TY - JOUR ID - 2279 T1 - Num‚ro sp‚cial : Arbritage et m‚diation en Afrique A1 - F‚n‚on,Alain A1 - Samb,Moussa Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met noten KW - ethics KW - French-speaking Africa KW - international arbitration KW - international law KW - OHADA KW - Subsaharan Africa RP - NOT IN FILE JF - Penant PB - ditions juris Africa U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Penant, ISSN 0336-1551 ; ann‚e 126, no. 894 (janvier-mars) 2016 N2 - Adopt‚ le 11 mars 1999, l'Acte uniforme relatif au droit de l'arbitrage s'applique depuis cette date dans tous les tats membres de l'OHADA. Ce num‚ro sp‚cial est consacr‚ exclusivement aux thŠmes de l'arbritage et de la m‚diation en droit OHADA. Contributions: · propos de la r‚surgence de la m‚diation comme mode alternatif de r‚solution des conflits sociaux en Afrique (Moussa Samb); Contrarit‚s entre jugements ‚tatiques et sentences arbitrales dans l'espace OHADA (B‚atrice Castellane); La renonciation au recours en annulation des sentences arbitrales en droit de l'OHADA (Alain Michel Ebele Dikor); La confidentialit‚ dans la proc‚dure arbitrale dans l'espace OHADA (C‚dric Carol Tsafack Djoumessi); L'‚thique dans l'arbitrage OHADA : ‚tude … la lumiŠre de la pratique internationale (Aur‚lia Sylvia Mafongo Kamga); Vers la pr‚valence de l'irresponsabilit‚ arbitrale en droit OHADA ? (Raymond Mafo Diffo); La m‚diation post-arbitrale (Alain F‚n‚on). [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/06/17/ M3 - 404326927 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2280 T1 - Monument of nature? : an ethnography of the world heritage of Mt. Kenya Monument of nature? : an ethnography of the world heritage of Mt. Kenya A1 - Akker,Marlous van den Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [186]-207. - Met noten KW - colonialism KW - conservation of cultural heritage KW - Kenya KW - landownership KW - national parks and reserves RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Leiden PB - African Studies Centre U1 - Free access. U2 - w24 T3 - African studies collection, ISSN 1876-0198 ; 63 SN - 978-90-5448-153-9 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/06/14/ M3 - 404065317 L3 - http://hdl.handle.net/1887/40124 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2281 T1 - Women's movements and constitution making after civil unrest and conflict in Africa : the cases of Kenya and Somalia A1 - Tripp,Aili Mari Y1 - 2016/// KW - Africa KW - constitutions KW - Kenya KW - Somalia KW - women's organizations KW - women's rights RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 78 EP - 106 JA - Politics & gender: (2016), vol.12, no.1, p.78-106 : tab. VL - 12 IS - 1 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - As numerous conflicts have come to an end in Africa over the past two decades, women's movements have sought to advance a women's rights agenda through peace accords; through constitutional, legislative, and electoral reforms; as well as through the introduction of gender quotas. This article focuses the impact women's movements have had in shaping constitutions after periods of turmoil, particularly in areas of equality, customary law, antidiscrimination, violence against women, quotas, and citizenship rights. It demonstrates how countries that have come out of major civil conflict and violent upheaval in Africa after the mid-1990s - but especially after 2000 - have made more constitutional changes with respect to women's rights than other African countries. The second part of the article provides two examples (from Kenya and Somalia) of how women's movements influenced constitutional changes pertaining to gender equality as well as the difficulties they encountered, particularly with respect to the international community. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/14/ M3 - 404060242 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1743923X16000015 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2282 T1 - The eagle's nest in the Horn of Africa : US military strategic deployment in Djibouti A1 - Sun,Degang A1 - Zoubir,Yahia H. Y1 - 2016/// KW - Djibouti KW - geopolitics KW - military bases KW - strategic policy KW - United States RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 96 EP - 110 JA - Africa Spectrum: (2016), vol.51, no.1, p.96-110. VL - 51 IS - 1 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Djibouti is the only country in the world in which US, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese military forces are stationed simultaneously; China will soon have a presence there as well. The US military deployment in Djibouti has shifted from a soft military presence to an arrangement of significant strategic import, and from a small outpost to a large garrison in the past two decades. The internal dynamics of the US deployment are geopolitical, as the US presence facilitates the carrying out of its strategies regarding antiterrorism, anti-proliferation, the protection of energy investments, and anti-piracy. The external dynamics of the US deployment are geo-economic: the government of Djibouti, as the host nation, reaps economic windfalls from the US presence in this strategically located country. Given that the United States has failed since 2008 to persuade any country on the continent to host AFRICOM, the base in Djibouti is likely to remain the only one in East Africa. Djibouti may be part of a pattern whereby some small African nations, such as SÆo Tom‚ and Pr¡ncipe, collect revenue through the provision of military bases to big powers. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. in English and German. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Db;D4 M3 - 404024629 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2283 T1 - One step forward, two steps back? : C“te d'Ivoires 2015 presidential polls A1 - Piccolino,Giulia Y1 - 2016/// KW - 2015 KW - C“te d'Ivoire KW - presidential elections RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 96 EP - 110 JA - Africa Spectrum: (2016), vol.51, no.1, p.96-110. VL - 51 IS - 1 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The 2015 presidential election in C“te d'Ivoire was seen as an important test for the country given the 2010 post-election crisis. Although the 2015 polls were peaceful, they were affected by problems not new to C“te d'Ivoire: lack of competition due to non-participation of major political actors, low voter turnout, mistrust in electoral institutions. The unpreparedness of the Commission Electorale Ind‚pendante (CEI) was also problematic, especially with respect to the revision of the voter list. Due to the boycott of partisans of former president Laurent Gbagbo and because of the support of the Rassemblement des Houphouetistes pour la D‚mocratie et la Paix (RHDP), President Alassane Ouattara's reelection was essentially a given from the start. With the ruling coalition firmly in control, C“te d'Ivoire appears stable. However, the country's democratic deficit might lead to renewed violence once the RHDP has to pick Ouattara's successor. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. in English and German. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Fi;D2 M3 - 404024262 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2284 T1 - 50 years of 'Africa Spectrum' A1 - Eckert,Andreas Y1 - 2016/// KW - African studies KW - Germany KW - periodicals RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 85 EP - 95 JA - Africa Spectrum: (2016), vol.51, no.1, p.85-95. VL - 51 IS - 1 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article offers a portrait of the journal 'Africa Spectrum' (known through 2008 as 'Afrika Spectrum'), which just celebrated its 50th birthday. The essay outlines both the political and institutional context of its founding and traces its major transformations in format and content. 'Africa Spectrum's' metamorphosis also reflects significant changes and trends in African studies in Germany and beyond. One of the journal's main features has been its strong interdisciplinary character and its geographically wide coverage. Over the last decade, 'Africa Spectrum' has successfully transformed itself from a mainly German enterprise into a highly visible international journal. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. in English and German. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Aa;A4 M3 - 404023991 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2285 T1 - Foreign direct investment and the transfer of technologies to Angola's energy sector A1 - Manyuchi,Albert Edgar Y1 - 2016/// KW - Angola KW - energy KW - foreign investments KW - technology RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 55 EP - 83 JA - Africa Spectrum: (2016), vol.51, no.1, p.55-83 : tab. VL - 51 IS - 1 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI) and the transfer of technology is undergoing a great deal of academic scrutiny and policy analysis. A growing body of literature shows that FDI can be a channel by which to transfer and/or acquire technology; however, there is a paucity of empirical studies on this as it relates to African economies. This article seeks to fill some of that gap by focusing on how FDI inflows are contributing to the transfer of technologies specifically into Angola's energy sector. The analysis is based on qualitative research conducted in Angola in 2014 and reveals that energy production and distribution-technology infrastructure, including machinery and human skills, have been developed largely through FDI inflows. There is, however, no evidence that this FDI has enlarged Angola's endogenous scientific and technological research capabilities in the energy sector; therefore, policies that promote these capabilities, especially manufacturing capabilities, should be introduced. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. in English and German. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Gb;D4 M3 - 404013481 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2286 T1 - Informal land sale and housing in the periphery of Pointe-Noire A1 - Tati,Gabriel Y1 - 2016/// KW - Congo (Brazzaville) KW - housing KW - urban development KW - urbanization RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 29 EP - 54 JA - Africa Spectrum: (2016), vol.51, no.1, p.29-54. VL - 51 IS - 1 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article examines the relations between practices in informal land transactions under customary tenure and spatial differentiation among suburbs in the periphery of the city of Pointe-Noire, Congo-Brazzaville. Urban sprawl is a permanent feature of urbanisation in Congo-Brazzaville that not only propagates slums for low-income dwellers but also entails locally embedded ways of building the city in the absence of state-led planning. The case of Pointe-Noire shows that large tracts of customary land are sold without public control, a process accompanied by the emergence of new suburbs with different stylistic patterns of housing. While suburbanisation does carry the potential to improve the quality of housing by attracting wealthy residents, it exacerbates spatial fragmentation and the exclusion of certain groups in the population from access to both land for housing in upmarket suburbs and public services. Powerful actors tend to profit most from informality. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. in English and German. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Gf;J1 M3 - 404003117 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2287 T1 - Land acquisitions, the politics of dispossession, and state-remaking in Gambella, Western Ethiopia A1 - Gebresenbet,Fana Y1 - 2016/// KW - economic policy KW - Ethiopia KW - expropriation KW - land acquisition RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 5 EP - 28 JA - Africa Spectrum: (2016), vol.51, no.1, p.5-28 : tab. VL - 51 IS - 1 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper argues that development through large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) in Gambella, western Ethiopia, belies a state-remaking project under a dispossessive political economy. This argument is based on fieldwork in Gambella, Addis Ababa, and Minneapolis and is situated within the broader development agenda pursued by Ethiopia's ruling party. The political economy of LSLAs tells us that the deals are not occurring in a predominantly economic manner; rather, extra-economic state intervention clears the way for, facilitates, and ensures sustained accumulation. This political intervention is 'unlocking' and making the lowland resources accessible and extractable by the state, while a concomitant villagisation project is guaranteeing continued accumulation by disempowering the local population by making the community legible, governable, and controllable. Through a combination of these processes, the Ethiopian state is mastering, and building itself in, Gambella's lowlands. App., bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. in English and German. