
Found 4511 results
Does organized crime exist in Africa?, S.D.K. Ellis, and M. Shaw , African affairs, 2015///, Volume 114, Issue 458, p.505 - 528, (2015)
The domestic turn : business processing outsourcing and the growing automation of Kenyan organisations, L. Mann, and M. Graham , Journal of development studies, 2015///, (2015)
Erasmusprijs 2015 voor Wikipedia-gemeenschap, J.C.M. Damen , E-data & research, 2015///, Volume 10, Issue 1, p.3, (2015)
État, sociétés et Islam au Sénégal : un air de nouveau temps?, , 2015///, Parijs, p.288, (2015)
The Ethiopian revolution after 40 years (1974-2014) : plan B in progress?, G.J. Abbink , Journal of developing societies, 2015, Volume 31, Issue 3, p.333 - 357, (2015)
Ethiopia's stalemate "election" hinders generational change, G.J. Abbink , IPI Global Observatory, 2015///, (2015)
Evil and the art of revenge in the Mandara Mountains, W. E. A.van Beek , Evil in Africa : encounters with the everyday, 2015///, Bloomington [etc.], p.140 - 156, (2015)
Evil in Africa : encounters with the everyday, W.C. Olsen, and W. E. A.van Beek , 2015///, Bloomington [etc.], p.404, (2015)
Extensions of the self : artistry and identity in the headrests and stools of Southwest Ethiopian peoples, G.J. Abbink , African arts, 2015, Volume 48, Issue 4, p.46 - 59, (2015)
Faith in romance : towards an anthropology of romantic relationships, sexuality and responsibility in African Christianities, R.A. van Dijk , 2015///, Issue 536, Amsterdam, p. - 27, (2015)
FDI determinants: Kenya and Malaysia compared, B. Kinuthia, and S.M. Murshedba , Journal of policy modeling, 2015///, Volume 37, p.388 - 400, (2015)
A fine mess : bricolaged forest governance in Cameroon, V.J. Ingram, M.A.F. Ros-Tonen, and A.J. Dietz , International journal of the Commons, 2015///, Volume 9, Issue 1, p.1 - 24, (2015)
Food security and land governance factsheet Kenya, A. Kronenburg Garcia, G. Baltissen, G. Betsema, and J. Schuurman , 2015///, p.14, (2015)
Forge and the funeral : the smith in Kapsiki/Higi culture, W. E. A.van Beek , 2015///, Issue 22, East Lansing, MI, p.XIV, 404, (2015)
Forged in the Great War : people, transport, and labour, the establishment of colonial rule in Zambia, 1890-1920, J.B. Gewald , 2015///, Issue 61, Leiden, p. 156, (2015)
The formation of community-based organizations : an analysis of a quasi-experiment in Zimbabwe, A. Barr, M. Dekker, and M. Fafchamps , World development, 2015, Volume 66, p.131 - 153, (2015)
From billions to trillions : is the financing for development agenda universal and inclusive?, M. Eeckhout , 2015///, Issue 123, Leiden, p. 27, (2015)
From idol to art : African 'objects with power' : a challenge for missionaries, anthropologists and museum curators, H.M. Leyten , 2015///, Issue 59, Leiden, p. - 333, (2015)
Geographies of connectivity in East Africa : trains, telecommunications, and technological teleologies, M. Graham, C. Andersen, and L. Mann , Transactions of the Institute of British geographers, 2015///, London, p.43, (2015)
Global warning : an ethnography of the encounter between global and local climate-change discourses in the Bamenda Grassfields, Cameroon, S. de Wit , 2015///, Leiden [etc.], p. - 238, (2015)
Globalisation, football and emerging urban 'tribes' : fans of the European leagues in a Nigerian city, V.U. Onyebueke , 2015///, Issue 120, Leiden, p. - 49, (2015)
Historical overview of development policies and institutions in the Netherlands, in the context of private sector development and (productive) employment creation, A. Kazimierczuk , 2015///, Issue 122, Leiden, p. - 67, (2015)
Homegrown or imported?: frugal innovation and local economic development in Zambia, I. Peša , Southern African journal of policy and development, 2015///, Volume 2, Issue 1, p.15 - 25, (2015)
How universal is 'UN peace'? : a comparative linguistic analysis of United Nations and Giryama (Kenya) concepts of 'peace', F. Krijtenburg, and E.J.A. Volder , International journal of language and culture, 2015///, Volume 2, Issue 2, Amsterdam, p.194 - 218, (2015)
"I didn't want to write this" : the social embeddedness of translating moonsighting verses of the Qur'an into Swahili, G.C. van de Bruinhorst , Journal of Qur'anic studies, 2015, Volume 17, Issue 3, p.38 - 74, (2015)
