ID - 3400
T1 - A legal analysis of how the International Committee of the Red Cross's interpretation of the revolving door phenomenon applies in the case of Africa's child soldiers
A1 - Bosch,Shannon
Y1 - 2015///
KW - Africa
KW - child soldiers
KW - impunity
KW - law of war
KW - Red Cross
SP - 3
EP - 22
JA - African Security Review: (2015), vol.24, no.1, p.3-22.
VL - 24
IS - 1
U2 - w41
N2 - According to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) publication Interpretive Guidance on the Notion of Direct Participation in Hostilities under International Humanitarian Law, all civilians (including child soldiers) lose their immunity from direct targeting 'for so long as' their actions amount to direct participation in hostilities. All civilians can, however, access the revolving door of protection and return to their civilian activities - complete with full immunity from direct targeting - provided the nature of their direct participation was spontaneous and disorganised. Once it can be ascertained that their participation in hostilities amounts to continuous combative functions, they relinquish their access to the revolving door of protection, and can be targeted at all times until they abandon their formal or functional membership of the belligerent group. This piece analyses how the revolving door phenomenon and the notion of continuous combative functions apply in instances where civilian child soldiers are directly participating in hostilities. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract]
AV - Elektronisch artikel
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M1 - Ba;F2
M3 - 391016644
L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10246029.2014.986147
ER -
ID - 3399
T1 - African peacekeepers in Africa : the role of United States assistance and training
A1 - Emmanuel,Nikolas
Y1 - 2015///
KW - Africa
KW - African peacekeeping forces
KW - international cooperation
KW - military assistance
KW - United States
SP - 23
EP - 38
JA - African Security Review: (2015), vol.24, no.1, p.23-38 : graf., tab.
VL - 24
IS - 1
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - African states today are strongly encouraged by the United States (US) and other members of the international community to play a more central role in confronting crises on the continent. Indeed, in recent years African armed forces have increasingly served as the backbone supporting various peacekeeping operations in the region. It is important to add that the international community has frequently tried to facilitate the deployment of African armed forces with aid and training. From this reality, the following study goes beyond the current literature by focusing on the international factors behind African participation in United Nations (UN) peacekeeping operations in Africa. In doing so, this research focuses on US military aid and foreign troop training from 2002 to 2012, and its impact on African deployments into UN peacekeeping missions in Africa. As can be expected, such third-party help appears to be an important motivating factor encouraging African troop deployment into crises on the continent. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract]
AV - Elektronisch artikel
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M1 - Ba;D4
M3 - 391016652
L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10246029.2014.993668
ER -
ID - 3379
T1 - African rice (Oryza glaberrima) cultivation in the Togo Hills: ecological and socio-cultural cues in farmer seed selection and development
A1 - Teeken,B‚la
Y1 - 2015///
N1 - PHD thesis Wageningen University
KW - agricultural innovations
KW - dissertations (form)
KW - ecology
KW - motivation
KW - rice
KW - seeds
KW - small farms
KW - Togo
CY - Wageningen
PB - Wageningen University
U1 - Free access.
U2 - w41
SN - 978-94-6257435-9
AV - Elektronisch document
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M3 - 395503892
L3 - http://www.asclibrary.nl/docs/395503892.pdf
ER -
ID - 3384
T1 - Afrique en pr‚sences : du monde atlantique … la globalisation n‚olib‚rale
A1 - Dozon,Jean Pierre
Y1 - 2015///
N1 - Met index, noten
KW - Africa
KW - colonization
KW - Europe
KW - globalization
KW - international relations
EP - 197
CY - Paris
PB - ditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme
U2 - w41
T3 - Collection 54
SN - 2-7351-2003-1
AV - AFRIKA 49036
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 394586069
ER -
ID - 3394
T1 - An overview of conflict in Africa in 2014
A1 - de Villiers,Shirley
Y1 - 2015///
KW - 2014
KW - Central African Republic
KW - civil wars
KW - conflict
KW - Nigeria
KW - Somalia
KW - South Sudan
KW - Subsaharan Africa
KW - Sudan
SP - 89
EP - 100
JA - African Security Review: (2015), vol.24, no.1, p.89-100.
VL - 24
IS - 1
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - Violent conflict escalated in Africa in 2014, with five sub-Saharan states - the Central African Republic (CAR), Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan - accounting for an estimated 75 per cent of all conflict-related deaths on the continent. This paper provides an overview of the five major sub-Saharan African conflicts in 2014 and considers the underlying causes and dynamics in the Seleka/anti-Balaka conflict in the CAR, the Islamist threats of Boko Haram and al-Shabaab in Nigeria and Somalia, the civil war in South Sudan, and the long-running conflict between Sudan's government and southern and Darfuri rebels. The paper unpacks the general trends evident in these conflicts and the implications for the settlement thereof, including the targeting of civilians, ethnic and religious mobilisation and the state as epicentre of violence. The paper concludes with a brief look ahead to 2015. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract]
AV - Elektronisch artikel
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M1 - Ea;D1
M3 - 391016709
L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10246029.2015.1011867
ER -
ID - 3389
T1 - Angola's colossal lie : forced labor on a sugar plantation, 1913-1977
A1 - Ball,Jeremy
Y1 - 2015///
N1 - Met index, literatuuropgave
KW - 1900-1999
KW - Angola
KW - colonial administration
KW - forced labour
KW - plantations
KW - sugar
EP - XVI, 199
CY - Leiden
PB - Brill
U2 - w41
T3 - African history, ISSN 2211-1441 ; vol. 4
N2 - This is the first in-depth study of forced labor on a Portuguese-owned sugar plantation in colonial Angola. A prominent Portuguese civil servant dubbed the labor system in Angola because the reality so contradicted the law. Using extensive oral history interviews with former forced laborers, Jeremy Ball explains how Angolans experienced forced labor. Ball also interviews former Portuguese administrators to provide multiple perspectives about the transition to independence and the nationalization of the plantation
SN - 978-90-04-30174-0 paperback
AV - AFRIKA 49177
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 393804801
ER -
ID - 3380
T1 - Ethnicity and local identity in the folklore of the South-western Oromo of Ethiopia : a comparative study
A1 - Alemu Fanta,Abreham
Y1 - 2015///
N1 - Proefschrift Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam ter verkrijging van de graad doctor in het jaar 2015
Met literatuuropgave
Met samenvatting in het Nederlands
KW - dissertations (form)
KW - Ethiopia
KW - ethnicity
KW - folklore
KW - group identity
KW - oral traditions
KW - Oromo
EP - IX, 297
CY - [Nederland]
PB - [uitgever niet vastgesteld]
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - This study presents a comprehensive overview of Oromo identity discourse in Ethiopia. In its comparative approach to the local cultural tradition of narrative self-representation, four of the most important Oromo sub-groups in Southwest Ethiopia the Jimma, the Leqa-Neqemte, the Sibu-Sire and the Gera - are shown to be both complementary and competing in their positioning vis-…-vis each other in the wider nominal whole of 'Oromo identity' discourse within Ethiopia, and towards state narratives. The remarkable variety in stories, epic poems and narratives reflects a dynamic history and free articulation of local rivalries of groups in a large geographical and ethno-cultural domain. The rich folklore traditions of the Oromo, the most numerous people in Ethiopia, are shown to be deeply concerned with 'historical' claim-making, prestige ranking, (sub-)ethnic identity assertion, and rehearsing cultural core values around courage, personal valour, integrity, and survival. The study presents many examples of expressive narratives, which are annotated and analysed so as to draw a larger picture of the internal differentiation and the interactive complexities within the Oromo. [Book abstract]
SN - Paperback
AV - AFRIKA 49091
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 395081459
ER -
ID - 3381
T1 - Insurgency and counterinsurgency in Kenya : A Social History of the Shifta Conflict, c. 1963-1968
A1 - Whittaker,Hannah
Y1 - 2015///
N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [162]-172. - Met index, noten
KW - 1960-1969
KW - Kenya
KW - rebellions
KW - separatism
KW - Somalia
EP - VI, 176
CY - Leiden [etc]
PB - Brill
U2 - w41
T3 - African social studies series, ISSN 1568-1203 ; 34
N2 - Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Kenya: A Social History of the Shifta Conflict, c. 1963-1968; Copyright; Contents; Acknowledgements; List of Maps; List of Abbreviations; 1 Introduction; The Northern Frontier District of Kenya: People, Place, and History; Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Borderland Kenya; Sources and Methodology; The Book; 2 The Politics of nfd Secession, 1960-63; The Political Campaign for Secession; Moderates and Radicals; Dabasso Wabera and Hajj Galm Dida; Gaaf Chaama (the Time of Political Parties); Conclusions; 3 The Shifta; The Formation of the NFDLF. Becoming ShiftaSupport and Opposition for Shifta; Conclusions; 4 The Shifta Conflict, 1963-68; The NFD Liberation Campaign; "These Feuds are Always There": The Socioeconomic Dynamics of a Rural Rebellion; Conflict in Marsabit; Salfaa; Conclusions; 5 Government Responses to Conflict (1) : Counterinsurgency; The War against Shifta; The Militarization of Northern Kenya; "They Even Called the Camels Shifta"; Conclusions; 6 Government Responses to Conflict (2) Villagization; The Roots of Villagization; Implementing Villagization; The Villagization Experience; Conclusions; 7 Aftermath. "What [is] the Purpose of Fighting for an Empty Land?""There has Never Been Peace": Continuity and Change in the Local Political Economy of Violence; "We are Not People of Farms"; Conclusions; 8 Conclusion; Sources; Bibliography; Index
In Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Kenya, Hannah Whittaker offers an in-depth analysis of the Somali secessionist war in northern Kenya, 1963-68
SN - 978-90-04-28267-4
AV - AFRIKA 49068
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 395056683
ER -
ID - 3386
T1 - La fabrique des barbouzes : histoire des r‚seaux Foccart en Afrique
A1 - Bat,Jean Pierre
Y1 - 2015///
N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 497-[502]. - Met noten
KW - Congo (Brazzaville)
KW - covert operations
KW - decolonization
KW - France
KW - intelligence services
EP - 509
CY - Paris
PB - Nouveau monde
U2 - w41
T3 - Collection "Le grand jeu"
N2 - "DŠs la fin des ann‚es 1950, les services secrets fran‡ais pr‚parent leur politique africaine en vue des ind‚pendances. Mais, mˆme eux ne peuvent pas tout se permettre et c'est l… que les "barbouzes" entrent en scŠne, pour assumer cet ill‚galisme d'tat. Leur pass‚ importe peu, seules leurs comp‚tences anticommunistes constituent le critŠre de s‚lection. Cependant leur libert‚ d'action et leur pouvoir ont un revers : la R‚publique fran‡aise niera officiellement avoir eu connaissance de leurs agissements. Et pour cause, ils repr‚sentent la face cach‚e de l'histoire de France depuis la Lib‚ration : ce sont d'anciens ‚pur‚s, des employ‚s des officines clandestines de la IVe R‚publique, des activistes des complots du putsch d'Alger, des collaborateurs de Foccart ou des agents clandestins. La d‚colonisation de l'Afrique a ‚t‚ synonyme, pour la France gaullienne, de lutte anticommuniste et de d‚fense de son domaine r‚serv‚. En 1960, le Congo devient le point de fixation de la guerre froide. Face aux Am‚ricains, aux Sovi‚tiques et … la Tricontinentale (organisation regroupant les forces anti-imp‚rialistes d'Afrique, d'Asie et d'Am‚rique latine), la France entend mener sa politique depuis Brazzaville. Table des matiŠres: 1. Brazzaville, nid de barbouzes -- 2. "Kiyunga": la soutane de l'abb‚ Fulbert Youlou -- 3. Surveiller et punir: au service secret de l'abb‚ -- 4. Brazzaville et l'affaire Lumumba -- 5. Brazzaville et "Monsieur Tiroir-Caisse" -- 6. Les "Trois Glorieuses" de Brazzaville -- 7. Docteur Tshomb‚ & Mister Youlou -- 8. "Le mariage de ma niŠce" -- 9. Barbouze un jour, barbouze toujours
SN - 2-369-42195-9 pbk
AV - AFRIKA 48985
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 394148754
ER -
ID - 3383
T1 - La lutte pour la chefferie de Nar‚na : la vie de Massadan Balla Keita (1895-1969)
A1 - Keita,Daouda Nambala
Y1 - 2015///
N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 114-115. - Met bijl., noten
KW - Africans
KW - biographies (form)
KW - civil servants
KW - colonial administration
KW - colonialism
KW - France
KW - Mali
KW - traditional rulers
EP - IX, 116
CY - [Bamako]
PB - ditions Donko-Ba
U1 - Zie ook AFRIKA 30867.
U2 - w41
SN - 978-99952-8091-8
AV - AFRIKA 49023
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 394917162
ER -
ID - 3385
T1 - La vie sexuelle des Congolais
A1 - Lumbala wa Lumbala,Jean
Y1 - 2015///
N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 277-284. - Filmogr.: p. 285-289. - Met noten
KW - customs
KW - Democratic Republic of Congo
KW - sexuality
EP - 289
CY - Louvain-la-Neuve
PB - Academia--L'Harmattan
U2 - w41
SN - 2-8061-0188-3
AV - AFRIKA 49138
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 394155238
ER -
ID - 3387
T1 - Les arm‚es arabes et le pouvoir d'tat : militaires du peuple ou du r‚gime : XIXe-XXIe siŠcle
A1 - Moghira,Mohamed Anouar
Y1 - 2015///
N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 325-326. - Met index, noten
KW - Arab countries
KW - armed forces
KW - coups d'‚tat
KW - military history
KW - power
KW - State
EP - 333
CY - Paris
PB - Karthala
U2 - w41
T3 - Hommes et soci‚t‚s
SN - 2-8111-1152-2 pbk
AV - AFRIKA 48922
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 393813266
ER -
ID - 3391
T1 - Les perspectives de lAfrique au XXIe siŠcle
A1 - Gahama,Joseph
Y1 - 2015///
KW - Africa
KW - development
KW - social sciences
CY - Dakar
U1 - Free access.
