
Found 4510 results
Aïcha Haddad's work of dreams and memories, G.J. Abbink , Africa in the UNESCO art collection, 2021, Paris, p.108-111, (2021)
ASCL annual report in 2020, G.J. Abbink , Annual report African Studies Centre Leiden 2020, 2021, Leiden, p.9-28, (2021)
The Atlantic Community mistake on Ethiopia: counter-productive statements and data-poor policy of the EU and the USA on the Tigray conflict, G.J. Abbink , 2021, Issue 150, Leiden, p. - 25, (2021)
Beauty before your eyes, A. Raia , 2021, Leiden, (2021)
Black minds matter: archbishop Milingo and the Vatican, G. ter Haar , 2021, Issue 43, Leiden, (2021)
Book review of Astrid Bochow, "Risiko und HIV/AIDS in Botswana: Leben in der Pandemie" (Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 2020), R.A. van Dijk , Anthropos, 2021, Volume 116, Issue 2, p.471, (2021)
Book review of Ngugi wa Thiong'o, "The perfect nine: the epic of Gĩkũyũ and Mũmbi" (New York: The New Press, 2020), A. Raia , 2021, (2021)
Class, race and empire: the white working class in historical perspective, D.J. Money , The sociological review, 2021, (2021)
Countries without currency, A. Idrissa , London review of books, 2021, Volume 43, Issue 23, (2021)
Cyberkrieg um Tigray, G.J. Abbink , Jungle World, 2021, Issue 46, p.13 (print version), (2021)
Destination Africa: contemporary Africa as a centre of global encounter, , 2021, Leiden, p.xii, 265, (2021)
Digitale collecties: driemaal scheepsrecht, J.C.M. Damen , IP: vakblad voor informatieprofessionals, 2021, Volume 25, Issue 2, p.25, (2021)
Divergence and convergence on the Copperbelt: white mineworkers in comparative perspective, 1911-1963, D.J. Money , Across the Copperbelt: urban & social change in Central Africa's borderland communities, 2021, Melton, p.77-100, (2021)
Doppio sguardo: la tratta delle donne nigeriane per sfruttamento sessuale attraverso i dati dei servizi sociali dedicati della regione Calabria, , 2021, Romagna, p.406, (2021)
Economic consequences of ill-health in rural Ethiopia, Z. Yilma, A.D. Mebratie, R. Sparrow, M. Dekker, G. Alemu, and A.S. Bedi , Health systems & reform, 2021, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.(9), (2021)
Environmental worries or China bashing?: the Sierra Leone fisheries harbour controversy, A.J. Dietz , 2021, Leiden, (2021)
Ethiopia , G.J. Abbink , Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2020, 2021, Leiden, Boston, p.328-341, (2021)
The Ethiopia conflict in international relations and global media discourse, G.J. Abbink , E-international relations, 2021, Issue 5, p.[6 pages], (2021)
Ethiopia’s elections are needed. But they face credibility challenges, G.J. Abbink , 2021, Carlton, (2021)
The Ethiopian June 2021 elections: a step to political normality?, G.J. Abbink , 2021, Leiden, (2021)
Europe-Africa unequal pacts: the case of West African migration, A. Idrissa , Revisiting EU-Africa relations in a changing world, 2021, Northampton, p.104–115, (2021)
European memoirs and colonialism in Equatorial Africa: reflections on the reminiscences of Alfons Vermeulen (1877-1965), K. van Walraven , 2021, Issue 151, Leiden, p. - 14, (2021)
Family resemblances in action: an introduction to religiopolitical activism in Southern Africa, R.A. van Dijk, T.G. Kirsch, and F. Duarte dos Santos , Journal of religion in Africa, 2021, Volume 49, Issue 3-4, p.233-256, (2021)
Female slam poets of francophone Africa: spirited words for social change, M.E. de Bruijn, and L.W. Oudenhuijsen , Africa, 2021, Volume 91, Issue 5, p.742-767, (2021)
Feminists and other dangerous elements: the politicisation of gender and sexuality in Senegal, L.W. Oudenhuijsen , 2021, Leiden, (2021)