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Dd;D2 M3 - 403931746 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2288 T1 - Le ph‚nomŠne Boko Haram : au-del… du radicalisme A1 - Betch‚,Zach‚e Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 231-237. - Met noten KW - Cameroon KW - Chad KW - fundamentalism KW - Islam KW - Niger KW - Nigeria KW - terrorism RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 237 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w24 T3 - Etudes africaines SN - 2-343-08798-9 pbk AV - AFRIKA 50360 Y2 - 2016/06/14/ M3 - 402500164 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2289 T1 - Season of crimson blossoms A1 - Ibrahim,Abubakar Adam Y1 - 2016/// KW - Hausa KW - Nigeria KW - novels (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 313 CY - [Abuja] PB - Cassava Republic Press U2 - w24 SN - 1-911115-00-6 AV - AFRIKA Lit.10305 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 401532593 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2290 T1 - The impact of internal conict on customary institutions and law : the case of Uganda A1 - Quinn,Joanna R. Y1 - 2015/// KW - conflict resolution KW - customary courts KW - customary law KW - political conflicts KW - transitional justice KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 220 EP - 236 JA - Journal of African Law: (2015), vol.59, no.2, p.220-236. VL - 59 IS - 2 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Customary institutions are used successfully in some Ugandan communities, but not in others. There may be several explanations for this. First, the nature of social institutions clearly changes over time; it is likely that the utility of traditional practices has also changed accordingly. Secondly, the presence of protracted civil conflict in various parts of the country has altered the manner in which people are able to live and deal with conflict. Thirdly, the scope of conflict may have caused traditions to become dislocated or modified beyond any recognizable or useful form, which may have caused traditional mechanisms to become less useful or entirely obsolete. Fourthly, societies in Uganda are stratified very differently; this organization has had a major role to play in whether and how such mechanisms are used. Fifthly, the homogeneity of the population could be a key factor in whether, and whose, "traditions" are used in a given community. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Hf;D2;F1 M3 - 404050212 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0021855315000042 ER - TY - ADVS ID - 2291 T1 - The return of a king to Seychelles A1 - Agyeman-Duah,Ivor Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Accompanying booklet of the same title by Ivor Agyeman-Duah is a companion to the film Originally produced in Ghana as a motion picture in 2015 Disc characteristics: DVD KW - Ashanti KW - colonial history KW - commemorations KW - documentary films (form) KW - Ghana KW - monarchy KW - Seychelles KW - videos (form) RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Accra PB - Centre for Intellectual Renewal U2 - w24 N2 - Video documents the visit of Asante king Otumfuo Osei Tutu II to the Seychelles to commemorate the imprisonment and exile of of the Asante royal family to the Seychelles by the British at the turn of the 20th century AV - AFRIKA AVM1696 Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 403863910 L3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMhyfOFLUCg ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2292 T1 - De l'Oubangui … la Centrafrique : la construction d'un espace national A1 - LachŠse,Marie Christine A1 - LachŠse,Bernard Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 324-332. - Met bijl., index, noten KW - 1890-1899 KW - Central African Republic KW - colonial conquest KW - colonization KW - expeditions KW - history RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 343 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w24 T3 - Collection Histoire africaine SN - 2-343-05854-7 pbk AV - AFRIKA 50336 Y2 - 2016/06/14/ M3 - 403863856 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2293 T1 - Der Regenwurm und sein Onkel : M„rchen aus Benin : Quellen und Kommentare A1 - Tokponto,Mensah Wekenon Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 185-188. - Met noten KW - Benin KW - folk tales KW - folk tales (form) KW - literary criticism KW - storytelling RP - NOT IN FILE EP - III, 188 CY - Berlin PB - Lit U2 - w24 T3 - Narrating (hi)stories, Kultur und Geschichte in Afrika ; 1 SN - 3-643-12893-2 pbk. AV - AFRIKA 50311 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 402229819 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2294 T1 - Queen of flowers and pearls : a novel A1 - Ghermandi,Gabriella A1 - Bellesia,Giovanna A1 - Poletto,Victoria Offredi Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Translated from the Italian Met noten KW - colonialism KW - Ethiopia KW - family KW - Italy KW - novels (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XV, 270 CY - Bloomington, IN PB - Indiana University Press U2 - w24 T3 - Global African voices N2 - Mahlet, a young Ethiopian girl with a gift for storytelling, has a special bond with Yacob, the oldest in her household. When Yacob tells her stories of how he and the other warriors fought in the resistance against the Italian occupation of Ethiopia, Mahlet vows to become the keeper and teller of her family's stories. From the time of Menelik to the present, Mahlet's long voyage through time and space links thousands of stories between Africa and Europe. Intensely personal, this powerful and beautifully narrated novel tells the story of the Italian occupation of Ethiopia as well as of others around the globe who have suffered under colonialism or have been forcibly exiled from their homelands SN - 0-253-01546-4 AV - AFRIKA Lit.10299 Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 402214897 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2295 T1 - Nelson Mandela A1 - Bundy,Colin Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Met index, noten KW - African National Congress (South Africa) KW - biographies (form) KW - political action KW - political prisoners KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 159 CY - Auckland Park PB - Jacana U2 - w24 T3 - Jacana pocket series SN - 1-431-42203-7 AV - AFRIKA 50244 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 402210999 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2296 T1 - A discussion of some aspects of the regimes for the regulation of insider dealing in South Africa and the United States of America A1 - Kawadza,Herbert Y1 - 2015/// KW - commercial crimes KW - commercial law KW - crime prevention KW - financial market KW - securities KW - South Africa KW - United States RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 380 EP - 394 JA - Journal of African Law: (2015), vol.59, no.2, p.380-394. VL - 59 IS - 2 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Global regulators acknowledge the negative economic impact linked to insider dealing and have devised diverse regulatory frameworks aimed at minimizing its prevalence. Although their strategies differ, policy-makers realise that, with the inevitable internationalization of securities markets, the probability of cross-border insider trading escalates. With a view to providing a platform for regulatory re-examination and reform, this article discusses the divergent approaches that the United States and South Africa have adopted to counter the challenge of pervasive insider dealing. A paradox manifested with the US experience is that, while its theoretical prohibition of insider dealing is widely criticized as inadequate and inconsistent, robust enforcement has nonetheless led to strong institutions and a superior financial markets regime. The article concludes that the attainment of safer financial markets does not depend on the mere existence of superior proscriptions. Rather, it is the effective supervision of the sector and robust enforcement of those laws that enhance deterrence and ensure compliance. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Kf;E3;F1 M3 - 402134885 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0021855315000145 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2297 T1 - The place of the "minimum core approach" in the realisation of the entrenched socio-economic rights in the 2010 Kenyan constitution A1 - Wasonga Orago,Nicholas Y1 - 2015/// KW - 2010 KW - constitutions KW - Kenya KW - social and economic rights RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 237 EP - 270 JA - Journal of African Law: (2015), vol.59, no.2, p.237-270. VL - 59 IS - 2 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The high levels of poverty, inequality and socio-economic marginalisation that bedevilled Kenya for generations led to a struggle for a new constitutional dispensation, which culminated in the promulgation of a new, egalitarian and transformative constitution in August 2010. This constitution entrenched justiciable socio-economic rights within an elaborate Bill of Rights. Though an important step in the process of the egalitarian transformation of the country, the challenge remains to transform these precepts into practice with their scrupulous implementation through legislative, policy and programmatic frameworks, as well as judicial decision-making. This article argues that, in order to achieve the intended egalitarian transformation, Kenya must adopt a strong interpretive approach, with sufficient foundational standards for the translation of these rights into tangible realities for Kenyans. Kenya must therefore explicitly adopt a minimum core approach for the realisation of these rights to transform them into practical realities for the poor, vulnerable and marginalised Kenyans. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Hc;F1 M3 - 402134877 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0021855315000121 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2298 T1 - Social protection afforded to irregular migrant workers : thoughts on the Southern Africa Development Community (with emphasis on Botswana and South Africa) A1 - Van Eck,Bruno Paul Stefan A1 - Snyman,Felicia Y1 - 2015/// KW - Botswana KW - international agreements KW - SADC KW - social conditions KW - social security KW - South Africa KW - undocumented migrants RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 294 EP - 316 JA - Journal of African Law: (2015), vol.59, no.2, p.294-316. VL - 59 IS - 2 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The majority of migrant workers target those countries in southern Africa that have stronger economies. Irregular migrants are in a particularly vulnerable position, and this article discusses the protection that this category of persons may expect to experience in the southern African region. It traverses the international, continental and regional instruments providing protection to irregular migrants, and considers the constitutional and legislative frameworks in relation to social protection in Botswana and South Africa. The article concludes by recommending that the broader notion of "social protection", rather than the narrower concept of "social security", should be emphasized. Job creation programmes are essential. It suggests that the advantages of the free movement of people in the region should be explored and encouraged. The article also supports the notion that a regional policy that seeks to balance the flow of migrants in the Southern African Development Community should be adopted. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Ka;C6 M3 - 402134869 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S002185531500011X ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2299 T1 - The participation of the "amicus curiae" institution in human rights litigation in Botswana and South Africa : a tale of two jurisdictions A1 - Jonas,Obonye Y1 - 2015/// KW - Botswana KW - courts KW - human rights KW - lawsuits KW - legal procedure KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 329 EP - 354 JA - Journal of African Law: (2015), vol.59, no.2, p.329-354. VL - 59 IS - 2 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - It has become a standard feature of litigation for amici to appear before courts, acting as the vindicator of rights for the politically powerless and marginalized. Their appearance has thus contributed to the promotion and protection of human rights before municipal courts and international tribunals. They have done this through the submission of briefs that seek to broaden perspectives of cases and by advancing innovative legal and factual viewpoints, thus assisting the courts in reaching appropriate conclusions. In Botswana, amicus curiae participation is still at a nascent stage. This is largely due to inflexible rules of standing and the general lack of knowledge of the potential usefulness of the institution by the judiciary. This article argues that, to enhance amicus participation in litigation, thereby enhancing the epistemological quality of its public law jurisprudence, Botswana must pay close attention to the practices and experiences of South Africa where amicus participation has resulted in the phenomenal growth of constitutional jurisprudence. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Kf;Kc;F1 M3 - 402134850 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0021855315000108 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2300 T1 - Understanding chieftainship in Botswana : the status and powers of chiefs in present day Botswana A1 - Ifezue,Godsglory O. Y1 - 2015/// KW - Botswana KW - chieftaincy KW - political change KW - social change RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 271 EP - 293 JA - Journal of African Law: (2015), vol.59, no.2, p.271-293. VL - 59 IS - 2 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article seeks to provide a critical analysis and understanding of the institution of chieftainship in Botswana. It looks at the institution of chieftainship starting from before colonization, right through colonization to the present day, post-colonization. It will be observed that interference with the institution started from colonization and continues to the present day. Consequently, the article weaves a discussion of the justification for such interference through an analysis of the status and powers of chiefs during colonization and their status post-colonization. The chiefs' reaction to the encroachment is also covered, for the chiefs were not simply passive and co-operative while their powers were being taken away. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Kc;C2 M3 - 402134842 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0021855315000157 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2301 T1 - In, out or at the gate? : the predicament on Eritrea's membership and participation status in IGAD A1 - Andemariam,Senai W. Y1 - 2015/// KW - Eritrea KW - international agreements KW - international law KW - international organizations RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 355 EP - 379 JA - Journal of African Law: (2015), vol.59, no.2, p.355-379. VL - 59 IS - 2 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - On 27 April 2007 Eritrea notified the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) of its decision to "temporarily suspend its membership" and "freeze its activities" in IGAD, followed on 25 July 2011 by its decision to "reactivate its membership". On 24 August 2011 Eritrea's representative to the IGAD Council of Ministers meeting in Addis Ababa was informed that he could not sit in the meeting and was escorted out. Eritrea's representatives have not attended IGAD meetings since. The incident raises the important question of what should be done in the absence of an IGAD rule regulating unilateral temporary suspension and reactivation of membership. The answer should be based on a clear understanding of the laws and practices of withdrawal, suspension, expulsion, membership reactivation and rejoining international/regional organizations. This article discusses how the stalemate regarding Eritrea's status in IGAD should be handled by reference to such laws and practices, and the rules in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties governing the interpretation of treaties. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Dh;F2 M3 - 402134826 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0021855315000091 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2302 T1 - Accountability in Northern Uganda : understanding the conflict, the parties and the false dichotomies in international criminal law and transitional justice A1 - McKnight,Janet Y1 - 2015/// KW - conflict resolution KW - international criminal law KW - Lord's Resistance Army KW - offences against human rights KW - rebellions KW - transitional justice KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 193 EP - 219 JA - Journal of African Law: (2015), vol.59, no.2, p.193-219. VL - 59 IS - 2 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The conflict in northern Uganda presents a unique study in comparing international, domestic and traditional responses to justice and stability amid prolonged conflict. This article explains the colonial and political background of the country and the emergence of the parties to the fighting, and describes the violations of international humanitarian and human rights law committed by all armed groups. It examines the various responses to these violations, focusing on Uganda's Amnesty Act, International Criminal Court indictments, the Juba peace talks, and traditional conflict resolution and reconciliation ceremonies, and explores how these mechanisms for negotiating peace and instilling justice are facilitating or interfering with each other. Overall, it attempts to discover how this interplay between international idealism, regional and national politics, cultural influences and logistical feasibility not only presents important lessons concerning the conflict in Uganda, but also reflects and informs false dichotomies in international criminal law and transitional justice. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Hf;D2;F1 M3 - 402134818 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S002185531500008X ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2303 T1 - Judicial answer to the application of a market level adjuster and the broad construction of a complaint under the South African Pension Funds Act A1 - Mhango,Mtendeweka Y1 - 2015/// KW - jurisdiction KW - jurisprudence KW - pensions KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 317 EP - 328 JA - Journal of African Law: (2015), vol.59, no.2, p.317-328. VL - 59 IS - 2 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The jurisdiction of the Adjudicator is one of the most litigated and academically debated subjects in modern pension law in South Africa. This article adds to the debate by discussing a recent case decided by the Supreme Court of Appeal in Mungal. In this case, the court construed the Adjudicator's jurisdiction broadly and, in the process, made some important pronouncements which warrant academic commentary. The article argues that Mungal should be welcomed because it clarified that the Adjudicator has jurisdiction to determine disputes against insurers of underwritten pension fund organizations. The author maintains that, by construing the Adjudicator's jurisdiction broadly, the court empowered the Adjudicator to achieve its mandate of disposing of complaints in a procedurally fair, economical and expeditious manner, and to extend services to lay complainants. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Kf;F1 M3 - 40213480X L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0021855315000078 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2304 T1 - "I want to follow Kwaku" : the construction of self and home by unfree children in the Gold Coast, c. 1941 A1 - Cammaert,Jessica V. Y1 - 2015/// KW - Burkina Faso KW - children KW - Ghana KW - identity KW - slaves RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 373 EP - 388 JA - The Journal of African History: (2015), vol.56, no.3, p.373-388. VL - 56 IS - 3 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Scholars of children and migration have recently turned their attention to how children mediate home and belonging, especially through contradictory or challenging circumstances. For unfree children in Africa, challenging circumstances of sale or debt-bondage pose particular difficulties. Despite what historians of slavery have noted of their adaptability for survival, questions remain about how the unfree child constructs self, home, and belonging when transferred over long distances, and when age and size precludes running away as a strategy for survival or return. This article focuses on the transcript involving the testimonies of three young, unfree girls transacted in 1930 and redeemed through a district court of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast in 1941. Though their testimonies are provided within the arena of a male, colonial district court, Atawa, Kibadu, and Abnofo reveal how their treatment, duration of bondage, and geographical and cultural distance shaped their constructions of self, home, and belonging. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Ff;L3 M3 - 402134672 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S002185371500050X ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2305 T1 - The unaccountable census : colonial enumeration and its implications for the Somali people of Kenya A1 - Weitzberg,Keren Y1 - 2015/// KW - censuses KW - colonial history KW - Kenya KW - Somalians RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 409 EP - 428 JA - The Journal of African History: (2015), vol.56, no.3, p.409-428. VL - 56 IS - 3 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - In 2010, the Kenyan government annulled national census results due to concerns that Somalis in the country had been over-counted. This article traces the genesis of this recent demographic dispute, which held important implications for the distribution of political power. It shows that African leaders inherited long-standing practices laid down by the colonial state, which was unable to obtain a reliable count of the number of people in Kenya or render its Somali subjects into a countable, traceable population. In regions where expansive Somali networks had long predated British rule, colonial authorities only loosely enforced the concept of a permanent population. By yielding to this reality, colonial officials developed governance techniques that should not be mistakenly portrayed as state "failures". These policies call into question the applicability of James C. Scott's concept of "legibility" to Kenya. They also suggest that recent demographic controversies cannot be reductively blamed on "illegal" immigration. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Hc;L3 M3 - 402134664 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S002185371500033X ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2306 T1 - "Lucum¡", "Terranova", and the origins of the Yoruba nation A1 - Lovejoy,Henry B. A1 - Ojo,Olatunji Y1 - 2015/// KW - ethnic identity KW - etymology KW - Nigeria KW - slave trade KW - Yoruba RP - NOT IN FILE JA - The Journal of African History: (2015), vol.56, no.3, p.353-372 : krt., tab. VL - 56 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The etymology of "Lucum¡" and "Terranova", ethnonyms used to describe Yoruba-speaking people during the Atlantic slave trade, helps to reconceptualize the origins of a Yoruba nation. While there is general agreement that "Lucum¡" refers to the Yoruba in diaspora, the origin of the term remains unclear. The authors argue "Lucum¡" was first used in the Benin kingdom as early as the fifteenth century, as revealed through the presence of Olukumi communities involved in chalk production. The Benin and Portuguese slave trade extended the use of "Lucum¡" to the Americas. As this trade deteriorated by 1550, "Terranova" referred to slaves captured west of Benin's area of influence, hence "new land". By the eighteenth century, "Nago" had replaced "Lucum¡", while the "Slave Coast" had substituted "Terranova" as terms of reference. This etymology confirms the collective identification of "Yoruba" and helps trace the evolution of a transnational identity. App., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Fn;L2 M3 - 402134656 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0021853715000328 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2307 T1 - Africanising Apartheid : identity, ideology, and state-building in post-independence Africa A1 - Miller,Jamie Y1 - 2015/// KW - apartheid KW - international politics KW - South Africa KW - State formation RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 449 EP - 470 JA - The Journal of African History: (2015), vol.56, no.3, p.449-470 : foto's. VL - 56 IS - 3 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Between 1968 and 1975, the leaders of white South Africa reached out to independent African leaders. Scholars have alternately seen these counterintuitive campaigns as driven by a quest for regional economic hegemony, divide-and-rule realpolitik, or a desire to ingratiate the regime with the West. This article instead argues that the South African government's outreach was intended to energise a top-down recalibration of the ideology of Afrikaner nationalism, as the regime endeavoured to detach its apartheid programme from notions of colonialist racial supremacy, and instead reach across the colour line and lay an equal claim to the power and protection of African nationalism. These diplomatic manoeuvrings, therefore, serve as a prism through which to understand important shifts in state identity, ideological renewal, and the adoption of new state-building models. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Kf;D1 M3 - 402134648 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0021853715000316 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2308 T1 - Socialism on safari : wildlife and nation-building in postcolonial Tanzania, 1966-77 A1 - Weiskopf,Julie M. Y1 - 2015/// KW - international politics KW - nation building KW - political history KW - Tanzania KW - wildlife protection RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 429 EP - 447 JA - The Journal of African History: (2015), vol.56, no.3, p.429-447 : tab. VL - 56 IS - 3 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article examines the fraught history of officials' innovative uses of wildlife in socialist Tanzania, as they pursued both international and domestic agendas with the country's wild fauna. Internationally, officials sought to enhance Tanzania's reputation and gain foreign support through its conservation policies and diplomatic use of wild animals. Domestically, officials recognized the utility of wildlife for a number of nation-building agendas, ranging from national identity to economic development. However, internal contradictions riddled the wildlife economy, creating difficulty for government officials and party leaders when balancing socialist commitments with an effective, market-driven industry. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - He;D2;J2 M3 - 40213463X L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0021853715000341 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2309 T1 - Narratives on trial : ideology, violence and the struggle over political legitimacy in the case of the Delmas Treason Trial, 1985-1989 A1 - Rueedi,Franziska Y1 - 2015/// KW - 1980-1989 KW - African National Congress (South Africa) KW - anti-apartheid resistance KW - South Africa KW - treason KW - trials KW - United Democratic Front RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 335 EP - 355 JA - South African Historical Journal: (2015), vol.67, no.3, p.335-355. VL - 67 IS - 3 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The insurrectionary period of the mid-1980s in South Africa reflected contestations between supporters of the anti-apartheid movement and the apartheid regime over the direction and pace of political and social change, symbolising the deepening crisis of political legitimacy of the South African regime. In three major treason trials, the state attempted to legitimise repression and delegitimise extra-parliamentary opposition by portraying it as revolutionary and violent. The largest and longest running of the three treason trials was the Delmas Treason Trial, in which the state aimed to prove that the United Democratic Front (UDF) had conspired with the African National Congress (ANC) in exile and other organisations to overthrow the government by violence. In response, lawyers for the defence divorced protest action from the ideology and strategies of the banned liberation movements and depoliticised collective violence. Both the prosecution and the defence therefore linked political legitimacy to the absence of violence. Based on the extensive records of the Delmas Treason Trial, the article examines the production of these two narratives. It argues that legal imperatives and political concerns flattened the complexity of political engagements and the plurality of experiences in court. The discursive construction of the events during the trial silenced the voices of women activists, the ANC underground as well as militant youth groups. The article examines these gaps, silences and biases to shed new light on how the records of the Delmas Treason Trial can be used for historical research. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Kf;L3 M3 - 402132165 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02582473.2015.1092573 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2310 T1 - Shifting grounds : A.I. Kajee and the political quandary of 'moderates' in the search for an Islamic school site in Durban, 1943-1948 A1 - Vahed,Goolam A1 - Waetjen,Thembisa Y1 - 2015/// KW - Indians KW - Islamic education KW - Natal Indian Congress KW - schools KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 316 EP - 334 JA - South African Historical Journal: (2015), vol.67, no.3, p.316-334. VL - 67 IS - 3 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article examines the attempts in the 1940s of A.I. Kajee and the Orient Islamic Educational Institute to secure a site for a world-class, modern boarding school for Muslim children in Durban. While the Institute would eventually build a school in 1959 that fell far short of its original vision, their struggles highlight several key issues related to Indian minority politics and the racialised South African state in the 1940s. In a context where anti-apartheid historiography is dominated by those aligned to Congress traditions, this article explores the motivations and actions of 'accommodationists', who sought concessions from the state through conciliation at a time when their relationship with the central state conceded ground to rising populist politics around white fears of 'Indian penetration'. Kajee's increasingly frustrated efforts to employ a once-successful cooperative strategy reveal the uneven course of change in the ideologies of racial rule in South Africa, from an incorporationist imperial paternalism to an expulsory race nationalism. The case also exposes competing interests between the different levels of government in the quest for a unified white nation-state, with pressure for segregation more virulent at local level than articulated by the Smutsian cabinet. It offers insight into the experiences of leaders whose basis of authority in politics, rooted in a tradition of patronage, was waning. Struggles for civic recognition were moving towards an emergent new leadership of professionals and trade unionists, who increasingly garnered support from a nascent urban working class. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Kf;L3 M3 - 402132157 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02582473.2015.1081972 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2311 T1 - Different tracks : ambiguities in the development nexus of coal and rail in the Eastern Cape, 1880-1910 A1 - Gibbs,Pat Y1 - 2015/// KW - coal mining KW - economic history KW - rail transport KW - South Africa KW - The Cape RP - NOT IN FILE JA - South African Historical Journal: (2015), vol.67, no.3, p.293-315 : graf., krt., tab. VL - 67 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article analyses the rise and decline of the Stormberg coal fields situated in the north-eastern Cape colony at the turn of the nineteenth century. These coalfields existed within and were driven by a regional nexus that included the expanding new Cape railway and diamonds (at Kimberley). Indeed, throughout the British Empire, the railway was arguably the single greatest factor in the extension of Victorian capitalism revolutionising transport, communication, urbanisation and economic growth. Entrepreneurial capital had established the town of Molteno in 1874 and by 1884, the eastern railway line reached Molteno. By 1892, the town was linked to Kimberley. As the chief market for coal, the railway brought progress to the region. However, tensions between its own imperatives and those of mining capital led to the steady decline of the mines. In 1908, the Rand gold mines' demand for labour led to their final demise. Yet, little or nothing is known about this aspect of South Africa's mineral revolution and even less about its relationship with the railway. This article will examine the intersection between the rise and fall of the Stormberg mines and the economic imperatives of the Cape Government Railway between 1880 and 1910. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Kf;L3 M3 - 402132149 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02582473.2015.1075061 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2312 T1 - Abbot Pfanner, the Glen Grey Act and the Native Question A1 - Denis,Philippe Y1 - 2015/// KW - indigenous peoples KW - land tenure KW - missions KW - native reserves KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 271 EP - 292 JA - South African Historical Journal: (2015), vol.67, no.3, p.271-292. VL - 67 IS - 3 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - In November 1893 Franz Pfanner, a Catholic missionary born in Austria, founder of the Trappist monastery of Mariannhill near Pinetown, sent to two Natal newspapers an article on the Native Question which attracted a fair amount of attention. A more elaborate version of his proposals was published the following year in the form of a pamphlet. Pfanner recommended the establishment of villages in Natal for African people where each of them would receive a plot to build a house and do agricultural work. In May and again in July 1894, 'The Natal Witness' compared Pfanner's article on the Native Question to the Cape Labour Commission's report and to the Glen Grey Act, two attempts at dealing with the issues of land and labour in the Cape Colony. The paper shows that, while affirming the equality of all races and resisting the idea, expressed in the Glen Grey Act, that Africans should be sent far from home to respond to the labour needs of the colony, Pfanner believed that, once trained in the monastery's industrial and agricultural schools, the African converts of his mission station would adapt to colonial life and contribute to the economic development of the colony. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Kf;L3 M3 - 402132130 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02582473.2015.1094122 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2313 T1 - 'The magna hibernia' : Irish diplomatic missions to South Africa, 1921 A1 - Reilly,Ciaran Y1 - 2015/// KW - 1920-1929 KW - diasporas KW - diplomacy KW - international relations KW - Ireland KW - Irish KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 255 EP - 270 JA - South African Historical Journal: (2015), vol.67, no.3, p.255-270. VL - 67 IS - 3 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - In 1921, during the height of the Irish War of Independence, two Irish diplomats were sent to South Africa as representatives of the Provisional government or Dail ireann. Colonel Maurice Moore and Patrick Little's missions coincided with the zenith of the Irish Republican Association of South Africa (IRASA), a group who had more than 13 branches located throughout the country. The primary motive behind the visit of the Irish envoys was to influence the stance which Jan Christian Smuts would take at the Imperial Conference in London in June of that year. While on the one hand Moore would open up discussions with Smuts and other South African politicians, Little on the other, toured the country informing the Irish diaspora of the situation in Ireland. Moreover, his presence and speeches also pushed the so-called 'Irish question' into South African affairs, if only briefly. Determined to maintain his influence internally, Smuts responded by undertaking a personal visit to Dublin and actively played a role in the Anglo-Irish Treaty negotiations. The visit of Moore and Little, and by extension the role of the IRASA and Smuts, offers a transnational perspective of the Irish revolution. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Kf;D4 M3 - 402132122 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02582473.2015.1074269 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2314 T1 - Telling the Sudanese story in Athens through a gender lens A1 - Leontsini,Mary A1 - Lyberaki,Antigone Y1 - 2015/// KW - Greece KW - identity KW - immigrants KW - Sudanese KW - women RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 226 EP - 240 JA - African Identities: (2015), vol.13, no.3, p.226-240. VL - 13 IS - 3 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article analyses the part that gender negotiations are playing in the making of Sudanese identity in Athens at the beginning of the twenty-first century. In an attempt to define the Sudanese version of the Athenian story, Sudanese men and women who undertake collective action rework differentiate them from newcomers and other Africans. The vindication of Arabness requires boundary work in which women and men perform different tasks in order to get recognition and elaborate their mobility story. The positioning of the Sudanese in the ethnic constellation of Athens is made possible through a gendered division of symbolic and material labor that takes place within the frame of the Sudanese Women's Association. