Found 4521 results
Review of: Anthony Olorunnisola ed., Media in South Africa after Apartheid: a cross-media assessment. Lewiston [etc]; the Edwin Mellen Press, 2006.,
W.M.J.van Kessel
, Ecquid Novi/African Journalism Studies, 2008///, Volume 29, Issue 2, p.230 - 232, (2008)
Review of 'Evangelical Christians in the Muslim Sahel' by Barbara M. Cooper,
M.M.A. Kaag
, Africa today, 2008///, Volume 54, Issue 3, p.122 - 124, (2008)
Review of G. Kester: Trade unions and workplace democracy in Africa,
P.J.J. Konings
, In: African affairs, 2008///, Volume 107, Issue 429, p.656 - 657, (2008)
Review of "Growing apart : oil, politics and economic change in Indonesia and Nigeria" by Peter Lewis,
J.K. van Donge
, The journal of development studies : a quarterly journal devoted to economic, political and social development, 2008///, Volume 44, Issue 5, p.764 - 765, (2008)
Review of 'Le fait missionaire. Social Sciences and Missions' journal published by Brill,
I. Brinkman
, Lusotopie, 2008///, Volume 15, Issue 1, p.250 - 251, (2008)
Review of Martin Thomas (ed), European Decolonization,
S.D.K. Ellis
, The Round Table, 2008///, Volume 97, Issue 394, p.165 - 166, (2008)
Review of Raymond K. Kent, The Many Faces of an Anti-Colonial Revolt: Madagascar's Long Journey into 1947,
S.D.K. Ellis
, Journal of African History, 2008///, Volume 49, Issue 1, p.158 - 159, (2008)
Review of: S. Huigen, Verkenningen van Zuid-Afrika,
W.M.J.van Kessel
, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 2008///, Volume 121, Issue 2, p.232 - 233, (2008)
Review of: Sindre Bangstad, Global Flows, Local Appropriations: Faces of secularization and re-islamisation among contemporary Cape Muslims. Amsterdam/Leiden, 2007.,
W.M.J.van Kessel
, Internationale spectator : tijdschrift voor internationale politiek, 2008///, Volume 62, Issue 3, p.180 - 182, (2008)
Review of "The Unsettled Land: state-making and the politics of land in Zimbabwe 1893â_"2003" by Jocelyn Alexander,
J.K. van Donge
, The journal of modern African studies : a quarterly survey of politics, economics and related topics in contemporary Africa, 2008///, Volume 46, Issue 3, p.513, (2008)
Revisiting peripheral capitalism in Zambia,
A.J. Dietz, A. van Haastrecht, and R. Scheffer
, Tales of development. People, power and space, 2008///, Assen, p.61 - 78, (2008)
Revival religioso nella chiesa cattolica romana e il conflitto autoctonia-alloctonia in Camerun,
P.J.J. Konings
, Afriche e orienti, 2008///, Volume 9, Issue 3-4, p.57 - 69, (2008)
Risk sharing relations and enforcement mechanisms,
A. Barr, M. Dekker, and M. Fafchamps
, 2008///, Issue 80, Leiden, p. - 36, (2008)
Sharing the fruits of liberation: career patterns of former UDF activists,
W.M.J.van Kessel
, Paper presented at the conference 'Legacies of Liberation', University of Cape Town, South Africa. 4-6 Sept. 2008, 2008///, (2008)
G.J. Abbink
, Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2007, 2008///, Leiden, p.365 - 374, (2008)
South Africa,
W.M.J.van Kessel
, Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2007, 2008///, Leiden/Boston, p.487 - 502, (2008)
Stadslandbouw helpt tegen armoede,
D.W.J. Foeken
, Afrika ter discussie. Het Afrikacongres 2008: Bijdragen en uitkomsten, 2008///, The Hague, p.185 - 189, (2008)
Stammenstrijd? Klassenstrijd!,
W.M.J.van Kessel
, ZAM Africa Magazine, 2008///, Volume 12, Issue 2, p.31, (2008)
Statement on policy coherence for development: aid, trade, investment, and other issues,
A.J. Dietz, K. Kusters, A. Barry, S. Borren, P. Hoebink, T. Lambooy, and H. Mulder
, Inspiring a global mindset - an overview of 2007, 2008///, Amsterdam, (2008)
Sub-Saharan Africa,
K. van Walraven, A. Mehler, and H. Melber
, Africa yearbook: politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2007, 2008///, Leiden, p.1 - 14, (2008)
Teaching peace, transforming conflict? : exploring participants' perceptions of the impact of informal peace education training in Uganda,
A. May
, 2008///, Issue 11, Leiden, p. - 174, (2008)
"The telephone has grown legs" : mobile communication and social change in the margins of African society,
M.E. de Bruijn
, 2008///, Leiden, p. - 28, (2008)
Tien jaar eerstejaars enquêtes: een steeds wereldwijzere groep studenten,
A.J. Dietz
, Nieuwskrant GPIO, 2008///, Volume 13, p.11, (2008)
Til ontwikkelingsdebat naar hoger niveau,
A.J. Dietz, and F. Bieckmann
, Vice versa : vakblad ontwikkelingssamenwerking, 2008///, (2008)
Toenemende buitenlandse directe investeringen in Afrika in kaart gebracht,
, 2008///, Issue 1, Leiden, (2008)