TY - BOOK ID - 2470 T1 - Antoine Gizenga : pour une gauche nationaliste unifi‚e en RD Congo A1 - Kukatula Falash,On‚sime Y1 - 2017/// N1 - Met noten KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - nationalism KW - political history KW - politicians KW - socialism RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 143 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w28 T3 - Comptes rendus SN - 2-343-11154-5 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51932 Y2 - 2017/12/07/ M3 - 409249645 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2461 T1 - Droit Ohada et conflits de juridictions A1 - Banamba,Boniface Y1 - 2017/// N1 - Notes, r‚f KW - Africa KW - jurisdiction KW - OHADA RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 125 EP - 148 JA - Penant: (2017), ann‚e 127, no.899, p.125-148. VL - 127 IS - 899 U2 - w28 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 41095991X ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2459 T1 - Existe-t-il un ordre juridique africain? A1 - Sobze,Serge Fran‡ois Y1 - 2017/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, r‚f., r‚s KW - Africa KW - law KW - legal systems RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 151 EP - 191 JA - Revue juridique et politique des tats francophones: (2017), ann‚e 71, no.2, p.151-191. VL - 71 IS - 2 U2 - w28 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 41096008X ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2458 T1 - L'effectivit‚ de la protection des droits fondamentaux en Afrique subsaharienne francophone A1 - Keudjeu de Keudjeu,John Richard Y1 - 2017/// N1 - Notes, r‚f., r‚s. en anglais et en fran‡ais KW - constitutionalism KW - French-speaking Africa KW - human rights KW - human rights institutions KW - State KW - Subsaharan Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 192 EP - 226 JA - Revue juridique et politique des tats francophones: (2017), ann‚e 71, no.2, p.192-226. VL - 71 IS - 2 U2 - w28 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 410960411 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2457 T1 - Le droit des march‚s publics en Afrique … l'‚preuve de la mondialisation ‚conomique : une analyse … partir des r‚formes dans L'Union conomqiue et Mon‚taire Ouest-Africaine (UEMOA) A1 - Samb,Seynabou Y1 - 2017/// N1 - Notes, r‚f KW - Africa KW - commercial law KW - globalization KW - Union Economique et Mon‚taire Ouest-Africaine RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 227 EP - 251 JA - Revue juridique et politique des tats francophones: (2017), ann‚e 71, no.2, p.227-251. VL - 71 IS - 2 U2 - w28 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 410960497 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2452 T1 - Le peuple constituant et les 'Ingingo Ngenderwako' de l'Accord dArusha: les limites l‚gales et l‚gitimes d'une r‚vision de la Constitution du Burundi A1 - Vandeginste,Stef A1 - Niyonkuru,Ren‚ Claude Y1 - 2017/// N1 - Met bijl., engelse en franse samenvatting, noten KW - Burundi KW - constitutional amendments KW - constitutional reform KW - executive power KW - legislative power KW - peace treaties RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Antwerpen PB - Institute of Development Policiy and Management, University of Antwerp ; IOB working paper 2017.05 U1 - Free access. U2 - w28 T3 - Working papers, ISSN 2294-8643 ; 5/2017 N2 - L'article 299 de la Constitution du 18 mars 2005 impose certaines limites au pouvoir de r‚viser la Constitution. Il protŠge des valeurs auxquelles une r‚vision de la Constitution ne peut pas porter atteinte. La version fran‡aise de l'article 299 diffŠre de la version kirundi que le peuple burundais a adopt‚e lors du r‚f‚rendum du 28 f‚vrier 2005. Celle-ci pr‚voit qu'une r‚vision ne peut pas porter atteinte aux 'ingingo ngenderwako' (principes fondamentaux) de l'Accord d'Arusha pour la Paix et la R‚conciliation au Burundi du 28 ao–t 2000. Le working paper introduit le lien entre les 'ingingo ngenderwako', le partage du pouvoir consociatif et la limitation du nombre de mandats que peut exercer un Pr‚sident de la R‚publique AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 411289357 L3 - https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/rg/institute-of-develop/publications/ working-papers/wp-2017/wp-201705/ ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2469 T1 - Les fondements religieux du pouvoir n‚ocolonial au Gabon : la construction de l'ethnie philosophique A1 - Angou‚,Claudine Aug‚e Y1 - 2017/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 143-151. - Met noten KW - Gabon KW - initiation KW - nation building KW - power KW - religion KW - rituals RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 153 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w28 T3 - tudes africaines. S‚rie politique SN - 2-343-10817-X pbk AV - AFRIKA 51927 Y2 - 2017/12/07/ M3 - 409252093 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2471 T1 - Mes ind‚pendances : chroniques 2010-2016 A1 - Daoud,Kamel Y1 - 2017/// KW - Algeria KW - articles (form) KW - newspapers KW - political conditions KW - social conditions RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 463 CY - Arles PB - Actes Sud U2 - w28 AV - AFRIKA 51890 Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 409033235 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2453 T1 - New horizons for Germany's Africa policy A1 - Kappel,Robert Y1 - 2017/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 18-23. - Met samenvatting KW - Africa KW - development cooperation KW - Germany KW - government policy RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Hamburg PB - GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies U1 - Free access. U2 - w28 T3 - GIGA working papers ; 303/2017 N2 - This paper deals with Germany's new Africa policy. The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) presented a new Africa concept in January 2017. The BMZ wants to counter the further marginalisation of Africa with inclusive and sustainable growth. Chancellor Angela Merkel will explain her new policy for Africa at the G20 summit in Hamburg in July 2017, in an attempt to gain the approval of the other G20 members for focused cooperation with Africa. The paper argues that it remains solely the duty of African states to take their development into their own hands. Cooperation can support this process, but it cannot assume what is each state's individual responsibility. The Marshall Plan with Africa aims to develop a joint agenda with the countries of Africa. Yet because the African countries did not participate in developing the concept, the plan derived so far is more of a plan for Africa, identifying which measures the BMZ would like to implement in order to contribute to sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Africa. Africa is becoming increasingly differentiated, and developing a joint strategy with individual countries or groups of countries that reflects the varying speeds at which changes are occurring would be a decisive step. The plan does not cover sufficient ground on this issue. In order to develop a coherent Africa concept for the German federal government, the participation of the most important ministries needs to be improved, and the chancellor needs to be in charge of the overall management. The paper concludes that Germany's Africa policy needs to be redesigned. The Marshall Plan has generated a shift, but it does not provide sufficient guidance to new horizons and away from the wellbeaten track of traditional development cooperation. The departure to a new age that is defined by increased cooperation with democratic African countries which are capable of reform, and by a courageous and consistent stance in relation to nondemocratic countries, has not yet taken place AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 411289020 L3 - https://www.giga-hamburg.de/de/system/files/publications/wp303_kappel. pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2454 T1 - Nigeria and the Lake Chad Region beyond Boko Haram A1 - Angerbrandt,Henrik Y1 - 2017/// KW - Cameroon KW - Chad KW - conflict resolution KW - Islamic movements KW - Niger KW - Nigeria KW - regional security KW - terrorism RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Uppsala PB - The Nordic Africa Institute U1 - Free access. U2 - w28 T3 - Policy note, ISSN 1654-6695 ; 3, 2017 N2 - In light of a recent UN Security Council resolution on the Lake Chad region, this policy note identifies major challenges that need to be addressed to create conditions for actors in the region to build a lasting peace. The issues include demobilising local vigilantes and resolving land-related conflicts SN - 978-91-7106-807-1 pdf AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 41127984X L3 - http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:nai:diva-2127 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2460 T1 - Observations sur le statut de l'entreprenant en droit Ohada A1 - Zio,Moussa Y1 - 2017/// N1 - Notes, r‚f KW - Africa KW - entrepreneurs KW - OHADA RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 149 EP - 165 JA - Penant: (2017), ann‚e 127, no.899, p.149-165. VL - 127 IS - 899 U2 - w28 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 410959952 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2450 T1 - Participatory assessment of development interventions : lessons learned from a new evaluation methodology in Ghana and Burkina Faso A1 - Pouw,Nicky A1 - Dietz,Ton A1 - B‚lemvire,Adame Y1 - 2017/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, sum KW - Burkina Faso KW - community participation KW - development cooperation KW - development projects KW - evaluation KW - Ghana KW - NGO KW - rural development RP - NOT IN FILE JA - American Journal of Evaluation: (2017), vol.38, no.1, 47-59 : tab. VL - 38 IS - 1 U2 - w28 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article presents the principles and findings of developing a new participatory assessment of development (PADev) evaluation approach that was codesigned with Dutch nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and northern and southern research institutes over a period of 4 years in the context of rural development in Ghana and Burkina Faso. Although participatory approaches in development evaluations have become widely accepted since the 1990s, the PADev approach is different by taking the principles of holism and local knowledge as starting points for its methodological elaboration. The PADev approach is found to have an added value for assessing the differentiated effects of development interventions across different subgroups in a community through intersubjectivity. Moreover, if PADev is taken up by a multitude of stakeholders, including the intended beneficiaries of development interventions and development stakeholders, it can contribute to a process of local history writing, knowledge sharing, capacity development, and providing input into community action plans and the strategies of community-based organizations and NGOs. