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The truth about the situation in Ethiopia, for a change! Thank you Professor Abbink.
A tradition of western liberalism in support of "liberation" movements in the guise of justice and freedom; a well organized and well lubricated TPLF propaganda machine operating in the west; and a partisan relationship forged with certain academic institutions in the west were employed as diversionary instruments to hide the true nature of the brutal dictatorship of TPLF for over a quarter of a century when it stayed in power. It is worth noting that these were precisely the calculations that the TPLF had in mind when it embarked on its catastrophic adventure by igniting the armed conflict designed to propel it back to power. But as unfolding events since November 4 demonstrated Prime Minister Abiy stood firm against the pressures of international humanitarian organizations and western governments to get TPLF off of the hook under the pretext of a ceasefire and opening negotiations. Besides, the TPLF was no match to the might of the federal government, and Mekele, the leadership's hideout was captured by the federal army with no civilian casualties reported. It's about time that the EU and international human rights groups see the TPLF's cry for help for what it is: negotiating itself back to power.