International conference |
Countdown to Africa Works! Creating new partnerships
One week left before Africa Works! takes off! The ASC and the NABC are organizing this conference on 16 & 17 October. Forty workshops will be held. To name but a few: Invest in Africa's infrastructure, Business model innovation for improved healthcare, Decent work makes business grow, Water in Africa. Register in time to be able to follow the workshop of your choice!
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ASC highlight |
Winner Africa Thesis Award: Pedzisai Maedza from UCT for 'Theatre of testimony'
The winner of the Africa Thesis Award 2014 is Pedzisai Maedza from Zimbabwe for his Masters thesis 'Theatre of testimony: an investigation in devising asylum' that concluded his studies at the Department of Drama at the University of Cape Town. The prize of 1000 euro will be handed over to Pedzisai at Africa Works!, 17 October.
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Research news |
Web article: 'Ebola: current realities and myths' by Akinyinka Akinyoade and Bisola Adebayo
ASC researcher Akinyinka Akinyoade and Bisola Adebayo of Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (currently drafted to the Ebola Emergency Operations Centre in Lagos, Nigeria), wrote a web article that gives statistical updates, explains medical issues and describes the social impact of the current outbreak of the Ebola Virus Disease in West Africa and elsewhere.
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New project: increasing knowledge of staff at Africa Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
As of 1 September, ASC staff is involved in a three-year project that aims to increase the knowledge about African countries and regions of the staff at the Africa Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and at the embassies. Seminars, one-on-one training sessions, and in-house trainings at the Ministry will be organized.
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News from the Knowledge Platform on Development Policies
The Knowledge Platform on Development Policies, for which the ASC co-hosts the Secretariat, will organize a policy research workshop "Knowledge Activities for Inclusive Development in Africa" on 20 October 2014 in The Hague. Check out the Knowledge Platform's website for the latest news.
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Library news |
Nordic Africa Days 2014: report by Jos Damen and Ursula Oberst
The Nordic Africa Days were hosted by the Nordic Africa Institute in Uppsala in September. Keynotes were given by Mo Ibrahim and Morten Jerven. Jos Damen and Ursula Oberst from the ASC Library organized a panel about the valorization of African Studies in the 21st century.
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Alert Service on African Studies renewed
Interested in new titles on South Sudan, African arts, Islam in Nigeria or any other Africa-related country or subject? The ASC Library is working on a renewal of its Alert and Abstracts Online (ASAO) services. A daily country- or subject-specific alert service has become available in addition to the quarterly alert service.
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New Acquisition Highlight: 'Empire of Dust', documentary film by Bram van Paesschen
The ASC Library recently acquired this film about two men representing two different cultures who clash in the dust of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). An occasionally hilarious report of a less than stable working relationship, which also reflects the unstoppable rise of China in Africa.
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New publications |
Africa Yearbook Volume 10: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2013
The Africa Yearbook 2013 covers major domestic political developments, foreign policy and socio-economic trends in sub-Saharan Africa – all related to developments in the calendar year 2013. The Africa Yearbook is published by Brill and edited by Klaas van Walraven (ASC), Andreas Mehler and Henning Melber.
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Three new ASC thematic maps: education cooperation; sustainable diplomacy; financial flows to Africa
The ASC has produced three brand new thematic maps. One about Dutch education cooperation programmes, one about Dutch sustainable diplomacy, and one about the composition of financial flows to Sub-Saharan African countries.
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Book: Women, mobility and rural livelihoods in Zimbabwe: experiences of fast track land reform
Patience Mutopo examines how negotiations and bargaining by women with family, state, and traditional actors have proved useful in accessing land in Mwenezi district, Zimbabwe. This book has been published by Brill in the Afrika-Studiecentrum series.
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More publications
For an overview of all publications by ASC researchers or published by the ASC in the last few weeks, see our full list of new publications.
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ASC in the Media |
Article on Africa Works! in 'BerichtenBuitenland'
'BerichtenBuitenland', monthly magazine for the Dutch agrarian business sector and issued by the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs, gives extensive attention to the Africa Works! conference, to be held on 16 and 17 October. Ton Dietz (ASC) and Bob van der Bijl (NABC) were both interviewed for the article.
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Stephen Ellis interviewed by Radio Vatican on the Ebola virus in Liberia
ASC researcher Stephen Ellis was interviewed by Radio Vatican about how the Ebola virus destabilizes the Liberian government.
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More ASC in the media
For an overview of all performances by ASC employees, students and alumni in newspapers & magazines or on tv & radio, check out the list 'ASC in the Media' on our website.
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Other news |
New exhibition: Cartoons 'Africans and Hague Justice' by Creative Court
The ASC features a cartoon exhibition about the International Criminal Court, curated by Creative Court. Differing in style and perspective, cartoonists from many different African countries share their thoughts through their works. Among them famous cartoonists like Zapiro (South Africa) and GADO (Tanzania).
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Ebola: ASC information portal
The ASC has launched an information portal on the outbreak of the Ebola virus disease. The portal contains news updates about the outbreak, links to government information and health organizations and maps. Also have a look at the FAQs on our website.
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Seminars |
LeidenGlobal (post)colonial symposium
LeidenGlobal, the Leiden University Libraries and the KITLV are organizing a two-day symposium on the significance and challenges of positioning (post)colonial collecting practices and research traditions in the contemporary world on 14-15 October.
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Transitional justice where there Is no transition: A focus on Uganda
Transitional Justice is generally associated with aspirations for change and progress in the wake of violence and turmoil. Are there places where transitional justice is becoming the opposite of what it set out to be? This ASC seminar by Chris Dolan on 20 October uses a case study from Uganda.
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Financial Imperialism and Settler Colonialism: Britain and Rhodesia, 1945-1962
This ASC seminar by Tinashe Nyamunda on 23 October examines the trajectory of independence negotiations between Britain and Southern Rhodesia. The negotiations during the period 1962 to 1965 became a site of confrontation informed by changing global financial arrangements.
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More seminars
For an overview of all seminars in October and November, see the full list on our website.
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Highlights Africa |
Zambia: 50 years of independence
Zambia will celebrate its 50th anniversary of independence on 24 October. On this occasion, the ASC organizes a country meeting on that very same day. Speakers: Professor Jan-Bart Gewald, journalist Anne-Lot Hoek and James Sablerolles - Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
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Mozambique: general elections
In Mozambique, general elections will be held on 15 October. On this occasion, the ASC and NIMD are jointly organizing a country meeting on 'Mozambique after the elections' on 27 October. The effect of the election outcome on the Mozambican economy, on trade relations and on the Mozambican society will be discussed.
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