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 411318241 L3 - https://doi.org/10.1177/1098214016641210 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2456 T1 - Plaidoyer pour une r‚forme de la Cour Internationale de la Justice (CJI) A1 - Koua,Samuel Eric Y1 - 2017/// N1 - Notes, r‚f KW - Cameroon KW - International Court of Justice KW - world RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 252 EP - 275 JA - Revue juridique et politique des tats francophones: (2017), ann‚e 71, no.2, p.252-275. VL - 71 IS - 2 U2 - w28 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 410960764 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2462 T1 - Rites et religions dans le bassin du lac Tchad A1 - Guitard,milie A1 - Beek,Walter van Y1 - 2017/// N1 - Met bibliogr., index, noten KW - African religions KW - Cameroon KW - Central African Republic KW - Chad KW - Nigeria KW - power KW - religion KW - rituals KW - social change KW - society RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 296 CY - Paris PB - Karthala U2 - w28 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Hommes et soci‚t‚s N2 - Cet ouvrage d'‚tudes comparatistes dans le bassin du lac Tchad, illustre combien le concept de 'religions africaines', s'il fait sens, ne peut ˆtre d‚clin‚ quuniquement au pluriel et relŠve d'une forte diversit‚. Trois grands thŠmes sont analys‚s en profondeur dans cette ‚tude: la relation dialectique entre les changements sociaux et l'‚volution des ph‚nomŠnes religieux, les liens entre religion, pouvoir et territoire, et enfin l'id‚e de communitas qui met … jour le travail de la religion dans la coh‚sion sociale. Sommaire: Introduction. Image, espace et communaut‚ - Walter van Beek et Emilie Guitard. PremiŠre partie: Religions et changements sociaux. 1. Une religion en dissolution - Walter E. A. van Beek; 2. Un prˆche islamique sur la pr‚vention de linfection par le VIH - Henry Tourneux et Boubakary Abdoulaye; 3. L'action des missions catholiques chez les Gizey du Cameroun (xxe-xxie siŠcles) - Antonino Melis et Valerio Petrarca; DeuxiŠme partie: Religion, pouvoir, territoire. 4. "Le grand tas dordures est un instrument pour faire vivre la chefferie longtemps": Accumulations de d‚chets et royaut‚ sacr‚e guiziga Bui Marva (Extrˆme Nord, Cameroun) - milie Guitard; 5. Gouverner par le sacr‚, la rivalit‚ entre Mowo et Gudur (monts Mandara) - Christian Seignobos; 6. Les modes sacrificiels de r‚solution des conflits dans les monts Mandara - Jeremie Diye; 7. Vers une histoire du "culte des crƒnes" au sud du bassin tchadien : approche ethnoarch‚ologique - Olivier Langlois; 8. Du coq … toutes les sauces : succession temporelle et spatiale des cycles rituels masa et tupuri (Extrˆme-Nord du Cameroun/Tchad) - Igor de Garine, Chlo‚ Violon et Jean Wenc‚lius; TroisiŠme partie: Rites et communitas. 9. De la possession chez les Tupuri - Suzanne Ruelland; 10. Les rituels de possession par les g‚nies chez les Kotoko - Adam Mahamat; 11. Les rites de procr‚ation chez les Gbaya Yaayuw‚ - Jeannette Sylvie Pilo Atta; 12. L'adresse annuelle aux ancˆtres chez les Gbaya de Centrafrique - Paulette Roulon-Doko; pilogue. Trente ans d'histoire du r‚seau M‚ga-Tchad - Catherine Baroin. [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] SN - 978-2-8111-1831-0 AV - AFRIKA 52134 Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M1 - Ga;B1 M3 - 410955604 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2467 T1 - Sociocritique du roman gabonais : de la m‚thode … l'analyse du texte A1 - Sima Eyi,H‚mery Hervais Y1 - 2017/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [269]-280. - Met bijl., noten KW - Gabon KW - literary criticism KW - novels KW - oral traditions KW - social structure KW - society RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 282 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w28 T3 - Critiques litt‚raires SN - 2-343-11110-3 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51929 Y2 - 2017/12/07/ M3 - 409255513 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2465 T1 - Trade unions and the age of information and communication technologies in Kenya A1 - Otenyo,Eric Edwin Y1 - 2017/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 215-235. - Met index KW - information technology KW - Kenya KW - trade unions RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XIII, 249 CY - Lanham, MD PB - Lexington Books U2 - w28 T3 - African governance and development N2 - Unions and the age of ICTs in Kenya : an overview -- Trade unions, ICTs and public policy in the new economy -- Industrialization and technology diffusion : state capacity in the age of ICTs -- Unions : education, laptops, and shrinking of the digital divide -- Trade union member attitudes towards ICTs : implications for participation in governance -- Productivity discourses, information technology, and unions -- Trade unions and internationalism : emerging governance networks SN - 1-498-54879-2 AV - AFRIKA 51827 Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 410414042 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2466 T1 - Water and soil in holy matrimony? : a smallholder farmer's innovative agricultural practices for adapting to climate in rural Zimbabwe A1 - Mabeza,Christopher M. Y1 - 2017/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 171-194. - Met gloss KW - climate change KW - small farms KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XLIX, 197 CY - Mankon PB - Langaa Research & Publishing CIG U2 - w28 N2 - Foreword -- Introduction -- 1. Full of sound and fury? The climate change discourse -- 2. Thou shalt not only survive but thrive, if... : Hurudza and mediator -- 3. 'New tricks' : managing rainfall variability -- 4. Rhyming with an audience Conclusion : good news makers stand and be counted -- Appendix 1. A tribute to the late Mr Phiri Maseko SN - 995-676451-5 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51886 Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 410330574 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2455 T1 - [Portrait d'] Andr‚ Kolingba A1 - Foka,Alain A1 - Kolingba,Andr‚ Y1 - 2017/// N1 - Frans gesproken. - Uitzenddata: 10 juni 2017, 17 juni 2017, 24 juni 2017 KW - biographies (form) KW - Central African Republic KW - heads of State KW - politicians KW - radio broadcasts (form) KW - writers RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 1 CY - [Paris] PB - Radio France Internationale U1 - Free access. U2 - w28 T3 - Archives d'Afrique N2 - Cette ‚mission radio pr‚sent‚e par Alain Foka d‚crit la vie de Andr‚ Kolingba en utilisant des archives sonores et des t‚moignages des acteurs encore vivants. Andr‚ Kolingba, n‚ le 12 ao–t 1936 … Bangui et mort le 7 f‚vrier 2010 … Paris, est un g‚n‚ral et homme politique centrafricain qui dirigea la R‚publique centrafricaine de 1981 … 1993 AV - Online resource Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 411279424 L3 - http://www.rfi.fr/emission/20170610-andre-kolingba-le-simulacre-putsch- 12 http://www.rfi.fr/emission/20170617-andre-kolingba-34 http://www.rfi.fr/emission/20170624-chute-andre-kolingba-56 ER - TY - CHAP ID - 2475 T1 - "Pulpit power" and the unrelenting voice of Archbishop David Gitari in the democratisation of Kenya, 1986 to 1991 A1 - Joshua,Stephen Muoki A1 - Kapinde,Stephen Asol Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. in English and Afrikaans KW - Anglican Church KW - clergy KW - Kenya KW - politics KW - sermons RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 79 EP - 100 U2 - w28 Y2 - 2017/12/07/ M3 - 410957755 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2504 T1 - A chronology of the Central Nigerian Nok Culture : 1500 BC to the beginning of the common era A1 - Franke,Gabriele Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, chronol., sum. in English and French KW - archaeological artefacts KW - Iron Age KW - Nigeria KW - pottery KW - radiocarbon dating RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Journal of African Archaeology: (2016), vol.14, no.3, p.257-289 : ill., krt. VL - 14 U2 - w28 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 409126772 ER - TY - CHAP ID - 2477 T1 - A critical analysis of the impact of water on the South African campaign in German South West Africa, 1914-1915 A1 - Kleynhans,Evert Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. in English and Afrikaans KW - defence KW - drinking water KW - Namibia KW - South Africa KW - water resources KW - World War I RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 29 EP - 53 U2 - w28 Y2 - 2017/12/07/ M3 - 410957429 ER - TY - CHAP ID - 2476 T1 - A Scandinavian "Magna Charta" ? : the Scandinavian Corps and the politics of memory in South Africa (1899-1927) A1 - Gerdov,Christian Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. in English and Afrikaans KW - Anglo-Boer wars KW - memory KW - Scandinavians KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 54 EP - 78 U2 - w28 Y2 - 2017/12/07/ M3 - 41095764X ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2505 T1 - An outline of recent studies on the Nigerian Nok Culture A1 - Breunig,Peter A1 - Rupp,Nicole Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr., sum. in English and French KW - archaeological artefacts KW - culture KW - Iron Age KW - Nigeria KW - rituals RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Journal of African Archaeology: (2016), vol.14, no.3, p.237-255 : foto's, graf., krt. VL - 14 U2 - w28 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 409126683 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2499 T1 - Carbon isotopes and dental caries as evidence for regional variation in the diets of early farming communities from Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo A1 - Dlamini,Nonhlanhla A1 - Morris,Alan G. A1 - Sealy,Judith Y1 - 2016/// N1 - App., bibliogr., note, sum. in English and French KW - archaeology KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - food consumption RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Journal of African Archaeology: (2016), vol.14, no.2, p.135-153 : ill., krt. VL - 14 U2 - w28 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 409127116 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2508 T1 - Confronting the corrupt A1 - Hoffman,Paul Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Ondertitel op de omslag: Accountability now's battle against graft in SA Met index KW - arms trade KW - corruption KW - interest groups KW - NGO KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XII, 241 CY - Cape Town PB - Tafelberg U2 - w28 SN - 978-0-624-07768-8 AV - AFRIKA 51957 Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 40798139X ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2474 T1 - De Zuid-Afrikaan se kommentaar op vraagstukke rakende bruin en swart mense in die Kaapkolonie tydens die redakteurskap van J.H. Hofmeyr (1871-1883) A1 - De Clerk,Pieter Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bronnelys, samev. in Afrikaans en Engels, verwysings KW - 1870-1879 KW - 1880-1889 KW - Blacks KW - newspapers KW - South Africa KW - The Cape RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 101 EP - 120 JA - Historia: (2016), vol.59, no.2, p.101-120. VL - 59 IS - 2 U2 - w28 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/12/07/ M3 - 410958069 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2482 T1 - Des esclaves sous le fouet : le procŠs Morette … l'Œle Bourbon A1 - G‚rard,Gilles A1 - Grimaud,Martine Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met noten KW - colonial history KW - lawsuits KW - offences against the person KW - R‚union KW - slavery KW - slaves RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 141 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w28 SN - 2-343-08954-X pbk AV - AFRIKA 51918 Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 410229652 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2498 T1 - Did middle stone age Khargan peoples leave structural features? : "Site J", the forgotten settlements of the "empty desert", Kharga Oasis, Egypt: 1933 and 2011 A1 - McDonald,Mary M.A. Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, sum. in English and French KW - archaeological artefacts KW - Egypt KW - oases KW - Stone Age RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Journal of African Archaeology: (2016), vol.14, no.2, p.155-179 : ill., krt. VL - 14 U2 - w28 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 409127191 ER - TY - CHAP ID - 2478 T1 - Johannesburg's "model white housing scheme" in the civic social imaginary : the genesis of a white Afrikaner welfarist node, 1933-1937 A1 - Du Plessis,Irma Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. in English and Afrikaans KW - 1930-1939 KW - Afrikaners KW - housing KW - poverty KW - South Africa KW - Whites RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 1 EP - 28 U2 - w28 Y2 - 2017/12/07/ M3 - 410956228 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2495 T1 - L'Afrique de l'Ouest face … la menace djihadiste : regard prospectif … ‚ch‚ance 2020 A1 - Fofana,Ibrahim Kader Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [185]-188. - Met bijl., noten KW - government policy KW - Islam KW - national security KW - social problems KW - terrorism KW - West Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 191 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w28 T3 - Etudes africaines. S‚rie politique SN - 2-343-11173-1 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51931 Y2 - 2017/12/07/ M3 - 409248762 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2500 T1 - L'art et la maniŠre : approche technologique des c‚ramiques de d‚p“t dans le m‚galithisme s‚n‚gambien : le cas de la n‚cropole de Wanar (S‚n‚gal) A1 - Delvoye,Adrien Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, r‚s. en anglais et en fran‡ais KW - archaeology KW - Gambia KW - monuments KW - pottery KW - prehistory KW - Senegal RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Journal of African Archaeology: (2016), vol.14, no.2, 115-134 : ill. VL - 14 IS - 2 U2 - w28 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 409127043 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2494 T1 - L'enseignement technique et la formation professionnelle en R‚publique de Guin‚e : "le parent pauvre" A1 - Kand‚,Alama Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 175-177. - Met bijl KW - educational policy KW - Guinea KW - technical education KW - vocational education RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 182 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w28 SN - 2-343-10124-8 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51928 Y2 - 2017/12/07/ M3 - 409251895 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2486 T1 - La communication institutionnelle des entreprises, ‚tablissements et services publics en RDC : odyss‚e de la communication des entreprises publiques congolaises en transformation A1 - Mukanya-Lusanga,Franck Elias Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 325-340. - Met bijl KW - business organization KW - communication KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - public enterprises KW - public services KW - reform RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 360 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w28 T3 - Collection "tudes africaines". S‚rie Communication SN - 2-343-08054-2 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51856 Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 410229423 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2506 T1 - La Libye des Ottomans … Da'ech : 1835-2016 A1 - Martel,Andr‚ Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: 277-297. - Met noten KW - geopolitics KW - history KW - Libya RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 308 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w28 T3 - Mondes en mouvement, ISSN 2260-2593 SN - 2-343-10240-6 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51889 Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 409030600 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2487 T1 - La parole recouvr‚e : Simon Kimbangu, prophŠte et passeur de cultures A1 - Mboukou,Serge Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 291-294. - Met noten Bevat: Pr‚face / Jean-Pierre Dozon -- Introduction -- Un contexte historique d'‚mergence : les terres difficiles du pays Bakongo -- Une territorialit‚ extravagante et pervertie : "Le-Congo-du-roi-L‚opold-II" -- Naissance et jeunesse d'un futur prophŠte -- Une certaine coh‚rence biographique : trajets, parcours et croisements -- Une ‚tape capitale : le s‚jour … Kinshasa-L‚opoldville -- Mouvements, figures et tendances socio-politiques de la Kinshasa des ann‚es 1920 : la ville et le monde -- Nkamba, le 6 avril 1921 : un ‚v‚nement qui fera date -- Les chamans contest‚s : r‚‚valuation d'une figure probl‚matique -- La contre-offensive chamano-proph‚tique -- Le cr‚puscule de l'homme. La lev‚e des hommes -- Conclusion. KW - anticolonialism KW - colonialism KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - history KW - Kimbanguist Church KW - messianism KW - prophets RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 294 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w28 T3 - Religions, cultures et soci‚t‚s SN - 2-343-08883-7 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51921 Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 410229105 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2480 T1 - La transition de la RDC vers l'‚mergence ‚conomique = The D.R. of Congo towards an emerging economy A1 - Kilolo Malambwe,Jean Marc A1 - Nyembwe Musungaie,Andr‚ Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Teksten in Engels en Frans Met bibliogr., noten, samenvattingen in Frans en Engels KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - economic development KW - economic policy RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 146 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w28 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Dounia ; 8 N2 - Ce num‚ro est consacr‚ … la transition de la R‚publique D‚mocratique du Congo (RDC) vers le statut d'‚conomie ‚mergente. Les contributions rendent compte des pr‚alables structurels et de certaines politiques concrŠtes … mettre en uvre par le gouvernement congolais en vue d'une croissance ‚conomique soutenue. Les articles pr‚sentent aussi des diagnostics sectoriels et des propositions inspir‚es de l'exp‚rience internationale. Sommaire: La transition de la RDC vers le statut de pays ‚mergent: le d‚fi /Jean-Marc Kilolo & Andr‚ Nyembwe; Determinants of structural transformation of the Congolese economy / Thaddee Badibanga & John M. Ulimwengu; Le capital humain et la trajectoire ‚conomique de la R‚publique D‚mocratique du Congo / Andrianasy Angelo Djistera; La contribution de la diaspora … l'‚mergence de la RD Congo: la promotion de l'investissement dans le secteur priv‚ / Claude Sumata; Les d‚fis de la transformation ‚conomique de la RD Congo / Jean-Marc Kilolo Malambwe; Les zone ‚conomiques sp‚ciales en R‚publique D‚mocratique du Congo / Serge Songolo Aruna, Auguy Bolanda Menga & Eliane Manyonga Majambo; Le r“le strat‚gique du secteur ‚nerg‚tique dans la transformation ‚conomique de la RDC / Jean-Marc Kilolo Malambwe; Gouvernance mondiale et ‚mergence / Bertrand Ateba. [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] SN - 2-343-10542-1 pbk AV - AFRIKA 52131 Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M1 - Gj;E1 M3 - 410394548 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2483 T1 - La voie d'intercession du ProphŠte dans la po‚sie d'Elhadji Malick Sy A1 - Diamil Niane,Seydi Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 125-134. - Met noten KW - Islam KW - Muslim brotherhoods KW - poetry KW - Senegal KW - Sufism KW - ulema RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 135 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w28 SN - 2-343-09234-6 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51853 Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 410229520 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2490 T1 - Le mouvement nationaliste camerounais dans le systŠme international : 1916-1960 A1 - Essomba,Apollinaire Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 283-289. - Met bijl., noten KW - Cameroon KW - colonial history KW - France KW - international relations KW - national liberation movements KW - nationalism KW - UN RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 297 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w28 T3 - tudes africaines. S‚rie Histoire SN - 2-343-09060-2 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51854 Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 410228966 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2491 T1 - Le r“le des migrations au Mali : cercles de Kita, Banamba et district de Bamako A1 - Konat‚,Famagan Oul‚ A1 - Gonin,Patrick Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 281-286. - Met noten KW - emigration KW - internal migration KW - Mali KW - migration KW - remittances KW - return migration KW - statistics RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 286 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w28 SN - 2-343-09155-2 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51920 Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 409870250 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2481 T1 - Le royaume du Moronou, C“te