TY - JOUR ID - 3560 T1 - Accounting for gender equality in secondary school enrollment in Africa A1 - Anyanwu,John C. Y1 - 2016/// KW - Africa KW - gender inequality KW - gross national product KW - secondary education KW - social conditions KW - women's education RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 170 EP - 191 JA - African Development Review: (2016), vol.28, no.2, p.170-191 : fig., graf., tab. VL - 28 IS - 2 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - In addition to analyzing the characteristics of gender equality in secondary education enrollment in Africa, this article empirically studies the key drivers of gender equality in secondary education enrollment, using cross-sectional time series data from 1970 to 2010. The results show that the coefcient associated with the level of real GDP per capita is positive and statistically signicant in both the overall Africa sample and in the sub-Saharan and North African samples. But the quadratic term of real GDP per capita is negative in sign and signicant in the overall Africa and sub-Saharan African estimates. These provide evidence of a hump-shaped relationship between real GDP per capita and gender equality in secondary education enrollment in Africa. The results also suggest that higher share of female teachers in secondary schools, increased democracy (at a decreasing rate), higher female share of the labor force, Christian dominance in a country, higher domestic investment rate, and being an oil-exporting country increase gender equality in secondary education enrollment in the continent. However, higher population growth tends to lower it. The policy implications and lessons of these results are discussed. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/09/26/ M1 - Ba;C4;G1 M3 - 406919119 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12188 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3562 T1 - Alternative dispute resolution in Nigeria : a functional approach A1 - Derri,Damfebo Kieriseiye Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met bijl., index, noten KW - arbitration KW - conflict resolution KW - Nigeria KW - peacebuilding RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 211 CY - Lagos PB - Malthouse Press Limited U2 - w39 T3 - Malthouse law books SN - 978-54070-5-5 AV - AFRIKA 50580 Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M3 - 406379424 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3576 T1 - Des confr‚ries soufies … l'islam de France : Louis Rinn, directeur du service des Affaires indigŠnes (1838-1905) A1 - Sadoun,Mohamed A1 - Saou-Dufrˆne,Bernadette Nadia Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [105]-106. - Met gloss., noten KW - Algeria KW - France KW - Islam KW - Muslim brotherhoods KW - religious history KW - Sufism RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 109 CY - Paris PB - Hermann U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Patrimoines du Maghreb N2 - Prenant comme point de d‚part la carte des confr‚ries ‚tablie en 1884 par Louis Rinn, chef du service des Affaires indigŠnes en Alg‚rie, cet ouvrage retrace l'histoire des confr‚ries, leur r“le politique et militaire. Il pr‚sente une analyse sur la place qu'elles sont amen‚es … jouer encore aujourd'hui dans des soci‚t‚s musulmanes toujours … la recherche du point d'‚quilibre entre l'islam mystique et l'islam de la norme, et fournit des cl‚s de compr‚hension sur la relation toujours en construction entre la R‚publique fran‡aise et l'islam. Le ph‚nomŠne confr‚rique ou soufi a en effet jou‚ un r“le primordial dans les r‚sistances populaires … l'expansion coloniale en Alg‚rie durant le XIXe siŠcle. Il a constitu‚, mˆme aprŠs la reddition d'Abdelkader et l'affaiblissement des grandes conf‚d‚rations tribales, l'ennemi principal des autorit‚s coloniales. Louis Rinn, officier des bureaux arabes et ‚rudit arabophone, est l'un des principaux acteurs de cette rencontre inaugurale entre l'islam et la R‚publique fran‡aise. [R‚sum‚ extrait du livre] SN - 978-2-7056-9225-4 AV - AFRIKA 50432 Y2 - 2016/09/30/ M3 - 402081838 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3564 T1 - Does entrepreneurship promote economic growth in Africa? A1 - Adusei,Michael Y1 - 2016/// KW - Africa KW - economic development KW - entrepreneurs RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 201 EP - 214 JA - African Development Review: (2016), vol.28, no.2, p.201-214 : graf., tab. VL - 28 IS - 2 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - There seems to be a cloud of scepticism hanging over the value of entrepreneurship to the growth processes of developing economies. This haze of scepticism is fuelled by the reverberating mantra by a section of the extant literature that replicative entrepreneurship (entrepreneurship which is generally considered not to be growth-supporting) is pervasive in developing economies including Africa. The authors take motivation from this postulation to investigate whether entrepreneurship is of any relevance to the growth processes of twelve African countries. The results show that entrepreneurship positively explains the variations in the growth of the study countries. It is, thus, reasonable to contend that entrepreneurship in developing economies including Africa even if replicative is instrumental to economic growth. Bibliogr., note, sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/09/26/ M1 - Ba;E1 M3 - 406354596 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12190 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3561 T1 - Femmes africaines et mobilisations collectives (ann‚es 1940-1970) A1 - Bouilly,Emmanuelle A1 - Rillon,Oph‚lie Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met noten, samenvattingen in Frans en Engels KW - Africa KW - Algeria KW - anticolonialism KW - Cameroon KW - decolonization KW - French-speaking Africa KW - gender KW - Mayotte KW - nationalism KW - social change KW - women's organizations RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 202 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Le mouvement social, ISSN 0027-2671 ; 255, 2016/2 N2 - Une relecture sexu‚e des ‚v‚nements qui ont conduit aux ind‚pendances africaines oblige … d‚centrer le regard vis-…-vis des grands r‚cits nationalistes et … r‚interroger les imaginaires politiques de ces d‚cennies. En effet, l'historiographie a trop rapidement qualifi‚ les mobilisations collectives de ces d‚cennies de "mouvements nationalistes", alors qu'il ‚tait davantage question d'anticolonialisme, d'accŠs aux droits, … l'‚galit‚ et … l'autonomie. Les contributions de ce num‚ro permettent de faire ‚merger des histoires occult‚es par ces constructions nationales. Chapitres: Relire les d‚colonisations d'Afrique francophone au prisme du genre (Emmanuelle Bouilly et Oph‚lie Rillon); "Macoucou … P‚kin. L'arŠne internationale : une ressource politique politique pour les Africaines dans les ann‚es 1940-1950 (Pascale Barth‚l‚my); J'aurais aim‚ ˆtre une bombe pour exploser". Les militantes communistes alg‚riennes entre assignations sexu‚es et subversions des r“les de genre (1944-1962) (Pierre-Jean Le Foll-Luciani); Le mouvement des chatouilleuses : genre et violence dans l'action politique … Mayotte (1966-1976) (Madame Idriss) ; Mobilisations f‚minines au Cameroun fran‡ais dans les ann‚es 1940-1950: l'ordre du genre et l'ordre colonial fissur‚s (Rose Ndengue); Quand les militantes de quartier "jouent les gros bras". Genre et violences politiques au tournant de l'ind‚pendance du Soudan fran‡ais (Oph‚lie Rillon); Les visages de l'‚mancipation : l'action des femmes messalistes durant la r‚volution alg‚rienne (Nedjib Sidi Moussa); Fabrique du genre et sens national dans les organisations de jeunesse chr‚tienne au Cameroun (ann‚es 1940-1950). [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA 50759 Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M1 - Ba;L3 M3 - 406590990 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3568 T1 - Innovations in achieving sustainable food security in Eastern and Southern Africa A1 - Negata,Workneh A1 - Musahara,Herman Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten KW - agricultural innovations KW - Ethiopia KW - food security KW - Kenya KW - land use KW - livelihoods KW - Malawi KW - rural households KW - Rwanda KW - South Africa KW - Uganda KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XIX, 291 CY - Addis Ababa PB - Organisation for Social Research in Eastern and Southern Africa U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The papers in this volume address issues and approaches related to food security in Southern and Eastern Africa. Subjects include implementation of food security policy, rural livelihoods and agricultural innovation, land consolidation, interdisciplinary school-based health, harnessing indigenous and modern knowledge, household food resource handling, institutions for technological innovation, the role of land tax, trade protectionism, and gender-power relations. Contributions: The puzzle in implementation of Uganda's food security policy (Jennifer T. Tumushabe); Rural livelihoods and agricultural innovation systems in Malawi (Mariam A.T. Kadzamira); Some indicators of food security challenges in Eastern and Southern Africa: lessons from the land use consolidation in Rwanda (Herman Musahara); Development of an interdisciplinary school-based intervention to address food and nutrition-related needs in poor communities in South Africa (Ron‚l Ferreira, Karien Botha, William Fraser and Peet du Toit); Harnessing indigenous knowledge and scientific knowledge to promote farmer multi-stakeholder partnerships in food security in Kakamega County, Kenya (Boaz S.W. Maloba); Farmers' adaptive capacity on household food-resource handling procedures and food security in rural Western Kenya (Oino P. Gutwa); Institutions and technological innovation in smallholder agriculture: lessons from a case study in "Bati" and "Kewot woredas" (districts) in northeastern Ethiopia (Workneh Negatu); Land tax and the sustainable use of land for food security in post-land reform in Zimbabwe (Peter MacKaye); A holistic strategy for improving gender-power relations and food security in Tigania, Meru County, Kenya (Constance Rose). [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 99944-5587-7 AV - AFRIKA 50704 Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M1 - Ea;E5;I3 M3 - 40633191X ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3567 T1 - Insights into Uganda A1 - O'Connor,Kevin Y1 - 2016/// KW - articles (form) KW - social life KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XII, 410 CY - Kampala PB - Fountain Publishers U2 - w39 SN - 9970-63739-8 AV - AFRIKA 50593 Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M3 - 406331952 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3575 T1 - L'histoire sacr‚e de l'Islam dans la fiction maghr‚bine A1 - Elsayed,Hanan Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [171]-178. - Met noten KW - historical novels KW - Islam KW - Koran KW - Maghreb RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 180 CY - Paris PB - Karthala U2 - w39 SN - 978-2-8111-1643-9 AV - AFRIKA 50414 Y2 - 2016/09/30/ M3 - 402426185 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3571 T1 - La litt‚rature … l'heure du printemps arabe A1 - Boustani,Sobhi A1 - El-Eneany,Rasheed Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten KW - Arab countries KW - Arab Spring KW - Egypt KW - Libya KW - literature KW - Northern Africa KW - novels KW - poetry KW - political change KW - resistance KW - Sudan KW - Tunisia RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 351 CY - Paris PB - Karthala U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Lettres du Sud N2 - Une r‚volution ou un soulŠvement populaire ne peuvent ˆtre isol‚s du contexte culturel et historique dans lequel ils sont n‚s. Dans une premiŠre partie, les auteurs du pr‚sent ouvrage se sont donc tourn‚s vers la litt‚rature arabe du XXe siŠcle pour tenter d'y d‚tecter les pr‚misses de la contestation actuelle, qui auraient pr‚par‚ plus ou moins clairement les ‚v‚nements capitaux qu'a v‚cus le monde arabe ces derniŠres ann‚es. Une deuxiŠme partie aborde les signes de la rupture apport‚e par le "Printemps arabe" et analyse les textes plus ou moins litt‚raires qui en sont issus. Il peut s'agir de po‚sie, de nouvelles, de piŠces de th‚ƒtre ou mˆme de blogs. Contributions sur des pays africains: Popular revolution in Naguib Mahfouz: Thoughts in the aftermath of Egypt's revolution of 25 January 2011 (Rasheed El-Enany); Keeping up the faith: Mahfuz's Harfish and Qaddy wa-Shahdt's Tha Husayn (Walid Hamarneh, Egypt and Syria); La litt‚rature peut-elle pr‚voir les r‚volutions ? (Isabella Camera d'afflitto; gypte et Syrie); Le sentiment d'indignation … I'origine du "Printemps arabe" :Quelques exemples de l'‚criture romanesque (Hartmut F„hndrich; gypte); The rhetoric of futility: on writer's communiqu‚s and manifestos (Gonzalo Fern ndez Parrilla, on different countries); R‚arranger la r‚alit‚ : le th‚ƒtre arabe dans une perspective pr‚- et post-r‚volutionnaire (Monica Ruocco; gypte, Tunisie); Libyan expos‚ literature: The novel Mil (Salt) by Muammad al-Afar (Elvira Diana); Mamd al-Wardn, the 'Thousand and One Nights' and the spirit of repression (Richard Van Leeuven; Egypt); La soci‚t‚ face au pouvoir dans le roman arabe moderne : la voie religieuse comme alternative (Sobhi Boustani; Egypt and other countries); Manifestations r‚elles et imaginaires : un aspect de la contestation politique dans la litt‚rature soudanaise (Xavier Luffin); Resistance and trauma in contemporary Libyan poetry: 42 years of oppression in the verses of shr al-uwayb and Khlid Maawa (Simone Sibilio); Reclaiming public spaces: foreseeing the 25th January revolution in independent Egyptian theatre (Alba Rosa Suriano); L'‚criture comme succ‚dan‚ de I'action : 'Ayym al-Tarr' d'Ibrahim Abdel-M‚guid ou un r‚cit de la r‚volution ‚gyptienne de 2011 (Dounia Abourachid Badini); Cultivating the self and building communities in Egyptian autofictional blogs (Teresa Pepe). [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] SN - 2-8111-1649-4 pbk AV - AFRIKA 50615 Y2 - 2016/09/29/ M1 - Ca;K2 M3 - 405466498 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3572 T1 - Le revers de l'oubli : m‚moires et comm‚morations de l'esclavage au B‚nin A1 - Ciarcia,Gaetano Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 185-197 KW - Benin KW - commemorations KW - memory KW - slave trade KW - slavery KW - voodoo RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 200 CY - Paris PB - Karthala U2 - w39 T3 - Esclavages SN - 2-8111-1557-9 pbk AV - AFRIKA 50411 Y2 - 2016/09/26/ M3 - 402426428 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3574 T1 - Les travers‚es migratoires dans l'Alg‚rie contemporaine : Africains subsahariens et Alg‚riens vers l'exil A1 - Chena,Salim Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [227]-239. - Met noten KW - Algeria KW - emigrants KW - exile KW - images KW - immigrants KW - migrants KW - right of asylum KW - social networks KW - Subsaharan Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 243 CY - Paris PB - Karthala U2 - w39 SN - 978-2-8111-1571-5 AV - AFRIKA 50413 Y2 - 2016/09/30/ M3 - 402426304 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3569 T1 - Life in the time of oil : a pipeline and poverty in Chad A1 - Leonard,Lori Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 131-141. - Met index, noten KW - Chad KW - development projects KW - petroleum industry KW - poverty reduction RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XI, 149 CY - Bloomington, IN [etc.] PB - Indiana University Press U2 - w39 SN - 0-253-01980-X AV - AFRIKA 50581 Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 406230285 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3570 T1 - Owners of learning : the Nyae Nyae village schools over twenty-five years A1 - Hays,Jennifer Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 241-255. - Met index, noten KW - community participation KW - education KW - Ju'hoansi KW - languages of instruction KW - Namibia KW - national parks and reserves KW - schools RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XVIII, 262 CY - Basel PB - Basler Afrika Bibliographien U2 - w39 T3 - Basel Namibia studies series, ISSN 2234-9561 ; 16 SN - 3-905758-60-1 AV - AFRIKA 50571 Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 406229376 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3573 T1 - Savoirs locaux, ‚ducation et formation en Afrique : les enjeux des politiques internationales A1 - Lewandowski,Sophie Y1 - 2016/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [185]-209. - Met noten KW - Burkina Faso KW - educational policy KW - IMF KW - indigenous knowledge KW - NGO KW - Senegal KW - World Bank RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 214 CY - Paris PB - Karthala U2 - w39 T3 - Apprentissages SN - 2-8111-1477-7 pbk AV - AFRIKA 50412 Y2 - 2016/09/30/ M3 - 402426355 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3563 T1 - The comparative economics of catch-up in output per worker, total factor productivity and technological gain in Sub-Saharan Africa A1 - Ssozi,John A1 - Asongu,Simplice A. Y1 - 2016/// KW - Africa KW - foreign investments KW - productivity KW - technology RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 215 EP - 228 JA - African Development Review: (2016), vol.28, no.2, p.215-228 : graf., tab. VL - 28 IS - 2 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Using the two-step system general method of moments panel data analysis the authors first investigate the effects of external financial flows on total factor productivity and technological gain, and then use the beta catch-up and sigma convergence to compare dispersions in output per worker, total factor productivity and technological gain in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) for the years 1980-2010. The comparative evidence is articulated with income levels, years of schooling, and health factors. The authors find; first, a positive association between foreign direct investment, trade openness, foreign aid, remittances and total factor productivity. However, when foreign direct investment is interacted with schooling, its direct effect becomes negative on total factor productivity. Second, beta catch-up is between 19.22 percent and 19.70 percent per annum with corresponding time to full catch-up of 25.38 years and 26.01 years respectively. Third, they find sigma-convergence among low-income nations and upper-middle income nations separately, but not for the entire sample together. Fourth, schooling in SSA is not yet a significant source of technology, but it can make external financial inflows more effective. Policies to induce external financial flows are not enough for development if absorptive capacity is low. App., bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/09/26/ M1 - Ea;E1 M3 - 40635460X L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12191 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3565 T1 - The Tiebout hypothesis in Africa : evidence from Angola A1 - Barros,Carlos P. A1 - Serafim,Jelson Y1 - 2016/// KW - Angola KW - internal migration KW - poverty KW - regional government RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 192 EP - 200 JA - African Development Review: (2016), vol.28, no.2, p.192-200 : tab. VL - 28 IS - 2 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article analyses the Tiebout hypothesis in Angola's provinces from 2004 to 2013, using a spatial panel data model. The Tiebout hypothesis, which states that a country's internal migration is dictated by regional public policy, is tested. Angola's internal inter-provincial migration is related to gross domestic product per capita, local public expenditure, unemployment, poverty, population density, the number of public employees in the region, and a NGO for civic education. The results reveal that spatial autocorrelation is a reality in the Angolan context, validating the adoption of a spatial model, and that regional migration is explained by the covariates. The general conclusion is that the Tiebout hypothesis is accepted in the Angolan regions, and that the most important cause of migration is regional poverty. Policy implications are derived and it is concluded that an efficient anti-poverty policy is needed in the Angolan context at regional level in order to decrease internal migration. