
Found 4511 results
Représentations de la culture matérielle des Me'en: forme et fonction des artefacts, G.J. Abbink , Annales d'Éthiopie, 2000///, Volume 16, p.93 - 106, (2000)
Restoring the balance: violence and culture among the Suri of Southern Ethiopia, G.J. Abbink , Meanings of violence : a cross cultural perspective, 2000///, Oxford, p.77 - 100, (2000)
Review of A.F. Musah and J. Kayode Fayemi (eds), 'Mercenaries: An African Security Dilemma', S.D.K. Ellis , Journal of modern African studies, 2000///, Volume 38, Issue 3, p.541 - 542, (2000)
Review of Boer S. de : Van Sharpeville tot Soweto - Nederlands regeringsbeleid ten aanzien van apartheid. 1960-1977, W.M.J.van Kessel , Internationale spectator : tijdschrift voor internationale politiek, 2000///, Volume 54, Issue 4, p.216 - 218, (2000)
Review of "Democracy and decentralisation in South Asia and West Africa" by Richard C. Crock and James Manor, J.K. van Donge , African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society, 2000///, Volume 99, Issue 394, p.149 - 150, (2000)
Review of "Democratic experiments in Africa: regime transitions in a comparative perspective", by Michael Bratton and Nicholas van de Walle, J.K. van Donge , Development and change, 2000///, Volume 31, Issue 2, p.516 - 517, (2000)
Review of Doornbos, M. and Tesfai, A. (eds), 'Post-conflict Eritrea: Prospects for Reconstruction and Development', G.J. Abbink , Journal of modern African studies, 2000///, Volume 38, Issue 3, p.524 - 526, (2000)
Review of "Environmental politics and liberation in contemporary Africa", edited by Mohamed Salih, A.J. Dietz , Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 2000///, Volume 91, Issue 3, p.322 - 323, (2000)
Review of Krog A. : De kleur van je hart, W.M.J.van Kessel , Onze Wereld, 2000///, Volume 43, Issue 10, p.55 - 55, (2000)
Review of Kurimoto, E. and Simonse, S. (eds), 'Conflict Age and Power in North East Africa: Age Systems in Transition', G.J. Abbink , Africa : journal of the International African InstituteAfrica, 2000///, Volume 70, Issue 2, p.322 - 325, (2000)
Review of Negash,G. : A history of Tigrinya literature in Eritrea: The oral and the written 1890-1991, J.B. Gewald , African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society, 2000///, Volume 99, Issue 397, p.670 - 671, (2000)
Review of Pankhurst, R. 'The Ethiopian Borderlands: Essays in Regional History', G.J. Abbink , Northeast African Studies, 2000///, Volume 5, Issue 2, p.135 - 138, (2000)
Review of Parfitt, T. and Trevisan Semi, E. (eds), 'The Beta Israel in Ethiopia and Israel: Studies on the Ethiopian Jews', G.J. Abbink , Journal of religion in Africa, 2000///, Volume 30, Issue 1, p.137 - 140, (2000)
Review of Seekings J. : The UDF: a history of the United Democratic Front in South Africa 1983-1991, W.M.J.van Kessel , H-SAfrica, 2000///, (2000)
Review of "The 1995 General Elections in Tanzania: report of the Tanzanian election monitoring committee (TEMCO)", J.K. van Donge , The journal of modern African studies : a quarterly survey of politics, economics and related topics in contemporary Africa, 2000///, Volume 38, Issue 3, p.542 - 543, (2000)
Review of "Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa report", S.D.K. Ellis , Transformation, 2000///, Issue 42, p.57 - 72, (2000)
Review of Walraet A. : Inkatha en het Zulu nationalisme, W.M.J.van Kessel , Internationale spectator : tijdschrift voor internationale politiek, 2000///, Volume 54, Issue 2, p.100 - 101, (2000)
Review of Werner, W. : No one will become rich: economy and society in the Herero Reserves in Namibia, 1915-1946, J.B. Gewald , The journal of African history, 2000///, Volume 41, Issue 1, p.161 - 162, (2000)
Rural development and agricultural policy in central western Zambia : the case of Kaoma-Nkeyema tobacco scheme, K. Hailu , 2000///, Leiden, p. - X, 82, (2000)
A Salute to Ato Tamrat Bekele, G.J. Abbink , Addis Tribune, 2000///, (2000)
Secrecy and ambiguity : home care for people living with HIV/AIDS in Ghana, M. Radstake , 2000///, Leiden, p. - X, 132, (2000)
Secret worlds, democratization and election observation in Malawi, R.A. van Dijk , Election Observation and Democratization in Africa, 2000///, Hampshire, p.180 - 210, (2000)
Sensus communis or sensus particularis? A social-science comment, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Sensus communis in multi- and intercultural perspective: On the possibility of common judgments in arts and politics, 2000///, Würzburg, p.113 - 128, (2000)
Sierra Leone, S.D.K. Ellis , Paper presented at BuZa / African Studies Centre conference on Africa, 2000///, (2000)
Sierra Leone as a Failed State, S.D.K. Ellis , Paper presented at the ALADIN conference, 2000///, (2000)
