
Found 4511 results
Tax regimes in emerging Africa: Can corporate tax rates boost FDI in sub-Sahara Africa?, E.W. Stapper , 2010///, Issue 88, Leiden, (2010)
Tracking Development: Summary of some major points during the panel sessions of the first (public) day of the third conference (in Putrajaya, Malaysia, May 2010), A.J. Dietz , 2010///, (2010)
Underweight or stunting as an indicator of the MDG on poverty and hunger, W. Klaver , 2010///, Issue 92, Leiden, p. - 41, (2010)
Urban school farming to improve school feeding: The case of Nakuru town, Kenya, D.W.J. Foeken, and A.M. Mwangi , Children, Youth and Environments, 2010///, Volume 20, Issue 1, p.276 - 300, (2010)
Verschuivende zelfbeelden: wie zijn we, en wie willen we zijn?, W.M.J.van Kessel , Zwarte huid, oranje hart: Afrikaanse KNIL-nazaten in de diaspora, 2010///, Zwolle, p.8 - 11, (2010)
Waarom we mythen nodig hebben, W. E. A.van Beek , Beet, 2010///, Volume 2, p.6 - 7, (2010)
Wartime children's suffering and quests for therapy in northern Uganda, G. Akello , 2010///, Issue 25, Leiden, p. - 248, (2010)
"We get nothing from fishing": fishing for boat opportunities amongst Senegalese fisher migrants, H.M. Nyamnjoh , 2010///, Bamenda [etc.], p. - X, 220, (2010)
Weapons of mass destruction: land, ethnicity and the 2007 elections in Kenya, M.M.E.M. Rutten , Kenya's uncertain democracy: the electoral crisis of 2008, 2010///, London and New York, p.46 - 64, (2010)
West Africa, K. van Walraven , Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2009, 2010///, Leiden [etc.], p.45 - 57, (2010)
Who shares risk with whom under different enforcement mechanisms?, A. Barr, M. Dekker, and M. Fafchamps , 2010, (2010)
Wolaitta, A. Amha , Encyclopaedia Aethiopica ; vol. 4, 2010///, Wiesbaden, p.1088 - 1090, (2010)
The work of transnational Islamic NGOs in Africa: Chad and Senegal compared, M.M.A. Kaag , Afriche e orienti, 2010///, Issue 2, (2010)
419 manieren om blanke sukkels te plukken, W.M.J.van Kessel , ZAM Africa Magazine, 2009///, Volume 13, Issue 1, p.46 - 47, (2009)
Advances in coastal ecology : people, processes and ecosystems in Kenya, J.C. Hoorweg, and N. Muthiga , 2009///, Issue 20, Leiden, p. - 259, (2009)
Africa connects: mobile margins on the move, M.E. de Bruijn , 2009///, p. - Online resource (21:58 min.), (2009)
Africa Yearbook 2008 : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara, , 2009///, Issue 5, Leiden, (2009)
African Studies Abstracts Online: number 25, 2009, , 2009///, Issue 25, Leiden, (2009)
African Studies Abstracts Online: number 26, 2009, , 2009///, Issue 26, Leiden, (2009)
African Studies Abstracts Online: number 27, 2009, , 2009///, Issue 27, Leiden, (2009)
African Studies Abstracts Online: number 28, 2009, , 2009///, Issue 28, Leiden, (2009)
Afrika en de kredietcrisis, , 2009///, Issue 2, Leiden, (2009)
Afrika heeft een sociaal contract nodig, W.M.J.van Kessel , Openbaar Bestuur, 2009///, Volume 19, Issue 3, p.31 - 36, (2009)
Aide, Oumma et politique: Les ONG islamiques transnationales au Tchad, M.M.A. Kaag , Islam, État et société en Afrique, 2009///, Paris, p.133 - 160, (2009)
Alleen de kist was in Jackson-stijl, W. E. A.van Beek , Trouw, 2009///, Issue 11 June, p. - 27, (2009)
