Found 4521 results
Een maaltijd op het land: Religieus veldwerk in Botswana, 1990,
W.M.J. van Binsbergen
, Eten met Gerrit: Een bloemlezing van eet- en drinkerveraringen van Nederlandse afrikanisten, gegarneerd met toepasselijke recepten; samengesteld ter gelegenheid van het afscheid van Gerrit Grootenhuis als algemeen secretaris van het Afrika-Studiecentrum, 1990///, Leiden, p.112 - 122, (1990)
Enduring crisis : refugee problems in eastern Sudan,
H.J. Tieleman, and T. Kuhlman
, 1990///, Leiden, p. - 156, (1990)
The enigma of Beta Esra'el ethnogenesis : an anthro-historical study,
G.J. Abbink
, Cahiers d'Etudes africaines, 1990///, Volume 30, Issue 120, p.397 - 449, (1990)
Eten met Gerrit : een bloemlezing van eet- en drinkervaringen van Nederlandse afrikanisten, gegarneerd met toepasselijke recepten,
D.W.J. Foeken, and K. van der Meulen
, 1990///, Issue 1, Leiden, p. - VIII, 140, (1990)
Ethiopian society and history : a bibliography of Ethiopian studies 1957-1990,
G.J. Abbink
, 1990///, Leiden, p. - 407, (1990)
Forests of beer,
A.J. Dietz
, Eten met Gerrit, een bloemlezing van eet- en drinkervaringen van Nederlandse afrikanisten, gegarneerd met toepasselijke recepten, 1990///, Leiden, (1990)
From symbiosis to polarization? : peasants and pastoralists in northern Benin,
L.J. de Haan, A. Driel, and A. Kruithof
, The Indian geographical journal, 1990///, Volume 65, Issue 1, p.51 - 65, (1990)
The future of Maasai pastoralists in Kajiado District, Kenya : integrated Proceedings of a Conference organized by the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Programme, Kajiado District, Kenya,
A.J. Dietz, and M.M.E.M. Rutten
, 1990///, Amsterdam/Leiden, p. - 90, (1990)
Geografie van de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba,
L.J. de Haan
, 1990///, Leiden, p. - 67, (1990)
Hands off Africa!! : an overview and analysis of the ideological, political and socio-economic approaches to African unity expressed at the first All-African People's Conference held in Accra, Ghana in December 1958,
J.B. Gewald
, 1990///, [S.l.], p. - 69, (1990)
Het 'geloof der kameraden' in Zuid-Afrika,
W.M.J.van Kessel
, Tijd & Taak, 1990///, Volume 88, Issue 11, p.8 - 10, (1990)
The IMF-World Bank's economic stabilisation and structural adjustment policies and the Uganda economy, 1981-1989,
D.W. Nabudere
, 1990///, Leiden, p. - 65, (1990)
Independent churches, politics and the articulation of ethnicity in contemporary northeastern Botswana,
W.M.J. van Binsbergen
, CentREpol-VU (Centre for the Study of Religion and Politics, Free University, Amsterdam) formal lecture, 22nd June 1990, 31 pp., 1990///, (1990)
IOV onderzoek voedselhulp,voedselmarkten en voedselvoorziening. Samenvatting van IOV-missies naar Senegal, Mali, Soedan en Zambia,
H.A. Meilink
, 1990///, Den Haag, p.1 - 20, (1990)
Kale sublocation (Mwino Location),
E. Moonen, H. Verlome, A.J. Dietz, and W. de Leeuw
, 1990///, Amsterdam, (1990)
Le droit et ses pratiques,
G.S.C.M. Hesseling, and É. Le Roy
, Politique africaine, 1990///, Issue 40, p.2 - 11, (1990)
Le united democratic front en Afrique du Sud: un mouvement de transition,
W.M.J.van Kessel
, Politique africaine, 1990///, Issue 38, p.126 - 132, (1990)
Marketing policies and economic interests in the cotton sector of Kenya,
T. Dijkstra
, 1990///, Leiden, p. - 101, (1990)
Missionaries, anthropologists and rationality,
G.J. Abbink
, The Ambiguity of Rapprochement: Reflections of Anthropologists on their Controversial Relationship with Missionaries, 1990///, Nijmegen - Rotterdam, p.121 - 150, (1990)
Oracular divination with four tablets: an important diagnostic technique of autochthonous medical systems in Southern Africa,
W.M.J. van Binsbergen
, Paper presented at the 8th Convention on Medical Sociology and Anthropology, Netherlands Anthropological and Sociological Association, Amsterdam, 23 November 1990, 23 pp., 1990///, (1990)
Palm tree justice in the Bertoua court of appeal : the witchcraft cases,
C.F. Fisiy
, 1990///, Issue 12, Yaoundé, p. - 34, (1990)
Popular Islam in Tunisia : a regional cults analysis,
K. Schilder
, 1990///, Leiden, p. - IX, 171, (1990)
Questions foncières et développement durable au Sahel,
G.S.C.M. Hesseling
, 1990///, Paris, (1990)
Review of Fatton, R., 'The Making of a Liberal Democracy; Senegal's Passive Revolution, 1975-1985',
G.S.C.M. Hesseling
, Development and change, 1990///, p.538 - 540, (1990)
Review of Gaudio, A. : Le Mali,
W. E. A.van Beek
, Canadian journal of African studies, 1990///, Volume 24, Issue 1, p.113 - 114, (1990)