Found 4565 results
Nutrition Intervention Research Project,
J.C. Hoorweg
, Food and Nutrition in Kenya : A Historical Review, 1987///, Nairobi, (1987)
Pastoralists in dire straits : survival strategies and external interventions in a semi-arid region at the Kenya/Uganda border: Western Pokot, 1900-1986,
A.J. Dietz
, 1987///, Amsterdam, p. 324, (1987)
P.J.J. Konings
, Agriculture, pétrole et politique au Cameroun, 1987///, Paris, p.11 - 14, (1987)
Protein-energy malnutrition and the home environment : a study among children in Coast Province, Kenya,
C. Peters, and R. Niemeijer
, 1987///, Nairobi, p. - 61, (1987)
Report of the ASAL backstopping mission West Pokot and Elgeyo Marakwet, 25 October - 17 November 1986,
A.J. Dietz, A. Owiti, and A. van Haastrecht
, 1987///, Amsterdam, p. - 54, (1987)
Review of "Development and Social Change in Rural Egypt" by Richard H. Adams, Jr,
J.K. van Donge
, The journal of development studies : a quarterly journal devoted to economic, political and social development, 1987///, Volume 23, Issue 4 (jul), p.573, (1987)
Review of Dodge & P Wiebe : Crisis in Uganda : The breakdown of health services,
J.C. Hoorweg
, Development and change, 1987///, Volume 18, Issue 2, p.361 - 362, (1987)
Review of Hunt, D. : The Impending crisis in Kenya. The case for landreform,1984,
H.A. Meilink
, Development and change, 1987///, Volume 18, Issue 2, p.363 - 365, (1987)
Review of "Madagascar, island of the ancestors" by John Mack and "From Blessing to Violence. History and Ideology in the circumcision ritual of the Merina of Madagascar" by Maurice Bloch,
S. Ellis
, The journal of African history, 1987///, Volume 28, Issue 3, p. - 465, (1987)
'The shadow you are not supposed to tread upon' : Female initiation and field-work in central Western Zambia,
W.M.J. van Binsbergen
, Paper presented at the Third Sattherthwaite Colloquium on African Religion and Ritual, University of Manchester/Satterthwaite (Cumbria), 21-24 April, 1987, 1987///, (1987)
Aspects of modern state penetration in Africa,
G.S.C.M. Hesseling, W.M.J. van Binsbergen, and F. Reyntjens
, State and local community in Africa, 1986///, (1986)
De vrouwelijke kant van staatsvorming in prekoloniaal centraal Westelijk Zambia,
W.M.J. van Binsbergen
, Machtige Moeders: Over de positie van de vrouw in vroege staten, 1986///, Leiden, p.157 - 217, (1986)
District atlas Elgeyo Marakwet,
A.J. Dietz, and A. van Haastrecht
, District atlas Elgeyo Marakwet, 1986///, Kapenguria, (1986)
District atlas West Pokot,
A.J. Dietz, and A. van Haastrecht
, District atlas West Pokot, 1986///, Kapenguria, (1986)
Economic management in Cameroon : policies and performance,
W.A. Ndongko
, 1986///, Leiden, p. - 185, (1986)
Female dimensions of state formation in Central Western Zambia, c. 1500-1900: And the religious transformation of women's political power in the nineteenth and twentieth century,
W.M.J. van Binsbergen
, Paper, Conference on Culture and Consciousness in Southern Africa, University of Manchester, Manchester, 25th September 1986, 42 pp., 1986///, (1986)
The ideology of building, the interpretation of compound patterns among the Kapsiki of North Cameroon,
W.E.A. van Beek
, Op zoek naar mens en materiele cultuur, 1986///, Groningen, p.147 - 162, (1986)
Kindersterfte en huwelijksmobiliteit, de Kapsiki van Noord-Kameroen,
W.E.A. van Beek
, Vruchtbaar Onderzoek, Essays ter ere van Douwe Jongmans, 1986///, p.147 - 165, (1986)
La réforme foncière au Sénégal : consensus entre paysans et pouvoirs publics?,
G.S.C.M. Hesseling
, Les cahiers du Centre d'étude et de documentation africaines, 1986///, Issue 2/4, p.113 - 137, (1986)
Lange-termijnpatronen van arbeidsmigratie in Togo,
L.J. de Haan
, Geografisch Tijdschrift, 1986///, Volume 20, Issue 3, Amsterdam, p.219 - 229, (1986)
Le droit foncier dans une situation semi-urbaine : le cas de Ziguinchor,
G.S.C.M. Hesseling
, Espaces disputés en Afrique noire : pratiques foncières locales, 1986///, Paris, p.113 - 132, (1986)
L'état ce n'est pas nous! : cultural proletarization in Cameroon,
W.E.A. van Beek
, Les cahiers du Centre d'étude et de documentation africaines, 1986///, Issue 2-4, p.65 - 87, (1986)
L'Etat contemporain en Afrique; Etat, espaces et développement. Compte-rendu de la Table ronde organisée à Paris, 12-13 décembre 1985,
G.S.C.M. Hesseling
, Politique africaine, 1986///, Issue 22, p.159 - 163, (1986)
L'Etat, l'agro-industrie et la paysannerie au Cameroun,
P.J.J. Konings
, Politique africaine, 1986///, Issue 22, p.120 - 137, (1986)
Leven en werken in een Nyakyusa dorp,
N. van Hekken
, 1986///, Leiden, p. - III, 436, 4, (1986)