
Found 4565 results
Labour migration and the generation conflict: social change in Western Zambia, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper read at the 34th Annual Meeting, Society for Applied Anthropology, Amsterdam, 22 pp, 1975, 1975///, (1975)
The long-term effects of protein-energy malnutrition in early childhood on bone age, bone cortical thickness and height, P.J. Briers, J.C. Hoorweg, and J.P. Stanfield , Acta Paediatrica Scandinavia, 1975///, Volume 64, p.853 - 858, (1975)
A planning survey of the Northern Region, Malawi, L.J. de Haan, J. Sterkenburg, and J. de Jong , 1975///, Utrecht, (1975)
The religion of everyday life: an ethnoscience investigation into the concepts of religion and magic, W.E.A. van Beek , Explorations in the anthropology of religion: essays in honour of Jan van Baal, 1975///, The Hague, p.55 - 70, (1975)
Social environment and outpatient recovery from malnutrition, I. McDowell, and J.C. Hoorweg , Ecology of food and nutrition, 1975///, Volume 4, p.91 - 101, (1975)
Anthropological research among the Kapsiki and Higi of Northern Cameroon and North-East Nigeria, W.E.A. van Beek , Reports on research projects, 1974///, s.l., p.31 - 38, (1974)
China en Zambia: alternatieve vorm van ontwikkelingssamenwerking, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Radikaal, 1974///, Volume 8, Issue 16, p.9 - 10, (1974)
De vakbeweging in West-Afrika : een literatuurverkenning, P.J.J. Konings , 1974///, Tilburg, p. - 262, (1974)
Dependencia nummer, A.J. Dietz, and H. van den Bosch , 1974///, Nijmegen, p. - 256, (1974)
A framework for regional development of the Northern Region of Malawi, L.J. de Haan, J. Sterkenburg, and J. de Jong , 1974///, Utrecht, (1974)
Industrial relations in Ghana, P.J.J. Konings , 1974///, The Hague, (1974)
Kinship, marriage and urban-rural relations: A preliminary study of law and social control among the Nkoya of Kaoma district and of Lusaka, Zambia, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper read at the Conference on Family Law in Africa, African Studies Centre Conference Papers Series, Leiden: African Studies Centre, 1974, 1974///, (1974)
Kinship, marriage and urban-rural relations : a preliminary study of law and social control among the Nkyoa of Kaoma district and of Lusaka, Zambia, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , 1974///, [S.l., p.1 - 36, (1974)
Nutrition education in Uganda, J.C. Hoorweg, and I. McDowell , Kroniek van Afrika, 1974///, Volume n.s., Issue 2, p.185 - 197, (1974)
The population factor in economic growth theory, H.A. Meilink , Kroniek van Afrika, 1974///, Volume n.s, Issue 1, p.6 - 19, (1974)
Review of Szentes, T. : The political economy of underdevelopment, H.A. Meilink , Internationale spectator : tijdschrift voor internationale politiekInternationale spectator, 1974///, (1974)
Werkloosheid onder Schoolverlaters in Ghana, P.J.J. Konings , 1974///, Tilburg, (1974)
Evaluation of two nutrition rehabilitation clinics in Uganda, J.C. Hoorweg , Nutrition programmes for pre-school children, 1973///, Zagreb, (1973)
Bituma : preliminary notes on a healing movement among the Nkoya of Kaoma district and of Lusaka, Zambia, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper read at the University of Zambia/ University of California Los Angeles conference on the history of Central African religious systems, Lusaka, 16 pp, 1972, 1972///, (1972)
Bituma : preliminary notes on a healing movement among the Nkoya of Kaoma District and of Lusaka, Zambia, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Conference on the history of Central Africa religon, 1972///, p.30 - 43, (1972)
Church leaders and their attitudes towards their church: a survey in an urban community, Winneba (Ghana), P.J.J. Konings , 1972///, Legon, (1972)
Evaluation of nutrition education: Some experiences from Uganda, J.C. Hoorweg , Paper presented at Conference on Nutrition Education in Guadalajara, Mexico, august 31 - september 1, 1972, 1972///, (1972)
The influence of malnutrition on psychological and neurological development : preliminary communication, J.C. Hoorweg, and J.P. Stanfield , 1972///, [Mona, p.1 - 21, (1972)
Nutrition education in Uganda, J.C. Hoorweg, and I. McDowell , 1972///, Kampala, p.1 - 21, (1972)
Some sociological reflexions on development and the role of churches, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Churches in National Development, 1972///, Kitwe, p.86 - 89, (1972)
