
Found 4516 results
The Ethiopian June 2021 elections: a step to political normality?, G.J. Abbink , 2021, Leiden, (2021)
Europe-Africa unequal pacts: the case of West African migration, A. Idrissa , Revisiting EU-Africa relations in a changing world, 2021, Northampton, p.104–115, (2021)
European memoirs and colonialism in Equatorial Africa: reflections on the reminiscences of Alfons Vermeulen (1877-1965), K. van Walraven , 2021, Issue 151, Leiden, p. - 14, (2021)
Family resemblances in action: an introduction to religiopolitical activism in Southern Africa, R.A. van Dijk, T.G. Kirsch, and F. Duarte dos Santos , Journal of religion in Africa, 2021, Volume 49, Issue 3-4, p.233-256, (2021)
Female slam poets of francophone Africa: spirited words for social change, M.E. de Bruijn, and L.W. Oudenhuijsen , Africa, 2021, Volume 91, Issue 5, p.742-767, (2021)
Feminists and other dangerous elements: the politicisation of gender and sexuality in Senegal, L.W. Oudenhuijsen , 2021, Leiden, (2021)
Financial decision-making gender and social norms in Zambia: report on the quantitative data generation, analysis and results and subsequent qualitative follow-up, A. Barr, M. Dekker, F. Mwansa, and LT. Zuze , 2021, Lusaka, p. - 51, (2021)
Flashback — conflict in Tigray: reflections on cause and effects, G.J. Abbink , 2021, (2021)
“A fundamental human right”? : mixed-race marriage and the meaning of rights in the postwar British Commonwealth, J. Piccini, and D.J. Money , Comparative studies in society and history, 2021, Volume 63, Issue 3, p.655-684, (2021)
Getting things right on the Ethiopia conflict, G.J. Abbink , 2021, (2021)
The global history of labor and race: foundations and key concepts, D.J. Money, and L. Teh , JSTOR Daily, 2021, (2021)
The glory of disaster: the Herero Flag Marches, W. E. A.van Beek, and J.B. Gewald , Handbook of disaster ritual: multidisciplinary perspectives, cases and themes, 2021, Issue 32, Leuven, p.397-418, (2021)
Hobbelig naar digitaal, J.C.M. Damen , IP: vakblad voor informatieprofessionals, 2021, Issue 1, (2021)
How do agro-pastoralists cope with climate change? : the case of the Nyangatom in the Lower Omo Valley of Ethiopia, A.K. Gebeyehu, D. Snelder, B. Sonneveld, and G.J. Abbink , Journal of arid environments, 2021, Volume 189, (2021)
Impact of a mobile health system on the suppression of Schistosoma haematobium in Chad, D. Lalaye, M.E. de Bruijn, and T.P.V.M. de Jong , Annals of tropical medicine and hygiene, 2021, Volume 105, Issue 4, p.1104-1108, (2021)
Inequalities in higher education in low‐ and middle‐income countries: a scoping review of the literature, S. Reinders, M. Dekker, and J.-B. Falisse , Development policy review, 2021, Volume 39, Issue 5, p.865-889, (2021)
Intergenerational maltreatment in parent–child dyads from Burundi, Africa: associations among parental depression and connectedness, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and aggression in children, R. Charak, Jong, L.H. Berckmoes, H. Ndayisaba, and R. Reis , Journal of traumatic stress, 2021, Volume 34, Issue 5, p.943-954, (2021)
Introduction, M.M.A. Kaag, G. Khan-Mohammad, and S. Schmid , Destination Africa: contemporary Africa as a centre of global encounter, 2021, Leiden, p.1-28, (2021)
Introduction ASCL library web dossier 'African feminism', L.W. Oudenhuijsen , 2021, Leiden, (2021)
Introduction ASCL library web dossier 'Somali literature', A. Raia , 2021, Leiden, (2021)
Introduction: Rhetoric and social relations, G.J. Abbink, and S. LaTosky , Rhetoric and social relations, 2021, Oxford, New York, p.3-29, (2021)
Introduction : the longitudinal ethnography of violence, L.H. Berckmoes, M. Rosenkrantz Lindegaard, and D. Rodgers , Conflict and society, Volume 7, Issue 1, p.96-106, (2021)
Kijk eens naar Ethiopië zonder neokoloniale bril, G.J. Abbink , Algemeen Dagblad, 2021, p.23, (2021)
La femminilizzazione della tratta di esseri umani in Nigeria: un caso studio di rimpatriati dal Libano, F. Attoh, and A. Akinyoade , Doppio sguardo: la tratta delle donne nigeriane per sfruttamento sessuale attraverso i dati dei servizi sociali dedicati della regione Calabria, 2021, Romagna, p.326-351, (2021)
Law and politics in the Ethiopian-Eritrean border dispute, 2002–2019, G.J. Abbink , The 1998–2000 Eritrea-Ethiopia war and Its aftermath in international legal perspective: from the 2000 Algiers agreements to the 2018 peace agreement, 2021, Cham, p.171-194, 742, (2021)