d'Ivoire : une symphonie inachev‚e A1 - Ekanza,Simon Pierre Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 125-127. - Met bijl., noten Bevat: Introduction. -- 1e partie: L'h‚g‚monie Ebrossa, une p‚riode de coh‚sion sociale (1730-1780). Les premiers habitants du Moronou -- Les ‚migr‚s sur les rives du Moro -- L'organisation de l'espace politique de Daingui Kpanyi. -- 2e partie: La guerre agni baoul‚, le temps des troubles et de d‚solation (1780-1810). La guerre agni baoul‚ (1770-1790) -- La guerre et ses r‚percussions sur l'avenir du royaume. -- 3e partie: Le siŠcle de comp‚tition pour le pouvoir et la d‚sagr‚gation du royaume (1810-1907). A la d‚couverte du Nan 'Be bia -- Le Nan 'Be bia, conception et d‚volution du pouvoir (1810-1855) -- Mutation ou d‚litescence du royaume? (1865-1886) -- La fin du royaume du Moronou (1886-1913). -- Conclusion. KW - Anyi KW - C“te d'Ivoire KW - ethnic conflicts KW - history KW - monarchy KW - traditional polities RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 131 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w28 T3 - tudes africaines. S‚rie Histoire SN - 2-343-08837-3 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51852 Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 410230081 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2479 T1 - Leadership : perspectives from the front line A1 - Veldsman,Theo H. A1 - Johnson,Andrew Joseph Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met bibliogr., index, noten KW - business KW - leadership KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XXXI, 964 CY - Randburg PB - KR Publishing U2 - w28 U3 - Abstract available N2 - With 89 contributors, 56 chapters and featuring a foreword from advocate Thuli Madonsela, this book on business leadership addresses its topic from all kinds of different angles. It offers recent insights from South Africa's business leaders and experts on leadership and provides practical tools for implementation. The book is divided into twelve sections: 1. Setting the scene (introductory chapter by Veldsman and Johnson); 2. Ways of understanding leadership (ten chapters) 3. The unfolding leadership context (twelve chapters); 4. Leadership excellence (two chapters); 5. Branding and profiling leadership relative to the unfolding context (fifteen chapters); 6. Leadership identification, growth and development (six chapters); 7. Leadership dynamics and transitions (three chapters); 8. Leadership wellbeing (three chapters); 9. Leadership outcomes and impact (one chapter) 10. Leadership stories (one chapter with contributions by fifteen business leaders) 11. A leadership lament (one chapter) 12. Looking ahead: the future of leadership (one chapter). [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 1-86922-609-7 pbk AV - AFRIKA 52000 Y2 - 2017/07/14/ M1 - Kf;E8 M3 - 41058097X ER - TY - ADVS ID - 2473 T1 - Les deux visages d'une femme Bamil‚k‚ A1 - Mbakam,Rosine Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Frans gesproken, Engels en Frans ondertiteld KW - Bamileke KW - Cameroon KW - customs KW - documentary films (form) KW - generations KW - social life KW - videos (form) KW - women RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Brussels PB - Tandor productions U2 - w28 N2 - Ce film raconte le retour dune jeune femme dans son pays dorigine, le Cameroun, ses retrouvailles avec sa mŠre, retrouvailles construites autour des espaces revisit‚s de leurs deux v‚cus. Deux parcours diff‚rents qui se croisent autour des traditions qui fondent leurs deux personnalit‚s. · la recherche des sentiments enfouis, des histoires, son histoire. Le film est un face … face qui confronte et questionne le choix des deux femmes. Deux g‚n‚rations qui se regardent, surtout deux femmes qui ‚changent sur leur intimit‚, leurs souffrances et leur d‚sir de femme. [R‚sume extrait de la dvd-video] AV - AFRIKA AVM1756 Y2 - 2017/12/07/ M3 - 411207245 L3 - https://vimeo.com/191943430 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2492 T1 - Lib‚ria : la difficile construction nationale A1 - Ursa,Liana Maria Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 245-291. - Met noten KW - governance KW - Liberia KW - nation building KW - political history KW - social problems KW - State formation RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 295 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w28 T3 - Etudes africaines. S‚rie politique SN - 2-343-08355-X pbk AV - AFRIKA 51923 Y2 - 2017/12/07/ M3 - 409870226 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2507 T1 - Managing chieftaincy and ethnic conflicts in Ghana A1 - Tonah,Steve A1 - Anamzoya,Alhassan Sulemana Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten KW - chieftaincy KW - conflict KW - conflict resolution KW - ethnicity KW - Ghana RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 293 CY - Accra PB - Woeli publishing services U2 - w28 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This collective volume examines the root causes and trigger factors of social conflicts in Ghana. The focus is on protacted conflicts, that is, conflicts which have defied several attempts to resolve them, dealing with issues of chieftancy, ethnicity and the often related disagreements over land ownership and control. The volume also addresses the role of governments, state and quasi-state institutions as well as non-state actors in conflict management in Ghana. Contributions: Introduction: Managing chieftaincy and ethnic conflicts in Ghana (Steve Tonah); 2. Logics of violence among the Dagomba in Northern Ghana (Deborah Pellow); 3. Tracking the peacebuilding approaches in the Bawku chieftaincy conflict: prospects and challenges (Joseph Kingsley Adjei); 4. The National Peace Council and peacebuilding in Ghana (Ken Ahorsu); 5. Chief Braimah I: a Yoruba chief, Muslim leader, trader and mediator in colonial Accra (Samuel Ntewusu, Edward Nanbigne & Moses Nii-Dortey); 6. Multiple plasters don't heal a wound: an assessment of the management of the Bimbilla chieftaincy dispute, Northern Ghana (Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya & Steve Tonah); 7. Resolution of chieftaincy disputes and reconciliation: a case study of the Effutu traditional area, Winneba (Ahmed Baba Yahaya); 8. End of war, no resolution, no lasting peace: a historical study of attempts at managing and resolving the Nawuri-Gonja conflict (Cletus Kwaku Mbowura); 9. Politics and the management of chieftaincy succession conflict in Central Accra (2006-2012) (Steve Tonah). 10. "A tale of inconclusive encounters": finding a lasting solution to the Mamprusi-Kusasi conflict in Bawku (Felix Y. T. Longi); 11. The complexity of actor-figurations in 'conflict transformation' and 'post-conflict' processes: observations from Northern Ghana and Northern Uganda (Artur Bogner & Dieter Neubert). [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 9988-23161-X AV - AFRIKA 51269 Y2 - 2017/07/14/ M1 - Ff;C1 M3 - 408472103 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2484 T1 - M‚moires d'un haut fonctionnaire prince du Boss‚a A1 - Kane,Moustapha Y1 - 2016/// KW - autobiographies (form) KW - civil servants KW - local government KW - Senegal RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 160 CY - Dakar PB - L'Harmattan S‚n‚gal U2 - w28 T3 - Collection "M‚moires & biographies ; no 20 SN - 2-343-09247-8 AV - AFRIKA 51855 Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 410229482 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2510 T1 - Murderers, miscreants and mutineers : early colonial Cape lives A1 - Penn,Nigel Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Oorspr. uitg.: 2015 Met index, noten KW - colonial history KW - homicide KW - missions KW - rebellions KW - sexual offences KW - South Africa KW - The Cape KW - violence RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XV, 286 CY - Auckland Park PB - Jacana Media U2 - w28 AV - AFRIKA 51960 Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 405391684 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2503 T1 - Nok early iron production in Central Nigeria : new finds and features A1 - Junius,Henrik Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr., sum. in English and French KW - archaeological artefacts KW - Iron Age KW - iron forging KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Journal of African Archaeology: (2016), vol.14, no.3, p.291-311 : ill., krt. VL - 14 U2 - w28 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 409126802 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2493 T1 - Outils de recherche : ‚tude du projet Coton bio-‚quitable du Mali A1 - Rubino,Roberta Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 133-144 Bevat: La construction de l'objet -- Le commerce ‚quitable au crible de l'anthropologie du d‚veloppement -- La construction du d‚veloppement comme objet anthropologique -- Le post-d‚veloppement -- Le d‚veloppement dans la trame de la politique globale -- Au seuil de l'anthropologie et de la philosophie politique. KW - agricultural projects KW - cotton KW - economic anthropology KW - Mali KW - NGO KW - sustainable agriculture RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 144 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w28 T3 - Ethnographiques SN - 2-343-08931-0 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51922 Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 409870196 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2468 T1 - Par-cours d'un journaliste autodidacte A1 - Ndiaye,Pape Ngagne Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met noten Bevat: 1e partie. Parcours professionnel de l'auteur -- 2e partie. "Faram Facce" : un d‚cryptage des questions majeurs de l'actualit‚ nationale. sous partie 1. Notes introductives de quelques thŠmes abord‚s -- sous partie 2. Compilation de quelques ‚missions -- 3e partie. R‚flexions sur les m‚dias au S‚n‚gal KW - broadcasting KW - journalism KW - journalists KW - personal narratives (form) KW - politics KW - Senegal KW - television RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 357 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w28 SN - 2-343-09916-2 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51930 Y2 - 2017/12/07/ M3 - 409252875 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2531 T1 - Partnership unlocks potential : impact stories on aid for trade programmes in East Africa Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Omslagtitel KW - business KW - East Africa KW - food industry KW - ports KW - trade RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 39 CY - Nairobi [etc.] PB - TMEA U2 - w28 T3 - Trademark East Africa impact stories compendium ; vol. 3 AV - AFRIKA 51826 Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 410411485 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2489 T1 - Politiques de