
Found 4511 results
Van Kwakoe tot Klink: de Afrikaanse soldaten van het Oost-Indisch Leger, W.M.J.van Kessel , De Indische Navorscher, 2005///, Volume 18, Issue 2, p.37 - 39, (2005)
Van Mossi tot Zwarte Hollander: Afrikanen in het Nederlands-Indisch Leger, W.M.J.van Kessel , Zuidelijk Afrika, 2005///, Volume 9, Issue 2, p.35 - 35, (2005)
Vanguard or vandals : youth, politics and conflict in Africa, , 2005///, Issue 4, Leiden ; Boston, p.1 - 300, (2005)
Verkiezingen in Afrika: wel een stem, maar niets te kiezen, W.M.J.van Kessel , Zuidelijk Afrika, 2005///, Volume 9, Issue 4, p.33 - 35, (2005)
Violences sociales & exclusions : le développement social de l'Afrique en question = Social violence & exclusion : questioning Africa's social development, , 2005///, Münster, (2005)
A Visit to the National Archives of Liberia, S.D.K. Ellis , African research and documentation : the journal of the African Studies Association of the UK and the Standing Commission [Conference] on Library Materials on AfricaAfrican research and documentation, 2005///, Volume 99, p.49, (2005)
Walking Wallets? Tourists at the Dogon Falaise, W. E. A.van Beek , Wari matters: ethnographic explorations of money in the Mande World, 2005///, p.191 - 216, (2005)
A war for people : civilians, mobility, and legitimacy in South-East Angola during the MPLA's war for independence, I. Brinkman , 2005///, Köln, p. - 256 p., (2005)
'We are in this for the money' : Commodification and the sangoma cult of Southern Africa, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Commodification. Things, Agency, and Identities (The Social Life of Things Revisted), 2005///, Münster, p.319 - 348, (2005)
West Africa, K. van Walraven , Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2004, 2005///, Leiden [etc.], p.27 - 38, (2005)
West African soldiers in the Dutch East Indies: from Donkos to Black Dutchmen, W.M.J.van Kessel , Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana, 2005///, Volume New Series no. 9 (2005), p.41 - 60, (2005)
West Africans in the Dutch colonial army, W.M.J.van Kessel , Ghana Studies Council Newsletter, 2005///, Issue 17/18, p.2 - 3, (2005)
West Africans in the Dutch East Indies: soldiers, exiles and a prince, W.M.J.van Kessel , Paper presented at the Conference of the Historical Society of Ghana, Accra, 6-14 August 2005, 2005///, (2005)
Whither development geography? Comments on Rob Potter, A.J. Dietz , KNAG-SGO debate, Utrecht January, 4 2005, 2005///, (2005)
Why Religion Has Become the New Politics, S.D.K. Ellis, and G. ter Haar , Financial Times, 2005/01/18/, (2005)
World poverty, A.J. Dietz , Keynote lecture presented at the UNEP-GEO-vulnerability conference in Nicoya, Costa Rica, 2005///, (2005)
World poverty as a cross-cutting issue, A.J. Dietz , Paper presented at the Cemede/RIVMworkshop about vulnerability for GEO-4 preparation, Nicoya, Costa Rica, 1 February (unpublished), 2005///, (2005)
Zwarte Hollanders : Afrikaanse soldaten in Nederlands-Indië, W.M.J.van Kessel , 2005///, Amsterdam, p. - 303, (2005)
African History and the Netherlands, J.B. Gewald , Paper presented at the African History Research Seminar, St. Cross College, Oxford University 15 June, 2004, 2004///, (2004)
An African Muslim saint and his followers in France, B.F. Soares , Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2004///, Volume 30, Issue 5, [Abingdon], p.913 - 927, (2004)
African Studies Abstracts Online: number 5, 2004, , 2004///, Issue 5, Leiden, (2004)
African Studies Abstracts Online: number 6, 2004, , 2004///, Issue 6, Leiden, (2004)
African Studies Abstracts Online: number 7, 2004, , 2004///, Issue 7, Leiden, (2004)
African Studies Abstracts Online: number 8, 2004, , 2004///, Issue 8, Leiden, (2004)
Africa's wars : the historical context, S.D.K. Ellis , New economy, 2004///, Issue 3, p.144 - 147, (2004)
