TY - JOUR ID - 3325 T1 - Dividend payment behaviour and its determinants : the Nigerian evidence A1 - Abdulkadir,Rihanat Idowu A1 - Abdullah,Nur Adiana Hiau A1 - Wong,Woei Chyuan Y1 - 2016/// KW - financial management KW - investment returns KW - Nigeria KW - private enterprises RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 53 EP - 63 JA - African Development Review: (2016), vol.28, no.1, p.53-63 : graf., tab. VL - 28 IS - 1 U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper offers new evidence on the existence of disappearing dividend phenomenon in the Nigerian stock market and as to how clientele, catering and life-cycle theories of dividend affect firms' dividend paying behaviour. The authors did not find conclusive evidence to suggest that dividend payments had become second order of importance in firms' payout policies during 2003-2012 because they only observed a downward trend in dividend payments during 2010-2012. Logistic regression of a probability to pay or not to pay dividend and a panel regression of the size of dividend payment show that clientele theory stands out as compared to catering and life-cycle theories. Firms in the sample shape their dividend policies in line with the preference of foreign investors who have less preference for dividend over capital gain due to dividend taxes imposed on these shareholders. This underlines the importance of foreign investors on firms' corporate decisions given the fact they owned more than half of the total shares traded on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. Other determinants that affect the propensity to pay are profitability, investment opportunities, leverage, cash flow, crisis, stock market performance, past dividend and interest rate with signs that are consistent with the prediction of traditional dividend theories. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M1 - Fn;E1 M3 - 406354448 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12166 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3324 T1 - Does economic freedom enhance the impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth in north African countries? : a panel data analysis A1 - Zghidi,Nahed A1 - Sghaier,Imen Mohamed A1 - Abida,Zouheir Y1 - 2016/// KW - economic policy KW - foreign investments KW - Northern Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 64 EP - 74 JA - African Development Review: (2016), vol.28, no.1, p.64-74 : tab. VL - 28 IS - 1 U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article investigates the causal interactions between foreign direct investment (FDI), economic freedom and economic growth on a panel of four North African countries (Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and Egypt), over a 5-year period from 1980 to 2013. Using the System Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) in a panel data analysis, the authors found strong evidence of a positive link between FDI and economic growth. They also found that economic freedom appears to be working as a complement to FDI and that the effect of FDI is more pronounced in the presence of the economic freedom variable. This means that the countries which promote greater freedom of economic activities benefit more from the presence of multinational corporations (MNCs). Bibliogr., notes, sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M1 - Ca;E1 M3 - 406354456 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12167 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3327 T1 - Empirical analysis of the key drivers of income inequality in West Africa A1 - Anyanwu,John C. A1 - Erhijakpor,Andrew E.O. A1 - Obi,Emeka Y1 - 2016/// KW - economic models KW - income distribution KW - West Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 18 EP - 38 JA - African Development Review: (2016), vol.28, no.1, p.18-38 : fig., graf., tab. VL - 28 IS - 1 U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper extends and contributes to the literature on the drivers of income inequality in West Africa. Principally, it empirically assesses the impact of key domestic and external drivers of income inequality with a view to drawing key lessons for West African countries. Using the dynamic system GMM estimation procedure, the authors analyze an unbalanced pooled time series data set of income distribution in 17 West African countries from 1970 to 2011. The inequality measures, the market (gross) and net income inequality coefficients, are from a global inequality dataset, which ensures data comparability both through time and across countries. Findings show strong support for a dynamic, non-monotonic, inverted U-shaped, effect of inequality in the model (as expressed by the lagged values of income inequality). The authors find evidence of existence of the Kuznets curve in the sub-region, which proposed that inequality may rise with the initial increase in per capita income but will decline subsequently. A non-monotonic, Kuznets-type effect is found for political globalization. The results also show that access to secondary education (skill premium) social globalization, age dependency (for net income inequality) and democracy strongly and significantly equalize income in West Africa. The authors find that population density, natural resources dependence, domestic investment rate, government consumption expenditure, trade openness, inward foreign direct investment, international remittances, and civil conflicts appear to be income disequalizing in the sub-region. The policy lessons and implications are discussed. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M1 - Fa;E1 M3 - 406354421 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12164 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3331 T1 - Entrepreneurs africains et chinois : les impacts sociaux d'une rencontre particuliŠre A1 - Giese,Karsten A1 - Marfaing,Laurence Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Papers from a colloquium held at the Facult‚ des sciences et technologies de l'‚ducation et de la formation, Dakar, January 20-24, 2013 Met bibliogr., noten KW - Africa KW - China KW - entrepreneurs KW - globalization KW - international relations RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 374 CY - Paris PB - ditions Karthala U2 - w36 T3 - Hommes et soci‚t‚s SN - 2-8111-1549-8 pbk AV - AFRIKA 50363 Y2 - 2016/07/09/ M3 - 401873765 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3332 T1 - Eye of the firestorm : the Namibian - Angolan South African border war, memoirs of a military commander A1 - De Vries,Roland Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Oorspr. uitg.: 2013 Bibliogr.: p. 570-576. - Met bijl., gloss., noten KW - Angola KW - armed forces KW - autobiographies (form) KW - military operations KW - Namibia KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 576 CY - West Midlands PB - Helion & Co Ltd U2 - w36 SN - 1-909982-69-5 AV - AFRIKA 50573 Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M3 - 392681358 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3328 T1 - Growth and Institutions : a potential medicine for the poor in sub-Saharan Africa A1 - Akobeng,Eric Y1 - 2016/// KW - economic models KW - gross national product KW - institutions KW - poverty reduction KW - Subsaharan Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 1 EP - 17 JA - African Development Review: (2016), vol.28, no.1, p.1-17 : graf., tab. VL - 28 IS - 1 U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The conventional wisdom is that growth is a precondition for poverty reduction. Paying particular attention to the level of growth, poverty and institutions in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), this paper investigates the effect of GDP per capita growth and sectoral growth on poverty and explores whether the growth-poverty link can be strengthened by institutions. Using the panel dataset of 41 SSA countries over the period 1981-2010 and dynamic two-step system generalized method of moment (GMM) estimator; it is found that GDP per capita growth is an important instrument for poverty reduction. Also, the growth of agriculture and the service sectors have direct poverty-reducing effects. The paper further reveals that good and accountable government, bureaucratic quality and sound policies and regulations are important ingredients in sustaining the growth-poverty link in SSA. Bibliogr., notes, sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M1 - Ea;E1 M3 - 406354413 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12163 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3330 T1 - L'eau, le feu et le makhzen : la rive nord-ouest saharienne A1 - Nim,Muaf  Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [411]-426. - Met noten La tradition acad‚mique ouest saharienne -- L'affiliation … la langue des hassan, rŠgle de sym‚trie et brouillages identitaires -- Repr‚sentativit‚s politiques tribales et repr‚sentations du Makhzen (La rive nord-ouest saharienne et la Sagya al-Hamra) -- Les formations ‚tatiques et le changement sociospatial -- D‚mocratie, renouveau des chefferies et tat -- Les limites des oppositions factionnelles -- Le plan d'autonomie, r‚gionalisation et perspectives -- Assistanat et probit‚ publique des sahariens -- L'anthropologie de la population, travail et emploi dans la r‚gion de Goulmim -- Am‚nagement durable et d‚veloppement culturel territorialis‚ -- Plaidoyer pour une sauvegarde l'h‚ritage culturel Hassaniya -- Conscience identitaire et nationalisme au Sahara. KW - ethnicity KW - Morocco KW - Northern Africa KW - Sahara KW - social change KW - social conditions RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 437 CY - Paris PB - Karthala U2 - w36 T3 - Hommes et soci‚t‚s SN - 2-8111-1447-5 pbk AV - AFRIKA 50369 Y2 - 2016/07/09/ M3 - 401875768 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3326 T1 - L'importance des reformes institutionnelles dans l'attractivit‚ des IDE dans les Etats en p‚riode de post conflit d'Afrique subsaharienne : une analyse empirique A1 - Gakpa,Lewis Landry Y1 - 2016/// KW - economic development KW - foreign investments KW - institutions KW - peacebuilding KW - Subsaharan Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 39 EP - 52 JA - African Development Review: (2016), vol.28, no.1, p.39-52 : tab. VL - 28 IS - 1 U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Ce papier analyse le r“le que pourrait jouer des reformes institutionnelles dans l'attractivit‚ des Investissements Directs Etrangers dans les pays d'Afrique subsaharienne post conflit d'une part et d'autre part, cherche … expliciter le lien entre ces investissements directs ‚trangers et la croissance ‚conomique, au cours de la p‚riode 1996-2014. Les r‚sultats sont obtenus … partir de la m‚thode Pool Mean Group qui est plus efficace que les m‚thodes traditionnelles de panel et qui renforce donc notre analyse. Il ressort des r‚sultats que la qualit‚ de certaines institutions telles que les droits de propri‚t‚ et les droits politiques conditionne l'attrait des IDE dans cette cat‚gorie de pays. Il est donc clair qu'une action rigoureuse et vigoureuse, notamment des reformes institutionnelles sont n‚cessaires … ce niveau pour permettre … ces pays de tirer pleinement parti des avantages des flux d'IDE. A cela s'ajoutent la stabilit‚ macro‚conomique (mesur‚e par le taux d'inflation) et le degr‚ d'ouverture dans la zone qui constituent des d‚terminants importants des IDE. Dans un second temps, en analysant l'impact des IDE sur la croissance ‚conomique, nous concluons quant … la nature b‚n‚fique des entr‚es d'IDE sur l'‚conomie de la plupart de cette cat‚gorie de pays. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [R‚sum‚ extrait de la revue] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M1 - Ea;E2 M3 - 40635443X L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12165 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3323 T1 - Les sciences sociales au S‚n‚gal : mise … l‚preuve et nouvelles perspectives A1 - Diouf ,Mamadou A1 - Diagne,Souleymane Bachir Y1 - 2016/// KW - change KW - development KW - Senegal KW - social sciences KW - society RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Dakar PB - CODESRIA U1 - Free access. U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Chacun des textes de cet ouvrage collectif est exemplaire en ce sens quil propose un exemple de ce que sont aujourdhui les humanit‚s et les sciences sociales en Afrique lorsquelles sont attach‚es … penser les devenirs … loeuvre dans la modernit‚ africaine, s‚n‚galaise plus particuliŠrement. Cest … ce titre quils se font ‚cho dans leur maniŠre de proposer, ensemble, un profil de cette modernit‚ en mouvement. Sommaire: 01 - Introduction; 1 - La r‚volution du num‚rique : enjeux culturels et ‚pist‚miques (Bado Ndoye); 2 - Le curriculum et lenseignement des sciences humaines et sociales … luniversit‚ Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (Souleymane Diallo); 3 - Regards crois‚s sur la charte de Kurukan Fuga et la D‚claration universelle des droits de lhomme (Thierno Amadou Ndiogou); 4 - Territorialisation du d‚veloppement local au S‚n‚gal : impens‚s, cheminements, enjeux et limites dun concept et dune approche (Boubacar Ba); 5 - Au confluent de larabit‚ et de lafriquit‚ ? Le territoire-frontiŠre de Rosso comme espace de d‚ploiement de dynamiques ambivalentes dint‚gration transnationale entre le S‚n‚gal et la Mauritanie (Mamadou Dim‚); 6 - conomie verte et changement social : analyse des possibilit‚s et des contraintes des emplois verts en matiŠre dautonomisation sociale et ‚conomique des femmes au S‚n‚gal (Cheikh Sadibou Sakho); 7 - In‚galit‚s ‚conomiques et systŠme des in‚galit‚s au S‚n‚gal (Abdoul Alpha Dia); 8 - In‚galit‚s sociales et accŠs … l‚ducation et … la formation au S‚n‚gal : cas des lyc‚es Lamine GuŠye et Seydou Nourou Tall, et des instituts sup‚rieurs ITECOM et ISM … Dakar (Souleymane Gomis); 9 - Art africain et monde globalis‚ (Babacar Mbaye Diop); 10 - Norme linguistique et alt‚rit‚ au S‚n‚gal : dune norme exclusive … une norme inclusive (Khadimou Rassoul Thiam); 11 - LIslam dans lespace universitaire au S‚n‚gal : le cas de luniversit‚ Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD) (El Hadji Malick Sy Camara); 12 - Le code mixte chez les jeunes scolaris‚s … Ziguinchor : un signe durbanit‚ ? (Ndi‚m‚ Sow). [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] SN - 978-2-86978-709-4 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/06/09/ M1 - Fo;C1 M3 - 406583218 L3 - http://www.codesria.org/spip.php?article2654&lang=en ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3329 T1 - Lettres noires : des t‚nŠbres … la lumiŠre A1 - Mabanckou,Alain Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met noten KW - Africa KW - African culture KW - France KW - literary history KW - literature KW - speeches (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 74 CY - Paris PB - Fayard U2 - w36 T3 - Le‡on inaugurale - CollŠge de France = Le‡ons inaugurales du CollŠge de France ; N 263 SN - 2-213-70079-6 pbk AV - AFRIKA 50557 Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M3 - 402423860 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3322 T1 - Nossa µfrica: ensino e pesquisa A1 - Mendes de Paula,Simoni A1 - de Souza Correa,S¡lvio Marcus Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Notes, references KW - Africa KW - African studies KW - Angola KW - Brazil KW - education KW - historiography KW - Mozambique RP - NOT IN FILE CY - SÆo Leopoldo PB - Oikos U1 - Free access. U2 - w36 SN - 978-85-7843-614-8 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/06/09/ M3 - 406591776 L3 - http://oikoseditora.com.br/files/Nossa%20africa%20-%20ensino%20e% 20pesquisa%20-%20E-BOOK.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3364 T1 - "BrŠche" ouverte sur la Langue de Barbarie … Saint-Louis : esquisse de bilan d'un am‚nagement pr‚cipit‚ A1 - Sy,Boubou Aldiouma Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Rampao"--Cover Bibliogr.: p. 193-204. - Met noten KW - canals KW - coastal management KW - floods KW - hydraulic engineering KW - Senegal RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 210 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available T3 - La librairie universitaire . ThŠses et essais N2 - En octobre 2003, la ville de Saint-Louis allait ˆtre engloutie par la mont‚e des eaux du fleuve S‚n‚gal. Il failait rapidement trouver une solution pour sauver la ville et des vies humaines. C'est ainsi que les pouvoirs publics et les autorit‚s communales ont pris la d‚cision de cr‚er un canal de d‚lestage sur la Langue de Barbarie (LB). Cette brŠche, de 4 m. au d‚part, a atteint 5200 m. de large en f‚vrier 2015, changeant les caract‚ristiques biophysiques de la zone. Les terres de Gandiol qui ‚taient jadis propices au maraŒchages sont affect‚es par la salinisation … cause de l'intrusion du biseau sal‚. Les villages du Doun Baba DiŠye et de Keur Bernard ont disparu, plusieurs pirogues ont chavir‚ au niveau de la brŠche, entraŒnant plusieurs pertes en vies humaines. Les riverains de la Lagune de Mboumbaye sont pris au piŠge des flots de l'oc‚an Atlantique. Ce livre est le fruit de nombreuses ann‚es d'observation, d'analyse et d'interpr‚tation des dynamiques au niveau de la Langue de Barbarie. Contributeurs: Boubou Aldiouma, Amadou Abou Sy, Ansoumana Bodian, Tidiane Faye, Souleymane Niang, Mariama Diop, Mari‚tou Ndiaye. [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] SN - 2-343-06975-1 AV - AFRIKA 50374 Y2 - 2016/05/09/ M1 - Fo;J3 M3 - 403859387 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3344 T1 - "Munic¡pios e poderes locais em µfrica" A1 - Nascimento,Augusto A1 - Rodriques,Eug‚nia A1 - Fernandes,Paulo Jorge Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Met bibliogr.,bijl., noten, samenvattingen in Engels en Portugees KW - 2014 KW - Angola KW - authority KW - conference papers (form) KW - Guinea-Bissau KW - local government KW - Mozambique KW - municipal government RP - NOT IN FILE PB - Centro de Estudos Africanos U2 - w36 T3 - Cadernos de estudos Africanos, ISSN 1645-3794 ; no. 30 N2 - Este n£mero re£ne textos sobre poderes locais em µfrica. A ideia de publicar este n£mero surgiu durante a realiza‡Æo do Congresso Internacional Munic¡pios e Poderes Locais em µfrica - S‚culos XVI-XXI, que decorreu entre 4 e 6 de Novembro de 2014 na Faculdade de Ciˆncias Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Contribui‡äes : Munic¡pios e poderes locais em µfrica: heran‡as e metamorfoses em tempos de incerteza (Augusto Nascimento, Eug‚nia Rodrigues e Paulo Jorge Fernandes); "Sempre vassalo fiel de sua Majestade fidel¡ssima": os autos de vassalagem e as cartas patentes para autoridades locais africanas (Angola, segunda metade do s‚culo XVIII) ("Always faithful vassal of his most faithful Majesty": the vassalage treaties and the letters patents for African local authorities (Angola, second half of the eighteenth century)) (Ariane Carvalho da Cruz); A questÆo das "Ouvidas", ou a disputa entre autoridades civis e militares pelo julgamento de "causas gent¡licas" na Angola de meados do s‚culo XIX (The issue of the "Ouvidas": The dispute between civil and military authorities for the trial of "causas gent¡licas" in mid-19th century Angola) (JoÆo Figueiredo); O desenvolvimento do poder local em µfrica: o caso dos munic¡pios em Mo‡ambique (The local government development in Africa: the case of municipalities in Mozambique) (Jos‚ Ant¢nio Oliveira Rocha e Gon‡alves Jonas Bernardo Zavale); Os munic¡pios dos "Outros". Alternƒncia do poder local em Mo‡ambique? O caso de Angoche (The municipalities of "others". Alternation of local power in Mozambique? A case study of Angoche (Domingos Manuel do Ros rio); R‚gulo e comit‚: acertos e divergˆncias na Sec‡Æo de Suzana (Guin‚ Bissau) (R‚gulo and comit‚: adjustments and divergencies in Suzana Section (Guinea Bissau)) (L£cia Bayan). [Resumo ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M3 - 406513783 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3337 T1 - Assessment of Islamic principles of business practices and their relevance to the contemporary society A1 - Musa,Rasheedat Oluwakemi Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Includes bibliographic references p. 16-18, summary KW - 2015 KW - conference papers (form) KW - economic behaviour KW - entrepreneurs KW - Nigeria KW - professional ethics KW - traders RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [Ilorin] PB - Islamic Welfare Organisation U1 - Free access. U2 - w36 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/06/09/ M3 - 406635323 L3 - http://iwf.com.ng/coin_2015_papers/assessment_of_islamic_principles_of_ business_practices_and_their_relevance_to.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3361 T1 - Au sein de l'tat et parmi les politiques A1 - Diouf,Mbaye Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Met bijl., noten KW - autobiographies (form) KW - politicians KW - Senegal RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 209 CY - Dakar PB - L'Harmattan S‚n‚gal U2 - w36 T3 - Collection "Memoires et biographies ; no 17 SN - 2-343-06727-9 pbk AV - AFRIKA 50334 Y2 - 2016/05/09/ M3 - 403863694 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3351 T1 - Between the clinic and the community : temporality and patterns of ART adherence in the Western Cape Province, South Africa A1 - Larkan,F. Y1 - 2015/// KW - AIDS KW - medicinal drugs KW - patients KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 26 EP - 52 JA - African Sociological Review: (2015), vol.19, no.2, p.26-52. VL - 19 IS - 2 U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available N2 - In an ethnographic study conducted over thirty months in South Africa's Western Cape Province ending in 2012, the authors explored ART adherence amongst almost 200 patients attending three clinics. This setting contained significant political, structural, economic and socio-cultural barriers to the uptake of, and adherence to, treatment. Such barriers certainly impacted patient drug use and the labelling of clients as adherent or non-adherent. Yet, as our fieldwork developed, it became apparent that these labels also bore little relationship to the amount and regularity of drug consumption outside the clinic. Indeed, the people that the authors knew moved through these labels in ways that could not simply be explained by brute socio-economic circumstances, poor understanding of the functions of the drugs, or varying levels of family and community support, which themselves often changed over time. This paper presents four on-going patterns of adherence, which are clearly discernible in the communities in which the authors worked. Each pattern is demonstrated through the life of an index patient whose case is seen to be representative of the range of experiences and practices observed under the terms adherent and non-adherent. The authors argue that such terms are deeply contextual and, crucially, temporally situated. The complex intertwining of political, economic, socio-cultural, gender, and biological factors that constitute the lives of participants exists in time and the authors call for a focus on evolving lives in relationship to changing health systems that can follow (and respond to) such developments to better deliver both information and services. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. in English and French. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/09/ M1 - Kf;I1 M3 - 406383650 L3 - http://www.ajol.info/index.php/asr/article/view/132912/122539 http://www.codesria.org/spip.php?article2518&lang=en ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3352 T1 - Capital accumulation, social reproduction and social struggle : rethinking the function of spatial planning and land use A1 - Hendler,Paul Y1 - 2015/// KW - capital formation KW - land use KW - physical planning KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 2 EP - 25 JA - African Sociological Review: (2015), vol.19, no.2, p.2-25 : graf., tab. VL - 19 IS - 2 U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper examines the historical impact on urban land usage of ecological, economic and political factors in order to conceptualise strategic ideas for transforming urban land usage currently and in the future to enable social equity, promote the efficient use of resources and sustain the ecologies within which cities and towns are embedded. The paper analyses the historical data through a triangular matrix of capital accumulation, state reproduction and planning strategies and popular movements pressurizing to benefit from demanded land usages. Capital accumulation is viewed as a process through which wealth produced by labour accrues both to owners of capital and managers in the form of unearned value. This insight is particularly important in the current phase of global capitalism, in which financialisation is a dominant form of economic activity and impacts also on the way spaces are planned and used in urban areas for economic gain. Given the contradiction between an exponentially growing economy and finite resources, the author takes into account limits to growth and incorporate ecological economics insights into classical political economy analyses. The paper focuses on South Africa. App., bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. in English and French. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/09/ M1 - Kf;J1 M3 - 406383472 L3 - http://www.ajol.info/index.php/asr/article/view/132911/122538 http://www.codesria.org/spip.php?article2518&lang=en ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3336 T1 - Corruption, the bane of good governance : Islamic panacea A1 - Atanda Moshood,Hadi Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliographic references: p. 14-16, summary KW - 2015 KW - conference papers (form) KW - corruption KW - Islam KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [Ilorin] PB - Islamic Welfare Organisation U1 - Free access. U2 - w36 N2 - Being a paper presented at the second national Conference On Islam in Nigeria (COIN) organized by Islamic Welfare Foundation in collaboration with Fountain University Osogbo holding at Fountain University Osogbo between 22nd-25th November, 2015 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/06/09/ M3 - 406635943 L3 - http://iwf.com.ng/coin_2015_papers/corruption_the_bane_of_good_ government_islamic_panacea_Hadi_Moshood.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3334 T1 - Een pijpje uit de grensstreek van Togo en Benin en de grote export van bruin gelakte pijpen naar West-Afrika A1 - Stam,Ruud Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 24. - Met noten Overdr. uit: Tijdschrift voor de verzamelaar en onderzoeker ; jrg. 37, no. 147 (juli 2015), p. 122-124 KW - Benin KW - smoking pipes KW - Togo RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 4 CY - Leiden PB - PKN, Stichting voor onderzoek historische tabakspijpen U2 - w36 AV - AFRIKA Overdr.1537 Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M3 - 406668469 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3353 T1 - glise africaine et homosexualit‚ : r‚flexions bibliques et contextuelles A1 - Koulagna,Jean Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 71-74. - Met noten KW - Africa KW - Bible KW - homosexuality RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 75 CY - Yaound‚ PB - ditions CL U2 - w36 SN - 995-609332-7 AV - AFRIKA 50537 Y2 - 2016/05/09/ M3 - 40590715X ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3360 T1 - Entrepreneuriat et gestion des ressources humaines dans les P.M.E. : quelles pratiques pour la performance? A1 - Komat,Abdellatif A1 - Charkaoui,Noureddine A1 - Koubaa,Salah Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Met bijl., noten, bibliogr KW - 2012 KW - 2013 KW - conference papers (form) KW - entrepreneurs KW - financial management KW - human resources KW - Morocco KW - small enterprises RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 599 CY - Casablanca PB - Facult‚ des sciences juridiques, ‚conomiques et sociales, Universit‚ Hassan II U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available N2 - La pr‚sente publication est le fruit de deux colloques organis‚s … Casablanca (Maroc) en d‚cembre 2012 et en mars 2013. Ces deux manifestations ont abord‚ des thŠmes de la petite et moyenne entreprise (PME) suivant six axes : 1) Entrepreneuriat et gestion des ressources humaines : vision et cadre conceptuel; 2) Entrepreneuriat et gestion des ressources humaines : culture d'entreprise, accompagnement et enjeux face aux transformations locales et mondiales; 3) Responsabilit‚ sociale de l'entreprise; 4) Financement des PME, d‚cision d'investissement et contraintes normatives; 5) Enseignement et formation continue, leviers de la dynamique entrepreneuriale et de GRH (gestion des ressources humaines); 6) Entrepreneuriat et GRH : quelles pratiques et quelles mesures de la performance ? Contributeurs: M. Oubrich, N. Rih, M. El Yousfi, N. Khouri, N.-E. Soussi, S. Mekkaoui, A. Bourahla, L. Azouaou, X. Richet, I. Dekhissi, S. Mouaffak, H. Bellihi, M. El Agy, T. Amara, T. Ben Ali, R. Chroqui, F. Akotat, H. Ameziane, H. Boujettou, S. Yassine, F.Z. Alami, L. Fahssis, A. Ejbari, R. Edjbari, H. Hossari, D. Allam, A. Komat, A. Scouarnec, D. Ferar, Y. Alami. I. Sani, J. Arlotto, J.-M. Sahut, F. Teulon, M. Abbo [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 978-995-495650-2 AV - AFRIKA 50280 Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M1 - Ce;E6 M3 - 403865026 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3381 T1 - From empires to NGOs in the West African Sahel : the road to nongovernmentality A1 - Mann,Gregory Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Includes bibliographical references (pages 249-274) and index KW - history KW - NGO KW - Sahel RP - NOT IN FILE CY - New York, NY PB - Cambridge University Press U1 - Restricted access. U2 - w36 T3 - African studies SN - 978-1-13-906120-9 ebk AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M3 - 39193645X L3 - https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/from-empires-to-ngos-in-the-west- african-sahel/A091DE71429912E256C6A1E093CD7274 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3348 T1 - Health inequality in South Africa : a systematic review A1 - Obuaku-Igwe,Chinwe C. Y1 - 2015/// KW - access to health care KW - health KW - inequality KW - mortality KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 96 EP - 131 JA - African Sociological Review: (2015), vol.19, no.2, p.96-131. VL - 19 IS - 2 U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This study presents a review of key empirical studies on health inequalities in South Africa with the aim of contributing to a comparative examination of social inequalities in health across different countries in Europe and other parts of the World. Studies reviewed were identified through a computerised search of key words such as inequalities, health, health inequalities, race, health in South Africa, health systems, socio-economic determinants of health and livelihoods in South Africa. Studies were included if the primary objective was to explore health inequality as a variable in child/adult mortality. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. in English and French. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/09/ M1 - Kf;I1 M3 - 406384207 L3 - http://www.ajol.info/index.php/asr/article/view/132917/122544 http://www.codesria.org/spip.php?article2518&lang=en ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3378 T1 - Histoire de l'Agence fran‡aise de d‚veloppement en C“te d'Ivoire A1 - Pacquement,Fran‡ois Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 247-253. - Met bijl., chron., noten KW - C“te d'Ivoire KW - economic aid KW - economic development KW - France KW - international economic relations RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 253 CY - Paris PB - ditions Karthala U2 - w36 T3 - Hommes et soci‚t‚s SN - 2-8111-1555-2 pbk AV - AFRIKA 50364 Y2 - 2016/07/09/ M3 - 401873943 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3350 T1 - Holistic development : Muslim women's civil society groups in Nigeria, Ghana and Tanzania A1 - Wallace,Adryan Y1 - 2015/// KW - civil society KW - economic development KW - Ghana KW - Islam KW - Nigeria KW - Tanzania KW - women's organizations RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 53 EP - 74 JA - African Sociological Review: (2015), vol.19, no.2, p.53-74 : tab. VL - 19 IS - 2 U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Muslim women's organizations in East and West Africa have cultivated successful strategies to mitigate the varied domestic economic and political outcomes produced by globalization. Although China and the BRICS countries are providing multipolar development models their results may not differ significantly from their western counterparts if groups that are often left out of the decision-making processes are not included. There is an urgent need for social scientists to make the experiences of African women as designers of development the central point of theorizing in order to inform how one conceptualizes economic and political participation and measure inequality. This paper utilizes case studies from local womens non-governmental and community based organizations in Kano, Nigeria, Tamale, Ghana and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to help develop mechanisms for sustainable economic growth and substantive representation, which the author argues, can help generate state institutions that are more responsive to the needs of their citizens. Mainstreaming gender, as an analytical frame is essential because it interrogates privilege, illustrates how it is distributed among and between women and men and provides insights into partnerships that can be forged across genders. Furthermore, the institutional linkages of women's organizations both within and across national contexts strengthens the ability of African countries to look internally and share their development best practices through sub- regional entities and the African Union. Finally, civil society needs to be redefined and contextualized using the perspectives of citizens at the grassroots level to produce holistic policy recommendations for all three tiers of governance (domestic, sub-regional and regional). Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. in English and French. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/09/ M1 - Ff;Fn;He;C4 M3 - 406383839 L3 - http://www.ajol.info/index.php/asr/article/view/132913/122540 http://www.codesria.org/spip.php?article2518&lang=en ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3340 T1 - Islam and the development of medicine in Nigeria : lessons from the Sokoto caliphate A1 - Abdullahi,Labbo Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Being a paper draft to be presented at the 2nd conference on Islam in Nigeria (COIN) on the theme: the Muslim agenda for Nigeria: challenges of development and good governance Bibliogr.: p. 16. - Met samenvatting, noten KW - 2015 KW - conference papers (form) KW - health care KW - medical sciences KW - Nigeria KW - Sokoto polity RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [Ilorin] PB - Islamic Welfare Organisation U1 - Free access. U2 - w36 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/05/09/ M3 - 406633746 L3 - http://iwf.com.ng/coin_2015_papers/islam_and_the_development_of_ medicine_in_nigeria_Labbo_Abdullahi.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3339 T1 - Islam, Muslims, science and technology development in Nigeria : a critical appraisal A1 - Oloyede,Hussein Oyelola Bukoye Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Text of the lecture presented as lead speaker at the 3rd international conference on Islam organised by Islamic Welfare Foundation with the theme "The Muslim agenda for Nigeria: challenges of development and good governance" held on 22nd to 25th November, 2015 at Nasfat Eti-Osa Auditorium, Fountain University, Osogbo Bibliogr.: p. 41 KW - 2015 KW - conference papers (form) KW - Islamic education KW - Nigeria KW - science and technology RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [Ilorin] PB - Islamic Welfare Organisation U1 - Free access. U2 - w36 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/05/09/ M3 - 406633886 L3 - http://iwf.com.ng/coin_2015_papers/islam_muslim_science_and_technology_ development_in_nigeria_Hussein_Oyelola_Bukola_Oloyede.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3354 T1 - L'Afrique dans la marche de l'action humanitaire A1 - Edongo Menye,Hubert Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 196-197. - Met noten KW - Africa KW - economic conditions KW - humanitarian assistance KW - international cooperation RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 198 CY - Paris PB - Pr‚sence africaine ‚ditions U2 - w36 SN - 2-7087-0883-X pbk AV - AFRIKA 50345 Y2 - 2016/05/09/ M3 - 403929644 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3349 T1 - La contribution des jeunes … lalternance politique au S‚n‚gal : le r“le de Bul faale et de Yen a marre A1 - Dieng,Moda Y1 - 2015/// KW - political change KW - Senegal KW - youth RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 75 EP - 95 JA - African Sociological Review: (2015), vol.19, no.2, p.75-95 : ill. VL - 19 IS - 2 U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Ce document est une contribution … l‚tude du r“le des jeunes dans les processus de d‚mocratisation en Afrique. Plus sp‚cifiquement, il se borne … analyser l'influence de Bul Faale et de Y'en a marre dans les deux alternances politiques survenues au S‚n‚gal en 2000 et 2012. Ces deux mouvements, issus du hip-hop, ont ‚t‚ au premier plan dans les mobilisations qui ont permis ces changements de majorit‚ au pouvoir. Cela contraste avec a situation de marginalisation politique et ‚conomique dans laquelle se trouvent les jeunes. Bibliogr., r‚s. en fran‡ais et en anglais. [R‚sum‚ extrait de la revue] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/09/ M1 - Fo;C2 M3 - 406384045 L3 - http://www.ajol.info/index.php/asr/article/view/132916/122543 http://www.codesria.org/spip.php?article2518&lang=en ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3363 T1 - La production du coton biologique et ‚quitable au Mali : au-del… du don et du march‚ A1 - Rubino,Roberta Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [177]-182. - Met noten KW - cotton industry KW - economic conditions KW - Mali RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 182 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w36 T3 - Ethnographiques SN - 2-343-05831-8 pbk AV - AFRIKA 50354 Y2 - 2016/06/09/ M3 - 403859646 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3366 T1 - La revue Maghreb, 1932-1936 : une publication franco-marocaine engag‚e A1 - Denglos,Guillaume Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 265-296. - Met bijl., noten KW - 1930-1939 KW - France KW - Morocco KW - periodicals RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 296 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w36 T3 - Histoire et perspectives m‚diterran‚ennes SN - 2-343-06920-4 pbk AV - AFRIKA 50420 Y2 - 2016/05/09/ M3 - 40249993X ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3365 T1 - La trag‚die du pouvoir : une psychanalyse du slogan politique A1 - Bowao,Charles Z. Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 71. - Met noten KW - Congo (Brazzaville) KW - constitutional amendments KW - power RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 72 CY - Paris PB - ditions Dianoia U2 - w36 T3 - Collection "Polis" N2 - "'Je me permets, librement et humblement, de d‚ployer la critique philosophique, au croisement ‚pist‚mologique du politique, du juridique et de l'historique, pour dire mon point de vue sur la vraie fausse question du changement de la Constitution de la R‚publique du Congo du 20 janvier 2002. Question vraie, parce qu'elle est pos‚e. Maladroitement certes, mais elle est pos‚e. Question fausse, parce qu'elle aurait d– ne pas se poser. La question est vraiment fausse, parce que des r‚ponses pertinentes existent pour ce qui fait subitement problŠme', ‚crit l'auteur. En cinq chapitres concis, Charles Zacharie Bowao nous invite … examiner la situation actuelle en R‚publique du Congo et les problŠmes graves, tout … la fois congolais et plus g‚n‚raux qu'on ne le croit, qu'elle soulŠve. Un livre important pour comprendre ce qui, politiquement, mine l'Afrique actuelle, l'opportunisme machiav‚lique et la d‚responsabilis ation g‚n‚ralis‚e."--Page 4 of cover SN - 2-373-69007-1 pbk AV - AFRIKA 50352 Y2 - 2016/05/09/ M3 - 403856418 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3379 T1 - Les Baluba : histoire, cosmologie et s‚miologie d'un peuple bantu A1 - Lukanda,lwa Malale Y1 - 2015/// N1 - CICIBA"--Cover Bibliogr.: p. 214-221 KW - Bantu-speaking peoples KW - cosmology KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - Luba KW - nonverbal communication KW - symbols RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 221 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w36 T3 - Collection "Comptes rendus N2 - 1Šre partie: Aspects historiques. Le peuple Mukalanga -- L'origine controvers‚e de Nsangaa Lubangu -- La dynamique expansive -- Le mystŠre des fouilles arch‚ologiques de l'Upemba -- L'histoire imp‚riale. -- 2Šme partie: Cosmologie. A l'origine d'une cosmologie -- Le mbala (feu sacr‚ du pouvoir) -- La vie religieuse. -- 3Šme partie: Quelques aspects de la s‚miologie des Baluba. La confrŠrie des Bambudye -- La symbolique kiluba -- L'‚critoire sacr‚e des Bambudye -- Dimension onomastique -- Activit‚s culturelles et artistiques SN - 2-343-06036-3 pbk AV - AFRIKA 50372 Y2 - 2016/06/09/ M3 - 399357874 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3362 T1 - Les sept p‚ch‚s capitaux du r‚gime de Biya A1 - Messi,L‚onard Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 255-257. - Met noten KW - Cameroon KW - economic conditions KW - political history KW - social conditions RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 259 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w36 T3 - Points de vue SN - 2-343-06242-0 pbk AV - AFRIKA 50353 Y2 - 2016/06/09/ M3 - 403860113 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3338 T1 - Local business practices in Kaiama : an assessment from islamic perspective A1 - Suleiman,Ibrahim Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliographic references, notes, summary KW - 2015 KW - conference papers (form) KW - economic behaviour KW - entrepreneurs KW - Islam KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [Ilorin] PB - Islamic Welfare Organisation U1 - Free access. U2 - w36 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/06/09/ M3 - 406634661 L3 - http://iwf.com.ng/coin_2015_papers/local_business_practices_in_Kaiama_ an_assessment_from_islamic_perspective_Ibrahim_Suleiman.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3343 T1 - Political Economy of Post-apartheid South Africa A1 - Gumede,Vusi Y1 - 2015/// KW - political economy KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Dakar PB - CODESRIA U1 - Free access. U2 - w36 SN - 978-2-86978-704-9 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/05/09/ M3 - 406583315 L3 - http://www.codesria.org/spip.php?article2625&lang=en ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3367 T1 - Regards crois‚s sur les conditions d'une modernit‚ arabo-musulmane : Mohammed Arkoun et Mohammed al-Jabri A1 - El Makrini,Naima Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 135-140. - Met noten KW - Algeria KW - intellectuals KW - Islam KW - modernization KW - Morocco KW - political philosophy RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 143 CY - Louvain-la-Neuve PB - Academia-L'Harmattan U2 - w36 T3 - Islams en changement ; 7 SN - 2-8061-0242-1 AV - AFRIKA 50421 Y2 - 2016/05/09/ M3 - 402499859 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3341 T1 - Relevance of shari'ah to modern challenges in Nigeria A1 - Ismail,Muhammad Hadi Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Being a paper presented at 2015 Conference on Islam in Nigeria (COIN) held at Fountain University, Osogbo, Osun State. Theme: The Muslim agenda for Nigeria: challenges of development and good governance Bibliogr.: p. 13. - Met samenvatting KW - 2015 KW - conference papers (form) KW - Islamic law KW - Nigeria KW - social problems RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [Ilorin] PB - Islamic Welfare Organisation U1 - Free access. U2 - w36 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/05/09/ M3 - 406633576 L3 - http://iwf.com.ng/coin_2015_papers/relevance_of_sheriah_to_modern_ challenges_in_nigeria_Muhammad_Hadi.