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - Ce livre est une compilation darticles issus de la XIIIe Assembl‚e g‚n‚rale du CODESRIA de 2011, o— l'on a d‚battu des d‚fis qui se posent … lAfrique en ce d‚but du XXIe siŠcle. Sommaire: Introduction (Joseph Gahama) - 1. Radicalit‚ des sciences sociales africanistes et r‚invention du futur de lAfrique face aux d‚fis du XXIe siŠcle : les enjeux dun d‚bat (Amadou Sarr Diop) - 2. La reconstruction de lAfrique au XXIe siŠcle : la perspective des innovations socio-territoriales (Sambou Ndiaye) - 3. Face aux d‚fis du XIXe siŠcle : promouvoir le projet africain de soci‚t‚ enjeu prospectivo-id‚ologique du continent (Hubert Ntumba Lukunga) - 4. La Communaut‚ dAfrique de lEst : une jeune organisation r‚gionale promise … un bel avenir ? (Joseph Gahama) - 5. LAfrique centrale face aux enjeux s‚curitaires du XXIe siŠcle (Etanislas Ngodi) - 6. Les facteurs explicatifs de pr‚valence du VIH/SIDA en Afrique subsaharienne : exp‚rience des pays de la CEDEAO (Tito Nestor Tiehi). [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden]
SN - 978-2-86978-605-9
AV - Elektronisch document
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M1 - C1;D1;E1
M3 - 393758222
L3 - http://newebsite.codesria.org/spip.php?article2341&lang=en
ER -
ID - 3392
T1 - Les seins nus
A1 - Sibazuri,Marie Louise
Y1 - 2015///
KW - Burundi
KW - novels (form)
EP - 296
CY - Merignac
PB - Copymedia
U2 - w41
SN - 978-2-9601351-0-7
AV - AFRIKA Lit.9962
Y2 - 2015/09/10/
M3 - 393461572
ER -
ID - 3388
T1 - Made in Africa : industrial policy in Ethiopia
A1 - Oqubay,Arkebe
Y1 - 2015///
N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [297]-325. - Met index
KW - cement industry
KW - Ethiopia
KW - floriculture
KW - industrial development
KW - industrial policy
KW - industrial products
KW - leather industry
KW - political economy
EP - XXI, 348
CY - Oxford
PB - Oxford Univ Press
U2 - w41
SN - 0-19-873989-3
AV - AFRIKA 48956
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 393805409
ER -
ID - 3397
T1 - Regional differences and developmental implications of security challenges in Nigeria : the case of kidnapping
A1 - Badiora,Adewumi Israel
Y1 - 2015///
KW - crime
KW - kidnapping
KW - Nigeria
SP - 55
EP - 62
JA - African Security Review: (2015), vol.24, no.1, p.55-62 : tab.
VL - 24
IS - 1
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - Using crime review figures for four randomly selected states in Nigeria, this study examines cases of kidnapping and its implications for the national economy. The findings reveal that kidnapping is consistently on the increase in Nigeria and is not evenly spread across regions. It is shown that 15 cases were recorded in 2005 and 43 cases in 2008. In 2009, 138 cases were officially recorded, of which 22 per cent and 76 per cent occurred in Rivers and Edo states respectively. Findings further showed that modern kidnapping in Nigeria is triggered by resource control disputes directed both at oil expatriate workers and at prominent citizens, politicians and members of their families. The crisis, which came to the fore in 2005, has forced oil production shutdowns of up to 800 000 barrels per day. The study concludes that kidnapping is becoming a serious crime in Nigeria with significant negative implications for foreign investment, national foreign exchange earnings, and revenue generation. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract]
AV - Elektronisch artikel
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M1 - Fn;D2
M3 - 391016679
L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10246029.2014.990394
ER -
ID - 3390
T1 - Regional economic communities : exploring the process of socio-economic integration in Africa
A1 - Olutayo,Akinpelu O.
A1 - Adeniran,Adebusuyi I.
Y1 - 2015///
KW - Africa
KW - economic integration
KW - regional development
KW - regional economic relations
KW - regional security
KW - West Africa
CY - Dakar
U1 - Free access.
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - Collective volume. Contents: Introduction (Akinpelu O. Olutayo and Adebusuyi I. Adeniran) - 1. Inter-regionalism as a mechanism for the harmonization of Africas regional integration projects (Bappah Habibu Yaya) - 2. Regional Development Poles and self-sustaining development in Africa (Benaiah Yongo-Bure) - 3. Interrogating regional security arrangements in Africa: the case of the African Peace and Security Architecture (Leah Kimathi) - 4. Regional financial integration: evidence from stock markets in the West African monetary zone (Terfa Williams Abraham) - 5. Gender Dimensions of Informal Cross-border Trade in the West African Sub-region (ECOWAS) borders (Olabisi S. Yusuff) - 6. Regional networking and identity integration in West Africa: a case study of Ejigbo-Yoruba in Cote dIvoire (Adebusuyi I. Adeniran and Akinpelu O. Olutayo) - 7. Children in decision-making mechanism to migrate for work: theoretical analysis applied to West Africa (Kabran Aristide Djane) - 8. Trans-border banditry and integration in the ECOWAS region (Olayinka Akanle and Ayokunle Olumuyiwa Omobowale) - 9. From State back to the State: lessons for ECOWAS countries (Akinpelu O. Olutayo, Olayinka Akanle and Molatokunbo A. Olutayo) - 10. Policing irregular migration in the West African sub-region: implications for regional integration (Ikuteyijo Lanre Olusegun). [Abstract ASC Leiden]
SN - 978-2-86978-632-5
AV - Elektronisch document
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M1 - E1
M3 - 393758729
L3 - http://newebsite.codesria.org/spip.php?article2328&lang=en
ER -
ID - 3393
T1 - Renewable energy in South Africa's minerals-energy complex : a low carbon transition?
A1 - Baker,Lucy
Y1 - 2015///
KW - electricity
KW - energy resources
KW - solar energy
KW - South Africa
KW - technological change
KW - wind energy
SP - 245
EP - 261
JA - Review of African Political Economy: (2015), vol.42, no.144, p.245-261 : graf., tab.
VL - 42
IS - 144
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - This paper questions the extent to which the introduction of utility-scale, privately generated renewable energy into South Africa's coal-dominated electricity supply can be considered a 'low-carbon transition'. Rather, the renewable energy projects in question are embedded within and contribute to South Africa's high-carbon, electricity-intensive 'minerals-energy complex'. An empirical consideration is provided of some of the stakeholders involved in the implementation of the wind industry in South Africa, and the possibilities and pitfalls for its long-term sustainability. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. in English and French. [Journal abstract]
AV - Elektronisch artikel
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M1 - Kf;E1
M3 - 392767244
L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03056244.2014.953471
ER -
ID - 3377
T1 - Special issue : across media: mobility and transformation of cultural materials in the digital age
A1 - Jedlowski,Alessandro
Y1 - 2015///
N1 - Met bibliogr., samenvattingen
KW - cultural change
KW - Democratic Republic of Congo
KW - Kenya
KW - popular culture
KW - popular music
KW - South Africa
KW - Tanzania
PB - Intellect
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
T3 - Journal of African cinemas, ISSN 1754-923X ; vol. 7, no. 1
N2 - Much of the recent scholarship in both humanities and social sciences sees "mobility" as a key analytical concept for the understanding of the contemporary world and its transformations. Much of African cultural production, which is in itself highly mobile and circulates both within and beyond the porous borders of the postcolonial African nations, is also a result of mobility. The concept of "remediation", proposed in the field of new media studies by Jay Bolter and Richard Grusin (2000), can be an interesting tool with which to look at how cultural products move across media and generate new formats, genres and styles. According to Bolter and Grusin's seminal argument, "no medium today, and certainly no single media event, seems to do its cultural work in isolation from other media, any more than it works in isolation from other social and economic forces" (2000: 15). The six articles included in this special issue all engage with the remediation concept, in order to assess its relevance to the study of African media production and circulation. While all of the articles agree on the potential of this conceptual framework for the analysis of cultural mobility and transformation across media, some of them point to specific limits in Bolter's and Grusin's formulation, and suggest some ideas to better capture the specificity of African media production and circulation in the digital age. Contributions: 'Peeling back the mask': remediation and remix of Kenya's news into popular culture (Duncan Omanga); Remediations of Congolese urban dance music in Kinshasa (Katrien Pype); Targeting urbanites: Nairobi-bred audio-visual narratives in Sheng (Ann Overbergh); Transnationalism and transculturalism as seen in Congolese music videograms (L‚on Tsambu); 'Underground' rap performance, informality and cultural production in Dar es Salaam (David Kerr); Media and mobility in South African House music (Tom Simmert). [ASC Leiden abstract]
AV - Elektronisch artikel
Y2 - 2015/07/10/
M1 - Hc;Gj;He;Kf;K3
M3 - 397111908
L3 - http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/intellect/jams/2015/00000007/ 00000001
ER -
ID - 3382
T1 - The archaeology of slavery : a comparative approach to captivity and coercion
A1 - Marshall,Lydia Wilson
Y1 - 2015///
N1 - Met bibliogr., index, noten
KW - Benin
KW - Gambia
KW - Mauritius
KW - slave trade
KW - slavery
KW - social history
KW - Zanzibar
EP - XI, 414
CY - Carbondale, IL
PB - Southern Illinois University Press
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
T3 - Occasional paper ; 41
N2 - This edited volume develops an interregional and cross-temporal framework for the interpretation of slavery. Contributors consider how to define slavery, identify it in the archaeological record, and study it as a diachronic process from enslavement to emancipation and beyond. Essays cover the potential material representations of slavery, slave owners' strategies of coercion and enslaved people's methods of resisting this coercion, and the legacies of slavery as confronted by formerly enslaved people and their descendants. Among the peoples, sites, and periods examined are slave habitation and trading centers in the Gambia, Benin's Hueda Kingdom in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, plantations in Zanzibar, and three fugitive slave sites on Mauritius. This essay collection seeks to analyse slavery as a process organized by larger economic and social forces with effects that can be both durable and wide-ranging. Contents: Introduction; The comparative archaeology of slavery (Lydia Wilson Marshall); Commodities or gifts? Captive/slaves in small-scale societies (Catherine M. Cameron); Bioarchaeological case studies of slavery, captivity, and other forms of exploitation (Ryan P. Harrod and Debra L. Martin); The nature of marginality: castle slaves and the Atlantic trade at San Domingo, the Gambia (Liza Gijanto); Nineteenth-century built landscape of plantation slavery in comparative perspective (Theresa A. Singleton); "The landscape cannot be said to be really perfect": a comparative investigation of plantation spatial organization on two British colonial sugar estates (Lynsey A. Bates); Blind spots in empire: plantation landscapes in early colonial Dominica (1763-1807) (Mark W. Hauser); Retentions, adaptations, and the need for social control within African and African American communities across the southern United States from 1770 to 1930 (Kenneth L. Brown); Cities, slavery, and rural ambivalence in precolonial Dahomey (J. Cameron Monroe); Slavery matters and materiality: Atlantic items, political processes, and the collapse of the Hueda Kingdom, Benin, West Africa (Neil L. Norman); The impact of slavery on the East African political economy and gender relationships (Chapurukha M. Kusimba); Maroon archaeological research in Mauritius and its possible implications in a global context (Amitava Chowdhury); Marronage and the politics of memory: fugitive slaves, interaction, and integration in nineteenth-century Kenya (Lydia Wilson Marshall); The Indian slave trade and Catawba history (Mary Elizabeth Fitts); Roman Columarium tombs and slave identities (Dorian Borbonus); Visible people, invisible slavery: plantation archaeology in East Africa (Sarah K. Croucher); A global perspective on maroon archaeology in Brazil (Lucio Menezes Ferreira); Fighting despair: challenges of a comparative, global framework for slavery studies (Christopher C. Fennell). [ASC Leiden abstract]
SN - 0-8093-3397-X
AV - AFRIKA 49066
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M1 - Fa;Ha;L1
M3 - 395055725
ER -
ID - 3398
T1 - The polemics of security intelligence in Botswana : real or imagined security threats?
A1 - Gwatiwa,Tshepo T.
Y1 - 2015///
KW - Botswana
KW - intelligence services
KW - national security
SP - 39
EP - 54
JA - African Security Review: (2015), vol.24, no.1, p.39-54.
VL - 24
IS - 1
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - This article discusses the validity of national security threats in Botswana and whether they justified the creation of the Directorate of Intelligence and Security Services (DISS), which has been controversial since its formation. Since its inception in 2008, the DISS has been accused of many human rights violations and politicisation. Without fully deliberating on the basis for its creation, some discourses have focused on the politicised operations without relation to what the DISS is supposed to be doing. The author works under the assumption that debates should be shaped by whether it was necessary to create the DISS, and, if so, how we can shape and steer debates on its oversight, management, reform and operations. This article argues that despite the politicisation of the DISS, Botswana's national security threats are both real and imagined; and that domestic threats to national security have moved from the conceptual 'imagined' category to the 'real'. However, that in itself did not warrant the design and mandate of the DISS, and the article argues that it was external threats that really warranted the creation of a civilian intelligence agency. The article concludes that Botswana faces a plethora of external security threats - traditional and non-traditional - that warranted the creation and continuance of the DISS. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract]
AV - Elektronisch artikel
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M1 - Kc;D2
M3 - 391016660
L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10246029.2014.993667
ER -
ID - 3395
T1 - The role of Christian churches in political conflict in Lesotho
A1 - Letsie,Tlohang
Y1 - 2015///
KW - Church
KW - Church history
KW - Lesotho
KW - political conflicts
KW - political history
SP - 75
EP - 88
JA - African Security Review: (2015), vol.24, no.1, p.75-88.
