
Found 4511 results
Introduction : Islam and Muslim politics in Africa, R. Otayek, and B.F. Soares , Islam and Muslim Politics in Africa, 2007///, New York, (2007)
Inzichten van milieugeografen en -planologen, , 2007///, Utrecht, p. - 400, (2007)
Islam and Muslim politics in Africa, , 2007///, New York, (2007)
'It's the contract, stupid!', M.M.E.M. Rutten , Indigo, 2007///, Issue 1, p.12 - 15, (2007)
Koorete, A. Amha , Encyclopaedia Aethiopica ; vol. 3, 2007///, Wiesbaden, p.429 - 431, (2007)
Kullo, A. Amha , Encyclopaedia Aethiopica ; vol. 3, 2007///, Wiesbaden, p.447 - 449, (2007)
Les sciences ésotériques musulmanes et le commerce d'amulettes au Mali, B.F. Soares , Magie et écriture islamique dans les mondes africain et européen, 2007///, Paris, p.209 - 218, (2007)
Liberia, S.D.K. Ellis , Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2006, 2007///, Leiden, p.115 - 122, (2007)
Livelihoods and landscapes : the people of Guquka and Koloni and their resources, P. Hebinck, and P.C. Lent , 2007///, Issue 9, Leiden [etc.], p. - XIV, 394, (2007)
Maale, A. Amha , Encyclopaedia Aethiopica ; vol. 3, 2007///, Wiesbaden, p.607 - 608, (2007)
Malo, A. Amha , Encyclopaedia Aethiopica ; vol. 3, 2007///, Wiesbaden, p.710 - 711, (2007)
Masterclass Politiek 2015: ontwikkelingssamenwerking, A.J. Dietz , Presentatie Amsterdam NCDO 10 november 2007, 2007///, (2007)
Migration, the Dutch knowledge society and shame, A.J. Dietz , Worldconnectors weblog, 2007/01/25/, (2007)
Mobility and society in the Sahel : An exploration of mobile margins and global governance, M.E. de Bruijn , Cultures of Migration, 2007///, Münster, p.109 - 129, (2007)
Money and violence : financial self-help groups in a South African township, E. Bähre , 2007///, Issue 8, Leiden [etc.], p. - X, 192, (2007)
The multiple experiences of civil war in the Guera region of Chad, 1965-1990, M.E. de Bruijn, and J.W.M. van Dijk , Sociologus, 2007///, Volume 57, Issue 1, p.61 - 98, (2007)
Necrophilia and elite politics : the case of Nigeria, W. Adebanwi , 2007///, Issue 71, Leiden, p. - 27, (2007)
Negotiating the memory of Fulbe hierarchy among mobile elite women, L. Pelckmans , Strength beyond Structure: Social and Historical Trajectories of Agency in Africa, 2007///, Leiden, p.285 - 312, (2007)
Nestbouwende Graszanger(s) bij het Kennemermeer, M. van den Bergh , Fitis, 2007///, Volume 43, Issue 4, p.175 - 177, (2007)
Niger, K. van Walraven , Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2006, 2007///, Leiden [etc.], p.137 - 144, (2007)
Non-verbal predication in Wolaitta, A. Amha , Deictics, copula, and focus in the Ethiopian convergence area, 2007///, Köln, p.99 - 117, (2007)
Omotic and cushitic languages studies: papers from the fourth Cushitic Omotic Conference, Leiden, 10-12 April 2003, , 2007///, Köln, (2007)
Ontwikkelingshulp kan beter, P. Hoebink, S. Borren, A.J. Dietz, and A. Barry , Trouw, 2007/11/13/, (2007)
"Our way" : responding to the Dutch aid in the District Rural Development Programme of Bukoba, Tanzania, A. Kamanzi , 2007///, Issue 4, Leiden, p. - 244, (2007)
Participatory evaluation of development interventions in a vulnerable environment (West Pokot, Kenya), A.J. Dietz , Monitoring and evaluation on the cutting edge: monitoring and evaluation in the chain: creating new dialogues, MDF, training and consultancy, 2007///, Ede, (2007)
