid-en.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1839 T1 - A comprehensive bibliography on the writings and works of Chief Obafemi Awolowo from 1940-1984 A1 - Adeniyan,Ebenezer Olu Y1 - 2011/// KW - bibliographies (form) KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE EP - II, 78 CY - Ibadan PB - Mustar Printers [etc.] U2 - w20 AV - AFRIKA 51900 Y2 - 2017/05/16/ M3 - 410615897 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1838 T1 - Carl Gustav von Rosen och semesterkrigarna i Biafra A1 - Hansson,Marcus Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Zweeds gesproken. - Uitzenddata: 24 april 2011 KW - mercenaries KW - Nigeria KW - Nigerian-Biafran War KW - radio broadcasts (form) KW - Swedes RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 1 CY - [Stockholm] PB - Sveriges Radio U1 - Free access. U2 - w20 T3 - P3 Dokument„r N2 - 1967 bryter inb”rdeskrig ut i Nigeria. En av landets tre delstater har f”rklarat sig oberoende av tagit namnet Biafra. Nigerianska styrkor attackerar och snart „r Biafra omringat. Sv„lt bryter ut. Mat och vapen m†ste flygas in fr†n grannl„nderna. Samtidigt som terrorbombningar sk”rdar civila offer sprids bilderna av sv„ltande barn ”ver v„rlden. N„r allt ser som m”rkast ut st„ller sig den svenske greven och flygarhj„lten Carl Gustav von Rosen p† det f”rlorande Biafras sida och s„tter en vansinnig plan i verket. Tillsammans med n†gra svenska piloter smugglar han in sm† svenska sportflygplan utrustade med raketer i Biafra. M†let „r att sl† ut Nigerias bomb- och jaktflyg som terroriserar civilbefolkningen i Biafra. Biafrakriget var den f”rsta stora konflikten som fullt ut ocks† hamnade p† tevesk„rmarna. Bilderna p† de sv„ltande biafrabarnen skapade i hela v„rlden en mycket stark opinion f”r Biafra. Kriget kom ocks† att f”r„ndra spelreglerna f”r internationella hj„lpinsatser AV - Online resource Y2 - 2017/05/16/ M3 - 410624659 L3 - http://sverigesradio.se/sida/avsnitt/60467?programid=2519 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1840 T1 - Defence policy of Nigeria : capability and context : a reader A1 - Bassey,Celestine Oyom A1 - Dokubo,Charles Quarker Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Includes bibliographical references, notes KW - armed forces KW - defence KW - defence policy KW - national security KW - Nigeria KW - political economy KW - State RP - NOT IN FILE EP - LII, 632 CY - Bloomington, IN PB - Authorhouse U2 - w20 N2 - This Reader provides a structurally coherent explanation and review of the magnified role conception and organizational task expansion for the Nigerian military establishment in foreign policy. It argues essentially that one of the most problematic and intractable areas of public policy in Nigeria since the Civil War concerns the development of a professional defence establishment adequate to meet the challenges arising from the altered parameters of Nigeria's security environment. The correction of this condition is the primary motivation of the Armed Forces modernization and augmentation program that touches upon all elements of Nigeria's military power. This Reader is at once a review and a critique of the major facets of this modernization and augmentation process of the Nigerian armed forces within the operative context of the changing dimension of threat perception and the strategic parameters that have guided Nigerian military planning since the Civil War in 1970. Contents: Part 1. Foundation for defence policy analysis -- Part 2. Structural component -- Part 3. Organizational development -- Part 4. Strategic response SN - 1-456-73156-4 AV - AFRIKA 51014 Y2 - 2017/05/18/ M3 - 406749213 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1837 T1 - P3 Dokument„r A1 - Hansson,Kristofer A1 - Johnsson,Fredrik Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Zweeds gesproken RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 1 CY - [Stockholm] PB - Sveriges Radio U1 - Free access. U2 - w20 AV - Online