VL - 24
IS - 1
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - This paper examines the role played by Christian churches in political conflict in Lesotho. It argues that Christianity has played changing roles in the conflict that has characterised Lesotho's politics since 1970. At first, the two largest Christian denominations - the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) and the Lesotho Evangelical Church (LEC) - were associated with the rival Basotho National Party and Basutoland Congress Party (and its offshoots) respectively. The differences between the two denominations trickled down and became a source or intensifier of political conflict. All this happened while the leadership of the two churches worked together, amid high mistrust, within the Christian Council of Lesotho. The political polarity between the 'Congress' and the 'Nationalist' streams subsided with the splits within the Congress parties and subsequent formation of new parties. On the other hand, mistrust between the leadership of the RCC and the LEC subsided following a change of leadership in the two churches, together with one in the Anglican Church of Lesotho in the first decade of the 21st century. Following these developments, there ceased to be a link between Christian denominations and political conflict in the country. The Christian churches have recently become the most reliable mediators in political conflict. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract]
AV - Elektronisch artikel
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M1 - Kd;B1;D2
M3 - 391016695
L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10246029.2014.993669
ER -
ID - 3396
T1 - Trans-border ethnic solidarity and citizenship conflicts in some West and Central African states
A1 - Onah,Emmanuel Ikechi
Y1 - 2015///
KW - boundaries
KW - Central Africa
KW - citizenship
KW - ethnic groups
KW - West Africa
SP - 63
EP - 74
JA - African Security Review: (2015), vol.24, no.1, p.63 -74.
VL - 24
IS - 1
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - This paper is a study of the phenomenon of trans-border ethnic relations and its impact on national integration and citizenship in the countries of West and Central Africa where trans-border ethnic groups exist. Despite the existence of many such groups in these regions, and the numerous problems associated with the continued relations among these groups across their countries of abode, the phenomenon has not been seriously studied, especially as it concerns the identification of members of such groups and how they are viewed by members of other ethnic groups, as citizens of one country or the other. This paper notes that trans-border ethnic solidarity ordinarily presents the relevant African states with two possibilities, namely: enormous benefits accruing from regional integration and cooperation among states harbouring fractions of trans-border ethnic groups; or, debilitating conflicts within and between these states. It is the reality of the latter possibility that this paper examines. The states and the international system are often incapable of containing this phenomenon of trans-border ethnic solidarity and usually respond in hostile ways, ultimately manifesting in citizenship problems. The study shows, however, that what is needed is not conflict but cooperation - within and between states having fractions of a trans-border ethnic group, and within the international system, for the enhancement of national citizenship and development in West and Central Africa. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract]
AV - Elektronisch artikel
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M1 - Fa;Ga;D1
M3 - 391016687
L3 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10246029.2014.995192
ER -
ID - 3406
T1 - Accounting for violence in Eastern Congo : young people's narratives of war and peace in North and South Kivu
A1 - Bentrovato,Denise
Y1 - 2014///
KW - attitudes
KW - civil wars
KW - conflict resolution
KW - Democratic Republic of Congo
KW - images
KW - students
KW - violence
KW - youth
SP - 9
EP - 35
JA - African Journal on Conflict Resolution: (2014), vol.14, no.1, p.9-35 : tab.
VL - 14
IS - 1
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - In the last two decades, wars and mass violence have marked much of the life of ordinary people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In its eastern provinces of North and South Kivu, an entire generation has grown up knowing little else than conflict and deprivation. This article intends to give a voice to young Congolese in this troubled region in the heart of Africa. The article is based on the results of a survey that was conducted at the end of 2009 among nearly one thousand students. It examines the way young people in the Kivu make sense of the prevalence of violence in their home-provinces and the solutions they envision for a peaceful future. In its analysis, the article exposes a predominant role of 'the Rwandese' in Congolese narratives of war and peace. Influenced by fresh memories of war, various respondents exhibited Manichean views and deep-seated feelings of resentment towards those who were deemed responsible for the Congo's recent suffering. This article argues that, unless such understandings and sentiments are acknowledged and addressed, the risk of further escalation of conflict will continue to loom on the horizon. Educational and cultural programmes targeting the youth and their views of 'the other' are here proposed as a promising peacebuilding measure that should complement existing efforts to promote stability in the region. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract]
AV - AFRIKA article
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M1 - Gj;D2
M3 - 396804098
L3 - http://www.accord.org.za/images/downloads/ajcr/ACCORD-ajcr-2014-1/AJCR_ vol14_1-Accounting_for_violence_in_Eastern_Congo.pdf
ER -
ID - 3424
T1 - Arts et cultures d'Afrique : vers une anthropologie solidaire
A1 - Blin,Odile
Y1 - 2014///
N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 213-220
KW - Africa
KW - art history
KW - arts
KW - festivals
KW - marketing
EP - 227
CY - Mont-Saint-Aignan
PB - Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
T3 - Collection "Arts dans la mondialisation
N2 - Il s'avŠre difficile aujourd'hui de cerner les contours d'une cr‚ation plastique et d'une culture africaine, dont le contexte, celui de la mondialisation des ‚changes, ne cesse d'‚voluer: ‚volutions esth‚tiques, ‚volution des march‚s culturels pris dans un main stream technologique domin‚ par les produits anglo-saxons, ‚volution des relations politiques entre le Nord et le Sud. Les arts, les produits culturels et les r‚flexions sur les arts d'Afrique constituent le cur de cet ouvrage. Dans la premiŠre partie de l'ouvrage, la notion d'"anthropologie solidaire" est mise … l'‚tude. Dans la deuxiŠme partie, on examine les lieux et les moments o— se construit la valeur des uvres: grandes expositions internationales produites par l'institution, festivals et march‚s de l'art internationaux. Des formes de domination esth‚tique, d'acculturation, d'appropriation de r‚sistance ou d'autonomisation culturelle y sont observ‚es. Dans la derniŠre partie, la th‚matique du m‚tissage est envisag‚e de diff‚rentes fa‡ons afin de donner un ‚tat de l'art africaine. Table des matiŠres: Arts et cultures d'Afrique: cet ind‚finissable objet de la recherche. Chapitre 1 Contextes nord-sud: Pour une anthropologie solidaire (G‚rald Orange); Langue et diversit‚ culturelle sur le cyberespace: vers une approche ‚thique (Alain Kiyindou); Entre civilisation de l'universel et afropolitanisme: les arts d'Afrique (Myriam-Odile Blin). Chapitre II: Institutions, festivals et march‚s: Les grandes expositions et la place des artistes d'Afrique (Jacques Leenhardt); R‚sonances et oublis des festivals fondateurs des scŠnes artistiques africaines postcoloniales (loi Ficquet et C‚dric Vincent); La commercialisation des produits culturels issus de la contrefa‡on au Maroc (Abdelfettah Benchenna); Le march‚ des arts traditionnels d'Afrique noire (Estelle Fossey). Chapitre III: Variations sur le m‚tissage: Herv‚ Yamguen, Herv‚ Youmbi ou les masques rebelles (Dominique Malaquais); Arts m‚tis: l'exemple de la danse et du cirque contemporains (Betty Mercier-LefŠvre); Le problŠme de l'origine et de l'invention des arts de l'Afrique noire: r‚flexions sur une universalit‚ des cultures. [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden]
SN - 2-87775-578-9
AV - AFRIKA 48984
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M1 - Ba;K3
M3 - 394148606
ER -
ID - 3418
T1 - As rela‡äes externas de Cabo Verde : (re)leituras contemporƒneas
A1 - Delgado,Jos‚ Pina
A1 - Varela,Odair Barros
A1 - Costa,Suzano
Y1 - 2014///
N1 - Partially based on conference held in April 2011
Met noten, samenvatting in Portugees en Engels
KW - Cape Verde
KW - economic development
KW - foreign policy
KW - international economic relations
KW - political economy
KW - State recognition
EP - 584
CY - Praia
PB - Edi‡äes ISCJS
U2 - w41
SN - 989-204419-3
AV - AFRIKA 49235
Y2 - 2015/09/10/
M3 - 396565670
ER -
ID - 3407
T1 - Boko Haram : innovations guerriŠres depuis les monts Mandara : cosaquerie motoris‚e et islamisation forc‚e
A1 - Seignobos,Christian
Y1 - 2014///
KW - Cameroon
KW - Islamic movements
KW - Islamization
KW - Nigeria
KW - terrorism
SP - 149
EP - 169
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - MaŒtre de la brousse, assi‚geant et terrifiant les villes, Boko Haram s'implante inexorablement et par-dessus les frontiŠres nationales dans toute l'aire d'extension du royaume du Bornou. La prise des monts Mandara sur la frontiŠre du Cameroun en 2014 offre … la 'secte' un sanctuaire de repli. Les populations montagnardes voient dans Boko Haram le retour des razzias pr‚coloniales et la reprise d'anciennes rivalit‚s. L'embrigadement au service de Boko Haram passe par une islamisation … outrance. Toutes les communaut‚s sont somm‚es de choisir pour ou contre ce nouvel ordre islamique plongeant nombre de r‚gions dans un climat de guerre civile. Bibliogr., notes, r‚s. en fran‡ais et en anglais (p. 219). [R‚sum‚ extrait de la revue]
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M1 - Fn;Gc;D2
M3 - 396801382
ER -
ID - 3420
T1 - Ceux de la nuit : les sorciers tenda au S‚n‚gal occidental
A1 - Ferry,Marie Paule
Y1 - 2014///
N1 - Bibliogr.: p 67-69
KW - Bedik
KW - popular beliefs
KW - Senegal
KW - Tenda
KW - witchcraft
EP - 75
CY - Nanterre
PB - Soci‚t‚ d'ethnologie
U2 - w41
T3 - Anthropologie de la nuit ; 4
SN - 2-365-19003-0 pbk
AV - AFRIKA 49008
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 394585771
ER -
ID - 3436
T1 - Changing space, changing city : Johannesburg after Apartheid
A1 - Harrison,Philip
A1 - Gotz,Graeme
A1 - Todes,Alison
A1 - Wray,Chris
Y1 - 2014///
N1 - Includes references, index and notes
KW - neighbourhoods
KW - South Africa
KW - towns
KW - urban planning
KW - urban sociology
EP - VII, 590
CY - Johannesburg
PB - Wits University Press
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - As the dynamo of South Africa's economy, Johannesburg commands a central position in the nation's imagination, and scholars throughout the world monitor the city as an exemplar of urbanity in the global South. This study offers detailed empirical analyses of changes in the city's physical space, as well as chapters on the character of specific neighborhoods and the social identities being forged within them. Informing all of these is a consideration of underlying economic, social, and political processes shaping the wider Gauteng region. The book offers overviews of the rapid and complex spatial developments that have taken place in Johannesburg since the end of apartheid, along with glimpses into life on the streets and behind the walls of the city. The book has three sections. Section A provides an overview of macro spatial trends and the policies that have influenced them. Issues addressed include poverty and inequality, changes in the natural landscape, informal settlements, urban housing, gated communities, and transport. Section B explores the shaping of the city at district and suburban level, revealing the peculiarity of processes in different areas, including Yeoville, Bertrams, Soweto, Kliptown, Alexandra, and Sandton Central. This analysis elucidates the larger trends, while identifying shifts that are not easily detected at the macro level. Section C is an assembly of chapters and short vignettes that focus on the interweaving of place and identity at a micro level. Subjects include Islam, the Central Methodist Church, the Ethiopian quarter, Chinese spaces, Somali immigrants, street traders, waste pickers, and responses to crime. [ASC Leiden abstract]
SN - 978-1-86814-765-6
AV - AFRIKA 49010
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M1 - Kf;C5
M3 - 392204460
ER -
ID - 3430
T1 - Contes, comptines et berceuses du Congo-Brazzaville : d'hier et d'aujourd'hui
A1 - Diangouaya,Chrysogone
A1 - Mabiala,Jorus
Y1 - 2014///
KW - Congo (Brazzaville)
KW - oral literature (form)
KW - oral poetry (form)
EP - 105
CY - Chƒtenay-Malabry
PB - Acoria
U2 - w41
SN - 2-355-72111-4 pbk
AV - AFRIKA 49100
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 393618463
ER -
ID - 3413
T1 - Discussing the Igbo language on the Igbo Internet radio : explicating ethnolinguistic vitality
A1 - Onuzulike,Uchenna
Y1 - 2014///
KW - diasporas
KW - ethnic identity
KW - Igbo language
KW - Nigeria
KW - radio
SP - 285
EP - 298
JA - Journal of African Media Studies: (2014), vol.6, no.3, p.285-298.
