
Found 4511 results
Review of Miescher, G. and Henrichsen, D. : African posters: a catalogue of the poster collection in the Basler Afrika bibliographien, J.B. Gewald , The journal of African history, 2005///, Volume 46, Issue 2, p.377 - 377, (2005)
Review of Muller, M. & Gaay Fortman, B. de : From warfare to welfare: human security in a Southern African context, W.M.J.van Kessel , Internationale spectator : tijdschrift voor internationale politiek, 2005///, Volume 59, Issue 2, p.116 - 117, (2005)
Review of N. Kastfelt (ed.), 'Religion and African Civil Wars', S.D.K. Ellis , The Round Table, 2005///, Volume 94, Issue 382, p.660 - 661, (2005)
Review of Ousmane Kane, 'Muslim modernity in postcolonial Nigeria: a study of the society for the removal of innovation and reinstatement of tradition, Islam in Africa, volume 1', B.F. Soares , African affairs, 2005///, Issue 104, p.343 - 344, (2005)
Review of P. Nugent, 'Africa since Independence: A Comparative History', S.D.K. Ellis , African research and documentation : the journal of the African Studies Association of the UK and the Standing Commission [Conference] on Library Materials on Africa, 2005///, Issue 97, p.49 - 51, (2005)
Review of R. Dick-Read, 'Phantom Voyagers', S.D.K. Ellis , African affairs, 2005///, Volume 104, Issue 417, p.706 - 710, (2005)
Review of Ramos, M.J. & I. Boavida, I., 'The Indigenous and the Foreign in Christian Ethiopian Art. On Portuguese-Ethiopian Contacts in the Sixteenth-Seventeenth Centuries, G.J. Abbink , African Arts, 2005///, Volume 38, Issue 4, p.8 - 9 and 91, (2005)
Review of T. Mentan, 'Dilemmas of Weak States: Africa and Transnational Terrorism in the Twenty First Century', S.D.K. Ellis , The Round Table, 2005///, Volume 94, Issue 380, p.398, (2005)
Review of Zimmerer, J. : Deutsche Herrschaft über Afrikaner: Staatlicher Machtanspruch und Wirklichkeit im kolonialen Namibia (German governance of Africans: stately claims to power, and reality in colonial Namibia), J.B. Gewald , The journal of African history, 2005///, Volume 46, Issue 1, p.173 - 175, (2005)
Rule compliance in participatory watershed management: is it a sufficient guarantee of sustainable livelihoods?, M. Kurian, A.J. Dietz, and K.S. Murali , Conservation and Society, 2005///, Volume 3, Issue 1, p.43 - 71, (2005)
Sahelian pathways. Climate and society in Central and South Mali, M.E. de Bruijn, M.M.A. Kaag, K. van Til, and J.W.M. van Dijk , 2005///, Leiden, p. - 290, (2005)
Secondary predicates and adverbials in Nilotic and Omotic: a typological comparision, A. Amha, and G.J. Dimmendaal , Secondary predication and adverbial modification: the typology of depictives, 2005///, Oxford, p.299 - 321, (2005)
Senegal, G.S.C.M. Hesseling , Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2004, 2005///, Leiden/Boston, p.149 - 157, (2005)
Shallow wells: a sustainable and inexpensive alternative to boreholes in Kenya, M.M.E.M. Rutten , 2005///, Issue 66, Leiden, (2005)
South Africa, NEPAD and the African Renaissance, A.E. Ezeoha, and C.U. Uche , 2005///, Issue 64, Leiden, p. - 40, (2005)
'Sterk zijn als een verse doppinda' : cultuur speelt een belangrijke rol in hulpverlening seksueel geweld, J. Ndaya , Phaxx : kwartaalblad gezondheidszorg en vluchtelingen, 2005///, Volume 12, Issue 1, p.5 - 7, (2005)
A strategic partnership between CODESRIA and the African Studies Centre (Leiden), L.J. de Haan , CODESRIA Bulletin, 2005///, Volume 3/4, p.78 - 79, (2005)
Sub-Saharan Africa, K. van Walraven , Africa yearbook : politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2004, 2005///, Leiden [etc.], p.1 - 13, (2005)
Sustainable forests and livelihoods: romantic illusion or environmental and social necessity?, M.A.F. Ros-Tonen, A.J. Dietz, W.R. Adano, and J.G. Njogu , African forests between nature and livelihood resource : interdisciplinary studies in conservation and forest management, 2005///, Lewiston, NY [etc.], p.393 - 419, (2005)
Tourism, M.M.E.M. Rutten , Encyclopedia of African History, 2005///, New York, p.1575 - 1576, (2005)
Towards an Intercultural Hermeneutics of Post-'9/11' Reconciliation: Comments on Richard Kearney's 'Thinking After Terror: An Interreligious Challenge, W.M.J. van Binsbergen , Journal of Interdisciplinary Crossroads, 2005///, Volume 2, Issue 1, p.60 - 72, (2005)
Transformaties van staat en geweld in Afrika: de teloorgang van de postkoloniale orde, G.J. Abbink , Etnisch Conflict, Oorlog en Genocide in de 20e Eeuw, 2005///, Zutphen - Amsterdam, p.161 - 180, (2005)
Transnational Islam in Western Europe, B.F. Soares, and R.D. Grillo , ISIM Review, 2005///, Issue 15, p. - 11, (2005)
The tricontinental voyage of Negro Corporal Manus Ulzen (1812-1887) from Elmina, W.M.J.van Kessel , Afrique & Histoire, 2005///, Volume 4, p.13 - 36, (2005)
Unequal prospects: Disparities in the quantity and quality of labour supply in sub-Saharan Africa, J. Sender, C. Oya, and C. Cramer , 2005///, Issue 62, Leiden, p. - 83, (2005)
