TY - ADVS ID - 3835 T1 - Access to Africa A1 - Haak,Bregtje van der Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Uitzending: 16 april 2015. - Nederlands, Engels gesproken, Nederlands ondertiteld KW - Africa KW - documentary films (form) KW - information technology KW - Internet KW - Kenya KW - mobile telephone KW - South Africa KW - videos (form) RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Hilversum PB - VPRO U2 - w46 T3 - Tegenlicht N2 - Het internet is de elektriciteit van de 21ste eeuw. Afrika is nu nog het continent met de meeste witte vlekken op de kaart. Plekken zonder internet of bereik van mobiele telefoons. Maar juist daar zijn de ontwikkelingen in een versnelling gekomen. Meer dan 80% van de Afrikaanse huishoudens heeft een mobiele telefoon en in sommige van de 54 landen van het continent is al bijna de helft daarvan een smartphone. Deze documentaire toont hoe Afrika zichzelf verbindt en volgt een aantal mensen die daar gepassioneerd mee bezig zijn. Zo hebben de bewoners van de wijk Parkhurst in Johannesburg (Zuid-Afrika) nu al het snelste internet ter wereld omdat ze met nauwkeurige HD cameras op straat hun beveiliging willen organiseren. De iHub in Nairobi huisvest 150 start-ups waar men druk bezig is met het ontwikkelen van een app die door de 'crowd' aangeleverde informatie over het informele openbaar vervoer toegankelijk maakt. En in het noorden van Kenia heeft men ouderwetse radiogolven aangeboord om gratis breedband internet te brengen. Het Afrikaanse continent is een laboratorium voor alle mogelijke oplossingen. Zou het kunnen dat juist Afrika een digitale voortrekkersrol gaat spelen? [Samenvatting ontleend aan video] AV - AFRIKA AVM1661 Y2 - 2015/11/13/ M3 - 396694705 L3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXCugmIU17c ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3834 T1 - Energizing Africa : achievements and lessons from the Africa Renewable Energy and Access Program (AFREA) Phase I Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Met bijl., noten, samenvatting KW - Africa KW - biofuels KW - development projects KW - electricity KW - energy resources KW - gender KW - Rwanda KW - solar energy KW - stoves RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Washington PB - World Bank Group U1 - Free access. U2 - w46 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 397135742 L3 - http://www.esmap.org/sites/esmap.org/files/DocumentLibrary/AFREA% 20Energizing%20Africa_Web_0424.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3837 T1 - Guerres civiles dans la R‚publique d‚mocratique du Congo, 1960-2010 A1 - Kisangani,Emizet Fran‡ois Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Traduit de l'anglais Oorspr.uitg.: Lynne Riener, 2012 Bibliogr. p. 329-349. - Met index KW - civil wars KW - Democratic Republic of Congo KW - political history KW - rebellions RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 354 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w46 T3 - tudes africaines. S‚rie Politique SN - 2-343-02198-8 pbk AV - AFRIKA 49264 Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 396041906 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3839 T1 - Heineken in Afrika A1 - Beemen,Olivier van Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 383-398. - Met index, noten KW - Africa KW - beer KW - multinational enterprises RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 414 CY - Amsterdam PB - Prometheus U2 - w46 N2 - Als geen ander bedrijf dringt Heineken door tot de nerven van Afrikaanse samenlevingen. De multinational, al sinds de jaren dertig actief op het continent, beseft dat de toekomstige groei grotendeels hiervandaan moet komen. Heineken in Afrika is het resultaat van drie jaar diepgravend journalistiek onderzoek naar de Afrikaanse activiteiten van de Nederlandse bierbrouwer, waarbij de auteur alle Afrikaanse landen bezocht waar Heineken een dochteronderneming heeft en honderden betrokkenen sprak. Olivier van Beemen besteedt zowel aandacht aan de aspecten die Heineken met trots vervullen, zoals lokale economische impact en kennisoverdracht, als aan zaken die de brouwer liever verborgen houdt, zoals politieke relaties, corruptie en ongewenste maatschappelijke gevolgen. Heineken in Afrika geeft niet alleen inzicht in het moderne Afrika, maar is ook een onthullende casestudy over het functioneren van een multinational op een - in ondernemersjargon - veelbelovend maar uitdagend continent SN - 978-90-351-4286-2 AV - AFRIKA 49398 Y2 - 2015/10/11/ M3 - 391594516 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3838 T1 - Homoseksualiteit in Afrika : een gevaarlijke liefde A1 - Luirink,Bart A1 - Maurick,Madeleine Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Met literatuuropgave KW - Africa KW - homosexuality KW - South Africa KW - Uganda KW - Zimbabwe RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 171 CY - [Soesterberg] PB - Uitgeverij Aspekt U2 - w46 SN - 978-94-6153813-0 paperback AV - AFRIKA 49399 Y2 - 2015/10/11/ M3 - 394220242 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3836 T1 - Leave no one behind! : inspirational guide on inclusion of ultra-poor and marginalised people in economic development Leave no one behind! : inspirational guide on inclusion of ultra-poor and marginalised people in economic development A1 - Bruijn,Paulien Y1 - 2015/// N1 - Hosted by the African Studies Centre /1Leiden Met noten KW - developing countries KW - development RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Amsterdam U1 - Free access. U2 - w46 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 396092322 L3 - https://partos.nl/webfm_send/879969 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3851 T1 - Bocar Ciss‚, instituteur des sables : t‚moin du Mali au XXe siŠcle A1 - Ciss‚,Bocar A1 - Salvaing,Bernard A1 - Kounta,Albakaye Ousmane Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr. p. 451-461. - Met chron., noten KW - autobiographies (form) KW - history KW - Mali KW - teachers RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 477 CY - Brinon-sur-Sauldre PB - Grandvaux U2 - w46 SN - 2-909550-88-5 AV - AFRIKA 49375 Y2 - 2015/12/11/ M3 - 397729197 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3856 T1 - Contenus et d‚fis de la conservation (Cameroun, Maghreb, Mauritanie, Tombouctou A1 - Habib Sy,Jacques Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Met index, noten KW - Africa KW - conservation of cultural heritage KW - manuscripts KW - writing RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 509 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w46 T3 - L'Afrique, berceau de l'‚criture, et ses manuscrits en p‚ril ; 2 N2 - Ce livre collectif en 2 volumes est un cri d'alarme de l'Afrique pour ‚veiller ses dirigeants et le monde … la n‚cessit‚ de sauver les manuscrits en p‚ril de l'Afrique et de les tirer de l'oubli et de l'abandon. Ce deuxiŠme volume examine les contenus