ASC highlights |
ASC publication most downloaded book from Leiden Repository in 2014!
The African Studies Centre publication Fundamentals of Human Resource Management: Emerging Experiences from Africa (2011) was the most downloaded book from Leiden Repository in 2014. Leiden Repository is the Open Access publications bank of Leiden University and affiliated institutes.
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ASC web article on Nigeria elections: 'In Nigeria, all is set, but for what?'
On the occasion of the upcoming presidential elections in Nigeria, Dr Ayo Ojebode, University of Ibadan, wrote an ASC web article analyzing Nigeria's current and post-election challenges. The ASC will be organizing a Country Meeting on Nigeria (20 February). More information at the bottom of this Newsletter!
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Education news |
Research Masters African Studies: visit us during the 'Masterdag' 6 February!
The Research Masters in African Studies, which is offered by the ASC in cooperation with Leiden University, is unique in the Netherlands. It combines an interdisciplinary approach with in-depth study of a particular theme and region in Africa, and is taught by leading scholars. Ask us for more information during the Masterday: Friday 6 February, 14.15-15.00 at Lipsius building, room 203.
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Research news |
New project: Society and Change in Northern Ghana
The new research project 'Society and Change in Northern Ghana: Dagomba, Gonja, and the Regional Perspective on Ghanaian History' focuses on the Dagomba and Gonja peoples, polities and cultures in Northern Ghana. Universities in Ghana and the Netherlands work together in this project; Noorderlicht Photography cooperates in a photographic part of the project. The launch in Ghana will take place on 5 February.
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News from INCLUDE
The homepage of INCLUDE features a new section, Selected from the web, with relevant sources on productive employment, social protection, and strategic actors for inclusive development in Africa. Most of INCLUDE’s research groups on productive employment and strategic actors for inclusive development have held their kick-off meeting recently, and the reports can now be read.
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New publications |
Co-edited volume by Benjamin Soares:
New Media and Religious Transformations in Africa
ASC senior researcher Benjamin Soares' new co-edited book analyzes Africa's rapidly evolving religious media scene. Showing how media are rarely neutral vehicles of expression, the authors analyze the mutual imbrications of media and religion in times of rapid technological and social change throughout Africa.
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New ASC Infosheet: Turkey in Africa: where economic diplomacy meets Islamic appeal
Turkey has recently been showing increased interest in developing strong relations with African countries. Development aid, humanitarian assistance and Islamic solidarity are strongly entwined with diplomacy and trade. Open access!
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Consuming democracy. Local agencies & liberal peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo
This PhD thesis by Meike de Goede focuses on liberal peace building in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It takes a critical approach which emphasises local agencies and their engagements with liberal peace building. It has been published in the African Studies Collection.
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Library news |
New Acquisition Highlight: 'Politics of poverty: The Odinga curse to the Luos!'
Politics of poverty: the Odinga curse to the Luos! (published in 2012 and acquired by the ASC Library last year) was written by Ojijo, a Kenyan Luo living in Kampala. It is a rather heated political and ideological pamphlet blaming Raila Odinga - then Prime Minister in a power-sharing construction with rival Mwai Kibaki as President - for not having brought development to Luoland.
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‘Timbuktu’ and other relevant African films at IFFR
This year, the African films at the International Film Festival in Rotterdam were mostly short films. Of the few feature films that were selected, ‘Timbuktu’ merits to be seen by a lot more people, writes the ASC Library's Elvire Eijkman.
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New acquisitions list
The ASC Library has renewed its acquisitions list: it is now published weekly and is sorted by type of publication and country. It includes free electronic documents and journal abstracts (if available). It is also possibile to download all new titles in RIS format. Suggestions welcome at oberst@ascleiden.nl.
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ASC in the media |
Folia about the lecture series 'And Now Africa'
Folia Magazine wrote an article about the extent to which universities in The Netherlands are interested in Africa. Occasion for the article: the lecture series 'And Now Africa ' that the ASC and the University of Amsterdam are organizing this term.
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ASC researchers interviewed about Boko Haram
Many ASC researchers were interviewed about Boko Haram's advance in Northern Nigeria. Also the cartoon protests in Niger were the subject of interviews. Take a look at the overview of all recent media performances.
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Seminars |
Do African elites really want to emulate a Chinese 'model' of development?
This ASC seminar on 19 February by Elsje Fourie (Maastricht University) seeks to examine the ideational influence of China’s development on developing country elites. Focus is on Ethiopia and Kenya.
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Post-colonial cultural relations and the return of art objects
Museums in Western countries that possess cultural objects acquired during the colonial era, try to ‘decolonise’ their practices and relations with museums in former colonies. However, they have difficulty to seriously rethink the distribution of these objects. Jos van Beurden will talk about the Netherlands-Indonesia, Belgium-Zaire, and Europe-Nigeria relations on 12 March.
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Other news |
Congolese journalist André Shamba writes column for 'Connecting in Times of Duress'
André Shamba is a former journalist from the Democratic Republic of Congo. He writes a weekly column (in French) on politics and social developments in Africa for Connecting in Times of Duress, Mirjam de Bruijn's research project on the relationship between social media, mobile telephony and the social fabric under duress in Africa’s mobile margins.
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Video of Stephen Ellis' seminar on Nigerian organized crime
Did you miss Stephen Ellis' seminar on the history of Nigerian organized crime? Take a look at the video.
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Highlight Africa |
Presidential elections Nigeria - ASC Country Meeting
On the occasion of the upcoming elections in Nigeria on 14 February, the ASC is organizing a Country Meeting on 20 February. Theme: 'The incoming government and its implication for Nigeria’s growth and economic transformation 2015-2019'.
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