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Dear sir I’ve read with interest your paper
I've never been close to TPLF headquarters, but as medical doctor, I’ve known Ethiopia and Tigray since 1987: There has been no mass starvation since Mengistu’s time. In many places in Ethiopia and in Tigray I’ve seen huge developments in health centres, hospitals, schools, soil protection, road constructions, people enjoying peace, 20 years gain in life expectancy! Even more freedom, comparing with Derg time!
I agree with you: the human rights situation had to be improved.
There was major disagreement between Abiy and TPLF: among others, centralism versus federalism. And there was a lack of communication and dialogue. Both sides are responsible.
All the people I know in Tigray, including some members from TPLF, wanted first of all, peace for Tigray and for Ethiopia.
As a Belgian, I can imagine the reactions if a young Prime Minister arrives and says: let's change everything and let's make one party. I'm not sure the other ones would follow silently!
This war, with the implication of Isaïas totalitarian regime, was the best way to create humanitarian disaster. I now receive information from friends living in Tigray who are not TPLF members: they speak about many murders, sexual violence, generalized looting (house by house, schools, hospitals, churches…), lack of food, lack of medicine. People are already dying from hunger…
I write, trying to be beside the civilian victims. It seems you have chosen your camp. I’m not sure the situation is as simple as you describe.
Abiy has signed a pact with evil Isaïas. I'm afraid it will not be for the sake of Ethiopia.
Please, try to mobilize to allow acces for humanitarian aid, to stop fighting and start dialogue!
Andre Crismer, medical doctor