
Found 4511 results
'Land to the foreigners': economic, legal, and socio-cultural aspects of new land acquisition schemes in Ethiopia, G.J. Abbink , Journal of contemporary African studies, 2011///, Volume 29, Issue 4, p.513 - 539, (2011)
Lievelingslanden, A.J. Dietz , Internationale Samenwerking, 2011///, Issue april, (2011)
Living the end of empire: politics and society in late colonial Zambia, , 2011///, Issue 21, Leiden [etc.], p. - 333, (2011)
Lumun noun classes and number, H. Smits , Afrikanische Sprachen im Fokus: linguistische Beiträge zum 19. Afrikanistentag, Mainz, 8. - 10. April 2010, 2011, Köln, p.271 - 283, (2011)
The man in his house : marriage, gender relation and childbearing in Ghana, A. Akinyoade , African affairs, 2011///, Volume 30, Issue 8, Seoul, p.133 - 152, (2011)
Manifest voor een echt kennisbeleid, A.J. Dietz , Vice Versa, 2011///, Volume 45, Issue 3, p.16 - 19, (2011)
Markets vs government: foreign direct investment and industrialization in Malaysia, B. Kinuthia , Economia Mexicana, 2011///, Volume 20, Issue 2, p.409 - 443, (2011)
Medicinal knowledge and healing practices among the Kapsiki/Higi of northern Cameroon and northeastern Nigeria, W. E. A.van Beek , Markets of well-being: navigating health and healing in Africa, 2011///, Leiden, p.173 - 200, (2011)
'Message in a mobile' : mixed-messages, tales of missing and mobile communities at the University of Khartoum, S. Lamoureaux , 2011///, Leiden [etc.], (2011)
Militarized youths in Western Côte d'Ivoire : local processes of mobilization, demobilization, and related humanitarian interventions (2002-2007), M. Chelpi-den Hamer , 2011///, Issue 36, Leiden, (2011)
Mobilités nouvelles et insécurités dans les sociétés nomades Fulbé (peules) : étude de plusieurs pays en Afrique Centrale de l'ouest (Niger-Nigeria), M.E. de Bruijn, O. Obono, A. Oumarou, and D. Boureima , 2011///, Issue 97, Leiden, p. - 57, (2011)
Mobility, ICT and social relations in Africa, I. Brinkman, and M.E. de Bruijn , NVAS Newsletter, 2011///maart, (2011)
Négocier l'authorité: les micro-pratiques étatiques à la frontière du Sud-Soudan et de la République Démocratique du Congo., L.A. de Vries , Politique africaine, 2011///, Volume 122, p.41 - 58, (2011)
New mobilities and insecurities in Fulbe nomadic societies: a multi-country study in west-central Africa (Niger-Nigeria), M.E. de Bruijn, O. Obono, A. Oumarou, and D. Boureima , 2011///, Issue 96, Leiden, p. - 53, (2011)
The new visibility of religion in the development arena: Christian and Muslim elites' engagement with public policies in Africa., M.M.A. Kaag, and M. Saint-Lary , APAD Bulletin, 2011///, Issue 33, p.23 - 27, (2011)
Niger, K. van Walraven , Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2010, 2011///, Leiden [etc.], p.149 - 157, (2011)
Not just a victim: the child as catalyst and witness of contemporary Africa, , 2011///, Issue 20, Leiden [etc.], (2011)
The politics of neoliberal reforms in Africa : State and civil society in Cameroon, P.J.J. Konings , 2011///, Leiden [etc.], (2011)
Postcolonial turn : re-imagining anthropology and Africa, , 2011///, Bamenda, p. - XV, 448, (2011)
Prisoners In-Justice: prisoners' encounters with the criminal justice system in Cameroon, P. Yenkong , 2011///, s.l., p. - 108, (2011)
The quest for development alternatives in Africa: questioning development assumptions of AAF-SAP and NEPAD, E. Balcha , 2011///, s.l., p. - 97, (2011)
'A reed-and-bee complex?": excerpt from Wim van Binsbergen, "The continuity of African and Eurasian mythologies as seen from the perspective of the Nkoya people of Zambia, South Central Africa', W.M.J. van Binsbergen , i-Medjat, 2011///, Issue 6 - to be published, (2011)
Religion in public spaces: emerging Muslim-Christian polemics in Ethiopia, G.J. Abbink , African affairs, 2011///, Volume 110, Issue 439, p.253 - 274, (2011)
Renewed Dutch leadership needed to support global food security: Worldconnectors vision document, , 2011///, s.l., (2011)
Resistance of local communities against marginalization in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area, M. Spierenburg, C. Steenkamp, and H. Wels , Local battles, global stakes: the globalization of local conflicts and the localization of global interests, 2011///, Amsterdam, p.259 - 279, (2011)