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3342 T1 - Rendille and Ariaal : a linguistic and cultural affiliation census II : the Western reaches (South Horr, Loiyangalani, Haro, Kulal, Ngurunit A1 - Schlee,Isir A1 - Schlee,Gnther A1 - Dobslaw,Robert Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Omslagtitel Bibliogr.: p. 131. - Met bijl., index, noten KW - Ariaal KW - Kenya KW - language usage KW - Rendille KW - sociolinguistics RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Halle/Saale PB - Department 'Integration and Conflict', Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology U1 - Free access. U2 - w36 T3 - Field notes and research projects, ISSN 2193-987X AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/05/09/ M3 - 406586454 L3 - https://www.eth.mpg.de/4034728/FN_Vol13_CensusII_web.pdf ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3345 T1 - Special issue on sustainable rural learning ecologies : border crossing A1 - Mahlomaholo,Sechaba A1 - Nkoane,Milton M. Y1 - 2015/// N1 - In: Journal of Higher Education in Africa KW - Africa KW - indigenous knowledge KW - Lesotho KW - mathematics education KW - primary education KW - rural areas KW - secondary education KW - South Africa KW - teacher education RP - NOT IN FILE PB - Codesria U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Journal of higher education in Africa, ISSN 0851-7762 ; vol. 13, no. 1/2 N2 - This special issue of the Journal of Higher Education in Africa brings together a number of the papers presented at the 6th International Colloquium on Sustainable Rural Learning Ecologies (SuRLEC)/Sustainable Learning Environment (SuLE) which was held from 29-31 October 2014 at the University of the Free State, South Africa. Focus and discourse at the colloquium was on rurality and rural education. Contributions: Surpassing the spectre of impossibility: ideational impoverishment and the quest for sustainable rural learning ecologies in Africa (Ato Kwamena Onoma); Using indigenous games to teach problem-solving in mathematics in rural learning ecologies (Tshele John Moloi); Sustainable rural learning ecologies: a pathway to acknowledging African knowledge systems in the arena of mainstream of knowledge production? (Milton M. Nkoane); Exploring strategies to strengthen continuing professional development of teachers in rural South Africa (Cias T. Tsotetsi and Sechaba Mahlomaholo); An investigation into the effectiveness of the university curriculum in preparing pre-service technology teachers (Sylvia M. Ramaligela, Ugorji I. Ogbonnaya and Andile Mji); From cradle to grave: Transforming South Africas learning ecologies (Lebusa Monyooe); Improving the quality of education among rural learners through the use of open and flexible approaches in Lesothos secondary schools (Thabiso Nyabanyaba); Transformative autonomy: mixed notes from teachers to higher education (Willy Nel); School-university partnerships for professional development of teachers: a case of lesson study intervention in mathematics (Maleho D. Letloenyane and Loyiso C. Jita); Strategies and outcomes of involving university students in community engagement: an adaptive leadership perspective (Dipane Hlalele, Desiree Manicom, Julia Preece and Cias T. Tsotetsi); Creating sustainable learning environments for professional curriculum leadership through information and communication technologies (Molaodi Tshelane and Sechaba Mahlomaholo); Accounting teacher preparation: a critical accounting perspective (Makeresemese R. Qhosola); Creating effective postgraduate learning environments: an analysis of an intervention from realist social theory (Sechaba Mahlomaholo). [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/07/09/ M3 - 406387427 L3 - http://www.codesria.org/spip.php?article2645&lang=en ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3335 T1 - Special issue: Exploring post-slavery in contemporary Africa A1 - Lecocq,Baz A1 - Hahonou,ric Komlavi Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Met noten KW - abolition of slavery KW - Africa KW - Benin KW - Ethiopia KW - Mauritania KW - Senegal KW - Sierra Leone KW - slaves KW - social history KW - Tanzania RP - NOT IN FILE PB - Boston University U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available T3 - The international journal of African historical studies, ISSN 0361-7882 ; vol. 48, no. 2 N2 - This special issue examines the impacts and legacies of the slave trade, domestic slavery, and slave emancipation on social, political, and culturally constructed inequalities in Africa from the late nineteenth to the early twenty-first century. Post-slavery usually refers to studies of the Americas and the Caribbean where slavery continued to have a deep impact on a variety of societies long after its legal abolition. Could this term be relevant to discuss the legacies of slavery on the African continent? American and African forms of slavery were certainly different and the translation of "post-slavery" from the American into the African context cannot be done uncritically. The contributors to this issue address both the relevance of the notion of post-slavery as well as its limitations in African contexts. Contributions: Introduction: exploring post-slavery in contemporary Africa (Baz Lecocq and ric Komlavi Hahonou); Awad El Djouh and the dynamics of post-slavery (Baz Lecocq); Female seclusion in the aftermath of slavery on the southern Swahili coast: transformations of slavery in unexpected places (Felicitas Becker); "Freedom but nothing else": the legacies of slavery and abolition in post-slavery Sierra Leone, 1928-1956 (Christine Whyte); Hidden in plain sight: haratine in Nouakchott's "niche-settlements" (E. Ann McDougall); Stereotypes of past-slavery and "stereo-styles" in post-sIavery : a multidimensionaI, interactionist perspective on contemporary hierarchies (Lotte Pelckmans); African post-slavery: a history of the future (Benedetta Rossi); The quest for honor and citizenship in post-slavery Borgu (Benin) (ric Komlavi Hahonou); Slavery, emancipation, and memory: exploratory notes on western Ethiopia (Alexander Meckelburg); Escaping slavery and building diasporic communities in French Soudan and Senegal, ca. 1880-1940 (Marie Rodet). [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/05/09/ M1 - Ba;L3 M3 - 406636184 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3380 T1 - Special issue: Violence in the contemporary political history of Eastern Africa A1 - Rolandsen,ystein H. A1 - Anderson,David M. Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Met noten KW - Burundi KW - decolonization KW - East Africa KW - Ethiopia KW - Kenya KW - political violence KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE PB - Boston University U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available T3 - The international journal of African historical studies, ISSN 0361-7882 ; vol. 48, no. 1 N2 - The articles gathered in this special issue focus on the role of violence in the consolidation of state power in eastern Africa, from the late 1950s into the early 1980s. These were critical years in the modern history of the region, witnessing the transition from colonial rule to the Cold War, a period of decolonization during which the external relations of all countries in eastern Africa underwent dramatic change, and a phase in which new African governments strove to establish their political base, their bureaucratic and executive authority, and their legitimacy. The five articles highlight and exemplify how collective violence permeated these political developments, in some cases coming to define the character of national or local political authority. They deal with four countries - Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, and Burundi; three themes - political authority, legitimacy, and violent contestation - bind the case studies together. Titles: Violence in the contemporary political history of Eastern Africa (ystein H. Rolandsen and David M. Anderson); "Let the red terror intensify": political violence, governance and society in urban Ethiopia, 1976-78 (Jacob Wiebel); Power and its discontents: Anywaa's reactions to the expansion of the Ethiopian state, 1950-1991 (Dereje Feyissa); Violence and political advocacy in the lost counties, western Uganda, 1930-64 (Derek R. Peterson); Rebel and rule in Burundi, 1972 (Aidan Russell); "Peace and order are in the interest of every citizen": elections, violence and state legitimacy in Kenya, 1957-74 (Justin Willis). [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/05/09/ M1 - Ha;D2 M3 - 395453623 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3333 T1 - Special issue: Wealth in pluralities : intersections of money, gender, and multiple values across African societies A1 - Walker-Said,Charlotte A1 - Felber Seligman,Andrea Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Met noten KW - Africa KW - Cameroon KW - Catholic Church KW - income KW - livelihoods KW - Mali KW - marriage KW - marriage law KW - migration KW - money KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE PB - Boston University U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available T3 - The international journal of African historical studies, ISSN 0361-7882 ; vol. 48, no. 3 N2 - This special issue brings together four case studies that examine the pluralities of wealth and its movement in many forms and in different times throughout and between African societies. The papers emphasize the varied strategies employed by Africans to manage wealth and risk in impermanent political, social and economic systems. On the one hand, new ways of securing property and prosperity shaped and were shaped while on the other hand, relationships and human interdependencies with longstanding value kept alive vibrant alternative types of currency or exchange in moments of pressure. The details of wealth management differ greatly in each case study, yet common strategies are found in distinctive regions and eras in African history. Contributions: Introduction. Wealth in pluralities: intersections of money, gender, and multiple values across African societies (Charlotte Walker-Said and Andrea Felber Seligman); Wealth, law, and moral authority: marriage and Christian mobilization in interwar Cameroon (Charlotte Walker-Said); Emigration and notions of wealth: cosmopolitanism and its limits in the Malian trade diaspora (Lagos I960-2010) (Bennett Eason Cross); Wealth not by any other name: inland African material aesthetics in expanding commercial times, ca. 16th-20th centuries (Andrea Felber Seligman); "The African native has no pocket": monetary practices and currency transitions in early colonial Uganda (Karin Pallaver). [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M1 - Ba;L3 M3 - 406712182 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3346 T1 - Successful ageing amongst elderly women living independently in central areas of Pretoria, South Africa A1 - Rabe,Marlize Y1 - 2015/// KW - elderly women KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 150 EP - 166 JA - African Sociological Review: (2015), vol.19, no.2, p.150-166. VL - 19 IS - 2 U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This qualitative study explores successful ageing among a group of old women who live in the central areas of Pretoria in South Africa. It utilised the notion of successful ageing as a theoretical construct to examine how the women adapt to the challenges of old age. The study reveals that participants who had overcome difficult challenges in previous life stages by relying on their own resources are the most likely to adjust comfortably to the challenges of old age as well as the complexities encountered in the diverse central areas of Pretoria. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. in English and French. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/09/ M1 - Kf;C4 M3 - 406384800 L3 - http://www.ajol.info/index.php/asr/article/view/132921/122548 http://www.codesria.org/spip.php?article2518&lang=en ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3347 T1 - The socio-economic well-being of internal migrants in Agbogbloshie, Ghana A1 - Adamtey,Ronald A1 - Yajalin,John Ebotui A1 - Oduro,Charles Yaw Y1 - 2015/// KW - Ghana KW - income KW - internal migration KW - migrants KW - social welfare RP - NOT IN FILE JA - African Sociological Review: (2015), vol.19, no.2, p.132-148 : krt., tab. VL - 19 U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The recent claims that migration can improve the well-being of migrants and their dependants back home has mainly focused on international migration to destinations that are considered developed. Few studies have focused on internal migration and its effects on migrants wellbeing. Besides, whether migrations to areas that are considered not developed can also contribute to improving the well being of migrants and their dependants back home remains unaccounted for in the literature. This study employed a quantitative design involving descriptive statistics, independent t- test and binomial test to examine the effects of internal migration on the wellbeing of migrants in Agbogbloshie-the most populous slum in Accra. The study found that the determinants of well-being; income, education and employment have improved for migrants after migration. The results implied that migration had a net positive effect on migrants wellbeing. However, this benefit comes at a cost as migrant workers are engaged in works that post a lot of risk such as carrying very heavy loads, exposed to toxic substances and living in very poor accommodation. The paper recommends that efforts be made by governments to bridge the development gap between the north and south of the country so as to limit the rate of migration. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. in English and French. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/09/ M3 - 406384509 L3 - http://www.ajol.info/index.php/asr/article/view/132919/122546 http://www.codesria.org/spip.php?article2518&lang=en ER - TY - ADVS ID - 3383 T1 - A mots couverts = Shades of true A1 - Baraduc,Violaine A1 - Westphal,Alexandre Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Kinyarwanda gesproken, Frans en Engels ondertiteld S‚lection festival Sheffield Doc / Fest, Angleterre, 2015 S‚lection Festival DokKa - festival documentaire Karlsruhe, Allemagne, 2015 Copyright : Les films de l'embellie, cop. 2014 KW - documentary films (form) KW - genocide KW - Hutu KW - prisoners KW - race relations KW - Rwanda KW - Tutsi KW - videos (form) KW - women RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [Lussas] PB - DocNet Films U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Afrique en docs, ISSN 2117-4598 N2 - "Dans l'enceinte de la prison centrale de Kigali, huit femmes incarc‚r‚es t‚moignent. Vingt ans aprŠs le g‚nocide perp‚tr‚ contre les Tutsi rwandais, Immacul‚e et ses cod‚tenues racontent leur participation aux violences, retracent leur itin‚raire meurtrier et se confient. · l'ext‚rieur, J‚r“me, le fils d'Immacul‚e, occupe une place impossible entre bourreaux et victimes. N‚ d'un pŠre tutsi, il peine … mettre des mots sur l'histoire qu'il a v‚cue. La relation qu'il entretient avec sa mŠre, entre espoir de dialogue et r‚conciliation impossible, laisse entrevoir les blessures du Rwanda d'aujourd'hui." (Source : Adav) In the central prison of Kigali, twenty years after the genocide against the Tutsi in 1994, Immacul‚e, Mwamine and their co-inmates talk about their participation in the violences. Outside, J‚r“me, the son of Immacul‚e, tries to find his place between the perpetrators and the victims. Born of a Tutsi father, he hardly finds the words to tell his story. The relationship he has with his mother, between the hope of reconciliation and an impossible dialogue make us feel the wounds of the country. [Abstract extract from dvd-video] AV - AFRIKA AVM1719 Y2 - 2016/06/09/ M3 - 406607400 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3356 T1 - Agricultural technology adoption and rural poverty : a study on smallholders in Amhara regional state, Ethiopia A1 - Sebsibie,Samuel A1 - Asmare,Workineh A1 - Endalkachew,Tessema Y1 - 2014/// N1 - App., bibliogr., notes, sum KW - agricultural technology KW - Ethiopia KW - peasantry KW - rural poverty RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 117 EP - 155 JA - Ethiopian Journal of Economics: (2014), vol.32, no.2, p.117-155 : graf., tab. VL - 32 IS - 2 U2 - w36 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M3 - 403921708 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3357 T1 - Analysis of equilibrium relationship among government budget deficit, money supply and inflation in Ethiopia : co-integrated VAR analysis approach A1 - Dedeho,Negash Haile Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, sum KW - economic models KW - Ethiopia KW - inflation KW - money supply KW - national budget RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 79 EP - 115 JA - Ethiopian Journal of Economics: (2014), vol.23, no.2, p.79-115 : graf., tab. VL - 23 IS - 2 U2 - w36 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M3 - 403921600 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3355 T1 - Analysis of factors that dictate farmers to sell their produces early : implication for seasonal price fluctuation A1 - Taye,Bedaso Y1 - 2014/// N1 - App., bibliogr., notes, sum KW - agricultural market KW - Ethiopia KW - prices RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 157 EP - 183 JA - Ethiopian Journal of Economics: (2014), vol.23, no.2, p.157-183 : graf., tab. VL - 23 IS - 2 U2 - w36 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M3 - 403921813 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3358 T1 - Analysis of households vulnerability and food insecurity in Amhara regional state of Ethiopia : using value at risk analysis A1 - Welderufael,Mesfin Y1 - 2014/// N1 - App., bibliogr., notes, sum KW - Ethiopia KW - food security KW - households KW - social conditions RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 37 EP - 77 JA - Ethiopian Journal of Economics: (2014), vol.23, no.2, p.37-77 : tab. VL - 23 IS - 2 U2 - w36 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M3 - 403921511 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3375 T1 - Demand for health insurance : a study on the feasibility of health insurance schemes for community based groups in Addis Ababa city A1 - Zewde,Israel Fekade Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, sum KW - Ethiopia KW - health insurance KW - household expenditure KW - households RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 61 EP - 86 JA - Ethiopian Journal of Economics: (2014), vol.23, no.1, p.61-86 : tab. VL - 23 IS - 1 U2 - w36 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M3 - 401994511 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3373 T1 - Determinant of poverty in Ethiopia A1 - Deressa,Teshome Kebede A1 - Sharma,M.K. Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr., note, sum KW - consumption KW - economic models KW - Ethiopia KW - households KW - poverty RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 113 EP - 130 JA - Ethiopian Journal of Economics: (2014), vol.23, no.1, p.113-130 : tab. VL - 23 IS - 1 U2 - w36 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M3 - 401994775 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3386 T1 - Gabriel Okoundji, poŠte des deux fleuves A1 - Chevrier,Jacques Y1 - 2014/// N1 - "Bibliographie de Gabriel Okoundji": p. 188-189. - Met noten KW - biographies (form) KW - Congo (Brazzaville) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 203 CY - Ciboure PB - La Cheminante U2 - w36 T3 - Plein champ SN - 2-917598-88-3 AV - AFRIKA 50357 Y2 - 2016/06/09/ M3 - 403929385 ER - TY - ADVS ID - 3384 T1 - Mbekk Mi : le souffle de l'oc‚an A1 - Bachelier*,Sophie Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Wolof gesproken, Frans, Engels en Spaans ondertiteld Festival international de films de femmes de Cr‚teil et du Val-de-Marne : mention sp‚ciale : Jury Anna Politovkaia du meilleur long m‚trage documentaire, 2013 Copyright : Damu et d'eau fraŒche Production, cop. 2013 KW - documentary films (form) KW - emigration KW - illegal migration KW - married women KW - mothers KW - Senegal KW - videos (form) RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Lussas PB - DocNet Films [‚d.] U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Afrique en docs, ISSN 2117-4598 N2 - "Mbekk mi, deux mots wolof qui ‚voquent l'‚migration clandestine. L'expression claque telles ces pirogues qui se cognent aux vagues de l'oc‚an et se fracassent souvent au bout de leur errance. Mais Mbekk mi, c'est avant tout le refus de se r‚signer aux coups meurtriers du destin. Si ces jeunes S‚n‚galais dans la force de l'ƒge affrontent mille p‚rils, c'est dans l'espoir d'une vie meilleure. Mais que se passe-t-il de l'autre c“t‚ du d‚sastre ? Les damn‚s de la mer laissent derriŠre eux des ˆtres chers. Des ‚pouses. Des mŠres. Ce sont leurs voix singuliŠres que l'on entend dans ce documentaire. Dans l'intimit‚ d'un face … face d‚pouill‚, elles livrent une parole bouleversante de retenue." (Source : jaquette) 'Mbekk mi', two words of Wolof which evoke the clandestine emigration. The expression beats, echoing the pirogues which throw themselves against the ocean waves and which are often wrecked at the end of their journeying. But 'mbekk mi' is above all the refusal to resign oneself to the deadly blows of an unjust destiny. If these young senegalese men in their prime pit themselves against so many perils, it's in the hope of finding a better life. But what happens on the other side of this disaster? The "wretched of the sea" leave their loved ones behind in Senegal - their wives, their mothers. It is these women's unique voices that are heard in this documentary. Speaking straight to the camera with stark intimacy, we can hear their moving and dignified voices. [Abstract reproduced from dvd-video] AV - AFRIKA AVM1713 Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M3 - 40660715X ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3385 T1 - Special issue on academic freedom in Africa = Num‚ro sp‚cial sur libert‚ acad‚mique en Afrique Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten, samenvattingen in het Engels en Frans In: Journal of Higher Education in Africa KW - Africa KW - educational quality KW - Ethiopia KW - higher education KW - language policy KW - South Africa KW - universities RP - NOT IN FILE PB - Codesria U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Journal of higher education in Africa, ISSN 0851-7762 ; vol. 12, no. 2 N2 - This special issue of the 'Journal of Higher Education' is entitled 'academic freedom in Africa'. Contributions: The shifting landscape of development cooperation: repercussions for African higher education (Damtew Teferra); Universities and regional development: lessons from the OECD regional assessment of the Free State, South Africa (Samuel Fongwa, Lochner Marais and Doreen Atkinson); African languages policy in eEducation of South Africa: 20 years of freedom or subjugation? (Neo Lekgotla laga Ramoupi); Revitalising higher education for Africas future (Ebrima Sall & Ibrahim Oanda); Neoliberalism and the changing role of universities in Sub-Saharan Africa: the case of research and development (Daniel N. Sifuna); Quality assurance in Ethiopian higher education: boon or bandwagon in light of quality improvement? (Tefera Tadesse). [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/07/09/ M1 - Ba;G1 M3 - 406387265 L3 - http://www.codesria.org/spip.php?article2531&lang=en ER - TY - ADVS ID - 3382 T1 - Tamatave en courts : ateliers de r‚alisation documentaire … Madagascar vol. 1 A1 - Razafitsihadinoina,Gilde A1 - Gaubert,Philippe A1 - Ivesse,Mohamed Ali Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Frans en Malagasi gesproken, Frans en Engels ondertiteld Copyright : ArdŠche Images production ; Les Films de Lili ; Cinaps TV, cop. 2013 Bevat: Les enfants de la p‚riph‚rie / Gilde Razafitsihadinoina ; La maison bleue / Philippe Gaubert ; Campus B5 / Mohamed Ali Ivesse KW - children KW - documentary films (form) KW - elderly KW - Madagascar KW - short films (form) KW - students KW - videos (form) RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [Lussas] PB - DocNet films [‚d.] U2 - w36 T3 - Doc Oi Oc‚an Indien N2 - Indiqu‚ sur la jaquette : Les enfants de la p‚riph‚rie : "Un enseignant du lyc‚e fran‡ais de Tamatave part filmer une classe de primaire d'un village pauvre de la p‚riph‚rie. Les enfants qu'il rencontre sont casseurs de cailloux … la carriŠre et ne sont pas toujours en ‚tat d'‚tudier. · son retour, il montre les images … sa classe. Indiqu‚ sur la jaquette : La maison bleue : "Alors qu'… Madagascar le concept de maison de retraite n'existe pas, une quinzaine de pensionnaires d'origines vari‚es (r‚unionnaise, fran‡aise ou malgache) est prise en charge par la structure "Maison bleue", … Tamatave. R‚cits de vie. Indiqu‚ sur la jaquette : Campus B : "L'Universit‚ de Tamatave est cens‚e former les futurs cadres de Madagascar, pourtant le quotidien des ‚tudiants rime avec d‚sordre, indiscipline, insalubrit‚, voire ins‚curit‚. La fatalit‚ politique y rŠgne d‚j… et les ‚tudiants et l'administration se renvoient la faute continuellement. Le campus B5 est le reflet de ce pays qui va mal AV - AFRIKA AVM1212.1 Y2 - 2016/06/09/ M3 - 406607656 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3359 T1 - The determinants of technical efficiency of farmers in "teff", maize and sorghum production : empirical evidence from central zone of Tigray region A1 - Weldegebriel,Hagos Y1 - 2014/// N1 - App., bibliogr., notes, sum KW - agricultural productivity KW - agricultural technology KW - crops KW - efficiency KW - Ethiopia RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 1 EP - 36 JA - Ethiopian Journal of Economics: (2014), vol.23, no.2, p.1-36 : graf., tab. VL - 23 IS - 2 U2 - w36 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M3 - 403921481 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3374 T1 - The economic and political cost of not integrating indigenous knowledge in agrarian policy making in Ethiopia A1 - Bonger,Tenkir Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, sum KW - 1974 KW - agrarian reform KW - agricultural crisis KW - Ethiopia KW - revolutions RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 87 EP - 112 JA - Ethiopian Journal of Economics: (2014), vol.23, no.1, p.87-112. VL - 23 IS - 1 U2 - w36 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M3 - 401994619 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3377 T1 - The impact of trade openness on poverty via agricultural TFP in Ethiopia : a sequential dynamic computable general equilibrium micro simulation analysis A1 - Ababte,Ashenafi Assefa Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, sum KW - agricultural productivity KW - economic models KW - Ethiopia KW - poverty KW - tariffs KW - trade policy KW - trade restrictions RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 1 EP - 30 JA - Ethiopian Journal of Economics: (2014), vol.23, no.1, p.1-30 : graf., tab. VL - 23 IS - 1 U2 - w36 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/08/09/ M3 - 401991555 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3376 T1 - The Nigerian, Swedish and Chilean pension systems : a comparative analysis of schemes and reforms A1 - Yusuf,Isah Maikudi Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, sum KW - Nigeria KW - pensions KW - social policy KW - social security KW - South America KW - Sweden RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 31 EP - 60 JA - Ethiopian Journal of Economics: (2014), vol.23, no.1, p.31-60 : fig., graf., tab. VL - 23 IS - 1 U2 - w36 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/08/09/ M3 - 401992381 ER - TY - CHAP ID - 3369 T1 - Determinants of price dynamics in Ethiopia A1 - Gofere,Solomon Mosisa Y1 - 2013/// N1 - App., bibliogr., notes, sum KW - economic models KW - Ethiopia KW - inflation KW - prices RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 109 EP - 130 U2 - w36 Y2 - 2016/08/09/ M3 - 401996972 ER - TY - CHAP ID - 3368 T1 - Effectiveness of foreign aid on the growth of the agricultural sector in Nigeria A1 - Ighodaro,Clement Atewe A1 - Nwaogwugwu,Isaac Chii Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, sum KW - agricultural productivity KW - economic models KW - Ethiopia KW - financial aid RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 131 EP - 146 U2 - w36 Y2 - 2016/08/09/ M3 - 401997170 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3371 T1 - Financing Ethiopia's development : confronting the gap between ambition and means A1 - Bienen,Derk A1 - Ciuriak,Dan A1 - Ferede,Tadele Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes,, ref., sum KW - development planning KW - Ethiopia KW - monetary policy KW - public finance KW - taxation RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 21 EP - 62 JA - Ethiopian Journal of Economics: (2013), vol.22, no.2, p.21-62 : graf., tab. VL - 22 IS - 2 U2 - w36 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/08/09/ M3 - 401995216 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3387 T1 - Special issue on gender and media = num‚ro sp‚cial sur genre et m‚dias A1 - Gadzekpo,Audrey Y1 - 2013/// N1 - In: The Africa Media Review KW - Africa KW - Burkina Faso KW - gender KW - Ghana KW - information technology KW - Kenya KW - mass media KW - Nigeria KW - Togo KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE PB - Codesria U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Africa media review, ISSN 0258-4913 ; vol. 21, no. 1/2 N2 - The articles contained in this special issue build on the conversations initiated at the Cairo Symposium on 'Gender and Media in Africa'. The papers analyse the shifts and transformations in media and gender relations in Africa. Introduction: Why we go gender in media studies = Introduction : Pourquoi le genre dans les ‚tudes sur les m‚dias (Audrey Gadzekpo); TIC et genre : domination ou innovation? (Joelle Palmieri); Les TIC ont-elles un sexe ? Les perspectives africaines en TIC et genre … la lumiŠre des approches th‚oriques en communication (Oumar Kane); Le capital technologique et accŠs aux m‚tiers techniques des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) au Burkina Faso (Mahamadi Rouamba); Busted cultural myths and Nairobi nights: a critical analysis of gendered social media spaces in Kenya (Wanjiru G. Mbure); Repr‚sentations de la f‚minit‚ et de la masculinit‚ dans la presse togolaise : ‚tude de la caricature dans Sika'a, Viva et Pipo magazine (Koum‚alo Anat); Locating Kenyan media in anti-rape discourse: a feminist critique (Lyn Ossome); Gendered portrayal of political actors in Nigerian print media: what impact on women's political participation? (Idongesit Eshiet); 'Ndezve Varume Izvi': hegemonic masculinities and misogyny in popular music in Zimbabwe (Manase Kudzai Chiweshe and Sandra Bhatasara); An exploration of the 'gendered' dimensions of womens success in Ghana's media/communication industry (Abena Animwaa Yeboah and Esi Eduwaa Thompson). Bibliogr., sum. in English and French. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/09/ M1 - Ba;A4 M3 - 406386781 L3 - http://www.codesria.org/spip.php?article2523&lang=en ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3372 T1 - The dynamics of poverty and vulnerability in rural Ethiopia A1 - Goshu,Degye Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Bibliogr., note, sum KW - Ethiopia KW - rural poverty KW - statistics RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 1 EP - 19 JA - Ethiopian Journal of Economics: (2013), vol.22, no.2, p.1-19 : fig., tab. VL - 22 IS - 2 U2 - w36 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/08/09/ M3 - 401995003 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3370 T1 - The impact of international remittance on poverty, household consumption and investment in urban Ethiopia : evidence from cross-sectional measures A1 - Giorgis,Kokeb G. A1 - Molla,Meseret Y1 - 2013/// N1 - App., bibliogr., notes, sum KW - economic models KW - Ethiopia KW - remittances KW - statistics KW - urban households KW - urban poverty RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 63 EP - 108 JA - Ethiopian Journal of Economics: (2013), vol.22, no.2, p.63-108 : graf., tab. VL - 22 IS - 2 U2 - w36 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/08/09/ M3 - 401995364 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3390 T1 - M‚dias et droits de lhomme en Afrique = M¡dias e direitos humanos em µfrica A1 - Bahi,Aghi Y1 - 2012/// N1 - In: The Africa Media Review KW - C“te d'Ivoire KW - human rights KW - mass media KW - Portuguese-speaking Africa RP - NOT IN FILE PB - Codesria U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Africa media review, ISSN 0258-4913 ; vol. 20, no. 1/2 N2 - Ce num‚ro de la 'revue africaine des m‚dias' est construit autour d'un dossier sur les m‚dias et les droits de l'homme en Afrique. Les articles lusophones sont issus d'un projet de recherche comparative appuy‚ et financ‚ par le CODESRIA. Contributions: Editorial : M¡dias e Direitos Humanos em µfrica = ditorial : M‚dias et Droits de l'Homme en Afrique (Aghi Bahi); La presse ‚crite … l'‚preuve des Droits de l'Homme en C“te d'voire: De l'originelle protection aux paradoxales violations des droits humains (Andr‚ Banhouman Kamat‚); M¡dia e Direitos Humanos: os casos do Jornal de Angola e do Seman rio Angolense (Gilson Lazaro); As questäes dos Direitos Humanos na imprensa escrita cabo-verdiana entre 2008 e 2009: os casos dos jornais A Semana e Expresso das Ilhas (Redy Wilson Lima); Os M¡dia e os Direitos Humanos na Guin‚-Bissau: os casos dos jornais N“ Pintcha, Di rio de Bissau e Gazeta de Not¡cias (Miguel de Barros); Mo‡ambique: os casos dos jornais Not¡cias e O Pa¡s na cobertura das viola‡äes dos Direitos Humanos (Luca Bussotti); Reflexäes finais: M¡dia africana quebra a 'cultura do silˆncio'Jornalistas esfor‡am-se por soltar a voz e expandir liberdades (Kwame KarikarI). [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/06/09/ M1 - Ba;A4 M3 - 406385351 L3 - http://www.codesria.org/spip.php?article2405&lang=en ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3388 T1 - Philosophy and method A1 - Haase,Fee Alexandra Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten, samenvattingen KW - Africa KW - folk medicine KW - Igbo KW - Nigeria KW - philosophy KW - science KW - values RP - NOT IN FILE PB - Essence Library U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Essence, ISSN 1118-8170 ; vol. 9, no. 2 N2 - The articles in this issue of 'Essence: Interdisciplinary - International Journal of Philosophy: Philosophy, Science & Society' deal with issues of philosophy and method in different fields. Contributions: The history of discourse as literary history: on the historicity and documentation of a concept exemplifed by the 'philosophical discourse' (Fee-Alexandra Haase); In search of a relevant philosophy in a dynamic world (John Nwanegbo-Ben); Evaluating history and its place in the explanation of immanent meaphysics (Chuka A. Okoye); Science and traditional African value system: essay on development (Chiedozie Okoro); Igbo African medicine and pharmacy (Bonachristus Umeogu). [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M3 - 406580235 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3389 T1 - Politics and development A1 - Offor,Francis Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten, samenvattingen KW - communication KW - leadership KW - Nigeria KW - peace RP - NOT IN FILE PB - Essence Library U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Essence, ISSN 1118-8170 ; vol. 9, no. 1 N2 - The articles in this issue of 'Essence: Interdisciplinary - International Journal of Philosophy: Philosophy, Science & Society' are concerned with such diverse issues as the notion of 'new world order' (by Francis Offor); global peace (by Olanrewaju A. Shitta-Bey); poverty and poor leadership in Nigeria (by Godwin Okaneme); religous influence on Ogbaland politics (by Uche A. Dike); traditional communication, mass communication and socialization in Igbo society (by Bonachristus Umeogu). [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M3 - 406579784 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3391 T1 - William J.F. Syad : un poŠte de la Corne de l'Afrique, 1930-1993 A1 - Souny,William Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [349]-363. - Met noten KW - biographies (form) KW - Djibouti KW - literary criticism KW - writers RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 363 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w36 T3 - Critiques litt‚raires SN - 2-296-55630-2 pbk AV - AFRIKA 50358 Y2 - 2016/06/09/ M3 - 402500113 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3394 T1 - A measure of grace : the autobiography of Akinlawon Ladipo Mabogunje A1 - Mabogunje,Akinlawon Ladipo Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Met index, noten KW - autobiographies (form) KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XI, 709 CY - Ibadan PB - Book Builders U2 - w36 SN - 978-978-50423-1-3 AV - AFRIKA 50688 Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M3 - 406332444 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3392 T1 - Concept, cognition and science A1 - Okoye,Chuka A. Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten, samenvattingen KW - Africa KW - ethics KW - philosophy KW - religion KW - technology RP - NOT IN FILE PB - Essence Library U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Essence, ISSN 1118-8170 ; vol. 8, no. 2 N2 - This volume of 'Essence: Interdisciplinary - International Journal of Philosophy: Philosophy, Science & Society' is devoted to philosophical questions on processes of cognition, conceptualization, axiomization and science. Contributions: Identifying the place of mathematics in the foundations of immanent and transcendental metaphysics (Chuka A. Okoye); The ontologicalization of confucian concept 'xin xing': Zhou Lianxi's founding contribution to the Song-Ming neo-confucianism (Onukwube Alex Alfred Anedo); Appropriate technology: the ethics of technology advancement (John Ezenwankwor); African - Christian metaphysics (Charles Ogundu Nnaji); 'Factivity' or speech as myth (Fee-Alexandra Haase); Timetravel: an incoherent concept (John Michael). [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M3 - 406580081 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3393 T1 - Some substantive questions in philosophy A1 - Tunde,Akande J. Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Met bibliogr., samenvattingen KW - cola KW - ethics KW - feminism KW - Igbo KW - Nigeria KW - Ogba KW - philosophy KW - punishment KW - sociology of religion KW - suicide RP - NOT IN FILE PB - Essence Library U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Essence, ISSN 1118-8170 ; vol. 8, no. 1 N2 - Contributions in this issue of 'Essence: Interdisciplinary - International Journal of Philosophy: Philosophy, Science & Society' address issues within diverse themes of philosophical concern, such as feminism, ethics, religion, law, right and culture. Titles: A critique of feminist philosophy (Akande J. Tuden); An exposition of philosophy of George Edward Moore (Omosulu Rotimi); Sociology of Igbo religion: meaning, scope and methodology (Oliver Onyekwere Uche); The divine laws imperatives: it's characteristics in the society (Uche A. Dike); The reformative theory of punishment: some comments (Bayo Aina); Philosophy of right in the definition of suicide (Charles Ogundu Nnaji); Igo oji Igbo: a philosophical discourse on the meaningfulness of the kolanut and its cotyledons in Igbo African culture (Bonachristus Umeogu). [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M3 - 406579822 ER - TY - JFULL ID - 3395 T1 - Annual abstract of statistics Y1 - 2010/// KW - Nigeria KW - statistics RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Annual abstract of statistics U2 - w36 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/05/09/ M3 - 406606528 L3 - http://nigerianstat.gov.ng/report/253 http://nigerianstat.gov.ng/report/187 http://nigerianstat.gov.ng/report/71 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3396 T1 - Les Bandenkop : histoire et anthropologie culturelle A1 - Fankem Y1 - 2008/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 137-138. - Met noten KW - African religions KW - Bamileke KW - Cameroon KW - customs KW - social structure KW - traditions RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 139 CY - Yaound‚ PB - CEGEIBA (Cercle g‚n‚ral de l'‚lite intellectuelle Bandenkop) U2 - w36 AV - AFRIKA 50526 Y2 - 2016/05/09/ M3 - 405904339 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3397 T1 - Les constructions de l'autre dans les relations interafricaines A1 - Harrak,Fatima A1 - Chegraoui,Khalid Y1 - 2008/// N1 - Teksten in het Frans en Engels Met bibliogr., bijl., noten, samenvattingen in het Engels en Frans KW - 2006 KW - Africa KW - conference papers (form) KW - ethnic identity KW - group identity KW - identity KW - literature RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 309 CY - Rabat PB - Institut des tudes Africaines, Universit‚ Mohammed V-Souissi U2 - w36 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Publications de l'Institut des Etudes Africaines, S‚rie: Colloques et s‚minaires ; no, 11 N2 - Ce livre rassemble des r‚flexions sur la question d'alt‚rit‚ et de la construction/repr‚sentation de "l'autre" dans les relations interafricaines, issues du colloque 'Les constructions de l'autre dans les relations interafricaines',organis‚ les 4-6 d‚cembre 2006 … Marrakech (Maroc). Les contributeurs se penchent sur la genŠse de l'alt‚rit‚, ses multiples effets et ses limites. Ils ont cherch‚, … travers l'examen de relations de voyages, d'‚crits litt‚raires, de r‚cits historiques ainsi que d'essais th‚ologiques et philosophiques, … appr‚hender les labels ethniques, nationaux, raciaux et id‚ologiques par lesquels les hommes et les cultures se sont identifi‚s les uns aux autres. Titres: L'autre comme socle d'une esth‚tique et d'une ethique de l'identit‚ (S.S. Adot‚vi); Alterity in the discourse of African philosophy : a forgotten absence (T.C. Jacques); African identity & the language of metaphor (K. Anyidoho); Race and ethnicity in African literature (F. Bouzenirh); Identit‚ et alt‚rit‚ dans le roman alg‚rien de langue fran‡aise (T. Bouderbala); Je cherche un "barbari" (M. El Qad‚ry); Identification de l'autre en situation de langues et de populations en contact: cas du Maroc (S. Bennis); Constructions identitaires et st‚r‚otypes : l'exemple de 'Robert et les catapila' (A.-D. Lezou Koffi); 'Murami, le livre des ossements' de Boubacar Boris Diop : essai de d‚marcation de je/nous et ils/eux (G. Lezou Dago); L'imaginaire des conflits d'alt‚rit‚ (I. Silla); L'Islam arabe en Afrique de l'Ouest : une construction altruisante au temps de la colonisation (M. Monjib); Les proc‚d‚s de (d‚)constructions de l'autre en temps de conflit (T.H. Atenga); L'autre comme reflet d'un miroir : lecture transversale des relations maures/wolofs dans le bassin sengalo-mauritanien (A. N'Gaide); Otherness in Mauritius - a nation in the making (S. Bunwaree). [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] SN - 9981-37053-3 AV - AFRIKA 50388 Y2 - 2016/05/09/ M3 - 404068553 ER - TY - JFULL ID - 3398 T1 - The national bibliography of Nigeria The national bibliography of Nigeria, ISSN 0331-0019 Y1 - 2002/// KW - national bibliographies (form) KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE JA - The national bibliography of Nigeria U2 - w36 SN - 978-978-82010-4-5 (2009) AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/05/09/ M3 - 406605769 L3 - http://www.nln.gov.ng/nbn_files/NBN2009.pdf http://www.nln.gov.ng/nbn_files/NBN2007.pdf http://www.nln.gov.ng/nbn_files/NBN_2006.pdf http://www.nln.gov.ng/nbn_files ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3399 T1 - Crop production in tropical Africa A1 - Raemaekers,Romain H. Y1 - 2001/// N1 - Ook uitgegeven in het Frans o.d.t.: Agriculture en Afrique tropicale Met bibliogr., gloss., index KW - agricultural production KW - agroforestry KW - cash crops KW - Central Africa KW - crops KW - East Africa KW - encyclopedias (form) KW - food crops KW - plant diseases KW - Southern Africa KW - Subsaharan Africa KW - Sudan KW - West Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XXII, 1540 CY - Brussels PB - Directorate General for International Co-operation (DGIC), External Trade and International Co-operation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs U2 - w36 SN - 90-806822-1-7 AV - AFRIKA 50553 Y2 - 2016/05/09/ M3 - 312946651 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3400 T1 - A profile of Thabo Mbeki : updated interviews and essays A1 - Mbeki,Thabo Y1 - 1998/// KW - politicians KW - South Africa KW - speeches (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 80 CY - Den Haag PB - Embassy of South Africa U2 - w36 T3 - South African embassy : information series ; no. 7 AV - AFRIKA 50713 Y2 - 2016/09/09/ M3 - 406684812 ER - TY - JFULL ID - 3402 T1 - SystŠmes de pens‚e en Afrique noire SystŠmes de pens‚e en Afrique noire Y1 - 1975/// N1 - Verschijnt onregelmatig KW - African religions KW - anthropology KW - philosophy KW - Subsaharan Africa RP - NOT IN FILE JA - SystŠmes de pens‚e en Afrique noire U2 - Cah. 1 (1975) - Cah. 18 (2008) w36 SN - 0294-7080 AV - AFRIKA J-14 Y2 - 2016/05/09/ M1 - (6zw);11/14;299.6;39;Ea M3 - 036147346 ER - TY - JFULL ID - 3401 T1 - SystŠmes de pens‚e en Afrique noire SystŠmes de pens‚e en Afrique noire, ISSN 0294-7080 Y1 - 1975/// N1 - Verschijnt onregelmatig KW - African religions KW - anthropology KW - philosophy KW - Subsaharan Africa RP - NOT IN FILE JA - SystŠmes de pens‚e en Afrique noire U2 - Cah. 1 (1975) - Cah. 18 (2008) w36 SN - 0294-7080 AV - Elektronisch tijdschirft Y2 - 2016/05/09/ M3 - 36400441X L3 - http://span.revues.org/741 ER -