ASC highlights |
Nigeria Country Meeting: 22 April
What's to be expected of the new Buhari government in Nigeria in terms of its economy? On 22 April, the ASC organizes a Country Meeting with the theme: 'The incoming government and its implication for Nigeria’s growth and economic transformation 2015-2019'. Keynote speakers are Dr David Ehrhardt (assistant Professor in International Development, Leiden University College) and Dr Dele Olowu (consultant on governance and capacity development).
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Submit your thesis for the Africa Thesis Award 2015
The submission of theses for the Africa Thesis Award 2015 is now open! The ASC offers you the chance to win € 500. The winning thesis will be published in the ASC's African Studies Collection. Any final-year student who has completed a Masters thesis with distinction at a university in Africa or the Netherlands may apply. The thesis has to be based on independent empirical research related to Sub-Saharan Africa. Deadline: 12 July 2015.
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Education news |
Students in the Netherlands: apply for the Research Masters in African Studies!
Students in the Netherlands with a Bachelor's degree who wish to follow the Research Masters in African Studies (starting September): apply before 15 June! Submit your application online on Leiden University's website.
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Research news |
ASC to evaluate the 'epicentre programme' of The Hunger Project Benin
The ASC will perform an evaluation of the 'epicentre programme' of The Hunger Project (THP) Benin. ‘Epicentres’ are clusters of villages, dynamic centres where communities are mobilized for action to meet their basic needs. The ASC will use the PADev approach (Participatory Assessment of Development) that focuses on the effects of a strategy on wider development.
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News from INCLUDE
NWO-WOTRO has recently awarded funding to seven research projects on social protection in Sub-Saharan Africa. Over the next two years, the projects will investigate the cost-effectiveness of social protection interventions in realizing inclusive growth. Together with the research on productive employment and strategic actors for inclusive development, the seven projects complete the portfolio of research projects supported by INCLUDE.
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New publications |
Geographies of connectivity in East Africa: trains, telecommunications, and technological teleologies
Laura Mann is co-author of a journal article in Transactions of the Institute of British geographers that compares two moments of technologically mediated change in East Africa: the construction of the Uganda railway between Mombasa and Lake Victoria (1896-1903) and the introduction of fibre-optic cables that landed into the ports of Dar Es Salaam and Mombasa in 2009.
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A fine mess: bricolaged forest governance in Cameroon
Ton Dietz is co-author of an article in the International journal of the Commons about value chains of Cameroonian non-timber forest products. These value chains move through harvesters, processors and traders to consumers locally and worldwide. The article analyses governance arrangements for such chains and finds governance messy, with overlapping, multiple layers of institutions and actors.
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More publications
For an overview of all new publications, check out the list of newly added publications on our website!
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Library news |
AfricaBib indexed by Google Scholar, and one-stop search introduced
During the last months of 2014, Google Scholar approached the ASC and got permission to index the AfricaBib database and use the metadata in Google Scholar. This means that the 216,000 records in AfricaBib will be more visible to scholars and others interested. As of January 2015, it is also possible to search through all records simultaneously in a one-stop search.
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Article on the Wikipedians-in-special-residence project
A growing number of libraries and archives work together with Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia. The ASC participated in the successful Wikipedians-in-Special-Residence project last year. Jos Damen (ASC Library) and Ingeborg Verheul (Atria Amsterdam) write about their experiences in IP, magazine for information specialists.
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New Acquisition Highlight: The Maestro, The Magistrate & The Mathematician
The new novel The Maestro, The Magistrate & The Mathematicianby Tendai Huchu (Zimbabwe) zooms into the life of three Zimbabwean expatriates. It also provides valuable insight into the political and economic landscape, the shaky opposition and the corruption which are set into the fabric of Zimbabwean life.
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ASC in the media |
Interviews about al-Shabab attacks on the University of Garissa
Several ASC researchers were interviewed about the attacks by al-Shabab on the University of Garissa, Kenya. Our researchers were also interviewed about the removal of colonial statues in South Africa. Take a look at the overview of all media performances.
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Seminars |
Message in a bottle: Race, consumption and advertising in the 20th century South African wine industry
In 1962, the South African Liquor Act was revised in a way that finally permitted all South Africans to purchase alcohol. Wine companies anticipated a surge in wine sales amongst black consumers. But by the 1980s consumption was actually falling. Where had the wine industry gone wrong? Find out during the ASC seminar on 16 April with Paul Nugent, Professor of Comparative African History of the University of Edinburgh.
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Knowledge = Power. Politics and formal education in the precolonial Kongo kingdom
Africa is often associated with oral traditions. Little is known that a formal school system was introduced in the West-Central African Kongo kingdom in the beginning of the 16th century. Inge Brinkman (Ghent University) will discuss the Kongo school system in terms of global integration and local appropriation during this ASC seminar on 23 April.
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Workshop: Muslim scholars in Africa, past and present
This workshop on 23 April brings together scholars working on questions of Muslim intellectual production in Arabic in the past and the present in Africa. The focus is on African Muslim literary production. The workshop will help to understand how scholars and preachers situate their work simultaneously locally, as well as in relation to the broader Islamic traditions and centers of intellectual production. The workshop is organised by Leiden University Centre for Islamic Studies (LUCIS) and the ASC.
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Other news |
PhD defence Angela Kronenburg García about land and forest in Kenya
PhD student Angela Kronenburg García will defend her PhD thesisContesting Control. Land and forest in the struggle for Loita Maasai self-government in Kenya at Wageningen University on 13 April. Promotor is ASC researcher Prof. Han van Dijk.
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PhD defence Harrie Leijten: Van afgodsbeeld tot kunstvoorwerp
On 15 April, PhD student Harrie Leijten will defend his PhD thesisFrom idol to art. African 'objects with power': A challenge for missionaries, anthropologists and museum curators at Tilburg University. Promotor is ASC researcher Prof. Wouter van Beek.
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Presentation Ton Dietz at Haarlem Model United Nations conference
ASC director Ton Dietz spoke at the Haarlem Model United Nations conference 27-29 March. During the conference (organised by students of the Stedelijk Gymnasium Haarlem) students from schools in the Netherlands and elsewhere acted as delegations of countries or NGOs, similar to the ones at the real United Nations. Ton Dietz spoke about 'Africa, growth and inequality'.
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Filmed ASC events
Did you miss an ASC seminar? Check out the catalogue of filmed ASC events! Latest videos: Prof. Osaghae's lecture on Boko Haram, Bram Buscher about fortress conservation in Kruger National Park, and Jos van Beurden on Post-colonial cultural relations and the return of art objects.
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Highlight Africa |
Elections Sudan 13-15 April
Sudan holds national elections 13-15 April, including for the office of President. The EU does not support the elections because of the government's 'failure to initiate a genuine national dialogue'. Almost all opposition parties boycot the elections, that will be monitored by an AU delegation. Follow the latest news on Sudan on our Country Portal.
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