resource Y2 - 2017/05/16/ M3 - 410624748 L3 - http://sverigesradio.se/sida/avsnitt?programid=2519 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1836 T1 - We are Nigerians : civics and history for primary schools A1 - Adeola,Aminat A1 - Dosekun,Simidile Y1 - 2011/// KW - history education KW - Nigeria KW - primary education KW - social studies KW - textbooks (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - dl CY - Lagos PB - Farafina Educational U1 - Aanwezig: Book 2-6. U2 - w20 SN - 978-978-50187-5-2 (vol. 2) AV - AFRIKA A12596.2-6 Y2 - 2017/05/19/ M3 - 410695912 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1843 T1 - Awo : the last conversation A1 - Makinde,Moses Akin Y1 - 2009/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 270. - Met bijl., index KW - interviews (form) KW - Nigeria KW - philosophy KW - politics RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XIV, 274 CY - Ibadan U2 - w20 SN - 978-02-0860-7 AV - AFRIKA 51786 Y2 - 2017/05/17/ M3 - 409855340 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1842 T1 - Awo, on the trail of a titan : essays in celebration of the Obafemi Awolowo centennial A1 - Oke,David O. Y1 - 2009/// N1 - Met index, noten Bevat: Prologue: for Obafemi Awolowo / Niyi Osundare -- Forward: a guru for all times and all places / Wole Soyinka -- Founding philosophy / Obafemi Awolowo Foundation -- Acknowledgement / Olatokunbo Awolowo-Dosumu -- pt. I: Obafemi Awolowo as Leader -- Obafemi Awolowo: politician, prophet philosopher and patriot / Akinjide Osuntokun -- The essence of the Awolowo phenomenon / Itse Sagay -- The quintessential Awo / Wale Adebanwi -- Obafemi Awolowo and the golden era of the Yoruba / Segun Gbadegesin -- Awo as a humanist / Sam A. Aluko -- Remembering Awo: reminiscences / Mvendaga Jibo -- Obafemi Awolowo: reflections of a native son / Richard Joseph -- pt. II: Obafemi Awolowo's legacy for Nigeria -- Fundamental essentials of the Awolowo heritage / Banji Akintoye -- Obafemi Awolowo's development legacy / David O. Oke -- Resuscitating Awo's development legacy / David O. Oke -- Awo and te Opticom idea / Akin L. Mabogunje -- pt. III: Footprints on the sands of time -- Awoism, the Awoist and Awology / Francis I. Ogunmodede -- Rebuilding the Nigerian educational system for the 21st century / Anya O. Anya -- Awo on minorities and revenue allocation / Obaro Ikieme -- Awolowo and culture / Ropo Sekoni -- In the fraternity of the pen: Obafemi Awolowo as a journalist / Olatunji Dare -- pt. IV: Awolowo in and through history -- The titan and the titanic / Asebayo Williams -- A corporate profile: Odu'a Investment Company Ltd. -- Index KW - biographies (form) KW - Nigeria KW - politicians RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XXV, 343 CY - Lagos PB - Obafemi Awolowo Foundation U2 - w20 AV - AFRIKA 51815 Y2 - 2017/05/16/ M3 - 410339393 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1841 T1 - General Yakubu Gowon : the supreme commander A1 - Ogunsanwo,Olufemi Y1 - 2009/// N1 - Includes index KW - biographies (form) KW - heads of State KW - military personnel KW - Nigeria KW - Nigerian-Biafran War RP - NOT IN FILE EP - xv, 137 CY - [Lagos, Nigeria] PB - Pace Books and Periodicals U2 - w20 SN - 978-07-9674-6 (paperback) Y2 - 2017/05/19/ M3 - 410707171 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1844 T1 - A train ride to Zaria A1 - Ososanwo,Bankole Y1 - 2007/// N1 - Omslagtitel Bibliogr.: p. 333 KW - family KW - local history KW - Nigeria KW - Nigerian-Biafran War KW - Yoruba RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 334 CY - Lagos State PB - Globmere Publishers U2 - w20 SN - 978-978-08-3484-5 AV - AFRIKA 51925 Y2 - 2017/05/19/ M3 - 410698296 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1846 T1 - Biafra 40 †r efter†t A1 - Hansson,Marcus A1 - Funke,Mikael Y1 - 2007/// N1 - Zweeds gesproken. - Uitzenddata: 24 mei 2007 KW - mercenaries KW - Nigeria KW - Nigerian-Biafran War KW - radio broadcasts (form) KW - Swedes RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 1 CY - [Stockholm] PB - Sveriges Radio U1 - Free access. U2 - w20 T3 - Vetenskapsradion historia N2 - Det „r nu exakt fyrtio †r sedan kriget i Biafra i Nigera br”t ut. Svenska tv-tittare ”versk”ljdes av bilder p† barn med uppsv„llda magar och biafrabarnen ber”rde en hel v„rld. Men vad var det egentligen som h„nde, och vilken var Sveriges roll under kriget? Vetenskapsradion Historia bes”ker dagens Nigeria och tr„ffar dessutom or„dda piloter och andra svenskar som var inblandade i striderna AV - Online resource Y2 - 2017/05/16/ M3 - 410624233 L3 - http://sverigesradio.se/sida/avsnitt/94245?programid=407 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1845 T1 - Vetenskapsradion historia A1 - Svanelid,Tobias Y1 - 2007/// N1 - Zweeds gesproken RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 1 CY - [Stockholm] PB - Sveriges Radio U1 - Free access. U2 - w20 AV - Online resource Y2 - 2017/05/16/ M3 - 410624314 L3 - http://sverigesradio.se/sida/avsnitt?programid=407 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1847 T1 - Mary Douglas : an intellectual biography A1 - Fardon,Richard Y1 - 2001/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 262-268. - Met bijl., indices KW - Africa KW - anthropological research KW - Bible KW - biographies (form) KW - Israel KW - Lele (Democratic Republic of Congo) KW - social sciences KW - symbols RP - NOT IN FILE CY - London [etc.] PB - Routledge U1 - Free access. U2 - w20 SN - 0-203-02022-7 e-book AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2017/05/15/ M3 - 410562998 L3 -,%20Richard%20- %20Mary%20Douglas%20An%20Intellectual%20Biography%201999.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1848 T1 - Awo speaks of revolution A1 - Omoleye,Mike Y1 - 1991/// KW - articles (form) KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 55 CY - Ibadan PB - Omoleye Publishing Company Ltd U2 - w20 T3 - Leisure-time series ; no. 3 SN - 978-155-080-5 AV - AFRIKA Hc8369 Y2 - 2017/05/17/ M3 - 410601756 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1849 T1 - The travails of democracy and the rule of law A1 - Awolowo,Obafemi Y1 - 1987/// N1 - Met index KW - commissions of inquiry KW - democratization KW - Nigeria KW - political history KW - rule of law RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 396 CY - Ibadan PB - Evans Brothers (Nigeria Publishers) Limited U2 - w20 T3 - Adventures in power ; book 2 SN - 978-167-787-2 AV - AFRIKA 51897 Y2 - 2017/05/17/ M3 - 410603163 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1850 T1 - Sunset in Biafra A1 - Amadi,Elechi Y1 - 1982/// KW - Nigeria KW - Nigerian-Biafran War KW - novels (form) RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Oxford PB - Heinemann U1 - Restricted access. U2 - w20 T3 - African writers series, ISSN 0065-4108 ; 140 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2017/05/19/ M3 - 410704393 L3 - http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2003&xri:pqil:res_ ver=0.2&res_id=xri:ilcs&rft_id=xri:ilcs:ft:aws_prose:Z000851497:0 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1851 T1 - Voice of wisdom : selected speeches of Chief Obafemi Awolowo A1 - Awolowo,Obafemi Y1 - 1981/// N1 - Met index KW - Nigeria KW - politics KW - speeches (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XIII, 184 CY - Akure PB - Fagbamigbe Publishers U2 - w20 T3 - Selected speeches Obafemi Awolowo ; vol. 3 SN - 978-164-484-2 AV - AFRIKA 51895 Y2 - 2017/05/19/ M3 - 410602981 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 1852 T1 - Ahiara declaration : Ojukwu's manifesto for a Biaran revolution, 29th May, 1969 A1 - Ojukwu,Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Y1 - 1969/// KW - Nigeria KW - Nigerian-Biafran War KW - speeches (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 67 CY - [Nigeria] PB - Wisdom Publishers Limited U2 - w20 AV - AFRIKA Hc8370 Y2 - 2017/05/17/ M3 - 410602892 ER -