
Found 4511 results
The Kenya Coast in national perspective, H.A. Meilink , Kenya coast handbook. Culture, resources and development in the East African littoral, 2000///, Hamburg [etc.], p.11 - 26, (2000)
The Kenyan general elections of 1997 : implementing a new model for international election observation in Africa, M.M.E.M. Rutten , Election observation and democratization in Africa, 2000///, London, p.295 - 320, (2000)
Kinshasa, Matonge, A.J. Dietz , Geographica, 2000///, (2000)
La mission Griaule à Kangaba (Mali), W. E. A.van Beek, and J. Jansen , Les cahiers du Centre d'étude et de documentation africaines, 2000///, Volume 7, p.363 - 376, (2000)
La violence, l'État et l'ethnicité dans la Corne de l'Afrique: au niveau local et mondial, G.J. Abbink , Autrepart, 2000///, Issue 15, p.149 - 166, (2000)
Landbouw en platteland, L.J. de Haan, and A. de Jong , Tropisch Afrika, 2000///, Assen, p.133 - 164, (2000)
Le point de vue de Wim van Binsbergen, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Politique africaine, 2000///, Volume 79, p.175 - 180, (2000)
Leer mij Afrika kennen : vijftig jaar Afrika-Studiecentrum, M. de Bok , 2000///, Issue 4, Leiden, (2000)
The Legacy of Macau, G.J. Abbink , International Institute of Asian Studies Newsletter, 2000///, Volume 21, p.31 - 31, (2000)
Littérature berbère: textes et prose, D. Merolla , Panorama des littératures africaines, 2000///, Paris [etc.], p.15 - 26, (2000)
Livelihood, locality and globalisation, L.J. de Haan , 2000///, Nijmegen, p. - 64, (2000)
Livestock in a middle-sized East-African town: Nakuru, D.W.J. Foeken , Urban Agriculture Magazine, 2000///, Volume 1, Issue 2, p.20 - 22, (2000)
Local land management in Benin with special reference to pastoral groups, L.J. de Haan, and T. Djedjebi , Farmers and scientists in changing environment: assessing research in West Africa, 2000///, Weikersheim, p.491 - 503, (2000)
'Loof de Heer!' Jeugd en religie in Afrika, G.J. Abbink , Beelden van Afrika, 2000///, Utrecht, p.102 - 111, (2000)
Love and Death of Cattle: The Paradox in Suri Attitudes towards Livestock, G.J. Abbink , Paper presented at the 6th Biannual Conference of the EASE, 26-29 July, Kraków, Poland, 2000, 2000///, (2000)
Madagascar: Colonisation in Longue Duree, S.D.K. Ellis , Paper presented to Imperial History seminar, Institute of Hisorical Research, 2000///, (2000)
Making tribes: social engineering in the Western Province of British administered Eritrea 1941-52, J.B. Gewald , Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History, 2000///, Volume 1, Issue 2, (2000)
The Mask Slips, S.D.K. Ellis , Bram Posthumus, Index on Censorship, 2000///, p.23 - 25, (2000)
Mbadamassi of Lagos: a Nigerian soldier for King and Kaiser, and a deportee to German South West Africa, J.B. Gewald , Newsletter Namibia Scientific Society, 2000///, Volume 41, Issue 1-3, p.3 - 21, (2000)
Meanings of violence : a cross cultural perspective, , 2000///, Oxford [etc.], p.1 - 220, (2000)
Mormonism in Africa, African Mormons?, W. E. A.van Beek , Durban, South Africa: Paper IAHR congres, panel "Religion and Identity", August, 2000, 2000///, (2000)
Multi-spatial livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa: rural farming by urban households - the case of Nakuru town, Kenya, D.W.J. Foeken , Paper presented at seminar 'Moving People: Trends in Population Mobility in Africa', African Studies Centre, Leiden, 22 June, 2000, 2000///, (2000)
Mzungu, Mzungu! Pitjur, pitjur! Toerisme in Afrika, M.M.E.M. Rutten , Beelden van Afrika, 2000///, Utrecht, p.40 - 49, (2000)
Naar een inclusieve wetenschapsbeoefening in de sociaal-wetenschappelijke studie van Afrika, W.M.J. van Binsbergen, S. Decouter, R. Devisch, L. Maso, and R. Oldemans , Hoe anders is 'anders': Over wereldbeelden en Afrikaanse kennissystemen, monografieën over interculturaliteit, 2000///, Berchem, p.56 - 69, (2000)
Ngoma, born-again fundamentalism and contesting representations of time in urban Malawi, R.A. van Dijk , The quest for fruition through Ngoma. The political aspects of healing in Southern Africa, 2000///, London, p.133 - 154, (2000)