VL - 6
IS - 3
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - There is a growing concern about the decline and possible extinction of the Igbo language. The Igbo are primarily located in the south-eastern part of Nigeria. This study analyses four interviews on Igbo Radio, an Igbo Internet radio station, to ascertain how Internet radio is being utilized in discussing the decline of the Igbo language. Three themes are identified: (1) decline and challenges of the Igbo language, (2) second-generation immigrants and the Igbo language, and (3) sustaining the Igbo language. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract]
AV - AFRIKA article
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M1 - Fn;A4;K1
M3 - 396608884
L3 - http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/intellect/jams/2014/00000006/ 00000003/art00004
ER -
ID - 3408
T1 - Dossier : les nouveaux christianismes en Afrique
A1 - V‚ron,Jean Bernard
Y1 - 2014///
KW - Africa
KW - African Independent Churches
KW - Benin
KW - C“te d'Ivoire
KW - Democratic Republic of Congo
KW - Pentecostalism
KW - religious movements
KW - South Sudan
SP - 13
EP - 146
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - Ce num‚ro d'Afrique contemporaine, construit autour d'un dossier de six articles et de sept 'repŠres', analyse les nouveaux christianismes en Afrique subsaharienne. S'appuyant sur plusieurs modŠles d'approches scientifiques, ainsi que sur des enquˆtes de terrain au B‚nin, en C“te d'Ivoire, au Congo, au Cameroun, en R‚publique d‚mocratique du Congo, en thiopie et au Sud-Soudan, le dossier met en relief le d‚veloppement, que l'on pourrait qualifier d'exub‚rant, de mouvements religieux de nature trŠs diverse. Certes, l'‚vang‚lisme et le pentec“tisme y tiennent la plus grande place, mais les 'vieilles' religions que sont le catholicisme et le protestantisme, arriv‚es aux temps de la p‚n‚tration europ‚enne sur le continent, sont loin d'avoir disparu, et les mouvements de type proph‚tique ou gu‚risseur se sont taill‚s une part non n‚gligeable dans cette riche palette des croyances. Contributions: Les nouveaux christianismes en Afrique: introduction th‚matique (S‚bastien Fath, C‚dric Mayrargue), Croisade de Franklin Graham au Soudan du Sud : impacts et limites de l'offre ‚vang‚lique am‚ricaine (S‚bastien Fath); La pentec“tisation du protestantisme … Kinshasa (S‚bastien Kalombo Kapuku); Apocalypse patriotique en C“te dIvoire: le pentec“tisme de la d‚mesure (Marie Miran-Guyon); Les christianismes contemporains au B‚nin au d‚fi de la pluralisation: dynamiques d'expansion et porosit‚ religieuse (C‚dric Mayrargue); Innovation religieuse et esth‚tique proph‚tique au Congo: l'‚mergence du mouvement Louzolo-Amour (Bernard Coyault). RepŠres: Le temps long de la christianisation en Afrique (Jean-Fran‡ois Zorn); Itin‚rance pros‚lyte, territoires circulatoires et ‚conomie religieuse: pour une ethnographie de la circulation des pasteurs (Sarah Demart); glises africaines … l'affiche … Paris: approche quantitative d'une imagerie religieuse (Baptiste Coulmont); Mouvement charismatique et pentec“tisme en thiopie: une progression fulgurante? (Serge Dewel); Megachurches et 'glises portatives' au Cameroun: un trait commun : une lutte anti-sorcellaire farouche (Sariette Batibonak); Les glises de r‚veil au Congo-Brazzaville: entre nationalisme et religiosit‚ (Jean-Pierre Bat). Bibliogr., notes, r‚s. [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden]
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M1 - Ba;B1
M3 - 396797628
ER -
ID - 3402
T1 - Ethiopian customary dispute resolution mechanisms : forms of restorative justice?
A1 - Enyew,Endalew Lijalem
Y1 - 2014///
KW - arbitration
KW - conflict resolution
KW - customary law
KW - Ethiopia
SP - 125
EP - 154
JA - African Journal on Conflict Resolution: (2014), vol.14, no.1, p.125-154.
VL - 14
IS - 1
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - The customary dispute resolution mechanisms of Ethiopia are playing an important role in resolving crimes of any kind and maintaining peace and stability in the community though they are not recognised by law and not properly organised. The customary dispute resolution mechanisms are run by elders; involve reconciliation of the conflicting parties and their respective families using different customary rituals where needed; emphasise the restitution of victims and reintegration of offenders; and aim at restoring the previous peaceful relationship within the community as well as maintaining their future peaceful relationships by avoiding the culturally accepted practices of revenge. However, despite the fact that Ethiopia's indigenous knowledge base of customary justice practice has the enormous advantage of implementing the ideals of restorative justice, restorative justice has not yet taken root in the criminal justice system of Ethiopia. This article examines the legal, de jure, and factual, de facto, jurisdictions of Ethiopian customary dispute resolution mechanisms in resolving criminal matters, and explores whether they are compatible with the core values and principles of restorative justice. Based on the analysis of the relevant legislations, literature in restorative justice and customary dispute resolution mechanisms, and interviews, it is found that Ethiopian customary dispute resolution mechanisms are compatible with the values and principles of restorative justice. Hence, it is argued that the customary mechanisms of Ethiopia can be used as a basis to develop restorative justice programmes if they are properly institutionalised and sufficient legal recognition is provided for their functioning. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract]
AV - AFRIKA article
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M1 - Dd;F3
M3 - 396812856
L3 - http://www.accord.org.za/images/downloads/ajcr/ACCORD-ajcr-2014-1/AJCR_ vol14_1-Ethiopian_customary_dispute_resolution_mechanisms.pdf
ER -
ID - 3434
T1 - FiliŠres laitiŠres et d‚veloppement de l'‚levage en Afrique de l'Ouest : l'essor des minilaiteries
A1 - Corniaux,Christian
A1 - Duteurtre,Guillaume
A1 - Broutin,C‚cile
Y1 - 2014///
N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [229]-242
KW - Burkina Faso
KW - dairy industry
KW - Mali
KW - milk
KW - Niger
KW - Senegal
KW - small enterprises
KW - West Africa
EP - VI, 242
CY - Paris
PB - Karthala
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
T3 - Hommes et soci‚t‚s
N2 - En Afrique de l'Ouest, de grandes laiteries se sont implant‚es dans les capitales, mais sans investir de maniŠre ambitieuse dans la collecte de lait local, et en utilisant surtout du lait en poudre import‚. Pourtant, … c“t‚ de ces grandes industries, de nombreuses laiteries de petite taille s'appuient sur la collecte du lait local. En raison des nouveaux d‚bouch‚s qu'elles repr‚sentent, ces minilaiteries ont ‚t‚ promues … partir de la fin des ann‚es 1990 par de nombreux projets de d‚veloppements de l'‚levage. Qu'en est-il aujourd'hui de ces petites entreprises laitiŠres ? Sont-elles condamn‚es … disparaŒtre face … la concurrence des grandes firmes internationales? Ou bien participent-elles au contraire … l'essor d'une agroindustrie rurale cr‚atrice d'emplois, voire d'un nouvel "entrepreneurial social" ? L'analyse pr‚sent‚e dans cet ouvrage se concentre dans les quatre pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest ou les minilaiteries sont le plus implant‚es: le Burkina Faso, le Mali, le Niger et le S‚n‚gal. L'ouvrage s'organise en trois chapitres. Le premier d‚crit le laitier ouest-africain, resitue les conditions d'‚mergence des petites entreprises laitiŠre et propose une d‚finition des minilaiteries. Le second chapitre analyse leur diversit‚, leur impact et met en lumiŠre les facteurs d‚terminants de leur viabilit‚. Enfin, le troisiŠme chapitre ouvre la r‚flexion sur les modŠles de d‚veloppement laitier qu'elles repr‚sentent. Il s'attarde notamment sur la voie du 'social business'. Un cahier de vingt ‚tudes de cas, sur lesquelles s'appuient les analyses, complŠte l'ouvrage. [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden]
SN - 2-8111-1347-9 pbk
AV - AFRIKA 48673
Y2 - 2015/09/10/
M1 - Fa;E6
M3 - 392434385
ER -
ID - 3412
T1 - How far does Twitter deepen democracy through public engagement? : an analysis of journalists' use of Twitter in the Johannesburg newsroom
A1 - Daniels,Glenda
Y1 - 2014///
KW - democracy
KW - journalism
KW - social media
KW - South Africa
SP - 299
EP - 311
JA - Journal of African Media Studies: (2014), vol.6, no.3, p.299-311 : fig.
VL - 6
IS - 3
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - The use of social media, mainly Twitter, in the Johannesburg newsroom presents an opportunity for the opening up of media spaces to public engagement, thereby deepening democracy. This article, framed through radical democratic theory, is a scrutiny of journalists' use of Twitter. The author uses a content analysis of Twitter feeds, discourse analysis, as well as interviews with journalists and editors to reach some reflective insights. The issues include the following: there is much 'noise' about, and within, Twitter in the newsroom but does this robust public engagement engage more voices, and therefore diversity, into the public sphere of journalism? Or could the world of Twitter in the newsroom, at this present moment, exist as a mainly consensus seeking one, that of the like-minded merely re-affirming each other's views? The argument here, which is open for debate, is that Twitter presents an opportunity to deepen democracy, but at this moment it is limited, as the data gathered from newsrooms in Johannesburg show. Bibliogr., notes, sum. [Journal abstract]
AV - AFRIKA article
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M1 - A4;Kf
M3 - 39661048X
L3 - http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/intellect/jams/2014/00000006/ 00000003/art00005
ER -
ID - 3419
T1 - L'Afrique en partage
A1 - Kibiswa,Jason
A1 - Al'Mata
A1 - Odia
A1 - Sonon,Hector
A1 - Fons,T.T.
A1 - Cassiau-Haurie,Christophe
Y1 - 2014///
N1 - Exposition 'Formes et Paroles', Gor‚e, S‚n‚gal, 21 november 2014 - 29 mars 2015
Met noten
KW - Benin
KW - comic strips (form)
KW - Democratic Republic of Congo
KW - Senegal
KW - social life
EP - 103
CY - Paris [etc.]
PB - ditions Dapper [etc.]
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - Cet ouvrage regroupe cinq bandes dessin‚es de cinq auteurs diff‚rents, issus du B‚nin, de la R‚publique d‚mocratique du Congo et du S‚n‚gal. Ils ont en commun qu'ils ont mis en scŠne leur soci‚t‚ avec ses problŠmes et ses questionnements: comment s'affranchir du poids de l'histoire, que reste-t-il des valeurs traditionnelles dans un monde ouvert … la modernit‚? Cette publication est li‚e … l'exposition 'Formes et paroles', organis‚e par le Mus‚e Dapper … Gor‚e, S‚n‚gal, du 21 november 2014 - 29 mars 2015. Les cinq bandes dessin‚es sont suivi par une analyse de Christophe Cassiau-Haurie, qui situe chaque b‚d‚iste dans l'univers de la bande dessin‚e africaine, donnant ainsi un aper‡u de l'‚volution de ce moyen d'expression. [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden]
SN - 2-915258-39-2 pbk
AV - AFRIKA A12304
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M1 - Fa;K2
M3 - 395516889
ER -
ID - 3425
T1 - L'aventure des Surfs : souvenirs d'un groupe vocal malgache
A1 - Rabaraona,Rocky A.H.
Y1 - 2014///
KW - 1960-1969
KW - Madagascar
KW - musical groups
KW - popular music
EP - 283
CY - Paris
PB - L'Harmattan
U2 - w41
T3 - Graveurs de m‚moire. S‚rie R‚cits de vie/Arts du spectacle vivant
SN - 2-343-04756-1 pbk
AV - AFRIKA 49110
Y2 - 2015/08/10/
M3 - 393827445
ER -
ID - 3423
T1 - L'‚ducation du jeune s‚rŠre Niominka
A1 - Sarr,Mamadou Lamine
Y1 - 2014///
N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 187-189. - Met noten
KW - customs
KW - Senegal
KW - Serer
KW - traditional education
KW - traditions
EP - 193
CY - Paris
PB - L'Harmattan
U2 - w41
N2 - Itin‚raire du Niominka, S‚rŠre Kassinka -- La formation de l'ethnie Niominka -- La formation du jeune S‚rŠre Niominka -- O Mbuud -- Le Ndut s‚rŠre, en pays Niominka -- L'‚ducation des femmes -- Aspects religieux de l'‚ducation s‚rŠre -- Conclusion
SN - 2-296-99901-8 pbk
AV - AFRIKA 49152
Y2 - 2015/08/10/
M3 - 394150643
ER -
ID - 3415
T1 - L'tat et les matiŠres premiŠres … Madagascar : ‚l‚ments historiques sur le contr“le du commerce ext‚rieur par l'tat (XIXe-XXe s.)
A1 - Sanchez,Samuel F.
Y1 - 2014///
KW - economic history
KW - forest products
KW - international economic relations
KW - international trade
KW - Madagascar
SP - 157
EP - 166
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - La crise contemporaine de l'tat … Madagascar se manifeste par une instabilit‚ politique chronique, mais aussi par l'extension de la contrebande, en particulier des produits bruts (bois pr‚cieux, produits miniers). Les saisies r‚guliŠres, par exemple, de bois de rose dans le nord de Madagascar, d‚fraient r‚guliŠrement la chronique. L'exportation incontr“l‚e de ces produits, notamment des bois pr‚cieux (bois de rose, santal, ‚bŠne, palissandre), occasionne un consid‚rable manque … gagner pour les finances de l'tat malgache. Elle contribue aussi … la d‚gradation des forˆts primaires de la Grande ×le. Ce ph‚nomŠne peut paraŒtre nouveau, mais il n'en est rien. Ce court article ne se veut pas exhaustif, mais entend jeter quelques clefs de compr‚hension pour mieux cerner le rapport que les constructions ‚tatiques malgaches entretiennent avec le commerce international. Bibliogr., notes, r‚s. en fran‡ais et en anglais (p. 191). [R‚sum‚ extrait de la revue]
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M1 - Ld;E7
M3 - 396605176
ER -
ID - 3426
T1 - La protection internationale des droits de l'homme dans les situations de crise en Afrique : le droit … l'‚preuve des faits
A1 - Thiaw,Thiaca
Y1 - 2014///
N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 401-436. - Met noten
KW - human rights
KW - international criminal courts
KW - law of war
KW - offences against human rights
KW - peacekeeping operations
KW - Subsaharan Africa
EP - 441
CY - Paris
PB - L'Harmattan
U2 - w41
T3 - tudes africaines
SN - 2-296-99895-X
AV - AFRIKA 49092
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 393827321
ER -
ID - 3422
T1 - La Seconde Guerre mondiale v‚cue d'en bas au S‚n‚gal : historisation populaire et connexions individuelles
A1 - Tour‚,Abdoulaye
Y1 - 2014///
N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 289-302. - Met bijl., index, noten
KW - memory
KW - military history
KW - oral traditions
KW - Senegal
KW - World War II
EP - 316
CY - Dakar
PB - L'Harmattan S‚n‚gal
U2 - w41
T3 - Collection "La librairie universitaire". ThŠses & essais
SN - 2-296-99903-4
AV - AFRIKA 49141
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 39454899X
ER -
ID - 3421
T1 - Le d‚veloppement du lac Tchad : situation actuelle et futurs possibles = Development of Lake Chad : current situation and possible outcomes
A1 - Lemoalle,Jacques
A1 - Ngaressem,Goltob Mbaye
Y1 - 2014///
N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 95-97, p. 203-205. - Met bijl., samenvattingen in Frans en Engels
KW - Chad
KW - ecology
KW - hydrology
KW - lakes
KW - water resources
EP - 215
CY - Marseille
PB - IRD Editions
U2 - w41
T3 - Collection expertise coll‚giale
SN - 2-7099-1836-6
AV - AFRIKA 49006
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 394584619
ER -
ID - 3429
T1 - Le preux et le sage : l'‚pop‚e du Kayor et autres textes wolof
A1 - Diagne,Mamouss‚
A1 - Kesteloot,Lilyan
Y1 - 2014///
N1 - Texts in Wolof facing French translation
Met noten
Bevat: R‚cit de Ousseynou Mb‚gu‚r‚ -- La bataille de Guil‚ R‚cit d'Ousseynou Mb‚gu‚r‚ -- Makka R‚cit d'Ousseynou Mb‚gu‚r‚ -- Makka R‚cit de Saliou Mboup Mboul, 1966 -- · propos de Kothie Barma, Ndƒma Gosaas, Ibra Macina et le Cadi Madiakhat‚ Kala -- Xalaatu Kuli MBAY, nu di ko wax Saa Kajoor Ndar, ci weeru Me, 1977 -- Lu J'al Ci Mbirum Kocc Barma -- Lu jem ci Mbirum Ndaama Gosaas -- Lu jem ci Mbirum Ibra Maasina -- Lu jem ci Mbirum Xaali Majaxate Kala -- Le point de vue de Koli MBAYE dit Sƒ Kadior Saint-Louis, mai 1977 -- Sur Kothie Barma Fall -- Au sujet de Ndƒma Gossas -- Sur Ibra Macina -- Cadi Madiakhat‚ Kala -- Waxtaanu Samba Jaw ci Mbirum Kocc Barma Ndar, ci weeru Me, 1978 -- Kothie Barma vu par Samba Diaw Saint-Louis, mai 1978.
