
Found 4511 results
Planning for agricultural change and economic transformation in Tanzania?, M. Wuyts, and B. Kilama , Journal of agrarian change, 2016///, Volume 16, Issue 2, p.318 - 341, (2016)
The politics of the production and reception of sources-editors' introduction, D. van den Bersselaar, M.R. Doortmont, J.H. Hanson, and J. Jansen , History in Africa : a journal of method, 2016///, Volume 43, p.1 - 5, (2016)
A postal history of the First World War in Africa and its aftermath - German colonies/postal areas : V Morocco, A.J. Dietz , 2016///, Issue 125, Leiden, p. - 180, (2016)
Post-conflict land governance reform in the African Great Lakes region. Part III - Securing tenure of smallholder peasants, M. van Leeuwen, D. Kobusingye, P.H. Justin, R. Tchatchoua Djomo, and J.W.M. van Dijk , 2016///, Issue 32, Leiden, p. - 4, (2016)
Post-conflict land governance reform in the African Great Lakes region. Part II - Reshuffling land ownership for development, M. van Leeuwen, D. Kobusingye, P.H. Justin, R. Tchatchoua Djomo, and J.W.M. van Dijk , 2016///, Issue 31, Leiden, p. - 4, (2016)
Post-conflict land governance reform in the African Great Lakes region. Part I - The challenges of post-conflict land reform, M. van Leeuwen, D. Kobusingye, P.H. Justin, R. Tchatchoua Djomo, and J.W.M. van Dijk , 2016///, Issue 30, Leiden, p. - 4, (2016)
Preface, W. E. A.van Beek , Dynamics behind persistent games of "the other": the interplay between imagination and interactions in Maasai cultural tourism, 2016///, Berlin, p.1 - 5, (2016)
The quest for treatment : the violated body of nodding syndrome in northern Ugenda., K.L. van Bemmel , Journal of peace and security studies, 2016///, Volume 2, Issue 2, p.63 - 78, (2016)
Relevance lost?: the Petroleum Equalization Fund in Nigeria, A.E. Ezeoha, C. Igwe, C. Onyeke, and C.U. Uche , Energy for sustainable development, 2016///, Volume 31, p.152 - 162, (2016)
Religion and politics: taking African epistemologies seriously, The Journal of Modern African Studies, 2007, 45, 3, 385-401, S.D.K. Ellis, and G. ter Haar , African politics : Volume 3: Identity politics, conflict and accommodation: class, religion and ethnicity, Part 2. The politics of religion, 2016///, London, p.93 - 108, (2016)
Rethinking the anthropology of Ethiopia through culture and ritual, G.J. Abbink , Movements in Ethiopia: Ethiopia in movement : proceedings of the 18th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, 2016, Los Angeles ; Addis Ababa, p.37 - 52 (vol. 1), (2016)
The rise and fall of nodding syndrome in public discourse : an analysis of newspaper coverage in Uganda, K.L. van Bemmel , Critique of anthropology, 2016///, Volume 36, Issue 2, p.168 - 196, (2016)
The role of African academic institutions in promoting open access in Africa: obstacles and opportunities, A. Kamanzi, and J.C.M. Damen , Fourth CODESRIA conference on electronic publishing: "The open access movement and the future of Africa's knowledge economy" = Quatrième conférence du CODESRIA sur l'édition électronique: "Le mouvement pour le libre accés et l'avenir de l'économie, 2016///, (2016)
Scoping report: "Improving the perspective for regional trade and investment in West Africa: the key to food security, economic development and stability in the region", P. Lange, A.J. Dietz, and M.L. Rau , 2016///, Leiden, p. - 156, (2016)
Sport op Afrikaanse postzegels : bijdrage van het Afrika-Studiecentrum Leiden aan de NVAS Studiedag "Sport in Afrika", 15 oktober 2016, A.J. Dietz , 2016///, (2016)
Stephen Ellis bibliography, J.C.M. Damen , 2016, Leiden, p. 31, (2016)
Sustainable city initiatives in Africa and comparison with the OURSUS approach : paper for the IGU Congress in Beijing 22 August 2016, A.J. Dietz , 2016///, Issue 135, Leiden, p. - 40, (2016)
Synthesis report : defining, targeting and reaching the very poor: Bangladesh, Benin and Ethiopia, A. Altaf , 2016///, Issue 130, Leiden, p. - 17, (2016)
Tanzania 1885-1920s : part I : German East Africa, 1885-1914, A.J. Dietz , 2016///, Issue 3, part 1, Leiden, p. - 37, (2016)
Tanzania 1885-1920s: part II: post offices in 1893-1914, A.J. Dietz , 2016///, Issue 3, part 2, p.36 - 61, (2016)
Tanzania 1895-1920: part III: 1914-1920s, A.J. Dietz , 2016///, Issue 3, part 3, Leiden, p.63 - 110, (2016)
Technical analysis, contestation and politics in policy agenda setting and implementation: the rise and fall of primary care maternal services from Ghana's capitation policy, A. Koduah , BMC Health Services Research, 2016///, Volume 16, Issue 1, p.323 - 337, (2016)
The tent versus lobola: marriage, monetary intimacies and the new face of responsibility in Botswana, R.A. van Dijk , Anthropology Southern Africa, 2016///, Volume 39, Issue 4, p.29 - 41, (2016)
This present darkness : a history of Nigerian organised crime, S.D.K. Ellis , 2016, London, p.XV, 313, (2016)
Thuis in Afrika : een dubbelleven, W. E. A.van Beek , 2015///, Issue 22, Leiden, p.XIII, 340, (2016)
