Recently published journal articles - week 27
Retrieved week 27 2018
BAPPAH, H. Y. 2018. ECOWAS protagonists for peace: An internal perspective on policy and community actors in peacemaking interventions. South African Journal of International Affairs, 25, 83-98.
Keywords: ECOWAS Commission ; mediation ; Peacemaking ; protagonists
ENGEL, U. 2018. Knowledge production on conflict early warning at the African Union. South African Journal of International Affairs, 25, 117-132.
Keywords: African Union ; AU Commission ; early warning and conflict prevention ; institutional pathologies ; organisational learning ; Peace and Security Council ; RECs
ERK, J. 2018. Will the North’s secessionist winds blow South? The past, present, and future of self-determination and border change in Africa. South African Journal of International Affairs, 25, 153-176.
Keywords: Africa ; border change ; new states ; Secession ; self-determination ; separatism ; unilateral declaration of independence
JÚNIOR, H. R. & LUCIANO, B. T. 2018. A comparative analysis of regionalism in the Global South: The security and defence dimension of Unasur and the African Union. South African Journal of International Affairs, 25, 239-261.
Keywords: defence ; African Union ; Comparative regionalism ; global south ; security ; Unasur
WITT, A. & KHADIAGALA, G. 2018. Towards studying African interventions ‘from below’ – A short conclusion. South African Journal of International Affairs, 25, 133-139.
BERTELSMANN-SCOTT, T., RENSBURG, S. J. J. V., VIVIERS, W., PARSHOTAM, A., PARRY, A., ROSSOUW, R., LANGALANGA, A. & NKHATA, D. P. 2018. The impact of plurilateral trade agreements on developing countries – to participate or not to participate? South African Journal of International Affairs, 25, 177-198.
Keywords: Doha Development Round (DDR) ; Environmental Goods Agreement (EGA) ; General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) ; Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) ; Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) ; Information Technology Agreement II (ITA-II) ; multilateral trading system ; plurilateral trade agreement (PTA) ; Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) ; World Trade Organization (WTO)
ELLIS, W. 2018. Plant knowledge: transfers, shaping and states in plant practices. Anthropology Southern Africa, 41, 80-91.
Keywords: agentivity ; knowledge states ; knowledge transfers ; plant agency ; plant blindness ; plant practitioners
GIBSONA, D. & ELLISA, W. 2018. Human and plant interfaces: relationality, knowledge and practices. Anthropology Southern Africa, 41, 75-79.
Keywords: agentivity ; human-plant interface ; knowledge ; other-than-human ; plants ; practices ; relationality
PARKER, H. 2018. “Doing” diabetes: the unobtrusive presence of plants. Anthropology Southern Africa, 41, 153-163.
Keywords: knowledge ; medicinal plants ; diabetes ; disease ; doing healing ; illness
ASARE, B. E. & SIAW, E. 2018. Understanding the dynamics of good neighbourliness under Rawlings and Kufuor. South African Journal of International Affairs, 25, 199-217.
Keywords: Ghana ; Foreign Policy ; good neighbourliness ; Kufour ; personal idiosyncracies in policymaking ; Rawlings
SHIRUNGU, M. M. & CHEIKHYOUSSEF, A. 2018. Therapeutic powers of medicinal plants used by traditional healers in Kavango, Namibia, for mental illness. Anthropology Southern Africa, 41, 127-135.
Keywords: power ; medicinal plants ; Kavango ; mental illness ; traditional healers
South Africa
BREITEGGER, M. 2018. Democracy promotion through regional organisations: A missed opportunity for South African and Brazilian leadership? South African Journal of International Affairs, 25, 219-238.
Keywords: African Union ; democracy promotion ; regional organisations ; Regional powers ; UNASUR
South Africa
COHEN, J. B. 2018. Technological advancement and modes of existence in medicinal plant research. Anthropology Southern Africa, 41, 104-114.
Keywords: knowledges ; medicinal plants ; modes of existence ; science ; well-being
South Africa
GIBSON, D. 2018. Rethinking medicinal plants and plant medicines. Anthropology Southern Africa, 41, 1-14.
