
Found 4511 results
Giryama grass-roots and state co-operation, F. Krijtenburg , Indigenous voices in the sustainability discourse : spirituality and the struggle for a better quality of life, 2010///, Berlin, p.243 - 259, (2010)
Gold the true motor of West African history: an overview of the importance of gold in West Africa and its relations with the wider world, J.B. Gewald , Worlds of debts: interdisciplinary perspectives on gold mining in West Africa, 2010///, Amsterdam, p.137, (2010)
Governance and development in Southern Africa: proceedings from the third DPRN regional expert meeting on Southern Africa., , 2010///, Amsterdam, (2010)
A happy marriage of traditional and modern knowledge - shallow wells: a sustainable and inexpensive alternative for boreholes in Kenya?, M.M.E.M. Rutten , Shared waters, shared opportunities: hydropolitics in East Africa, 2010///, Nairobi, p.201 - 218, (2010)
Harry Leakey, M.M.E.M. Rutten, and K. Ombongi , Encyclopedia of African thought, 2010///, New York, p.48 - 50, (2010)
Harry Thuku, M.M.E.M. Rutten, and K. Ombongi , Encyclopedia of African thought, 2010///, New York, p.374 - 377, (2010)
Health insurance and other risk-coping strategies in Uganda: the case of Microcare Insurance Ltd, M. Dekker, and A. Wilms , World development, 2010///, Volume 38, Issue 3, p.369 - 378, (2010)
Heritage and transformation: from the organization of African Unity to the African Union, K. van Walraven , Africa's new peace and security architecture: promoting norms, institutionalizing solutions, 2010///, p.31 - 56, (2010)
Hierarchies of holiness. the Mormon temple in Zoetermeer, W. E. A.van Beek , Holy grounds in the Netherlands, 2010///, Leuven, p.255 - 300, (2010)
In search of greener pastures? Boat-migrants from Senegal to the Canary Islands, M. Poeze , 2010///, Issue 27, Leiden, p. - 97, (2010)
In the last group match against Mozambique, A. Akinyoade , Nigeriaworld, 2010///, Issue January 22, (2010)
In the shadow of good governance : an ethnography of civil service reform in Africa, G. Anders , 2010///, Issue 16, Leiden [etc.], p. - 165, (2010)
Individual or shared responsibility: who finances treatment of illnesses in households in rural Ethiopia?, M. Dekker , Markets of well-being: navigating health and healing in Africa, 2010///, Leiden, p.228 - 255, (2010)
Introduction, W.M.J. van Binsbergen, and E. Venbrux , New perspectives on myth: proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of the International Association for Comparative Mythology, Ravenstein (the Netherlands), 19-21 August, 2008, 2010///, Haarlem, p.17 - 21, (2010)
Introduction, I.S.A. Baud, J. Post, L.J. de Haan, and A.J. Dietz , Re-aligning government, civil society and the market : new challenges in urban and regional development : essays in honour of Bruijne, 2010///, Amsterdam, p.1 - 22, (2010)
Introduction: economic ethnographies of the marketization of health and healing in Africa, M. Dekker, and R.A. van Dijk , Markets of well-being: navigating health and healing in Africa, 2010///, Leiden, p.1 - 18, (2010)
Islam, politics, anthropology, , 2010///, Oxford/Malden, (2010)
Islam, politics, anthropology, B.F. Soares, and F. Osella , Islam, politics, anthropology, 2010///, Oxford/Malden, p.1 - 22, (2010)
Klimaatoorlogen?, A.J. Dietz , Geografie, 2010///, Volume 19, Issue 1, p.20 - 21, (2010)
La société civile et la lutte contre la corruption au Nigeria: Le cas des ONG anti-corruption, D.U. Enweremadu , 2010///, Issue 89, Leiden, (2010)
Landscape of memory : commemorative monuments, memorials and public statuary in post-apartheid South Africa, S. Marschall , 2010///, Issue 15, Leiden [etc.], p. - XI, 407, (2010)
Legitimizing corruption in government : Security votes in Nigeria, O. Egbo, I. Nwakoby, J. Onwumere, and C.U. Uche , 2010///, Issue 91, Leiden, (2010)
L'impact à long terme de la violence sur l'organisation foncière et la sécurité alimentaire. La région du Guéra, centre du Tchad, J.W.M. van Dijk, S.R. Bush, P. van Zwieten, L. Visser, R. Bosma, W. de Boer, and M. Verdegem , Actes du collogue 'Savanes africaines en développement: Innover pour durer', 20-23 avril 2009, Garoua (Cameroun), 2010///, N'Djaména, (2010)
Local stories, global discussions: websites, politics and identity in African contexts, M.E. de Bruijn, I. Brinkman, S. Lamoureaux, and D. Merolla , Popular media, democracy and development in Africa, 2010///, London/New York, p.236 - 252, (2010)
Market forces threatening school feeding: the case for school farming in Nakuru town, Kenya, D.W.J. Foeken, A.M. Mwangi, and W. Klaver , Markets of well-being: navigating health and healing in Africa, 2010///, Leiden, p.79 - 108, (2010)
