
Found 4511 results
'Can Africans be considered as Swiss?': Dilemma's of Dutch military recruitment in 19¶th century West Africa, W.M.J.van Kessel , Paper presented at ASC seminar, Leiden, 31 March 2005, 2005///, (2005)
Carrying capacity dynamics, livestock commercialisation and land degradation in Mongolia's free market era, A.J. Dietz, A. Amgalan, T. Erdenechuluun, and S. Hess , 2005///, Amsterdam, p. - 15, (2005)
Chad, M.E. de Bruijn, and J.W.M. van Dijk , Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2004, 2005///, Leiden, p.201 - 209, (2005)
Colonial warfare : Hehe and World War One, the wars besides Maji Maji in south-western Tanzania, J.B. Gewald , 2005///, Issue 63, Leiden, p. - 28, (2005)
Commodification: Things, agency, and identities: Introduction, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Commodification. Things, Agency, and Identities (The Social Life of Things Revisted), 2005///, Münster, p.9 - 51, (2005)
Commodification. Things, Agency, and Identities (The Social Life of Things Revisted), , 2005///, Münster, (2005)
Competing jurisdictions : settling land claims in Africa, S.J.T.M. Evers, M. Spierenburg, and H. Wels , 2005///, Issue 6, Leiden [etc.], p. - 363, (2005)
Conjunctions of governance : the state and the conservation-development nexus in Southern Africa, B. Büscher, and A.J. Dietz , The Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies, 2005///, Volume 4, Issue 2, p.1 - 15, (2005)
Consequences of climate change for Agricultural R&D in ACP countries, A.J. Dietz , Knowledge for Development, 2005///, (2005)
Das deutsche Kaiserreich und die Herero des südlichen Afrika: der Völkermord und die Entschädigungsfrage, J.B. Gewald , Völkermord, Kriegsverbrechen und der Westen, 2005///, Berlin, p.69 - 90, (2005)
De koloniale jeugd van Elspeth Huxley, J.C. Hoorweg , De leunstoel, 2005///, Volume 2, Issue 6, (2005)
De la parole aux vidéos: oralité, écriture et oralité médiatique dans la production culturelle amazigh (Berbère), D. Merolla , Afrika focus, 2005///, Volume 18, Issue 1-2, p.33 - 57, (2005)
De woestijn leeft, J.C. Hoorweg , De leunstoel, 2005///, Volume 2, Issue 9, (2005)
Democracy compromised : chiefs and the politics of the land in South Africa, L. Ntsebeza , 2005///, Issue 5, Leiden [etc.], p. - X, 326, (2005)
Development geography at the crossroads of livelihood and globalisation, L.J. de Haan, and A. Zoomers , Space and place in development geography. Geographical perspectives on development in the 21st century, 2005///, Amsterdam, p.49 - 63, (2005)
Digital imagination and 'migrant' African websites, D. Merolla , Migrant cartographies: new cultural and literary spaces in post-colonial Europe, 2005///, Lanham, MD [etc.], (2005)
Dimensions of vulnerability of livelihoods in less-favoured areas: interplay between the individual and the collective, J. Brons, A.J. Dietz, A. Niehof, and K. Witsenburg , Paper for the international workshop Sustainable Poverty Reduction in Less-Favoured Areas, Wageningen (WUR and IFPRI-Washington), 8-9 December 2005 and as summerschool paper CERES 2006, 2005///, (2005)
The Dogon heartland: rural transformations on the Bandiagara escarpment, W. E. A.van Beek , Sahelian pathways : climate and society in Central and South Mali, 2005///, p.40 - 70, (2005)
Dorze language, A. Amha , Encyclopaedia Aethiopica ; vol. 2, 2005///, Wiesbaden, p.195 - 196, (2005)
DPRN Policy Brief: Millennium Development Goals as a challenge for the Dutch knowledge community, A.J. Dietz, J. Donner, and P. Engel , 2005///, Amsterdam/Utrecht/Maastricht, (2005)
Editorial: The Roman Catholic church, and the hermeneutics of race, as two contexts for African philosophy, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy, 2005///, Volume 19, Issue 1/2, p.3 - 20, (2005)
Eritrean beauty : the wonderful people of Eritrea, A. Alders, and G.J. Abbink , 2005///, Veenendaal, p. - 160, (2005)
Evaluatie van het Noordoost Afrika programma van Pax Christi, A.J. Dietz, H. van de Graaf, A.H.M. Leliveld, S. Zanen, F. Faltas, M.A.M. Salih, D. Winslow, and B. Stolte van Empelen , 2005///, Utrecht, (2005)
Exploring the context of service provision in Senegal: social dynamics and decentralisation in the Senegalese countryside, M.M.A. Kaag , APAD Bulletin, 2005///, Volume 26, p.67 - 81, (2005)
Exploring the frontier of livelihood research, L.J. de Haan, and A. Zoomers , Development and change, 2005///, Volume 36, Issue 1, p.27 - 47, (2005)