Keywords: agency ; interdisciplinary ; knowledge ; medicinal ; non-human ; plants
South Africa
GIBSON, D. 2018. Towards plant-centred methodologies in anthropology. Anthropology Southern Africa, 41, 92-103.
Keywords: agentivity ; plants ; assemblages ; methodology ; more-than-human
South Africa
MAJOMBOZI, Z. 2018. A reflection on “Trash, teaching and the city”. Anthropology Southern Africa, 41, 66-68.
Keywords: anthropology ; learning ; narrative ; pedagogy ; Sol Plaatje University ; teaching ; urban
South Africa
NATHEN, T. 2018. “Being attentive”: exploring other-than-human agency in medicinal plants through everyday Rastafari plant practices. Anthropology Southern Africa, 41, 115-126.
Keywords: medicinal plants ; actor-network ; mountains ; ontologies ; Rastafarians
South Africa
NYAMNJOH, H. M. 2018. Food, memory and transnational gastronomic culture amongst Cameroonian migrants in Cape Town, South Africa. Anthropology Southern Africa, 41, 25-40.
Keywords: emotion ; food ; identity ; memory ; migration ; transnational gastronomic culture
South Africa
PASQUALLIE, M. 2018. “Ons is die stam van die gemeenskap”: rethinking old age and vitality in Nuwerus, Western Cape. Anthropology Southern Africa, 41, 164-174.
Keywords: medicinal plants ; elderly ; healing systems ; old age ; vitality
South Africa
SAMUELS, M. I., SWARTS, M., SCHROEDER, A., NTOMBELA, K. & CUPIDO, C. 2018. Through the lens of a herder: insights into landscape ethno-ecological knowledge on rangelands in Namaqualand. Anthropology Southern Africa, 41, 136-152.
Keywords: grazing landscapes ; herders ; landscape ethno-ecological knowledge ; Namaqualand ; pastoralism ; plant palatability
South Africa
SIBANDA, O. 2018. Wounded citizenship: the post-colonial city and poor whites. Anthropology Southern Africa, 41, 15-24.
Keywords: city ; Cocobana ; neo-liberalism ; poor whites ; South Africa ; white poverty ; wounded citizenship
South Africa
TRUYTS, C. 2018. Trash, teaching and the city: the “Big Hole Counter Narrative” project and the “Urban Anthropology: Research Methods and Fieldwork” course at Sol Plaatje University. Anthropology Southern Africa, 41, 55-65.
Keywords: Big Hole ; Kimberley ; narrative ; pedagogy ; Sol Plaatje University ; urban
South Africa
WITT, A. 2018. Studying African interventions ‘from below’: Exploring practices, knowledges and perceptions. South African Journal of International Affairs, 25, 1-19.
Keywords: APSA ; AU ; interventions ; local turn ; peacebuilding ; practice
Southern Africa
CHEKERO, T. & ROSS, F. C. 2018. “On paper” and “having papers”: Zimbabwean migrant women’s experiences in accessing healthcare in Giyani, Limpopo province, South Africa. Anthropology Southern Africa, 41, 41-54.
Keywords: healthcare ; migrant women ; paper ; papers ; South Africa ; Zimbabwe
West Africa
DÖRING, K. P. W. & HERPOLSHEIMER, J. 2018. The spaces of intervention for Mali and Guinea-Bissau. South African Journal of International Affairs, 25, 61-82.
Keywords: African Union ; ECOWAS ; Guinea- Bissau ; intervention ; Mali ; Sahel ; scale ; security ; space ; West Africa
West Africa
HAGBERG, S. 2018. Beyond regional radars: Security from below and the rule of law in the Sahel. South African Journal of International Affairs, 25, 21-37.
Keywords: Anthropology ; Burkina Faso ; fieldwork ; Mali ; self-defence ; vigilantism
West Africa
SAIDOU, A. K. 2018. ‘We have chased Blaise, so nobody can resist us’: Civil society and the politics of ECOWAS intervention in Burkina Faso. South African Journal of International Affairs, 25, 39-60.
Keywords: Burkina Faso ; civil society ; ECOWAS ; mediation ; popular uprising ; West Africa
MOORE, D. 2018. Reading Zimbabwe internationally: Little errors, larger truths. South African Journal of International Affairs, 25, 263-272.