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 402131452 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2015.1074539 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2315 T1 - Re-writing history in the literature of the Ethiopian diaspora in Italy A1 - Marzagora,Sara Y1 - 2015/// KW - diasporas KW - Ethiopians KW - Italian language KW - Italy KW - literary criticism KW - novels RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 211 EP - 225 JA - African Identities: (2015), vol.13, no.3, p.211-225. VL - 13 IS - 3 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The paper offers an overview of the Italian-language literary production by diasporic writers of Ethiopian origin, focusing in particular on Gabriella Ghermandi's 2007 novel 'Regina di fiori e di perle' ('Queen of flowers and pearls'). This output will be contextualized within the field of Italian postcolonial and 'migrant' literature, which emerged in the 1990s but has yet to receive a proper recognition in Italian academic circles. The exploration of themes such as conflicting identities and multiple belongings is grounded, for Italophone postcolonial writers, in Italy's inability to critically process its colonial past, and has therefore a prominent historical dimension. The paper will analyse in particular how 'Regina di fiori e di perle' rewrites the historiography of Italian colonialism in the Horn of Africa, and how it engages with earlier literary representations of this history. Central to Ghermandi's literary project is the attempt to create a historical identity able to preserve difference, and contrast forceful assimilationist attempts, but at the same time also able to accommodate similarities, and fight against an essentialization of that difference. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 402131444 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2015.1074538 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2316 T1 - Shifting race and class in student construction of identities at a South African university A1 - Singh,Tasmeera A1 - Bhana,Deevia Y1 - 2015/// KW - class relations KW - identity KW - race relations KW - South Africa KW - students RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 199 EP - 210 JA - African Identities: (2015), vol.13, no.3, p.199-210. VL - 13 IS - 3 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The changing social and economic condition in South Africa has resulted in the rising number of middle-class Africans. These changing class dynamics have also seen the changes in the higher education environment, ensuring the intake of more African students into university. Race and class continues to mark student identity construction which has implications for social cohesion. This paper discusses how class troubles an essentialist construction of student racialised identities. The authors argue that whilst there are shifts in student relations fuelled by the changing class dynamics in society, there are also continuities - and yet these continuities do not proliferate in homogenous ways. The paper discusses the construction of African student identities and the role that class plays in marginalising same-race relations within the higher education environment. Class is illuminated through the urban/rural divide, the role of language and through a discourse of taste. This paper focuses on the constructions of a select group of African students who come from working-class and middle-class backgrounds at a South African institution situated at the nexus of social transformation. The analysis draws attention to class, and the subversion of power relations and hegemonic practices through the mobilisation of agency in students' talk and action. This paper is important in highlighting changing student relations fuelled by the changing class dynamics and their implications for social cohesion. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 402131436 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2015.1074537 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2317 T1 - Whitelier than white? : inversions of the racial gaze in white Zimbabwean writing A1 - Tagwirei,Cuthbeth A1 - de Kock,Leon Y1 - 2015/// KW - identity KW - literary criticism KW - literature KW - Whites KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 184 EP - 198 JA - African Identities: (2015), vol.13, no.3, p.184-198. VL - 13 IS - 3 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article looks at inscriptions of whiteness in selected white Zimbabwean narratives. Through a reading of Andrea Eames' The Cry of the Go-Away Bird' (2011), Alexandra Fuller's 'Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight' (2003) and John Eppel's 'Absent: the English Teacher' (2009), the argument proposes that white Zimbabwean narratives situate whiteness within the context of change and marginality in Zimbabwe. The narratives deal with experiences of change and apprehensions of lived reality marked by the transfer of power from white minority to black majority rule. The authors' reading of 'The Cry of the Go-Away Bird' examines how whiteness in the postcolonial Zimbabwean state is perceived through an outsider's gaze, resulting in a kind of double consciousness within the (racialized, white) subject of the gaze. It is argued that the text depicts whites as torn between two unreconciled streams of possibility, reinforcing their sense of alienation. Fuller's 'Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight' represents whiteness as a thoroughly ephemeral experience. The meaning of whiteness is mediated through perpetual physical movement as whites travel from one point to another. Eppel's 'Absent: the English Teacher' affords a rethinking of whiteness as an unstable form of identity contingent on historical and political factors. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 402131428 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2015.1023256 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2318 T1 - Remembering my whiteness/imagining my African-ness A1 - D'amant,Antoinette Y1 - 2015/// KW - identity KW - self-concept KW - South Africa KW - Whites RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 173 EP - 183 JA - African Identities: (2015), vol.13, no.3, p.173-183 : ill. VL - 13 IS - 3 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article comprises of reflections on an artwork created during a research exercise using visual methodologies to explore various aspects of identity within the context of autobiographical studies. It interrogates aspects of meaning and identity as a white person in post-apartheid South Africa and post-colonial Africa and traces the author's journey of critical reflection through an interactive process where the visual text, research on predominant theorists in areas related to the white hegemonic gaze, and collaborative comment of colleagues revealed embedded commentary and cultural critique. The author's critical reflections about notions of representation, appropriation, colonialism, essentializing discourses, postmodernism and hybridity are included in this article. Throughout these reflections emerged the constant need to be mindful of not reinforcing whiteness as normative and to be aware of forms of moral distancing and moral superiority. Such critical self-reflection is vital to the author's roles as teacher educator and researcher within the discipline of social justice in education. Although often uncomfortable, the author confronts and remembers her privileged racial identity, fashioned in a divided and exclusive past. She considers what it is she has become and what it is she no longer want to be, and has the audacity of spirit to imagine and reposition herself beyond her white socialization. She recognizes and struggles for the possibility of new frames of understanding and new identities, new social spaces and new communities, beyond the historical differences which keep up separated and alienated. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 40213141X L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2015.1023257 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2319 T1 - jRefonder l'‚cole marocaine et renforcer la comp‚titivit‚ de l'universit‚ : pourquoi et comment? A1 - Chkili,Taieb Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [319]-325. - Met bijl KW - educational reform KW - Morocco KW - research KW - universities RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 357 CY - Casablanca PB - ditions la Crois‚e des Chemins U2 - w24 SN - 978-995-410532-0 AV - AFRIKA 49999 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 401576329 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2320 T1 - Struggles for good governance and livelihood security : a study of the Ghana school feeding programme in Tamale Metropolitan district A1 - Lammers,Mariska Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Thesis submitted for the Research Masters African Studies Leiden University African Studies Centre Bibliogr.: p. 93-102. - Met bijl., noten, samenvatting KW - Ghana KW - school meals KW - theses (form) RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [S.l. PB - s.n.] U1 - Free access. U2 - w24 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/06/17/ M3 - 404012949 L3 - http://www.asclibrary.nl/docs/404012949.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2321 T1 - "Got to keep on moving" : roots and routes of the musical construction of the promised land negotiating narratives of place and identity through Reggae music A1 - Mattavelli,Enrica Y1 - 2014/// N1 - MA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MA African Studies, Leiden University Bibliogr.: p. 80. - Met noten, samenvatting KW - Ethiopia KW - identity KW - music KW - Rastafari KW - social distance KW - theses (form) RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [S.l.] PB - Leiden University U1 - Free access. U2 - w24 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/06/17/ M3 - 404012442 L3 - http://www.asclibrary.nl/docs/404012442.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2322 T1 - Die vrou wat alleen bly : twee draaiboeke A1 - Schoeman,Karel Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bevat: Vrou wat alleen bly -- Hi‚r was huise, hi‚r 'n pad KW - drama (form) KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 197 CY - Pretoria PB - Protea Boekhuis U2 - w24 SN - 1-485-30184-X AV - AFRIKA Lit.10276 Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 402210832 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2323 T1 - Technical efficiency and productivity of primary schools in Uganda Technical efficiency and productivity of primary schools in Uganda A1 - Yawe,Bruno L. Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 35-37. - Met bijl., samenvatting KW - educational management KW - educational policy KW - primary education KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 43 CY - Nairobi PB - African Economic Research Consortium U2 - w24 T3 - AERC research paper ; 277 SN - 9966-02361-5 AV - AFRIKA Hc8299 Y2 - 2016/06/14/ M3 - 402097246 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2324 T1 - Private sector investment in Sierra Leone : an analysis of the macroeconomic determinants Characteristics and determinants of child labour in Cameroon A1 - Jalloh,Mohamed Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 36-38. - Met bijl KW - economic conditions KW - investments KW - private sector KW - Sierra Leone RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 44 CY - Nairobi PB - African Economic Research Consortium U2 - w24 T3 - AERC research paper ; 276 SN - 9966-02359-3 pbk AV - AFRIKA Hc8297 Y2 - 2016/06/14/ M3 - 402097009 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2325 T1 - An empirical assessment of old age support in sub-Saharan Africa : evidence from Ghana An empirical assessment of old age support in sub-Saharan Africa : evidence from Ghana A1 - Olayiwola,Wumi Kolawole A1 - Oyinloye,Olusanjo A1 - Akinrinola,S.Lekan Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 34-38. - Met bijl., noten KW - elderly KW - Ghana KW - livelihoods KW - social security RP - NOT IN FILE EP - IV, 52 CY - Nairobi PB - African Economic Research Consortium U2 - w24 T3 - AERC research paper ; 274 SN - 9966-02357-7 pbk AV - AFRIKA Hc8292 Y2 - 2016/06/14/ M3 - 401588165 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2326 T1 - Characteristics and determinants of child labour in Cameroon Characteristics and determinants of child labour in Cameroon A1 - Ndjanyou,Laurent A1 - Djienouassi,Sebastien Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 36-37 KW - Cameroon KW - child labour RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 46 CY - Nairobi PB - African Economic Research Consortium U2 - w24 T3 - AERC research paper ; 275 SN - 9966-02358-5 pbk AV - AFRIKA Hc8290 Y2 - 2016/06/14/ M3 - 401586413 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2327 T1 - Von Schelmen und Tatorten : von Literatur und Sprache : Festschrift fr Hans-Volker Gretschel A1 - Zappen-Thomson,Marianne A1 - Tesmer,Gertrud A1 - Gretschel,Hans Volker A1 - Baker,Anne Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten KW - festschrifts (form) KW - German language KW - Kenya KW - language instruction KW - literary criticism KW - literature KW - Namibia KW - South Africa KW - translation RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 177 CY - Windhoek PB - UNAM Press U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - In der vorliegenden Festschrift fr Hans-Volker Gretschel befassen sich seine ehemaligen KollegInnen mit Themen, die ihm besonders am Herzen liegen. Bernhard Jaumann leitet den ersten Teil, 'Von Schelmen und Tatorten', mit einer Geschichte ber einen ganz besonderen Schelmen ein, w„hrend sich Kira Schmidt mit der Wiederkehr der Schelme in llija Trojanows 'Der Weltensammler' befasst. Bruno Arich-Gerz setzt sich mit 'dem anderen Tatort' auseinander und Kathleen Thorpe schlieát den ersten Teil mit einer Untersuchung der Aspekte eines Schelmenromans in Daniel Kehlmanns 'Die Vermessung der Welt' ab. Den šbergang zum zweiten Teil, 'Von Literatur und Sprache', gestaltet Andreas Erb mit seinem sehr pers”nlichen Beitrag fr Volker Gretschel zu Uwe Timm. Anette Horn geht auf Schrift und ldentit„t in 'Siebenk„s' von Jean Paul ein, indes slch Peter Horn intensiv mit H”lderlin auseinandersetzt. Die 'Verortung der neuen Frau' in der Literatur, von lsabel dos Santos, geh”rt zu den Themenbereichen, fr die sich Volker Gretschel besonders interessiert. Carlotta von Maltzan hingegen untersucht das Konzept der Zielkultur beim šbersetzen aus deutsch-sdafrikanischer Perspektive. Unterbrochen wird der akademische Diskurs von Dieter Esslingers Allegorie, die gleichzeitig den Bogen von der Literatur zur Sprache spannt. Beate Gorny, Katrin Hlsk”tter, Rupprecht Baur und Christoph Chlosta legen ihre Untersuchung zu deutschen Sprichw”rtern in Namibia dar, Rolf Annas befasst sich mit dem Deutsch-Sein in Sdafrika und Julia Augart geht auf die Herausforderungen und Ergebnisse eines medialen DaF-projekts in Kenia ein. W„hrend Renate du Toit den Deutsch-als-Fremdsprache-Unterricht in Sdafrika kritisch unter die Lupe nimmt, schlieát Marianne Zappen-Thomson den Band ab mit der Frage, ob das šbersetzen tats„chlich keinen Platz im DaF-Unterricht in Namibia haben sollte. [Zusammenfassung aus Buch] SN - 99916-4231-5 AV - AFRIKA 49918 Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Ke;K1;K2 M3 - 401330680 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2328 T1 - A dystopian democracy : discourses on leadership failure and national transformation in Malawis urban public sphere A dystopian democracy : discourse on leadership failure and national transformation in Malawi's urban public sphere A1 - Hutton,Maurice Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Thesis Submitted for the Research Masters African Studies. Rijksuniversiteit Leiden Bibliogr.: p. 165-175 . - Met noten, samenvatting KW - democracy KW - leadership KW - Malawi KW - theses (form) RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [S.l. PB - s.n.] U1 - Free access. U2 - w24 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 404054412 L3 - http://www.asclibrary.nl/docs/404054412.pdf ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2329 T1 - Some perspectives on durability and change under modern African constitutions A1 - Fombad,Charles Manga Y1 - 2013/// KW - Africa KW - constitutional amendments KW - constitutions RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 382 EP - 413 JA - International journal of constitutional law: (2013), vol.11, no.2, p.382-413 : tab. VL - 11 IS - 2 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - A major cause of political and constitutional instability in post-independence Africa was the ease with which political leaders subverted constitutionalism by arbitrarily changing constitutions to suit their political agendas. During the constitutional reforms of the 1990s many provisions were introduced in most African constitutions aimed at limiting the ability of governments to abusively change constitutions. Because of the critical importance of controlling the process of constitutional change to entrenching constitutionalism, this paper attempts to critically examine and analyze some of the different control devices that have been introduced. The objective is to see to what extent they may help not only to promote constitutionalism but also enhance constitutional durability and stability. The first part considers why it is important for constitutional designers to include special procedures to regulate and control the constitutional amendment process. The second part examines the different amendment patterns in a number of selected African countries. The third part considers the practical implications of the various control devices in terms of their actual and potential impact on the nurturing and growth of constitutionalism on the continent. The paper concludes that although there has been some progress, more changes still need to be introduced to check the problem of arbitrary constitutional change in Africa. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 404051898 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1093/icon/mot001 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2330 T1 - The spillover effects of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow on the productivity of domestic firms : a case of Ethiopian manufacturing firms : a research paper presented A1 - Getachew,Ermias Shewangizaw Y1 - 2013/// N1 - In partial fulfillment of the requirements for obtaining the degree of Master of Arts in Development Studies : Specialization Economics of Development (ECD), Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Bibliogr.: p. 38-41. - Met bijl., noten, samenvatting KW - Ethiopia KW - foreign investments KW - industrial productivity KW - theses (form) RP - NOT IN FILE CY - The Hague PB - Institute of Social Studies U1 - Free access. U2 - w24 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/06/17/ M3 - 40401321X L3 - http://www.asclibrary.nl/docs/40401321X.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2331 T1 - Challenges of reducing under-five mortality : an analysis of contributing factors from the Nigerian context : a research paper A1 - Aderinwale,Esther Oluwafeyikemi Y1 - 2013/// N1 - In partial fulfilment of the requirements for obtaining the degree of Master of arts in Development Studies, Economics of Development, Erasmus University Met bibliogr., bijl., noten, samenvatting KW - child mortality KW - Nigeria KW - theses (form) RP - NOT IN FILE CY - The Hague PB - Institute of Social Studies U1 - Free access. U2 - w24 AV - Electronisch document Y2 - 2016/06/17/ M3 - 403926300 L3 - http://www.asclibrary.nl/docs/403926300.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2332 T1 - Patterns and trends of spatial income inequality and income polarization in Cameroon A1 - Njong,Aloysius Mom A1 - Pascale Meyet Tchouapi,Rosy Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 25-27. - Met bijl., noten, samenvatting KW - Cameroon KW - income distribution RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 33 CY - Nairobi PB - African Economic Research Consortium U2 - w24 T3 - AERC research paper ; 261 SN - 9966-02339-9 AV - AFRIKA Hc8298 Y2 - 2016/06/14/ M3 - 402097130 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2333 T1 - We have crossed many rivers : new poetry from Africa A1 - Okoro,Dike Y1 - 2012/// KW - Nigeria KW - poetry (form) RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Lagos [etc.] PB - Malthouse Press U1 - Free access. U2 - w24 T3 - Malthouse African poetry AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 402099745 L3 - http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=481909& site=ehost-live ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2334 T1 - Drawing the map of heaven : an African writer in America Drawing the map of heaven : an African writer in America A1 - Ojaide,Tanure Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Met index KW - immigrants KW - Nigerians KW - personal narratives (form) KW - United States RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Lagos [etc.] PB - Malthouse Press U1 - Restricted access. U2 - w24 T3 - Malthouse critical books SN - 978-84225-2-7 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 402099737 L3 - http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=481910& site=ehost-live ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2335 T1 - Stars of the long night : a novel Stars of the long night : a novel A1 - Ojaide,Tanure Y1 - 2012/// KW - Nigeria KW - novels (form) RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Lagos [etc.] PB - Malthouse Press U1 - Restricted access. U2 - w24 T3 - Malthouse African fiction SN - 978-84224-9-7 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 402099729 L3 - http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=481913& site=ehost-live ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2336 T1 - Le journaliste et les trois rois : entretiens A1 - Alaoui,Mustafa A1 - Boudarham,Mohamed Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 167. - Met noten Oorspr. verschenen in het Arabisch KW - journalists KW - monarchy KW - Morocco KW - personal narratives (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 167 CY - Rabat PB - Casa Express ditions [etc.] U2 - w24 N2 - Mustafa Alaoui, premier journaliste marocain ind‚pendant, raconte ici ses souvenirs professionnels mouvement‚s. Anecdotes et "scoops" c“toient des r‚v‚lations sur le Maroc contemporain depuis 1955. Plusieurs fois poursuivi, condamn‚ et emprisonn‚, il revient sur sa carriŠre et sur la chance dont il a b‚n‚fici‚ face … des ennemis puissants. Best-seller dans sa version originale parue en arabe au Maroc en 2011, Le journaliste et les trois rois r‚vŠle les ressorts et les dessous d'une soci‚t‚ en construction. Journaliste ind‚pendant et homme de presse courageux, Mustafa Alaoui a exerc‚ ses talents sous les rŠgnes successifs de Mohamed V, Hassan Il et Mohamed VI. Il a aussi crois‚ la route de nombreuses personnalit‚s aussi diverses que Mohamed Oufkir, Ahmed Dlimi, les dirigeants du Front Polisario, Abdelkrim el-Khattabi, Hafez el-Assad, Hosni Moubarak, Ahmed Ben Bella, Hubert Beuve-M‚ry, Jean Lacouture et Oum Kalsoum ... -- Publisher description SN - 2-350-74234-2 (paperpack) AV - AFRIKA 49996 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 401575691 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2337 T1 - African bills of rights in a comparative perspective A1 - Fombad,Charles Manga Y1 - 2011/// KW - Africa KW - Bill of Rights KW - constitutions KW - human rights RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 33 EP - 64 JA - Fundamina: (2011), vol.17, no.1, p.33-64 : tab. VL - 17 IS - 1 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - A constitutional bill of rights in many respects signals a countrys commitment to human rights protection. This paper examines, from a historical comparative perspective, the bills of rights in a number of selected African constitutions to see the extent to which, formally, they may help to promote respect for human rights. The paper starts by considering the concept of bill of rights and the historical context of human rights protection in African constitutional practice. The framework for the comparative analysis and the choice of countries used, reflect the linguistic, cultural and legal diversity of Africa. The main elements used in the comparison are the scope of rights recognised and protected in the bills of rights, their legal status, their justiciability and their relationship to international law. After highlighting some limitations as well as the advantages of such a comparative analysis, the paper concludes that such studies indicate that there is no perfect bill of rights and that countries can and should learn from the experiences of the other in a globalised and increasingly inter-dependent world. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 404054501 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2338 T1 - Oil wars in the Niger Delta 1849-2009 A1 - Tamuno,Tekena N. Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Met bijl., bibliogr., index KW - Igbo KW - militias KW - nationalism KW - Nigeria KW - Ogoni KW - petroleum industry RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XVIII, 338 CY - Ibadan PB - Stirling-Horden Publishers Ltd. U2 - w24 SN - 978-03-2362-7 AV - AFRIKA 50316 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 403959403 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2339 T1 - The British documents on the Sudan : 1940-1956 / Mamd li Uthmn li 13: 1954-1955 A1 - li,Mamd li Uthmn A1 - Woodward,Peter Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Engels en Arabische tekst Vol. 13 published in 2011; ISBN ontbreekt Met index KW - colonial administration KW - documents (form) KW - Great Britain KW - letters (form) KW - Sudan RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 104 CY - [Beirut] PB - Riad el-Rayyes Books U2 - w24 SN - 1-85513-457-8 set AV - AFRIKA 50044.13 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 402219082 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2340 T1 - La langue amazighe dans le systŠme ‚ducatif marocain Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Teksten in het Frans en Arabisch KW - Berber languages KW - languages of instruction KW - Morocco RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 90, 102 CY - [Rabat?] PB - Observatoire Amazigh des Droits et des Libert‚s (OADL) U2 - w24 T3 - Observatoire amazigh des droits et des libert‚s ; 3 AV - AFRIKA 49989 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 401574628 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2341 T1 - Žquatorialguinea : Entwicklung und Themen der spanischsprachigen Literatur Afrikas A1 - Hendel,Mischa G. Y1 - 2010/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 119-128. - Met noten KW - bibliographies (form) KW - Equatorial Guinea KW - literature KW - Spanish language KW - writers RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 128 CY - Saarbrcken PB - VDM Verlag Dr. Mller U2 - w24 SN - 3-639-22160-5 AV - AFRIKA 50342 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 403877288 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2342 T1 - The beauty I have seen : a trilogy A1 - Ojaide,Tanure Y1 - 2010/// N1 - Met noten KW - Nigeria KW - poetry (form) RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Lagos [etc.] PB - Malthouse Press Ltd. U1 - Restricted access. U2 - w24 T3 - Malthouse African poetry N2 - The beauty I have seen -- Doors of the forest & other poems -- Flow & other poems SN - 978-84222-9-2 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 402099788 L3 - http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=481915& site=ehost-live ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2343 T1 - Selected themes in the study of religions in Nigeria A1 - Onibere,S.G.A. A1 - Adogbo,Michael P. Y1 - 2010/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [153]-158. - Met index, noten KW - Nigeria KW - religious studies RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Lagos [etc.] PB - Malthouse press U1 - Restricted access. U2 - w24 SN - 978-978-84222-4-2 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 402099761 L3 - http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=481918& site=ehost-live ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2344 T1 - Issues in African literature A1 - Nnolim,Charles E. Y1 - 2010/// N1 - Oorspr. uitg.: 2009 Includes index, notes KW - Africa KW - literary history KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Lagos [etc.] PB - Malthouse Press Ltd. U1 - Restricted access. U2 - w24 SN - 978-978-84228-0-8 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 382390849 L3 - http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=481914& site=ehost-live ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2345 T1 - Protecting the tree or saving the forest? : a political analysis of the legal environment for NGOs in Uganda and an agenda for the future A1 - Larok,Arthur Y1 - 2009/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 38-40. - Met noten, samenvatting KW - legal reform KW - legal status KW - NGO KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 42 CY - Kampala PB - ActionAid International Uganda U2 - w24 SN - 9970-30006-7 AV - AFRIKA A12263 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 394471857 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2346 T1 - A tidy little war : the British invasion of Egypt, 1882 A1 - Wright,William Y1 - -32676/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 307-315. - Met index, noten KW - 1882 KW - Egypt KW - Great Britain KW - war RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 320 CY - Stroud PB - Spellmount U2 - w24 SN - 0-7524-5090-5 hbk : œ25.00 AV - AFRIKA 50331 Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 319924270 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2347 T1 - Mugabe : power, plunder and the struggle for Zimbabwe A1 - Meredith,Martin Y1 - 2008/// N1 - Oorspr. uitg.: Our votes, our guns. - New York : PublicAffairs, 2002 Bibliogr.: p. [245]-248. - Met index KW - biographies (form) KW - corruption KW - heads of State KW - social conditions KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 259 CY - Jeppestown PB - Jonathan Ball U2 - w24 SN - 1-86842-291-7 (pbk.) AV - AFRIKA 50327 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 404004679 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2348 T1 - Building coalitions and cementing deals : housing policy reform in Mubarak's Egypt A1 - Dalzell,Stephen Robert Y1 - 2008/// N1 - Doctoral dissertation University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, 2006 Bibliogr.: p. 217-226. - Met gloss., noten, samenvatting KW - dissertations (form) KW - Egypt KW - housing policy KW - informal settlements KW - rent KW - rental housing RP - NOT IN FILE EP - IX, 226 CY - Ann Arbor, MI PB - UMI Dissertation Services U2 - w24 AV - AFRIKA A12351 Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 317473565 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2349 T1 - An exploratory examination of the factors that may contribute to the differences in academic performance between students in public and private schools in the Republic of Guinea : an examination of private and public schools in the District of Ratoma in Conakry A1 - Barry,Abdourahmane Y1 - 2008//20/ N1 - Vragenlijsten in een Engelse en een Franse versie Doctoral dissertation University of New York, Buffalo, NY, 2006 Bibliogr.: p. 188-192. - Met bijl., gloss., noten, samenvatting KW - academic achievement KW - capitals KW - dissertations (form) KW - Guinea KW - private education KW - secondary education RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XIV, 192 CY - Ann Arbor, MI PB - UMI Dissertation Services U2 - w24 AV - AFRIKA A12275 Y2 - 2016/06/14/ M3 - 317470817 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2350 T1 - Effects analysis of international cooperation on environmental water policy and quality trends in Morocco (1972-2002) A1 - Habibi,Mohamed Y1 - 2008//20/ N1 - Doctoral dissertation George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, 2006 Bibliogr.: p. 187-204. - Met noten, samenvatting KW - development cooperation KW - dissertations (form) KW - environmental policy KW - Morocco KW - water management RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XII, 205 CY - Ann Arbor, MI PB - UMI Dissertation Services U1 - Foutieve omslagtitel abusievelijk vermeld. U2 - w24 AV - AFRIKA A12272 Y2 - 2016/06/14/ M3 - 317470558 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2351 T1 - The Eguafo kingdom : investigating complexity in southern Ghana A1 - Spiers,Sam Y1 - 2008//20/ N1 - Doctoral disseertation Syracuse University, NY, 2007 Bibliogr.: p. 292-345. - Met bijl., noten, samenvatting KW - archaeology KW - dissertations (form) KW - Eguafo polity KW - Ghana KW - political economy KW - West Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XIV, 350 CY - Ann Arbor, MI PB - UMI Dissertation Services U2 - w24 AV - AFRIKA A12273 Y2 - 2016/06/14/ M3 - 317470264 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2352 T1 - The story of the cannibal woman : a novel A1 - Cond‚,Maryse A1 - Philcox,Richard Y1 - 2007/// N1 - Vert. van: : Peau noire, masques blanc. - Paris : ditions de Seuil, 1952 KW - divination KW - novels (form) KW - South Africa KW - widows RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 311 CY - New York PB - Atria Books U2 - w24 SN - 0-7432-7128-9 AV - AFRIKA Lit.10303 Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 404003761 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2353 T1 - An examination of NGOs : the state and women's rights in the Middle East A1 - Stachowski,Natalie Y1 - 2007//20/ N1 - Master thesis State University of New York, Buffalo, NY, 2005 Bibliogr.: p. 63-67. - Met noten, samenvatting KW - Egypt KW - international organizations KW - Islamic law KW - Middle East KW - NGO KW - theses (form) KW - Tunisia KW - women's rights RP - NOT IN FILE EP - VI, 67 CY - Ann Arbor, MI PB - UMI Dissertation Services U2 - w24 AV - AFRIKA A12274 Y2 - 2016/06/14/ M3 - 329791850 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2354 T1 - Coutumes et d‚cors de Tunisie : sous le regard d'Ernest Gustave Gobert (1906-1958) Y1 - 2007/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 105-107. - Met noten KW - anthropological research KW - material culture KW - pictorial works (form) KW - Tunisia RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 107 CY - Tunis PB - C‚rŠs ditions U2 - w24 SN - 9973-19714-3 pbk AV - AFRIKA 50004 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 328448273 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2355 T1 - Batuku dance and Creole language : Cape Verdean women respond to economic globalization A1 - Carter,Katherine Leigh Y1 - 2007/// N1 - Doctoral dissertation University of Debrecen, Hungary, 2007 Bibliogr.: p. 152-163. - Met bijl., noten, samenvatting KW - Cape Verde KW - Creole languages KW - dance KW - dissertations (form) KW - empowerment KW - globalization KW - resistance KW - violence KW - women RP - NOT IN FILE EP - X, 200 CY - Ann Arbor, MI PB - UMI Dissertation Services U2 - w24 AV - AFRIKA A12352 Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 317477579 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2356 T1 - Determinants of adoption of soil and water conservation techniques in Burkina Faso A1 - Maiga,Eugenie Windkouni Haoua Y1 - 2007//20/ N1 - Master of Science thesis Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, 2005 Bibliogr.: p. 50-53. - Met bijl., noten, samenvatting KW - Burkina Faso KW - soil management KW - theses (form) KW - water management RP - NOT IN FILE EP - VIII, 58 CY - Ann Arbor, MI PB - UMI Dissertation Services U2 - w24 AV - AFRIKA A12350 Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 317477110 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2357 T1 - An examination of the phenomenon of street children in selected communities in Accra (Ghana) A1 - Boakye-Boaten,Agya Y1 - 2007/// N1 - Doctoral dissertation Ohio University, Athens, OH, 2006 Bibliogr.: p. 224-237. - Met bijl., noten, samenvatting KW - dissertations (form) KW - Ghana KW - images KW - street children RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XII, 247 CY - Ann Arbor, MI PB - UMI Dissertation Services U2 - w24 AV - AFRIKA A12271 Y2 - 2016/06/14/ M3 - 31747359X ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2358 T1 - Drinking from own cistern : customary institutions and their impacts on rural water management in Tanzania A1 - Nkonya,Leticia Kuchibanda Y1 - 2007//20/ N1 - Doctoral dissertation Kansas State University, Manhatten, KS, 2006 Bibliogr.: p. 300-323. - Met bijl., noten, samenvatting KW - customary law KW - dissertations (form) KW - institutions KW - rural areas KW - Tanzania KW - water management RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XVII, 330 CY - Ann Arbor, MI PB - UMI Dissertation Services U2 - w24 AV - AFRIKA A12349 Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 317469509 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2359 T1 - Feuerherz A1 - Mehari,Senait G. Y1 - 2005//20/ KW - child soldiers KW - Eritrea KW - Germany KW - musicians KW - personal narratives (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 359 CY - Mnchen PB - Knaur-Taschenbuch-Verlag U2 - w24 T3 - Knaur ; 77835 SN - 3-426-77835-1 AV - AFRIKA 50320 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 403999774 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2360 T1 - Female song tradition and the Akan of Ghana : the creative process in Nnwonkoro A1 - Ampene,Kwasi Y1 - 2005/// KW - Akan KW - CD-ROM (form) KW - Ghana KW - performing arts KW - songs KW - traditional music KW - women RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 1 CY - Aldershot [etc.] PB - Ashgate U1 - Hoort bij AFRIKA 36366, CDR-70 opvragen bij de balie. U2 - w24 SN - 0-7546-3147-8 AV - AFRIKA CDR-70 Y2 - 2006/01/09/ M1 - Pa M3 - 296652210 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2361 T1 - The British documents on the Sudan : 1940-1956 A1 - li,Mamd li Uthmn A1 - Woodward,Peter Y1 - 2002/// N1 - Vol. 13 published in 2011; ISBN ontbreekt Met index Tekst in Engels en Arabisch KW - colonial administration KW - documents (form) KW - Great Britain KW - letters (form) KW - Sudan RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 13 CY - [Beirut] PB - Riad el-Rayyes Books U1 - Aanwezig: volume 13. U2 - w24 N2 - V. 1. 