
Found 4511 results
Postage stamps as manifestations of national identity : Germany and the Netherlands from 1849 to 2005, A.J. Dietz , Geographische Rundschau : international edition, 2007///, Volume 3, Issue 2, p.14 - 19, (2007)
Preface, S.D.K. Ellis , State and Traditional Law in Angola and Mozambique, 2007///, Lisbon, p.7 - 9, (2007)
Preface, S.D.K. Ellis , State and Traditional Law in Angola and Mozambique, 2007///, Lisbon, p.7 - 9, (2007)
'Prendre le bic' : 'Le Combat Spirituel' congolais et les transformations sociales = 'Pak je pen' : de Congolese 'Combat Spirituel' en maatschappelijke veranderingen, J. Ndaya , 2007///, Issue 7, Leiden, p. - 250, (2007)
Questioning forms in Zargulla, A. Amha , "From beyond the Mediterranean": Akten des 7. internationalen Semitohamitistenkongresses (VII. ISHaK), Berlin 13. bis 15. September 2004, 2007///, Aachen, p.197 - 210, (2007)
Raise your voices and kill your animals : Islamic discourses on the Idd el-Hajj and sacrifices in Tanga (Tanzania) : authoritative texts, ritual practices and social identities, G.C. van de Bruinhorst , 2007///, Amsterdam, (2007)
Reflections on libraries and archives, S.D.K. Ellis , African Research & Documentation, 2007///, Volume 105, p.5 - 8, (2007)
Regional expert meeting West Africa 2, Final report, J.W.M. van Dijk , 2007///, Volume DPRN Report 20, Utrecht/Leiden, (2007)
Religion and Politics: taking African epistemologies seriously, S.D.K. Ellis, and G. ter Haar , Journal of modern African studies, 2007///, Volume 45, Issue 3, p.385 - 401, (2007)
Representatie of redistributie?: Een perspectief op de rol van de staat van 'onder af', W.M.J.van Kessel , Notes presented at the annual study day of ASC and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Leiden, 16 Nov. 2007, 2007///, (2007)
Researching and writing in the twilight of an imagined conquest : anthropology in Northern Rhodesia 1930-1960, J.B. Gewald , 2007///, Issue 75, Leiden, (2007)
Rethinking Islam and Muslim societies in Africa, B.F. Soares , African affairs, 2007///, Volume 106, p.319 - 326, (2007)
Review of A. Sawyer, Beyond Plunder: Toward Democratic Governance in Liberia, S.D.K. Ellis , Canadian journal of African studies, 2007///, (2007)
Review of D. Nativel, Maisons royales, demeures des grands à Madagascar. L'inscription de la réussite sociale dans l'espace urbain de Tananarive au XIXe siècle, S.D.K. Ellis , Africa : journal of the International African Institute, 2007///, Volume 76, Issue 4, p.601 - 602, (2007)
Review of G. Arnold, Africa: A Modern History, S.D.K. Ellis , Journal of African History, 2007///, Volume 48, p.317 - 318, (2007)
Review of G. Blundo & J.-P. Olivier de Sardan, 'Everyday corruption and the State : citizens and public officials in Africa' (Cape Town : David Philip ; London : Zed Books, 2006), L. Mann , Africa : journal of the International African Institute, 2007///, Volume 77, Issue 4, p.609 - 610, (2007)
Review of: Gregory Mann, Native Sons: West African Veterans and France in the Twentieth Century. Durham N.C.: Duke University Press, 2006., W.M.J.van Kessel , Leeds African Studies Bulletin (LUCAS), 2007///, Issue 69, p.75 - 78, (2007)
Review of "Liberal Democracy and Its Critics in Africa : Political dysfunction and the struggle for social progress, edited by Tukumbi Lumumba-Kasongo" and review of "Democratic transitions in East Africa" edited by Paul J. Kaiser and F. Wafula Okumu, J.K. van Donge , African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society, 2007///, Volume 106, Issue 423, p.328 - 329, (2007)
Review of Preben Kaarsholm (ed), Violence, Political Culture and Development in Africa, S.D.K. Ellis , Africa today, 2007///, (2007)
Review of "Prisoners of Freedom : human rights and the African poor" by Harri Englund, J.K. van Donge , The journal of modern African studies : a quarterly survey of politics, economics and related topics in contemporary Africa, 2007///, Volume 45, Issue 3, p.473 - 474, (2007)
Review of "Public administration; Indonesian norms versus Western forms", by Mason C. Hoadley, J.K. van Donge , Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde, 2007///, Volume 163, Issue 4, p.567 - 568, (2007)
Ruimte voor milieu!, N. Bakker, A.J. Dietz, and M. Wolsink , Ruimte voor Milieu : inzichten van milieugeografen en-planologen, 2007///, Utrecht, p.9 - 16, (2007)
Ruimte voor milieu : inzichten van milieugeografen en -planologen, , 2007///, Utrecht, p.400, (2007)
The safe and suffering body in transnational Ghanaian Pentecostalism: towards an anthropology of vulnerable agency, R.A. van Dijk , Strength beyond structure : social and historical trajectories of agency in Africa, 2007///, Leiden, p.312 - 333, (2007)
The Sahara and the "War on Terror", S.D.K. Ellis, and J. Keenan , Anthropology Today, 2007///, Volume 23, Issue 3, p.21 - 22, (2007)
