
Found 4521 results
Third DGIS VPO programme evaluation on nutrition and household food security, H.A. Meilink , 1992///, The Hague, (1992)
Van hegemonisch tot demonisch gezag : jonge puriteinse predikers en iconoclastisch verzet, R.A. van Dijk , 1992///, Amsterdam, p. - 25, (1992)
Verslag van een discussie: eenpersoonlijke impressie, A.J. Dietz , 'Een Wereld van verschil': in discussie, 1992///, 's Gravenhage, (1992)
Vrije verkiezingen in Angola: kiezen tussen dieven en moordenaars, W.M.J.van Kessel , Het Parool, 1992///, (1992)
Waluguru traders in Dar es Salaam : an analysis of the social construction of economic life, J.K. van Donge , African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society, 1992///, Volume 91, Issue 363, p.181 - 205, (1992)
Young Born-Again preachers in post-independence Malawi: the significance of an extraneous identity, R.A. van Dijk , New dimensions in African Christianity, 1992///, Nairobi, p.55 - 79, (1992)
Young Malawian puritans : young born-again preachers in a present-day African urban environment, R.A. van Dijk , 1992///, Utrecht, p. - VI, 276, (1992)
Young puritan preachers in post-independence Malawi, R.A. van Dijk , Africa : journal of the International African InstituteAfrica, 1992///, Volume 62, Issue 2, p.159 - 181, (1992)
Zuid-Afrika en de Leipzig-optie: tussen de straat en de onderhandelingstafel, W.M.J.van Kessel , Internationale spectator : tijdschrift voor internationale politiekInternationale spectator, 1992///, Volume 46, Issue 10, p.590 - 594, (1992)
Africa, K. van Walraven , Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, 1991///, Volume 4, p.461 - 467, (1991)
Africa explores : 20th century African art, S. Vogel, I. Ebong, and W. E. A.van Beek , 1991///, New York, p. - 294, (1991)
Africa: human rights, constitutional revisions and opposition politics, K. van Walraven , Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, 1991///, Volume 3, p.326 - 331, (1991)
African independent churches and the State in Botswana, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , 1991///, [S.l., p.1 - 47, (1991)
African journalism is dead. African journalists are alive and well, W.M.J.van Kessel , In other words -- symposium on 'western' en 'African journalism', 1991///, Den Haag, p.167 - 179, (1991)
Afrika : Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, A.J. Dietz, M. de Graaf, A.F.M. Zaal, and S. Moyo , 1991///, Utrecht, (1991)
Afrikaanse Handvest vijf jaar van kracht: mensenrechten en mensenrechtenbeweging in tropisch Afrika, G.S.C.M. Hesseling , Baobab, 1991///, Volume 7, Issue 4, p.20 - 31, (1991)
The ANC in exile, S.D.K. Ellis , African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society, 1991///, Volume 90, Issue 360, p.439 - 447, (1991)
Appui au secteur informel de Malanville, République du Bénin : analyse de la situation actuelle et recommandations aux projets de développement, L. van den Boogerd, T. Djedjebi, and L.J. de Haan , 1991///, Cotonou, p. - 49, (1991)
Becoming a sangoma: religious anthropological field-work in Francistown, Botswana, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Journal of religion in Africa, 1991///, Issue 4, p.309 - 344, (1991)
Chaos, order and communion in African models of fertility, W. E. A.van Beek , The creative communion: African folk models of fertility and the regeneration of life, 1991///, Uppsala, p.15 - 43, (1991)
Child nutrition in the pre-harvest season: food intake and nutritional status of pre-school children in Nyanza Province, Kenya, J.C. Hoorweg , East African Medical Journal, 1991///, Volume 68, Issue 2, p.93 - 105, (1991)
"Children of the fence" : the maintenance of extra-marital children under law and practice in Botswana, A. Molokomme , 1991///, Leiden, p. - X, 302, (1991)
Crisis survival strategies: a summary of concepts and an example from the semi-pastoral Pokot in Kenya/Uganda, A.J. Dietz , Pastoral economies in Africa and long-term responses to drought : proceedings of a colloquium at the University of Aberdeen, April 1990, 1991///, Aberdeen, p.86 - 108, (1991)
Crisis survival strategies : a summary of concepts and an example from the semi-pastoral pokot in Kenya/Uganda, A.J. Dietz , 1991///, The Hague, p. - 34, (1991)
Dairy development and nutrition in Kilifi District, Kenya, P. Leegwater, J. Ngolo, and J.C. Hoorweg , 1991///, Nairobi, p.1 - 134, (1991)