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/09/26/ M1 - Gb;E1 M3 - 406354588 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12189 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3566 T1 - What drives structural transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa? A1 - Tei Mensah,Justice Y1 - 2016/// KW - government policy KW - reform KW - Subsaharan Africa KW - sustainable development RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 157 EP - 169 JA - African Development Review: (2016), vol.28, no.2, p.157-169 : tab. VL - 28 IS - 2 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article provides an empirical assessment of the driving forces behind structural transformation in sub-Saharan Africa, and to further access the role of structural reforms in accounting for cross-country differences in transformation. Evidence from this paper reveals that country specific fundamentals, institutions and policy reforms as well as governance and fiscal reforms are the key drivers of transformation in the region. A set of policy strategies is proposed to engender sustained transformation and development in the region. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - Elektronisch artikel Y2 - 2016/09/26/ M1 - Ea;E1 M3 - 40635457X L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12187 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3590 T1 - "Nigeria" in the Cape: Afropolitanism and alienation in Yewande Omotoso's 'Bom boy' A1 - Fasselt,Rebecca Y1 - 2015/// KW - images KW - Nigerians KW - novels KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 119 EP - 145 JA - Research in African Literatures: (2015), vol.46, no.2, p.119-145. VL - 46 IS - 2 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article studies Yewande Omotoso's debut novel, Bom Boy, as an example of the newly emerging body of migrant fiction in South Africa and focuses on its representation of migratory linkages between Cape Town, South Africa, and Nigeria. While Nigerian writers virulently raised their pen against apartheid, current South African writing appears to distance itself from its erstwhile supporters. This most visibly surfaces in the appearance of "the Nigerian" as a new stock character in some recent South African novels. The author argues that Omotoso's novel registers the continuous history of South Africa's othering of the African continent while at the same time highlighting moments of relation between South Africa and Nigeria and their respective peoples. The novel envisions Cape Town as an inherently ambiguous place of intersection and cross-cultural contact, as well as of alienation. Drawing on Achille Mbembe's notion of Afropolitanism, she suggests that while invoking the term, the novel also calls for its revaluation. This, the text seems to propose, crucially needs to take into account the specific and troubling history of the Cape as a location from which to think anew transnational connections with Nigeria. The copresence of Afropolitanism and alienation particularly comes to the fore in the author's juxtaposition of the figure of Rhodes with the legendary heroine Moremi of Yoruba myth, as well as in her exploration of the theme of transnational and transracial adoption. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M1 - Kf;K2 M3 - 407043551 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.10.2979/reseafrilite.46.2.119 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3577 T1 - A tracer study of Master of Science in Library and Information Science graduates from the National University of Science and Technology, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe A1 - Mugwisi,Tinashe A1 - Hikwa,Lawton Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr., sum KW - employment KW - graduates KW - library and information science KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 173 EP - 183 JA - African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science: (2015), vol.25, no.2, p.173-183 : tab. VL - 25 IS - 2 U2 - w39 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/30/ M3 - 40730133X ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3578 T1 - Access to and use of electronic journals in selected federal university libraries in the Federal Capital Territory and North Central Zone of Nigeria A1 - Salau,Sadiat Adetoro A1 - Gama,Umar G. Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr., sum KW - electronic resources KW - Nigeria KW - periodicals KW - university libraries RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 161 EP - 171 JA - African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science: (2015), vol.25, no.2, p.161-171 : tab. VL - 25 IS - 2 U2 - w39 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/30/ M3 - 407301216 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3594 T1 - Africa's return migrants : the new developers Africa's return migrants : the new developers A1 - kesson,Lisa A1 - Baaz,Maria Eriksson Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Met bibliogr., index, noten KW - Africa KW - Burundi KW - Cape Verde KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - economic development KW - Ghana KW - return migration KW - Senegal KW - Somaliland KW - South Sudan KW - Sudan RP - NOT IN FILE CY - London PB - Zed Books U1 - Free access. U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Africa now N2 - Many African migrants residing abroad nurture a hope to one day return, at least temporarily, to their home country. In the wake of economic crises in the developed world, alongside rapid economic growth in parts of Africa, the impetus to 'return' is likely to increase. Such returnees are often portrayed as agents of development, bringing with them capital, knowledge and skills as well as connections and experience gained abroad. Yet, the reality is altogether more complex. In this collective volume, based on extensive fieldwork, the authors reveal that there is all too often a gaping divide between abstract policy assumptions and migrants' actual practices. In contrast to the prevailing optimism of policies on migration and development, the book demonstrates that capital obtained abroad is not always advantageous and can even hamper successful entrepreneurship and other forms of economic, political and social engagement. Chapters: 1. Introduction (Lisa kesson and Maria Eriksson Baaz); 2. Successive flops and occasional feats: development contributions and thorny social navigation among Congolese return migrants (Maria Eriksson Baaz); 3. Diaspora returnees to Somaliland: heroes of development or job-stealing scoundrels? (Laura Hammond); 4. Pushing development: a case study of highly skilled male return migration to Ghana (Nauja Kleist); 5. 'Come back, invest, and advance the country': policy myths and migrant realities of return and development in Senegal (Giulia Sinatti); 6. The role of social capital in post-conflict business development: perspectives from returning migrants in Burundi (Tove Heggli Sagmo); 7. Threatening mini-skirts: returnee South Sudanese adolescent girls and social change (Katarzyna Grabska); 8. Obstacles and openings: returnees and small-scale businesses in Cape Verde (Lisa kesson). [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 1-7836-0234-1 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M1 - Ba;C6;E1 M3 - 407039988 L3 - http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:nai:diva-1941 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3593 T1 - An Afropolitan Muse A1 - Skinner,Ryan Thomas Y1 - 2015/// KW - ethics KW - griots KW - Mali KW - music RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 15 EP - 31 JA - Research in African Literatures: (2015), vol.46, no.2, p.15-31 : foto. VL - 46 IS - 2 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article discusses the moral positions and ethical projects of an urban music culture in contemporary Mali. The story unfolds through close and sustained analysis of a single audiovisual artifact: the music video for Sidiki Diabat‚'s "Djeliya." To begin with, the essay addresses the specifically "cultural" register of morality the video represents, through the local moorings and collective interests of a musical mode of being defined by kinship, traditional aesthetics, and a rich oral historical consciousness: jeliya. In the mix are the author's own memories of life among the Diabat‚ griots, going back nearly two decades. Rooted in the music culture of jeliya, the essay then considers the ethical routes of modern griots like Sidiki Diabat‚, whose performance practices and cultural productions emerge from but cannot be reduced to moral topoi; who cultivate a sense of self in the world mindful of heritage and tradition. Yet, there are other moral and ethical stories to tell about this video, the music culture it represents, and the African society of which it is a part. Watching and listening at a time of internecine conflict and regional turmoil, the article considers the "absent presences" that inform (and sometimes haunt) the video's contemporary reception. Beyond culture, the social imperatives of the nation, city, religion, aesthetics, social media, and professional identity come into focus to evoke a complex, urban African structure of feeling: Afropolitanism. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M1 - Fk;K3 M3 - 407040021 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.2979/reseafrilite.46.2.15 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3583 T1 - Anna and Ahmad : building modern temperance in Egypt (18841940) A1 - Foda,Omar Y1 - 2015/// KW - alcohol policy KW - Christianity KW - Egypt KW - Islam KW - organizations RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 116 EP - 149 JA - Social Sciences and Missions: (2015), vol.28, no.1-2, p.116-149. VL - 28 IS - 1-2 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This study looks to explain, using archival material from the Presbyterian Historical Society and the Egyptian National Archives, the fascinating presence of a temperance movement in late 19th and early 20th century Egypt, a Muslim-majority country. It looks at how the Egyptian temperance movement grew out of two separate traditions, Anglo-American and Islamic temperance. These traditions were divided by demographics and ideology, but came to be united in their goals, structures, and efficaciousness. Although both failed to enact meaningful legislation, they are excellent examples of the interaction between Anglo-American evangelicalism and the modern Muslim missionary movement. Notes, ref., sum. in English and French. [Journal abstract, edited] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/29/ M1 - Dc;B1;I3 M3 - 407221409 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/18748945-02801015 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3588 T1 - Celebrating Independence Day: the aesthetics and politics of national commemoration in Namibia A1 - Kornes,Godwin Y1 - 2015/// KW - commemorations KW - independence KW - Namibia RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 27 EP - 50 JA - Journal of Namibian Studies: (2015), vol.17, p.27-50 : ill. VL - 17 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Through the sequencing of singular past-time events into a commemorative calendar of national holidays, dramatic narratives of the nation are construed, enacted, stabilised, continuously reactivated and renewed. This makes political national holidays rewarding objects of analysis for the study of nation and nationalism. Namibia, as many other nation-states, has a distinct commemorative calendar that distinguishes marked and unmarked times of national significance. Political national holidays feature prominently in the efforts of Namibia's ruling party, the former liberation movement Swapo, to mediate and popularise its particular brand of heroic liberation struggle memory. By focusing on the centrality of Swapo's heroic narrative of armed liberation, the politics of dress, and the question of national inclusivity, some of the contestations of national commemoration in Namibia are explored and discussed with reference to Independence Day celebrations since 1990. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M1 - Ke;D2 M3 - 407057552 L3 - http://namibian-studies.com/index.php/JNS/article/view/376 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3585 T1 - Children of Empire: childhood, education and space in German South West Africa, c. 1880-1915 A1 - Zollmann,Jakob Y1 - 2015/// KW - children KW - colonists KW - education KW - Germans KW - Namibia KW - schooling RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 71 EP - 124 JA - Journal of Namibian Studies: (2015), vol.17, p.71-124. VL - 17 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The article deals with the upbringing and education of children in German South West Africa. It focusses on the experiences of girls and boys who were born into and grew up in a colonial context where they were expected to assume roles or positions ascribed to them by parents, colonial bureaucrats or 'colonial society' in general. A history of (different) childhood(s) in GSWA is a research subject which can prompt historiography to question the 'natural' dichotomies established by the colonial state. Neither a sense of belonging nor a sense of superiority or racist convictions were given facts for a new-born individual, but were the results of educational efforts and experiences. Barely two generations of German pupils were born and attended German schools in GSWA. This historical context is an invitation to widen the research focus beyond questions of schooling in order to come to a meaningful analysis of the everyday experiences of children on the one hand and the underlying ideologies of their education on the other. The article sheds light on these problems by discussing the state of research followed by demographic developments in the colony, births, and child healthcare. Subsequent sections recount the educational experiences of children within the family and in the state or mission schools in the colony, followed by an overview of the connections between (child) labour, violence and language skills, while a final section examines the relevance of experiencing different (colonial) spaces, rural and urban, in shaping different childhoods in GSWA. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M1 - Ke;G1;L3 M3 - 407059903 L3 - http://namibian-studies.com/index.php/JNS/article/view/378 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3595 T1 - Clandestine or conquistadores? : beyond sensational headlines, or a literature of urgency A1 - Calarg‚,Carla Y1 - 2015/// KW - Africa KW - illegal migration KW - literature KW - novels RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 1 EP - 14 JA - Research in African Literatures: (2015), vol.46, no.2, p.1-14 : fig. VL - 46 IS - 2 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Looking at works that deal with clandestine immigration, including Les Clandestins (Youssouf Amine Elalamy), Cannibales (Mahi Binebine), Clandestins en M‚diterran‚e (Fawzi Mellah), Partir (Tahal Ben Jelloun), Celles qui attendent (Fatou Diome), and Le Paradis du Nord (Essomba), the author examines the way literature describes the dream that immigrants have of Europe in general, and of France in particular, as an El Dorado they look to conquer. The El Dorado is, as we know, a myth, but in the context of this literature, it is also a cultural myth as Barthes defines it in Mythologies the ultimate function of which is to "transform history into nature." This study explores how the "culture industry" shapes the myth of the "European El Dorado" in the migrants' minds and analyzes the mechanisms used to construct this myth as it is suggested in the various novels. The author also discusses the ideological foundations on which this myth is based, or the "vol de language" through which it is articulated. