ASC highlight |
'Asian Tigers, African Lions' wins award
Asian Tigers, African Lions: Comparing the Development Performance of Southeast Asia and Africa, published by Brill in 2013 and coordinated by the African Studies Centre and the KITLV in Leiden, has won a Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award 2014!
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Education news |
ASC and UvA lecture series: And Now Africa
The ASC and the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (UvA) are organizing the lecture series And Now Africa for students and professionals. The course will explain the context of the economic growth, the rapid population growth, urbanization, youth revolution, cultural and religious trends. Register before 26 January.
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Research news |
Call for papers European Conference on African Studies ends 9 January
The Sixth European Conference on African Studies will take place in Paris 8-10 July 2015. The principal theme of ECAS 6 isCollective Mobilisations in Africa: Contestation, Resistance, Revolt. The call for papers ends 9 January. Check out the overview of ASC researchers who will have a panel!
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Start-up workshop of WOTRO-funded project in Nairobi
The project 'Dutch Multinational Businesses, Dutch Government and the Promotion of Productive Employment in Sub Sahara Africa: a Comparative Study of Kenya and Nigeria' saw its start-up workshop last November in Nairobi. The ASC's Chibuike Uche, Akinyinka Akinyoade and Agnieszka Kazimierczuk were there.
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News from INCLUDE
The INCLUDE Policy Research Workshop “Knowledge Activities for Inclusive Development in Africa” - held last October - was a big success. The workshop brought together representatives of Africa’s major policy knowledge networks, Dutch academic and policy stakeholders, and invited guests.
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Library news |
Acquisition Highlight: Knot of Stone
The historical novel Knot of Stone by the South African-Dutch author Nicolaas Vergunst is a multi-layered tale of historical detection; incorporating oral testimonies, recorded histories, official documents, letters, diaries, dreams and prophecies. It is the subject of the library's latest Acquisition Highlight.
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Web article on political biographies in Tanzania and the politics of collection development
The ASC Library's Gerard van de Bruinhorst wrote a web article on political biographies in Tanzania and the politics of collection development.
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Katrien Polman retired after 30 years
After almost 30 years of dedicated work, Katrien Polman retired from the ASC Library last November. Katrien started working at the ASC in 1986. She was part of the driving force behind some very successful library services.
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New publications |
Thematic map: No-go areas in Africa and the world
This ASC map shows safe and less safe areas in Africa and in the world, based on travel advices from the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Last November there was commotion about the news that the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences allegedly did not allow its students to travel to Africa anymore.
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Azeb Amha co-editor and contributor to book 'Explorations in Ethiopian linguistics'
'Explorations in Ethiopian Linguistics: complex predicates, finiteness and interrogativity' brings together contributions on linguistic problems in Semitic, Cushitic and Omotic languages of Ethiopia. ASC researcher Azeb Amha contributed to and co-edited the book.
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More publications
For an overview of all publications by ASC researchers or published by the ASC in the last few weeks, see our full list of new publications.
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ASC in the media |
Letter to Fred Teeven in NRC Handelsblad
Ton Dietz (director), Agnes van Ardenne (Chair of the Board) and Stephen Ellis (senior researcher) signed a letter to the Netherlands State Secretary for Security and Justice Mr Fred Teeven (published in NRC Handelsblad 18 December). Mr Teeven is asked to refrain from sending a number of refugees from Rwanda in the Netherlands back to Rwanda. The signers fear that these persons will not receive a fair trial.
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Stephen Ellis interviewed by Deutsche Welle
Stephen Ellis was interviewed by German TV programmeDeutsche Welle about the impact Boko Haram has on the Nigerian state.
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More ASC in the media
For an overview of all performances by ASC employees, students and alumni in newspapers & magazines or on tv & radio, check out the list 'ASC in the Media' on our website.
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Seminars |
A history of Nigerian organized crime
During this ASC seminar on 22 January, senior ASC researcher Stephen Ellis will show how certain types of criminal practice developed in Nigeria - often quite recently - and indeed how the state itself has become a vehicle for organised crime.
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Anticipating the revolt: a new view of military mutinies in West and Central Africa
This presentation by Maggie Dwyer on 29 January takes a new approach to military mutinies in West and Central Africa, using an original dataset covering the occurrence of mutinies over a fifty-two year period.
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Other news |
Performance Phillippa Yaa de Villiers big success
The performance by Commonwealth poet Phillippa Yaa de Villiers during the ASC Annual Public Event (8 December) was a big success. Especially for this event De Villiers created Shades. Take a look at the pictures!
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Obituary Professor Paulus Gerdes
Professor Paulus Gerdes, President of the Founding Commission of the third public university in Mozambique, the Lúrio University in Nampula, passed away last November. Professor Gerdes was director of the education faculty and the faculty of mathematics of the Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo.
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Highlight Africa |
24th African Union Summit
The 24th African Union Summit is scheduled to take place from 23 to 31 January in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Theme of the summit: 'Year of Women’s Empowerment and Development towards Africa’s Agenda 2063'.
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