1940-1944 -- v. 2. 1945-1946 -- v. 3. 1947-1949 -- v. 4. 1949 report -- v. 5. 1950-1951 -- v. 6. 1952 -- v. 7. 1953 Part 1 -- v. 8. 1953 Part 2 -- v. 9. 1954 Part 1 -- v. 10. 1954 Part 2 -- v. 11. 1955-1956 -- v. 12. Content and Index -- v. 13. 1954-1955 SN - 1-85513-457-8 set AV - AFRIKA 50044.13 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 401588505 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2362 T1 - Music and culture of West Africa : the Straus expedition A1 - Gibson,Gloria J. A1 - Reed,Daniel B. Y1 - 2002/// KW - cultural history KW - ethnic and racial groups KW - folk music KW - music KW - musicology KW - twentieth century KW - West Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 2 CY - Bloomington [etc.], IN PB - Indiana university U2 - w24 N2 - Disc 1. Guides: Map -- Search -- Help -- Media -- Index -- Bibliography -- Glossary -- Towns: Bamako -- Sangha -- Timbuktu -- Buea -- Benin -- Fatick -- Bankumana -- Aerophones: Aerophone introduction -- Buru -- file -- Kele -- Awi Asƒhar -- Zwewha -- Jembo -- Chordophones: Chordophone introduction -- Tahardent -- Akpata -- Mo-ndi-ndi -- Ndinga -- Riti -- B•l•n -- Kora -- Idiophones: Idiophone introduction -- Karinya -- Bala -- Mango -- K•r• -- Membranophones: Membranophone introduction -- Sabar N'der -- Talmbat -- Serer Tama -- Maninka Tama -- Jembe -- Gomboj -- Ikomi -- Tende -- Explorations: Laura Boulton -- Straus Expedition: Recording technology -- Correspondence -- Musical principles: Call and response -- Hocket -- Polyrhythm -- Signaling -- Timbre -- Ethnomusicology: Fieldwork -- Representation -- Instrument classification -- Aerophone introduction -- Chordophone introduction -- Idiophone introduction -- Membranophone introduction -- Electrophone introduction -- Exit: Introduction -- Credits -- Quit -- Disc 2. Media index SN - 0-253-33832-8 AV - AFRIKA CDR-172 Y2 - 2013/11/12/ M3 - 312962649 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2363 T1 - An explication of tourism entrepreneurship in The Gambia A1 - Thompson,Craig Y1 - 2001/// N1 - Doctoral thesis University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 2001 Bibliogr.: bl. 242-273. - Met bijl., noten, samenvatting KW - dissertations (form) KW - entrepreneurs KW - Gambia KW - tourism RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XII, 279 CY - Boston Spa PB - British Thesis Service U2 - w24 AV - AFRIKA A12276 Y2 - 2016/06/14/ M3 - 31346975X ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2364 T1 - Beyond 'degradation' : essays on people, land and resources in Mali A1 - Benjaminsen,Tor Arve Y1 - 1998/// N1 - PhD dissertation Geography and International Development Studies, Roskilde University Oslo Met bibliogr., noten, samenvattingen KW - dissertations (form) KW - environmental management KW - Mali RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 39 CY - Oslo PB - Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM), Oslo University U2 - w24 T3 - Dissertations & theses, ISSN 0806-475X ; no. 3/98 AV - AFRIKA A12295 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 396491456 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2365 T1 - Economic assessment study of the Logone floodplain A1 - Iongh,Hans H. A1 - Zuiderwijk,Aad B. A1 - Hamling,Peter Y1 - 1998/// N1 - Consultancy for Waza Logone Project/IUCN by Centre of Environmental Science Bibliogr.: p. 57-58. - Met bijl, noten, samenvatting KW - agricultural economy KW - Cameroon KW - economic conditions RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 59 CY - Leiden PB - Centre of Environmental Science (CML), Leiden University U1 - Fotokopie.;In ringband. U2 - w24 T3 - CML report, ISSN 1381-1703 ; 146. Section Programme Environment & Development AV - AFRIKA A12226 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 184217113 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2366 T1 - Rapport de recherche dans le cadre de l'Atelier de Formation sur la M‚thode Acc‚l‚r‚e de Recherche Participative (MARP) : tenu … Maroua du 08 au 19 Janvier 1996 A1 - Kaigama,Yaouba A1 - Bobo Kadiri,Serge Y1 - 1996/// N1 - In ringband Met bijl KW - Cameroon KW - geography KW - natural resource management KW - social structure KW - villages RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 106 CY - Maroua PB - Centre d'tude de l'Environnement et du D‚veloppement au Cameroun (CEDC) U2 - w24 AV - AFRIKA A12291 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 396126073 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2367 T1 - Composante "‚cosystŠmes des savanes" : dossier d'actualisation A1 - Barnaud,Michiel Y1 - 1996/// N1 - Vermelding op omslag en titelp.: Projet de conservation et de gestion de la biodiversit‚ au Cameroun Met bijl., noten KW - biodiversity KW - Cameroon KW - nature conservation KW - savannas RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 49 CY - [S.l. PB - s.n.] U2 - w24 AV - AFRIKA A12289 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 396057284 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2368 T1 - Environmental orientation study Zambia : volume 2: Nchelenge district, Luapula Province A1 - Maus,J.W.V. A1 - Mudenda,Gilbert Y1 - 1995/// N1 - In ringband Omslagtitel Bibliogr.: p. 47-56. - Met bijl., noten KW - environmental degradation KW - natural resources KW - Zambia RP - NOT IN FILE EP - III, 68 CY - [The Hague] PB - SNV Netherlands development organisation U1 - Zie ook AFRIKA A12294.1 en AFRIKA A12294.3. U2 - w24 T3 - SNV Zambia publication ; no. 5 AV - AFRIKA A12294.2 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 396461530 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2369 T1 - Environmental orientation study Zambia : volume 1: Zambezi district North Western Province A1 - Maus,J.W.V. A1 - Mudenda,Gilbert Y1 - 1995/// N1 - In ringband Omslagtitel Bibliogr.: p. 55-60. - Met bijl., noten KW - environmental degradation KW - natural resources KW - Zambia RP - NOT IN FILE EP - IV, 73 CY - [The Hague] PB - SNV Netherlands development organisation U1 - p. 57-64 ontbreken.;Zie ook AFRIKA A12294.2 en AFRIKA A12294.3. U2 - w24 T3 - SNV Zambia publication ; no. 4 AV - AFRIKA A12294.1 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 396442501 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2370 T1 - Yak‚ ya‚r‚ wi'eto no ya‚r‚ (when the ya‚r‚ was still the ya‚r‚) : pastoralists' perceptions of and adaptation to rangeland degradation of the Logone Floodplain, Far-North Cameroon A1 - Moritz,Mark Y1 - 1994/// N1 - Omslagtitel Bibliogr.: bl. 51-53. - Met bijl., noten KW - Cameroon KW - land degradation KW - migration KW - pastoralists RP - NOT IN FILE EP - V, 63 CY - [Leiden PB - Department of Environment and Development, Centre of Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University] U2 - w24 AV - AFRIKA A12293 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 396410588 ER - TY - JFULL ID - 2371 T1 - Revue marocaine d'audit et de d‚veloppement A1 - Harakat,Mohamed Y1 - 1993/// N1 - Verschijnt 2x per jaar KW - development KW - economic conditions KW - finance KW - Morocco RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Revue marocaine d'audit et de d‚veloppement U2 - No. 1 (1993) - ... w24 SN - 1113-2035 AV - AFRIKA lz Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M3 - 403938260 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2372 T1 - R‚sultats des recherches sur la biologie et potentiel de production de Pellonula miri A1 - Nomo,D‚sir‚ Y1 - 1993/// N1 - Rapport de stage effectu‚ en 1993 (mars - juin) … la Division Pˆche du Projet Nord-Est, B‚nou‚ Bibliogr.: bl. 40-41. - Met bijl., samenvatting KW - Cameroon KW - fish KW - rural development RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 45 CY - Garoua PB - Division Pˆche, Projet Nord-Est B‚nou‚, Mission d'tudes pour l'Am‚nagement de la Vall‚e Sup‚rieure de la B‚nou‚ U2 - w24 AV - AFRIKA A12306 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 396824218 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2373 T1 - Op gespannen voet : roman A1 - Dangarembga,Tsitsi A1 - Henny,Helen Y1 - 1993/// N1 - Vert. van: Nervous conditions. - London : The Women's Press ; Harare : Zimbabwe Publishing House, 1989 KW - colonialism KW - gender inequality KW - girls KW - novels (form) KW - traditions KW - Western culture KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 285 CY - Amsterdam PB - In de Knipscheer U2 - w24 T3 - Afrikaanse bibliotheek N2 - Oorspr.titel: Nervous conditions, 1989 SN - 90-6265-365-0 AV - AFRIKA Lit.10304 Y2 - 2016/06/14/ M3 - 101874189 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2374 T1 - Workshop environmental science : workshop manual : date: the 25th, 26th and 28th of February, 1992, place: Dschang, Cameroon A1 - Korthof,H.M. A1 - Iongh,H.H. A1 - Tchamba,M. Y1 - 1992/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten KW - Cameroon KW - environmental management KW - readers (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 107 CY - Maroua [etc.] PB - Centre d'tude de l'Environnement et de D‚veloppement (CEDC) [etc.] U2 - w24 AV - AFRIKA A12290 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 396057667 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2375 T1 - Contr“le int‚gr‚ de la schistosomiase … Gounougou : r‚ussites et ‚checs A1 - Slootweg,Roel Y1 - 1991/// N1 - Rapport final du volet Sant‚ du Projet Pisciculture, Mission d'tude et d'Am‚nagement de la Vall‚e Sup‚rieure de la B‚nou‚ Teksten in het Frans en Engels Met bibliogr., bijl KW - Cameroon KW - fisheries KW - schistosomiasis RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 49 CY - Leiden [etc.] PB - Centre des tudes de l'Environnement (CML), Universit‚ de Leiden U2 - w24 AV - AFRIKA A12288 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 396055036 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2376 T1 - Collected plays / Wole Soyinka 1 A1 - Soyinka,Wole Y1 - 1973/// N1 - Bevat: A dance of the forests ; The swamp dwellers ; The strong breed ; The road ; The Bacchae of Euripides KW - collected works (form) KW - drama (form) KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 307 CY - Oxford [etc.] PB - Oxford University Press U2 - w24 T3 - Oxford paperbacks ; 296 SN - 0-19-281136-3 pbk AV - AFRIKA Lit.632.1 Y2 - 2016/06/15/ M3 - 783688296 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2377 T1 - "Stealing the way" to Mecca : West African pilgrims and illicit Red Sea passages, 1920s-50s A1 - Miran,Jonathan Y1 - 2015/// KW - border control KW - colonial history KW - Eritrea KW - Islam KW - pilgrimages KW - Red Sea KW - Saudi Arabia KW - travel KW - West Africa RP - NOT IN FILE JA - The Journal of African History: (2015), vol.56, no.3, p.389-408 : krt., tab. VL - 56 U2 - w24 U3 - Abstract available N2 - West African participation in the pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj) grew considerably throughout the first half of the twentieth century. This article examines the causes and consequences of failed British and Saudi efforts to channel, regulate, and control the trans-Sahelian flow of pilgrims and enforce a regime of mobility along the Sahel and across the Red Sea. Focusing specifically on Red Sea "illicit" passages, the study recovers the rampant and often harrowing crossings of dozens of thousands of West African pilgrims from the Eritrean to the Arabian coasts. It examines multiple factors that drove the circumvention of channeling and control measures and inscribes the experiences of West African historical actors on multiple historiographic fields that are seldom organically tied to West Africa: Northeast African regional history, the colonial history of Italian Eritrea, and the Red Sea as a maritime space connecting Africa with Arabia. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/13/ M1 - Fa;L3 M3 - 402134591 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0021853715000304 ER -