KW - Cayor polity
KW - epics (form)
KW - oral literature (form)
KW - Senegal
KW - Wolof
EP - 310
CY - Paris
PB - Orizons
U2 - w41
T3 - Cardinales
SN - 2-296-08881-3 pbk
AV - AFRIKA 49096
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 393618536
ER -
ID - 3433
T1 - Les fruits de la Hogra
A1 - Aalouach-Belkanichi,Hassna
Y1 - 2014///
N1 - Op omslag: La premiŠre marche de la R‚volution tunisienne 2010-11
KW - novels (form)
KW - revolutions
KW - Tunisia
KW - youth
EP - 140
CY - Paris
PB - Orizons
U2 - w41
T3 - T‚moins-t‚moignages
SN - 2-336-29862-7 (pbk) : 15,00 EUR
AV - AFRIKA Lit.10036
Y2 - 2015/09/10/
M3 - 393545563
ER -
ID - 3438
T1 - Les migrants et l'investissement en Afrique
A1 - Sumata,Claude
Y1 - 2014///
N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 181-193. - Met bijl., noten
KW - economic development
KW - emigrants
KW - entrepreneurs
KW - foreign investments
KW - French-speaking Africa
KW - remittances
EP - 200
CY - Paris
PB - L'Harmattan
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
T3 - Soci‚t‚s africaines et diaspora
N2 - La problematique de la migration internationale et du d‚veloppement constitue un sujet d'actualit‚, du fait de l'acc‚l‚ration des flux migratoires du Sud vers le Nord et des volumes importants des ressources financiŠres transf‚r‚s par les migrants. Cependant, les allusions a l'Afrique subsaharienne francophone en tant qu'espace socioeconomique homogŠne sont rares. II est opportun de consid‚rer les apports positifs de la migration dans le cadre de l'acquisition des aptitudes entrepreneuriales et manag‚riales. Au-del… des transferts des fonds, des ‚quipements et des connaissances, l'analyse du ph‚nomŠne sous l'angle de l'entrepreneuriat et de l'investissement constitue une initiative louable. L'image negative de l'immigration est battue en brŠche car les migrants constituent d‚sormais des agents de co-developpement. Ils peuvent accumuler des ressources dont l'apport pour leurs pays d'origine demeure consid‚rable. Cette r‚flexion est en phase avec les derniŠres options des partenaires au d‚veloppement sur la n‚cessit‚ d'int‚grer les transferts des migrants dans les programmes de d‚veloppement. L'analyse des initiatives entrepreneuriales des migrants au niveau de leurs pays d'origine permet de voir dans quelle mesure ces interventions peuvent stimuler les activites ‚conomiques et r‚duire la pauvret‚. [R‚sum‚ extrait de l'ouvrage]
SN - 2-343-02921-0 pbk
AV - AFRIKA 48561
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M1 - Ea;C6;E2
M3 - 386038848
ER -
ID - 3411
T1 - Linking normative theory to media policy-making : a case study of Kenya
A1 - Ugangu,Wilson
A1 - Fourie,Pieter
Y1 - 2014///
KW - globalization
KW - media policy
SP - 265
EP - 283
JA - Journal of African Media Studies: (2014), vol.6, no.3, p.265-283.
VL - 6
IS - 3
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - The media landscape in Kenya has transformed considerably in the period starting in the early part of the 1990s. This change is largely attributed to liberalization of the social-economic and political context. This period has at the same time seen various efforts by the government and its agencies to control and regulate the media landscape. The electronic media sector has been the most affected, with laws being proposed and passed by parliament to enable greater control by government of the expanding communication sector. However, these efforts have always been met with opposition from owners of media institutions in the country, academics and civil society. It is against this backdrop of change and transformation that this article seeks to argue the role of normative media theory in shaping and guiding the policy debate in Kenya. This is done against the background of acknowledging the general flux that characterizes normative media theory in a postmodern, globalized and new media landscape such as Kenya's. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract]
AV - AFRIKA article
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M1 - Hc;A4
M3 - 396612938
L3 - http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/intellect/jams/2014/00000006/ 00000003/art00003
ER -
ID - 3405
T1 - Mozambique's peace decades since the end of the conflict : inclusive or managed democracy?
A1 - Phiri,Madalitso Zililo
A1 - Macheve_(jr.),Antonio
Y1 - 2014///
KW - 1990-1999
KW - 2000-2009
KW - corruption
KW - democracy
KW - democratization
KW - Mozambique
KW - political conditions
SP - 37
EP - 62
JA - African Journal on Conflict Resolution: (2014), vol.14, no.1, p.37-62 : graf.
VL - 14
IS - 1
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - The article analyses Mozambique's post-conflict democratisation and argues that Mozambique has become a 'managed democracy' in the new period. Mozambique is viewed by the donor community and multilateral institutions, such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, as a success story of post-war reconstruction and used as a model to be emulated. The article traces the trajectory of democratisation under the auspices of a liberal peace theoretical framework which was agreed upon in the General Peace Agreement ending the conflict in 1992. Secondary quantitative data were made available from leading International Organisations such as the World Bank and the Mo Ibrahim Governance Index. The article found that, despite Mozambique's commitments to build an inclusive democracy, corruption unmasks Mozambique's success story. The authors conclude that democratic consolidation has been accompanied by extractive political and economic institutions leading to a disgruntled citizenry. The country's peace agreement remains fragile, and faces the reality that political stability has not been accompanied by social justice, equity and deepening democratisation. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract]
AV - AFRIKA article
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M1 - Jb;D2
M3 - 396806414
L3 - http://www.accord.org.za/images/downloads/ajcr/ACCORD-ajcr-2014-1/AJCR_ vol14_1-Mozambique_peace_decades_since_the_end_of_the_conflict.pdf
ER -
ID - 3432
T1 - N‚gocier la d‚mocratie en Afrique : l'exemple du B‚nin
A1 - Hinnou,Patrick
Y1 - 2014///
N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 409-451. - Met bijl., noten
KW - Benin
KW - civil society
KW - decentralization
KW - democratization
KW - local government
EP - 464
CY - Paris
PB - L'Harmattan
U2 - w41
T3 - tudes africaines
SN - 2-343-03297-1 pbk
AV - AFRIKA 49098
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 39358481X
ER -
ID - 3404
T1 - Nigeria united in grief; divided in response : religious terrorism, Boko Haram, and the dynamics of state response
A1 - Agbiboa,Daniel E.
A1 - Maiangwa,Benjamin
Y1 - 2014///
KW - Islamic movements
KW - Nigeria
KW - State
KW - terrorism
SP - 63
EP - 97
JA - African Journal on Conflict Resolution: (2014), vol.14, no.1, p.63-97 : graf., tab.
VL - 14
IS - 1
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - This article critically examines the current developments regarding the religious terrorism of Boko Haram, an extremist Islamist group, which operates largely in the north-east states of Nigeria. Boko Haram's avowed aim is to wrest control from the Nigerian government and to impose a strict form of Sharia law across a country of about 170 million people. Since 2009, when Boko Haram first launched its Islamic insurgency, over 5 000 Nigerians have lost their lives in bombings and shootings carried out by the group. In addition to a brief discussion of the emergence, demands, ideology and external links of Boko Haram, the article focuses analytic attention on how the Nigerian state has responded to the menacing threat of the group. This is followed by a critical engagement with the current debate in Nigeria regarding what can be said for and against negotiating with Boko Haram members, and for or against fighting them. In conclusion, the article offers some fresh and multifaceted recommendations on how to effectively address the Boko Haram impasse. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract]
AV - AFRIKA article
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M1 - Fn;D2
M3 - 396808891
L3 - http://www.accord.org.za/images/downloads/ajcr/ACCORD-ajcr-2014-1/AJCR_ vol14_1-Religious_terrorism_Boko_Haram.pdf
ER -
ID - 3431
T1 - Papa Wemba : la voix de la musique congolaise moderne : contribution et odyss‚e
A1 - Etou Nianga,Anicet
Y1 - 2014///
N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 265-[268]. - Discogr.: p. 259-[264]. - Met noten
KW - biographies (form)
KW - Democratic Republic of Congo
KW - musicians
KW - popular music
EP - 269
CY - Paris
PB - L'Harmattan
U2 - w41
T3 - Culture africaine. S‚rie tudes musicales
SN - 2-343-03074-X pbk
AV - AFRIKA 49095
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 393584852
ER -
ID - 3403
T1 - Popular dispute resolution mechanisms in Ethiopia : trends, opportunities, challenges and prospects
A1 - Bahta,Gebreyesus Teklu
Y1 - 2014///
KW - arbitration
KW - conflict resolution
KW - Ethiopia
KW - judicial system
SP - 99
EP - 123
JA - African Journal on Conflict Resolution: (2014), vol.14, no.1, p.99-123.
VL - 14
IS - 1
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - This article finds that high-ranking officials within the judiciary and executive, heads of some organisations, and certain researchers have acclaimed the harmonisation and application of the Popular Dispute Resolution Mechanisms (PDRMs) in Ethiopia's justice system. To this effect, they have sponsored national and regional forums, conferences and workshops; established research institutions and centres as well as sponsored scholars who conduct research on this initiative. The positive attitude of these stakeholders towards PDRMs, the multiplicity and diversity of PDRMs, as well as the support of various institutions to such initiatives are considered to be good opportunities for the harmonisation and application of these practices in the country's justice system. On the other hand, the absence of clear laws and policies related to the legitimacy of the informal justice systems, the level of administration to which they should be accountable, their interconnection with the formal courts and other state structures, the scope of application of their jurisdiction and their financial transactions are found to be serious challenges that demand immediate attention. Some of the hitherto existing research works are found to be scattered, poorly cross-referenced and out-of-the-reach of researchers and readers; while others are shallow in their investigative depth and limited in thematic and geographical coverage. In order to address these challenges and dilemmas, the article recommends the establishment of a new regulatory organ at macro level that has the capability and legitimacy to adapt and harmonise PDRMs in ways that can preserve the traditional African indigenous values and at the same time respect international human rights convention. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract]
AV - AFRIKA article
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M1 - Dd;F1
M3 - 396810470
L3 - http://www.accord.org.za/images/downloads/ajcr/ACCORD-ajcr-2014-1/AJCR_ vol14_1-Popular_dispute_resolution_mechanisms_in_Ethiopia.pdf
ER -
ID - 3437
T1 - Population studies : key issues and contemporary trends in Ghana
A1 - Codjoe,Samuel Nii Ardey
A1 - Badasu,Delali Margaret
A1 - Kwankye,Stephen Owusu
Y1 - 2014///
N1 - Met bibliogr., index
KW - demography
KW - Ghana
KW - migration
KW - population
KW - reproductive health
KW - sanitation
EP - X, 278
CY - Legon-Accra
PB - Sub-Saharan Publishers
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
T3 - Social science series ; 5
N2 - The scope of Population Studies as a discipline has expanded beyond its traditional focus on the three components of population and their dynamics, fertility, mortality and migration. It encompasses broader themes, including reproductive health and rights, gender and other social and cultural dimensions. Population is central to development and its integration into the development planning of every country is critical. This edited volume of the University of Ghana Readers by the Regional Institute for Population Studies (RIPS) provides multi-disciplinary perspectives on the multi-faceted nature of population studies today. It also has material on demographic research methods and provides tools for building the research capacity of academics and technocrats who are interested in population-driven interventions, advocacy and policy. Contents: Foreword (Ernest Aryeetey); Overview (Stephen Owusu Kwankye, Samuel Gaisie, Samuel Nii Ardey Codjoe and Delali Margaret Badasu); Fertility transition in Ghana: looking back and looking forward (Samuel Agyei-Mensah); Mortality levels and trends (Samuel K. Gaisie); Anthropological Perspectives on migration in Africa (John K. Anarfi); Population movement and the AIDS epidemic in Africa (John K. Anarfi); Epidemiological transition and the double burden of disease in Accra, Ghana (Samuel Agyei-Mensah and Ama de-Graft Aikins); Socio-demographic and economic correlates of household source of drinking water in Ghana, 1993-2008 (Samuel Nii Ardey Codjoe, Henry Tagoe, John Anaman and Fidelia Dake); Population, water, sanitation and health (Samuel K. Gaisie and P. Gyawu-Boakye); Development practice and the production of the Ghanaian urban system (Samuel Nii Ardey Codjoe and Ian E.A. Yeboah); Adolescent reproductive health (Stephen Owusu Kwankye, Joyce A. Amedoe and Eric Cash-Abbey); Social reproduction in Ghana: transition and emerging issues for policy consideration (Delali Margaret Badasu); Population policy (Stephen Owusu Kwankye and Esther Cofie); Methods in population studies (Naa Dodua Dodoo, Adriana A.E. Biney and Mumuni Abu). [ASC Leiden abstract]
SN - 9988-64774-3
AV - AFRIKA 48483
Y2 - 2015/07/10/
M1 - Ff;C7
M3 - 390695785
ER -
ID - 3401
T1 - Relevance of the law of international organisations in resolving international disputes : a review of the AU/ICC impasse
A1 - Nmaju,Mba Chidi
Y1 - 2014///
KW - Africa
KW - African Union
KW - arrest
KW - heads of State
KW - international conflicts
KW - International Criminal Court
SP - 155
EP - 185
JA - African Journal on Conflict Resolution: (2014), vol.14, no.1, p.155-185.