et les principaux enjeux de la conservation … travers diff‚rents pays d'Afrique, … la lumiŠre des promesses des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de communication SN - 2-296-99885-2 AV - AFRIKA 49359.2 Y2 - 2015/11/13/ M3 - 393455726 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3857 T1 - Des origines de l'‚criture aux manuscrits anciens (Egypte pharaonique, Sahara, S‚n‚gal, Ghana, Niger) A1 - Habib Sy,Jacques Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Met index, samenvatting, noten KW - Africa KW - conservation of cultural heritage KW - cultural heritage KW - manuscripts KW - writing RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 427 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan Editions Distribution U2 - w46 T3 - L'Afrique, berceau de l'‚criture, et ses manuscrits en p‚ril ; 1 N2 - Ce livre collectif en 2 volumes est un cri d'alarme de l'Afrique pour ‚veiller ses dirigeants et le monde … la n‚cessit‚ de sauver les manuscrits en p‚ril de l'Afrique et de les tirer de l'oubli et de l'abandon. Ce premier volume a trait … l'‚volution historique de l'Afrique du point de vue scripturaire, et … l'examen des collections existantes de manuscrits anciens portant sur l'astronomie, le droit, la m‚decine, l'architecture, la philosophie, la grammaire etc SN - 2-296-99884-4 AV - AFRIKA 49359.1 Y2 - 2015/11/13/ M3 - 393455580 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3859 T1 - Ebola exhausts health systems A1 - Benton,Adia Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Omslagtitel BIbliogr.: p. [4] KW - Ebola KW - epidemics KW - health care KW - West Africa RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Uppsala PB - The Nordic Africa Institute U1 - Free access. U2 - w46 T3 - Policy note, ISSN 1654-6695 ; 3, 2014 N2 - Epidemics and institutional responses to them reveal the strengths and weaknesses of health systems. They also often engender and reflect existing political, economic and social tensions whenever and wherever they occur. This policy note outlines some of acute and chronic political and social conditions that have facilitated transmission and continue to pose a challenge for community and government responses to Ebola. It also highlights the significance of building health systems to avert and address future health crises SN - 978-91-7106-755-5 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 389901903 L3 - http://nai.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:740759/FULLTEXT02.pdf ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3843 T1 - Exploring the viability of the amnesty law on criminal justice in Uganda A1 - Wanyama,Edrine Y1 - 2014/// KW - amnesty KW - legislation KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 184 EP - 199 JA - East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights: (2014), vol.20, no.1, p.184-199. VL - 20 IS - 1 U2 - w46 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The law on amnesty has been a subject of debate in the international arena. Many have viewed the law as actually perpetuating impunity, while in other cases it has been used as a tool of bringing conflict to an end. In 2000, the Ugandan parliament enacted a law on Amnesty, the Amnesry Act, 2000. One of its provisions grants blanket amnesty to anyone who denounces all forms of war waged against the government of Uganda since 1986. A cross section of people have voiced concerns about the law, arguing that the form in which it promotes impunity by providing blanket amnesty rather than being restricted to particular crimes. It is regarded as ineffective in as far as the primary intentions of justice are concerned This article examines amnesty and the related law from the Ugandan perspective. Contrast is drawn from International crimina/justice, with focus on the International Criminal Court (ICC) and national responses to the law on amnesty, its role from the past experiences, the present features and future implications. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/09/11/ M1 - Hf;F1 M3 - 397791836 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3840 T1 - Global status report on alcohol and health, 2014 Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 365-376. - Met bijl., noten KW - alcohol policy KW - alcoholic beverages KW - alcoholism KW - health KW - statistics KW - world RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Geneva PB - World Health Organization U1 - Free access. U2 - w46 N2 - The report provides a global overview of alcohol consumption in relation to public health (Chapter 1) as well as information on: the consumption of alcohol in populations (Chapter 2); the health consequences of alcohol consumption (Chapter 3); and policy responses at national level (Chapter 4). In addition the report contains country profiles for WHO Member States and appendices with statistical annexes, a description of the data sources and methods used as well as references SN - 92-4-069276-2 ebook AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 398076030 L3 - http://www.who.int/substance_abuse/publications/global_alcohol_report/ en/ ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3846 T1 - Language fair trial rights in the Uganda criminal justice system A1 - Namakula,Catherine S. Y1 - 2014/// KW - criminal procedure KW - indigenous languages KW - multilingualism KW - rights of the accused KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 121 EP - 151 JA - East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights: (2014), vol.20, no.1, p.121-151. VL - 20 IS - 1 U2 - w46 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article analyses the impact of language diversity on the right to fair hearing in Uganda. The jurisprudence reveals historical and systematic language complexities as well as structural deficiencies that inhibit the capacity of the courts to ensure trial fairness. An elucidation of the position of language fair trial rights in the minimum guarantees for fair trial presents an existing and priority framework for promoting, protecting and enforcing linguistic warranties. The language(s) of the people of Uganda is a key dynamic in the exercise of judicial power. It is the means through which the rights of accused persons are secured and exercised hence constituting the core foundation for justice. There is need to foster a professional standard of judicial interpreting, allocate adeaquate resources to courts of law, facilitate modern and reliable mechanisms of making the court record, and tackle national language reform. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/09/11/ M1 - Hf;F1 M3 - 397791593 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3853 T1 - Le chasseur et les filles-oiseaux = GbŠt¢ kp¢ ny¢n£vi-xevi le kpo : contes fon du B‚nin A1 - Makou Fachina,Thibaut C.D. Y1 - 2014/// N1 - In French and Fon KW - Benin KW - folk tales (form) KW - Fon KW - Fon language RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 99 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w46 T3 - La l‚gende des mondes N2 - Ached‚vi et son frŠre Sagbo -- Un LŠgba et Sohou‚ -- Ahwa et Afi, les deux vieilles dames -- Sagbo et les g‚nies … cornes -- L'araign‚e et la tortue -- Les deux co‚pouses : Talabi et Ad‚nigni -- Le feu du dieu Agbakaka -- Le chasseur et les femmes-oiseaux -- La solidarit‚ des animaux -- Le chasseur, sa femme et les deux biches -- Le chasseur et son chien appel‚ La vie est sans mystŠre SN - 2-343-04523-2 pbk AV - AFRIKA 49275 Y2 - 2015/09/11/ M3 - 396037542 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3841 T1 - Limitations on mandates of National Human Rights Institutions : perhaps a reconsideration is overdue A1 - Lubaale,Emma Charlene Y1 - 2014/// KW - Africa KW - human rights institutions RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 18 EP - 43 JA - East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights: (2014), vol.20, no.1, p.18-43. VL - 20 IS - 1 U2 - w46 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The role of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) in concretising human rights is increasingly being acknowledged. To have more impact at the national level, the need for NHRIs to limit and map out the scope of their mandate is unavoidable and in fact advisable. This article argues that while limitations on NHRI mandates are pivotal, some limitations are preventing NHRIs from addressing critical human rights issues at the national level. The article sets the pace to this argument by discussing the United Nations (UN) standards on the mandates of NHRIs. The circumstances surrounding the establishment of selected NHRIs are discussed. The article then critically analyses cross cutting limitations on NHRI mandates, demonstrating the continued relevance of some and prejudicial impact of others. The impact of broad limitations on complaint disposition is discussed, and finally the article concludes by arguing that some limitations should be reconsidered. In canvassing these issues, NHRIs in Africa are placed at the heart of the discussion, precisely on account of the shared history of authoritarian regimes prior to the establishment of NHRIs. The conclusions drawn are however instructive to all NHRIs. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/09/11/ M1 - Ba;F1 M3 - 397904606 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3847 T1 - Magistracy and internal security challenge in the administration of criminal justice in contemporary Nigeria A1 - Yerima,Timothy F. A1 - Hammed,Hanafi A. Y1 - 2014/// KW - administration of justice KW - criminal courts KW - judges KW - Nigeria RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 91 EP - 120 JA - East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights: (2014), vol.20, no.1, p.91-120. VL - 20 IS - 1 U2 - w46 U3 - Abstract available N2 - It is difficult to over-estimate the tremendous and significant contributions Magistrates Courts make in the administration of criminal justice in Nigeria. Aside the fact that they are a permanent part of our justice system, they sit each and every day, thereby helping in making our communities safer and more secured. The focus of this article is to consider the operation of magistracy in this period of internal security challenge in Nigeria. The article clarifies the concept of security and points out the obligation of the state to protect life, property and security of its citizens; and the reciprocal duty of the citizens to respect and obey the laws promulgated by the state arising from the social contract. The article further considers the challenges of effective magistracy in this period of internal security challenge in Nigeria which needs to be tackled to make Magistrates' Courts operate efficiently and effectively. At the tail of the article, some suggestions are proffered. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/09/11/ M1 - Fn;F1 M3 - 39779150X ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3848 T1 - Multiplicity of marriage forms in contemporary South Africa A1 - Garetto,Roberto Y1 - 2014/// KW - customary law KW - marriage KW - marriage law KW - South Africa RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 68 EP - 90 JA - East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights: (2014), vol.20, no.1, p.68-90. VL - 20 IS - 1 U2 - w46 U3 - Abstract available N2 - South Africa recognizes a multiplicity of marriage forms: common law marriage, customary marriage, and same-sex marriage. The South African Constitution has a high sensibility related to issues of human dignity, equality, and freedom. Respect for both cultural identity and non-discrimination is related to this trinity of values. In an axiologic perspective, however, these values can sometimes conflict, as it happens in the customary marriage - a plural marriage practiced in the form polygyny. In South Africa, coexisting forms of marriage relate in a critical way to problems concerning non-traditional concepts of marriage. Oftentimes, when discussing the possibility of recognizing same-sex marriage, it is suggested that this would force states to recognize polygamy as well. In actuality, these two forms of marriage are easily distinguishable according to their structure and function. They only share one characteristic: the contrast with the traditional concept of marriage as 'union of one man and one woman.' Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/09/11/ M1 - Kf;F1 M3 - 397791364 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3849 T1 - Regional human rights institutions : a comparison of the European and the African human rights systems A1 - Bogale,Befekadu Y1 - 2014/// KW - Africa KW - Europe KW - human rights institutions RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 44 EP - 67 JA - East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights: (2014), vol.20, no.1, p.44-67. VL - 20 IS - 1 U2 - w46 U3 - Abstract available N2 - There are currently three functioning regional human rights systems across the world. These are the European, the Inter-American and the African systems. All these have institutions established to spearhead the promotion and protection of human rights within the respective regions. The European system has one-tier institutional machinery of a regional human rights court whereas the lnter-American and the African systems have two-tiered institutional machinery of regional human rights commissions and courts. This article tries to compare the human rights institutions of the European and the African systems in search for lessons from each category. Therefore, by employing a comparative approach, utilizing descriptive and exploratory techniques and based on documentaty sources of information, this article tries to examine the similarities and differences between the European and the African human rights systems focusing on the human rights institutions under each system. The intention of the comparison is to elicit lessons which can be drawn from the experiences of the European system to its African counterpart. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/09/11/ M1 - Ba;F1 M3 - 397791275 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3854 T1 - Revue de la d‚fense au Burundi, 2011-2014 : tracer une voie nouvelle vers la paix, la stabilit‚ et la s‚curit‚ A1 - Hendrickson,Dylan Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Met noten KW - Burundi KW - defence policy KW - international cooperation KW - national security KW - Netherlands KW - peacebuilding RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Nairobi [etc.] PB - African Leadership Centre U1 - Free access. U2 - w46 T3 - African Leadership Centre Monographs, ISSN 2312-9107 ; 32b N2 - Lobjet de cet article est de montrer combien le processus dexamen entam‚ par le Burundi est novateur, de passer en revue quelques uns des d‚fis pragmatiques auxquels le Burundi aussi bien que les Pays-Bas ont eu … faire face ces trois derniŠres ann‚es, et d‚tudier comment ils ont ‚t‚ relev‚s. Larticle commence par exposer les circonstances qui ont conduit … cette toute premiŠre revue de la d‚fense, y compris les raisons de cette initiative et la nature du partenariat entre le Burundi et les Pays-Bas qui lont rendue possible. Puis, il explique la strat‚gie qui a ‚t‚ choisie, et comment le Burundi la adapt‚e … son contexte, ses besoins et ses priorit‚s. Ensuite, larticle analyse quelques uns des obstacles rencontr‚s lors du processus dexamen et comment ils ont ‚t‚ surmont‚s. En conclusion, il explique quels d‚fis le pays aura … relever lorsquil sera prˆt … transposer dans la r‚alit‚ les conclusions de la revue de la d‚fense AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 395581435 L3 - http://www.africanleadershipcentre.org/images/ALC_Monographs/ALC_ Monograph_32B.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3855 T1 - R‚volte et reconstruction en Libye : le roi et le rebelle A1 - Ouannes,Mocef Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 191-193. - Met indices, noten KW - Libya KW - peacebuilding KW - revolutions RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 202 CY - Paris PB - L'Harmattan U2 - w46 SN - 2-343-03336-6 AV - AFRIKA 49239 Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 393545644 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3858 T1 - Small farms under stress play a huge role for Africa : smallholder agriculture and emerging global challenges A1 - Beyene,Atakilte Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Omslagtitel BIbliogr.: p. [4] KW - Africa KW - food production KW - poverty KW - small farms RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Uppsala PB - The Nordic Africa Institute U1 - Free access. U2 - w46 T3 - Policy note, ISSN 1654-6695 ; 5, 2014 N2 - Widespread poverty as well as food and income insecurity plague Africas dominant smallholder agriculture. Paradoxically, the very people who mainly depend on agriculture are not able to secure their own food and nutrition needs. Today, three-quarters of Africas malnourished children and the majority of people living in absolute poverty are found among the smallholder farmers who are key to the development of the continent SN - 978-91-7106-757-9 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 389902047 L3 - http://nai.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:748754/FULLTEXT01.pdf ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3844 T1 - The legal status of holding charge as a detention mechanism under the Nigerian criminal justice system A1 - Okojie,Eric A. A1 - Enakemere,Lucky E. Y1 - 2014/// KW - detention KW - Nigeria KW - rights of the accused RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 168 EP - 183 JA - East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights: (2014), vol.20, no.1, p.168-183. VL - 20 IS - 1 U2 - w46 U3 - Abstract available N2 - Holding charge is a gross violation of an accused person's constitutional right to fair hearing and presumption of innocence until proven guilty. The continued application of the practice is being justified due to administrative convenience which is controversial judging from the divergent views of judicial decisions and opinions of legal practitioners on the issue. While some of the superior courts such as the Supreme Court's pronouncement in Lufadeju v. Johnson have justified the said practice, it raises the question whether it is a violation of the accused person's constitutional rights where the law provides that he must be the opportunity to apply for release from custody, pending future proceedings against him? This article concludes that the practice has no legal basis in the Nigerian criminal justice system and advocates for alternative detention mechanisms which serve the same purpose as holding charge but does not violate the rights of the accused person. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/09/11/ M1 - Fn;F1 M3 - 397791720 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3852 T1 - The letter of the law : regular and irregular migration in Saudi Arabica in a context of rapid change Y1 - 2014/// N1 - Bibliogr: p. 81-85. - Met noten KW - human trafficking KW - Northeast Africa KW - Saudi Arabia RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Nairobi PB - Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat U1 - Free access. U2 - w46 T3 - Mixed migration research series, Explaining people on the move ; study 4 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 397040547 L3 - http://www.regionalmms.org/fileadmin/content/rmms_publications/RMMS_ Letter_of_the_Law_-_Saudi_Arabia_report.pdf ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3845 T1 - The need for legal regulation of assisted reproductive technology in Nigeria A1 - Tajudeen,Ibraheem O. Y1 - 2014/// KW - family planning KW - infertility KW - legislation KW - Nigeria KW - technology RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 152 EP - 167 JA - East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights: (2014), vol.20, no.1, p.152-167. VL - 20 IS - 1 U2 - w46 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The desire of human beings to procreate is an innate one. One challenge to the actualisation of this desire is infertility, a problem which cuts across nations and races; and hence, the development of Assisted Reproductive Technologies. The first part of this article considers the phenomenon called infertility and its causes. The article looks at the various techniques involved and a few issues associated with Assisted Reproductive Technologies generally are considered. The attempts to regulate the use of these technologies by various jurisdictions worldwide are also examined and the need for legal regulation of the same in Nigeria is stressed. Some recommendations are made at the end of the article. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/09/11/ M1 - Fn;F1 M3 - 397791631 ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3850 T1 - Treaty interpretation in the African regional human rights system : streamling the 'conventional' and the 'special' A1 - Yeshanew,Sisay A. Y1 - 2014/// KW - Africa KW - human rights KW - international agreements RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 1 EP - 17 JA - East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights: (2014), vol.20, no.1, p.1-17. VL - 20 IS - 1 U2 - w46 U3 - Abstract available N2 - The treaties constituting the African regional human rights system uniquely enshrine provisions on principles of interpretation. The article argues for the application of these special principles in harmony with the conventional international law of treaty interpretation. It further demonstrates the application of the rules of treaty interpretation in the African human rights system with practical examples from the jurisprudence of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights. It underscores the need for a more principled and clearer reasoning that lays out the rules of interpretation that apply in the specific cases that the monitoring bodies in the regional system decide. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/09/11/ M1 - Ba;F2 M3 - 39779116X ER - TY - JOUR ID - 3842 T1 - Unpacking the right to participation for the Batwa indigenous minorities in Uganda A1 - Achan-Okiria,Patricia Y1 - 2014/// KW - civil and political rights KW - ethnic groups KW - minority groups KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE SP - 200 EP - 215 JA - East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights: (2014), vol.20, no.1, p.200-215. VL - 20 IS - 1 U2 - w46 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This article examines the extent to which Uganda's domestic legal framework fails to adequately promote the right to participation for the Batwa. This is against the background that of all Uganda's diverse ethnic groups, the Batwa has been the most historically disadvantaged since time immemorial. The central thrust of this article is to make a case for Batwa's participation in making decisions that affect them. Although the 1995 Constitution of Uganda recognizes the Batwa as one of the ethnic groups in Uganda, they are not recognized as indigenous and minority group and their ability to take part in political affairs are undermined. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract] AV - AFRIKA article Y2 - 2015/09/11/ M1 - Hf;F1 M3 - 397791895 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3864 T1 - Development and security challenges in oil-producing countries: the main causes and lessons in sub-Saharan Africa A1 - Sefa-Nyarko,Clement Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 45-60. - Met noten, samenvatting KW - Chad KW - Ghana KW - multinational enterprises KW - Nigeria KW - petroleum industry KW - political stability KW - social problems KW - Subsaharan Africa RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Nairobi [etc.] PB - African Leadership Centre U1 - Free access. U2 - w46 T3 - African Leadership Centre Monographs, ISSN 2312-9107 ; 28 N2 - The central argument of this paper is that domestic political and economic factors are not exhaustive in unraveling the root causes of insecurity and underdevelopment in oil-producing countries. Empirical evidence shows that oil-producing countries in sub-Saharan Africa are either plunged into civil war, have low human development indicators, have high records of corruption, have high human rights abuses, or have a mixture of those. The resource curse thesis blames the large sums of oil revenue which accrue to governments as the main trigger which create unique political economy for corruption and mismanagement, which in turn heightens inequality. Consequently, poverty rates increase, and rebellion become rampant, as a result of which some regimes use heavy-handed security apparatus to suppress grievances. However, this paper uses examples from sub-Saharan Africa and other developing countries to demonstrate that, these domestic political factors notwithstanding, the role of multinational oil companies (MNCs) in a globalised world play some important roles in exacerbating the problem. It also argues that if the discourse of the resource curse is to reflect the reality in sub-Saharan Africa, it should avoid generalization and consider each case as unique. This is because in cases like Nigeria and Chad, some of the problems predate the production and export of crude oil. It means that socio-historical and other environmental concerns in specific contexts should also be given prominence in the discourse. The case-specific context of Nigeria's Niger Delta has also been extrapolated to provide some important lessons for Ghana, which is a new oil-producer in sub-Saharan Africa AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 395584876 L3 - http://www.africanleadershipcentre.org/images/ALC_Monographs/ALC_ Monograph_28.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3861 T1 - Gender strategic social acountability project : gender relations and women's role in anti-corruption Y1 - 2013/// N1 - November 2013 Bibliogr.: p. 26-27. - Met noten, samenvatting KW - corruption KW - gender discrimination KW - Uganda KW - women RP - NOT IN FILE EP - IV, 28 CY - Kampala PB - Anti-Corruption Coalition Uganda U2 - w46 AV - AFRIKA Hc8226 Y2 - 2015/10/11/ M3 - 397742975 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3862 T1 - Lessons learned and experiences booklet : strenthening transparency and accountability in the utilization of UPE resources Y1 - 2013/// KW - corruption KW - primary education KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE EP - II, 26 CY - Kampala PB - ACCU/ACCOB U2 - w46 AV - AFRIKA Hc8223 Y2 - 2015/10/11/ M3 - 39773820X ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3866 T1 - Maritime security challenges in the gulf of Guinea A1 - Okafor,Ifesinachi Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 54-67. - Met gloss., noten KW - Central Africa KW - drug trafficking KW - dumping KW - hazardous wastes KW - human trafficking KW - maritime transport KW - piracy KW - regional security KW - West Africa RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Nairobi [etc.] PB - African Leadership Centre U1 - Free access. U2 - w46 T3 - African Leadership Centre Monographs, ISSN 2312-9107 ; 33 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 395528046 L3 - http://www.africanleadershipcentre.org/images/ALC_Monographs/ALC_ Monograph_33_Ife.