l'‚ducation, formation des comp‚tences et construction de l'tat en R‚publique du Congo de 1911 … 1997 : une contribution … l'analyse de l'action publique en Afrique noire A1 - Kiamba,Claude Ernest Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 423-439. - Met noten KW - Congo (Brazzaville) KW - development KW - education KW - educational history KW - educational policy KW - State formation RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 446 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w28 T3 - Etudes africaines SN - 2-343-08452-1 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51850 Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 410228990 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2463 T1 - Post-revolutionary Tunisia : the conceptualisation of women in the Islamist discourse on Facebook A1 - Zouabi,Manel Y1 - 2016/01// N1 - Bibliogr., notes KW - feminism KW - Islam KW - Islamic movements KW - social media KW - Tunisia KW - women RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 79 EP - 104 JA - African Studies Bulletin / Leeds University Centre for African Studies: (2016/17), no.78, p.79-104 : foto. IS - 78 U2 - w28 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 410579181 L3 - http://lucas.leeds.ac.uk/article/post-revolutionary-tunisia-manel- zouabi/ ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2485 T1 - Pr‚vention du g‚nocide : l'enseignement du Rwanda A1 - Poreau,Brice Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr. p. 73-77. - Met bijl., noten KW - commemorations KW - genocide KW - memory KW - peacebuilding KW - Rwanda RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 82 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w28 SN - 2-343-09176-5 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51851 Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 410229466 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2472 T1 - Soccer : moulding the Middle East and North Africa = Voetbal A1 - Dorsey,James Michael Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Proefschrift Universiteit Utrecht Bibliogr.: p. 123-154. - Met noten, samenvatting in het Nederlands KW - dissertations (form) KW - football KW - Northern Africa RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Utrecht PB - [James Michael Dorsey] U1 - Free access. U2 - w28 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 411296728 L3 - https://dspace.library.uu.nl/bitstream/handle/1874/328837/dorsey.pdf? sequence=1&isAllowed=y ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2509 T1 - State, governance and development in Africa A1 - Khan,Firoz A1 - Grundling,Euonell A1 - Ruiters,Greg A1 - Ndevu,Zwelinzima A1 - Baloyi,Basani Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met bibliogr., index, noten KW - Africa KW - democracy KW - economic development KW - governance KW - institutions KW - Kenya KW - Malawi KW - Mozambique KW - political conditions KW - Rwanda KW - Somalia KW - South Africa KW - State RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XLIX, 230 CY - Cape Town PB - Juta and Company Ltd U2 - w28 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This collective volume examines the linkages between governance and economic development. The authors - mostly young African scholars - engage with statehood, state-building and statecraft focusing on issues such as rent-seeking, patronage, neopatrimonialism and bad governance. The contributions, which are organized in four parts, challenge the mainstream opinions of donors, funders, development banks, international non-governmental organisations and development organisations. Part I: Contemporary statecraft and state engineering: overview (Euonell Grundling); 1. The state, governance and the political settlement: to walk questioningly and to make the road while walking (Firoz Khan); 2. China in Africa: Quo vadis governance? (Louise Scholtz and Saliem Fakir); 3. Governance, aid and institutional traps (David Ross Olanya); PART 2: Government, governance and party systems in Africa: overview (Zwelinzima Ndevu); 4. Changing demographics: is Kenya's political stability guaranteed? (Katindi Sivi-Njonjo); 5. Public participation in South Africa: strengthening state accountability in a dominant party system (Janine Hicks and Imraan Buccus); Part III: Governance, policy reform and institution-building: overview (Greg Ruiters); 6. The Somali question and prospects for state-building (Abdihakim Aynte); 7. Landscapes of terror: cityness, routine violence and urban development (Edgar Pieterse); Part IV: Governance, resource mobilisation and financing: overview (Basani Baloyi); 8. Mining in Malawi: another missed opportunity? (Janet Ndagha Liabunya); 9. Green economy, realpolitik and resource mobilisation in Rwanda, Mozambique and South Africa (Manisha Gulati and Precious Zikhali). [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 1-7758-2208-7 AV - AFRIKA 51271 Y2 - 2017/07/14/ M1 - Ba;D1 M3 - 407600426 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2496 T1 - Stone cairns and material culture of the middle to late Holocene, Lake Turkana A1 - Wright,David K. A1 - Grillo,Katherine M. A1 - Soper,Robert Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr., sum. in English and French KW - archaeological artefacts KW - Kenya RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Journal of African Archaeology: (2016), vol.14, no.2, p.209-222 : ill., krt. VL - 14 U2 - w28 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 40912740X ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2488 T1 - Terrorisme international : la r‚ponse de la C“te d'Ivoire A1 - Diarra,Lassina Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 131-133. - Met noten KW - C“te d'Ivoire KW - government policy KW - national security KW - terrorism KW - West Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 140 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w28 SN - 2-343-09138-2 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51919 Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 410229024 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2502 T1 - The Nok terracotta sculptures of Pangwari A1 - M„nnel,Tanja M. A1 - Breunig,Peter Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr., sum. in English and French KW - archaeological artefacts KW - Iron Age KW - Nigeria KW - sculpture RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Journal of African Archaeology: (2016), vol.14, no.3, p.313-329 : ill., krt. VL - 14 U2 - w28 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 40912687X ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2501 T1 - The palaeovegetation of Janruwa (Nigeria) and its implications for the decline of the Nok culture A1 - H”hn,Alexa A1 - Neumann,Katharina Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr., sum. in English and French KW - archaeology KW - climate change KW - fuelwood KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Journal of African Archaeology: (2016), vol.14, no.3, p.331-353 : ill., krt. VL - 14 U2 - w28 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 40912690X ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2464 T1 - The problem with theatre for development in contemporary Malawi A1 - Chisiza,Zindaba Y1 - 2016/01// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, sum KW - community theatre KW - development KW - health education KW - information dissemination KW - Malawi RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 61 EP - 78 JA - African Studies Bulletin / Leeds University Centre for African Studies: (2016/17), no.78, p.61-78. IS - 78 U2 - w28 N2 - This article examines the challenges affecting contemporary Theatre for Development (TfD) in Malawi. I begin with a discussion of the development of the practice in Malawi. This is followed by an analysis of the teaching of the form at Chancellor College before examining how TfD has been used by local NGOs: Story Workshop Educational Trust and Pakachere Institute of Health and Development Communication. I conclude with a discussion of the problems with existing Malawian methodologies AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 410579165 L3 - http://lucas.leeds.ac.uk/article/the-problem-with-theatre-for- development-in-contemporary-malawi-zindaba-chisiza/ ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2497 T1 - The shipwreck of "Bom Jesus", AD 1533 : fugger copper in Namibia A1 - Hauptmann,Andreas A1 - Schneider,Gabi A1 - Bartels,Christoph Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr., sum. in English and French KW - 1500-1599 KW - Namibia KW - Portugal KW - shipwrecks RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Journal of African Archaeology: (2016), vol.14, no.2, p.181-207 : ill., krt. VL - 14 U2 - w28 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 409127272 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2518 T1 - Africa's narrative geographies : charting the intersections of geocriticism and postcolonial studies A1 - Crowley,Dustin Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p 179-185. - Met index KW - Africa KW - Botswana KW - geography KW - Kenya KW - literature KW - Nigeria KW - novels KW - Senegal KW - Somalia KW - space KW - writers RP - NOT IN FILE EP - X, 192 CY - New York, NY PB - Palgrave Macmillan U2 - w28 T3 - Geocriticism and spatial literary studies N2 - Introduction. Charting a path for geocriticism -- My Black land : Senghor's construction of Africa -- Place and scale in Ngugi's universal garden -- Imagining the global village : Bessie Head's narratives of migration and boundaries -- Cosmopolitan Somalia : place and identity in Farah's Maps and Links -- Half slum, half paradise : Abani's global cities -- Conclusion. The landscape of geocritical inquiry : finding common ground for geocriticism and ecocriticism SN - 1-13-752275-5 AV - AFRIKA 51962 Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 410330914 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2511 T1 - An unliekley pair : Berlinde de Bruyckere and J.M. Coetzee A1 - Kusek,Robert A1 - Szymaski,Wojciech Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum KW - South Africa KW - visual arts KW - women artists KW - writers RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 13 EP - 21 JA - Werkwinkel: (2015), vol.10, no.1, p.13-21. VL - 10 IS - 1 U2 - w28 N2 - Despite J.M. Coetzees ostensible interest in the issues of - largely speaking - visuality, the links between Coetzees oeuvre and images have not been sufficiently explored either by art or literary critics. The paper offers a detailed discussion of the cooperation between Coetzee and the Belgian artist Berlinde De Bruyckere which has so far resulted in one installation and two art books co-authored by Coetzee and De Bruyckere. Special attention will be paid to the piece Cripplewood/Kreupelhout shown in the Belgian Pavilion of the 2013 Venice Biennial and the catalogue published in its wake. Also, a number of questions related to the nature of Coetzees contribution to both projects, the role of a curator and his relationship with the artist, as well as the catalogues generic affiliation and its position in Coetzees body of works are thoroughly addressed AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 411323040 L3 - https://doi.org/10.1515/werk-2015-0002 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2517 T1 - As the crow flies : my Bushman experience with 31 Battalion A1 - Linford,Delville A1 - Venter,Al J. Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [288] KW - Angola KW - biographies (form) KW - military operations KW - military personnel KW - San KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 287 CY - Pretoria PB - Protea Book House U2 - w28 SN - 1-485-30268-4 AV - AFRIKA 52220 Y2 - 2017/12/07/ M3 - 410781886 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2512 T1 - Breyten Breytenbach in een zijspiegel : het vizier van H.C. ten Berge : transnationale laterale beweging en particuliere 'hetero-images' van een literaire actor A1 - T'Sjoen,Yves Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum KW - Afrikaans language KW - Dutch language KW - Netherlands KW - poetry KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 33 EP - 50 JA - Werkwinkel: (2015), vol.10, no.1, p.33-50. VL - 10 IS - 1 U2 - w28 N2 - At the end of the 1960s and in the beginning of the 1970s the South African poet Breyten Breytenbach had poetry and drawings published in the leading literary magazine Raster. The editor in charge at the time, H.C. ten Berge, gave the experimental writer and socially engaged Sestiger (the literary modernizing movement in South Africa in the sixties) pride of place in the line-ups of the Dutch modernist periodical. In the seventies, Ten Berge contributed to Vingermaan (1980), a collection of poems by Dutch writers (Lucebert, Kopland, Kouwenaar, Schierbeek) in support of the anti-apartheid activist. From 1975 Breytenbach was imprisoned in South Africa for political reasons. He served seven years of a nine year sentence. At that time, in the eighties, the Netherlands organized a cultural and economical boycott against the racist regime in Pretoria. Later on, Ten Berge presented his own poems dedicated to Breytenbach in his book of poetry Nieuwe gedichten (1981) and in the collection Materia prima: Gedichten 1963-1993 (1993). Before and during the imprisonment of Breytenbach Ten Berge played an important role in the introduction of the writer in the Low Countries. From a cultural-sociological point of view Breytenbachs presence in the Dutch language area can be described, in the terminology of Francoise Lionnet and Shu-mei Shih and later on used by Louise Viljoen, as a transnational lateral movement in his writing career. This paper deals with the cultural transmission of an important political and experimental author in the literary system of Afrikaans and English in South Africa into the Dutch system. From a bibliographical viewpoint this paper affords special attention to the publication of Breytenbachs volume of poetry in Skryt: Om n sinkende skip blou te verf ([1972] 1976), Vingermaan (1980) and Nieuwe gedichten ([1981] 1987). Ten Berge played an important role in the introduction of Breytenbach to the Low Countries in the way he presented the authors political and aesthetic ideas to a Dutch-speaking audience AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 411319922 L3 - https://doi.org/10.1515/werk-2015-0003 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2519 T1 - Espaces et rites fun‚raires A1 - Drici,Salim Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Teksten in het Frans en Arabisch Met bibliogr., bijl., noten, samenvattingen in het Engels en Frans KW - Algeria KW - cemeteries KW - death rites KW - Northern Africa RP - NOT IN FILE PB - Centre de recherche en anthropologie sociale et culturelle (CRASC) U2 - w28 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Insaniyat, ISSN 1111-2050 ; 68 N2 - Les contributions … ce dossier portant sur les espaces et rites fun‚raires accorde une place importante aux ‚l‚ments de mat‚rialisation du culte des morts (‚dicules, mausol‚es, monuments votifs...) et aux nombreux aspects relatifs aux cimetiŠres comme lieux de m‚moire et de comm‚moration, et aux rites fun‚raires comme pratiques sociales dans leur diverses manifestations culturelles, rituelles, comm‚moratives, m‚morielles. Titres: Pr‚sentation (Saddek Benkada et Mohamed Hirreche Baghdad); GenŠse et permanence des pratiques fun‚raires de la pr‚histoire au monde antique en Afrique du Nord (Salim Drici); Espace sacr‚ et pratiques rituelles … Sidi el Khier (S‚tif-Alg‚rie) (Hamza Zeghlache et Monia Bousnina); Le "QuarantiŠme jour" : approches anthropo-philosophiques (Mohamed Hirreche Baghdad); CimetiŠres et extension urbaine en situation coloniale : le cas du cimetiŠre musulman dOran (1868) (Saddek Benkada); Origines et caract‚ristiques du cimetiŠre fran‡ais contemporain (R‚gis Bertrand). [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 409824755 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2515 T1 - Ewi and the significant other A1 - Iginla,M.J.A. Y1 - 2015/// KW - America KW - autobiographies (form) KW - Canada KW - Germany KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE EP - V, 350 CY - Lagos State PB - The International Publishing & Research Company (IPRECO) U2 - w28 SN - 978-2438-12-X AV - AFRIKA 52095 Y2 - 2017/12/07/ M3 - 410915114 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2521 T1 - Fictions africaines et ‚criture de d‚mesure : essai A1 - Tchassim,Koutchoukalo Y1 - 2015/// KW - Africa KW - French-speaking Africa KW - literature KW - prose RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 330 CY - Lom‚ PB - Editions Continents U2 - w28 N2 - This book is an analysis of works by African writers. The author gives the reader the opportunity to place each work in time and get an idea of the context in which these works were written SN - 2-918706-10-8 AV - AFRIKA 51796 Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 408344490 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2516 T1 - Frontiers of jihƒd : radical Islam in Africa A1 - Olomojobi,Yinka Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Met bibliogr., index, noten Bevat: Exploring the frontiers of jihƒd -- Theorising the radicalisation of Islam -- Why religion matters? -- Jihƒdisation of Islam -- New frontiers of terrorism -- Radical Islam in Africa. Resurgence of al-Qaeda in Somalia -- Unholy alliance in the Maghreb -- Talibanism in Mali -- Opening the Pandora's box of Boko Haram -- Ansaru : brother in arms with Boko Haram -- Radical Islam and e-terrorism KW - Africa KW - Islamic movements KW - jihads KW - Maghreb KW - Mali KW - Nigeria KW - radicalism KW - social media KW - Somalia KW - terrorism RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XXVI, 366 CY - Ibadan PB - Safari Books Ltd U2 - w28 SN - 978-84318-4-4 AV - AFRIKA 52080 Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 410840262 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2523 T1 - Homeless wanderers : movement and mental illness in the Cape Colony in the nineteenth century A1 - Swartz,Sally Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [206]-217. - Met index, noten KW - colonial history KW - colonial territories KW - Great Britain KW - health centres KW - mental disorders KW - mental health KW - mobility KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XVI, 224 CY - Claremont PB - UCT Press U2 - w28 N2 - Watching the beetle: motion, emotion and the insane -- Insane disposals: patterns of care in British colonial asylums -- Unsafe custody: in transit to the asylum -- Nights spent walking: insanity and Cape colonial families -- All at sea: the insane and the colony's borders -- Other migrations: insane Jews in the colonial diaspora -- Home and away: insanity and setter colonialism SN - 1-7758-2082-3 AV - AFRIKA 51961 Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 407981616 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2522 T1 - In our own skins : a political history of the Coloured People A1 - Van der Ross,R.E. Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 199-204. - Met index, noten KW - apartheid KW - Coloureds KW - ethnic relations KW - interest groups KW - race relations KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 216 CY - Johannesburg [etc.] PB - Jonathan Ball Publishers U2 - w28 N2 - A political history of the Coloured people -- Early political organisations -- The APO and Dr Abdurahman -- During Abdurahman's time -- The APO: the official organ of the African Political Organisation -- Extracts from The APO, 1909-1923 -- The multiracial conferences and the fall of the APO old guard -- The CAC and Anti-CAD : outright rejection and cautious co-operation -- Further government attempts to find solutions -- Economic factors -- The end of apartheid -- The Coloured and African-American people and South Africa's future -- Epilogue SN - 1-86842-667-X pbk AV - AFRIKA 51959 Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 407981675 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2513 T1 - Poles in the Dutch Cape Colony 1652-1814 A1 - Kowalski,Mariusz Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum KW - colonial history KW - colonists KW - Poles KW - South Africa KW - The Cape RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Werkwinkel: (2015), vol.10, no.1, p.65-96 : krt., tab. VL - 10 U2 - w28 N2 - The contribution of Poles to the colonisation and development of the Dutch Cape Colony is not commonly known. Yet, Poles have been appearing in this colony since its very inception (1652). During the entire period considered here the presence of Poles was the result of the strong economic ties between Poland and the Netherlands. At the end of this period there was an increase in their share, in connection with the presence of numerous alien military units on the territory of the Colony, because of Poles having served in these units. Numerous newcomers from Poland settled in South Africa for good, established families, and their progeny made up part of the local society. The evidence of this phenomenon is provided by the present-day Afrikaner families of, for instance, Drotsky, Kitshoff, Kolesky, Latsky, Masuriek, Troskie, Zowitsky, and others. A quite superficial estimation implies that the settlers coming from Poland could make up a bit over 1% of the ancestors of the present-day Afrikaners. Poles would also participate in the pioneering undertakings within the far-off fringes of the Colony, including the robbery-and-trade expedition of 1702 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 411319442 L3 - https://doi.org/10.1515/werk-2015-0005 