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M1 - Ba;K2 M3 - 407038930 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.2979/reseafrilite.46.2.1 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3589 T1 - Collaboratively writing a self: textual strategies in Margaret McCord's 'The calling of Katie Makanya: a memoir of South Africa' A1 - Sim‚us,Jenny Y1 - 2015/// KW - biography KW - novels KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 70 EP - 84 JA - Research in African Literatures: (2015), vol.46, no.2, p.70-84. VL - 46 IS - 2 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper analyzes 'The calling of Katie Makanya' (1995) by Margaret McCord as a collaborative autobiography. Katie's motive for wanting her story to be told is not a desire to find her own voice and identity through narration, but seemingly rather to add to and complete the picture presented in the narrative 'My patients were Zulus' (1946), written by Katie's employer and Margaret McCord's father, Dr. James B. McCord. Moreover, Margaret McCord is portrayed in 'The calling of Katie Makanya' as finding it problematic as a white woman to write a black woman's story. Using the theories of Judith Butler, it is shown that the context of the narrative's emergence creates a complex framing of 'The calling of Katie Makanya'. This paper aims to highlight and examine instances where the effects of this complex framing rise to the surface of the text and create tensions in the narrative. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M1 - Kf;K2 M3 - 407045082 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.2979/reseafrilite.46.2.70 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3599 T1 - Decolonizing the mind Onitsha-style: reexamining Ogali A. Ogali's cultural nationalism in 'The Juju priest' A1 - Ochiagha,Terri Y1 - 2015/// KW - literary criticism KW - Nigeria KW - novels KW - Onitsha market literature KW - popular literature RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 90 EP - 106 JA - Research in African Literatures: (2015), vol.46, no.1, p.90-106. VL - 46 IS - 1 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - As revolutionary as Achebe's Things Fall Apart was for the Nigerian elite in the immediate aftermath of its publication, the Onitsha Market writers were initially oblivious and later impervious to the novel's groundbreaking feat. Few pamphleteers engaged with the colonial theme and their exertions-admittedly not beholden to Achebe's work-have not received scholarly attention. After the heyday of the Onitsha Market phenomenon, its most famous writer, Ogali A.Ogali, composed his first full-length novel, 'The Juju Priest' (1977). While Ogali had previously dealt with colonialism in earlier pamphlets, Achebe's formal, stylistic, and ideological influence became apparent in this first novel. This essay reads Ogali A. Ogali's 'The Juju Priest' as a window into a non-elite experience with the convolutions of mental colonization and cultural nationalism and complicates Peter Ayers and Reinhard Sander's reading of the novel by arguing that The Juju Priest is an allegory of Ogali's particular process of mental decolonization. The author of this article sets the scene by discussing the peculiarities of Ogali's booming career as an Onitsha pamphleteer and then examines The Juju Priest at three distinct levels: first, by exploring Ogali's striking mimesis and subversion of colonial discourse in the first part of the novel, which coincides with his use of the cynical-satirical mode; second, by discussing his comic-satirical construction of colonial mimics and cultural nationalists; and finally, by looping back to the author's earlier works, 'The History of Item' (1960), the unpublished pamphlet 'No Country Is Civilized' (1964-65), and 'No Heaven for a Priest' (1971). Intriguingly, the intertextual relationship between Ogali's 'The Juju Priest' and Chinua Achebe's 'Things Fall Apart' seems to indicate Ogali's latent wish to transcend his status as a popular writer. Throughout the analysis, the author fleshes out Achebe's influence on Ogali's novel and then zooms in on the convergences and divergences in the two writers' engagement with the colonial encounter and epistemic violence in the final part of the essay. The problem at stake in the theorization of literary inequality, then, is not whether peripheral writers 'borrow' from the centre, or whether or not literary traffic flows from centre to periphery, but is the restitution, to the subordinated of the literary world, of the forms, specificities and hardships of their struggles. Only thus can they be given credit for the invention - often concealed - of their creative freedom. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/26/ M1 - Fn;K2 M3 - 40693150X L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.2979/reseafrilite.46.1.90 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3586 T1 - Diversity education in South Africa, Mozambique and Namibia: a research agenda A1 - Weber,Everard Y1 - 2015/// KW - education KW - ethnicity KW - gender KW - migrants KW - Mozambique KW - Namibia KW - race relations KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 51 EP - 70 JA - Journal of Namibian Studies: (2015), vol.17, p.51-70. VL - 17 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The literature on diversity education in southern Africa to date has not taken account of the changing composition of populations in educational institutions. Migration in the region has led to changes in the demographic profiles of schools, colleges and universities. What impact have these changes had on social relations? How are emerging social relations redefining the meaning of globalisation and regionalisation? This article provides an overview of research literature on diversity education in Mozambique, Namibia and South Africa. The concepts educational change, globalisation, regionalisation and localisation are instructive in analysing developing social relations of race, socio-economic class, gender, national origin and ethnicity. The author proposes a research agenda of school-based studies that can build on our current knowledge. Such localised research can inform policy revisions at regional, national, community and school levels. Additionally, empirical studies informed by southern African perspectives can contribute to the relevant international and comparative literature. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M1 - Ka;G1 M3 - 407059237 L3 - http://namibian-studies.com/index.php/JNS/article/view/377 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3582 T1 - Dossier : Religion et tat : logiques de la s‚cularisation et de la citoyennet‚ en Islam A1 - Benkirane,R‚da A1 - Bocco,Riccardo A1 - Germond,Catherine Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Notes, r‚f., r‚s. en fran‡ais (p. 143-145) et en anglais (p. 146-148) KW - 2013 KW - conference papers (form) KW - Egypt KW - Islam KW - Koran KW - Libya KW - Northern Africa KW - secularization KW - State KW - State-society relationship KW - Tunisia RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 5 EP - 156 JA - Maghreb Machrek: (2015), no.224-225, p.5-156. IS - 224-225 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Ce dossier regroupe les actes ‚labor‚s et augment‚s d'un colloque que s'est tenue … GenŠve (Suisse) en juin 2013. Le colloque avait pour objectif de fournir des cl‚s de compr‚hension aux transformations sociopolitiques en Afrique du Nord et au Moyen-Orient depuis le d‚but 2011. La premiŠre partie est consacr‚e aux perspectives juridiques, historiques et sociologiques des logiques de la s‚cularisation et de la citoyennet‚ en Islam dans plusieurs tats de l'Afrique du Nord (Egypte, Libye, Soudan et Tunisie) ainsi que dans des pays du Moyen-Orient (Iran et Turquie). La seconde partie aborde le thŠme … travers de perspectives philosophiques et th‚ologiques. Les textes dans cette partie r‚fl‚chissent sur la question de l'interpr‚tation des textes religieux et interrogent les rapports entre religion et tat dans l'histoire des soci‚t‚s musulmanes depuis leurs origines. Contributions: La question de la charia et de l'tat au XXIe siŠcle (Abdullahi An-Na'im); Contre le d‚terminisme historique, en Islam comme ailleurs (Baudouin Dupret); Les r‚volutions arabes et leur devenir. Les cas paradigmatiques de l'gypte et de la Tunisie (Farhad Khosrokhavar); Entre tat et religion : repenser la soci‚t‚ civile et l'tat civil depuis les r‚voltes arabes (BenoŒt Challand); Islam et politique dans la Libye contemporaine (YounŠs Abouyoub); volutions r‚centes de la laicit‚ en Turquie (Bayram Balci); R‚flexions sur la s‚cularisation aux premiers siŠcles de l'Islam (Makram AbbŠs); Philosophie d'un Islam post-fondamentaliste (Hassan Hanafi); La religion et le pouvoir (Mohammad Shahrour); Le Coran est essentiellement guidance (Jamal Al-Banna); Une lecture non-herm‚neutique du Coran : l'analyse litt‚rale (Moreno Al Ajam¡). [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/29/ M3 - 407221719 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3612 T1 - Dossier litt‚ratures africaines et paysage A1 - Garnier,Xavier A1 - Halen,Pierre Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, r‚s. en anglais et en fran‡ais KW - Africa KW - landscape KW - literary criticism KW - literature RP - NOT IN FILE PB - tudes litt‚raires africaines U2 - w39 T3 - tudes litt‚raires africaines, ISSN 0769-4563 ; no. 39 (2015) N2 - Pr‚sentation (Xavier Garnier); Le paysage africain : ancestral ou colonial ? (Michel Collot); La r‚appropriation du paysage africain dans 'LEsclave' de F‚lix Couchoro (1929) (J nos Riesz); Les paysages du Karoo dans la litt‚rature sud-africaine : une esth‚tique de l'indicible (Richard Samin); 'White Writing', 'Dark Continent' : les enjeux de la repr‚sentation du paysage dans la litt‚rature sud-africaine (Mathilde Rogez); La savane vierge et sauvage dans les romans d'aventures ‚cologiques pour enfants : l'imaginaire du paysage ‚d‚nique au service d'une critique du colonialisme ? (lodie Malanda); Po‚tique du paysage dans 'L'Ant‚-peuple' et 'La Vie et demie' de Sony Labou Tansi (C‚line Gahungu); Les repr‚sentations de la nature et la construction d'un nouvel ethos dauteur africain dans 'Les Bouts de bois de Dieu' dOusmane SembŠne (Tal Sela); Pourquoi si peu de paysages dans les litt‚ratures africaines ? Quelques propositions pour une approche comparatiste (Dominique Ranaivoson); De quelques enjeux du paysage (ou du non-paysage) (Pierre Halen) AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 40208151X ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3609 T1 - Ethiopian labour migration to the gulf and South Africa A1 - Kefale,Asnake A1 - Mohammed,Zerihun Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 93-101. - Met noten KW - Ethiopia KW - international migration KW - labour mobility KW - migrant workers KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - VIII, 101 CY - Addis Ababa PB - Forum For Social Studies U2 - w39 T3 - FSS monograph series ; 10 N2 - 1. Introduction -- 2. International migration, trafficking, smuggling and mixed migration -- 3. Ethiopian labour migration to the Gulf -- 4. Ethiopian irregular migration to South Africa -- 5. Conclusion and ways forward. The major objective of the research is to produce evidence-based knowledge on the social and economic impacts of labour migration by looking at the challenges and opportunities of Ethiopian labour migration to the Gulf and South Africa. On the one hand, international migration from Ethiopia could be considered as an aspect of development problem. The major push factors that forces Ethiopian migrants to the Gulf and South Africa are economic/developmental problems ranging from lack of employment opportunities to wage differentials. On the other hand, international migration could be considered as an important resource that could be tapped for accelerating socio-economic development. At the general level, this research aims to examine the successes and failures of policies and institutions in realising the potentials of international migration for socio-economic development of the country and minimizing its adverse impacts. At the same time, the growing problem of illegal migration will be examined SN - 99944-5057-3 pbk AV - AFRIKA 50578 Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M3 - 406228620 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3580 T1 - Factors affecting the timely completion of doctoral degree in Library and Information Science in Nigerian universities A1 - Aina,L.O. Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr., sum KW - library and information science KW - Nigeria KW - universities RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 111 EP - 123 JA - African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science: (2015), vol.25, no.2, p.111-123 : tab. VL - 25 IS - 2 U2 - w39 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/30/ M3 - 407301003 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3597 T1 - Getting the past right in West Africa and beyond : challenging structures through addressing gender-based violence in mediation A1 - Tarnaala,Elisa Y1 - 2015/// KW - conflict resolution KW - gender-based violence KW - UN KW - West Africa KW - women RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 57 EP - 80 JA - African Journal on Conflict Resolution: (2015), vol.15, no.2, p.57-80. VL - 15 IS - 2 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Fifteen years after the launch of the UN's landmark resolution 1325 on women, peace and security, its recommendations concerning women as civil society actors, and women as victims of conflicts, have become part of a largely accepted and standardized guide for the international community. Fewer advances have been made with involving politically skilled women in high-level negotiations and understanding the wider processes of conflict mediation where the basis for peace is crafted at different levels of society. This article offers insights on which issues should be taken into account regarding gender-based violence during mediation and suggests how a conflict context can be analysed from a perspective of gender and women. It also explores the issues that have dominated the agenda of peacemaking in West Africa in particular and across the continent, in order to provide real-world examples of peace and transitional processes where lessons can be learnt about addressing or failing to address gender-based violence. A transformative and inclusive peace process that changes conceptions of the status quo, fights gender-based violence, and includes women in post-conflict planning could remove many risks from women's agency in post-conflict peace and security. It could gradually reform structural factors that constrain women's participation. Bibliogr., notes, sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/30/ M1 - Fa;D1 M3 - 407033270 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3608 T1 - International migrants and refugees in Cape Town's informal economy A1 - Tawodzera,Godfrey Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Met noten, samenvatting KW - entrepreneurs KW - informal sector KW - migrants KW - refugees KW - small enterprises KW - South Africa KW - towns RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 57 CY - Waterloo PB - Southern African Migration Programme U2 - w39 T3 - SAMP migration policy series ; 70 SN - 1-920596-15-1 AV - AFRIKA 50701 Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 406332185 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3581 T1 - Knowledge production through mentorship of next generation scholars: case study of universities in Kenya A1 - Moseti,Irene Moraa Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr., sum KW - academics KW - Kenya KW - productivity KW - universities RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 91 EP - 108 JA - African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science: (2015), vol.25, no.2, p.91-108 : fig., graf., tab. VL - 25 IS - 2 U2 - w39 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/30/ M3 - 407300856 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3584 T1 - Namibia at 25 A1 - Wolputte,Steven van A1 - Friedman,John Y1 - 2015/// KW - festschrifts (form) KW - independence KW - Namibia KW - political conditions KW - social conditions RP - NOT IN FILE PB - Otjivanda Presse U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Journal of Namibian studies, ISSN 1863-5954 ; no. 18 (2015) N2 - Reflecting on 25 years of independence, this special issue presents a kaleidoscopic snapshot of Namibian society today. Political discourse is one thing, but day-to-day life in the post-colony is another. Following the honeymoon years, public expressions of people's everyday concerns began to replace the liberation rhetoric. This disenchantment is largely due to the general feeling that too many independence-era promises have not been kept and too many expectations have been disappointed. Despite the country's progressive constitution, despite the government's relentless efforts to establish a more equitable gender balance in the political arena, and depite the country's seventeenth rank on the World Press Freedom Index (outranking heralds of free speech such as France, the UK and the USA), Namibia (still) has one of the highest levels of income inequality in the world. Amidst the congratulations and praise, the editors believe that a critical and balanced reflection on 25 years of independence is appropriate, without wishing to belittle the real and praiseworthy progress that has been made. Contents: Twenty-five years on: retrospect and prospect (Steven Van Wolputte and John Friedman); From 'to die a tribe and be born a nation' towards 'culture, the foundation of a nation': the shifting politics and aesthetics of Namibian nationalism (Heike Becker); A Bill of Rights is on the table... but where's the food? (Toni Hancox); From Nujoma to Geingob: 25 years of presidential democracy (Henning Melber); Tenure reform in Namibia's communal areas (Wolfgang Werner); 25 years of CBNRM in Namibia: a retrospective on accomplishments, contestation and contemporary challenges (Karine Nuulimba and Julie J. Taylor); Technology and innovation landscapes in the context of a knowledge-based economy (Immolatrix L. Geingos-Onuegbu); Arts development and promotion in Namibia: the role of the government since independence (Retha-Louise Hofmeyr); (Sm)othering others? Post-millennial anthropology in Namibia (Robert Gordon); So investing in youth is a waste of money? (Pandu Hailonga van Dijk and Michael Mulunga). Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M1 - Ke;D2 M3 - 407062386 L3 - http://namibian-studies.com/index.php/JNS/issue/view/49 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3607 T1 - Penser la sorcellerie en Afrique A1 - Fancello,Sandra Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 290-293. - Met noten KW - Cameroon KW - Central Africa KW - Central African Republic KW - children KW - Church KW - Congo (Brazzaville) KW - crime KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - Gabon KW - street children KW - witchcraft RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 296 CY - Paris PB - Hermann U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - La sorcellerie a pris dans l'Afrique contemporaine des formes in‚dites : enfants sorciers, crimes rituels, vols de sexe, possessions diaboliques. Elle ne renvoie plus … un systŠme organis‚ de croyances et de pratiques mais plut“t … des imaginaires polymorphes suscit‚s par l'ins‚curit‚ et l'injustice v‚cues au quotidien. Les faits de violence associ‚s aux affaires de sorcellerie t‚moignent d'une profonde d‚r‚gulation normative et exigent des enquˆtes situ‚es qui interrogent les chaŒnes du soup‡on et de l'accusation. Cet ouvrage fait le choix d'une approche ethnographique et comparative des diagnostics sanitaires ou religieux et des qualifications judiciaires de la sorcellerie. Les chercheurs sont interpell‚s comme les juges et les m‚decins par les processus de p‚nalisation, sinon de politisation des affaires de sorcellerie. Comment, dans un tel contexte, entrer et se faire accepter en tant que chercheur dans les tribunaux, les glises, les familles, les entreprises ? Comment ‚viter les biais li‚s … une entr‚e par le point de vue des victimes ? Comment travailler sur des affaires qualifi‚es par les m‚dias de "crimes rituels " ? Les affaires, les rumeurs, les procŠs appellent … penser par cas, en interrogeant les strat‚gies d'acteurs et le positionnement des institutions face … la sorcellerie. Contributions: Pr‚face (Peter Geschiere); Introduction. Penser la sorcellerie en Afrique : un d‚fi pour les sciences sociales ? (Sandra Fancello); Juger la sorcellerie. Un ethnographe dans l'institution judiciaire centrafricaine (Bruno Martinelli); La sorcellerie … l'Šre des m‚dias (Julien Bonhomme); pid‚mie de "crimes rituels" au Gabon. Des affaires de sorcellerie au scandale de I'impunit‚ (Andr‚ Mary et Maixant Mebiame-Zomo); Une ethnographie des enfants de rues … Bangui (Centrafrique) (Andrea Ceriana Mayneri); D‚sorceler les machines. La sorcellerie dans l'entreprise d'‚lectricit‚ de Centrafrique (Jean-Bruno Ngouflo); Les acteurs de la lutte anti-sorcellerie. Exorcistes et 'nganga' … Bangui et Yaound‚ (Sandra Fancello); La sorcellerie dans la vie d'une glise au Congo. Entre d‚ni et contagion (Bernard Coyault); "La d‚livrance, c'est le dipl“me". L'ethnologue aux prises avec le Combat Spirituel (B‚n‚dicte Meiers). [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden] SN - 2-7056-8992-3 pbk AV - AFRIKA 50758 Y2 - 2016/09/26/ M1 - Ga;C1 M3 - 406591121 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3601 T1 - Samuel Ajayi Crowther and the age of literature A1 - Ney,Stephen Y1 - 2015/// KW - bishops KW - literature KW - Nigeria KW - reading KW - Yoruba RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 37 EP - 52 JA - Research in African Literatures: (2015), vol.46, no.1, p.37-52. VL - 46 IS - 1 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Nineteenth-century Yoruba linguist and Anglican bishop Samuel Ajayi Crowther wanted the next generation of Nigerian leaders to be committed readers and writers and throughout his career he pursued this goal effectively. The essay begins with a brief account of the social and literary contexts in which Crowther produced and promoted literature. Then the essay draws from unpublished letters from the middle part of Crowther's career to show how he framed his literary project as something unprecedented and novelas if he were inaugurating a new "age of literature" but then turns back to show how he also framed it in terms of preexisting literary traditions, both "pagan" and Islamic. What emerges is a piece of a literary history too complex to be conceptualized as a progression from precolonial orality to colonial literacy and literature. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/26/ M1 - Fn;K2 M3 - 406928665 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.2979/reseafrilite.46.1.37 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3592 T1 - Sara Baartman and the ethics of representation A1 - Dunton,Chris Y1 - 2015/// KW - ethics KW - images KW - Khoikhoi KW - poetry KW - San KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 32 EP - 51 JA - Research in African Literatures: (2015), vol.46, no.2, p.32-51. VL - 46 IS - 2 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This paper has as its main concern a reexamination of Stephen Gray's 1977 poem "Hottentot Venus" in the light of two events that occurred after the poem's publication: first, the return of the remains of Sara Baartman (Gray's Hottentot Venus) to South Africa and their ceremonial burial; second, the publication of a biography of Baartman by Clifford Crais and Pamela Scully, a work that has much to say on the production of knowledge and the uses made of this. The paper compares Gray's poem with a poem on Baartman by Diana Ferrus and with Suzan-Lori Parks's play Venus, focusing on the attribution of agency or its absence. This discussion leads into an examination of the ethics of representation (especially the representation of the Other and of suffering), surveying, first, historical studies of the representation of Khoekhoe, Bushmen, and other marginalized peoples of southern Africa, then novels that attempt such representation or that problematize this by Dalene Matthee, Yvette Christianse, and Zoe Wicomb, and addressing views on the ethics of representation by, among others, Antjie Krog, Susan Sontag, and Alice Walker. App., bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M1 - Kf;K2 M3 - 407041052 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.2979/reseafrilite.46.2.32 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3587 T1 - Seabed mining in Namibia: quo vadis? A1 - Kimani,Nicholas N. Y1 - 2015/// KW - environment KW - Namibia KW - phosphate mining RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 7 EP - 25 JA - Journal of Namibian Studies: (2015), vol.17, p.7-25. VL - 17 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - With the moratorium on marine phosphate mining in Namibia having recently expired mining operations could now proceed at any time. 'Formal' environmental regulatory systems for such activities would appear to be inadequate and it is unclear whether corporate self-regulation can be relied upon to safeguard against pollution. Africa's negative experiences with terrestrial mining, expressed in the 'resource curse paradox', highlight the need to be wary of 'foreign' seabed miners and why national conversations are needed on the steps that are required to exploit seabed minerals' developmental potential. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M1 - Ke;E6 M3 - 40705863X L3 - http://namibian-studies.com/index.php/JNS/article/view/375 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3591 T1 - Selling (out) on the black market: 'Black bazar''s literary 'sape' A1 - Knox,Katelyn Y1 - 2015/// KW - clothing KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - novels RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 52 EP - 69 JA - Research in African Literatures: (2015), vol.46, no.2, p.52-69. VL - 46 IS - 2 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article develops a framework drawing from Congolese sape fashion practices to read Alain Mabanckou's 2009 novel 'Black bazar'. In 'sape' an acronym for La Soci‚t‚ des ambianceurs et des personnes ‚l‚gantes (the Society of Ambiencers and Persons of Elegance) sapeurs "sappers" perform danses des griffes "dances of designer labels" during which they brandish their clothing items' designer brands. Reading Black bazar as an example of "literary sape," the author argues that the narrator-author's references to cultural works from a variety of national and historical contexts can productively be read as a literary danse des griffes a performance that interrogates the reading strategies to which the novel itself will be subjected. Ultimately, through its content and form, Black bazar contests the very notion of authenticity that undergirds how francophone cultural works and their authors are packaged and circulated within larger global cultural economies. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M1 - Gj;K2 M3 - 407041958 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.2979/reseafrilite.46.2.52 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3602 T1 - The anthropology of transcultural storytelling: 'Oui mon commandant!' and Amadou Hampƒt‚ Bƒ's ethnographic didacticism A1 - Izzo,Justin Y1 - 2015/// KW - colonial administration KW - Mali KW - novels KW - traditional society RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 1 EP - 18 JA - Research in African Literatures: (2015), vol.46, no.1, p.1-18. VL - 46 IS - 1 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article examines the relationship between literary virtuosity and ethnographic exposition in 'Oui mon commandant!', the second volume of memoirs by Malian writer and anthropologist Amadou Hampƒt‚ Bƒ. In this memoir, Hampƒt‚ Bƒ recounts his early career as a colonial civil servant before beginning professional training in anthropology. He offers an in-depth ethnographic look at the political universe of French colonial bureaucracy while inserting carefully honed stories and vignettes designed to instruct non-African readers about 'traditional' African cultures and about everyday life under colonial rule. The author of this article calls this narrative strategy 'ethnographic didacticism' and argues that it allows Hampƒt‚ Bƒ to connect his prowess as a storyteller to a broader anthropological knowledge project while reimagining the African autobiography as a cross-disciplinary palimpsest. Further, the author suggests that Oui mon commandant!'s ethnographic didacticism provokes us to reimagine anthropology and cosmopolitanism as narratives of modernity with African genealogies. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/26/ M1 - Fk;K2 M3 - 406925283 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.2979/reseafrilite.46.1.1 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3603 T1 - The consequences of not healing : evidence from the Gukurahundi violence in Zimbabwe A1 - Ngwenya,Dumisani A1 - Harris,Geoff Y1 - 2015/// KW - 1980-1989 KW - offences against human rights KW - political violence KW - psychology KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 35 EP - 55 JA - African Journal on Conflict Resolution: (2015), vol.15, no.2, p.35-55. VL - 15 IS - 2 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Between 1983 and 1987, an estimated 20000 people from Matabeleland and parts of Midlands Province in Zimbabwe were killed by government forces in an operation code-named Gukurahundi. Since that time, no official apology, justice, reparations or any form of healing process has been offered by the government which was responsible for these atrocities. Many people still suffer trauma from the events of this time. This article reports part of a larger research project which investigated whether the survivors of Gukurahundi could heal themselves via participation over time in a group action research project directed at their healing. The present article focuses on the consequences of failing to heal, based on the experiences and attitudes of the participants. The authors found that to the extent that healing does not occur: trauma is passed on to the next generation, a strong desire for revenge is felt, and high levels of mistrust are maintained towards the ethnic group involved in the massacres. Bibliogr., note, sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/30/ M1 - Je;G3 M3 - 406853975 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3605 T1 - The experience of spirituality in a multicultural and diverse work environment A1 - van der Walt,Freda A1 - de Klerk,Jeremias J. Y1 - 2015/// KW - cultural pluralism KW - office workers KW - organizations KW - South Africa KW - spirituality KW - work environment RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 253 EP - 288 JA - African and Asian Studies: (2015), vol.14, no.4, p.253-288 : tab. VL - 14 IS - 4 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Worldwide, the study of spirituality is receiving increased attention, but very little is known about spirituality and its manifestation in African organizations. The aim of this research was to explore the experience of spirituality in a multicultural and diverse working environment, in order to enhance understanding of the functioning of spirituality in relation to diversity in the workplace. In particular, the study explores workplace spirituality from an individual and an organizational perspective within diverse organizations operating within a multicultural society. A cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 600 white collar workers from two organizations in different industries in South Africa. The research findings indicate that there is an inverse relationship between workplace spirituality and individual spirituality. Furthermore, the study confirmed that the experience of both personal and organizational spirituality is impacted by several diversity characteristics within a multicultural environment. In order to improve understanding of the experience of spirituality in multicultural societies and organizations, further empirical research is recommended. Globally, organizations need to realize the importance of embracing spirituality, in order to function effectively in a multicultural environment. Bibliogr., ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/30/ M1 - Kf;B2 M3 - 406853541 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/15692108-12341346 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3596 T1 - The International Criminal Court and conflict transformation in Uganda : views from the field A1 - Malu,Linus Nnabuike Y1 - 2015/// KW - conflict resolution KW - International Criminal Court KW - Lord's Resistance Army KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 81 EP - 103 JA - African Journal on Conflict Resolution: (2015), vol.15, no.2, p.81-103. VL - 15 IS - 2 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The International Criminal Court (ICC) commenced investigation of the armed conflict in Uganda in 2004. In 2005 it issued arrest warrants for five leaders of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). This article examines how the court's involvement in the situation has impacted on conflict transformation in Uganda after ten years of judicial work. It also addresses the problem of assessing the impact of law on conflict through the use of an analytical framework that is based on four variables: deterrence, victims' rights, reconciliation, and accountability to the law. Relying on this framework, and on a report of a field research project in Uganda, it argues that the ICC's intervention has had multiple impacts on the situation in Uganda, and that despite some arguments to the contrary, the ICC does promote conflict transformation through deterrence, promotion of accountability to the law and promotion of victims' rights. Bibliogr., notes, sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/30/ M1 - Hf;D4;F2 M3 - 407038590 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3611 T1 - The roots of ethnic conflict in Africa : from grievance to violence A1 - Nasong'o,Shadrack Wanjala Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Includes bibliographical references and index KW - civil wars KW - conflict KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - East Africa KW - ethnic conflicts KW - ethnic warfare KW - peacebuilding KW - political violence KW - Rwanda KW - Somalia KW - Sudan KW - Uganda KW - Zanzibar RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XII, 208 CY - New York City PB - Palgrave Macmillan U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This collective volume examines the prevalent propensity for ethnic political mobilization in Africa, with particular reference to the greater East African region. The book explores the circumstances under which such mobilizations develop into deadly conflict. The basic argument underlying the chapters is that ethnic political mobilization is a function of deeply felt grievances or threats, and whether such mobilization leads to violence depends on the response of incumbant regimes. An introductory theoretically oriented chapter (chapter 2) identifies three critical factors in group mobilization for political action that may lead to violence: 1) the presence of deeply felt threats or fundamental grievances against the regime or against another group; 2) the presence of a political opportunity to mobilize, and 3) the availability of mobilization resources. The chapters 3-8 present studies of civil war and violent conflict in Sudan, Uganda (from violence immediately after independence to the Lord's Resistance Army), the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Somalia, and Zanzibar (which in 1964 experienced a particularly bloody revolution). The last chapter (chapter 9) draws lessons from the case studies in this volume, offering practical political and policy approaches to ensure peace, stability and mutual coexistence in ethnically divided societies. Contributions: From grievance to ethnic mobilization: an introduction (Wanjala S. Nasong'o); Explaining ethnic conflicts: theoretical and conceptual perspectives (Wanjala S. Nasong'o); Deep-seated historical and socio-economic grievances: the north-south conflict in the Sudan (Wanjala S. Nasong'o); Conflict trajectory in northern Uganda: its development and nature (Joseph O. Wasonga); Ambiguity of the soil, ambiguity of belonging: grievance, resource avarice, and conflict in eastern DRC (Stephen Mwachofi Singo and Sam Okoth Opondo); Hegemony and counter-hegemony: colonial and post-colonial roots of the Rwandan genocide (C‚line A. Jacquemin); In search of a political identity: the historical basis of understanding Zanzibar's post-colonial dilemma (Martin S. Shanguhyia); The myth of language as a unifying factor: conflict in monolingual Rwanda and Somalia (Tom Onditi Luoch); Managing ethnically divided societies: conclusion (Wanjala S. Nasong'o). [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 1-13-755499-1 AV - AFRIKA 50596 Y2 - 2016/09/29/ M1 - Ea;D2 M3 - 402137248 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3604 