
Found 4511 results
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 2000 I & II, A.J. Dietz, and W. Yabann , 2001///, Amsterdam & Eldoret, (2001)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 2001 I, A.J. Dietz, and W. Yabann , 2001///, Amsterdam & Eldoret, (2001)
The theory of regulation : a review article, C.U. Uche , Journal of financial regulation and compliance, 2001///, Volume 9, Issue 1, p.67 - 80, (2001)
Time and transcultural technologies of the self in the Ghanaian Pentecostal diaspora, R.A. van Dijk , Between Babel and Pentecost : transnational Pentecostalism in Africa and Latin America, 2001///, p.216 - 234, (2001)
Toespraak tot Ad de Bruijne bij zijn pensionering als hoogleraar sociale geografie van ontwikkelingslanden, Amsterdam 30 november 2001, A.J. Dietz , 2001///, (2001)
Transforming the South African Police Service: the changing meaning of change, W.M.J.van Kessel , Paper presented at the Annual Congress of the South African Sociological Association: "Globalization, Inequality and Identity", Pretoria, 3 July 2001, 2001///, (2001)
Ubuntu and the globalisation of Southern African thought and society, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy, 2001///, Volume 15, Issue 1/2, p.53 - 89, (2001)
Usage foncier et dynamique sociale au Sénégal rural : l'histoire d'un bas-fond et de ses défricheurs, M.M.A. Kaag , 2001///, Amsterdam, p.1 - 303, (2001)
Variations climatiques, insécurité alimentaire et stratégies paysannes : les réponses du paysan nigérien : perspectives historiques, B.A. Gado , 2001///, Issue 48, Leiden, p. - VII, 30, (2001)
Violence and Culture, S.D.K. Ellis , Paper read at Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Internationales, 2001///, (2001)
'Voodoo' on the doorstep : young Nigerian prostitutes and magic policing in the Netherlands, R.A. van Dijk , Africa : journal of the International African InstituteAfrica, 2001///, Volume 71, Issue 4, p.558 - 586, (2001)
War in West Africa, S.D.K. Ellis , Paper read to 'Artsen zonder Grenzen', 2001///, (2001)
War in West Africa, S.D.K. Ellis , The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, 2001///, Volume 25, Issue 2, Medford, p.33 - 39, (2001)
We are in this for the money: Commodification in the Southern African sangoma cult, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Paper read at the seminar of the theme group on globalisation, African Studies Centre, 2001, 2001///, (2001)
"We think of them" : how Ghanaian migrants in Amsterdam assist relatives at home, D.K. Arhinful , 2001///, Leiden, p. - XVII, 145, (2001)
What does the 'show case' show? Evidence of and lessons from adjustment in Uganda, J.K. van Donge , World development : the multi-disciplinary international journal devoted to the study and promotion of world development, 2001///, Volume 29, Issue 5, p.841 - 863, (2001)
What has happened to the colonial state in Africa?, S.D.K. Ellis , Paper read to African Studies Centre, University of Copenhagen, conference on the Great Lakes, 2001///, (2001)
Why Are there So Many Wars in Africa?, S.D.K. Ellis , Keynote speech, Studium Generale, 2001///, (2001)
Witchcraft and scepticism by proxy : Pentecostalism and laughter in urban Malawi, R.A. van Dijk , Magical interpretations, material realities : modernity, witchcraft and the occult in postcolonial Africa, 2001///, London, p.97 - 117, (2001)
Witchcraft in modern Africa as virtualised boundary conditions of the kinship order, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Witchcraft dialogues: Anthropological and philosophical exchanges, 2001///, Ohio, p.212 - 263, (2001)
Wolaitta, A. Amha , Facts about the world's languages: an encyclopaedia of the world's major languages: past and present, 2001///, New York [etc.], p.809 - 815, (2001)
Women and law in Mali, G.S.C.M. Hesseling, and M. van den Engel , Kinship structures and enterprising actors: anthropological essays on development, 2001///, Wageningen, p.299 - 316, (2001)
Writing contemporary histories of Africa, S.D.K. Ellis , Paper presented at the African Studies Association of the USA, 2001///, (2001)
Africa Overruled. Africa's Dependence on Europe in 2015, N. Tellegen , EVS-conference, 2000/05/13/, (2000)
African Peasants' Centrality and Marginality: Rural Labour Transformations, D.F. Bryceson , Disappearing Peasantries? Rural Labour in Africa, Asia and Latin America., 2000///, London, (2000)
