ASCL Highlight |
Free AfricaBib app for Android available now!
The African Studies Centre Leiden has developed an app for the AfricaBib database. AfricaBib gives you bibliographical information on more than 220,000 African studies publications. It is the culmination of over forty years of Africana research.
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Benjamin Soares appointed co-editor of journal 'Africa'
ASCL senior researcher Benjamin Soares has been appointed as an honorary co-editor of Africa. Founded in 1928, Africa is the journal of the International African Institute in London. It is the premier journal devoted to the study of African societies and culture, and it encourages an interdisciplinary approach. The journal is published by Cambridge University Press.
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Research news |
Scoping study: Improving the perspective for regional trade and investment in West Africa
The scoping study on regional trade & investment in West Africa conducted by the ASCL, LEI Wageningen UR and the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) has now been finalized and has generated a number of written outputs.
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Learning event: advocacy for youth with disabilities in Sierra Leone
Since 2015 the African Studies Centre Leiden and the Liliane Foundation work together in a learning programme on lobby and advocacy for children with disabilities. On 24 August, the first learning event in Sierra Leone took place.
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African Studies in Kyoto: report of a visiting fellow
ASCL senior researcher Jan Abbink spent four months at Kyoto University, which has the largest African studies center in Japan. The ‘Division of African Area Studies’ has a strong emphasis on ecological studies.
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News from knowledge platform INCLUDE
INCLUDE launched another new feature on its website: the 'Knowledge base for policy’. This is an online repository of a wide range of resources with clear policy highlights on inclusive development relevant to policy stakeholders. Explore the knowledge base or send in your own resources.
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New publications |
Wives-For-Hire: Revealing the practice of imposing fake wives in dispossessing family land in Africa
Cocoon Initiative Kenya Working Paper 5, September 2016.
Marcel Rutten and Moses Mwangi provide a short historical overview of land policy and land law development in Kenya and the way these still impact the position of women. They present cases of the use of fake wives by cheating husbands, in an attempt to convince the local Land Control Board that the intended sale of part of the family land is conducted with the full approval of the other household members.
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Journal articles by Chibuike Uche
ASCL senior researcher Chibuike Uche published two new journal articles, one about the nationalization of Lonrho’s business interests in Postcolonial Tanzania, and one on the Petroleum Equalization Fund in Nigeria (co-author).
"I didn't want to write this" : the social embeddedness of translating moonsighting verses of the Qur'an into Swahili
This article by Gerard van de Bruinhorst (ASCL Library) shows how the commentary in a popularising Swahili tafsir by the preacher Said Moosa al-Kindy on two particular Qur'an verses cannot be understood as the outcome of theological and linguistic considerations only, but rather as a multi-epistemic, socially embedded product.
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Library news |
ASCL Library selection: 'People in motion'
To coincide with the Voice4Thought Festival (21-25 September), the ASCL Library has compiled a literature list relating to the festival theme 'People in motion'. The selection highlights items on diverse art forms, such as film, music, and literature.
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New Library Highlight: 'Moonsighting'
On 12 September Muslims all over the world celebrated the Sacrificial Feast (Eid al-Adha). Every year the uncertainty of the lunar date to which this feast is linked, instigates religious disputes about the correct determination. The book Moonsighting, by Abu ‘Aaishah Murtadha Salahuddeen al-Iwoowee, a reformist preacher hailing from Iwo, Nigeria, offers insight into these debates.
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ASCL in the media |
Jan Abbink in the media about turmoil in Ethiopia - an overview
As Ethiopia is experiencing a new round of turmoil, ASCL senior researcher Jan Abbink has been interviewed by several media and has written blogs and articles himself analysing the current situation and its historical background. We made an overview of Abbink's activity in the media.
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Festivals and seminars |
21-25 September: Voice4Thought Festival: 'People in Motion'
After last year’s successful edition, Voice4Tought is back with its second annual festival. This year’s theme is 'People in Motion'. Through the voices of refugees, asylum seekers, migrants and travellers V4T wants to create a platform for dialogue about what mobility and migration means today. The ASCL will screen the film 'Stranded in Canton' on 22 September, where Lieve Joris will read from her book Op de vleugels van de draak.
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13 October: Seminar: Post-apartheid Afrikaner politics in local and global perspective: The case of the Solidarity Movement
In South Africa, the Solidarity Movement claims to uphold and defend the interests of the white, Afrikaans-speaking minority in the context of majority rule. Danelle van Zyl-Hermann (University of the Free State) will demonstrate how Solidarity’s representation of Afrikaners, as in need of special protection, is greeted with both enthusiasm and outrage.
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10 November: Conference NABC: Africa Works! Innovation in Finance
The third edition of the Africa Works! Conference will be themed 'Innovation in Finance'. It will serve as a platform to champion private sector initiatives, appealing to start-ups, SMEs, and large corporations alike. Among the keynote speakers are Klaas Knot (Dutch Central Bank) and Amine Bouabid (CEO, Bank of Africa). Chibuike Uche, senior researcher at the ASCL and member of the organizing committee, will host a workshop on Leasing in Africa.
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Other news |
First Stephen Ellis prize awarded to Justin Hastings & Sarah Phillips for article on piracy networks
The journal African Affairs has awarded the first Stephen Ellis prize to Justin Hastings & Sarah Phillips (University of Sydney) for their article 'Maritime piracy business networks and institutions in Africa'. Stephen Ellis was a greatly respected editor of African Affairs. The prize is intended to promote the kind of thought provoking, politically engaged and pathbreaking analysis that Stephen Ellis pioneered.
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Video of seminar by Dele Olowu: From State Fragility to State Resilience? Lessons from Eastern and Southern Africa
Did you miss the seminar on 8 September by Dele Olowu, Em. Professor of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria? He discussed capacity building approaches that can result in a change from state fragility to state resilience, based on lessons learnt from selected states in Eastern and Southern Africa. Watch the video registration!
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Working paper Ton Dietz: Sustainable city initiatives in Africa and comparison with the OURSUS approach
ASCL Director Ton Dietz presented a paper at the International Geographical Congress in Beijing in August. The paper examines the evidence in Africa regarding the intentions of municipalities and their leadership to develop more sustainable cities.
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Highlight Africa |
20-22 September: Innovation Africa Summit 2016
The Innovation Africa Summit 2016 is Africa’s leading annual Education and ICT forum. It brings together government, business and civil society, creating an opportunity for greater public private partnership in education, science and research across Africa, the Middle East and beyond.
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