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3863 T1 - Migrant smuggling in the Horn of Africa & Yemen : the political economy and protection risks A1 - Frouws,Bram Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 76-79. - Met noten KW - human trafficking KW - Northeast Africa KW - Yemen RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Nairobi PB - Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat U1 - Free access. U2 - w46 T3 - Mixed migration research series, Explaining people on the move ; study 1 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 396819885 L3 - http://regionalmms.org/fileadmin/content/monthly%20summaries/series_ booklet_Leo.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3865 T1 - The African Union Interventionism : lessons learnt A1 - Muliro,Wilfred Nasong'o Y1 - 2013/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 56-67. - Met noten KW - African Union KW - Burundi KW - foreign intervention KW - military intervention KW - peacekeeping operations KW - Somalia KW - Sudan RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Nairobi [etc.] PB - African Leadership Centre U1 - Free access. U2 - w46 T3 - African Leadership Centre Monographs, ISSN 2312-9107 ; 31 N2 - The purpose of this paper is to examine three cases of AUs interventionism, which involve the deployment of peace support operations. The objective is to identify both positive and negative lessons learnt from these peace support operations.This includes among others when and how to intervene and the policy implications of AUs interventionism. The aim is to suggest ways of consolidating these positive lessons and achievements so as to improve AUs capacity in running peace support operations AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 395582067 L3 - http://www.africanleadershipcentre.org/images/ALC_Monographs/ALC_ Monograph_31.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3860 T1 - The hangman's replacement A1 - Chiveneko,Taona Dumisani Y1 - 2013/// RP - NOT IN FILE EP - dl CY - [Masvingo] PB - Chiveneko Publishing U2 - w46 SN - 1-482-76768-6 M3 - 398115710 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3874 T1 - Do grassroots approaches and mobilization for development contribute to post-conflict peacebuilding? : the experience of Northern Ghana A1 - Safunu,Banchani John-Paul Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 42-47. - Met noten, samenvatting KW - Dagomba KW - ethnic warfare KW - Ghana KW - Konkomba KW - peacebuilding KW - popular participation RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Nairobi [etc.] PB - African Leadership Centre U1 - Free access. U2 - w46 T3 - African Leadership Centre Monographs, ISSN 2312-9107 ; 26 N2 - Bottom-up approaches to peacebuilding in post-conflict societies contribute positively to the building of relations and reconciliation in ethnically divided societies. Using rassroots strategies in Northern Ghana after the 1994-95 civil strife proved largely successful in marshalling people from the grassroots for development in the region. The grassroots approaches however failed to create any institutional structures to sustain the fragile peace that was established. This study interrogates grassroots and local approaches to peacebuilding by challenging the simplistic assumption that by ensuring local participation and local ownership in the peacebuilding process grassroots approaches are flawless. By examining the benefits and challenges of the grassroots peacebuilding process in the Northern Region of Ghana, this study questions the extent to which local and grassroots approaches to peacebuilding are sustainable. The analysis is based on a careful review and critical interrogation of the burgeoning literature on peacebuilding AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 395586100 L3 - http://www.africanleadershipcentre.org/images/ALC_Monographs/ALC_ Monograph_26.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3868 T1 - Farmer access to innovation resources : experiences with piloting Local Innovation Support Funds in Uganda A1 - Moses,Sekate A1 - Magala,Damalie Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Omslagtitel Met bijl., samenvatting KW - agricultural innovations KW - farmers KW - financing KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 25 CY - [Kampala] PB - PROLINNOVA Uganda U2 - w46 AV - AFRIKA Hc8227 Y2 - 2015/10/11/ M3 - 397743238 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3867 T1 - Heineken in Sierra Leone : the local sourcing of Sorghum by the Sierra Leone Brewery Limited (SLBL) A1 - Apotheker,Roos Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Met noten KW - beer KW - Sierra Leone KW - small farms KW - sorghum RP - NOT IN FILE CY - [S.l. PB - s.n.] U1 - Free access. U2 - w46 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 398063303 L3 - http://eucord.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Heineken-Sierra-Leone-case. pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3872 T1 - International counter-terrorism in the Horn of Africa: examining radicalization in Kenya A1 - Muriungi,Susan Karegi Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten KW - Islam KW - Kenya KW - regional security KW - terrorism RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Nairobi [etc.] PB - African Leadership Centre U1 - Free access. U2 - w46 T3 - African Leadership Centre Monographs, ISSN 2312-9107 ; 24 N2 - The Horn of Africa has particularly received attention in the last ten years for its vulnerability in providing spaces that extremists can operate in. Counter-radicalization efforts in this region are a necessary component in counter-terrorism strategies. However, it is important to recognize the points of departure in what defines radicalization within different societies so as to apply measures that are suited for their environment. This paper seeks to look at factors that make radicalization in the region slightly different from radicalization in say the Western nations or the Middle East. It however recognizes that there are factors which in the same breath make the process easier to identify as those factors apply uniformly across their geographical context. Finally, it is vital to note that radicalization in this study is limited to the contemporary debates on terrorism following attacks on the US in September 2001 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 395587522 L3 - http://www.africanleadershipcentre.org/images/ALC_Monographs/ALC_ Monograph_24.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3875 T1 - Land conflicts and post-conflict reconstruction in South Sudan A1 - Turmayureeba,Robert Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 43-51. - Met samenvatting KW - conflict resolution KW - land conflicts KW - South Sudan KW - Sudan RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Nairobi [etc.] PB - African Leadership Centre U1 - Free access. U2 - w46 T3 - African Leadership Centre Monographs, ISSN 2312-9107 ; 27 N2 - On the 9th July 2012, the Republic of South Sudan cerebrated her first ever independence anniversary amidst political and socio-economic challenges. These include and are not limited to infighting exacerbated by ethnic tensions and land disputes. Available evidence suggests that one of the most pressing challenges impeding the reconstruction of South Sudan is land conflicts. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the underlying causes of land conflicts, implications and the role of the state and non-state actors in search for durable solution to the land conflicts. Thus, based on the findings, this thesis presents two arguments. Firstly, land conflicts in South Sudan are a result of a multiplicity of factors. However, the most outstanding are development induced displacement, different competing land uses, overwhelming number of returnees and land grabbing. Secondly, the search for sustainable solution to land conflicts remains an illusion at least in the short term. This has a bearing on investments, food production, and the general wellbeing of the affected parties especially the vulnerable groups such as the women, ex-combatants, children, and elderly among others. Methodologically, this thesis draws on secondary literature ranging from books, journals, newspapers and government documents AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 395584973 L3 - http://www.africanleadershipcentre.org/images/ALC_Monographs/ALC_ Monograph_27.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3869 T1 - Monetary policy rules: lessons learned from ECOWAS countries A1 - Siri,Alain Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 26-35. - Met noten, samenvatting KW - central banks KW - Communaut‚ conomique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest KW - interest rates KW - monetary policy KW - West Africa RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Nairobi PB - African Economic Research Consortium U1 - Free access. U2 - w46 T3 - AERC research paper ; 244 N2 - This paper analyses the monetary policy conduct of some central banks in Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) member countries in the post-monetary reforms era, to establish whether they follow the Taylor Rule or its subsequent modified reaction functions. Interest rate policy rules have been estimated to ascertain this. Despite the declared use of indirect monetary policy management, the empirical evidence suggests that Ghana and Nigerias monetary policies are not consistent with the monetary policy rule according to the original Taylor formula or its adjusted variants. The robustness tests carried out using different estimation methods and inflation and output gap measurements, have not led to a significant improvement in the results of regressions. Interest rates weakly react to the variations of inflation and the output gap. Similar results are observed even if interest rates equations are adjusted by exchange rate,money, foreign assets and credit aggregates. In the case of the West African Economicand Monetary Union (WAEMU), the central bank seems to apply a Taylor rule which is adjusted by the interest rate of France AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 396814131 L3 - http://www.asclibrary.nl/docs/396814131.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3870 T1 - Panorama des litt‚ratures francophones dAfrique A1 - Magnier,Bernard Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Omslagtitel KW - Africa KW - anthologies (form) KW - French language KW - French-speaking Africa KW - literary history KW - literature KW - novels RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Paris PB - Institut fran‡ais U1 - Free access. U2 - w46 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 39668985X L3 - http://www.institutfrancais.com/sites/default/files/01-Panorama-HD.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3871 T1 - Political leadership and the causes of violent conflict in C“te dIvoire A1 - Theron,Sonja Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 43-46. - Met noten KW - C“te d'Ivoire KW - leadership KW - political violence RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Nairobi PB - African Leadership Centre U1 - Free access. U2 - w46 T3 - African Leadership Centre Monographs, ISSN 2312-9107 ; 23 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 395979153 L3 - http://www.africanleadershipcentre.org/images/ALC_Monographs/ALC_ Monograph_23.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3873 T1 - Structural underpinnings of the Kenyas election violence: an analysis of Tethno-political conflicts A1 - Okello,Amos Onyango Y1 - 2012/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 41-49. - Met noten, samenvatting KW - ethnic warfare KW - Kenya KW - political violence KW - social conditions RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Nairobi [etc.] PB - African Leadership Centre U1 - Free access. U2 - w46 T3 - African Leadership Centre Monographs, ISSN 2312-9107 ; 25 N2 - Kenya has witnessed a cycle of electoral violence since the re-introduction of multiparty politics in 1992. The consequences of the violence have been grave including the loss of lives, physical incapacitation due to injuries, and destruction of property and infrastructure leading to economic decline. Though literature is vast in the possible causes of the violence most have been deficient in providing plausible directions for development of effective policies for prevention and management of these conflicts. This is primarily because a majority have tended to be uni- directional in their conception, hence addressing only one dimension of the problem. Moreover none has attempted to look at the structural underpinnings of the violence. This paper argues only an analysis founded on a conceptual frame work that goes beyond the front-line political dynamics of a country can hope to evolve long-term solutions. In this regard this paper concludes that in politically instigated internal conflicts and particularly election violence in Kenya is mainly structural rather than rational. Thus, individuals' action, and especially the masses, is not due to their own 'free will', but rather it is influenced by the social construction of the society particularly the assumed, and often ethnically regarded political and socioeconomic leverages AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 395586364 L3 - http://www.africanleadershipcentre.org/images/ALC_Monographs/ALC_ Monograph_25.