The library receives and processes many gifts each year, including books, periodicals, videos and other library materials. These gifts help us to add depth to the collection and replace worn-out and lost books and journals.
To make a donation to the African Studies Centre Leiden library, please contact:
- Gerard van de Bruinhorst,, phone 071 5276734
The library is particularly interested in gifts that fit into the collection profile. Gifts not retained are sent to affiliated libraries in The Netherlands or to Africa as part of our donation programme.
Gifts in 2024
- Prof. A.J. Drewes (1927-2007), 650 Amharic books (via Harry Stroomer and Martin Baasten)
- Voogd family: photographic album Johannes Bakhuis (1860-1933) of the “Oosterlijn” (railroad in South Africa and Mozambique) and of original inhabitants (ca. 1891)
- Embassy of Angola in the Netherlands: collection of books, a.o. Moorman and Viriato da Cruz
- Yolanda Bokhorst: book about Kariba-dam, map Rhodesia 1965
- Trudi Blomsma: Sikororo, Assegaai
- Allard Pierson Amsterdam (Reinder Storm): several maps of Africa
- H. Pleging: books about Ethiopia, a.o. by Blair Thompson and Elisabeth Knoche
- Teake Oppewal: books from Mozambique
- Jan Stuitje: books about Tigray and Ethiopia (3 boxes)
- Mark Blaisse: 20 books about Equatorial Guinee
- Carla Risseeuw (via Marlein van Raalte): Kenya, religion, history, literature etc. (5 boxes)
- several books from Jan Jansen, Kasper van Ommen and others
Gifts in 2023
Alf van Beem kindly donated a box with 58 coloured propaganda lantern slides from the Second Boer War (1899-1902) and 6 lantern slides with old black & white photographs from Egypt (a.o. of the “Ibn Yûlûn Mosque Cairo")
- Karin van den Berg donated 2 archival boxes, containing documents from James Kalu Onoh (PhD VU Amsterdam 1972) about Nigeria and Biafra.
- Jet Gerla: books from Tanzania (Swahili, literature)
- Rahmane Idrissa handed over Mohammed Ibn Abdallah’s Song of the pharaoh. Abibigoro on the life and times of pharaoh Aknaten
- Linda van de Kamp: 15 books from Mozambique (in Portugese)
- Alice Kubo: books about Kenya from the legacy of Jan Hoorweg (a.o. Malindi handbook, books about fishery etc.)
- Julia Rensing & Sindi-Leigh McBride (ed.): Lost libraries, burnt archives
- David Sogge: a dozen pamphlets on Nigeria and Biafra, incl. One Nigeria Bulletin (unique) and the book Nigeria. The dream empire of a rebel
- Jet Tigchelaar: books on law in Uganda (jurisprudence, land administration, marriage & divorce)
- And several other books, donated by Jan Jansen, K. Just, Kasper van Ommen and others
Gifts in 2022
- Jan Knappert: archival material (22 boxes, Swahili)
- Jan Broekhuijse: books, photos and maps (10 boxes, Burkina Faso)
- Mieke van Ee (Ethiopia, books and newspapers)
- Anna-Maria Brandstetter (Congo)
- Dorrit van Dalen (Ghana, Nigeria)
- Anja van Altena / Frans Helmerhorst (Nigeria)
- Holger Weiss (Ghana, Islam)
- Marisca Bruinooge (diverse)
- Emeke Aniagola
- and more books, given by Wim Hoppers, Gitty Petit, Jan Jansen, Ton Dietz and others.
Posted on 28 November 2011, last modified on 26 February 2025