
Found 4511 results
Het 'geloof der kameraden' in Zuid-Afrika, W.M.J.van Kessel , Tijd & Taak, 1990///, Volume 88, Issue 11, p.8 - 10, (1990)
The IMF-World Bank's economic stabilisation and structural adjustment policies and the Uganda economy, 1981-1989, D.W. Nabudere , 1990///, Leiden, p. - 65, (1990)
Independent churches, politics and the articulation of ethnicity in contemporary northeastern Botswana, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , CentREpol-VU (Centre for the Study of Religion and Politics, Free University, Amsterdam) formal lecture, 22nd June 1990, 31 pp., 1990///, (1990)
IOV onderzoek voedselhulp,voedselmarkten en voedselvoorziening. Samenvatting van IOV-missies naar Senegal, Mali, Soedan en Zambia, H.A. Meilink , 1990///, Den Haag, p.1 - 20, (1990)
Kale sublocation (Mwino Location), E. Moonen, H. Verlome, A.J. Dietz, and W. de Leeuw , 1990///, Amsterdam, (1990)
Le droit et ses pratiques, G.S.C.M. Hesseling, and É. Le Roy , Politique africaine, 1990///, Issue 40, p.2 - 11, (1990)
Le united democratic front en Afrique du Sud: un mouvement de transition, W.M.J.van Kessel , Politique africaine, 1990///, Issue 38, p.126 - 132, (1990)
Marketing policies and economic interests in the cotton sector of Kenya, T. Dijkstra , 1990///, Leiden, p. - 101, (1990)
Missionaries, anthropologists and rationality, G.J. Abbink , The Ambiguity of Rapprochement: Reflections of Anthropologists on their Controversial Relationship with Missionaries, 1990///, Nijmegen - Rotterdam, p.121 - 150, (1990)
Oracular divination with four tablets: an important diagnostic technique of autochthonous medical systems in Southern Africa, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper presented at the 8th Convention on Medical Sociology and Anthropology, Netherlands Anthropological and Sociological Association, Amsterdam, 23 November 1990, 23 pp., 1990///, (1990)
Palm tree justice in the Bertoua court of appeal : the witchcraft cases, C.F. Fisiy , 1990///, Issue 12, Yaoundé, p. - 34, (1990)
Popular Islam in Tunisia : a regional cults analysis, K. Schilder , 1990///, Leiden, p. - IX, 171, (1990)
Questions foncières et développement durable au Sahel, G.S.C.M. Hesseling , 1990///, Paris, (1990)
Review of Fatton, R., 'The Making of a Liberal Democracy; Senegal's Passive Revolution, 1975-1985', G.S.C.M. Hesseling , Development and change, 1990///, p.538 - 540, (1990)
Review of Gaudio, A. : Le Mali, W. E. A.van Beek , Canadian journal of African studies, 1990///, Volume 24, Issue 1, p.113 - 114, (1990)
Review of Solofo Randrianja, "Le Parti Communiste de la Région de Madagascar, 1930-1939", S.D.K. Ellis , The journal of African history, 1990///, Volume 31, Issue 3, p.511 - 512, (1990)
Seasonality and the rhythm of external interference, A.J. Dietz , Seasons, food supply and nutrition in Africa, 1990///, Leiden, p.89 - 110, (1990)
Seasons, food supply and nutrition in Africa : contributions to a workshop held in Wageningen on December 14, 1988, D.W.J. Foeken, and A.P. den Hartog , 1990///, Leiden, p. - VII, 110, (1990)
Socio-economic development of women in Zambia, an analysis of two women's organisations, A. Touwen , 1990///, Leiden, p. - 74, (1990)
Theoretische verkenning voor een dissertatie over de Organisatie van Afrikaanse Eenheid, K. van Walraven , 1990///, [S.l., p.1 - 53, (1990)
Tien jaar Werkgemeenschap Afrika, G.S.C.M. Hesseling , 1990///, Leiden, (1990)
Tribal formation on the Ethiopian fringe : toward a history of the 'Tishana', G.J. Abbink , Northeast African Studies, 1990///, Volume 12, Issue 1, p.21 - 42, (1990)
Un complot colonial à Madagascar : l'affaire Rainandriamampandry, S.D.K. Ellis , 1990///, Antananarivo, p. - 135, (1990)
Zuid-Afrika's opties; kleurenblind kapitalisme of Volksrepubliek, W.M.J.van Kessel , De Gids, 1990///, Volume 153, p.710 - 719, (1990)
The 1985 Tanzanian parliamentary elections : a conservative election, J.K. van Donge, and A.J. Liviga , African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society, 1989///, Volume 88, Issue 350, p.47 - 62, (1989)