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3876 T1 - Alcohol marketing practices in Africa : findings from the Gambia, Ghana, Nigeria and Uganda A1 - Bruijn,Avalon de Y1 - 2011/// N1 - Titel op de omslag: Monitoring alcohol marketing in Africa Bibliogr.: p. 74-77. - Met bijl KW - advertising KW - alcoholic beverages KW - Gambia KW - Ghana KW - marketing KW - Nigeria KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Utrecht PB - Dutch Institute for Alcohol Policy (STAP) U1 - Free access. U2 - w46 SN - 978-92-9023-184-4 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 398063516 L3 - http://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/109914 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3877 T1 - D‚gage : la r‚volution tunisienne, 17 d‚cembre 2010-14 janvier 2011 A1 - Bettaieb,Viviane Y1 - 2011/// KW - 2011 KW - personal narratives (form) KW - pictorial works (form) KW - protest KW - revolutions KW - Tunisia RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 239 CY - Paris PB - Layeur U2 - w46 T3 - Livre-t‚moignages SN - 2-915118-98-1 (Paris) AV - AFRIKA A7879 Y2 - 2015/12/11/ M3 - 397903588 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3878 T1 - Current status of agricultural performance and productivity enhancing mechanisms : proceedings of the 12th annual conference of the Agricultural Economics Society of Ethiopia A1 - Beyene,Tadesse Y1 - 2010/// N1 - Met bibliogr., noten, samenvattingen KW - agricultural innovations KW - agricultural market KW - agricultural productivity KW - crops KW - Ethiopia KW - livestock RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XI, 271 CY - Addis Ababa PB - Agricultural Economics Society of Ethiopia U2 - w46 U3 - Abstract available N2 - This publication presents the proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of AESE (Agricultural Economics Society of Ethiopia), held on 14 and 15 August 2009 in Addis Ababa. The theme of the conference was "Current status of agricultural performance and productivity enhancing mechanisms". Contents: The recent performance of Ethiopia's agriculture sector and the CAADP framework (Abera Deressa, Wondirad Mandefro, Demese Chanyalew, Getinet Gebeyehu, Goshu Mekonen, Yadessa Dinssa); Rural household food security status and agricultural practices in Assosa District, Ethiopia (Yilma Muluken, Ayalneh Bogale, Workneh Negatu); Impacts and implications of agricultural credit use on gross farm income in southern Ethiopia (Anbes Tenaye); Farmers' preferences for crop variety traits: lessons for on-farm conservation and technology adaptation (Sinafikeh Asrat, Mahmud Yesuf, Fredrik Carlsson, Edilegnaw Wale); Determinants of adoption of malt barley varieties in Ethiopia (Getachew Legese, Eshetu Lema, Tolesa Alemu, Sintayehu Debebe); Determinants of adoption of improved drought tolerant maize varieties and their implication for household food security in drought prone areas (Getachew Legese, Augustine S. Langyintuo, Wilfred Mwangi, Moti Jaleta); Afforestation in Ethiopia: a digression between policy intention and household priorities (Zenebe Gebreegziabher); Economic analysis of Eucalyptus in Arsi Highlands of Ethiopia (Tolesa Alemu); Value chain analysis of vegetables in eastern Ethiopia (Bezabih Emana); Characteristics of the Ethiopian live animal and meat export market value chain (Getachew Legese, Hailemariam Teklewold, Dawit Alemu, Asfaw Negasa); Responsiveness of supply to price incentives in the Ethiopian livestock markets (Hailemariam Teklewold, Getachew Legese, Dawit Alemu, Asfaw Negasa); Impacts of livestock import ban by Gulf States on Ethiopian economy (Dugasa Dirbaba, Belachew Hurrissa). [ASC Leiden abstract] SN - 978-99944-8362-4 AV - AFRIKA 48980 Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 394467353 ER - TY - JFULL ID - 3879 T1 - Journal of African cinemas Journal of African cinemas, ISSN 1754-923X A1 - Tomaselli,Keyan G. A1 - Mhando,Martin Y1 - 2009/// N1 - Verschijnt 2x per jaar KW - cinema KW - Subsaharan Africa RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Journal of African cinemas U2 - Vol. 1, no. 1 (2009) - ... w46 SN - 1754-9221 AV - AFRIKA J-7/Lz Y2 - 2015/10/11/ M1 - Na M3 - 314982507 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3880 T1 - Guidelines for human rights and peace clubs in secondary schools in Uganda Y1 - 2007/// KW - human rights KW - peacebuilding KW - secondary education KW - Uganda RP - NOT IN FILE EP - VI, 30 CY - Kampala PB - Uganda Human Rights Commission U2 - w46 AV - AFRIKA Hc8224 Y2 - 2015/10/11/ M3 - 397738277 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3881 T1 - FNV company report : Heineken Guiness Ghana Breweries Limited (GGBL) A1 - Britwum,Akua A1 - Enu-Kwesi,Francis A1 - Akorsu,Angela Y1 - 2006/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 44. - Met bijl., noten, samenvatting KW - beer KW - Ghana KW - labour relations KW - multinational enterprises KW - working conditions RP - NOT IN FILE CY - Cape Coast PB - Centre for Development Studies (CDS) U1 - Free access. U2 - w46 T3 - Research report series ; 2006 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 398063729 L3 - http://www.somo.nl/publications-nl/Publication_2640-nl ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3882 T1 - Problems and prospects of the search for a catholic spiritual tradition in the Ghanaian catholic pastoral ministry A1 - Okoledah,Norbert Y1 - 2005/// N1 - Bibliogr.: p. 282-294. - Met noten KW - African theology KW - Catholic Church KW - clergy KW - Ghana KW - liturgy RP - NOT IN FILE EP - XVIII, 294 CY - Mnster PB - Lit U2 - w46 T3 - Beitr„ge zur Missionswissenschaft und Religionsgeschichte ; Bd. 21 SN - 3-8258-8490-2 pbk AV - AFRIKA 49394 Y2 - 2015/11/13/ M3 - 397751478 ER - TY - JFULL ID - 3883 T1 - Feminist Africa Feminist Africa, ISSN 1726-460X Y1 - 2002/// N1 - Verschijnt niet meer Verschijnt onregelmatig KW - Africa KW - gender relations KW - sexuality KW - women RP - NOT IN FILE JA - Feminist Africa U2 - No. 1 (2002) - No. 18 (2013) w46 SN - 1726-4596 AV - AFRIKA Z-6/Lz Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M1 - (6);301.172.1-055.1/.3;392.6;396;Na M3 - 264971663 ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3884 T1 - Num‚ro sp‚cial: Ville-forˆt Y1 - 1999/// KW - Central Africa KW - forest resources KW - forests KW - nature conservation KW - towns KW - urban population RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 30 CY - Bruxelles PB - APFT, Universit‚ Libre de Bruxelles U2 - w46 T3 - APFT-news ; no. 7 AV - AFRIKA Hc8229 Y2 - 2015/09/11/ M3 - 397756534 ER - TY - JFULL ID - 3885 T1 - State of the nation .. Y1 - 1996/// N1 - Verschijnt 1x per jaar KW - Church and State KW - economic conditions KW - political conditions KW - social conditions KW - Zambia RP - NOT IN FILE JA - State of the nation ... U2 - w46 AV - Elektronisch document Y2 - 2015/11/11/ M3 - 394083571 L3 - http://www.asclibrary.nl/docs/394083571-2008.pdf http://www.asclibrary.nl/docs/394083571-2009.pdf http://www.asclibrary.nl/docs/394083571-2011.pdf ER - TY - BOOK ID - 3886 T1 - Report of the fieldwork carried out in the framework of the intensive EIA-course, A1 - Korthof,Hannie A1 - Peters,Huub Y1 - 1993/// N1 - Omslagtitel Met bibliogr., bijl., samenvatting in het Frans KW - Cameroon KW - environmental management KW - evaluation KW - on-the-job training RP - NOT IN FILE EP - 44 CY - Maroua PB - CEDC U2 - w46 AV - AFRIKA Hc8228 Y2 - 2015/10/11/ M3 - 397754426 ER -