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2514 T1 - Policies lost in translation? : unravelling water reform processes in African waterscapes Policies lost in translation? : unravelling water reform processes in African waterscapes A1 - Kemerink-Seyoum,Jeltsje Sanne Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Proefschrift UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft and Delft University of Technology Bibliogr.: p. 135-148. - Met bijl., noten, samenvatting in het Nederlands en Engels KW - dissertations (form) KW - farmers' associations KW - government policy KW - Kenya KW - South Africa KW - Subsaharan Africa KW - Tanzania KW - water resources KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Leiden PB - CRC Press/Balkema U1 - Free access. U2 - w28 SN - 978-1-13-802943-9 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 411292234 L3 - https://repository.tudelft.nl/islandora/object/uuid:c5d6f2ce-e9e1-4b98- 8ddc-0db362adac68/datastream/OBJ/download ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2520 T1 - The rise and fall of the solomonic dynasty of Ethiopia : is the Kebra Nagast a time-bound document A1 - Tiruneh,Gizachew Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 131-137. - Met bijl., index, noten KW - Ethiopia KW - history KW - legends KW - manuscripts KW - monarchy RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XVI, 149 CY - Los Angeles PB - TSEHAI Publishers U2 - w28 N2 - Introduction -- The Kebra Nagast -- The Queen of Sheba -- The Solomonic Dynasty: From Menelik I (10th century B.C.) to the Axumite Empire (circa First Century A.D.) -- The Solomonic Dynasty: From circa first century A.D. to 1930 -- The fall of the Solomonic Dynasty of Ethiopia -- The future of the Solomonic Dynasty: Is the Kebra Nagast a time-bound document? -- Conclusion SN - 1-599-07104-5 AV - AFRIKA 52212 Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 40873003X ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2524 T1 - The Arabs and the scramble for Africa A1 - Wilkinson,John Craven Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [456]-471. - Met index, noten KW - Arabs KW - colonial history KW - colonization KW - East Africa KW - Europe KW - Germany KW - Oman KW - Zanzibar RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XIV, 497 CY - Sheffield [etc.] PB - Equinox U2 - w28 T3 - Comparative Islamic studies, ISSN 1740-7125 N2 - Foreword -- 1. The Omani perspective: part I -- 2. The Omani perspective part II: growing British influence -- 3. The early Arab penetration into the African mainland -- 4. Oman and Zanzibar: Britain and France -- 5. Barghash's reign: the first dozen years -- 6. The mainland -- 7. AIC phase I -- 8. German colonization in East Africa -- 9. Confrontation -- 10. The Swahili uprising -- 11. The Emin pasha Relief Expedition (EPRE): part I -- 12. The Emin Pasha Relief Expedition: part II -- -- 13. EIC: consolidation of state: the Arab zone -- 14. The Arab zone -- 15. First clashes -- 16. War -- 17. Envoi: Zanzibar 1896 -- Bibliography -- Index. This book examines the history of the European Scramble for Africa from the perspective of the Omanis and other Arabs in East Africa. It will be of interest not only to African specialists, but also those working on the Middle East, where awareness is now emerging that the history of those settled on the southern peripheries of Arabia has been intimately entwined with Indian Ocean maritime activities since pre-Islamic times. The nineteenth century, however, saw these maritime borderlands being increasingly drawn into a new world economy, one of whose effects was the development of an ivory front in the interior of the continent that, by the 1850s, led the Omanis and Swahili to establish themselves on the Upper Congo. A reconstruction of their history and their interaction with Europeans is a major theme of this book. European colonial rivalries in Africa is not a subject in vogue today, while the Arabs are still largely viewed as invaders and slavers. The fact that the British separated the Sultanates of Muscat and Zanzibar is reflected in European research so that historians have little grasp of the geographic, tribal and religious continuum that persisted between overseas empire and the Omani homeland. Ibadism is regarded as irrelevant to the mainstream of Islamic religious protest whereas, during the lead up to establishing direct colonial rule, its ideology played a significant role; even the final rally against the Belgians in the Congo was conducted in the name of an Imam al-MuslimŒn. Back home, the fallout from the British massacre that crushed the last Arab attempt to reassert independence in Zanzibar was an important contributory cause towards the re-founding of an Imamate that survived until the mid-1950s SN - 1-7817-9068-X AV - AFRIKA 51965 Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 410381306 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2525 T1 - Footprints of an iconic diplomat : a pictorial biography of Chief Emeka Anyaokwu A1 - Okafor,Basil A1 - Amaikwu,Chike A1 - Oluwatoye,Chineze Gbengba Y1 - 2013/// KW - biographies (form) KW - diplomats KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 199 CY - [S.l.] PB - Leverage Multi Global Concept U2 - w28 AV - AFRIKA A12589 Y2 - 2017/07/14/ M3 - 410413224 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2526 T1 - Remembering Africa : the rediscovery of colonialism in contemporary German literature A1 - G”ttsche,Dirk Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [427]-470. - Met indices KW - Cameroon KW - colonialism KW - German East Africa KW - German language KW - German Togoland KW - Germany KW - literature KW - memory KW - Subsaharan Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - VIII, 485 CY - Rochester, NY PB - Camden House U2 - w28 T3 - Studies in German literature, linguistics, and culture N2 - "This is the first comprehensive study of contemporary German literature's intense engagement with German colonialism and with Germany's wider involvement in European colonialism. Building on the author's decade of research and publication in the field, the book discusses some fifty novels by German, Swiss, and Austrian writers, among them Hans Christoph Buch, Alex Capus, Christof Hamann, Lukas Hartmann, Ilona Maria Hilliges, Giselher W. Hoffmann, Dieter Khn, Hermann Schulz, Gerhard Seyfried, Thomas von Steinaecker, Uwe Timm, Ilija Trojanow, and Stephan Wackwitz. Drawing on international postcolonial theory, the German tradition of cross-cultural literary studies, and on memory studies, the book brings the hitherto neglected German case to the international debate in postcolonial literary studies"--Publisher website, July 5, 2013 SN - 1-571-13546-4 AV - AFRIKA 51972 Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 364231289 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 2527 T1 - Climate change, violent conflict and local institutions in Kenya's drylands A1 - Adano,Wario R. A1 - Dietz,Ton A1 - Witsenburg,Karen A1 - Zaal,Fred Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Notes, bibliogr., sum KW - climate change KW - conflict KW - drylands KW - institutions KW - Kenya KW - natural resources KW - pastoralists KW - violence RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Journal of Peace Research: (2012), vol.49, no.1, 65-80 : graf., krt. VL - 49 U2 - w28 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Many regions that are endowed with scarce natural resources such as arable land and water, and which are remote from a central government, suffer from violence and ethnic strife. A number of studies have looked at the convergence of economic, political and ecological marginality in several African countries. However, there is limited empirical study on the role of violence in pastoral livelihoods across ecological and geographical locations. Yet, case studies focusing on livelihood and poverty issues could inform us about violent behaviour as collective action or as individual decisions, and to what extent such decisions are informed or explained by specific climatic conditions. Several case studies point out that violence is indeed an enacted behaviour, rooted in culture and an accepted form of interaction. This article critically discusses the relevance of geographical and climatic parameters in explaining the connection between poverty and violent conflicts in Kenya's pastoral areas. These issues are considered vis-…-vis the role institutional arrangements play in preventing violent conflict over natural resources from occurring or getting out of hand. The article uses long-term historical data, archival information and a number of fieldwork sources. The results indicate that the context of violence does not deny its agency in explanation of conflicts, but the institutional set-up may ultimately explain the occurrence of the resource curse. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 411317954 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0022343311427344 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2528 T1 - In my father's parsonage : the story of an Anglican family in Yor—b -speaking Nigeria A1 - Olupona,Jacob Khinde Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Met bijl., index KW - Anglican Church KW - biographies (form) KW - clergy KW - Nigeria KW - Yoruba RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XV, 277 CY - Ibadan PB - University Press PLC U2 - w28 SN - 978-06-9751-9 limb AV - AFRIKA 51838 Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 410495751 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2530 T1 - African futures 2050 : the next forty years A1 - Cilliers,Jakkie A1 - Hughes,Barry A1 - Moyer,Jonathan Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Met noten KW - Africa KW - democratization KW - economic development KW - future KW - international relations KW - political conditions KW - population growth KW - social development RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Pretoria PB - Institute for Security Studies (ISS) U1 - Free access. U2 - w28 T3 - ISS monograph series ; 175 SN - 978-1-920422-22-6 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 382846443 L3 - https://issafrica.s3.amazonaws.com/site/uploads/Mono175.