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Dear Professor Abbink. It is clear to me by hearing Ethiopians in my network, that the progressive and unifying reforms of PM Dr. Abiy Ahmed are being strained by the old security networks and PR machine run by TPLF. You write:
`The most recent indication is the eruption of armed conflict between the Tigray region armed forces and the federal army on 4 November 2020, provoked by an assault of the Tigray army on a federal military base (near Dansha town in Tigray) to rob equipment, arms and ammunition, and with many people killed. PM Abiy Ahmed always deeply resented taking any military action on Tigray, despite a string of provocations, but it seemed they now crossed a red line.`
Could you clarify why in the West and most news bulletins there is a narrative in which the TPLF and Abiy are posed as equal parties and that there especially is a hiatus or gap in the history of the terror and destabalising forces of the TPLF, please? Because I would think that the international community should know more bout the ways of the TPLF maybe.