T1 - Towards a framework for resolving the justice and reconciliation question in Zimbabwe A1 - Ndlovu-Gatsheni,Sabelo A1 - Benyera,Everisto Y1 - 2015/// KW - conflict resolution KW - offences against human rights KW - transitional justice KW - truth and reconciliation commissions KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 9 EP - 33 JA - African Journal on Conflict Resolution: (2015), vol.15, no.2, p.9-33. VL - 15 IS - 2 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Zimbabwe has never had meaningful and comprehensive programmes to provide justice in the many issues that cascade from conflict and violence in the nation. What has been done, amounts to armistices rather than transitional justice mechanisms. Consequently, Zimbabwe has not seriously dealt with the primary sources of conflict and violence that date back to colonial times. The rhetoric of unity premised on amnesia has been privileged over effective practical healing and reconciliation mechanisms that address the root causes of recurrent human rights violations. Indemnities, amnesties and presidential pardons have been used to protect perpetrators of conflict and violence. This article attempts to explore key issues and challenges around the healing and reconciliation question by exposing the contending perspectives and issues provoked by the adoption of the new constitution in Zimbabwe and the setting up of the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC). Theoretically, the article posits that the very logic that informs the construction of 'the political' (as a domain of political values and incubator of political practices), which privileges notions of 'the will to power' and the 'paradigm of war', makes conflict and violence to be accepted as normal. Practically, the article advances ideas of 'survivor's justice' as opposed to the traditional 'criminal justice' that fragments a society emerging from a catalogue of conflicts and violence into simplistic 'perpetrator' and 'victim' binaries. Survivor's justice privileges political reform as a long-lasting solution involving reconstitution of 'the political' itself. Bibliogr., ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/30/ M1 - Je;D2;F1 M3 - 406853770 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3579 T1 - Trends, patterns, challenges and types of archival research in Sub-Saharan Africa A1 - Onyancha,Omwoyo Bosire A1 - Ngoepe,Mpho A1 - Maluleka,Jan Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr., sum KW - archives KW - research KW - Subsaharan Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 145 EP - 159 JA - African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science: (2015), vol.25, no.2, p.145-159 : graf., tab. VL - 25 IS - 2 U2 - w39 AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/30/ M3 - 407301070 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3600 T1 - Unimaginable community: the failure of Nubian nationalism in Idris Ali's 'Dongola' A1 - DiMeo,David Y1 - 2015/// KW - Egypt KW - minority groups KW - nationalism KW - novels KW - Nubians KW - Sudan RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 72 EP - 89 JA - Research in African Literatures: (2015), vol.46, no.1, p.72-89. VL - 46 IS - 1 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The Egyptian Nubian author Idris Ali was a pioneer among modern writers depicting the marginal position of the Nubian community and the role of Egyptian nationalist policies in that marginalization. This article applies Benedict Anderson's theory of postcolonial nationalism, in particular, its emphasis on the role of colonial institutions in shaping the grammar of nationalism in emerging states, to Idris Ali's 'Dongola: a Nubian novel' to illustrate how the assertion of a distinctly Egyptian national identity necessarily involved the ostracism of the Nubian minority. The tragedy of the novel, however, is embodied in the semi-autobiographical protagonist's failed attempts to lead his countrymen in forging their own "imagined community." This article will examine the gap that renders the protagonist, an example of the twentieth-century "protean man" identified by Robert Jay Lifton, incapable of speaking for his fellow Nubians, who remain voiceless subalterns of the type described by Gayatri Spivak. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/26/ M1 - Dg;Dc;K2 M3 - 406930090 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.2979/reseafrilite.46.1.72 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3598 T1 - Women and child-naming song poetry of southeast Yorubaland A1 - Fasan,Rotimi Y1 - 2015/// KW - birth rites KW - names KW - Nigeria KW - oral poetry KW - rituals KW - songs KW - Yoruba RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 107 EP - 126 JA - Research in African Literatures: (2015), vol.46, no.1, p.107-126. VL - 46 IS - 1 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Previous studies in Yoruba oral poetry have largely focused on Oyo, Egba, and Egbado in the Northwest, giving little attention to other areas of Yorubaland, including Ondo and Ikale, among other parts in the Southeast. Furthermore, the forms on which these studies concentrated, mostly chants, are invariably cultic and of a restricted spread. The more general, non-cultic forms, cutting across the vocal patterns of Yoruba poetry, are less frequently investigated where they are investigated at all. The consequence is that they are becoming extinct due to social modernity that is driven, on the one hand, by a combination of new spirituality and westernization and, on the other hand, by neglect in the academy. This is the point at which this study seeks entry, focusing on the less-investigated forms of indigenous songs that are performed at the birth of a child or during child-naming ceremonial rites in Southeast Yorubaland. This genre of traditional songs is rooted in Yoruba philosophy and poetry and constitutes the life-spring of popular, neo-traditional music like juju, fuji, waka, and highlife. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/26/ M1 - Fn;K2 M3 - 406934924 L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.2979/reseafrilite.46.1.107 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3606 T1 - Youth employment and job creation in Nigeria : context and sectoral trends Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 75-77 KW - employment creation KW - labour policy KW - Nigeria KW - youth employment RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XIV, 77 CY - Ibadan PB - Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER) U2 - w39 SN - 978-181-471-3 AV - AFRIKA 50740 Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M3 - 406729557 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3610 T1 - ú500China-Africa 500 : facts about China, Africa and relations between the two (Chinese-English version) Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Tekst in Chinees en Engels KW - Africa KW - China KW - international relations RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 213 CY - Beijing PB - Sinolingua U2 - w39 SN - 978-7-513-80985-6 AV - AFRIKA 50408 Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M3 - 40220963X ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3627 T1 - A guide to social science research A1 - Rwegoshora,Hossea Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p.[373]-376. - Met noten KW - Africa KW - research KW - social sciences KW - Tanzania RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XVI, 376 CY - Dar es Salaam PB - Mkuki na Nyota Publishers U2 - w39 SN - 9987-44917-4 AV - AFRIKA 50574 Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 406228647 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3618 T1 - Africa's world trade : informal economies and globalization from below Africa's world trade : informal economies and globalization from below A1 - Lee,Margaret C. Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 153-159. - Met index KW - China KW - globalization KW - international trade KW - Subsaharan Africa KW - textile industry KW - traders KW - United States RP - NOT IN FILE CY - London [etc.] PB - Zed Books [etc.] U1 - Free access. U2 - w39 T3 - Africa now N2 - A remarkable and original exploration of the impact of how international markets and trade regimes impact the lives of ordinary Africans SN - 978-1-7803-2351-0 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M3 - 407043144 L3 - http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:nai:diva-1875 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3623 T1 - Ahafo : big men, small boys, and the politics of regionalism in Ghana 1954-1986 A1 - Osei Kwarteng,Kwame Y1 - 2014/// KW - 1950-1999 KW - Ahafo polity KW - Ghana KW - political conflicts KW - political parties KW - regionalism RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 111 EP - 132 JA - Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana: (2014), vol.16, p.111-132. VL - 16 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The nationalists struggle in the Gold Coast (Ghana) reached its acme between 1948 and 1956 when political parties emerged in the Gold Coast as a medium of mobilizing the people to struggle for self-government or independence. Two of these political parties whose activities and policies impinged on the fortunes of Ahafo district, for better or worse, were the Convention People's Party (CPP) and the National Liberation Movement (NLM), later United Party (UP). In this paper the author examines how the chief ("odikro") of the town of Kukuom, Yaw Frimpong, an astute politician, in conjunction with some chiefs and Ahafo youth exploited the rigorous political rivalry between the CPP and the NLM to their advantage to secure the creation of the Brong Ahafo region out of the Ashanti region, and the restoration of the Kukuom Ahafo State Council. Bibliogr., notes, ref. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article @ Y2 - 2016/09/30/ M1 - Ff;D2 M3 - 406579458 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3617 T1 - Diasporas, development and peacemaking in the Horn of Africa Diasporas, development and peacemaking in the Horn of Africa A1 - Laakso,Liisa A1 - Hautaniemi,Petri Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Includes bibliographical references, index and notes KW - development KW - diasporas KW - Ethiopia KW - Northeast Africa KW - peacebuilding KW - Somalia RP - NOT IN FILE CY - London PB - Zed Books, in association with Nordic Africa Institute U1 - Free access. U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Africa now N2 - This book investigates the role diasporas play in the processes of peacebuilding and development in their home countries. It features case studies from the Horn of Africa, including Somalia and Ethiopia. Contents: Introduction: diasporas for peace and development (Petri Hautaniemi and Liisa Laakso). Part one: contextualising the Horn of Africa and the diaspora. Diaspora and multi-level governance for peace (Liisa Laakso); Regional political history and the production of diasporas (Guenther Schlee). Part two: case studies from the Horn of Africa. Rebuilding Somaliland through economic and educational engagement (Markus Virgil Hoehne and Mohamed Hassan Ibrahim);The Somali diaspora in conflict and peacebuilding: the Peace Initiative Programme (Mahdi Abdile); The 2007 delegation of the Muslim diaspora to Ethiopia (Dereje Feyissa); The Ethiopian diaspora and the Tigray Development Association (Bahru Zewde, Gebre Yntiso and Kassahun Berhanu). Part three: European approaches to diaspora engagement. Interaction between Somali organizations and Italian and Finnish development actors (Petra Mezzetti, Valeria Saggiomo and P„ivi Pirkkalainen); Approaches to diaspora engagement in the Netherlands (Giulia Sinatti); Norwegian collaboration with diasporas (Rojan Ezzati and Cindy Horst). Afterword (Petri Hautaniemi, Liisa Laakso and Mariko Sato). [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 978-1-7836-0097-7 paperback AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M1 - De;Dd;Df;C3 M3 - 407044760 L3 - http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:nai:diva-1874 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3615 T1 - Displacement economies in Africa : paradoxes of crisis and creativity Displacement economies in Africa : paradoxes of crisis and creativity A1 - Hammar,Amanda Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Includes bibliographical references, notes and index KW - Angola KW - Chad KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - displaced persons KW - economic conditions KW - informal sector KW - Kenya KW - livelihoods KW - Senegal KW - Somalia KW - Subsaharan Africa KW - Sudan KW - Uganda KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE CY - London ; New York PB - Zed Books, in association with Nordic Africa Institute U1 - Free access. U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Africa now N2 - This book investigates the relationship between displacement and economy. It contains case studies of various "displacement economies" from across Subsaharan Africa. Contents: Displacement economies: paradoxes of crisis and creativity in Africa (Amanda Hammar). Part 1 Economies of rupture and repositioning, Securing livelihoods: economic practice in the Darfur-Chad borderlands (Andrea Behrends); Contested spaces, new opportunities: displacement, return and the rural economy in Casamance, Senegal (Martin Evans); The paradoxes of class: crisis, displacement and repositioning in post-2000 Zimbabwe (Amanda Hammar). Part 2 Reshaping economic sectors, markets and investment, Rapid adaptations to change and displacements in the Lundas (Angola) (Cristina Udelsmann Rodrigues); Somali displacements and shifting markets: camel milk in Nairobis Eastleigh estate (Hannah Elliott); Diaspora returnees in Somalilands displacement economy (Peter Hansen); Financial flows and secrecy jurisdictions in times of crisis: relocating assets in Zimbabwe's displacement economy (Sarah Bracking). Part 3 Confinement and economies of loss and hope, The IDP economy in Northern Uganda: a prisoners' economy? (Morten B›†s and Ingunn Bj›rkhaug); 'No Move To Make': the Zimbabwe crisis, displacement-in-place and the erosion of 'proper places' (Jeremy Jones); Captured lives: the precarious space of youth displacement in Eastern DRC (Timothy Raeymaekers). [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 978-1-7803-2489-0 hardback AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M1 - Ea;C3;E1 M3 - 407046968 L3 - http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:nai:diva-1841 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3614 T1 - Dossier litt‚ratures de lAngola, du Mozambique et du Cap-vert A1 - Basto,Maria Benedita Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, r‚s. en anglais et en fran‡ais KW - Angola KW - Cape Verde KW - literary criticism KW - literature KW - Mozambique KW - Portuguese language RP - NOT IN FILE PB - tudes litt‚raires africaines U2 - w39 T3 - tudes litt‚raires africaines, ISSN 0769-4563 ; no. 37(2014) N2 - Num‚ro consacr‚ aux principales litt‚ratures africaines lusophones. Contributions: Introduction (Maria Benedita Basto); Litt‚rature angolaise, jeux cartographiques et d‚sob‚issance ‚pist‚mique (Laura Padilha); Nouvelles trajectoires de la litt‚rature angolaise : l'Am‚rique au crible de l'‚pist‚mologie du Sud dans 'O Terrorista de Berkeley, Calif¢rnia' de Pepetela (Philip Rothwell); · contre-flux du nationalisme litt‚raire : inspiration et inversion du regard dans la litt‚rature angolaise (Inocˆncia Mata); Une main peut en cacher une autre : d‚colonisation des savoirs, histoire et ‚pist‚mologie au cur des ‚critures litt‚raires mozambicaines (Maria Benedita Basto), L'oc‚an Indien et les routes de la transnationalit‚ dans la po‚sie mozambicaine (Francesco Noa); FrontiŠre et alt‚rit‚ dans 'Le Dernier Vol du flamant' de Mia Couto (AgnŠs Levec“t); La po‚sie du Cap-Vert, sons et themes (Catherine Dumas); Faire la diff‚rence : ‚critures litt‚raires des femmes au Cap-Vert (Simone Caputo-Gomes) AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 407166750 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3613 T1 - Dossier: LAfrique du Sud et la litt‚rature post-apartheid (1994-2014) = South Africa and post-apartheid literature (1994-2014) A1 - Rogez,Mathilde A1 - Samin,Richard Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr., notes, r‚s. en anglais et en fran‡ais KW - 1990-1999 KW - 2000-2009 KW - literary criticism KW - literature KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE PB - tudes litt‚raires africaines U2 - w39 T3 - tudes litt‚raires africaines, ISSN 0769-4563 ; no. 38(2014) N2 - Les uvres sud-africaines publi‚es aprŠs la fin de l'apartheid en 1994 se signalent par leur orientation critique affirm‚e. Elles remettent fondamentalement en cause l'aspect trompeur et l‚nifiant du discours de la nation 'arc-en-ciel' dont s'‚tait pr‚valu le pays pendant les ann‚es imm‚diatement aprŠs 1994. Les ‚crivains sud-africains, de Lauren Beukes … Zoe Wicomb, en passant par J. M. Coetzee, Achmat Dangor, Nadine Gordimer, Margie Orford, Henrietta Rose-Innes, Ivan Vladislavi, ont su identifier les frontiŠres ind‚cises et fluctuantes qui divisent encore le pays, quelles soient raciales, ‚conomiques, identitaires ou m‚morielles. Ils r‚vŠlent dans leurs uvres les ambiguit‚s, les contradictions, les profondes incertitudes et les tensions qui tournent parfois … la violence. Contributions: La violence et la culpabilit‚ en partage : le destin national du thŠme de l'inceste dans la fiction sud-africaine (Tina Harpin); La repr‚sentation du corps f‚minin : ostracisme, st‚r‚otypes et concupiscence dans 'David's Story' de Zoe Wicomb (Ferial Khellal); Displacement as a narrative in J.M. Coetzee's post-apartheid novels (Chantal Logan); Unstable Orders : Dislocation as Metaphor and Allegory of Post-apartheid Transition in Ivan Vladislavi's 'The Restless Supermarket' (Kudzayi Ngara); Cartographies g‚n‚riques, spatiales et identitaires en Afrique du Sud : Margie Orford, Lauren Beukes, Henrietta Rose-Innes (M‚lanie Joseph-Vilain); Simple as the black letters on this white page : Nadine Gordimer's Grey Politics in 'No Time Like the Present' (Dominic Davies); Hieroglyph to be decoded : Exploring Routes of Representation and Telling in Nadine Gordimer's 'Beethoven Was One-Sixteenth Black' and 'Other Stories' (Laura Giovanelli); Alex La Guma : 'In the Fog of the Season's End' : le discours de la guerre et la guerre des discours (Richard Samin); · propos de 'Noirs dencre', de Dominic Thomas (Daniel Delas, Anthony Mangeon; Entretien avec Dominic Thomas) AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 407169105 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3630 T1 - Engaging with the philosophy of Dismas A. Masolo A1 - Metz,Thaddeus A1 - Wim,van Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten, samenvattingen in het Engels en Frans KW - Africa KW - African identity KW - ethics KW - indigenous knowledge KW - philosophy RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 236 CY - Haarlem PB - Shikanda Press U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Quest, ISSN 1011-226X ; vol. 25, no. 1-2 (2014) Quest, ISSN 1011-226X ; vol. 25, nos. 1-2 N2 - This special issue is devoted to Kenyan philosopher D.A. Masolo's recent monograph 'Self and community in a changing world'. 