
Found 4511 results
Kenya, A.J. Dietz, D.W.J. Foeken, A. van Haastrecht, and G. van der Wal , 1988///, Amsterdam, p. - 68, (1988)
The Land as Body: An Essay on the Interpretation of Ritual among the Manjaks of Guinea-Bissau, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 1988///, Volume 2, Issue 4, p.366 - 401, (1988)
Large-scale irrigation development in Kenya : past performance and future prospects, G.M. Ruigu , 1988///, Nairobi, p. - 29, (1988)
Les prolongements du conflit israelo-arabe en Afrique noire : le cas du Sierra Leone, S.D.K. Ellis , Politique africaine, 1988///, Issue 30, p.69 - 75, (1988)
Likota lya bankoya, J.M. Shimunika, and W.M.J. van Binsbergen , 1988///, Leiden, p.1 - 97, (1988)
Monographie régionale de la Province du Borgou, République populaire du Bénin, G. Breukers, M. de Hon, and L.J. de Haan , 1988///, Cotonou, p. - XVIII, (1988)
Naar een nieuwe regionale geografie, A.J. Dietz, and H. Reitsma , IMWOO bulletin, 1988///, Volume 16, Issue 2, p.13 - 16, (1988)
Nieuwe centra voor niet-westerse studies, H. Reitsma, and A.J. Dietz , IMWOO bulletin:, 1988///, (1988)
Nutrition in agricultural development : The case of irrigated rice cultivation in West Kenya, R. Niemeijer, and J.C. Hoorweg , Ecology of food and nutrition, 1988///, Volume 22, p.65 - 81, (1988)
Overheid en regionale integratie van de savanne in Togo, 1885-1985 : infrastructuur, marktintegratie, arbeidsmigratie en de lokale bestaanswijze, L.J. de Haan , 1988///, Amsterdam, p. - 297, (1988)
Participatie in milieuprojecten in West-Africa, J.W.M. van Dijk, and M.E. de Bruijn , 1988///, Leiden, (1988)
Partition of the German Togo colony : economic and political consequences, L.J. de Haan , Canadian review of studies in nationalism, 1988///, Volume 15, Issue 1/2, Charlottetown, p.33 - 41, (1988)
Purity and statecraft: the Fulani jihad and its empire, W. E. A.van Beek , The Quest for Purity, 1988///, Berlin, p.149 - 182, (1988)
Reflections on the future of anthropology in Africa, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , African futures: Twenty-fifth anniversary conference, 1988///, Edinburgh, p.293 - 309, (1988)
Regionale geografie en ontwikkeling, H. Reitsma, and A.J. Dietz , IMWOO bulletin, 1988///, (1988)
Review of "L'Insurrection malgache de 1947" by Jacques Tronchon, S.D.K. Ellis , The journal of African history, 1988///, Volume 29, Issue 1, p.132 - 133, (1988)
Review of "Maureen Covell: Madagascar : politics, economics and society", S.D.K. Ellis , African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society, 1988///, Volume 87, Issue 348, p. - 468, (1988)
Scenes of change: visions on developments in Swaziland : papers presented at the seminar 'Social Sciences in Swaziland', Free University Amsterdam, February 1986, H.J. Tieleman , 1988///, Leiden, p. - II, 231, (1988)
Seasonality in the coastal lowlands of Kenya : Part 1: Research objectives and study design / Jan Hoorweg, Ted Kliest & Rudo Niemeijer, J.C. Hoorweg, T. Kliest, and R. Niemeijer , 1988///, Leiden, p.1 - 39, (1988)
Seasonality in the coastal lowlands of Kenya : Part 2: Introduction to seasonality, D.W.J. Foeken, and J.C. Hoorweg , 1988///, Leiden, p. - 80, (1988)
South Africa : media and journalists in a divided society, W.M.J.van Kessel , 1988///, Amsterdam, p. - 32, (1988)
Spirit possession and healing in modern Zambia : an analysis of letters to Archbishop Milingo, G. ter Haar, and S.D.K. Ellis , African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society, 1988///, Volume 87, Issue 347, p.185 - 206, (1988)
State formation, religion, and land tenure in Cameroon, K. Schilder , 1988///, Leiden, p. - 257, (1988)
Textes législatifs et réglementaires du Cameroun : foncier, communes, administration publique, forets, justice, code des investissements, divers, G.S.C.M. Hesseling , 1988///, Leiden, p. - 28, (1988)
Trade unionism and labour control in agro-industry in Cameroon : the case of the Cameroon Development Corporation, 1947-1986, P.J.J. Konings , 1988///, Leiden, p. - 27, (1988)
