
Found 4511 results
Measuring the societal impact of research with Altmetrics: an experiment, U. Oberst , 2017///, Volume 5, Issue 1, p.16 - 21, (2017)
Mediated political agency in contested Africa, M.E. de Bruijn , The Routledge companion to digital ethnography, 2017///, New York, p.396 - 405, (2017)
Mensen op drift, J.B. Gewald , Goede Hoop. Zuid-Afrika en Nederland sinds 1600, 2017, Nijmegen, p.181 - 191, (2017)
The mobile phone and society in South Sudan: a critical historical-anthropological approach, I. Brinkman, J.C. Both, and M.E. de Bruijn , Journal of African Media Studies, 2017///, Volume 9, Issue 2, p.323 - 337, (2017)
Morocco : French, British, Spanish and German post offices before 1912, A.J. Dietz , 2017///, Issue 5, part 1, Leiden, p.1 - 85, (2017)
Morocco : French postal administration after 1912 and Morocco's postal services during the First World War, A.J. Dietz , 2017///, Issue 5, part 3, Leiden, p.136 - 199, (2017)
Morocco : postes chérifiennes of the Sultan of Morocco, 1892-1911 and Moroccan private and consular postal services, 1892-1901, A.J. Dietz , 2017///, Issue 5, part 2, Leiden, p.86 - 135, (2017)
Morocco : Spanish postal administration after 1912 and Morocco during the Spanish Civil War and the Second World War, A.J. Dietz , 2017///, Issue 5, part 4A, Leiden, p.200 - 282, (2017)
Morocco : Spanish postal administration after 1912 and Morocco during the Spanish Civil War and the Second World War, A.J. Dietz , 2017///, Issue 5, part 4B, Leiden, p.283 - 309, (2017)
Morocco : Tangier as a special postal area, A.J. Dietz , 2017///, Issue 5, part 5, Leiden, p.310 - 364, (2017)
A mosaic of scripts : Arabic script in Africa from a comparative perspective, A. Raia , Quaderni di studi arabi, nuova serie, 2017, Issue 12, p.207-218, (2017)
"My favourite source is the landscape" : an interview with Robert Ross, J.B. Gewald, and A. Schrikker , Magnifying perspectives : contributions to history, a festschrift for Robert Ross, 2017///, Leiden, p.18 - 31, (2017)
Namibia : South-West Africa 1888-1914, A.J. Dietz , 2017///, Issue 4, part 1, Leiden, p.1-37, (2017)
Namibia : South-West Africa 1888-1920s, A.J. Dietz , 2017///, Issue 4, part 4, Leiden, p.1 - 37, (2017)
Namibia : South-West Africa 1914-1923, A.J. Dietz , 2017///, Issue 4, part 2, Leiden, p.38 - 70, (2017)
Namibia : South-West Africa 1923 onwards, A.J. Dietz , 2017///, Issue 4, part 3, Leiden, p.71 - 118, (2017)
Niger, K. van Walraven , Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2016, 2017///, Leiden [etc.], p.128 - 136, (2017)
The Nigeria-Biafra war, popular culture and agitation for sovereignty of a Biafran nation, R.J. Julius-Adeoye , ASC working paper, 2017, Volume 138, Leiden, p. 21, (2017)
The Nigeria-Biafra war, popular culture and agitation for sovereignty of a Biafran nation, R.J. Julius-Adeoye , 2017///, Issue 138, Leiden, p. 21, (2017)
Nodding syndrome : an illness in the making, K.L. van Bemmel, and E. Aalten , 2017///, [The Netherlands], (2017)
Nodding syndrome in Northern Uganda : conceptualization of an illness-in-the-making, K.L. van Bemmel , 2017///, (2017)
No-go areas in Africa March 2017, A.J. Dietz, and N. de Vink , 2017///, Issue 15, Leiden, p. - 2, (2017)
North Korean monuments in southern Africa : legitimizing party rule through the National Heroes' Acres in Zimbabwe and Namibia, T.A. van der Hoog , 2017///, (2017)
Obituary: Richard Keir Pethick Pankhurst (1927-2017), G.J. Abbink , Rassegna di Studi Etiopici, 2017///, p.226 - 229, (2017)
The Omotic language family, A. Amha , The Cambridge handbook of linguistic typology, 2017, Cambridge, p.815 - 833, (2017)