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2542 T1 - Ekiti State : the story of a determined people A1 - Oyebode,Akin Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Met bijl Bevat: Ekiti State : the land, its people and culture / Isola Olomola -- The struggle for the creation of Ekiti State / Deji Fasuan -- The political economy of underdevelopment / Kunle Ajayi -- The state of education in Ekiti State / Afolabi Popoola -- Agricultural development in Ekiti State / Akinola Agboola -- Military administration in Ekiti State: Administration of Col. Inua Bawa / Adeyeye Ibidunmoye. Administration of Navy Captain M.A. Yussuff / Lafimihan Olagunju -- Advent of democracy in Ekiti State / Gboyega Isijola -- Otunba 'Niyi Adebayo administration / Afolabi Ojuawo -- Women empowerment in Ekiti State / Ronke Okusanya -- Ekiti State of our dream / Afe Babalola KW - economic conditions KW - Nigeria KW - regional government KW - social conditions RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 188 CY - Ado-Ekiti PB - Fountain Newspapers & Publishing Company Ltd U2 - w28 SN - 978-35999-2-5 (limp) AV - AFRIKA 51190 Y2 - 2017/07/13/ M3 - 408111372 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2529 T1 - Ibadanland : facts and figures A1 - Fatokun,Jide Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 398-404. - Met index, noten KW - agriculture KW - chieftaincy KW - colonial administration KW - Ibadan polity KW - Nigeria KW - Yoruba RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XVII, 418 CY - Ibadan PB - Opposite Union Bank U2 - w28 SN - 978-978-50115-7-9 AV - AFRIKA 51834 Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 41061615X ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2532 T1 - Sixty milestones A1 - Ibidapo-Obe,Sola Y1 - 2009/// KW - academics KW - biographies (form) KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XII, 193 CY - Lagos PB - Barton Publishers U2 - w28 SN - 978-978-90221-6-8 AV - AFRIKA A12600 Y2 - 2017/07/14/ M3 - 410840033 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2533 T1 - The Arogbo Ijaws of Nigeria A1 - Eshofonie,Gabriel Aramaiakelemi Y1 - 2009/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 132-134. - Met bijl., chronolog., index KW - clothing KW - culture KW - funerals KW - games KW - housing KW - Ijo KW - marriage KW - Nigeria KW - religion KW - social stratification RP - NOT IN FILE EP - X, 137 CY - Ibadan PB - End-time Publishing House, Ltd U2 - w28 SN - 978-07-1252-6 AV - AFRIKA 51830 Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 410415065 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2534 T1 - Destined to be a man of many parts A1 - Ajayi,Abiola Olusegun Y1 - 2008/// N1 - Met index KW - biographies (form) KW - doctors KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XI, 291 CY - Lagos PB - Author U2 - w28 SN - 978-08-6508-X AV - AFRIKA 51831 Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 410415170 ER - TY - ADVS ID - 2535 T1 - Ohm Krger = Uncle Krger = $#262 A1 - Steinhoff,Hans A1 - Jannings,Emil Y1 - 2007/// N1 - Based on the novel "Mann ohne Volk" by Arnold Krieger Special features: Historical slide show ; supplemental information: Sicherheitsdienst (S) report on public responses to Ohm Kruger ; scene selection Duits gesproken, Engels ondertiteld Videodisc release of a 1941 motion picture KW - Anglo-Boer wars KW - feature films (form) KW - Germany KW - propaganda KW - South Africa KW - videos (form) RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Chicago, IL PB - International Historic Films Inc. U2 - w28 N2 - Ohm Krger, a hero of the South African Boers, tells his life story in flashbacks as he lies dying in a Swiss hospital. A German anti-British propaganda film, the film was mainly meant to have the audience sympathize with the Boers, representing the German people fighting against the English. Conceived by Joseph Goebbels' Propaganda Ministry as a propagandistic blockbuster, the lavish production leaves no stone unturned in its bitter indictment of Great Britain, which at the time (early 1941) stood alone as Germany's wartime foe. In his historical re-enactment of the Second Boer War, Ohm Krger depicts Britain as a relentlessly aggressive power, hell-bent on world domination; the film features a scotch-swilling Queen Victoria, a cruelly conniving Cecil Rhodes and a Winston Churchill look-alike who presides over a murderous concentration camp. On the Boer side stands "Uncle" Paul Krger, portrayed as a model of simple dignity and unerring moral right by actor Emil Jannings. By far the most expensive film produced in Nazi Germany up to that time AV - AFRIKA AVM1757 Y2 - 2017/12/07/ M3 - 410577197 L3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQM8BUxEOew ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2536 T1 - Towards functional justice : the seminar papers of Justice Chukuwudifu A. Oputa A1 - Okeke,Chris Y1 - 2007/// N1 - Met index, noten KW - administration of justice KW - constitutional law KW - democracy KW - judges KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XXVI, 405 CY - Ibadan PB - Gold Press Limited, in association with Givani Books (Export) Inc U2 - w28 N2 - This book is collection of twenty seminar papers by Justice Chukuwudifu A. Oputa, who retired from the Nigeria Supreme Court in 1989. They deal with issues of democracy, constitutional law, justice and peace SN - 978-07-4141-0 AV - AFRIKA 51837 Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 410495255 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2539 T1 - BECE social studies for JSS / Kofi B. Quansah. Pupil's book / Kofi B. Quansah 3: Pupil's book A1 - Quansah,Kofi B. A1 - Otu,Charles E. Y1 - 2006//20/ N1 - Vermelding op titelp.: Based on the syllabus issued by the Curriculum Research and Development Division of the Ghana Education Service 1e uitg.: 2005 KW - development KW - geography education KW - Ghana KW - history education KW - secondary education KW - social studies KW - textbooks (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - IV, 157 CY - Accra PB - Sedco Publishing Limited U2 - w28 SN - 9964-72-329-6 AV - AFRIKA 50523.3 Y2 - 2017/12/07/ M3 - 405899270 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2538 T1 - Guide to human & regional geography for the West African senior school certeficate examination (WASSCE) A1 - Dakpoe,Richard Lander Y1 - 2006/// N1 - Vermelding op omslag: WASSCE geography 2 ; complete syllabus for geography paper 2 ; Human geography (section A) ; Ghana (section B) ; Africa (section C) Oorspr. uitg.: 2000 KW - climate KW - development KW - geography education KW - Ghana KW - migration KW - secondary education KW - textbooks (form) KW - West Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - IX, 208 CY - Accra PB - DAL & Richson Publishers U2 - w28 T3 - Lander series SN - 9988-00358-7 AV - AFRIKA A12484 Y2 - 2017/12/07/ M3 - 405904908 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2537 T1 - The other conference A1 - Bikomo,A.P.K. Y1 - 2006/// KW - essays (form) KW - Nigeria KW - political conditions RP - NOT IN FILE EP - V, 120 CY - Lagos PB - Ababa Press Ltd U2 - w28 SN - 978-37084-2-2 pbk AV - AFRIKA 51817 Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 410339652 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2540 T1 - Epistemological evaluation of science : the rationalist tradition A1 - Ndubuisi,F.N. Y1 - 2003/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 179-199. - Met index KW - epistemology KW - Nigeria KW - philosophy KW - science RP - NOT IN FILE EP - X, 203 CY - Lagos PB - Foresight Press U2 - w28 SN - 978-35312-0-4 AV - AFRIKA 51842 Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 410524492 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2541 T1 - Religious and moral education for junior high schools A1 - Gbedy,David A1 - Ayee,Albertha A. Y1 - 2002/// KW - African religions KW - Christian education KW - ethics KW - Ghana KW - Islamic education KW - religious education KW - textbooks (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - dl CY - Accra PB - Topsmat Publications U1 - Aanwezig: dl. 1-3. U2 - w28 AV - AFRIKA 50517.1-3 Y2 - 2017/12/07/ M3 - 405897960 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2543 T1 - A prophet is with honour : the life & times of Ojetunji Aboyade A1 - Olaopa,Tunji Y1 - 1997/// N1 - Met index KW - academics KW - biographies (form) KW - economics KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XV, 283 CY - Ibadan PB - Fountain Publications U2 - w28 SN - 978-2679-19-4 limp AV - AFRIKA 51840 Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 410524174 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2544 T1 - Awoism : select themes on the complex ideology of Chief Obafemi Awolowo A1 - Omoboriowo,Akin Y1 - 1982/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 110. - Met bijl., noten KW - Nigeria KW - politics KW - socialism RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XVII, 110 CY - Ibadana PB - Evans Brothers (Nigeria Publishers) Limited U2 - w28 SN - 978-167-181-5 AV - AFRIKA 51841 Y2 - 2017/11/07/ M3 - 410524360 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 2451 T1 - Killing without consequence: war crimes, crimes against humanity and the special criminal court in the Central African Republic A1 - Mudge,Lewis A1 - Mattioli-Zeltner,Geraldine A1 - Keppler,Elise Y1 - -32676/// N1 - Met bijl., samenvatting KW - Central African Republic KW - offences against human rights RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [New York, NY] PB - Human Rights Watch U1 - Free access. U2 - w28 N2 - This report documents war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Seleka and anti-balaka forces in the central regions of the Central African Republic between late 2014 and April 2017. Based on hundreds of interviews with victims and witnesses, primarily in the Nana-Gr‚bizi, Ouaka, Ouahm and Haute Kotto provinces, this report provides a detailed account of the widespread abuses committed against civilians in those parts of the country. The report also highlights two urgent needs that require international support. First is improved civilian protection by the roughly 12,800-member United Nations peacekeeping force currently in the Central African Republic. As the crimes documented here show, the force was too often unable to protect civilians from killings and forced displacement. Vulnerable civilians desperately need protection because fighting in the central regions flared in late 2016 and continues in 2017, even after the signing of a peace accord in June 2017. Second is attention and support to the recently established Special Criminal Court (SCC), which offers a unique chance to hold accountable the perpetrators of these grave crimes. A hybrid institution within the Central African justice system, with national and international judges and prosecutors, the SCC has a mandate to investigate and prosecute serious human rights violations committed in the Central African Republic since 2003. Together with the International Criminal Court (ICC), which has jurisdiction and ongoing investigations in the country, the SCC has the potential to break the country's longstanding tradition of impunity for atrocities. [Publishers description] SN - 978-1-623-13493-8 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2017/10/07/ M3 - 41129590X L3 - https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/car0717_web_0.pdf ER -