
Found 4510 results
Kapchok location, West Pokot district, Kenya, A.J. Dietz, A. van Haastrecht, M. Schomaker, S. Lopeyok, and H. Hendrix , 1983///, Kapenguria, p. - 26, (1983)
Kasei and Chemorongit locations, West Pokot district, Kenya, A.J. Dietz, A. van Haastrecht, M. Schomaker, S. Lopeyok, and H. Hendrix , 1983///, Kapenguria, p. - 34, (1983)
Le droit foncier au Sénégal : l'impact de la réforme foncière en Basse Casamance, G.S.C.M. Hesseling, M. Sypkens Smit, and C. Miginiac , 1983///, Leiden, p. - 145, (1983)
Lelan location, West Pokot district, Kenya, A.J. Dietz, A. van Haastrecht, M. Schomaker, R. Andiema, J. Tumkou, and H. Hendrix , 1983///, Kapenguria, p. - 56, (1983)
Les traditionalistes menalamba et leur conception de la royauté. Études sur la la nature de la monarchie en Imerina, S.D.K. Ellis , Les souverains de Madagascar : l'histoire royale et ses résurgences contemporaines, 1983///, Paris, p.373 - 389, (1983)
Locational development profile for Mon Location, Elgeyo Marakwet, A.J. Dietz, A. van Haastrecht, M. Schomaker, I. Dubel, and M. de Kwaasteniet , 1983///, Amsterdam, (1983)
Locational development profiles: for Kapchok, Sook, Mwino, Suam, Lelan, Sekerr, Kasei & Chemorongit Locations, West Pokot District, A.J. Dietz, A. van Haastrecht, M. Schomaker, R.P. Chizupo, R. Andiema, and S. Lopeyok , 1983///, Amsterdam, (1983)
Mon location, Elgeyo Marakwet district, Kenya, I. Dubbel, M. de Kwaasteniet, A. van Haastrecht, and A.J. Dietz , 1983///, Kapenguria, p. - 33, (1983)
The Netherlands in Kenya : development projects in Kenya financed by Dutch development assistance, 1964-1981, arranged according to location, A.J. Dietz, and J. Koninx , 1983///, Amsterdam, p. - 81, (1983)
Nutrition survey in Murang'a District, Kenya : Part 1 : Relations between ecology, economic and social conditions, and nutritional state of pre-school children, J.C. Hoorweg, R. Niemeijer, and W. van Steenbergen , 1983///, Leiden, p. - 103, (1983)
Programmatische benadering en onderzoek : rapport voor DGIS, Afdeling Onderzoek en Aangepaste Technologie, , 1983///, Amsterdam/Den Haag, p. - 28, (1983)
Review of "Il Madagascar nella vita di Raombana primo storico malgascio (1809-1855)" byLiliana Mosca, S.D.K. Ellis , The journal of African history, 1983///, Volume 24, Issue 3, p. - 393, (1983)
Review of "Madagascar: le colonisé et son âme: essai sur le discours psychologique colonial" by Antoine Bouillon, S.D.K. Ellis , The journal of African history, 1983///, Volume 24, Issue 1, p. - 134, (1983)
Review of Niminde-Dundadengar, E. : Agrarentwicklung und Ernährung in Schwarzafrika, H.A. Meilink , Sociologia, 1983///, Volume 23, Issue 3/4, p.312 - 313, (1983)
Riziculteurs capitalistes et petits paysans : la naissance d'un conflict de classe au Ghana, P.J.J. Konings , Politique africaine, 1983///, Issue 11, p.77 - 94, (1983)
Ruimtelijke ontwikkeling in een koloniale context : een case-study van de Duitse kolonisatie van Togo, L.J. de Haan , 1983///, Amsterdam, p. - 51, (1983)
Rural communities in the Central African context : the Nkoya of Central Western Zambia, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Rural communities : first part : societies without writing (Africa - America - Europe), 1983///, Paris, p.185 - 195, (1983)
Sekerr location, West Pokot District, Kenya, A.J. Dietz, A. van Haastrecht, M. Schomaker, S. Lopeyok, P. Mertens, and H. Hendrix , 1983///, [Amsterdam, p. - 35, (1983)
Sook location, West Pokot district, Kenya, A.J. Dietz, A. van Haastrecht, M. Schomaker, R. Andiema, S. Lopeyok, and H. Hendrix , 1983///, Kapenguria, p. - 39, (1983)
Staat en ruimtelijke ontwikkeling in Togo, L.J. de Haan , Geografisch Tijdschrift, 1983///, Volume 12, Issue 3, p.165 - 176, (1983)
Suam location, West Pokot district, Kenya, A.J. Dietz, A. van Haastrecht, M. Schomaker, S. Lopeyok, R.P. Chizupo, and H. Hendrix , 1983///, Kapenguria, p. - 33, (1983)
Verslag van studiedagen voor Nederlanders die in Senegal veldwerk verrichten, G.S.C.M. Hesseling , 1983///, Leiden, (1983)
Afrika worstelt nog steeds met haar koloniale grenzen, D.W.J. Foeken , De Nieuwe Geografenkrant, 1982///, (1982)
Consultation and non-commitment : planning with the people in Botswana, D. Noppen , 1982///, Leiden, p. - VII, 221, (1982)
De binnenkant van Senegal, G.S.C.M. Hesseling , Zero, 1982///, Volume 4, Issue 6, p.48 - 57, (1982)