VL - 14
IS - 1
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - The paper examines the legal nature of the dispute between the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the African Union (AU), and observes that the core issue revolves around the arrest warrant issued by the Court for Sudanese President Al-Bashir. Therefore, it locates this to be within a legal rather than political impasse. The paper argues that the general rules of the law of international organisations may provide the key to resolving the impasse. And that accordingly, the general principles of the regime of international law point to the interpretation of the provisions of the constitutions of the two international organisations to identify the extent to which they were empowered to make the decisions that resulted in the dispute. The provisions of the Rome Statute on immunity are identified as providing the key to the resolution. Therefore the interpretation of the Statute on the immunity of certain state officials is important. The paper argues that accordingly the ICC should change its approach to the arrest of certain officials in order to prevent facilitating the violation of the customary principles of diplomatic immunity in international law which should have also been codified in treaties. Such an interpretation of the Rome Statute would indicate that states should exercise caution in arresting a sitting Head of State such as Sudanese President Al-Bashir until such a time that he leaves office or that Sudan waives his immunity. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract]
AV - AFRIKA article
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M1 - Ba;F2
M3 - 396815073
L3 - http://www.accord.org.za/images/downloads/ajcr/ACCORD-ajcr-2014-1/AJCR_ vol14_1-law_of_international_organisations_in_resolving_international_ disputes.pdf
ER -
ID - 3428
T1 - Review of REDD+ and carbon-forestry projects in RFGI countries
A1 - Mutasa,Mukundi
Y1 - 2014///
KW - Africa
KW - Burkina Faso
KW - deforestation
KW - environmental degradation
KW - environmental management
KW - forest management
KW - Ghana
KW - Mozambique
KW - popular participation
KW - Uganda
CY - Dakar
U1 - Free access.
U2 - w41
T3 - Responsive Forest Governance Initiative (RFGI), Working paper ; 2
SN - 978-2-86978-591-5
AV - Elektronisch document
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M3 - 393813886
L3 - http://www.codesria.org/spip.php?article2322&lang=en
ER -
ID - 3427
T1 - Social protection in REDD+ initiatives : a review
A1 - Rutt,Rebecca L.
Y1 - 2014///
KW - Africa
KW - environmental degradation
KW - forest management
KW - forest policy
KW - popular participation
KW - social security
KW - world
CY - Dakar
U1 - Free access.
U2 - w41
T3 - Responsive Forest Governance Initiative (RFGI), Working paper ; 3
SN - 978-2-86978-593-9
AV - Elektronisch document
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M3 - 393814114
L3 - http://www.codesria.org/spip.php?article2322&lang=en
ER -
ID - 3409
T1 - Staging the body and space in television : Jozi H as a case in point
A1 - Swanepoel,J.H.
Y1 - 2014///
KW - body
KW - hospitals
KW - South Africa
KW - television
SP - 313
EP - 326
JA - Journal of African Media Studies: (2014), vol.6, no.3, p.313-326 : foto's.
VL - 6
IS - 3
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - The medical drama series is uniquely positioned to draw together a technology of care as well as a technology of representation. It becomes the nexus where the series' plot with its dramatic elements and the medium, namely, television, used to represent the narrative, converge. The human body forms the foundation of all television's narrative. In relation to this, the nature of healing as something that concerns the body as a corporeal and social entity recuperating within a given time frame and within a particular space emerges. The continuity that television lends to the movement and flow of bodies further provides authenticity to the representation of the (healing) human body, a constituent part of the larger body politic itself. This article provides a theoretical and practical exploration by exploring the credits sequence of a South African Canadian medical drama series, Jozi H (2007), set in metropolitan Johannesburg. Bibliogr., notes, sum. [Journal abstract]
AV - AFRIKA article
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M1 - Kf;A4
M3 - 396702589
L3 - http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/intellect/jams/2014/00000006/ 00000003/art00006
ER -
ID - 3410
T1 - The politics of 'patriots' and 'traitors' on Radio Zimbabwe
A1 - Mudavanhu,Selina Linda
Y1 - 2014///
KW - political parties
KW - propaganda
KW - radio
KW - Zimbabwe
SP - 327
EP - 343
JA - Journal of African Media Studies: (2014), vol.6, no.3, p.327-343.
VL - 6
IS - 3
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - This article analyses internal dynamics within the groups of people constituted on the state radio station, Radio Zimbabwe, as 'patriots' and 'traitors' between March and April 2011. While it appears as if these groups were made up of a homogeneous people, a closer look at the broadcasts using critical discourse analysis suggests that each group was internally fraught with inequalities. President Mugabe along with a group labelled as 'national heroes' was constructed as superior to other comrades ('provincial heroes' and 'liberation war heroes'). This setting apart of some people as better than others worked to justify why some people within the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) party would forever be frontrunners in the party and in the country. Although all opposition groups have generally been depicted in state media as 'traitors', the article argues that former Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and the faction that he led, the Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai (MDC-T), were framed as the 'worst of the traitors'. The then Deputy Prime Minister, Professor Arthur Mutambara, and his faction, the Movement for Democratic Change-Mutambara (MDC-M), escaped the vitriolic attack on the station. Ridiculing Tsvangirai and the MDC-T exclusively served to further delegitimize him and his faction as serious political contenders. It also worked to nurture the divisions that already existed within the opposition camp. Bibliogr., notes, sum. [Journal abstract]
AV - AFRIKA article
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M1 - Je;A4;D2
M3 - 396614817
L3 - http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/intellect/jams/2014/00000006/ 00000003/art00007
ER -
ID - 3414
T1 - The world is our community : rethinking community radio in the digital age
A1 - Chiumbu,Sarah Helen
Y1 - 2014///
KW - audiences
KW - community radio
KW - Internet
KW - South Africa
SP - 249
EP - 264
JA - Journal of African Media Studies: (2014), vol.6, no.3, p.249-264.
VL - 6
IS - 3
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - New media technologies, internet and mobile phones, have transformed the face of radio broadcasting. Research in this area has shown that these technologies are reconfiguring both radio's institutional structures and its practices. Radio, now accessed on multiple digital platforms, is allowing diverse forms of utilization and engagement. This article analyses the changing nature and meaning of 'community' in community radio in the digital age using insights from literature on imagined communities, translocality and liminality. It argues that new media technologies are opening up new spaces for community radio that go beyond the geographical and community of interest to embrace translocal and diasporic communities. There is thus need to interrogate the meaning of community radio in terms of audiences and programming in such new configurations. The author uses two community radio stations in South Africa as case studies. She concludes by pointing to the need for new research avenues on community radio in the digital age. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract]
AV - AFRIKA article
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M1 - Kf;A4
M3 - 396608523
L3 - http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/intellect/jams/2014/00000006/ 00000003/art00002
ER -
ID - 3435
T1 - Villes maghr‚bines en situations coloniales
A1 - Jelidi,Charlotte
Y1 - 2014///
N1 - Issu d'un programme de recherche collectif men‚ au sein de l'Institut de recherche sur le Maghreb contemporain de 2009 … 2013
Texts contributed during two meetings held at Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia, April 16-17, 2010 and February 10-11, 2012
Met bibliogr., noten
KW - 2010
KW - 2012
KW - Algeria
KW - colonial period
KW - conference papers (form)
KW - Maghreb
KW - Morocco
KW - towns
KW - Tunisia
KW - urban development
KW - urban history
KW - urban planning
EP - 298
CY - Paris [etc.]
PB - Karthala [etc.]
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
T3 - Hommes et soci‚t‚s
N2 - Cet ouvrage s'est fix‚ deux objectifs : d'une part, participer … la connaissance et … la comprehension des divers processus de transformation des villes maghr‚bines en situations coloniales et, d'autre part, identifier, exploiter et valoriser au maximum les fonds d'archives, souvent in‚dits, qui se rapportent directement ou indirectement … ces entreprises de transformation urbaine. Les transformations des villes maghr‚bines en situations coloniales sont le r‚sultat d'une succession de projets, aboutis ou avort‚s, de contre-projets et de r‚alisations proc‚dant, souvent, de hasards et, presque toujours, de bricolages incessants, ce qui donne … voir une realit‚ bien ‚loign‚e de l'image de la ville conqu‚rante que se plaisait … v‚hiculer la propagande coloniale. Le livre est divis‚ en trois parties: 1. Planification des villes : doctrines et application ; 2. Situations de tensions : r‚v‚lateurs des m‚canismes de production de la ville "ordinaire" ; 3. Initiatives priv‚es et le champ institutionnel : apports et limites des archives priv‚es dans le renouveau de l'historiographie. Contributions: Les villes, les acteurs de leur production et leurs archives (XIXe-XXe siŠcles). Introduction (Charlotte Jelidi); La grande spoliation d'Alger, 1830-1834 : codifications et ‚nonciations d'un bouleversement urbain (Fran‡ois Dumasy); Un quartier colonial … Constantine (Alg‚rie) : le Coudiat Aty (Bernard Pagand et Assia Malki Allouani); La reconstruction de Sfax (1943-1948). Le dessein d'une ville entre planification et compromis (Hounaida Dhouib Morabito); Des cit‚s indigŠnes aux cit‚s de recasement en Alg‚rie (1930-1950) (Boussad Aiche); La protection de la m‚dina de Sfax pendant le Protectorat. Le r“le d‚terminant de l'‚lite musulmane locale dans la politique patrimoniale coloniale (Myriam Bacha); De la place forte … la capitale des hiverneurs. L'invention de Biskra en ville touristique (1844-1939) (Colette Zytnicki); Sousse et le trac‚ de l'avenue de la Quarantaine. GenŠse de la ville neuve (Leila Ammar); Le rŠglement de voirie de Tunis (1889). GenŠse et application (Esmahen Ben Moussa); CimetiŠres et extension urbaine. Le cas de l'ancien cimetiŠre juif de Tunis (Habib Kazdaghli); Pour une histoire ordinaire des villes maghr‚bines (Christophe Guidice); Tradition et r‚novation dans la c‚ramique tunisienne d'‚poque coloniale. Le cas d'lie Blondel, le Bernard Palissy africain (1897-1910) (Clara Ilham µlvarez Dopico); Le cas particulier des archives d'architectes. Histoires coloniales et histoires individuelles, l'architecture de Jean-Fran‡ois Zevaco dans le Maroc sous tutelle fran‡aise (Lucy Hofbauer); Le transfert intra-maghr‚bin d'une politique patrimoniale en contexte colonial. Le baron d'Erlanger, Sidi Bou Said et la pr‚servation de l'architecture dite "arabe" en Tunisie (1910-1932) (Charlotte Jelidi). [R‚sum‚ ASC Leiden]
SN - 2-8111-1291-X pbk
AV - AFRIKA 48674
Y2 - 2015/09/10/
M1 - Ca;J1
M3 - 392434296
ER -
ID - 3417
T1 - Voz de Cabo Verde : a hist¢ria de um povo ..
A1 - Santos,David
A1 - Sousa,Vanessa
Y1 - 2014///
KW - biographies (form)
KW - Cape Verde
KW - musical groups
KW - musicians
KW - popular music
KW - Senegal
EP - 104
CY - Alfragide
PB - Fresco Produ‡äes
U2 - w41
SN - 989-205125-4
AV - AFRIKA 49238
Y2 - 2015/09/10/
M3 - 396566480
ER -
ID - 3441
T1 - 'Dr. Livingstone, I presume?' : the legacy of Dr. David Livingstone
A1 - Tengatenga,James
Y1 - 2013///
KW - biographies (form)
KW - Malawi
SP - 1
EP - 22
JA - The Society of Malawi Journal: (2013), vol.66, no.1, p.1-22.
VL - 66
IS - 1
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - This paper was presented at the University of Edinburgh on 16 March 2013, to commemorate the bicentenary of the birth of Dr. David Livingstone. It starts with a brief description of the roles Dr. David Livingstone acquired and how his legacy lives on. David Livingstone (19 March 1813 1 May 1873) was a pioneer medical missionary and an explorer in Africa. His meeting with H. M. Stanley on 10 November 1871 gave rise to the popular quotation "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?". Livingstone operated on a number of interconnected levels: Protestant missionary martyr, working-class 'rags to riches' inspirational figure, scientific investigator and explorer, imperial reformer, anti-slavery crusader, and advocate of commercial empire. The paper gives a selective appreciation of Livingstone's work and legacy in the areas that have relevance in Malawi today. Bibliogr., notes, ref. [ASC Leiden abstract]
AV - AFRIKA article
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M1 - Jb;L4
M3 - 396563953
ER -
ID - 3443
T1 - Camel cheese -- seemed like a good idea
A1 - Abeiderrahmane,Nancy Jones
Y1 - 2013///
N1 - Met noten
KW - camels
KW - cheese industry
KW - dairy farms
KW - Mauritania
KW - personal narratives (form)
KW - women
EP - 387
CY - [Nouakchott]
PB - Nancy Jones Abeiderrahmane
U2 - w41
SN - 1-492-29884-0
AV - AFRIKA 49216
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 396440258
ER -
ID - 3448
T1 - Codifying a jurist's law : Islamic criminal legislation and Supreme Court case law in the Sudan under Numairi and Bashr
A1 - K”ndgen,Olaf
Y1 - 2013///
N1 - In ringband
Proefschrift Universiteit van Amsterdam
Bibliogr.: p. 430-452. - Met chronol., gloss., noten, samenvatting in het Nederlands en Engels
KW - criminal codes
KW - criminal law
KW - dissertations (form)
KW - Islamic law
KW - jurisprudence
KW - punishment
KW - Sudan
KW - supreme courts
EP - 476
CY - [S.l
PB - s.n.]