'Self and community in a changing world' focuses on philosophical anthropology, ethics and politics. It also deals with methodological issues of African philosophy. In this special issue South African philosophers reflect and critically comment on Masolo's book. Contents: Editorial (by Wim M.J. van Binsbergen); Introduction: engaging with the philosophy of D.A. Masolo (by T. Metz); The concept of identity in Masolo (by M.B. Ramose); Therapeutic African philosophy (by P.A. Tabensky); Some doubts about "indigenous knowledge" and the argument from epistemic injustice (by K. Horsthemke); On being an African (by A. Olivier); Two "normative" conceptions of personhood (by K. Behrens); Personhood: social approval or a unique identity? (by M. Tshivhase); Two conceptions of African ethics (by T. Metz); Exorcising the communitarian ghost: D.A. Masolo's contribution (by B. Matolino); The case for communitarianism: a reply to critics (by Dismas A. Masolo). [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 978-90-78382-23-2 Y2 - 2016/09/26/ M1 - Ba;B2 M3 - 395464463 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3620 T1 - Evolution, science and religion : is evolution true? how old is the earth? A1 - Igba,Patrick O.E. Y1 - 2014/// KW - Bible KW - Christianity KW - language history KW - natural history KW - Nigeria KW - racial classification KW - world RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 752 CY - Oshodi-Lagos PB - [Author] U2 - w39 SN - 978-978-90971-1-1 AV - AFRIKA 50788 Y2 - 2016/09/30/ M3 - 406874298 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3621 T1 - J.F. Ade Ajayi : his life and career A1 - Omolewa,Michael A1 - Osuntokun,Akinjide A1 - Gowon,Yakubu Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Met bibliogr., index, noten KW - academics KW - biographies (form) KW - history KW - intellectuals KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XXIII, 558 CY - Ibadan PB - Bookcraft U2 - w39 N2 - This is a book on the life and career of Professor J. F. Ade Ajayi, distinguished historian, administrator, intellectual and builder of institutions; renaissance man and gentleman. It contains contributions by former students and academic colleagues of Professor Ajayi, as well as by members of his family, associates and friends. Sections: Birth and childhood (1929-1940) -- Secondary education (1940-1946) -- Post-secondary education (1947-1958) -- Courtship, marriage and home building (1952) -- Career at Ibadan (1958-1972) -- The University of Lagos chapter (1972-1978) -- Post-University of Lagos and a new beginning (1978) -- Ade Ajayi and religion -- The scholarship of Ade Ajayi -- Ajayi and the wider world -- Ade Ajayi and community service -- Ajayi as colleague, family and friend -- Epilogue SN - 978-978-84571-3-8 AV - AFRIKA 50733 Y2 - 2016/09/29/ M3 - 406728569 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3619 T1 - Kenya: the struggle for a new constitutional order Kenya: the struggle for a new constitutional order A1 - Murunga,Godwin R. A1 - Okello,Duncan A1 - Sj”gren,Anders Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Includes bibliographical references, notes and index KW - 2010 KW - constitutional reform KW - constitutions KW - Kenya KW - political violence RP - NOT IN FILE CY - London PB - Zed Books, in association with the Nordic Africa Institute U1 - Free access. U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Africa Now N2 - This book explores the struggles around the democratization of the Kenyan State, taking as its point of departure the passing of the new Constitution of 2010. The contributions place the constitution in its historical and political context, interrogating its roots and implications. The first part of the book discusses how the process of constitution-making has been shaped by longstanding struggles and by the dramatic rupture caused by the violence following the 2007 elections. It examines the role of actors in political parties and civil society as they operate in the political and socioeconomic context. The second part interrogates the content of the constitution from various points of view. Contributions: Towards a new constitutional order in Kenya: an introduction (Godwin R. Murunga, Duncan Okello and Anders Sj”gren); Part 1: The protracted transition to the Second Republic in Kenya (Paul Tiyambe Zeleza); Fuelling the violence: the print media in Kenya's volatile 2007 post-election violence (Sammy Gakero Gachigua); Mediating Kenya's post-election violence: from a peace-making to a constitutional moment (E. Njoki Wamai); Instrumentalism and constitution-making in Kenya: triumphs, challenges and opportunities beyond the 2013 elections (Raymond Muhula and Stephen Ndegwa); Revisiting 'the two faces of civil society' in constitutional reform in Kenya (Wanjala S. Nasong'o ). Part 2: Constitutions and constitutionalism: the fate of the 2010 constitution (Yash Pal Ghai); Elite compromises and the content of the 2010 constitution (Godwin R. Murunga); Security and human rights in the new constitutional order in Kenya (Mutuma Ruteere). [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 978-1-7803-2365-7 paperback AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M1 - Hc;F1 M3 - 407041915 L3 - http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:nai:diva-1884 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3629 T1 - La finance islamique et immobilier au Maroc : l'accŠs … la propri‚t‚, l'investissement immobilier, la Mourabaha, l'Ijara wa Iqtina, la Moucharaka, la Moudaraba, les Sukuk A1 - M‚liani,Zakaria Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Ook verschenen als proefschrift Universit‚ de Rennes Bibliogr.: p. 265-280. - Met bijl., gloss., index, noten KW - banking KW - dissertations (form) KW - financing KW - Islam KW - Morocco KW - real property RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 353 CY - [S.l. PB - s.n.] U2 - w39 N2 - La finance islamique est un secteur … fort potentiel, il ne connaŒt pas de crise, et sa croissance augmente … deux chiffres. Au Maroc comme partout dans le monde, cette industrie financiŠre ‚thique est en plein effervescence, elle ne cesse de gagner du terrain notamment dans les secteurs touchant l'‚conomie r‚elle, … l'instar de l'immobilier. En effet, force est de constater, que le secteur immobilier s'adapte parfaitement aux exigences ‚thiques de cette finance … caractŠre morale. · vrai dire, cette derniŠre offre une panoplie de techniques juridiques allant du simple au plus complexe permettant l'accŠs au logement et l'investissement immobilier. Cette thŠse examine selon une approche juridique moderne ces techniques contractuelles, qui offrent des alternatives int‚ressantes et sans int‚rˆts aux solutions de financement actuelles. (English summary: Islamic finance is a sector of large potential, it knows no crisis and its growth is increasing with a double-digit rate. In Morocco, like everywhere in the word, this ethical financial industry is buzzing, it keeps gaining ground in sectors of real economy such as real estate. In fact, it is clear that the sector of real estate adapts perfectly to the ethical requirements of this finance of moral features. Islamic finance offers a panoply of juridical techniques ranging from simple to complex and gives access to housing and real estate investment. This thesis probes with a modern juridical approach these contractual techniques that give interesting alternatives and without bank interest to the problems of the current financing AV - AFRIKA 50385 Y2 - 2016/09/29/ M3 - 404067220 ER - TY - ADVS ID - 3622 T1 - Les hustlers = The hustlers A1 - Amah,Egome Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Ewe gesproken, Frans en Engels ondertiteld KW - documentary films (form) KW - informal sector KW - informal settlements KW - ports KW - Togo KW - unskilled workers KW - videos (form) RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [Lussas] PB - DocNet films U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Afrique en docs, LumiŠre d'Afrique, ISSN 2103-6004 ; 04 N2 - Ekou‚, Leon, Blacky and Zorro live in Katanga, a fishermen's slum on the port of Lom‚, in Togo. Always together, they call themselves the 'Hustlers'. They are in their forties, yet still trying to make it out of poverty - still trying to escape from their life of manual labour and odd jobs, petty theft, and time spent high on alcohol and drugs. The film tells of their daily struggle on the edge of survival. [Abstract reproduced from dvd-video] AV - AFRIKA AVM1717 Y2 - 2016/09/30/ M3 - 406606250 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3628 T1 - Liberalism and its discontents : social movements in West Africa A1 - Sylla,Ndongo Samba Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten KW - civil society KW - democracy KW - democratization KW - liberalism KW - political conditions KW - social change KW - State-society relationship KW - West Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 488 CY - Senegal PB - Rosa Luxemburg Foundation U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This collective volume explores contemporary political realities in Africa through a 'social movement' lens. Detailing the nuances of social movement politics in twelve West African countries during the 2010-2013 period, the contributions present a chronicle of the socio-political struggles that have taken place in the region. The authors address questions such as : What forms do West African social movements take and what has been their political impact ? Did they give rise to new ways of expression and democratic participation? Are they a response to the 'representative democracy crisis'? The numerous popular uprisings and protests in the region seem to be triggered by discontent vis-…-vis liberalism in its political and economic dimensions. In spite of their ambiguities and limitations, these struggles currently seek to remove a double disconnect: that between citizens and the 'representatives' and that between the economy and society, between what capital wants and what the people aspire to. The volume is divided into three parts: 1) The failed promise of liberalism; 2) Social movements and the quest for autonomy; 3) The ambiguities of civil society. Contributing authors: Ndongo Samba Sylla (Introduction); Ibrahim Abdullah (on Sierra Leone); Souley Adji (on Niger); Kojo Opoku Aidoo (on Ghana); Francis AkindŠs, Moussa Fofana and Severin Yao Kouam‚ (on C“te d'Ivoire); Alpha Amadou Bano Barry (on Guinea); Fernando Leonardo Cardoso and Fod‚ Mane (on Guinea-Bissau); Lila Chouli (on Burkina Faso); Modou Diome (on Senegal); Cl udio Alves Furtado (on Cabo Verde); George Klay Kieh Jr (on Liberia); Claus-Dieter K”nig (on West-Africa); Issa N'Diaye (on Mali); Zekeria Ould Ahmed Salem (on Mauritania). [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 1-499-32475-8 AV - AFRIKA 50480 Y2 - 2016/09/26/ M1 - Fa;D2 M3 - 405398999 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3631 T1 - Public intimacy : art and other ordinary acts in South Africa A1 - Hertz,Betti Sue A1 - Smigiel,Frank A1 - Willsdon,Dominic Y1 - 2014/// KW - artists KW - performing arts KW - pictorial works (form) KW - South Africa KW - visual arts RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 291 CY - San Francisco PB - Yerba Buena Center for the Arts U2 - w39 N2 - Public intimacy' brings together 25 artists and collectives who disrupt expected images of a country known largely through its apartheid history. The book presents a critical sensibility that existed but was mostly overlooked during apartheid, and which is now shared by many artists and writers of a new generation--the expression of the poetics and politics of the "ordinary act." Public Intimacy includes works by Ian Berry, Chimurenga, Ernest Cole, DavidGoldblatt, Handspring Puppet Company, Nicholas Hlobo, ijusi (Garth Walker), Anton Kannemeyer, William Kentridge, Donna Kukama, Terry Kurgan, Sabelo Mlangeni, Santu Mofokeng, Billy Monk, Anthea Moys, Zanele Muholi, Sello Pesa and Vaughn Sadie, Cameron Platter, Lindeka Qampi, Jo Ractliffe, Athi-Patra Ruga, Berni Searle, Penny Siopis, Mikhael Subotzky and Patrick Waterhouse and Kemang Wa Lehulere. 0Exhibition: Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, U.S.A. (21.02-29.06.2014) SN - 0-9826789-7-5 AV - AFRIKA 50572 Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 392680416 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3625 T1 - Revenue allocation in post-colonial Nigeria : its laws, dynamics and challenges since 1960 A1 - Ogunyemi,Adetunji Ojo Y1 - 2014/// KW - federalism KW - fiscal policy KW - Nigeria KW - revenue allocation RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 27 EP - 43 JA - Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana: (2014), vol.16, p.27-43. VL - 16 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The issue of revenue allocation and the determination of the appropriate principles and applicable criteria for it have been major areas of contention in Nigeria's federalism since 1946. Since then, no single regime in Nigeria, including the colonial government has been immune to the problems of designing an acceptable formula for the sharing of revenue among the federating parts of the country and fiscal commissions have been drawing and redrawing reports, adjusting and readjusting the criteria and principles for revenue allocation. This article outlines 1) the Dina Commission's Recommendations of 1968, 2) the Aboyade Fiscal Commission's Recommendations of 1977, 3) the Okigbo Commission's Recommendations of 1980 and 4) the Theophilus Danjuma Commission Recommendations of 1988. It further discusses Supreme Court rulings with respect to Nigeria's fiscal federalism and revenue allocation regimes and sketches the challenges the federal government, states and local government councils face. Bibliogr., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article @ Y2 - 2016/09/30/ M1 - Fn;E3 M3 - 406564108 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3626 T1 - Social security challenges in Tanzania : transforming the present -- protecting the future A1 - Rwegoshora,Hossea M.M. Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 229-232. - Met bijl., noten KW - compensation KW - pensions KW - social security KW - Tanzania KW - workers RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XII, 232 CY - Dar es Salaam PB - Mkuki na Nyota Publishers Ltd U2 - w39 SN - 9987-08240-8 AV - AFRIKA 50747 Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M3 - 406229465 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3624 T1 - The brothers Easmon : the emergence of a Nova Scotian medical dynasty in Sierra Leone and the Gold Coast A1 - Browne-Davies,Nigel Y1 - 2014/// KW - 1850-1899 KW - doctors KW - elite KW - Ghana KW - Sierra Leone KW - social history RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 45 EP - 109 JA - Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana: (2014), vol.16, p.45-109 : foto's. VL - 16 U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Professional dynasties emerged in British West Africa in the mid to late nineteenth century. The Easmon family of Sierra Leone and the Gold Coast (Ghana) is perhaps the most notable West African family in the medical field. The family descended from Nova Scotian settlers, free and formerly enslaved African Americans who had escaped to the British lines during the American Revolutionary War and had come to Sierra Leone in 1792. The Easmon family produced two medical doctors in the nineteenth century, Dr John Farrell Easmon and his half-brother Dr Albert Whiggs Easmon, who initially practiced together in the Gold Coast. Albert Whiggs Easmon later moved to Sierra Leone, where he was a medical doctor for nearly twenty years. This article focuses on the activities of the Easmon brothers and their social relations. The process through which the brothers were able to qualify as medical practitioners is illustrative of the upward mobility of certain African families, a process initiated by Africans, and without the assistance or interference of imperial or colonial authorities. The Easmon family was one of a small number of Settler families to transition from the decaying Settler 'aristocracy' and to secure a place within the new Creole elite. Bibliogr., notes, ref. [ASC Leiden abstract] AV - AFRIKA article @ Y2 - 2016/09/30/ M1 - Fp;Ff;L3 M3 - 406578834 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3616 T1 - Women and the informal economy in urban Africa : from the margins to the centre Women and the informal economy in urban Africa : from the margins to the centre A1 - Kinyanjui,Mary Njeri Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 125-133. - Met index KW - Africa KW - economic development KW - empowerment KW - popular participation KW - urban planning KW - urban women RP - NOT IN FILE CY - London PB - Zed Books, in association with Nordic Africa Institute U1 - Free access. U2 - w39 T3 - Africa now N2 - The author explores the trajectory of women's movement from the margins of urbanization into the centers of business activities in Nairobi and its implications for urban planning. While women in much of Africa have struggled to gain urban citizenship, and continue to be weighed down by poor education, low incomes and confinement to domestic responsibilities, a new form of urban dynamism partly informed by the informal economy is now enabling them to manage poverty, create jobs and link women to the circuits of capital and labour SN - 1-7803-2630-0 (pbk.) AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M3 - 407046259 L3 - http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:nai:diva-1877 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3633 T1 - Agricultural development and food security in Africa : the impact of Chinese, Indian and Brazilian investments Agricultural development and food security in Africa : the impact of Chinese, Indian and Brazilian investments A1 - Cheru,Fantu A1 - Modi,Renu Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 230-252 Lit. opg.: p. 224-227 Met index KW - Africa KW - agricultural development KW - Brazil KW - China KW - food security KW - foreign investments KW - India RP - NOT IN FILE CY - London [etc.] PB - Zed Books, in association with the Nordic Africa Institute U1 - Free access. U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Africa Now N2 - Private enterprises and State-owned companies from India, China and Brazil have started to invest in the agricultural sector of many African countries, ranging from agricultural inputs and irrigation services to farming, food processing and distribution. The three countries have become an important source of finance, technology and infrastructure. The aim of this book is to go beyond the current debate on 'land grabbing' and to examine the status and potential contribution of sovereign and private investors from the three countries to the transformation of African agriculture. The book is divided into five sections. In the first, the approach to the research is elaborated, and the contemporary and historical debates on the role of foreign capital in Africa's agricultural development are explained (chapters by Fantu Cheru, Renu Modi and Sanusha Naidu, and Sam Moyo). The second section examines the scope and content of India's private and public sector engagement in African agriculture (chapters by Gurjit Singh, Renu Modi, Dessalegn Rahmato and Rick Bowden). Brazil's strategy to transform African agriculture is the focus of section three (chapters by Thomas Cooper Patriota and Francesco Maria Pierri, Kai Thaler, and Alexandra Arkhangelskaya and Albert Khamatshin). The fourth section focuses exclusively on China's engagement with African agriculture within the framework of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) (chapters by Simon Freemantle and Jeremy Stevens, and Xiuli Xu and Xiaoyun Li). The final chapter presents the editors' conclusions about the impact of Chinese, Indian and Brazilian investments in African agriculture, based on the evidence presented by the contributors. [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 978-1-7803-2372-5 hbk AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M1 - Ba;E5 M3 - 407163980 L3 - http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:nai:diva-1759 ER - TY - ADVS ID - 3635 T1 - Atlantic produce Togo S.A A1 - Houzangbe,Penda A1 - Tregoa,Jean Gabriel Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Frans, Mina en Engels gesproken, Frans en Engels ondertiteld Copyright : ArdŠche images production ; Mille et une films ; TVR Rennes 35 Bretagne ; World films, cop. 2012 KW - documentary films (form) KW - enterprises KW - export oriented industries KW - Togo KW - videos (form) KW - working conditions RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [Lussas] PB - DocNet films [‚d., distrib.] U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Afrique en docs, LumiŠre d'Afrique, ISSN 2103-6004 ; 02 N2 - Indiqu‚ sur la jaquette : "Atlantic Produce Togo est une entreprise de la Zone Franche togolaise qui produit et exporte des boutures de plantes ornementales. Du fait des avantages qu'elle assure … ses 90 employ‚s, elle est consid‚r‚e comme un modŠle social au Togo. Mais aprŠs 30 ans d'existence, Atlantic Produce est au bord de la faillite. Pour sauver ce modŠle social, Tony, un jeune m‚tis franco-togolais, d‚cide de racheter l'entreprise. Mais la survie d'Atlantic Produce reste pr‚caire. Accul‚ par les difficult‚s financiŠres et la pression de ses clients europ‚ens, Tony commence … remettre en cause les acquis sociaux qu'il ‚tait venu pr‚server Atlantic Produce Togo is a company of the Togolese Free Zone that produces and exports ornamental plant cuttings. Because it guarantees certain benefits to its ninety employees, it is considered a social model in Togo. But after thrity years, Altantic Produce is on the brink of bankruptcy. Tony, a young French-Togolese, decides to buy the company to save the social model. But Atlantic Produce's situation remains precarious. Caught between his financial problems and the pressure of his European customers, Tony starts to call into question the social perks he had come to rescue. [Abstract reproduced from dvd-video] AV - AFRIKA AVM1547 Y2 - 2016/09/30/ M3 - 406604908 L3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZY40RH0jA0 ER - TY - ADVS ID - 3634 T1 - Savoir raison garder A1 - Nikiema,Mamounata Safi Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Frans gesproken Copyright : Vie des Hauts Production, Les Films essentiels, TV Rennes 35 Bretagne, 2011 KW - Burkina Faso KW - documentary films (form) KW - election law KW - election management bodies KW - videos (form) RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [Lussas] PB - DocNet films U2 - w39 T3 - Afrique en docs, LumiŠre d'Afrique, ISSN 2103-6004 ; 03 N2 - Indiqu‚ sur la jaquette : L'un des ‚l‚ments essentiels du processus d‚mocratique r‚side dans la tenue ‚pisodique d'‚lections libres, ‚quitables et transparentes. Au Burkina Faso, les relations entre les diff‚rents acteurs politiques sont souvent difficiles. Cette difficult‚ se double d'une certaine tension quand survient une ‚lection, il s'en faut de peu pour que l'‚quilibre sociopolitique soit menac‚ et les ‚lections entach‚es de doutes ou d'irr‚gularit‚s. Le film explore les coulisses de la Commission Electorale Nationale Ind‚pendante (CENI) charg‚e d'organiser les ‚lections pr‚sidentielles et r‚vŠle les difficult‚s administratives qu'elle rencontre dans l'application des textes r‚gis par le code ‚lectoral notamment pour l'‚tablissement des cartes d'‚lecteur AV - AFRIKA AVM1718 Y2 - 2016/09/30/ M3 - 406605114 L3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NK0TmvkilSA ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3632 T1 - Sexual violence as a weapon of war? : perceptions, prescriptions, problems in the Congo and beyond A1 - Baaz,Maria Eriksson A1 - Stern,Maria Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 135-152 Met lit.opg. (p. 135-152) en index KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - sexual offences KW - violence KW - war crimes KW - women RP - NOT IN FILE CY - London [etc.] PB - Zed Books [etc.] U1 - Free access. U2 - w39 T3 - Africa now N2 - Too often in conflict situations rape is referred to as a "weapon of war" - a term presented as self-explanatory. In this book, Baaz and Stern challenge the dominant understandings of sexual violence in conflict and post-conflict settings. Drawing upon original fieldwork in the Democratic Republic of Congo, as well as research material from other conflict zones, the authors emphasize the importance of context and the multiplicity of factors involved in gender-based violence, such as the nature of civilian-military relations, and ultimately argue that it is misleading to isolate sexual violence from other aspects of conflict SN - 1-7803-2163-5 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 407164375 L3 - http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:nai:diva-1758 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3636 T1 - African conflicts and informal power : Big Men and networks African conflicts and informal power : Big Men and networks A1 - Utas,Mats Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Met bibliogr., index, noten KW - Africa KW - C“te d'Ivoire KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - leadership KW - Liberia KW - Mali KW - militias KW - politics KW - power KW - Sierra Leone KW - social networks RP - NOT IN FILE CY - London [etc.] PB - Zed Books [etc.] U1 - Free access. U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Africa now N2 - Through a variety of case studies, including the Democratic Republic of Congo, C“te d'Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Mali, this collective volume shows how important informal and economic networks are in many of the continent's conflict areas. A second theme runnng through the book concerns the role of Big Men, treated as nodes in informal networks. An introduction by Mats Utas is followed by five country case studies. Koen Vlassenroot and Sandrine Perrot scrutinize the semi-privatized military-economic networks tied to the Ugandan military elite, that controlled the borderlands of DRC in the second Congolese war (1998-2003). Maya Mynster Christensen focuses on Big Man business in the aftermath of the ten-year civil war in Sierra Leone. Karel Arnaut deals with the proliferation of militias in C“te d'Ivoire (2002-2011). Mariam Persson shows how former commanders and soldiers from different rebel factions are carving out occupational niches in informal security and business sectors in post-war Liberia. Morten B›†s examines the role of informal networks and power brokers in the 2006 Tuareg rebellion in Mali. The next five chapters are thematic: Henrik Vigh deals with the political consequences of illicit drug trade in West Africa. Gerhard Anders examines to what extent international criminal justice and the criminalization of the African modes of warfare affected politics in Sierra Leone and Liberia. Ilmari K„ihk” discusses Big Man bargaining in African conflicts. Anders Themn‚r explores the role of former mid-level commanders in informal networks. Finally, Ruben de Koning deals with the uses and abuses of natural resources in African conflict zones. [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 978-1-8481-3883-4 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M1 - Ba;D1 M3 - 40716507X L3 - http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:nai:diva-1517 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3640 T1 - One world, many knowledges : regional experiences and cross-regional links in higher education A1 - Vale,Peter A1 - Halvorsen,Tor Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten KW - cultural heritage KW - disabled KW - educational cooperation KW - educational policy KW - higher education KW - Mozambique KW - Scandinavia KW - South Africa KW - Southern Africa KW - students KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE EP - VII, 303 CY - Stellenbosch PB - African Minds Publishers U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Various forms of academic co-operation criss-cross the modern university system in a bewildering number of ways, from the open exchange of ideas and knowledge, to the sharing of research results, and frank discussions about research challenges. Embedded in these scholarly networks is the question of whether a 'global template' for the management of both higher education and national research organisations is necessary, and if so, must institutions slavishly follow the high-flown language of the global 'knowledge society' or risk falling behind in the ubiquitous university ranking system? Or are there alternatives that can achieve a better, more 'ethically inclined' world? Basing their observations on their own experiences, seasoned scholars and new voices from southern Africa and the Nordic region offer critical perspectives on issues of inter- and cross-regional academic co-operation. Several of the chapters also touch on the evolution of the higher education sector in the two regions. Chapters: Introduction: why this book, and what it's about ( Tor Halvorsen and Peter Vale); 1 The Southern AfricanNordic Centre: from conception to realisation (Stanley GM Ridge); 2 Drivers and challenges in the internationalisation of higher education and research: the case of the Southern AfricanNordic Centre (Anne S›rensen); 3 Changes in higher education policy and the Nordic model (Risto Rinne); 4 University transformation: a crisis for the social sciences and the humanities (Tor Halvorsen); 5 Redressing apartheid's legacy of social exclusion: social equity, redress and admission to higher education in South Africa (Saleem Badat); 6 The struggle, global challenges and international strategies in the University of Fort Hare's music department (Bernhard Bleibinger); 7 The migration of African students to South Africa: motivations, integration and prospects for return (Gabriel Tati); 8 The experiences of deaf students at a South African university (Lucas Magongwa); 9 Tradition and modernity: the inclusion and exclusion of traditional voices and other actors in archaeological heritage management in Mozambique and Zimbabwe (Albino Jopela, Ancila Nhamo and Seke Katsamudanga); 10 Steering from a distance: improving access to higher education in South Africa via the funding formula (Pieter le Roux and Mignonne Breier); 11 Cultural heritage and social context: research and management in Mozambique (Anne Bang and Tore S‘tersdal); 12 Academic co-operation in a bipolar world: where does SANORD fit in? (Tor Halvorsen); 13 Whatever happened to imagination? (Peter Vale). [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 0-620-55789-3 AV - AFRIKA 50576 Y2 - 2016/09/29/ M3 - 406229287 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3638 T1 - Social protection in Africa A1 - Kalusopa,Trywell A1 - Dicks,Rudi A1 - Osei-Boateng,Clara Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten KW - Benin KW - Botswana KW - Ghana KW - Kenya KW - Malawi KW - Namibia KW - Nigeria KW - social policy KW - social security KW - South Africa KW - Subsaharan Africa KW - Tanzania KW - Zambia KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 549 CY - Accra PB - African Labour Research Network [ALRN] U2 - w39 SN - 9988-16587-0 AV - AFRIKA 50762 Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 406779252 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3639 T1 - The Nigeria labour movement A1 - Uranta,Clinton Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 321. - Met bijl KW - collective bargaining KW - labour law KW - labour policy KW - leadership KW - Nigeria KW - trade unions RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XVI, 329 CY - Lagos PB - Daily Labour Publications U2 - w39 SN - 978-978-92467-7-9 AV - AFRIKA 50751 Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 406731314 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3637 T1 - Zimbabwe's fast track land reform Zimbabwe's fast track land reform A1 - Matondi,Prosper B. Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Lit. opg.: p. 259-276 Met index KW - agricultural development KW - land reform KW - land rights KW - social change KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE CY - London [etc.] PB - Zed Books [etc.] U1 - Free access. U2 - w39 T3 - Africa now SN - 978-1-7803-2149-3 hbk AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M1 - Je M3 - 407164812 L3 - http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:nai:diva-1578 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3644 T1 - Biofuels, land grabbing and food security in Africa Biofuels, land grabbing and food security in Africa A1 - Matondi,Prosper Bvumiranayi A1 - Havnevik,Kjell J. A1 - Beyene,Atakilte Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Nordiska Afrikainstitutet = The Nordic Africa Institute Includes bibliographical references (p. 206-220) and index Grabbing of African lands for energy and food : implications for land rights, food security and smallholders / Kjell Havnevik -- Biofuel governance : a matter of discursive and actor intermesh / Marie Wideng†rd -- Peak oil and climate change : triggers of the drive for biofuel production / Rune Skarstein -- Attracting foreign direct investment in Africa in the context of land grabbing for biofuels and food security / Prosper B. Matondi and Patience Mutopo -- Smallholder-led transformation towards biofuel production in Ethiopia / Atakilte Beyene -- Biofuel, land and environmental issues : the case of SEKAB's biofuel plans in Tanzania / Kjell Havnevik and Hanne Haaland -- Agro-investments in Zimbabwe at a time of redistributive land reforms / Prosper B. Matondi -- Competition between biofuel and food? : evidence from a jatropha biodiesel project in Northern Ghana / Festus Boamah -- Conclusion : land grabbing, smallholder farmers and the meaning of agro-investor-driven agrarian change in Africa / Prosper B. Matondi, Kjell Havnevik and Atakilte Beyene KW - biofuels KW - Ethiopia KW - food security KW - Ghana KW - land acquisition KW - land use KW - Subsaharan Africa KW - Tanzania KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE CY - London ; New York PB - Zed Books U1 - Free access. U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Africa now N2 - Examines the effects of large-scale biofuel production, seen as having a positive impact on African national economies and greenhouse gases. Finds negative implications as well, especially in developmental and environmental areas This book examines the advantages of biofuels in the sub-Saharan African context and raises some doubts about their real potential. The main bone of contention is whether land should be used for food production or for plants such as jatropha which can be used as fuel. Climate change and the effects of fossil fuels are also an issue. The book commences with an Introduction: biofuels, food security and land grabbing in Africa by Prosper B. Matondi, Kjell Havnevik and Atakilte Beyne, and contains the following contributions: Grabbing of African lands for energy and food: implications for land rights, food security and smallholders by Kjell Havnevik; Biofuel governance: a matter of discursive and actor intermesh by Marie Wideng†rd; Peak oil and climate change: triggers of the drive for biofuel production by Rune Skarstein; Attracting foreign direct investment in Africa in the context of land grabbing for biofuels and food security by Prosper B. Matondi and Patience Mutopo; Smallholder-led transformation towards biofuel production in Ethiopia by Atakilte Beyene; Biofuel, land and environmental issues: the case of SEKAB's biofuel plans in Tanzania by Kjell Havnevik and Hanne Haaland; Agro-investments in Zimbabwe at a time of redistributive land reforms by Prosper B. Matondi; Competition between biofuel and food? Evidence from a jatropha biodiesel project in Northern Ghana by Festus Boamah. The Conclusion: land