
Found 4511 results
Water dynamics in the seven African countries of Dutch policy focus : Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan : report on Ghana, A.J. Dietz, F. Jarawura, G. Seuren, and F. Veldkamp , 2014///, Leiden, p. - 18 p, (2014)
Water dynamics in the seven African countries of Dutch policy focus : Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan : report on Kenya, M.M.E.M. Rutten, A.J. Dietz, D.W.J. Foeken, G. Seuren, and F. Veldkamp , 2014///, Leiden, p. - 33 p, (2014)
Water dynamics in the seven African countries of Dutch policy focus : Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan : report on Mali, A.J. Dietz, M. van den Bergh, G. Seuren, and F. Veldkamp , 2014///, Leiden, p. - 15, (2014)
Water dynamics in the seven African countries of Dutch policy focus : Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan : report on Mozambique, A.J. Dietz, R. Hemsteede, G. Seuren, and F. Veldkamp , 2014///, Leiden, p. - 18, (2014)
Water dynamics in the seven African countries of Dutch policy focus : Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan : report on South Sudan, M.M.E.M. Rutten, A.J. Dietz, G. Seuren, and F. Veldkamp , 2014///, Leiden, p. - 37, (2014)
Water dynamics in the seven African countries of Dutch policy focus : Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan : report on Rwanda, A.J. Dietz, S. Hees, G. Seuren, and F. Veldkamp , 2014///, Leiden, p. - 17, (2014)
Water dynamics in the seven African countries of Dutch policy focus : Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan : general report and pressing needs, A.J. Dietz, M.M.E.M. Rutten, M. van den Bergh, D.W.J. Foeken, S. Hees, R. Hemsteede, F. Jarawura, L. Nijzink, G. Seuren, and F. Veldkamp , 2014///, Leiden, p. - 16, (2014)
'We have killed this animal together, may I also have a share?' : local-national political dynamics in Mwinilunga District, Zambia, 1950s-1970s, I. Peša , Journal of Southern African studies, 2014///, Volume 40, Issue 5, p.925 - 941, (2014)
Weak legislatures, failing MPs, and the collapse of democracy in Mali, M. van Vliet , African affairs, 2014///, Volume 113, Issue 450, p.45 - 66, (2014)
West Africa, K. van Walraven , Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2013, 2014///, Leiden, p.41 - 50, (2014)
What do low income people know about money? : indigenous financial concepts and practices and their implications for financial inclusion, S. Johnson, and F. Krijtenburg , 2014///, Issue 7, Nairobi, (2014)
Why things go wrong : agency and evil among the Kapsiki of north Cameroon, W. E. A.van Beek , Agency and changing world views in Africa, 2014///, Berlin, p.73 - 98, (2014)
Wikipedia for Africanists, H. Muller, and J.C.M. Damen , African Research & Documentation, 2014///, Issue 124, p.3 - 9, (2014)
Win-wins in forest product value chains?: how governance impacts the sustainability of livelihoods based on non-timber forest products from Cameroon, V.J. Ingram , 2014, Issue 56, Leiden, p.340, (2014)
Women, mobility and rural livelihoods in Zimbabwe : experiences of fast track land reform, P. Mutopo , 2014, Issue 32, Leiden [etc.], p.257, (2014)
Zo scherp als een pijl: het verhaal van de Arrow Boys uit Oost-Oeganda, K.J. Castelein , 2014///, Issue 18, Leiden, p.XIV, 129, (2014)
Access to information and transparency: opportunities and challenges for Nigeria's FOI Act 2011, M. Adebayo, and A. Akinyoade , Access to information in Africa: law, culture and practices, 2013///, Leiden, p.261 - 285, (2013)
Access to information in Africa: law, culture and practice, , 2013///, Issue 27, Leiden [etc.], (2013)
Africa for sale? Positioning the state, land and society in foreign large-scale land acquisitions in Africa, , 2013///, Issue 29, Leiden [etc.], (2013)
Africa Muslims Agency, M.M.A. Kaag , The encyclopaedia of Islam, 2013///, Leiden [etc.], p.15 - 17, (2013)
Africa Yearbook 2012 : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara, , 2013///, Issue 9, Leiden, (2013)
African agriculture : the potential and the prospects: case studies for Kenya and Tanzania, exploring a method of analysis, A.J. Dietz, and W. Klaver , The Future Agricultures International Conference in Pretoria, 2013///, (2013)
African dynamics of divination, W. E. A.van Beek, and P.M. Peek , Reviewing reality: dynamics of African divination, 2013///, Berlin, p.1 - 24, (2013)
African Studies Abstracts Online: number 41, 2013, , 2013///, Issue 41, Leiden, (2013)
African Studies Abstracts Online: number 42, 2013, , 2013///, Issue 42, Leiden, (2013)