U1 - Fotokopie.
U2 - w41
AV - AFRIKA A12243
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 393624927
ER -
ID - 3440
T1 - Computers, culture and music : the history of the recording industry in Malawi
A1 - Lwanda,John
A1 - Kanjo,Chipo
Y1 - 2013///
KW - computers
KW - entrepreneurs
KW - industry
KW - Malawi
KW - music
SP - 23
EP - 42
JA - The Society of Malawi Journal: (2013), vol.66, no.1, p.23-42.
VL - 66
IS - 1
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - This paper traces the history of the music recording industry in Malawi which had no indigenous recording industry until the formation of the Nzeru Record Company (NRC) in 1968. Prior to that, recordings were made, first by mobile recording studios, followed by the Federal Broadcasting Studios in Lusaka and then at the national Radio Malawi (later Malawi Broadcasting Corporation) studios. Between 1972 and 1989, after the demise of the NRC, musicians again largely depended on the MBC for recording facilities, which helped to shape the music and its lyrical content. In the early 1980s, there was a conjunction between the IMF-inspired privatization imperatives and the independent mission-owned Baptist Media Centre and other studios beginning to rent out their studios. The establishment of the Copyright Act of 1988 and the liberalization of the political economy in the early 1990s were crucial to the establishment of a recording industry enabling entrepreneurs to form their own studios. The advent of multiparty rule in 1994 further liberated the recording environment. Despite this, producers and musicians found themselves hamstrung by the lack of alternatives for cassette and compact disc presses and distribution channels. Influenced by regional recording industries in South, East and West Africa, as well as socio-political events, musicians and entrepreneurs turned to computer-based digital recording studios towards the end of the 1990s and small independent music studios mushroomed in towns like Blantyre, Balaka and Lilongwe as well as trading centres like Lunzu. This paper further briefly looks at the effects of the use of computer recording on the quality and quantity of the music produced. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract]
AV - AFRIKA article
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M1 - Jb;K3
M3 - 39656464X
ER -
ID - 3442
T1 - Contos
A1 - Silva,Jorge O.S.
Y1 - 2013///
N1 - Short stories
Met gloss
KW - Cape Verde
KW - short stories (form)
EP - 175
CY - Praia
PB - Editura
U2 - w41
AV - AFRIKA Lit.10011
Y2 - 2015/09/10/
M3 - 396547532
ER -
ID - 3445
T1 - Deep focus : the films of Jean-Pierre Bekolo in the context of African cinema
A1 - De Groof,Matthias
Y1 - 2013///
N1 - Proefschrift Universiteit Antwerpen
KW - Cameroon
KW - cinema
KW - dissertations (form)
KW - filmmakers
CY - Ann Arbor
PB - Proquest
U1 - Restricted access.
U2 - w41
AV - Elektronisch document
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 395324270
L3 - http://www.asclibrary.nl/docs/395324270.pdf
ER -
ID - 3450
T1 - La litt‚rature de langue fran‡aise au Burundi
A1 - Ngorwanubusa,Juv‚nal
A1 - Quaghebeur,Marc
Y1 - 2013///
N1 - Met literatuuropgave
KW - Burundi
KW - French language
KW - literary history
KW - literature
EP - 323
CY - Bruxelles
PB - Archives et Mus‚e de la Litt‚rature
U2 - w41
SN - 978-2-87168-070-3 pbk.
AV - AFRIKA 48987
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 363588825
ER -
ID - 3444
T1 - La misŠre intellectuelle dans quelques fictions cin‚matographiques et litt‚raires de lAfrique subsaharienne
A1 - Mon‚yang,Patrick Herv‚
Y1 - 2013///
N1 - Dissertation, University of Oregon , Department of Romance Languages
KW - cognition
KW - dissertations (form)
KW - films
KW - French language
KW - literature
KW - mental disorders
KW - Subsaharan Africa
CY - Ann Arbor
PB - Proquest
U1 - Restricted access.
U2 - w41
AV - Elektronisch document
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M3 - 395445175
L3 - http://www.asclibrary.nl/docx/395445175.pdf
ER -
ID - 3447
T1 - Les attributions originales de la cour constitutionnelle du B‚nin
A1 - Badet,Gilles
Y1 - 2013///
N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 439-474. - Met noten
KW - Benin
KW - constitutional courts
KW - constitutional law
KW - human rights
EP - 480
CY - Cotonou
U2 - w41
SN - 99919-1357-2
AV - AFRIKA 48932
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 394199049
ER -
ID - 3439
T1 - Morenga : der komplette Dreiteiler
A1 - Gampu,Ken
A1 - Breuer,Jacques
A1 - Seipold,Manfred
A1 - Gnther,Egon
A1 - Timm,Uwe
Y1 - 2013///
N1 - Duits gesproken
Gebaseerd op de gelijknamige roman van Uwe Timm
Oorspr. uitg.: 1983
KW - feature films (form)
KW - Germany
KW - Herero revolt
KW - history
KW - Nama
KW - Namibia
KW - videos (form)
CY - Birmingham [u.a.].
PB - Pidax Film
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
T3 - Pidax Historien-Klassiker
N2 - Jakob (oder Jacobus) Morenga war einer der wichtigsten Anfhrer im Aufstand der Herero und Nama von 1904 bis 1908. Es ist das Jahr 1904 in der Kolonie Deutsch-Sdwestafrika: Die kaiserlichen Soldaten versuchen die aufst„ndischen Hottentotten unter der Fhrung des Minenarbeiters Jakob Morenga zu b„ndigen, eine Guerilla-Krieger, mit dem die deutsche 'Schutztruppe' einfach nicht fertig wird. Nur eine Glaskugel, die ein Afrikaner geschliffen hat, so die Legende, soll Morenga t”ten k”nnen. Die Situation spitzt sich immer mehr zu und so muss Verst„rkung angefordert werden, darunter auch die beiden Tier„rzte Gottschalk und Wenstrup. Sie mssen den Kampf und das Leid mit ansehen, machen aber auch die Erfahrung, dass Liebe und Freundschaft ber Rassengrenzen hinweg m”glich sind. Aber zu welchem Preis? Bei einem Gefecht nimmt Morenga Gottschalk fest. Wider Erwarten wird er nicht get”tet, sondern muss Erste Hilfe leisten. Dabei lernen sie sich kennen. Gottschalk wird freigelassen, doch sein Rckweg zur Truppe verr„t Morengas Versteck. Der DDR-Regisseur Egon Gnther verfilmte den gleichnamigen Roman von Uwe Timm an Originalschaupl„tzen in Namibia. [Abstract reproduced from dvd-video]
Y2 - 2015/08/10/
M3 - 396909531
L3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vORrjlU9vM
ER -
ID - 3446
T1 - Studies on Mouridism : a collection of Dahira Rawdu Rayyahin
A1 - Ndiaye,Mouhammad Galaye
Y1 - 2013///
N1 - Bibliogr.: p. [194]. - Met noten
KW - Muslim brotherhoods
KW - religious history
KW - Senegal
EP - 192
CY - Senegal
PB - Publication Assistance Fund of the "Direction du livre et de la lecture" of the Ministry of Culture of Senegal
U2 - w41
AV - AFRIKA 48935
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M3 - 394241797
ER -
ID - 3449
T1 - The bitter legacy : African slavery past and present
A1 - Bellagamba,Alice
A1 - Greene,Sandra E.
A1 - Klein,Martin A.
Y1 - 2013///
N1 - Met gloss., noten
KW - Benin
KW - Cameroon
KW - Gambia
KW - Ghana
KW - Mali
KW - memory
KW - Nigeria
KW - Senegal
KW - slave trade
KW - slavery
KW - social history
KW - West Africa
EP - VI, 221
CY - Princeton
PB - Markus Wiener Publishers
U2 - w41
U3 - Abstract available
N2 - This collection of essays explores the ways that memories of African slavery and the slave trade persist into the present, as well as the effect those memories have in shaping political, social, economic, and religious behavior today. The authors use a variety of sources, interviews, proverbs, songs, religious art, newspaper articles, and children's stories, to illuminate not only how people remember the past but also how they struggle to liberate themselves from it. Contributions: Introduction: When the past shadows the present: the legacy in Africa of slavery and the slave trade (Alice Bellagamba, Sandra E. Greene, and Martin A. Klein); The struggle for political emancipation of slave descendants in contemporary Borgu, northern Benin (Eric Komlavi Hahonou); On remembering slavery in northern Igbo proverbial discourse (Damian U. Opata); To cut the rope from one's neck? manumission documents of slave descendants from central Malian Fulbe society (Lotte Pelckmans); Memories of slavery in a former slave-trading community: the Aro of the Bight of Biafra (G. Ugo Nwokeji); Tabula and Pa Jacob, two twentieth-century slave narratives from Cameroon (Zacharie Saha); Songs of sorrow, songs of triumph: memories of the slave trade among the Bulsa of Ghana (Emmanuel Saboro); Evoking the past through material culture: the Mami Tchamba shrine (Alessandra Brivio); Slave ancestry and religious discrimination in The Gambia (Alice Bellagamba and Martin A. Klein); Memories of slavery and the slave trade from Futa Toro, northern Senegal (Makhroufi Ousmane Traor‚). [ASC Leiden abstract]
SN - 1-558-76549-2
AV - AFRIKA 48695
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M1 - Fa;L1
M3 - 392189682
ER -
ID - 3454
T1 - Droits humains au Burkina Faso : rapport 2011
Y1 - 2012///
KW - Burkina Faso
KW - human rights
EP - 66
CY - Ouagadougou
U2 - w41
SN - 978-2-914707-66-4
AV - AFRIKA 48933
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 39419912X
ER -
ID - 3453
T1 - John Evans Atta Mills of Ghana, biography and legacy of an African icon
A1 - Angkosaala,C.K.
A1 - Safo,H.A.K.
Y1 - 2012///
N1 - Corrigenda: page [vi]
Bibliogr.: p. 219-222
KW - Ghana
KW - heads of State
EP - XVII, 320
CY - Accra
PB - Yamens Press
U2 - w41
T3 - Cash series
SN - 9988-17453-5
AV - AFRIKA 48952
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M3 - 394351797
ER -
ID - 3452
T1 - L'adoption de l'agriculture chez les Pygm‚es baka du Cameroun : dynamique sociale et continuit‚ structurale
A1 - Leclerc,Christian
Y1 - 2012///
N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 229-244. - Met noten
KW - agriculture
KW - Cameroon
KW - mobility
KW - Pygmies
KW - social change
KW - traditional society
EP - 244
CY - Paris
PB - ditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme
U2 - w41
T3 - Natures sociales
SN - 2-7351-1522-4
AV - AFRIKA 49037
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 394955560
ER -
ID - 3451
T1 - TÆo longe tÆo perto : fam¡l¡as e "movimentos" na ¡lha da Boa V¡sta de Cabo Verde
A1 - Lobo,Andr‚a de Souza
Y1 - 2012///
N1 - Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral)--Universidade de Bras¡lia, 2006
Bibliogr.: p. 263-269. - Met noten
KW - Cape Verde
KW - family
KW - social conditions
KW - women
EP - 269
CY - Praia, Santiago, Cabo Verde
PB - Edi‡äes Uni-CV
U2 - w41
T3 - Colec‡Æo Sociedade ; vol. 5
SN - 989-978330-7
AV - AFRIKA 49234
Y2 - 2015/09/10/
M3 - 396564445
ER -
ID - 3455
T1 - Uganda from 1987-2012 : sustained growth silver Jubilee souvenir handbook
Y1 - 2012///
KW - economic development
KW - Uganda
EP - 272
CY - Kampala
PB - Independent Publishers
U2 - w41
AV - AFRIKA A12173
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 392455250
ER -
ID - 3459
T1 - A economia local da µrea Marinha Protegida Comunit ria de Urok : dinƒmicas, constrangimentos e potencialidades
A1 - Said,Abilio Rachid
A1 - Abreu,Alexandre
Y1 - 2011///
N1 - Finance provided by the European Commission and the Instituto Portuguˆs de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento
O conte£o desta publica‡Æo ‚ da exclusiva responsabilidade do Instituto Marquˆs de Valle Fl“r e da Tiniguena"--P. [4] of cover
Bibliogr.: p. 83-84
KW - community development
KW - Guinea-Bissau
KW - islands
KW - natural resource management
KW - nature conservation
EP - 108
CY - [Lisbon]
PB - (Instituto Marquˆs de Valle Fl“r) IMVF [etc.]
