Conference and seminars |
Conference: Africa Works! Creating new partnerships
The ASC and the Netherlands-African Business Council are organizing the second edition of the Africa Works! conference on 16 & 17 October 2014. More than 500 participants from science, business, government bodies and NGOs in Europe and Africa will exchange ideas and experiences. A large variety of workshops with a focus on doing business in Africa will be facilitated. How can economic growth become inclusive? Check out the website!
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Seminar: Pedagogy and the Identity of Sub-Saharan African Societies
How do educational programmes in primary schools in the Netherlands contribute to the first impressions that primary-school children have of societies in Sub-Saharan Africa? This will be the subject of the ASC seminar on 24 September.
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Seminar: Normalization of sexual appetite: the sense of sexual contemporariness in Maputo
Sandra Manuel (Eduardo Mondlane University) will give insight into the intimate relationships of comparatively well-off young adults in Maputo city during this ASC seminar on 25 September.
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Research news |
Corrective history writing: Discovery by Klaas van Walraven about the 1974 putsch in Niger
ASC researcher Klaas van Walraven just published an article inPolitique Africaine about the putsch by Seyni Kountché in Niger in 1974. The French were accused of involvement in the putsch, yet during research in the Paris archives, Van Walraven discovered that not only were the French not involved, they actually started up measures for an airborne operation to save President Diori.
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ASC awarded two research grants on Inclusive Development
The ASC has been awarded two research grants in the framework of the NWO-WOTRO programme on Inclusive Development. One project focuses on increasing the political leverage of informal and formal workers’ organisations in Ghana and Benin. The other project explores how Dutch multinationals can help promote sustainable productive employment in Sub-Sahara Africa.
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News from the Knowledge Platform on Development Policies
The Knowledge Platform on Development Policies, for which the ASC co-hosts the Secretariat, will organize a policy research workshop "Knowledge Activities for Inclusive Development in Africa" on 20 October 2014 in The Hague. Check out the Knowledge Platform's website for the latest news.
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New publications |
Annual Report 2013
The ASC recently published its Annual Report for 2013. In addition to an excellent list of publications by our researchers, other highlights such as the launch of LeidenGlobal and the ASC Annual Public Lecture by Morten Jerven are to be found in the report.
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Article: The Ethiopian 'secular state' and the containment of Muslim identity politics
ASC researcher Jon Abbink wrote an article for the Journal of Eastern African Studies, describing the recent Muslim protest movement in Ethiopia and the response to it by the government in the light of the secular state model.
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Article: Vegetables to Combat the Hidden Hunger in Africa
In Africa many people rely on monotonous diets. Consequently, more people suffer from ‘hidden hunger’ than from overt starvation. ASC researcher Wijnand Klaver contributed to an article inChronica Horticulturae which proposes a doubling of the present intake of 100 g of vegetables per person as a long-term target.
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More publications
For an overview of all publications by ASC researchers or published by the ASC in the last few weeks, see our list of new publications.
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Library news |
8th meeting European Librarians in African Studies - report by Jos Damen
The Frobenius Institute in Frankfurt hosted the 8th Annual Meeting of ELIAS at the end of June. 25 librarians from all over Europe gathered to discuss current issues in Africana collections. The day was concluded by a tour through the Institute that houses the impressive collection of ethnologist Leo Frobenius.
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Weekly new acquisitions list
The ASC Library is working on a renewal of its acquisitions list. The list will be published weekly instead of monthly and will offer enhanced services, such as the possibility to download all new titles in RIS-format. On the page (currently in beta version), you can subscribe to the new acquisitions list via mail or RSS.
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Week van de Afrikaanse roman / Week of the Afrikaans novel
The Week of the Afrikaans novel will take place 19-26 September in the Netherlands/Belgium. Five South African writers that publish in Afrikaans will make a tour: Etienne van Heerden, Irma Joubert, Sonja Loots, Kirby van der Merwe and Marita van der Vyver. ASC Library has numerous books by these authors in its collection.
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New Acquisition Highlight
Chronique d'une révolte; photographies d'une saison de protestation is the catalogue that accompanies the exhibition of twenty photographers that recorded the protests in Senegal three years ago. The book also contains (bilingual) essays and is the subject of our latest Acquisition Highlight.
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ASC in the Media |
Akinyinka Akinyoade interviewed by Trouw
ASC researcher and demographer Akinyinka Akinyoade was interviewed by newspaper Trouw about Unicef's Generation 2030/Africa report. The report predicts that over the next 35 years Africa's under-18 population will increase by two-thirds.
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Ton Dietz interviewed by Radio 1 about the consequences of the Ebola outbreak
ASC director Ton Dietz was interviewed by Radio 1 about the economic and social consequences of the Ebola outbreak in West-Africa.
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Column Ton Dietz in OneWorld about Africa Works!
Ton Dietz wrote his monthly comment in OneWorld magazine (#6, 2014) about the Africa Works! conference, to be held on 16 & 17 October in Leiden.
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More ASC in the Media
For an overview of all performances by ASC employees, students and alumni in newspapers & magazines or on tv & radio, check out the list 'ASC in the Media' on our website.
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Other news |
In the Spotlight: retiring Professor Robert Ross
On the occasion of the retirement of Robert Ross, Professor in African History at Leiden University, his successor and former student (and ASC researcher) Professor Jan-Bart Gewald wrote a valedictory note.
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Ebola: launch of ASC information portal
The ASC has launched an information portal on the outbreak of the Ebola virus disease. The portal contains news updates about the outbreak, links to government information and health organizations and maps. Also have a look at the FAQs on our website.
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PhD Defence Iva Peša: Moving along the roadside - A social history of Mwinilunga District, 1870s-1970s
On 23 September, Iva Peša will defend her PhD thesis at Leiden University. The thesis aims to understand how the process of social change has been negotiated in the area of Mwinilunga in the north-west of Zambia, between the 1870s and the 1970s.
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New category of members ASC Community: artists!
Writers, visual artists, photographers, film or documentary makers, musicians or chefs whose work focuses primarily on Africa and who have a link with an institute in the Netherlands: you can now become a member of the ASC Community!
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Africa Thesis Award
The ASC received 32 submissions for the Africa Thesis Award. Some of the topics are: reducing mortality among infants, healthcare among migrant female sex workers, and South Africans speaking Afrikaans in The Netherlands. The jury is in the process of examining all theses. The Award will be presented on the second day of the Africa Works! Conference, 17 October.
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Highlight Africa |
Zambia: 50 years of independence
Zambia will celebrate its 50th anniversary of independence on 24 October. On this occasion, the ASC organizes a country meeting on that very same day. Speakers: Professor Jan-Bart Gewald, journalist Anne-Lot Hoek and James Sablerolles - Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
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