
Found 4511 results
'I'm only allowed to sell milk and eggs': gender aspects of urban livestock keeping in Eldoret, Kenya, R.R. Simiyu, and D.W.J. Foeken , The journal of modern African studies, 2013///, Volume 51, Issue 4, p.577 - 603, (2013)
Imagining a Silicon Valley : technological and conceptual connectivity in Kenya's BPO and software development sectors, M. Graham, and L. Mann , Electronic journal of information systems in developing countries, 2013///, Volume 56, Issue 2, p.1 - 19, (2013)
Imagining the nation : assessing the role and functioning of the Eritrean Assembly in the Eritrean-Ethiopian Federation (1952-1962), A.S. Suleiman , 2013///, s.l., p. - 174, (2013)
Improving health insurance coverage in Ghana: a case study, A.M. Kotoh , 2013///, Issue 51, Leiden, (2013)
Introduction to the society and history of the Suri people, G.J. Abbink , Suri orature : introduction to the society, language and oral culture of the Suri people (Southwest Ethiopia), 2013///, Köln, p.3 - 22, (2013)
Islam and politics in Senegal, M.M.A. Kaag , 2013///, Oxford, (2013)
Islam in Mali since the 2012 coup, B.F. Soares , Cultural anthropology online, 2013/06/10/, Volume Fieldsights - hot spots, (2013)
'Keeping this land safe' : stakeholder conceptualisations of protection in the context of a Mijikenda (Kenya) world heritage site, F. Krijtenburg , Africa for sale? : positioning the state, land and society in foreign large-scale land acquisitions in Africa, 2013///, Volume 29, Leiden, p.275 - 299, (2013)
Is khat a social ill? Ethical argument about a stimulant among the learned Ethiopians, G. Dessie , 2013///, Issue 108, Leiden, (2013)
Lahla Ngubo : the continuities and discontinuities of a South African black middle class, N. Mabandla , 2013///, Issue 50, Leiden, (2013)
Les conflits fonciers au Sénégal revisités: continuités et dynamiques émergentes, M.M.A. Kaag, Y. Gaye, and M. Kruis , Gerti Hesseling : á l'ombre du droit, 2013///, Paris, p.31 - 57, (2013)
Liberia : van vrijheidsideaal naar verloren paradijs, F. van der Kraaij , 2013///, Issue 17, Leiden, p. - XXII, 143, (2013)
Living on the edge, K. Augello, A. van Bruggen, M. van den Bergh, and K. de Pater , 2013///, p. Online resource (2 dl.: 23:14 min. ; 21:45 min.), (2013)
Local perceptions of development and change in Northern Ghana, A.J. Dietz, K.van der Geest, and F. Obeng , Rural development in Northern Ghana, 2013///, New York, p.17 - 36, (2013)
The locative-applicative suffix in Lumun, H. Smits , Nuba mountain language studies, 2013///, Issue 6, Köln, p.219 - 236, (2013)
'Mag de deur in Leiden open?' Gratis toegang tot wetenschappelijke publicaties fundamenteel, J.C.M. Damen , Mare, 2013///11 april, (2013)
Mandela, Nelson (1918-), W.M.J.van Kessel , The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of social and political movements, 2013///, Malden, (2013)
New and notable bird records for Burkina Faso, M. van den Bergh , Malimbus, 2013///, Volume 35, Issue 1, p.57 - 65, (2013)
Niger, K. van Walraven , Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2012, 2013///, Leiden, p.147 - 155, (2013)
Obama made in Kenya : appropriating the American dream in Kogelo, K.L. van Bemmel , Africa today, 2013///, Volume 59, Issue 4, p.69 - 90, (2013)
The objects of life in Central Africa : the history of consumption and social change, 1840-1980, , 2013///, Issue 30, Leiden [etc.], (2013)
The PADev Story: PADev 2007-2013 End-of-Project Report, A.J. Dietz, and PADev Team , 2013///, Issue 16, Leiden, (2013)
Painting pictures of progress : representations of Africa's changing socio-economic realities in South African print media, C. Touwen , 2013///, s.l., (2013)
Paul in Afrika, W. E. A.van Beek , Post voor Paul, 2013///, Tilburg, p.74 - 77, (2013)
Perceiving epilepsy : interpretations of Kifafa in Kigambone, Tanzania, M. Denisenko , 2013///, s.l., p. - 151, (2013)