U2 - w41
SN - 989-972792-X
AV - AFRIKA 49059
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M3 - 395075440
ER -
ID - 3458
T1 - Agostinho Neto e a liberta‡Æo de Angola, 1949-1974 : arquivos da PIDE-DGS
A1 - Neto,Eug‚nia
A1 - Neto,Irene Alexandra
Y1 - 2011///
KW - Angola
KW - archives
KW - biographies (form)
KW - documents (form)
KW - heads of State
KW - national liberation struggles
KW - political history
EP - 5
CY - Luanda
PB - Funda‡Æo Dr. Ant¢nio Agostinho Neto
U2 - w41
N2 - Volume 1. 1949-1960 -- volume 2. 1961-1967 -- volume 3. 1968-1970 -- volume 4. 1971-1972 -- volume 5. 1973-1974
SN - 989-971630-8
AV - AFRIKA A12292.1
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 396187323
ER -
ID - 3456
T1 - As mulheres em Cabo Verde : experiˆncias e perspectivas
A1 - Silva,Carmelita
A1 - Fortes,Celeste
Y1 - 2011///
N1 - CIGEF, Centro de Investiga‡Æo e Forma‡Æo em G‚nero e Fam¡lia
Portuguese with two contributions in English and one contribution in Spanish
Met bibliogr., noten, samenvatting in Portugees, Engels en Spaans
KW - Cape Verde
KW - diasporas
KW - education
KW - rural areas
KW - social conditions
KW - violence
KW - women
EP - 312
CY - Praia, Santiago, Cabo Verde
PB - Edi‡äes Uni-CV
U2 - w41
T3 - Colec‡Æo Sociedade ; vol. 4
SN - 989-961309-6
AV - AFRIKA 49230
Y2 - 2015/09/10/
M3 - 396562949
ER -
ID - 3460
T1 - Les cit‚s du d‚sert : des villes sahariennes au saharatowns
A1 - Pliez,Olivier
Y1 - 2011///
N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 149-161. - Met noten
KW - deserts
KW - migrants
KW - nomads
KW - Sahara
KW - towns
EP - 161
CY - Toulouse
PB - Presses universitaires du Mirail
U2 - w41
T3 - Villes et territoires
N2 - Sommaire: Le Sahara est urbain... mais autrement. -- Lorsque le r‚seau transsaharien rencontre la ville d'tat. -- Une entr‚e par les <>. -- Villes des marges, villes marginales ? -- Cl‚s de lectures (trŠs) partiales sur le Sahara. -- Un Sahara d‚cloisonn‚. -- Suivre et/ou construire des territoires peu ou pas visibles. -- Visiter-revisiter-lier. -- Insulariser les lieux. -- Multi-situer les terrains pour situer le thŠme. -- Sahara des villes / Sahara des tats. -- Nostalgies de l'oasis. -- Quelques jalons … propos d'un Sahara urbanis‚. -- Les oasis, des campagnes urbanis‚es ? -- Des nomades et des villes. -- Des espaces nomades pas si lisses ! -- Lorsque les migrants traversent les villes du Sahara. -- En guise d'introduction : la route ferm‚e des migrants soudanais. -- Le Sahara des migrations, entre troisiŠme frontiŠre et m‚diatisation. -- Sebha, ville d'tat ou carrefour migratoire ? -- Les villes de transit peuvent-elles ˆtre durables ? -- Fuseaux, routes et segments de routes du Sahara. -- Villes routes Sahara... Penser la Saharatown
SN - 2-8107-0155-5
AV - AFRIKA 49007
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 394584821
ER -
ID - 3457
T1 - O Liceu em Cabo Verde : um imperativo de cidadania (1917-1975)
A1 - Carvalho,Maria Adriana Sousa
Y1 - 2011///
N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 462-504. - Met index
KW - 1900-1999
KW - Cape Verde
KW - citizenship
KW - education
KW - history
KW - secondary education
EP - 510
CY - Praia
PB - Edi‡äes Uni-CV
U2 - w41
T3 - Colec‡Æo mem¢ria & patrim¢nio
SN - 989-961307-X
AV - AFRIKA 49228
Y2 - 2015/09/10/
M3 - 396555802
ER -
ID - 3461
T1 - Resettlement policy framework and and process framework for Lake Victoria environmental management project phase II
Y1 - 2011///
KW - Burundi
KW - development projects
KW - environmental management
KW - lakes
KW - resettlement
KW - standard of living
KW - World Bank
CY - [Bujumbara]
PB - Republic of Burundi ; Ministry of Water, Environment, Land and Urban Planning
U1 - Free access.
U2 - w41
AV - Elektronisch document
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 392499649
L3 - http://www.asclibrary.nl/docs/392499649.pdf
ER -
ID - 3462
T1 - Farm household decision making in the Mandara Mountains of Cameroon
A1 - Wijk,Maarten Siebe van
Y1 - 2008///
N1 - Report for the studies of Development Economics, Agricultural University Wageningen
Bibliogr.: bl. 65-66, - Met bijl., noten, samenvatting
KW - Cameroon
KW - crops
KW - farmers
KW - small farms
EP - 87
CY - [Leiden
PB - Programme d'Environnement et D‚veloppement, Centre des tudes de l'Environnement, Universit‚ de Leiden]
U2 - w41
T3 - Environment and development student report ; no. 63
AV - AFRIKA A12177
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 392490501
ER -
ID - 3463
T1 - Social structure, home ranges, movements and interactions with livestock and prey of a lion (Panthera leo leo) population in and around Amboseli National Park, Kenya
A1 - Metselaar,Wolter
Y1 - 2008///
N1 - In ringband
This report is part of the master thesis for the Master Biology, Sustainability & Biodiversity, Leiden University
Met bibliogr., bijl., samenvatting
KW - felines
KW - Kenya
KW - livestock
KW - national parks and reserves
KW - theses (form)
EP - 33
CY - [Leiden
PB - Department Environment and Development, Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University]
U2 - w41
T3 - Environment and development student report ; no. 237
AV - AFRIKA A12174
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 392455285
ER -
ID - 3464
T1 - Varia
A1 - Chacha,Leonard
A1 - Cazenave-Piarrot,lain
A1 - Bl‚vin,Claude
A1 - Maisonhaute,Janick
A1 - Gounin,Yves
Y1 - 2007///
N1 - Bevat: A sketch of Kiswahili comic discourse in Nairobi / Leonard Chacha ; Ruralit‚ et redistribution de la population au nord du Tanganyika / lain Cazenave-Piarrot ; Nairobi, le rail et la ville au XXŠme siŠcle / Claude Bl‚vin ; From the Pokot honey hobby to the Pokot Honey Market / Janick Maisonhaute ; LUnion europ‚enne et lobservation des ‚lections g‚n‚rales kenyanes / Yves Gounin
KW - Kenya
KW - social conditions
CY - Nairobi
PB - Institut fran‡ais de recherche en Afrique
U1 - Free access.
U2 - w41
T3 - Les cahiers d'Afrique de l'Est
AV - Elektronisch document
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M3 - 395519977
L3 - http://ifra-nairobi.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Cahier_36.pdf
ER -
ID - 3468
T1 - Grand-Bassam: religion traditionnelle N'Zima : rencontre avec le christianisme
A1 - Abrima,Louis Kouama
Y1 - 2006///
N1 - Vermelding op omslag en rugtitel: Religion traditionnelle N'Zima : rencontre avec le christianisme
KW - African religions
KW - Christianity
KW - C“te d'Ivoire
KW - Nzima
EP - 112
CY - Grand-Bassam
PB - Louis Kouama Abrima
U2 - w41
AV - AFRIKA 49088
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 395485576
ER -
ID - 3467
T1 - Hare and hornbill
Hare and hornbill
A1 - Bitek,Okot p'
Y1 - 2006///
N1 - Oorspr. uitg.: 1978
KW - novels (form)
KW - Uganda
CY - London [etc.]
PB - Heinemann
U1 - Restricted access.
U2 - w41
T3 - African writers series ; 193
N2 - A collection of tales
SN - 0-435-90193-1 pbk
AV - Elektronisch document
Y2 - 2015/08/10/
M1 - (676.1);896-3
M3 - 397123183
L3 - http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2003&xri:pqil:res_ ver=0.2&res_id=xri:ilcs&rft_id=xri:ilcs:ft:aws_prose:Z100850459:1
ER -
ID - 3469
T1 - Potential competition between livestock and wild herbivores in the B‚nou‚ area, North Cameroon
A1 - Koelewijn,Roeland C.J.
A1 - Peppink,Tom
Y1 - 2006///
N1 - Bibliogr.: bl. 37-39. - Met bijl., samenvatting
KW - Cameroon
KW - grasslands
KW - livestock
KW - wild animals
EP - 42
CY - [Leiden
PB - Institute of Environmental Science (CML), Leiden University]
U2 - w41
T3 - Environment and development student report ; no. 200
AV - AFRIKA A12175
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 392455625
ER -
ID - 3465
T1 - Song of Lawino; Song of Ocol
Song of Lawino; Song of Ocol
A1 - p'Bitek,Okot
A1 - Horley,Frank
Y1 - 2006///
N1 - Oorspr. uitg.: Song of Lawino. - 1966. - Song of Ocol. - 1967
KW - poetry (form)
KW - Uganda
CY - London
PB - Heinemann
U1 - Restricted access.
U2 - w41
SN - 0-435-90266-0
AV - Elektronisch document
Y2 - 2015/08/10/
M3 - 39712399X
L3 - http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2003&xri:pqil:res_ ver=0.2&res_id=xri:ilcs&rft_id=xri:ilcs:ft:aws_poetry:Z000848368:0
ER -
ID - 3466
T1 - The horn of my love
The horn of my love
A1 - Bitek,Okot p'
Y1 - 2006///
N1 - Tekst in het Alcolli en Engels
Oorspr. uitg.: 1974
Met index
KW - oral poetry (form)
KW - poetry (form)
KW - Uganda
CY - London [etc.]
PB - Heinemann
U1 - Restricted access.
U2 - w41
T3 - African writers series ; 147
N2 - The author of "Song of Lawino" provides his interpretation of the poetry of the Acoli of northern Uganda. He discusses the dances and occasions on which the songs are sung. In part 2 he gives texts, both in the Acoli and in his personal English translations. 1. Childrens games and songs - Orak: the love dance - The Nanga (a musical instrument) - Otole: the war dance - Funeral rites and dance. 2. Texts: Children's songs - The love song - Satirical verse - Songs of the spirit possession dance - Chants at the ancestral shrine - Songs of war - The dirges. 3. Themes in Acoli dirges - Poets as historians - Mwoc: the praise name - Warrior's titles
SN - 0-435-90147-8 : œ0.75
AV - Elektronisch document
Y2 - 2015/08/10/
M1 - (676.1);896-1;398.24
M3 - 397123574
L3 - http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2003&xri:pqil:res_ ver=0.2&res_id=xri:ilcs&rft_id=xri:ilcs:ft:aws_poetry:Z000848227:0
ER -
ID - 3470
T1 - Identit‚s ethniques, identit‚ nationale et ‚mergence dune conscience dappartenance r‚gionale au Kenya
A1 - Connan,Dominique
Y1 - 2005///
KW - ethnic identity
KW - Kenya
KW - national identity
CY - Nairobi
PB - Institut fran‡ais de recherche en Afrique
U1 - Free access.
U2 - w41
T3 - Les cahiers d'Afrique de l'Est ; no. 30
AV - Elektronisch document
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M3 - 395517818
L3 - http://ifra-nairobi.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/c30conan.pdf
ER -
ID - 3471
T1 - Arthur Biberon : d'aprŠs la vie d'Arthur Biberon (1864-1927)
A1 - Mignard-Moy de Lacroix,Claude
Y1 - 2003///
KW - novels (form)
KW - R‚union
EP - 287
CY - Sainte Marie
PB - Azal‚es ‚ditions
U2 - w41
SN - 2-913158-78-1
AV - AFRIKA Lit.9968
Y2 - 2015/09/10/
M3 - 394198867
ER -
ID - 3472
T1 - Mon frŠre
A1 - Sissoko,Cheick Oumar
Y1 - 2001///
N1 - Wolof gesproken, Engels ondertiteld
KW - feature films (form)
KW - pupils
KW - Senegal
KW - videos (form)
EP - Online
CY - [Decatur]
PB - Global Dialogues Trust
U1 - Free access.
U2 - w41
N2 - Salif, 13 ans, se croit trŠs branch‚ avec ses habits dernier cri. Mais il trouve que se conduire mal envers les autres fait ‚galement partie dun mode de vie branch‚. · l‚cole, il refuse de s'asseoir … c“t‚ de Doudou, rendu orphelin … cause du sida, pr‚tendant que mieux vaut pr‚venir que gu‚rir. Son professeur, furieux, l'envoie … un centre d'informations en vue de r‚diger un expos‚ sur le sida
AV - online resource
Y2 - 2015/06/10/
M3 - 394585836
L3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOdzS4LmOh0
ER -
ID - 3473
T1 - Les peuples des forˆts tropicales aujourd'hui
Y1 - 2000///
EP - dl
CY - Bruxelles [etc]
PB - APFT [etc.]
U2 - w41
M3 - 397113188
ER -
ID - 3474
T1 - An evaluation of three radio-tracking methods to study the spatial distribution of the Western kob : developing a field protocol to study home range and habitat use of Kobus kob kob (Erxleben, 1777) by means of radio tracking in the B‚nou‚ area, northern Cameroon
A1 - Meijer,Petra
A1 - Docters van Leeuwen,Klaartje
Y1 - 1999///
N1 - In ringband
Bibliogr.: bl. [62-67]. - Met gloss., samenvatting
KW - Cameroon
KW - wild animals
EP - 61
CY - [Leiden
PB - Centre for Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University]
U2 - w41
T3 - Environment and development student report ; no. 126
AV - AFRIKA A12167.1
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 392205513
ER -
ID - 3475
T1 - Behaviour of Western Kob (Kobus kob kob) during the start of the rainy season on a flood plain in the Elephant Zone, Northern Cameroon
A1 - Ermers,M.W.C.
A1 - Bartlett,J.A.
Y1 - 1998///
N1 - In ringband
Bibliogr.: bl. 24-25. - Met bijl., samenvatting
KW - Cameroon
KW - wild animals
EP - 49
CY - [Leiden
PB - Programme Environment and Development, Centre for Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University]
U2 - w41
T3 - Environment and development student report ; no. 90
AV - AFRIKA A12171
Y2 - 2015/05/10/
M3 - 392454467
ER -