grabbing, smallholder farmers and the meaning of agro-investor-driven agrarian change in Africa is the joint work of Prosper B. Matondi, Kjell Havnevik and Atakilte Beyene. [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 1-8481-3880-6 (electronic bk) AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/09/29/ M3 - 381022811 L3 - http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:nai:diva-1331 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3645 T1 - Child migration in Africa Child migration in Africa A1 - Hashin,Iman A1 - Thorsen,Dorte Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Nordiska Afrikainstitutet Includes bibliographical references (pages 132-144) and index About the authors; Preface; 1 -- Introduction: interrogating childhood and migration; 2 -- Contexts of migration; 3 -- Choosing to move: the reasons for rural children's migration; 4 -- Journeys and arrivals: introductions to new social worlds; 5 -- Navigating migrant life: processes of constructing identities; 6 -- Moving on; Notes; Bibliography; Index KW - Burkina Faso KW - children KW - C“te d'Ivoire KW - Ghana KW - migration KW - West Africa RP - NOT IN FILE CY - London ; New York PB - Zed Books U1 - Free access. U2 - w39 T3 - Africa now N2 - Child Migration in Africa explores the mobility of children without their parents within West Africa. Drawing on the experiences of children from rural Burkina Faso and Ghana, the book provides rich material on the circumstances of children's voluntary migration and their experiences of it. Part of the groundbreaking Africa Now series, Child Migration in Africa is an important and timely contribution to an under-researched area SN - 1-8481-3456-8 (paper) AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/09/29/ M3 - 380848600 L3 - http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:nai:diva-1329 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3641 T1 - From constitutional protections to oversight mechanisms A1 - Ndulo,Muna Y1 - 2011/// KW - access to justice KW - Africa KW - constitutionalism KW - judicial system KW - rule of law RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 21 U2 - w39 AV - AFRIKA Overdr.1538 Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M3 - 407060022 ER - TY - JFULL ID - 3643 T1 - HATMAN journal of hospitality and tourism Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Verschijnt 1x per jaar KW - Nigeria KW - tourism RP - NOT IN FILE JA - HATMAN journal of hospitality and tourism U2 - Vol. 1, no. 1 (2011) - ... w39 SN - 2276-8297 AV - AFRIKA LN100 Y2 - 2016/09/30/ M3 - 404026230 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3642 T1 - l…l 'r : a critical exposition of Yor—b  philosophical ways of reasoning A1 - Ol£k yd‚,AlŠe Y1 - 2011/// N1 - In English and Yoruba Bibliogr.: p. 117-118. - Met noten KW - ethics KW - Nigeria KW - philosophy KW - world view KW - Yoruba KW - Yoruba language RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XVI, 118 CY - Þb…d…n PB - Aj‚-Ol¢kun Books U2 - w39 SN - 978-91447-2-5 AV - AFRIKA 50705 Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 406644527 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3646 T1 - Oil and insurgency in the Niger Delta : managing the complex politics of petro-violence Oil and insurgency in the Niger Delta : managing the complex politics of petro-violence A1 - Obi,Cyril A1 - Rustad,Siri Aas Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Description based upon print version of record ISBN of Print version: 9781848138087 About the editors; Tables, figures and maps; Acronyms; Map 1: The Niger Delta states; Introduction: Petro-violence in the Niger Delta the complex politics of an insurgency; PART ONE - Causes of conflict, state (in)capacities; PART TWO - Conflict actors' dynamics; PART THREE - Oil MNCs' response(s); 14 - Conclusion: amnesty and post-amnesty peace, is the window of opportunity closing for the Niger Delta?; Notes; Bibliography; Contributors; Index Available in other form: Print version: Oil and Insurgency in the Niger Delta : Managing the Complex Politics of Petro-violence (London : Zed Books,c2011) KW - Niger Delta conflict KW - Nigeria KW - petroleum industry KW - violence RP - NOT IN FILE CY - London [etc.] PB - Zed Books [etc.] U1 - Free access. U2 - w39 U3 - Abstract available T3 - Africa now N2 - The recent escalation in the violent conflict in the Niger Delta has brought the region to the forefront of international energy and security concerns. Oil and Insurgency in the Niger Delta analyses the dynamics of the violence, focusing on the ways in which oil and Nigerian politics have morphed poorly coordinated, non-violent protests into a pan-Delta insurgency. Approaching the issue from a number of perspectives, the book offers the most up-to-date and comprehensive analysis available of the varied dimensions of the conflict This collective volume analyses the dynamics of the violent conflict in the Niger Delta, Nigeria, focusing on the ways in which oil and Nigerian politics have morphed poorly coordinated, non-violent protests into a pan-Delta insurgency. It discusses the causes of the escalation in violence, the various actors involved, the policy challenges facing conflict resolution, and the options for peace. It also examines the role of oil as a commodity of global strategic significance, and the impact of the complex interplay between transnational, State and local actors and power relations. Contributions by Babatunde A. Ahonsi, Rhuks Ako, Morten B›†s, Nils Duquet, Engobo Emeseh, Ibaba Samuel Ibaba, Uwafiokun Idemudia, Augustine Ikelegbe, Oluwatoyin Oluwaniyi, Kayode Soremekun, Charles Ukeje, Ukoha Ukiwo, and Anna Zalik. [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 978-1-8481-3809-4 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/09/29/ M3 - 363123105 L3 - http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:nai:diva-1331 ER - TY - CHAP ID - 3650 T1 - Constitution making in Eritrea : a process-driven approach A1 - Selassie,Bereket Habte Y1 - 2010/// N1 - Met noten KW - constitutional history KW - constitutional law KW - constitutions KW - Eritrea RP - NOT IN FILE U2 - w39 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/09/26/ M3 - 406868840 L3 - http://www.usip.org/sites/default/files/Framing%20the%20State/Chapter3_ Framing.pdf ER - TY - CHAP ID - 3648 T1 - Creating the birth certificate of a new South Africa : constitution making after apartheid A1 - Ebrahim,Hassen A1 - Miller,Laurel E. Y1 - 2010/// N1 - Met noten KW - constitutional history KW - constitutional law KW - constitutions KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE U2 - w39 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/09/26/ M3 - 406869529 L3 - http://www.usip.org/sites/default/files/Framing%20the%20State/Chapter5_ Framing.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3651 T1 - Framing the state in times of transition : case studies in constitution making A1 - Miller,Laurel E. A1 - Aucoin,Louis Y1 - 2010/// N1 - Met lit. opg. en index KW - constitutional law KW - constitutions KW - democracy KW - legislation KW - world RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Washington, DC PB - United States Institute of Peace U1 - Free access. U2 - w39 T3 - Peacebuilding and the rule of law N2 - Analyzing nineteen cases, this title offers practical perspective on the implications of constitution-making procedure, and explores emerging international legal norms SN - 1-601-27055-0 pbk AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/09/26/ M3 - 406856524 L3 - http://www.usip.org/online-chapters-framing-the-state ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3652 T1 - Islamic religious studies for West African high schools and beyond Vol. 2: A precise and concise tabulation of Al-Qur'An, Hadith and Fiqh A1 - Adam,P.C. Y1 - 2010/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 206 KW - Ghana KW - Islam KW - secondary education KW - textbooks (form) KW - West Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XII, 206 CY - Accra PB - Barraqah Royal Publications U2 - w39 AV - AFRIKA 50609.2 Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 406511764 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3653 T1 - Islamic religious studies for West African high schools and beyond Vol. 3: A simple guide to success in examinations : [time management, preparing yourself, examinations tit bits, model answers, past questions, objective tests with answers] A1 - Adam,Prince C. Y1 - 2010/// KW - examinations KW - Ghana KW - Islam KW - secondary education KW - textbooks (form) KW - West Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 102 CY - Accra PB - Barraqah Royal Publications U2 - w39 AV - AFRIKA 50609.3 Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 406510164 ER - TY - CHAP ID - 3649 T1 - Namibias long walk to freedom : the role of constitution making in the creation of an independent Namibia A1 - Wiechers,Marinus Y1 - 2010/// N1 - Met noten KW - constitutional history KW - constitutional law KW - constitutions KW - Namibia RP - NOT IN FILE U2 - w39 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/09/26/ M3 - 40686893X L3 - http://www.usip.org/sites/default/files/Framing%20the%20State/Chapter4_ Framing.pdf ER - TY - CHAP ID - 3647 T1 - The politics of constitution making in Uganda A1 - Tripp,Aili Mari Y1 - 2010/// N1 - Met noten KW - constitutional history KW - constitutional law KW - constitutions KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE U2 - w39 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2016/09/26/ M3 - 406869537 L3 - http://www.usip.org/sites/default/files/Framing%20the%20State/Chapter6_ Framing.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3654 T1 - Top facts on citizenship education / Evans Kennedy Amankwah 6: Book 6 A1 - Amankwah,Evans Kennedy Y1 - 2010/// N1 - Vermelding op omslag: 6 basic KW - citizenship education KW - Ghana KW - primary education KW - textbooks (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - VIII, 92 CY - Kumasi PB - Top Facts Printing & Publishing U2 - w39 AV - AFRIKA 50606.6 Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 406504857 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3658 T1 - Contemporary social problems in Ghana A1 - Tonah,Steve Y1 - 2009/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten KW - Ghana KW - social problems RP - NOT IN FILE EP - X, 256 CY - [Legon] PB - Research and Publication Unit, Dept. of Sociology, University of Ghana U2 - w39 N2 - Contemporary social problems in Ghana / Steve Tonah -- Over fifty years of higher education in Ghana : what has happened to equity? / Agnes A. Apusigah -- Earth shrines : prison or sanctuary? : Ghanaian "witch camps" and the dawn of the rights of culture / Jon P. Kirby -- Making peace in northern Ghana : the role of non-governmental organizations and traditional authorities / Artur Bogner -- Ghana at fifty : reflections on the evolution and development of culture of human rights in Ghana / Chris Dadzie -- The challenge of ageing in rural and urban Ghana / Steve Tonah -- Widowhood rites in Ghana : a study among the Nchumuru, Kasena and the Ga / Joana Brukum, Alice Pwamang and Steve Tonah -- Changing trends in Ghanaian funeral celebrations : a case study of the Ga Mashi Traditional Area, Accra / Juliana Naa-Dedei Attoh -- Street hawkers and the management of urban space in central Accra / Dzifa Akpalu -- Chieftaincy conflicts in northern Ghana : a challenge to national stability / Alhassan S. Anamzoya -- The legal versus the domestic treatment of child sexual defilement in Ghana / Kodjovi Akpabli-Honu -- Indigenous farmers versus migrant Fulani herdsmen in central Ghana / Abdulai Abubakari and Steve Tonah SN - 9988-84447-6 AV - AFRIKA 50569 Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M3 - 406229929 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3657 T1 - Dynamics of ministry fulfilment A1 - Bediako,Kwame Y1 - 2009/// N1 - Met noten KW - Church KW - clergy KW - Ghana KW - textbooks (form) KW - vocational education RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 128 CY - Accra PB - Challenge Enterprises of Ghana U2 - w39 T3 - Church leaders' challenge ; Book 6 SN - 9988-01732-4 AV - AFRIKA 50610 Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 406512035 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3655 T1 - The courage to challenge A1 - Ohakim,Ikedi Y1 - 2009/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 297-299. - Met index KW - economic conditions KW - economic development KW - leadership KW - Nigeria KW - personal narratives (form) KW - political conditions KW - politicians RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XXI, 307 CY - Ibadan PB - Bookcraft U2 - w39 SN - 978-81353-2-3 (limp) AV - AFRIKA 50707 Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 406644756 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3656 T1 - The Nigeria of my dream : a classical compendium of lectures & thoughts of Dr. (Sir) Nlogha Okeke A1 - Okeke,Nlogha E. A1 - Iroegbu,Emma Y1 - 2009/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 236. - Met noten KW - economic conditions KW - essays (form) KW - Nigeria KW - political conditions KW - speeches (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XI, 236 CY - Enugu PB - Hiemmas Int'l U2 - w39 SN - 978-35877-5-7 AV - AFRIKA 50706 Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 406644667 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3659 T1 - Islamic religious studies for West African high schools and beyond Vol. 1: A comprehensive & distinctive presentation of Tarikh (the historical development of Islam) A1 - Barre,Saeed A. A1 - Adam,Prince C. Y1 - 2008/// KW - Ghana KW - Islamic history KW - secondary education KW - textbooks (form) KW - West Africa RP - NOT IN FILE EP - VI, 187 CY - Accra PB - Smart Impressions Limited U1 - Selected bibliography (p. 186) en Notes (p. 187) ontbreken. U2 - w39 AV - AFRIKA 50609.1 Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 406511187 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3662 T1 - Cities of the world A1 - Matiyane,Titus A1 - Kler,Annemieke de A1 - Silverman,Melinda A1 - Hall,George Y1 - 2007/// N1 - Commissioned by the Faculty of Architecture of Delft University of Technology coinciding with the exhibition entitled 'Titus Matiyane. Cities of the World', from 6 December 2007 to 25 January 2008, organized in the context of the manifestation µfrican Perspectives' held from 6 to 8 December 2007 Met lit. opg KW - painting KW - pictorial works (form) KW - South Africa KW - towns KW - world RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 112 CY - Rotterdam PB - 010 Publishers U2 - w39 SN - 978-90-6450-640-6 AV - AFRIKA 50600 Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 305297333 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3660 T1 - Psychology for everyday living Vol. 1: Readings in psychology for the layperson A1 - Opoku,J.Y. Y1 - 2007/// N1 - Oorspr. uitg.: 2005 KW - Ghana KW - psychology KW - textbooks (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 100 CY - Accra PB - Ghana Universities Press U2 - w39 SN - 9964-3-0359-9 AV - AFRIKA 50608 Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 406509409 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3661 T1 - Social studies for junior high schools (forms 1-3) : questions and answers - 1990 to date A1 - Demao-Quao Dangbey,Anthony Y1 - 2007/// N1 - Vermelding op titelp.: The most current Q & A book on social studies Oorspr. uitg.: 2005 KW - Ghana KW - secondary education KW - social studies KW - textbooks (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - IV, 178 CY - Accra PB - Aki-Ola Publications U2 - w39 T3 - Aki-Ola series SN - 9988-78642-5 AV - AFRIKA 50605 Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 406504199 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3663 T1 - The man in a woman's trade A1 - Somoye,David Oludare Y1 - 2005/// N1 - Met bijl., index KW - autobiographies (form) KW - civil servants KW - clergy KW - Methodist Church KW - Nigeria KW - teachers RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XI, 103 CY - Lagos PB - New Age Publishers U2 - w39 AV - AFRIKA 50741 Y2 - 2016/09/27/ M3 - 406729689 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3664 T1 - Religious and moral education for primary schools / David Gbedy. Teacher's guide / David Gbedy 6: Teacher's guide 6 A1 - Gbedy,David Y1 - 2003/// KW - ethics KW - Ghana KW - primary education KW - religious education KW - teachers KW - textbooks (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - IV, 32 CY - Accra PB - Sedco Publishing Ltd U2 - w39 SN - 9964-72-247-8 AV - AFRIKA 50604.6 Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 406502625 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3665 T1 - The secrets of campus cults A1 - Osayomi,Olusegun Y1 - 1999/// KW - cults KW - Nigeria KW - secret societies KW - student movements KW - students KW - universities KW - violence RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XXVIII, 271 CY - Lagos PB - Asaba-Iyo Publishers U2 - w39 T3 - Asaba series SN - 978-02-8005-7 AV - AFRIKA 50722 Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 406721386 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3666 T1 - Senior secondary school certificate exams : questions and answers : with notes on human geography (paper 2) : (covering elements of world human geography as well as Ghana, West Africa, East Africa, South Africa and Nile Basin) A1 - Otoo,Sammy Y1 - 1998/// N1 - Aan de kop van de omslagtitel: Senior secondary school Oorspr. uitg.: 1984 KW - Africa KW - geography education KW - Ghana KW - secondary education KW - textbooks (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XXIV, 302 CY - [S.l.] PB - Ghana Edition published U2 - w39 AV - AFRIKA 50611 Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 40651190X ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3667 T1 - Cultural studies for junior secondary schools / Ghana Education Service, Accra. Curriculum Research and Development Division. Pupil's book / Ghana Education Service, Accra. Curriculum Research and Development Division 1: Pupil's book 1 Y1 - 1987/// N1 - Omslagtitel KW - culture KW - Ghana KW - secondary education KW - textbooks (form) RP - NOT IN FILE EP - VIII, 107 CY - [Accra] PB - Curriculum Research and Development Division, Ghana Education Service U2 - w39 AV - AFRIKA 50607 Y2 - 2016/09/28/ M3 - 406505063 ER -