
Found 4511 results
Togo : 1886-1920s, A.J. Dietz , 2016///, Issue 1, p. - 54, (2016)
Towards an itinerary of ideas : intertextual mapping in the rhetoric of Nelson Mandela, C. Cawood , 2016///, Issue 134, Leiden, p. - 54, (2016)
Transmission of Kapsiki-Higi folktales over two generations : tales that come, tales that go, W. E. A.van Beek , 2016///, New York, NY, p.XI, 170, (2016)
Understanding the political motivations that shape Rwanda's emergent developmental state, L. Mann, and M. Berry , New political economy, 2016///, Volume 21, Issue 1, p.119 - 144, (2016)
The use of local raw materials in beer brewing: Heineken in Nigeria, A. Akinyoade, O. Ekumankama, and C.U. Uche , Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 2016///, Volume 122, Issue 4, p.682 - 692, (2016)
Violence in Nigeria : a qualitative and quantitative analysis, , 2016///, Issue 3, Leiden, p.216, (2016)
Where do I report my land dispute? The impact of institutional proliferation on land governance in post-conflict Northern Uganda, D. Kobusingye, M. van Leeuwen, and J.W.M. van Dijk , 2016///, Volume 48, Issue 2, p.238 - 255, (2016)
Wives-for-hire : revealing the practice of imposing fake wives in dispossessing family land in Africa, M.M.E.M. Rutten, and M.N Mwangi , 2016///, Issue 5, Leiden, (2016)
Africa and international relations in the 21st century, , 2015///, Basingstoke, Hampshire, p.XXII, 248, (2015)
Africa Yearbook 2014 : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara, , 2015///, Issue 11, Leiden, p. - 515, (2015)
African roads to prosperity : people en route to socio-cultural and economic transformations, , 2015///, Issue 14, Leiden [etc.], p.278, (2015)
African Studies Abstracts Online: number 49, 2015, , 2015///, Issue 49, Leiden, (2015)
African Studies Abstracts Online: number 50, 2015, , 2015///, Issue 50, Leiden, p. - 243, (2015)
African Studies Abstracts Online: number 51, 2015, , 2015///, Issue 51, Leiden, p.211, (2015)
African Studies Abstracts Online: number 52, 2015, , 2015///, Issue 52, Leiden, p. - 231, (2015)
Africa's land rush : rural livelihoods and agrarian change, , 2015, Woodbridge, p. 204, (2015)
Coercion or volition: making sense of the experiences of female victims of trafficking from Nigeria in the Netherlands, T.O. Oluwatoyin, and A. Akinyoade , 2015///, Leiden [etc.], p.170 - 194, (2015)
Conceptualisations and practices of resource exchange and saving : a case-study among the Kamba of Kitui, F. Krijtenburg , 2015///, Nairobi, (2015)
Consuming democracy : local agencies & liberal peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo, M. de Goede , 2015///, Issue 57, Leiden, p.207, (2015)
Contestation as claim to integration: the May 2015 public protest movement of Ethiopian Israelis, G.J. Abbink , Standplaats Wereld, 2015///, (2015)
Contesting control : land and forest in the struggle for Loita Maasai self-government in Kenya, A. Kronenburg Garcia , 2015///, Issue 58, Leiden, p. - 302, (2015)
David Livingstone and the myth of African poverty and disease : a close examination of his writing on the pre-colonial era, S. Rijpma , 2015///, Issue 35, Leiden [etc.], p. - 610, (2015)
Debating the ANC's external links during the struggle against aparheid, H. Macmillan, S.D.K. Ellis, A. Lissoni, and M. Kurbak , Africa : journal of the International African Institute, 2015///, Volume 85, Issue 1, p.154 - 162, (2015)
Defining, targeting and reaching the very poor in Bangladesh, Benin and Ethiopia, A. Altaf, and A.J. Dietz , 2015///, Issue 25, Leiden, p.4, (2015)
Developmental Regimes in Africa synthesis report, D. Booth, A.J. Dietz, F. Golooba-Mutebi, A.H. Fuady, D. Henley, T. Kelsall, A.H.M. Leliveld, and J.K. van Donge , 2015///, London, p. - 42, (2015)
